Melody of the Wild Dance - Hellsing (Jikkah/DarkMudkip)

Milana looked unnerved when he laughed, taking a small step back. "You aren't a person, you aren't even human. You've killed too many people, and now it's time for God to reap thy sinners." She turned off the safety and took aim again, nibbling on her lip.
Milana couldn't remember if she had loaded her gun with Holy Ammunition, so instead she unloaded her gun into Jan, turning and retreating while she pulled out her book and flipped it open, beginning to read a holy verse that would destroy Jan's entire being; she wasn't exactly one to be on the front lines, she did better with mantras and verses.
Milana ignored Jan, continuing on with reading her verse, mumbling softly under her breath, praying she had time to finish before he got to her.
Jan moved at lightning speed, getting in front of her, "Now let me stop you right here. This 'shooting me' shit you got goin'? Not cool. I didn't do jack SHIT to you, and here you are, putting fuckin' holes in me. I might just have to return the favor."
Milana was so startled by his speed she dropped her book, forgetting the words to her verse. She had been raised and trained by the Vatican to destroy vampires and other unholy creatures of sin, yet she just couldn't do it. "They aren't human!" She reminded herself, clenched her jaw and slamming her fist into his nose with enough force to break any normal humans nose, grabbing her book and continuing to read aloud.
Milana gasped when she hit the wall, putting cracks in it and feeling her own arm nearly break, grunting when she hit the floor. Continuing to mutter the verse she had started, slowly getting into an upright position, holding her side. "... Amen!!" She finished the verse and the book hat had landed on the floor flipped open, the pages glowing before multiple Holy Scriptures were jailed to the wall, creating a barrier around the two, so Jan couldn't escape or evade her next attack. Pulling up the skirt of her dress on one side to expose her thigh, she grabbed the .45 caliber Colt strapped to her thigh; and this one was loaded with Holy Ammunition. The gun gave off a soft silver glow, as she aimed it at Jan's head.

((*waiting for you to do the thing*))
Jan growled softly and lunged forward, grabbing her and pinning her to the wall, "You know, dollface, I'm getting a little fuckin' pissed off with all this Holy shit you're doin'. So, how about I just fuck you to death and make you a ghoul? Sound good? Great!" Pinning her arms to her sides, he pushed his knee between her legs, forcing them apart
Milana's eyes widened and her face flushed dark red when he forced her legs open, trying to close them again, squirming against him. "Get your hands off me..!" She struggled to bring her arm down, trying to aim her gun at him, even if it would only graze him, it would still hurt like hell for him.

"Now, now, stop squirming, you're only making this more difficult." He stated, keeping her arms pinned so she wouldn't be able to use her gun much.

Milana grunted softly as she managed to raise her gun slightly, aiming for his leg and firing. Unfortunately, the bullet had to go through her thigh to get to his kneecap, but it didn't do nearly as much damage to her than him. "Get some!!" She brought her leg up and kneed him hard in the crotch, giving her more room to aim, firing three times in his stomach.
((Holy shit!!))

Jan fell over in pain, eyes wide as he sprawled out on the ground, "F-Fuck me, that's gonna hurt in the morning..."
((Well she was brought up by the Vatican under Anderson, I'm sure she's been shot before~ *waves hand*))

Milana slumped back against the wall and placed a hand over the bleeding wound on her leg, glaring at Jan before raising her gun once more, aiming for his head. "May God take pity on your soul." She said, but her words held no malice to them, trigger finger flexing, but she never got the chance to shoot. With a heavy thud she stiffened slightly before slumping to the ground unconscious, gun clattering from her hand. Luke Valentine, Jan's brother stood there with a disapointed look on his face. "You can't even take out one girl?" He asked, disappointment heavy in his voice.
"I didn't expect a little girl to give you this much trouble." He said, glancing down at the unconscious woman. "... She's bleeding.." He commented, but not out of concern, or even hunger. "I'm supposing it's a self inflicted wound though... Hm, virgin." He muttered distastefully. "You didn't turn her, did you? You know the Major doesn't want anymore fledglings."
Luke sighed and rubbed his temples. "Well, dispatch her and let's go, there's still another one of those priests upstairs."
"Goody fucking gumdrops." Jan groaned, standig up slowly. Grabbing Milana, he dragged her off to feed her to the ghouls, humming a nameless tune as he did so
Milana started to come too, blinking several times before realizing where she was. Grabbing Jan's wrist she tried to twist it so he'd let go, squirming hard to try and slow him down. Hooking one leg around his arm, she hauled herself up and tried to pull his arm from his socket, grinding her teeth.
"What the fuck?! Nah! I don't think so!" Jan threw her hard into a wall, "Die already, dumb bitch!"

((He's an angrier perverted Nnoi-nnoi!))
Milana gasped as her face slammed into the wall, creating a gash on her forehead. "Now that's no way to treat a lady." A tall man strode down the hall, a blessed blade in each hand. "Perhaps I should teach ye how one properly deals with a lady." His sense of humor was a little twisted, but he had been around so long, what did it matter.

"Abbadelli, on her feet!" "I'm okay.." She muttered, getting to her feet and retrieving her gun before hurrying after Anderson, but he had lost Jan. "Slippery bastard ran away." He growled, lowering his blades and glancing at Milana. "Let's get you cleaned up, I'll send in the report, the buildings clear anyway." "Right.." She frowned softly, feeling as though she had failed her mission.

((Should we have her and Pip run into each other again?))
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