Hidden (lady/moon)

The manager laughed, “Yea, horrible yankees.”He snickered as steve blushed. “We were definitely worried about the wrong person.” “I’ll punish him for it later.”Tony snickered amused before laughing at gabe’s words. “Awesome. See you guys in the morning.”He said before crouching down, waving Adam over.”Hey, me, steve, and James are going out tonight okay?You’re going home with Sarah and Jas, okay? You’ll be good for them right?”He said smiling slightly, hugging him gently.
several weeks later, maybe even a few months, Gabe wasn't sure at the moment, he was too busy having a panic attack. what if she changed her mind? what if the wedding was a disaster? what if he ruined everything!? he was staring at himself in the mirror. dark charcoal suit accenting his body perfectly. but he couldn't get his tie to tie properly and he couldn't make his hair behave. he was two seconds away from hyperventilating and he had a bad feeling that Sarah was going to not show up at the Altar. not that he would care, he'd love her till the end of time, married or not. this was horrific though, he couldn't stand it. good thing Jarvis had called for reinforcements though. Clint, being Gabe's best man, was supposed to be there in the first place, but Phil had dragged him off for some kinky suit sex.
(oh my god, so cute!)

Clint walked into the room doing up his tie, his brown hair a sexy mess, definitely been fisted recently during sex, smirking at the sight of his best friend, shaking his head a little. “You look ready to bolt, kid.”Clint teased, having called his own reinforcements, smirking at Steve and tony as the two walked in, james sitting with sarah, the two having a quiet moment to just themselves. “Second thoughts?”Tony said looking bemused at the sight of gabe panicking as he shifted a cooing jas, who made grabby hands at his father as he smelled the man’s cologne. While blind, they’d discovered that his other senses were sharp enough that the baby could tell who had him, “dadadada!”Jas demanded.
Gabe turned to stare at him with wide eyes. "i.. no! of course i'm not going to bolt!... but what if she doesn't show up?! what if someone attacks the world!? what if Jas gets scared!? what if this is a mistake?!" he demanded, frantic and worried. "what if she's only doing this because she thinks she has to!?" he asked, yanking on his hair. "and i can't tie my tie and my hair won't stay flat and my shoes don't fit!" he complained as he gently gathered Jas into his arms and stroked his perfect little cheek. he'd taken to wearing this particular cologne at all times just so Jas would always know it was him.
Clint snorted amused at the other’s words, shaking his head a little. “Calm down. If you don’t, you’re going to pass out or something.”Ckint said before sighing. “Sarah’s going to show up. And if someone attacks the world, fantastic four and x-men are on call for the next month, and is it a mistake? Do you think it is?”clint scowled a little before sighing. “you let her think about it. She knows she doesn’t have to marry you, she wants to.”Clint said. “Stop, stop your going to go bald. Stop.”Tony scolded lightly as he handed jas over to his father, gently helping him do up his tie as jas babbled at his father happily.

“Papa, what if he backs out?I mean, he’s going to. He was so upset when we started this. What if he freaks out and leaves, and totally just leaves?!”Sarah to, was having her own little freakout on her father, collapsing into a chair next to him, looking so beautiful with her hair and dress so perfectly done, though her makeup was just a tad bit smudged cause seh was actually crying she was so upset.
he sucked in a deep breath simply because he needed the air and then slumped into his chair. clearly no one understood his mortification and terror. "how can you be sure?! and i can't believe we're leaving he fate f the world in those hands. i mean honestly!" he complained. out of all the superheros in the world, Gabe hated most of them. aside form the Avengers, Johnny was the only person that Gabe would have a conversation with that didn't involve death threats. "of course i don't think it's a mistake! how could marrying the most gorgeous being on the planet be a mistake?" he asked as he snuggled his baby and let Tony help him. "i'm terrified she's going to realize she hates me..." he admitted.

James shook his head. "do calm down." he ordered, looking amused. "that man is so devoted to you it's rather sickening." he admitted as he gently cleaned up the smudges. "he loves you more than anything in the world, save maybe Jas." he admitted. "he's killed for you, he would die for you, you think he's not up there right now panicking because he thinks you might back out? he wants this more than anything. he wants to be with you for the rest of his life." he promised her. "now. chin up my Darling. your getting married today." he promised. "because even if he's not there i'll hunt him down, park him in place and put a gun to his back until he does marry you." he promised with a sharp grin.
“Because your girl loves you. Was willing to carry your child, when the idea of having a baby utterly terrified her. She’s not backing out. And I trust Johnny to know when to get us, if they need it. Don’t worry, you’re supposed to be going on your honeymoon Gabe.”Tony ordered rolling his eyes a little. “Exactly. You’re the most gorgerous thing on earth, to her. She’s not going to change her mind...and if you think she hates you, you have a really, really odd idea of what hate means.”Tony sighed, prodding him in the shoulder. “Come on. Time to go get married.”He ordered.

“...But he could not show up!What if he doesn’t?”Sarah cried quietly but let james clean her up, swallowing hard, snifflign a little before relaxing at his promise, leaning into him, hugging him before nodding giggling a little. “...Okay. Death threats to get him married isn’t how I want to make him marry me, papa.”She muttered sniffling as she got up, making sure she was okay, before looking at james. “okay...I’m okay. Let’s go.”She said biting her lip, nervous and anxious still, but calmer.
Gabe sucked in another breath and nodded. "your right. of course your right. your always right." he muttered as he looked at Tony. "thank you." he muttered before standing up, handing his baby back to Steve who grinned and headed out into the hall and out onto the Balcony where he would be getting married. Steve handed Jas to Pepper, who was watching and 'babysitting' and had to grin at Adam's happy proclamations over having his 'dot' back.

"sweetie he has to show up." James admitted, looking amused. "Clint will tie him up and drag him to the altar if that's what it takes. us men? we get goofy over things like this." he admitted. "he'll be there and as soon as he sees you he'll forget how to breath, he'll be so amazed that he's marrying someone so amazing and perfect." he admitted with a smile, kissing her forehead as he led her to the balcony where Gabe was standing, fidgeting and trying to look like he wasn't having a panic attack. as soon as Jarvis knew they where all in place the music started, and just as James told her, Gabe appeared to forget how to breathe. his eyes fixed on her, hungry, eager, adoring.
“Always right.I’m going to remind you you confirmed that later.”Tony grinned before nodding.”Welcome.”he smiled as they headed out, amused at adam’s declaration of having his dot back as he settled into the groomsmen line behind clint, the rings settled into his hand. While it was a odd choice, sarah had chosen another band ring, instead of trying to find a wedding ring that would fit with her engagement ring, the woman was just going to wear her wedding band as a thumb ring and leave her engagement ring on her ring finger. The beautiful banded ring, matching well. Both her and gabe’s rings had both their fingerprints pressed into the metal, a perfect combination of their lives, a bonding of everything.

“Oh. Yes. Clint would do that....don’t want to consider what tony would do.”She giggled a little starting to calm do, smiling a little as he kissed her forehead. And while she was a adult and a mother already, letting him lead her out to the balcony, feeling like everything was changing. Smiling happily when she saw gabe waiting for her, she flushed a little as she saw gabe staring at her, squeezing james’ arm as the man stepped away from her as they got to gabe, slipping her hands into gabe’s, squeezing gently, before smiling at steve. Looking just as hungry, eager and adoring as gabe, despite her reservations about marriage, she wanted him, in every way.
he huffed. he was having a panic attack and Toy was cracking jokes. if he wasn't so glad to have the man there he might have considered popping him in the jaw. he fussed over the rings a moment to make sure they where perfect on the little pillow Tony was carrying, more than a little glad that Tony hadn't lost them and settled in to wait. it didn't take long.

James chuckled a little. "i think Tony did enough on his Bachelor's party." he admitted. he had gotten Gabe plastered and taken him to a strip club where Gabe spent the hour telling anyone who came close, even the strippers, that he was marrying the most beautiful person in the world and that she would be very annoyed with him for being there and would they please point him to the exit? and then Gabe thought it would be a great idea to get a Tattoo. he now had Dove tattooed on his upper arm, carrying a ribbon on it's mouth, on which the name Sarah was printed and the date of their marriage following. Sarah hadn't seen it yet but Tony did tell her, rather apologetically, that he let Gabe get a Tattoo. James knew she was expecting the worst. "your gorgeous." he breathed at her, smiling. "are you ready?" he asked, holding her hands, eyes shining. "i love you."
"Tony better hope that tattoo is at least pretty otherwise his sex life is going to suffer."sarah scowled a little because she really wasnt upset about the strip club, she'd expected that sort of thing from tony. It was the tattoo that worried her since tony hadnt told her what it was only that gabe had gotten it, and gabe hadnt had the guts to mention it just yet. So it was making her nervous. Blushing at his words she smiled at him."so do you...love you to."she muttered glqncing at steve,so happy her dad had agreed to marry them, but this was perfect for them.
James sniggered. "oh. i rather like it." he admitted, well aware that would only make her worry more. James had terrible taste. James hummed as he sat down and grinned as he picked up Jas and snuggled him and Adam, who crawled into his lap as well. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to day to witness the sacred union of Sarah Jane Taylor and Gabriel Ezekiel Mathews, to be bonded in Holy Matrimony." Steve intoned, smiling. "if there is any who think this union is unwise, stay seated and shut up before you get shot." James snorted and Steve winked at Sarah as Gabe relaxed even more and started chuckling. "Gabriel Ezekiel Mathews, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" Steve asked, examining him as James nodded. "I do." he whispered. "Sarah Jane Taylor, do you take this men to be your Husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" Steve asked, examining her with a smile as she said yes.

"Bring forth the rings." Steve ordered. "and don't drop them." he ordered Tony, causing another wash of chuckles. "I, Gabriel Ezekiel Mathews, take you Sarah Jane Taylor, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." Gabe whispered to her, smiling as he slid the ring onto her thumb, leaning forward to kiss her. "no kissing yet." Steve ordered as he turned to Sarah and made her repeat the procedure. then he made them sign the marriage certificate and turned to them once more. "By virtue of the authority vested in
me under the laws of the State of New York I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the Bride." Gabe pulled her into a deep kiss that lasted for a good long moment, causing another chuckle and once they where done Steve grinned. "Ladies and Gentlemen, i present to you, Mr Gabriel Ezekiel Mathews and Mrs. Sarah Jane Mathews!" everyone cheered, and then made a mess of the balcony by throwing rice on them. an elegant, but simple wedding, just like Sarah had wanted.
Sarah giggled a little smiling happily amused at steve's words,because only her parents would threaten protestors. Smiling as she nodded."i do. Forwver."she answered blushing happily at the others words. So happy that this was real,and happening just like they planned.

"I wont drop them."tony huffed as he handed them over smiling as sarah kissed gabe back despite the order not to. Flushing brightly as she signed and was announced as mrs. Matthews. Blushing as she was kissed she grinned happily at them all. It really had been what shw wanted.simple. looking up as they rice was thrown she hugged gabe against her side clinging to him."i love you.so much."
Steve grinned at her and watched them kiss. they where so much in love it was more than heartwarming. part of him wondered if Tony would accept a marriage proposal? probably not. not yet. the collar was enough for now. "i love you too." he whispered, kissing her again before waving at them as they settled into the jet that would take them to the private island where they would be having their honeymoon. the others would be following in a bigger jet for the same island, on the opposite side of the half mile long island. this way, everyone got a vacation, and the two lovebirds could have both privacy, and company whenever they wanted.
Tony smiled watching them go, before looking up at steve tilting his head a litBlushing as he considered his lover leaning over to kiss steve lightly."you okay?"he muttered seeing the look on his face and having caught the other man watching him.grinning as he got both adam and jas ready to go.

"Privacy...this seems so weird...to be alone I mean."sarah smiled at him for the first time realizing that this was the first time her and gabe had ever been truly alone since theyd gotten together. Thered always been someone in the tower. Here and for the next week they were alone as much as they wanted though she knew they'd go check on jas at least once a day probably.
Steve smiled. "just thinking. you'd look sexy in a wedding dress." he admitted with a snigger. "i wonder if Sarah will let us borrow hers?" he wondered with a grin.

Gabe chuckled and nodded. "i know. it's weird." he admitted looking vaguely disturbed. "i feel weird. there's no one picking on us." he muttered, glancing behind them at the following Jet. "at least we can have sex without the follow up commentary." he admitted with a grin as he pulled her over for a kiss, making the Jet tilt dangerously, which of course, he did on purpose to wig out the Avengers following behind in the 'bus'. he chuckled as he watched the Bus wobble about for a moment as he straightened his own out. "yes. that was hilarious." he admitted with a grin as he took a sharp turn and headed for the island, ignoring the muffled curses coming from the Com as James tried to keep up. he wasn't a pilot like Gabe was though and worse, he didn't have GPS like Gabe did. it was basically a case of follow the leader.
"...what?"tony stared at the other rapidly paling as he made the mental jump between dress and wedding before swallowing thickly looking away."I'd look amazing in anything you know that."yelping a little as the plane tilted in front of them."what the fuck?"he growled worriedly before it straightened out.

Sarah grinned."it does feel weird.but good. And its not like they're far away.it'll just be private...and we can have sex in public places...and walk around naked..."she grinned laughing as the plane tilted trusting him enough to know theyd be okay. Grinning at the sounds of her papa cursing she simply snuggled her husband as he flew content to just enjoy the quiet
Steve smirked. "i'd totally defile you in a pretty white dress... you'd look really cute in a cheerleader costume too." he'd made his hint, now he'd give Tony something else to latch onto. "oh, it's just Grant trying to freak us out." Steve admitted as James did just that. "see?"

he chuckled a little and smiled at her. "walking around naked sounds fun. so does fucking in the woods and on the beach and in the water." he admitted with a grin. "up against the garage, against the fridge... hmmmm." he murmured, pleased as he glanced at her. "strap in." he ordered, waiting until she had done so before corkscrewing around, flipping the plane wing over wing four times before straightening out again, making James curse even more, in Russian this time, indicating that Adam was listening in.
Tony frowned still worried about the wedding dress before perking up,latching onto the non worrying emotional outfit instead."I would look amazing as a cheerleader. I could be the avengers cheerleader."he said before laughing harder as the plane corkscrewed."james is going to kill him."

Sarah whined a little at the list of places to fuck squiming a little as she looked at him with blown eyes before aughing in delight as he corkscrewed when she buckled in. Laughing in utter amusement as he landed panting and needy as she pounced on him as soon as they were safely landed."think they'd wait while we had a quickie before they head to the house?"she panted
he smirked a little. "you would look cute as a cheerleader." he smirked. "a Captain America Cheerleader." he purred before sniggering at James cursing as he tried to keep up with Grant. "we should probably help him?" he mused with a grin before shrugging as he realized they where landing.

he smirked at her. "oh we're going to do it everywhere." he promised her with a smirk. "even here, in this jet, over every available surface." he promised, laughing as she laughed., humming as he kissed her deeply. "i think we have time for one." he agreed, unsnapping his own seat belt just as James started pounding on the door and yelling in Russian. "well there goes that idea."
“Hm, I do have cap boxer briefs packed. Might have to wear them and cheer you on sometime this week.”He teased smirking a little before nodding.”Probably.”He said smiling as they landed though, grinning as james cursed as he got off the plane.

“Ohhhh I like it.”Sarah grinned moaning as she kissed him back. “Oh goo-Damn.”She huffed pouting before getting up and heading for the door, pushing it open to look at her father. “What?Can’t you tell we’re busy here?”she scowled teasingly smiling as she squirmed around her father to take Jas from Clint, cuddling her son, anxious about leaving him with them alone, even if she trusted them, it still made her anxious to leave him with other people if she wasn't close.
James grinned, teeth gleaming in the light of the jet. "oh. i have nice things." he admitted. James, it turned out, had a thing for dressing up. it wasn't always 'girly clothes' but he loved putting Steve and Tony in various costumes which was only overshadowed by the delight of dressing up in them himself. he had a particular fetish for stockings. all it took was just watching Tony or Steve walk around in them and he was a happy camper. of course he was distracted from sex by the crazy man in front of them, flying corkscrews.

"you better like it because at least half our day is going to be spent with me ravishing my new wife." he admitted with a grin before groaning at James fury. "relax. the Jets are designed to pull maneuvers like that." he promised James. "and i wouldn't have done it if there had been anyone else in there, particularity a child." he promised James who had calmed at the promise that Gabe hadn't been pulling stupid shit without knowing the dangers. "Ony!" Adam called, clutching his 'ron man' doll as he examined a large Anthill with rapt amazement. well at least one child would be perfectly happy on the island. aside from Captain Fearless and Leo Adam had never seen a living animal before. he was utterly enthralled.
“Good. Cause there’s plenty of places we should have sex.”She grinned laughing, before sighing at james’ fury.”He’s a good pilot papa.He knows what he’s doing.”She promised even as she fussed over jas, smiling as the small boy held onto her hair, sighing quietly as she nuzzled him, looking worried before putting him into james’ arms. “You’ll call if you need anything, okay?”She said looking worried about her son, even though she was looking forward to being totally alone, she was still a new mother, still worried about her six month old.

“Yea?”Tony grinned as he moved over to the boy, grinning a little.”Those are ants, kiddo. Don’t go messing with them okay?No touching. Just look.”Tony said smiling quietly as he held the leashes to the dogs, amused that the puppies were already trying to dig in the sand.
he smirked a little. "lots of places even." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i'm one of the best pilots in smaller planes. personal two man, or one man airplanes are one of my specialties." he admitted. "you want something bigger you'll need to talk to May." he admitted. "i'll call even if i don't need you." he promised as he kissed her. "it'll be fine. i raised you perfectly well after all." he teased with a smile. "go have bunny rabbit sex." he ordered, motioning her off. "come on gentlemen." James demanded. "off to our own hut. the kids are going to need a nap soon."

"An's?" Adam asked, blinking at him. "O'kay." he agreed before resuming his fascinated staring as the ants carted in massive chunks of leaf and stem into the hill. "why?" he asked Tony. it was his new favorite word, aside from Dot. "they eat the leaves." Steve explained. not exactly true but close enough for a three year olds logic. "icky." Adam decided, letting the adults usher him off. "why?" he asked, pointing at a tree. "that's a tree." "why?" he asked, pointing at the water. "that's the ocean. like your bathtub only sooooo much bigger." "why?" he asked, poking the sand, Steve sighing with a smile. it was going to be a looong day.
Sarah smiled as she looked up at James, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Well, I guess it’ll be okay. I mean, you do have steve this time around.And he’s not nearly as likely to give my son all the sugar he wants.”She teased, amused because he had simply given her food that she wanted for awhile, until he realized it’d been the sugar that was making her hyper. “Bye.”She smiled watching them go, smirking at Gabe. “Race you to the beach.”She grinned kicking off her shoes, leaving him with their bags as she raced for the beach house.

“Naps?We don’t need naps.”Tony snickered before looking at Adam in amusement. “Yep. Ants. And they’re gross.”He said amused because it seemed that he’d become the designated person to ask questions of. “Sands fun. We’ll build a castle, after a nap, okay kiddo?”Tony said smiling as they got to the house, snickering as he watched everyone settle into the huge beach house. Hoping that this was exactly what they needed, and nothing upset the break they all needed.
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