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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Come on, don't blame a guy for being okay with a cute girl in his lap," Komoku said dryly as Jana slid into the van with an exhausted sigh. What a....draining time this whole thing had been...
Justin didn't expect Komoku to come to his defense, but he didn't complain. "Yeah, yeah. Ugh, let's just get back to the school before the police pull us over." None of them were actually legal to drive, but she decided to take the risk simply because she had the authority to. She climbed into the drivers seat and waited for everyone to get in before she started driving.

"Are you alright, Jana?" Justin asked as he looked over her. She didn't seem too hurt...there was that at least. But that was just on the outside. He really hoped that taking part of Shi and Zhao's defeat would help..even if it was just a little.
"...Sorry, what?" Jana said, glancing at him after a moment. "Oh, yeah...just uh...tired," she smiled. "I'm okay, thanks." Guess there was no cure-all to recovery, was there? This didn't really make her feel any better, or any worse. She just...felt nothing about it at all.

"Man, was working for the DC always this fun?" Komoku sighed. "Beating up stupid idiots, getting women..."

"Uh huh," Dujae said dryly, arm around Cat. "Ever the paragon of justice now, Komoku?"
"Still seems pretty stupid to me, eventually the fun is going to stop when everyone realizes that you scary fuckers will beat them up if they misbehave." Catalina pointed out with a grin as she leaned closer into Dujae. "I'll stick to my wrestling matches for excitement."

"You'd be surprised how many people will still cause trouble and think they can get away with it." Mei commented as she glanced in the rear view mirror to check on her cousin. She was quiet, attempting to make herself as invisible as possible.
"pfft," Komoku said, reclining back with a weary sigh. "You serious? People are stupid, you could tell them not to fight a bear, and they would just to prove you wrong."

"I should go to one to celebrate," Dujae grinned at Cat. "See my Bear in her natural habitat."

"Bear?" Jana said curiously, brow raised in amusement.
"Bear." Catalina repeated with a smirk as she started running her fingers through Dujae's hair. "My sweet Papi Chulo likes to call me that. I think it's cute." She leaned over and pressed her lips against his, giving him quite the passionate kiss...and Justin could only look away from their PDA as he slowly became slightly uncomfortable. Ugh, this space was a little too small for that.

It also didn't help that she was wearing a really hot nurses outfit.
"Alright you two, break it up," Jana smirked in amusement. "Let's save the celebration for when we're not in a cramped van?"

Dujae broke the kiss after a moment, grinning a little. "You could always close your eyes..."

"Dujae," Komoku groused. "I do not want to hear that."

"We hear you and Mei all the time!" Dujae scoffed. "She squeals like a stuck pig!"

Jana practically lost it laughing.
Catalina joined in on the laughing but it was hard not to notice the temperature drop about ten degrees in the van as Mei silently kept driving, her face as red as a tomato as she struggled not give any of them the satisfaction of her losing her mind.

"Well, anyways.." Justin thought he'd do Mei a favor and change the subject. "This girl, what are we going to do with her? She told me she didn't want to go to the police, but she has no idea who her parents are."
Komoku grinned, giving her lover girl a fond pat on the leg to relax her. "Take her to Sejae," Komoku murmured. "He'll know what to do."

"...He will?" Jana said, brow arched faintly. "Really?"

"Sejae? Oh yeah, he always knows what to do," Dujae shrugged. "He always has a plan somewhere in that head of his."

"Tch, probably why we won, since he probably didn't defend himself from Zhao so he could get that hit in." Komoku muttered. "Fucking idiot." Sejae was always a big picture guy...
"Sejae..I want to see Sejae.." Kitten muttered as she opened her eyes a little. Did she fall asleep? It wasn't surprising, she was always tired after Shi possessed her. She was worried about those two as well, but...Sejae got hurt because of her and she wanted to apologize to him.

Mei slowed the car down for a moment before taking a small detour. The hospital wasn't too far away from HQ, and Kitten just sounded so worried that she couldn't help but feel bad for her. "I'm going to drop you guys off at the hospital to see Sejae, then. Jana, Kuki and I will take care of everything else. Wouldn't kill you two to see a doctor anyway." Mei mumbled.

"Hey, I thought I did a good job patching them both up!" Catalina protested as she folded her arms.
"You did," Dejae said, giving her a kiss. "So it'll make it even better when a Doctor tells me I have a perfectly capable girlfriend," he grinned, squeezing her hand. "All the more reason to say thank you when I get home."
Mei rolled her eyes as Catalina giggled and gave Dujae another kiss. It wasn't long before they got to the hospital, and the first person to jump out of her seat was Kitten as she opened the door and ran out. "Shit..she's fast.." Justin muttered, shaking his head. Whatever Sejae said to that girl really made her loyal to him.

Kitten was fast, because she made it to Sejae's room before Komoku and Dujae could even get inside of the hospital. When she saw him, she gasped and then slowly approached him. "I' sorry." She told him, on the verge of tears. Why did Zhao do this to him? He was just trying to help her!
"...Kitten?" Sejae blinked a little, his voice hoarse as he sat up, or...tried to. He grunted just a little, shifting. "...What are you doing here? Are you okay?" Last person he expected to see...
"No, I'm not okay..this is all my fault. I'm sorry Sejae..I didn't...I didn't know that Zhao would do that to you. I understand...if you don't want to be my friend anymore." She told him as she moved a little closer. She really felt like a bad person. He was hurt...Shi and Zhao were probably hurt..a lot. "Everyone I ever come in contact with gets hurt because of me...but I couldn't...I didn't feel right fighting your friend when he didn't want to hurt me..."
Sejae glanced at her, then placed his good hand on her head. "Hey, you did good." Sejae smiled. "Real good, Kitten. Friends stick around when things get ugly, that's how you know they're your friends, right?"
"But...I abandoned them..." Kitten sniffled as she rubbed her eyes. "They lied to me and I didn't want to help them anymore...even though they took care of me for so long. I'm a bad girl. But...I was angry because they hurt you and tried to lie to me about it."
"Hey, you can have friends that make stupid choices," Sejae said, ruffling her hair. "You're not a bad girl, Kitten. You're a very good girl who doesn't know what it means to be good. You can make your own choices now, for the most part." Sejae admitted. "...I'd rather you not go back to Zhao and Shi, but I can't stop you."
Kitten was quiet for a moment before she shook her head. "I don't think I should see them for a while. Not until I...figure out who I am. I want to start thinking for myself again. I still care for them a lot, but they're the bad ones, aren't they? Because they just hurt you for no reason..." More tears rolled down her cheeks. She had done a lot of crying earlier but..she was still sad for them. She was sad that she didn't see they were making the wrong choices until it was too late. And now she was alone again...
"Yeah...seems like it," Sejae murmured. "Listen, can still be their friend, but you have to know the difference between what is good and bad...but until then, you're welcome to hang around." he smiled. "I could use the company while I'm here, and I'm sure Komoku wouldn't mind someone else tagging along. He never does."
"..Really? I won't be a bother?" Kitten asked as she lifted up her head a little to look into his eyes. "You really want me around, Sejae?" His friends, too? They didn't seem to hate her at all, and Mei...didn't yell at her for before. For injuring her. Maybe she should have apologized to her too...
"Really," Sejae smiled. "If Cat isn't a bother, you won't be...just don't tell her I said that," he said. "You can stay with me, if you like."
Kitten smiled a little at that. Her and Cat never talked..she actually never talked to anyone before. She never felt the need to. But she was glad that she talked to Sejae. She was glad she didn't hurt anyone tonight. "If you don't mind..I would like that." She confessed and then glanced at his arm. "I'll help you do things until you feel better."
"I'd like that," Sejae smiled. "Maybe we can find out more about you too, Kitten."
"Maybe..but..I'm kind of scared." She admitted as she looked away. "I've been gone for so long, I doubt my parents even care about me anymore. Or what if they're bad people? I just don't know..."
"Maybe," Sejae murmured. "Maybe you don't need to know more about you, you just need to find somewhere to be happy."
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