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Melody of the Wild Dance - Hellsing (Jikkah/DarkMudkip)

((*ducks for cover*))

Clementine stepped in and bowed politely, hoping showing respect would help. "I was wonderin' ef I could goh oot an' git Aellai a ne' cohmpewtar? I won' tayk long, er I'll try not te.."

Alucard frowned genuinely for a moment before he suddenly ground his teeth, standing and stalking over. In one swift movement, he grabbed her by the neck and threw her halfway across the room, "Don't you dare presume that you can play such games with me!"
Integra looked over Clementine. "A new computer? I suppose it wouldn't cause any harm." She nodded. "Very well, I give you permission to do so."

Aellai laid still for a moment before her broken neck snapped back into place and she got back up to her feet slowly. "Has all your love for me perished?" Now even her voice sounded just like Mina's, and when the woman turned, tears were in her eyes. "Have you forsaken our love, Dracula?"
Clementine grinned and thanked her before jogging out. Maybe after she got the new tech for Aellai, she'd be in the older vampire's good graces.

Alucard pointed Cussul at her, teeth grinding to near dust as he stared her down, "You are not, Mina. I should kill you for taking her form."
Aellai moved toward Alucard slowly, the same sad look on her face as she stepped close to Alucard, placing both hands on his cheeks, staring up into his eyes. "Dracula, my love.." She said softly, petting his hair gently, then suddenly, Mina was gone, replaced with Aellai's normal form. She smirked softly and leaned up to whisper in his ear. "You may hide your feelings well, but blood does not lie. You're angry, you're distraught, twisted." She slid her hand down his arm. "You've been dreaming..~" She breathed against his neck. "You know you need to let the anger out, but running ramped isn't an option." She brought her hand back up to his chin. "Take it out on me..~ I want you to bend me over and fuck the sense out of me~" She whispered, her lips brushing his as she spoke.
Alucard was so angry and hurt that he didn't even care. Before he knew it, he had ripped her clothes from her body and threw her down hard on the floor, the stone cracking slightly from the impact; his clothes, too, were missing.
Aellai grunted and coughed from the impact, her clothes hanging from her body in tatters, but she was still exposed to him. She smirked softly, gazing up at him, looking over every inch of him all the way up to his glowing red eyes. Slowly spreading her legs, she motioned for him. "Come~"
Aellai's cheeks flushed a faint pink and she let out a strangled noise, enjoying the pain that throbbed between her legs, it nearly brought tears to her eyes.
((Ishetoorough?! ShouldImakehimrelaxalittle?! Isthistriggeringyou?!))

His grip on her throat tightened as his pace picked up, getting harder and rougher. He did 't care if he hurt her, he didn't care if she cried. He was an unrelenting force of pain and rage, and he would show no mercy
((Nah you're fine!))

Aellai let out a soft gurgling noise as he closed off her airway, but it only made her grin. Her womanhood throbbed with excitement and from his roughness, already becoming quite wet, but it also could have been the blood. Aellai let out a strangled groan, spreading her legs more for him and closing her eyes, letting her hands wandered up to his wrists, but she made no effort to pull his hands away.
Aellai actually coughed up blood, it covering her lips and streaming down her face, him having been so rough that her stomach ruptured. "You've been holding in centuries of anger.." She coughed up more blood and grinned sadly. "It's a shame I couldn't place your head on my lap instead, but this is just as good." She said, reaching up to cup his cheek.
"Yes, my Count." She said, allowing him to have his way with her.

Anderson sat at a cafe table, irately listening to the phone call he had gotten, ordering him to return immediately to the Vatican. He sighed and closed his phone, glancing up at the young woman sitting across from him. "I'm sorry that they sent me." The young woman apologized, but she smiled softly. "But it is nice to see you again, Father Anderson." "Aye, it has been five years since I saw you last, you've grown." She smiled wider and nodded. "The last time I saw you, I was fourteen!" She said, making him chuckle softly, but she could see he was still irrated about the orders he was given. "We should probably get going, the piolot said to not keep him waiting too long." She said, standing up, but when she did so, she bumped into a waiter who stumbled and spilled water on a strange looking man. "Oh!" She turned around and gasped softly. "I'm so sorry!" She said, grabbing a napkin to try and dry off his shirt for him, realizing too late that she was touching his chest. Her face flared red and she moved away. "U-Uh, I'm so sorry!"
Alucard continued his rough and merciless pace, feeling his release climb closer

"Non, it's fine, mademoiselle." He assured, "We all have small la vie."
Aellai climaxed more than once, during the hour Alucard was on top of her, panting and whimpering softly as she came closer to her next release.

Milana bowed deeply to him. "I'm so sorry..! I can pay for a new blouse if you'd like." She said, blushing still.
Alucard slammed into her one last time before reaching his end, climaxing inside her

He shook his head, "I couldn't ask that of's a shitty shirt anyway.."
Aellai moaned weakly as she reached her third climax, panting heavily and digging her nails into his wrists.

"Then it's the perfect opportunity to buy you a new one..!" She said, then noticed Anderson had already begun to leave. "Ah! Um, here!" She pulled out some money and set it on the table, bowing to him once more. "God go with you..!" She said before hurrying off after Anderson.
Alucard panted, recovering slightly before he removed himself from her and stood, going to redress, "Get out."

Bernadette watched her go and sighed softly, adjusting his hat
Aellai could barely get up, legs shaking as she did so. "So cruel~" She said, licking the blood from her lips. "You aren't going to clean me up?"

((Shit~ Should we have Anderson and and Milana go after Jan?))
A few weeks had passed and Milana had been sent on her second mission, of course with the aid of a superior, and luckly she had Father Anderson on her side. This was the fourth outbreak in Ireland that had occurred, leaving an entire office building full of ghouls. Walking down the corridor she held a gun in her hand, her large leather bound book strapped to her back, frowning softly. She hated to split up, but she couldn't always rely on Anderson.
"I don't give a shit~ I don't give a fuck~ I don't give a shit~ I don't give a fuck~! Now if I give a shit, I might just give a fuck~ but I don't give a shit, so I don't give a-!" An odd looking man with piercings and a beanie stopped before Milana, staring at her, "What the fuck?"
Milana brought her gun up, pointing it at his face, her face stern but her eyes showed fear. "Back up." She demanded. "In the name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ you shall be destroyed to repent for your sins!"
He blinked before erupting in laughter, "Well ain't you just the funniest little shit I've seen all day! Isn't it a sin to kill people? Golly gosh, little lamb!"
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