Hidden (lady/moon)

he grinned. "i'd like that." he admitted as James pretended to gag. "Dot!" Adm agreed, staring, transfixed at the baby. "Dot!" "uh... there's no dots on him bud." "Dot!" "....well, looks like Jas just got a new nickname." "Dot."

he shrugged. "why dress better when i go to Africa, Somalia and other such places where wearing a suit only makes me look like a big target?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "men like 'That' Doctor think they're important because they have fancy clients. but i actually save lives in third world countries and war torn communities. i'd like to see someone like him risking his life handling people with Ebola." he admitted before smiling as Johnny went to go have words with the staff. "well. as long as they're being properly punished." Bruce agreed with a chuckle before he shrugged innocently at Tony. "it does count." Bruce stated simply. "you might not have did it originally, but i've seen you remove the port for Debridement." he pointed out. "and no, Alex. you don't want to know what that is." it was the act of removing dead and nonviable tissue from an open wound. Tony had to do it every so often because the scabs and dying tissue lining the arc reactor could negatively affect the port. or worse, get infected. "AND DON'T LET ME CATCH YO DOING IT AGAIN YO SELF SATISFIED TWIT!" Johnny raged before turning on his heal and stalking off, following Tony and Bruce.
“Don’t gag. I’ve had to listen to worse.”Sarah rolled her eyes a little.“Maybe cause he’s so small, he’s a dot?”Sarah muttered smiling softly, “I guess so.It’ll be good for Jas to have a friend, who knows he can’t see and understands being different.”She said smiling softly as she watched her son, smiling quietly.

“....Hey, I save lives in third world countries to. Just don’t go visit them. I hand you the stuff for it.”Tony said sounding vaguely defensive, and it was a good thing that neither steve, james, or johnny were in the room to hear it, otherwise knowing that the doctor had managed to get under tony’s skin this badly would have probably started world war three. “...Urgh. You just had to say it. I was trying to not think about that.”Tony whined a little at bruce’s words, because he’d been putting off doing it, simply because he hated doing it, and he knew that there was only so many excuses he could use to make steve go away without telling him what he was doing. Having managed so far to actually telling steve about the minor surguries he did on himself, he’d rather keep it that way. Smirking as he heard johnny he rolled his eyes a little. “So manly. To bad I can’t have sex. Otherwise this would be amazingly hot.”Alex teased as johnny got in the car with him, sighing softly as he rested his head on the other’s shoulder as they headed back towards the tower.
James shrugged. "yes, but you don't do so quietly." he admitted before chuckling. "you know. you might be right." he admitted. "he's quite enamored." he admitted as he watched Adam stare at little Jas. "Dot." Jas muttered before sliding off of her lap, crawling onto the couch and went to sleep, James chuckling as he gently tucked the little three year old in for his rest.

"i know you do." Bruce admitted. "thanks to your efforts a good three thousand lives where saved during the last Cholera outbreak, meanwhile, that asshole is fixing people's perfectly good noses." he scoffed. "i said it because it needs doing again,." he admitted. "your starting to get a bit of inflammation there." Bruce warned. "either you do it, or i will. and you don't like it when i do it." he reminded Tony. "i am always hot." Johnny reminded Alex with a grin as he snapped his fingers and grew a flame, twisting it about his fingers for Alex's amusement as they snuggled. "thanks, Tony. by the way, for taking us in. Sue is getting completely obnoxious." he admitted with a huff. "she seams to think Alex is a 'passing thing' and that i'm not really 'gay'. she doesn't seam to understand bisexuality." he grumbled with a roll of his eyes. "at least Reed is more understanding." he admitted. "he just warned me to be careful to make sure Alex wasn't looking to use my reputation and to make sure we had safe sex and to never, ever tell him about it." he admitted with a grin.
“No, well you don’t do anything quiet either, so its even.”Sarah snickered a little before nodding. “So he is. It’s adorable.”Sarah smiled watching the boy, smiling quietly as adam went to sleep, shifting to get comfortable snuggling her fiancee, starting to drift off to sleep herself, trusting james and gabe to take care of the kids.

“....Do not. Stop staring at my chest. I know it’s amazing, but you don’t need to do it.”Tony said hand covering the arc reactor protectively. “Just what-” “he’s serious. You really don’t want to know.”Tony protested, and bruce was probably going to have to get steve or james involved, cause tony had ever look of setting his heels down and being stubborn about taking care of himself again. “So you are.”Alex laughed quietly as he kissed him lightly. “Welcome. Besides, inviting you two will make steve and james happy. Seems to think it’ll be good for me.”Tony made a face, not about to admit that it was his own desperate need to protect his family, the only blood family he’d ever have, that had demanded he bring alex and johnny to the tower. Snickering. “sue’s always obnoxious. Did I ever tell you about the time she tried to tell me I was confused and that pan-sexuality wasn’t a real thing?”Tony snorted amused because the sex of a person didn’t matter to him, it was the person he wanted, not the sex. Smiling as he got back to the tower he smiled as they got upstairs, pausing at the sight of the family on the couch. “...does this mean the new parents are adopting the foundling?”Tony asked looking over the back of the couch at the child, smiling slightly.
James smirked. "no. no i don't." he agreed with a shrug of his shoulders, watching Sarah as she slept. watching over her and the children.

"Do too." Bruce stated simply. "and if i have to, i will." Bruce warned. "or you'll really get an infection, and then how will you hide it from Steve and James?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at Tony before watching, fascinated as Johnny played with the fire. "would you mind if i got a few blood samples?" he asked Johnny, who stared at Bruce. "oh... uh.... sure..." he agreed before smirking at Tony because he knew better. but he didn't say anything, letting Tony keep his secrets. "yes. several times. i told her to piss off." he admitted as he helped Alex up the Tower. "no. the foundling is mine." James stated firmly. "you can help. if you want. but he's mine." James admitted before smiling at Tony. "how is your brother?" Steve was getting them settled into some private rooms.
“...Fine, fine I’ll take care of it.”Tony grumbled so very unhappy at the prospect of doing surgery on himself. “Don’t mind him. He finds all of us fascinating, and is trying to discover the secret of life for all of us. Just go with it.”Tony said snickering at johnny’s stuttering over why bruce wanted blood before smiling slightly. “Fine. I guess since I’m the favorite, I can help if you want me to.”He smiled a little before relaxing, wrapping his arms around james, leaning into him, utterly exhasuted and so very glad alex is okay. “Shot twice, arm and thigh, but nothing majorly damaged. He’s more in pain then he’s actually hurt. Bruce said he’ll be fine.”Tony muttered resting his head on james chest.
Bruce nodded. "good. see that you do." he ordered before smirking at Tony. "actually, i'm more wondering if he's still radioactive and if his powers can be passed on genetically. if he is still radioactive then he might very well be able to help me with my 'little green problem'. you know?" he asked with a small grin. "sorry. i'm not radioactive. Reed already tested us for that." "well damn." "but you know... Dr. Doom, he managed to fix Ben. we still have the specs. i'll call Reed tonight and ask him to email those to Tony so you can look at them. might help." "i would like that, thank you." because even with the bracelets, the Hulk still destroyed everything. he even continued to smack Thor around, because unfortunately, while the Hulk saw the Avengers as allies, he didn't actually like them, so the bracelets didn't register as needing to stop him. "you are his favorite." James admitted with a smile. "well. no, i think Jas might be his favorite." he admitted. "but you come a very close second." he admitted. "good. i was a bit worried what you might have done had he been hurt worse than that. it was on the TV, here look." he motioned to the TV and Jarvis obediently began playing. the man who had shot Ale was a younger man, about twenty three, who had caught his girlfriend cheating on him with his best friend. they where in the movie theater. so when they came out, he started shooting, and missing because of a degenerative eye disease that left him half blind. which was why his Girlfriend had left him. sad. James turned the TV off before the gruesome scene of the man shooting himself in the head was shown.
"If he's radioactive I'm fairly certain alex would have been sick by now with radiation posioning."tony pointed out before smiling slightly."I'll mail it to you as soon as he sends it to me to."tony smiled at bruce sighing quietly. He just knew this was going to be interesting for them. "What?jas is his favorite?"tony frowned making a face at that. "the baby's everyone's favorite."natasha said smiling slightly as she watched the tv making a face."bloody hell. Stupid shit..." "well at least alex is here and sleeping well. Hes safe."tony muttered looking worried still about his brother.
"not always." Bruce admitted. "some radiation we aren't affected by." Bruce admitted. "at least not in small doses." he admitted before nodding to Tony. "make sure to keep a copy for yourself, who knows what you could do with something like that. it could be useful for building prisons against Metahumans." he admitted.

"Alex is okay." James agreed. "you said so yourself." he admitted, nearly crawling out of his skin when a tiny person shot into existence and slammed into Tony's legs. "Ony!!!! Up!" Adam demanded, bouncing in place, excited to have his favorite person back. once he was on Tony's arms he pointed at the bassinet that was holding Jas. "Dot!" he declared happily. "Sarah figures that he's calling Jas that because Jas is so small. he sat there and just stared at the babe for a good ten minutes. it was pretty weird." Gabe admitted with a smile as he stroked the sleeping Sarah's hair.
Tony yelped as the tiny person bashed into his legs, startling a little as he looked down at him, “I thought you were sleeping kiddo.”Tony said still looking awkward with having a kid hanging onto him, even as he picked him up. Raising his eyebrows he laughed quietly. “He’s a dot?”He snickered looking at Gabe, “Well, none of us are exactly normal.”Tony pointed out. “...wha...?”Sarah muttered starting to wake up hearing the excitement.
he blinked up at Tony. "Nap Done! Up!" he ordered, beaming happily as he leaned into Tony. "Dot!" he agreed happily. "true." Gabe agreed, smiling at Sarah. "it's okay. just Tony and Steve." he promised her. "they'll be gone soon. go back to sleep." he offered her with a smile, James taking the hint and ushering his two men out, Adam sulking at being removed from the 'Dot' but not protesting as he sucked his thumb and played with his blanket. "come on you." Steve decided, picking up Adam. "i think i know where we can get some crayons." "Cray-ons?" he asked, confused. "yes. they are for drawing." "draw-ring?" "yes. it's fun." "Fun!" that word he knew. he clapped his hands and they burst into blue flames, making James shriek. "he's on fire!" "relax, it doesn't hurt." Steve promised. "see?" he asked with a smile as he tickled Adam's palm, the blue flames curling around his hand, but not burning. or hurting. "it's when the flames go yellow or red that it hurts. but he only does that when he's scared."
“So bossy.”Tony snickered a little as he settled the boy on his hip, smiling slightly. “Kay....go away...I;m having sex later...requires sleep...”Sarah muttered snuggling into her fiancee, smiling at him sleepily as tony snickered a little as they left. It amused him that adam was so attatched that he didn’t want to be removed from his ‘dot’. “They’re lots of fun.”Tony agreed smiling a little startling, eyes wide as he jumped to put off the flames before pausing, calming as he realized they were fine. “That’s really, really cool.”He said his eyes wide as he considered that before nodding. “Good to know iron man colors are dangerous.”He snickered tiredly, slumping a little covering a yawn. despite his protests about having a kid there, he was making every effort to stay awake and go play with him.
"Sex?" Adam asked, picking up on the one word that he wasn't supposed to say. Adam giggled and soon the flames went all up his arms and covered most of Steve's chest. it danced, but didn't even singe the clothes. it was kind of amazing to watch because the flames where warm, not too warm, rather pleasant actually. like standing in front of a heater on a chilly day. the flames spluttered and went out and Adam yawned. "Seepy..." making the fire made him tired. "alright. i think we all need a nap." Steve admitted. "i'm tired." "me too." James agreed. "...uh... where is Adam going to sleep?" "on Tony's old bed." Steve decided. because Tony had actually moved into James rooms and Steve had followed. they both had their own rooms in each other's floors, but they typically only inhabited the one bed. so, Adam was tucked into the bed and James muttered that they needed to make Adam his own room before he snuggled Tony and went to sleep.
Tony snickered a little, amused a little as adam always picking up the words he didn’t need to know. Smiling slightly as the flames touched his hands, smiling quietly, enjoying it before smiling. “I think we’re all sleepy.”Tony agreed before nodding. “Good idea.”He said because they had moved to james rooms, they still had their own rooms, just in case they needed time to themselves or they argued. Snuggling in as they slept, he was content for the moment.

A few days later tony smiled happily as he swung into teh living room, moving over to the couch and looking down at steve and adam as they watched cartoons, ruffling Steve’s hair.”Hey. I got those plans we had, that you missed rescuing the tyke, rescheduled. Its a surprise. Everyone’s going. Even Sarah. You have anything going on tonight?”He asked smiling down at him.
days later, they had gotten Adam's room set up, and the boy had been so overwhelmed by all the toys and colors that he cried the first several times they'd tried to take him in there. now they could hardly get him to leave. typically only the promise of food, which was met by the declaration of 'chicken' even when it was mac and cheese or a hamburger, or the promise of visiting Tony 'Ony!' or Jas 'Dot!' got him away from his perfect room with all his new favorite things. he had abandoned the ratty blanket, and now carried around a very drooled upon Iron Man doll. which was totally feeding Tony's ego. he also loved the TV, and watched it any chance he could get. James and Steve had to be very careful about what they watched, because Adam tended to repeat everything, especially off the TV. he had most of the Disney Movie songs memorized because they tended to pic a movie and run it on a loop for Jas. it was Pocahontas today. "no, not unless the world is at risk again." Steve admitted. "is Adam coming? and Jas? or is someone staying home for babysitting duty?" he asked, lookign a bit wary by Tony's idea of a surprise.
Tony grinned smiling as he looked down at adam, before making a face at steve. “Don’t look so worried at the idea of a surprise. It’s sarah and james approved. It’s not horrible.”Tony whined making a face, smiling slightly. “And yes ,they’re coming. No one wanted to stay at home, so it’s a family adventure. I promise it’s fine, you’ll like it Come on, we’re eating there, everyone else is waiting for us.”
he smiled. "forgive me, but the last 'surprise' involved thirteen naked men on poles in the bedroom." he pointed out. "if it's Sarah and James approved i'm sure it will be fine. where are we going?" "not telling." James stated with a grin as Adam protested as the TV was turned off. "we're going on an Adventure!" James explained to Adam who perked up and went to get his Cowboy hat. something which hid the horns rather well, and his earplugs, which Tony designed specially. "where are we going?" Steve tried again, looking at Tony with those big blue eyes as Adam smacked into Tony's legs. "Ony! Up!" and as per usual, Tony was still Adam's favorite.
“Well, I thought the captain america strippers was epic. It amused James at least.”Tony said refusing to be embarassed about his surprise picking out skills before smiling a little. “And you don’t get to know yet.”Tony grinned looking amused as Adam grabbed his hat, smiling as he made sure the earplugs were placed perfectly, “No, you don’t get to know.”Tony said again, wincing a little as adam smacked into his legs. It hurt slightly, especially with the horns, but it was okay. “Okay, okay up you go.”Tony smiled as he picked him up, getting them all downstairs into the limo, he smirked a little as adam made him sit next to sarah and jas, just so he could watch dot while still sitting in tony’s lap. The windows blacked out so steve couldn’t see until they got out and boy, what a surprise it was. Smirking as he got out, he looked at steve. “Welcome to Yankee Stadium.”Tony grinned before holding up a hand. “Before you protest coming to the home of the Yanks, just bear with me. I promise there’s a good reason for it.”
he huffed. "they where pretty awesome." he agreed. "save for the fact that they started having an orgy." "Orgy!" "dammit!" "Dammi!" Steve just sighed and ruffled Adam's hair. "but i want to know!" Steve whined, smiling as Tony picked up Adam without hesitation. Steve had to admit, Tony had really settled into the role of a parent. just yesterday he had taken Adam to the lab because James had food poisoning and Steve needed to nurse him. Adam had stared, enraptured for an entire two hours while Tony worked on a rare nonexplosive and chattered about everything he was doing. Steve had laughed himself silly when he realized how enraptured Adam had been. Steve glared, furiously at the Stadium, furious that they had upstaged and destroyed the Dodgers. "....better be..." he grumbled. "can i burn it to the ground when we're done?" Steve had shown that he took Baseball very seriously, by watching old episodes of his Brooklyn Dodgers and screaming at the TV and the Radio when they made 'bad calls'. he was currently refusing to have anything to do with Modern baseball unless they where from teams that he had no connection to, like California V.S. Ohio.
"I don’t care. You don’t get to.”Tony said as he held adam, and while he was still sure he was going to fuck up the kid and definitely mess him up, and was totally having issues with the kid in his lab, it wasn’t showing. He definitely loved the kid enough to try and take care of him, but the problem stemmed from tony and his own dad spending alot of time in the lab, so tony was having problems with it, even if he had a awesome time with adam in the lab, it was still hard on him. Even if he hadn’t talked to the guys about it yet, simply trying to figure out how he felt about it first. “No, no you cna’t.”He grinned smirking as they headed inside, getting them to their private seats ,smirking as he saw who was waiting for them. The owner of the LA dodgers. Well. The former owner.“Mr. Rogers. I’m glad you could make it. Mr. Stark promised that it would be a wonderful thing for you, to throw the opening pitch on the first game on the dodgers return to New York.”
he grumbled and sulked in the back of the Limo, though he was more amused than disgruntled. "but i WANT to!" he groaned, scowling at all the Yankees signs and such. maybe he could buy a pile and burn it at the tower? no. that would mean giving money to the filthy Yankees. he'd just steal a pile of stuff. "hello..." Steve grumbled, unhappy that the Dogers where in LA before he stared at the man. "wait... what?" he demanded, looking a little floored. "...the. the Dogers are coming back to...." he turned to stare at Tony, wide eyed and baffled. "what? permanently? like. they're staying?! they're going to be New York players again!?" he demanded, voice getting high pitched and breathless before he yanked Tony out of his seat, ignoring Adam's complaints and kissed the fire out of Tony. James was snickering. "used to be, we couldn't take him to the games, because he'd pick fights with the other sides guys." he admitted. "so he'd scream at the Radio."
“Mr. Stark’s made a offer we couldn’t refuse, and the only thing he asked, was the dodgers return to Brooklyn.”The man smiled before smirking at tony. “You said his reaction would be good to see, but I didn’t expect this.” Tony laughed, high and happy, as he shifted adam in his lap, nodding. “They’re staying. Rebuilding the dodgers stadium and everything. They’re home to stay.”tony said yelping as he was kissed, moaning quietly as he clung to his captain. Sarah laughed as jas cried out happily at the sound of all the excitement around him, hands tangled in sarah’s hair, “Well, now he gets his own private box, so he can’t yell at anyone, and he still gets to go to the games.” Tony grinned pulling away from the kiss, blushing slightly. “Now, are you going to go throw the pitch or not?”
Steve was considering crying now that he had finished kissing Tony's socks off and panted at him. "you. are SO getting laid tonight Tony!" he growled. "and we're using the ropes, and the collars, and the blindfolds, and the whipped cream and anything else i can think of to reward you for this!" he gasped, James burying his face in a bear can to avoid laughing in Steve's face as Steve raced down to the pitch as Adam complained bitterly about being dislodged from Tony's lap, settling down when he realized Jas was happy. with the first pitch thrown. against the yankees. thank god because the Dodgers couldn't have hit that kind of pitch either. the entire game Steve spent alternately screaming at the top of his lungs that the Yankees sucked whenever they gained a point, and kissing Tony breathless whenever the Dodgers scored a run. which, of coarse, Adam emulated and took to yelling at the manager, who was the only person he didn't know so it had to be his fault that his 'papa Steve' had gone insane. of course, being told that he was a 'bad Kitty! no no no!' was probably highly amusing to the manager and owner.
Tony grinned happily, blushing. “Really?”he swallowed hard, eyes wide as he considered just how much he was going to be rewarded, laughing as he settled adam back in his lap as steve raced down to throw the pitchm smiling a little as the boy fussed over jas. Laughing as the manger both looked amused and confused at being called a ‘bad kitty’, he smirked as the dodgers won the game, kissing steve lightly.”How about we send Adam home with sarah and gabe, and we can have a night out?Just the three of us.”cause while he loved jas and adam, he was missing the quiet alone time with his boys.
"Really." Steve purred with a grin, watching as Adam chastised the manager again. "bad Kitty, no no no! Fucking Yankies!" Adam declared, making Steve go bright red. "...you know. we where worried about the wrong person i think." Gabe admitted, looking amused as Steve cleared his throat. "oops..." he muttered sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head before he grinned at Tony and looked at Sarah. "sure. we can take him. last thing we need is for Adam to be scarred by your love lives. but you have to take Jas tomorrow so me and Sarah can have a date night too." "deal." James agreed.
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