School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Pfft, when do I ever last a minute?" he said, almost as if his pride had been hurt. "I'm quite fine, thank you every much."
"I was just asking, would rather you not scare poor little Kitten again with that erection in your pants." Mei said with a grin as she went back to her bag and got her sun tan lotion. She really didn't want to burn, but getting a tan would be nice.
"Har har," Komoku said dryly, following her out. "I'll be fine, stop being such a nag." Sheesh...get an erection from your girlfriend and suddenly you're the bad guy.
"I'm not nagging, I'm just teasing you. You know, like how you teased me by throwing me into the ocean when I was fully dressed." Mei responded as they walked down the hall. Speaking of Kitten, she seemed to be lost..and quite flustered as she looked at all the doors in the hallway. She was dressed in a very cute white bikini with pink accents. "Kitten? What's wrong?"

Kitten looked back over to them and frowned. "I can't remember what room Sejae and I are in..this is a really big place..."
"Sejae, huh?" Komoku said, perking his nose up a moment. "Hmm...third door on the right, sweetheart. Can't find that charming rogue of yours?" Sejae swore up and down that he hadn't touched the cute thing, ever the gentleman...that swimsuit might make him think otherwise, however...
"I..well I wanted to change somewhere else so I could surprise him but I've been lost for a little while. I think he's in our room though...thanks." She gave Komoku a smile before hurrying over to the door he specified. She took a deep breath and went inside..she hoped that he liked her bathing suit. Catalina said he'd like it, but she wasn't so sure...
Sejae glanced over to the door and stopped what he was doing after a moment, blinking. He was in the process of getting their clothes all put away...but Kitten coming in wearing that was a bit of a heart stopper. She really had a nice figure, a little on the lithe side, but plenty of tone.

"Whoa," Sejae grinned. "Look at you, all ready for the beach, huh?" Wow, she looked beautiful. The color contrast was lovely against her skin.
"Yes.." Kitten said softly with a smile as she moved over to her new jacket she had been wearing earlier, taking out a hair tie. "Do you like it, Sejae?" She asked him as she put up her hair in a pony tail.
"I do," Sejae said honestly. "You look beautiful, Kitten. It really shows off all your good features." The question is why she was doing it...ugh, he had been trying hard to make sure she hadn't fallen into similar...habits, but he could only do so much when he could barely do anything when his stomach was healing. Maybe he was just paranoid.
Kitten smiled at his compliment, and she slowly started moving closer to him. She honestly..couldn't tell if Sejae had been attracted to her or not. Even this compliment wasn't enough to know. But she was waiting for any sign at all...if he ever got turned on. She would definitely offer to take care of it for him..but so far he was really good at hiding it if she ever had made him feel that way. "What good features?"
"All of them," Sejae said, not without his own...interest, but more of a charming juke out of the question. "Did you wear that for me, Kitten?" he asked after a moment.
Kitten blinked and looked away with a shy smile. Had he really seen through her? Well, he was smart, so she couldn't be too surprised. "Yes, I did..Catalina said you'd like this, so I bought it..."
"I'm surprised Cat chose something so modest," Sejae grinned a little, rubbing his neck. "...It's not that I don't like you," he said. "...But I want you to make that choice on your own, without my say so." Normally, he' all over it, but Kitten was different. He didn't want her to get back into the same patterns, he wanted her to have a taste of what choice actually meant. "You don't have to do this because I got hurt, you know."
"That's not why I'm doing this at all!" Kitten's voice raised just a little as her blue eyes stared into his. "I mean...even if you didn't get hurt..I would still want to dress like this for you...and help you out. You did so much for me, and I really like how smart you are..but you still let me think for myself, so..." She frowned as she looked away. "I want to be with you, Sejae...not because I owe you but because I like you..."
"Well..." Sejae chuckled. "I suppose I can stop being a gentleman, huh?" he grinned. Kind of a hard thing to do around her, she was so happy and eager around certainly made his mind wonder where she was eager in other places...
Kitten just nodded and then came a little closer to him. She wanted to ask if it was okay to kiss him, because that's how she was used to doing things. But she wanted to show him that she was working on being independent. So she moved in to give him a soft kiss on the lips before pulling back. "...was that okay?" She asked with a smile.
Sejae grinned a little, leaning forward to kiss her in return. His kiss was not as soft, was far more passionate and hungry. Well, she was certainly adjusting better than he expected...but he was going to show her how he liked a kiss. He slid back after a moment or two, giving his lips a little lick. "Decent," Sejae smirked playfully. "Acceptable, even."
Kitten felt a little throb between her legs. That kind of kiss...she was used to getting those kinds of kisses when she was having sex. She just stared at him blankly for a moment, squirming a little. "..Sejae, I wan to have sex...with you." She admitted as she looked into his eyes. It was..strange to do it with someone other than Shi or Zhao...but she had really been wanting this for a while...she was sure.
"Good..." he breathed. "Because that swimsuit needs to come off, now." he said, arms slipping around her waist to pull her up and kiss her again. The beach could wait, right?
This time she kissed him with more fever, knowing that soon they would be together in a far more intimate way. She slid her tongue into his mouth as she quickly slipped out of her swimsuit. It was almost unnerving how fast she had got undressed for him.
Unnerving, and more than a little arousing. Sejae slid his hands along her back, squeezing her rear in appreciation as they fell back on the bed with a hungry breath. Every inch of her was wonderful to run his hands over, to wasn't very hard for him to get erect, the thick length pressing against her stomach.
Feeling his erection made her happy..and it also made her wonder how he tasted. She was so curious...the thought made her pussy throb. She was already so wet...she had been the moment they kissed. All she wanted to do was taste his cum...but this was good too. She liked feeling his hands all over her body. "Sejae..." She moaned hotly as she her lips pressed against his neck. "I want to suck your cock..."
He grunted in surprise, leaning back a little with a pleased breath. "Don't tell me...just do it," he grinned, hand running through her hair. "I want to see you do it, Kitten...don't ask me what I want, show me why I want it..."
"Okay.." She had to learn to just do things she wanted to do instead of asking..that would take some time getting used to. She moved her hands down to his pants and undid them, carefully pulling out his thickness. She spent a little time admiring it, stroking it teasingly. It was different than what she was used to...but definitely not in a bad way. She waited until she saw a single bead of precum, and then she finally started licking him with her tongue. He tasted...good. She wanted to taste more...
"Nn...that's good..." Sejae breathed, stroking her hair. He wouldn't instruct her, he found her newfound curiosity and eagerness arousing, extremely arousing.
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