Hidden (lady/moon)

he smiled at her. "i regret nothing." he teased with a chuckle. "and god did you ever throw a hell of a fit when i stopped giving you candy." he admitted. "besides, Jas is still too little for solids. so no candy." he admitted with a chuckle as he walked off, looking at Tony. "you need naps. you get grumpy if you don't have a nap." he stated simply before grinning as he heard Gabe and Sarah laughing through the trees. "Cas?" Adam asked, blinking at Tony, looking amazed at the beach house, along with everyone else. "Wow." Adam declared, making Steve snicker. "

he smirked at her and laughed as he took off after her, he could bring in the bags later, they where still in the Jet and protected from the elements, for now. he laughed again as he plucked her off the ground and slung her over his shoulder. "we're newly weds! i have to carry you over the threshold!" he stated with a grin before pausing. "what's a threshold?"
“I’m sure I did.”Sarah snickered a little. “I do not!naps aren’t something I need. I’m 39, I do not need naps.”he huffed slanting a glance at james.”I think you’re the one who needs naps.”He said smiling a little, before looking down at adam, nodding. “yep. A castle.”Tony smiled grinning at adam’s reaction, looking at steve. “So how about you, you in awe and amazement to?”

Sarah yelped in amusement and surprise as she was picked up, laughing as she landed over hsi shoulder, smiling a little as she settled over his shoulder.”It’s the doorway. And I vote we start with that as a public fucking place. Laying over the doorway, enjoy the sun...”she smirked kissing him hard, intending on enjoying every moment of this.
he chuckled a little. "you need naps because your old." James teased, Steve snickering. "Cas!" Adam agreed before yawning and rubbing his eye. tired. "i've seen your place in California." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "not much shocks and awes me when it comes to you anymore." he admitted with a grin as he kissed the other before sweeping Adam up into his arms and carried him to a bed for a nap, of course he had to read a book to him first. a DR. Seuss today.

he smirked. "i agree." he mused as he laid her down on the short porch and kissed her until she was breathless, working off her clothes with an impish grin. he was going to give her the loving of a lifetime. life was utterly perfect. completely perfect and he intended to prove it to her. through a lot of sex.
“I am not!”Tony huffed, “You are much older!”He scowled whining a little as he watched adam yawn. “That’s saddening. I’m going to have to work harder to awe you.”he smiled a little as they settled adam and jas down for their naps.

Nearly a week later sarah smiled softly as she laid on her side, tangled up in the beach blanket, giggling a little as the water lapped at her toes, head pillowed on gabe’s chest. “This has been amazing.No problems, no-”She stopped going still, raising her head a little, glancing around the forest, easing up slowly, glad at least to be in a bikini. At least she wouldn’t be fighting naked. “We’re not alone.”She muttered, gently pushing at gabe’s shoulder, glancing around them, trying to sort out just how many people where there, trying not to panic.
he chuckled a little as he laid there, smiling. unlike her, he was naked as the day he was born because he didn't like having tan-lines. he thought they where sexy on her, very sexy, sort of like the lape parts just accented his favorite places. but he didn't like them on himself. "not alone indeed." he muttered as he sat up and then stood up, stretching as if nonchalant before bending down to pick up the two guns he carried ith him always, even to the beach. "it's hydra." he muttered to her as he pulled on his swimming trunks. "ready for a fight?" he asked. "they must be here for Jas." he admitted. "Adam too probably. they must think we're here alone." or they had a second, bigger team on Tony's half of the island.
“Nope. You look sexy all naked though. Sorta wanna enjoy the water instead of a fight.”She muttered even as she took one of the guns from him, balancing it easily, pressing it against her thigh before nodding. “Let’s avoid this fight for now, go for the other house.”She said anxious, needing to protect their son, which meant getting there quickly.even if knowing the forest run would tear up her feet, she’d heal it just as quickly. “Always ready.”She said even as she walked slowly towards the woods, at the last moment bolting quickly for the trail between the two houses, running easily even as she fired at the hydra agents as they got close, anxiously running for the other house even as she heard the unmistakable whine of repulsors firing, and the distant twang of a bow and arrow.....just from the sounds, knowing that the avengers were fighting already.
he nodded. "i am not fighting naked." he warned her, looking amused. "no way." he admitted as he let her take her preferred gun. that was why he carried two after all. he followed her through the trees, across the sharp seeds. he wouldn't heal as fast as she would, but he didn't care. his baby as in danger, he was going to murder for that.

at the other house it was, as always, James who had noticed the encroaching people and had spread the word. so by the time the Hydra agents had gotten there, they'd all been suited up and ready to kick ass. Pepper was in the panic room with the kids and Fitzsimmons so they where all safe and ready to kill anything that wasn't an Avenger that tried to get through that door. Steve moved to cover Sarah and Gabe as they came in, so relieved to see them. as a large group, they had a much greater chance of success in beating up the Hydra Agents. "well. Grant Ward." it was that fucking German doctor again. "i see you have successfully bred with the woman. congratulations." "piss up you old fucker." Gabe snarled, shooting at him. "you'll take Sarah and my child over our cold dead bodies!" "that was the plan." he admitted with a smile. "and Loki, of Asgard. you know. your wife. she didn't die. not right away. when we cut the baby out of her, she was still alive." Loki stared at the German man, face calm, but eyes alight with such rage they almost burned.
“Hm, but fighting naked would make the post-fight sex better.”She snickered amused even as it melted into utter worry and fear as they ran.

Sarah swallowed hard, looking relieved to see the others, “Hey. Exciting vacation huh?”she muttered to steve, looking sick to her stomach when she saw the german, turning the gun on him, before glaring. “Distract him. Tony’s behind him.”Sarah muttered seeing the red gold glint of the iron man amour as the man landed on the deck behind him. “Are you trying to get killed?”Sarah asked the german, shifting, moving a little closer, having every intention of giving tony, or james, or gabe a chance at his back
Steve smiled at her. "oh yes. very exciting. don't worry. if we fall. if we fail. there's a secondary escape." he promised as he cracked open a Hydra's head. if they failed Pepper and Fitzsimmons would know and would escape using an underground system that lead into a underwater cave with a submarine. they would be gone before Hydra could even get past the front door. "death is worth it." the German purred with a smile. "if i can get that precious child of yours. imagine all the tests would could do. all the things we could learn. all the super soldiers we could use him to breed. as a male child, his usefulness is completely unimagined." he breathed. "but your in the way." and with a loud sound, she had been shot, twice in the stomach, Gabe screaming in rage as he hit the German man, intending to rip him apart with his bare hands.
“He’s not yours. Never.”Sarah snarled, eyes widening as she was shot, barely noticing Skye catching her, easing her behind the kitchen island, hiding her as she pressed her hands to the bullet wounds even as she heard the sound of repulsors firing, wincing at the sound the german curses as gabe, tony and james, and steve dealt with the german. Panting as she pressed her shirt into the super soldier’s stomach, she glanced over the edge of the counter. “Cap, I could use some help here.”Skye said looking anxious even as she dug her fingers into the starting to heal wounds, needing to find the bullets even as they started to heal.
the German smiled. "he will be, soon enough. there's no one that can hide from us." he stated happily before screaming in rage as he was pounced upon. "You cannot stop is! cut off one head, and two more shall take it's place! Hail Hydra!" and then, he was dead, and the fifty some odd people he'd brought with him where also dead. they had won, Hydra was dead. for now. "i'm coming!" Bruce promised, sounding hurt himself. he'd also been shot. but that would be healed once he gave in and hulked out. he was decidedly green, but clinging to his sanity. he would go hulk out in private later and Hulk would probably smash some trees before settling down for a nap. he pulled out his med kit and a scalpel and set to work pulling the bullets out of Sarah. "Skye? hold the wound open." Bruce ordered. "don't let that one heal with the bullet inside." he paused at the sound of a chopper and Steve glanced out the window. "the fuck!? it's the Channel Five Fucking news!" he admitted, sounding dismayed, amazed, horrified and amused. "how the hell do they always know where to show up? think they got a tracker on us or something?"
Skye nodded a little. “You okay?”She said glancing up at the other man even as she looked a little sick as he put her fingers into the wound keeping it from closing. “What the fuck?Seriously?”She looked up even as she held open sarah’s wounds, something tight and angry in that look. “Probably. I’ll check our stuff and everything after we get patched up.” “I’m going to go wave them off.”Tony scowled as he took off, hovering under the helicopter and giving it a good shove, smirking as he heard the shrieks, waving them off as he turned back to the house and landed. Waiting to make sure the news crew left before going inside. “How is everyone?”

“Alive.”Natasha said as she stepped out, looking them over, “Jas and adam are upset, but pepper and fitzsimmons are keeping them form freaking out to badly.” "Gabe?Gabe?!"Sarah whimpered squirming as she started coming around again, eyes wide and pained as she looked for her husband.
he nodded. "just a shot. bullet went through, it's just painful, shoulder shot." he promised. "i'll be fine once i Hulk Out." he promised as he carefully dug the first bullet out. "good, now apply pressure to this one until it stops bleeding." he instructed as he started cutting for the second bullet. "Go. be careful we can't be sure they're actually the news." he warned, watching carefully to make sure Tony was really okay. "good. good." Steve muttered, Gabe relaxing at the promise that his children where alright. "hush. hush Sarah it's okay. we're all okay. just lay back sweetheart, your hurt." "worse than." Bruce admitted. "bullet clipped her innards. we have to be very careful or she'll hemorrhage and she won't make it if her stomach acid get's out into the rest of her body." he warned. "i need you to lay perfectly still Sarah, until i can be sure your stomach lining isn't going to break." he explained.
Sarah whimpered at the feel of them digging through her stomach, swallowing hard as skye shifted a little to press down on the wound, stopping the bleeding. Sarah swallowed hard, making quiet whimpering sounds, “papa?Papa?”She whimpered, even as a adult, as a woman who had a husband, she still wanted her papa when she was hurt, going perfectly still under bruce’s hands as he took care of her body, even as her eyes closed, blood loss and pain making her pass out, which was probably a good thing since it meant she wouldn’t move. “Work now, quickly before she wakes up again, otherwise she wont hold still.”Tony said sounding anxious, looking up at his boys, scared of what they’d do if they lost sarah.
James moved over to her. "it's okay." he promised. "i'm here." he promised, taking her hand. "Gabe don't you dare move." James ordered. "you're still bleeding too much." he warned. "don't worry, he was shot in the leg, glancing blow. he'll need a few stitches but he won't bleed to death or anything." he promised her. "There's not much i can do Tony." he admitted. "where she a 'normal' human she'd be dead already. we just have to keep her still." he admitted as he plucked out the last bullet and pressed a clean cloth to her belly, helping to stop the bullet. Grant ignored his orders and simply sat down and cradled her head in his lap.
Sarah sighed quietly as she held his hand, frowning as she tried to look at gabe, before closing her eyes, “okay. Careful gabe.”She muttered at james’ promise, trusting him not to lie to her about how her husband was. “I know I know. I just dislike not being able to do anything.”Tony growled pacing, before swallowing, “I’m going to go check on the kids and pep.”He said before walking out, to anxious to stay still. The bleeding did indeed stop soon, and even as they watched, it started knitting her insides back together, she couldn’t move, but sarah wasn’t at death’s door anymore, blinking stupidly up at gabe as she laid her head in his lap.”Gabe?”she muttered.
Gabe smiled. "i'm always careful." he promised her. "the kids are fine too." he assured her before looking up at Tony. "how do you think i feel?" he demanded before heading over to his wife. "i'm fine love, but you need to stay still a while longer okay? Tony went to go get the kids." he explained with a smile. "we got him. you know. that German doctor. the one who fucked me up. we got him. he's dead." he admitted softly as he bent low and kissed her forehead. "how are you feeling? you gave me a hell of a scare there." he admitted with a smile.
“Good.”Sarah muttered. “The same. I know.”Tony snapped sounding upset and torn up himself, hating that he’d fucked up and gotten them all hurt. Guilt over not protecting them eating him alive, but shoved away, hidden for the moment. “okay. Staying still.”Sarah muttered closing her eyes again, before going a little cross eyed as he bent closer, nodding a little. “I’m sore. Definitely no sex soon...but I’m okay...”she muttered swallowing thickly. “I gave myself a scare to...you okay?Promise?”She muttered
he flinched when Tony snapped at him and then flushed, embarrassed that he had flinched at all. "i've got him." Steve promised as he followed after Tony, taking the man's hand. "it's going to be okay Tony." he promised. "Sarah is fine and so are the kids. whatever happened, it wasn't your fault. Hydra was always going to find us somehow. and they're going to find us again until we kill every last one of them" he admitted. "that doesn't make it your fault."

"i'm fine. i'll be limping for a while but it's just a scratch. mostly." he admitted with a smile. "no sex, i can handle that, particularly after our sex marathon." he teased with a smile.
Tony sighed quietly as he let Steve take his hand as he stopped on the upper balcony, not pulling away but not looking at the blond either as he stared out at the sea. “....This place was supposed to be safe. I brought them here because I thought it was safe. From everyone, it’s lised under my name. I made a stupid mistake Steve, and nearly got her killed. It’s my fault for not considering it.”Tony started out quiet, but by the end was screaming, red faced and angry, but not at steve, his own emotional wounds and issues laid bare at the thought of having gotten them hurt.

“Oh. Good.”Sarah said before laughing. “Hm, true. We’ve had alot of sex this week.””She said before swallowing, looking at bruce, “Is it okay to sit up?it’s kinda hurting to lay on the floor.”She said biting her lip, reaching up gently to run her fingers through gabe’s hair, just needing the touch.
he didn't stop Tony as he started yelling, but once Tony stopped he reached out and smacked Tony. not hard. Tony wouldn't even had a red spot, but it stung. "don't you dare blame yourself for this Tony Stark. you have over three hundred and fort three livable housing all over the world, all under your own name. there is no way they just happened to choose this place, out of your total of Five private islands, just by accident." Steve stated firmly. "so how about you try the other reasons you might think it's your fault?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at him.

"totally... that time on the beach was particularly awesome." he admitted. though, which time, out of the good dozen he didn't elaborate. "not yet." Bruce ordered, using a hand held ETC scanner to examine the knick on her stomach lining. "we need just about a minute more and then you can sit up." he promised, Gabe smiling at her as he leaned into the touch and responded by stroking her hair in return. "we'll be okay, soon enough." he promised her with a smile. "
Tony startled, eyes wide as he was hit, it stung, but really didn’t hurt. Not truly. “....I brought them here. I didn’t protect them well enough...Didn’t make sure they couldn’t be found. We couldn’t be found.....I should have been able to stop this...”He said his voice soft and worried, frowning slightly.

“It was.”She muttered smiling a little, because overall every time had been awesome, frowning slightly at bruce, whining slightly because it was making her nervous to have bruce examining her, “Okay.”she muttered sighing softly as she nuzzled her head into his hand. “we’re staying in this house until its time to go...can’t leave jas...”She said to nervous about hydra and what they’d said, to even consider leaving their son alone, even if he wasn’t really alone, she couldn’t just enjoy the idea of privacy anymore.
Steve smacked Tony again. gentler this time. "wrong. i chose this location as you might recall." he stated simply. "and how can you stop anything like this Tony? can you go over to Hydra and ask them not to bother us for a week? how could you have stopped this? your being stupid." he stated simply. "now. are you going to stop being a selfish bastard or am i going to have to smack you again?"

he smiled a little and gave her a small kiss. "i agree. i can't leave him either." he admitted. "we're going to have to work on Tony." he warned her. "he'll blame himself for this." "Steve's taking care of it." James promised even as Bruce told her she could sit up now, but that she wasn't to stand up. Gabe solved that by gently picking her up and moving her onto the couch.
Tony startled a little at the slap, looking up at him, tears filling his eyes. Even if it wasn’t a hard slap, it was still a punishment, and even without meaning to, steve dumped him hard and fast into subspace, eyes wide and tearful. “N-no, I can’t do that.”He stuttered a little whimpering quietly, already sinking to his knees, leaning against the other, nuzzling his face against the other’s hip, seeking forgiveness.”I’m sorry.”He muttered whimpering quietly, needily. For the moment everything forgotten except making sure steve didn’t hate him. Because he’d been dumped into subspace without warning, or really being ready for it, he was in that quiet space where he was still young, still needed assurance that it wasn’t his fault, and that maybe he could please someone.

“Good. We’ll just stay then.”She muttered kissing him back, sighing quietly.”As soon as I get up we’ll go see him.”She said looking worried about her stepfather before pausing looking up at James.”You sure?”She said sitting up slowly, leaning against gabe as she was picked up, smiling slightly, looking worried still and a little twitchy, wanting to see her son, needing to know he was okay.
Steve studied Tony and realized quite quickly that he'd dropped Tony into a head-space. that was bad, then again it could be a very good thing if he offered Tony the reassurances he needed. "that's right. you can't do that." he agreed, much more gently as he stroked Tony's hair. "your a good boy Tony." he promised. "just misguided and silly sometimes." he admitted. "your such a good boy and i forgive you for having a panic attack." because he knew that was what Tony needed to hear. "My good boy." he purred, smiling at him. "i think you deserve a reward, my good boy. is there anything you would like?"

Gabe nodded but James smirked. "that might take a while." James admitted. "Steve accidentally dumped Tony right into Subspace. Tony's head-space can do bad things if it's not handled carefully. especially if Tony wasn't expecting it." he admitted. "i'm very sure. Jay? would you tell Pepper and Fitzsimmons it's safe to come up?" he asked the machine. "tell them to avoid the north hallway." he ordered, sharp ears focused intently on Steve and Tony in case he was needed.
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