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School Rumble (Broom and I)

Jana tilted her head at him a moment, smiling. "Well, that's great!" she said honestly. "What are you opening?" Wow, he really was trying, wasn't he? Ugh.

"A private investigation business. Did a lot of thinking while I was with Mel. I'm pretty smart and I know how to hustle to get information, but more than that. I'm good at putting together clues. Might as well put those talents to use, huh?" He asked her as he rubbed her back again.
"Sounds like a good idea," she smiled. "We could use that for a lot of things...not everything is something that can get handled by us, too..." she mused.
"Yeah, it might have slowed down, but there are just some things that you all can't be bothered with. So there's money there." He said as he suddenly fell onto his back. "Shit, I kind of don't feel like going home tonight. I'm way too tired to leave this spot...this carpet is more comfortable than my old bed."
"Mm, then stay," Jana smiled, settling comfortably on his side, hand rubbing his chest. "...We'll talk tomorrow, okay?"
He looked at Jana for a moment before returning her smile. It was probably not a good idea for him to stay, but he couldn't deny her. Especially when she said she wanted to talk..he couldn't say no to that. "Okay." He rubbed her arm and then closed his eyes slowly, holding her against him in an almost protective manner.
She nuzzled against his chest with a faint sigh, eyes closing. What in the hell had she gotten herself into...? The exact thing she didn't want to get into, that was what. At least he was actually happy, that made her happy.
Nobody really brought up what happened that night. Mei had either forgotten all about it or she was just pretending not to remember. The plane ride to Brazil was a fun one, everyone was sitting together in the 1st class section. Seeing a bunch of rowdy kids in that section was definitely unnerving to the adults that were also on the plane.

Regardless, the private beach that Kokoro's family owned was beautiful. Mei had been there before, so she wasn't nearly as impressed with everyone else. She had been content with catching up on her reading, she hadn't put her books down since they had gotten on the plane.

"Gosh, I don't think I've ever been on a beach this clean before..." Catalina exclaimed as she set foot on land the minute the boat got to the dock. She'd let Dujae get all her things, she wanted to take a look around.
"I know," Jana grinned widely, hands behind her back. Jana had been positively glowing since the party, thankfully everyone was too hungover (or too embarrassed?) to actually remember what went on. So they managed to get away with minimal questions.

"...We're going to carry all of this, aren't we?" Dujae said flatly, glancing to the men who had unfortunately been a second thought in all of the excitement of...swimsuit shopping and whatever else girls did.

"Welcome to being a boyfriend, buddy," Komoku said flatly as Adam chuckled, picking up Kokoro's suitcase. "Heaven forbid my princess ever touch her suitcase, save for packing it."
"Mnn, you just take it upon yourself most of the time. I thought you liked carrying my suitcase." Mei casually commented as she closed her book and got off the boat. Kitten seemed willing to help with the luggage at least, she was carrying hers and Sejae's.

Kokoro was already walking towards the house, Catalina following on her heels. She wanted to change into her bathing suit and swim right away!
"Uh huh," Komoku said dryly as Sejae smiled politely at Kitten, rubbing her hair in thanks. Damn girl was way stronger than she looked.

"You're starting to make me look bad," Sejae sighed, but his arm wasn't fully healed just yet, even if it was out of a damned sling. Ugh...

Jana was right behind Cat, glancing around the private beach in awe. Damn, between the new place and this...she felt spoiled, really spoiled...
Kitten was happy to when Sejae pet her. "Don't feel bad, Sejae. You're still not fully healed yet." She would have done it even if he was, honestly...

It was quite the walk to the beach house, not that the girls would really mind since they weren't carrying any luggage. Kitten was unaffected really, but the minute they were inside of the house she was staring in awe. It was like a castle!

"Damn, being rich really has it's advantages." Justin said as he put down all the luggage he ended up carrying. Catalina was the worst out of all of them..she had brought a lot of drinks.
"No kidding," Jana grinned easily, scoping out the area. "Jeez, Koko...this is almost too much, I don't know what to say..."

" 'Thanks for getting the luggage, boys' " Dujae groused, sitting down Cat's suitcases, what the hell did she need four suitcases for!? They were on a beach!
"Gracias, Chicos!" Catalina mockingly said before running up the stairs. Damn, this place was nice!

"The game room is to the left, the bathhouse is outside, though we have normal bathrooms too. The groundskeeper and maids live here, so if you see them don't freak out. We don't use this place very often, so we have them live on site to make sure the place is kept up." Kokoro explained as she took her bags from Adam. "Oh, and the bedrooms are all upstairs. I'm sure we have enough space since a few of us will be sharing bedrooms."

"Sejae, can I sleep with you? I don't like being in strange places alone." Kitten whispered to him.
"Pick a room," Sejae smiled by way of agreement.

"Damn, not a bad in such a nice place," Jana mused, arms crossing as she glanced around. But the beach? Oh man, the beach view was absolutely stunning...nothing but the clearest waters...and nobody for miles.
"I'll probably give them the week off. They live on the other side of the island, in separate houses. Depends on how much we mess up the place." Kokoro wasn't planning on cleaning during her vacation...she had to do that enough at her own house.

"Separate houses on a private beach? Sign me up." Justin said with a smirk as he sat down on the couch next to Mei..who had already started back on reading her book.
Komoku moved over to Mei, and then plucked the book out of her hands and tossed it aside.

"Nope," he stated plainly, scooping her up off the couch. "You are not doing that when we have a beach, girl. You are going outside, and you are having fun."
Mei gasped and then crossed her arms. "I can read a book outside! You didn't have to throw it away, jerk!" She gave him a glare before turning away from him. She was at the best part, too!
"Yeah yeah yeah..." Komoku grinned, draping her over her shoulder as he headed over to scoop the book. "No inside, it's beautiful out and you need to swim!"

"...Sometimes I wonder how they work together," Jana said dryly, elbows resting behind Justin on the couch as she watched the two of them. More often than not, it always looked like Komoku annoyed the crap out of Mei.
"Mei's probably a masochist." Justin answered with a grin as he watched Mei squirm over his shoulder, kicking her legs slightly. It was honestly really funny to see.

"Put me down, Komoku..I'm not a piece of luggage!" Mei couldn't believe was fine when it was just the two of them but they were around people now and he was embarrassing her!
"Funny, I know what it feels like since I had to carry yours," Komoku smirked, opening the sliding glass door. "We're going for a swim, Mei!"

"Hard to say who is the masochist," Jana said dryly, leaning down to kiss his cheek. "C'mon, handsome. We still need to talk."
Justin got to his feet and then stuck his hands in his pockets. "Right...lead the way." He said with a smile. He had an idea of what she wanted to talk about, and quite honestly he'd been a little nervous about it.
Jana moved out to the patio, which...aside from Mei complaining and Komoku laughing as they headed down to the beach, it was fairly quiet for the moment. She sat down on the padded bench, crossing her legs with a faint smile. "...So, I guess I complicated things at my place, didn't I?"
Justin sat with her, casually moving his arm behind her and resting it on the back of the bench. "Hmm, a little. We both did, really. Since I agreed to it." He was curious to see what she thought about it...he would really do anything to make her happy. Even if she told him she couldn't see him anymore...he would support whatever decision she made.
"Well, you know what I said before, it still stands," she said seriously, glancing at him. "...You're always going to be something to me, you know...but I know me," she murmured. "I know that I won't be happy being so...monogamous" she sighed. "Maybe that'll change, I don't know. not being there, you worrying about your own problems...that takes a lot for me to trust you again." she admitted. "...Even if I want to, it still hurts."
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