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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"It's all thanks to you, Jana. You and Mel.." It was hard for him to think when she was being so tender with him, so attentive to his needs. He had really taken it all for granted..he for a very long time hated himself for that. It was only when he forgave himself that he could grow as a person. He kept running his fingers through her hair as he rested his head against the wall. "I'm glad you are proud of me..."
"Mm, Mel does that..." she smiled, returning to her tender kisses and licks along his cock, stroking the shaft as she leaned down to suck on one of his testicles, stroking him firmly. "But I want to do more to you than she ever would..." That was probably the Sake talking...but fuck it.
His entire body shuddered thanks to her skillful mouth. Not many girls knew how to suck cock like Jana did. He couldn't even think anymore, so he couldn't even come up with a reply to her, except for another hungry growl, taking a fistful of her hair and pulling her up suddenly for a passionate kiss.
She returned it hungrily, tongue plunging into his mouth as she slid onto his lap, hips rubbing against his cock.

"I want it again..." she breathed. "I want you to fuck me like I'm your cheap whore." she mumbled against his lips. "Use me for whatever you want, I don't care."
"Fine..." Justin said hotly in her ear as he suddenly positioned himself above her, pushing her onto her back in the process. He gave her another kiss, running his tongue along hers before he suddenly grabbed her hips and flipped her over, plunging to fingers into her dirty pussy that was still leaking his cum. "I'm going to use that tight little asshole of yours then."
"Nn!" Jana groaned, fingers clawing along the carpet as she arched her butt up for him eagerly, her tight hole twitching for attention. "Yes..."
Justin smirked, taking his cum covered fingers out of her pussy before slowly rubbing them against her tight ring of muscle to relax it. He then pushed it inside slowly, using their mixed fluids as extra lube. His cock was still glistening with her spit, but he wanted to make sure that he would have plenty of lubrication so it will feel just as good for her.
"Mm..." Jana mumbled, biting her lip in satisfaction as she slowly sunk back. "Fuck..." she mewled, fingers tightening. "C'mon...fuck me...fuck me!" she whined impatiently.
He moved down and spread her cheeks apart, spitting onto her twitching asshole before positioning himself behind her. He pressed the tip against her before pressing into her slowly and carefully to make sure she'd have time to adjust to him. This hole was so much tighter..and it felt so good. "Fuck..Mnnn you're squeezing me so tight.."
"Dirty perv, fucking my butt..." Jana smirked, rolling her hips as her muscle tightened around him with a pleased coo, rocking back against him. "Mm..."
"You're the filthy whore that wanted me to use her however I wanted to." Justin shot back with a grin as he started picking up his pace. He dug his fingers into the flesh of her hips as he started bucking into her. Shit, she was so tight!
"Mm!" Jana yelped eagerly, rocking back as her tits swayed eagerly. "Ooh...yes, yes...!" She squeaked happily, slamming back against his hips.
Justin leaned over and grabbed one of those large tits, squeezing the nipple as he started moving a little faster. Did she really like being called names like that? Well, he wouldn't complain. "Fuck, I missed these..." He said as he groped her breast. "I missed this tight body, too...Mnn!"
"Yes..." Jana mewled eagerly, leaning back against him as her butt slammed against his dick over and over again, her skin flush with arousal and hunger. All of it felt so good!
"Shit..." Jana's blowjob had really put a dent in his stamina. His breath was becoming ragged as he plunged inside of her ass, his hips smacking into her firm, toned backside. He couldn't say he cared though...she asked him to use her, and that's what he was going to do. He was right on the brink and he wouldn't deny himself!
" gonna cum?" Jana purred, squirming her hips against his thrusting cock. "You gonna cum in my dirty whore ass, you pervert?"
"Sure am, little slut." Justin growled in her ear as he grabbed her by the hair. He then pulled her head back and pressed his lips against hers as he groaned, feeling his legs start going numb again. Treating her like this was..really, really hot. Enough to finally make him blow his load into her, and it was just as big as the first one...fuck, he had really been backed up.
Jana jerked hungrily, kissing him back in return as her entire body shook, her pussy throbbing with the second batch of seed as she rolled her hips slowly with a pleased sigh. Mm...fuck, she was the worst human ever. This shouldn't have happened and...and here she was, savoring the glow of a boy she told to fuck off.
"Mnnn..." Justin huffed as he slowly pulled out of her and then leaned back. "Shit...I don't think I can go again, Jana." He laughed a little bit. The sake probably tired him out...yeah, that was it.
"Mm, that's okay..." Jana purred, nuzzling against his neck to press against him. " even feel different..." she said, her hands running along her chest. "Mel must have ran you through everything..."
"She uhh..yeah." Justin said with a slight grimace before smiling at Jana. "It was worth it though, I'm satisfied with the results. One day I'll be even stronger than my old man. I can't wait until he tries to hit me again, I'll be able to put up a fight if he does." He held her tightly against his body and sighed contently. This was probably not going to happen again any time soon, but he wanted to enjoy it.
"I'm so proud of you," Jana smiled widely, arms around his neck. "And I'm going to keep saying it until you're sick of it. You're the guy that I knew you could be," She was just slightly sorry that they had to find out over him being a miserable, pouty child at a very bad moment of Jana's life.
"Seems like you're good at that..encouraging people to be the best person they could be. Look at Mei...if it hadn't been for you she would have probably be spending her birthday alone in this place." Justin pointed out as he rubbed her back softly. "You're a good girl, Jana...I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when you needed me to be."
"Me too," Jana murmured softly, forehead resting against his. " had a good outcome," she sighed faintly, smiling. "Look at you now, you're going to be soaking panties for an entirely different reason, you stud."
"I don't care about that, really. I know it sounds incredibly strange...and unbelievable. But, I want to focus on getting my shit together, you know? I'm going to be making an honest living...and as much as I like DC and all, it's not something I can live off of. I'm going to be opening up a little business...something on the side while I help out you guys." He gave her that charming, boyish grin. But his eyes were honest. He really did want to better himself.
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