Hidden (lady/moon)

“Good. Cause I want you to.But we’re going to bed.”Tony said looking around the lab at half finished projects, not wanting to bend the injured man over the benches. Even if steve said he was okay, he still wanted to be careful with him. “You are amazing. I was so scared, when you were gone...there was no words...nothing...”Tony muttered clinging to the other’s hand as they headed upstairs, anxious and worried, his fear of abandonment just so close to the surface.

“Well, just let him redo them and he’ll calm down soon enough.”Sarah snickered a little smiling as she nodded, glad they’d found something adam wanted before biting her lip as she looked up at james, blushing slightly. “Oh....yes... I have. I mean, so is Gabe.”She muttered before laughing. “And the echolocation was more tony’s idea, between him and clint wanting to try it out for target practice, having it for jas is just a plus...”She muttered smiling a little, relaxing at his promise she was okay, nudging him a little. “Come on. Lets go get some food.”She smiled rocking jas a little as he fussed, heading downstairs with the other two to help gabe cook
he grimaced. "i know. i'm sorry. the first day was nothing but fighting. the second day i was trapped. the third day i was fighting those fuckin lizards." he huffed. "by the time i could get word out to you it was, well. today." he admitted. "i would have called you sooner if i could have." he admitted, pulling Tony into a deep kiss. "i love you. i'm never leaving you." he promised softly before he dragged Tony tot he bedroom for some reaffirming bedroom 'talk'.

he nodded. "once he has some hot, uh.... bedroom dancing he'll calm down more." he admitted with a chuckle. "he has some serious abandonment issues." he admitted as he smiled at her. "yes, but most parents would simply leave it to teachers to teach the child Braille." he admitted. "let alone anything else." he admitted. "all parents have problems in the beginning, but soon being a mother will be as easy as breathing." he promised with a smile as he gently picked up Adam and carried him down. the boy, while Shy, was still curious about everything, and looked at anything he could with wide amazed eyes. "Hey. so how is Steve?" Gabe asked, worried as he looked at her. "also... i... uh. can't make pancakes..." he admitted, sheepishly indicating the pile of mess. "it wasn't supposed to be so hard..." he admitted with a sigh. "...uh... that Child has horns..."
“I know I know, and I keep telling myself that’s normal, but it’s still annoying.”He muttered sounding anxious, because well, he really really had abandonment issues. Grinning as they headed for the bedroom, oh yea, this was going to be fun. Yawning when they finished, he snuggled into the other, wincing as his stomach growled.”...think anyone’s cooked?”

“...Hm, its adorable watching you figure out how to say stuff.”Sarah teased before nodding, “I know he does.”She muttered before sighing, relaxing even more, realizing that she was indeed doing okay helping her child. “Well. Broken arm but that’s the most serious problem.”She smiled a little before laughing as she put jas in her bassinet, leaning over to kiss her cheek. “It’s okay. We’re going to have chicken, cause Adam wants some.”She smiled a little shaking her head at the mess before nodding. “he does. And our child’s blind. And James is weird. We all have our oddities.”She smiled a little.
he smiled. "it's normal Tony. you lived a very hard life." he admitted. "even i feel a bit worried from time to time that everyone i love is going to leave." he admitted. once they where done he sighed, content. "i hope so. it's been about three days since i last ate." he admitted, his stomach growling loudly. "i'm hungry."

he huffed. "well. i can't say naughty things in front of Adam. he'll repeat them." he admitted. "Repeat?" Adam asked, looking up at them. "Repeat means that you say the same thing as someone else. you copy them." Adam pondered that for a good long minute. "good. thank go...oodness." he agreed, examining the child in James arms. "is that his name?" "My name is Adam. an i'm Fwee Years ol." Adam stated before hiding in James shoulder, making James chuckle. "i can make Chicken." James agreed happily. "Hungry! Chicken." Adam agreed before popping his thumb in his mouth once more and settling in for a good nap while they cooked. "okay. that's an overload of cuteness." Gabe admitted with a chuckle.
“...I’m sorry!I hadn’t even thought of that. Come on, lets go get some food.”Tony said looking startled and apologetic that he hadn’t even thought to try and feed steve, smiling as they went in search of the others.

“Yep, just like that. Repeat.”Sarah smiled a little amused at adam’s pondering, smiling at Gabe. “It is.And we’re all going to get some food.”She smiled grinning as the boy hid, amused as she nodded, “It is fairly adorable. Now if only tony will stop freaking out, and just allow the adorableness take him.”She giggled a little as she started helping gabe cook. “I’m always adorable, don’t know what you’re talking about.”Tony said snickering a little looking amused and more relaxed, definitely happiner then he’d been since steve left, shaking his head a little at the sight of the destroyed pancakes. “Gabe, you’re never again allowed cooking.”He teased.
he chuckled. "don't be sorry. i didn't bring it up on purpose. Sex was more important." he admitted as he followed the other.

Adam blinked at her. "Repeat!" he agreed, smiling at her. "Tony'll calm down fairly quickly." James promised her before grinning at Tony as he walked in, Adam squeaking but reaching out for Steve. " 'Teve!" he ordered, making grabbing motions with his hands. "Repeat!" he chirped, so pleased with his new word. "i can cook!... just not pancakes." Gabe admitted sheepishly. "we're just about to make some lunch, you want some?" "Chicken!" Adam declared happily, Steve chuckling as he tucked the boy into his arms. "My name is Adam, an i'm Fwee Years Ol." he told Tony, peeking at him from over Steve's shoulder, looking so damn cute it should have been illegal. Tony didn't stand a chance. with his declarations over he popped his thumb in his mouth and was asleep, just like that. "he's a scamp." Steve admitted as he carefully laid him down on the couch and covered him with the tattered blanket he'd been rescued in. "make a lot. i haven't eaten in days." Steve admitted.
Tony smiled slightly as the kid reached for steve, sighing quietly as he realized that for the near future, there was going to be a small person attatched to his lover no matter where they were. This was going to be interesting. And while he wanted to trust the others that he’d not be his father, he was nervous. “Well, I’ll make pancakes if we ever want some.”Sarah smiled kissing gabe’s cheek. “Yep, chicken it is then.”Tony said his stomach growling, laughing a little at adam’s words, trying so hard to be happy about this, even if he wasn’t angry anymore, he was still worried about this. He just knew it was going to be bad, even if the kid was adorable.”Hi. I’m tony.”He said watching the kid sleep before nodding.”Lots of food. I think we might actually run out. We’re all starving.”Tony snickered a little groaning as they cooked, grinning as the table fairly groaned with food, “This all looks amazing.”He said really hungry himself, having not really eaten like he was supposed to in the last days steve was missing. Having reverted to his bad habits while the man was gone.
Steve smiled sheepishly at Tony as he carried Adam around. he looked good as a father though. "good, because it doesn't seam to matter how much i adjust the heat they just come out burned or runny." he grunted unhappily. sulking at his inability to cook something so simple before he smiled at the kiss. he helped make mashed potatoes and carrots and ll kinds of other goodies to go with the chicken. "Me too." Steve and James chorused. Adam had woken up just as they started setting the table and squirmed himself off the couch, thumb tucked in his mouth and blanket firmly clutched in his little fist. instead of going to Steve, who was setting the table, or James, who was pestering Sarah in an attempt to 'help'. little Adam went straight for Tony. "Ony!" Adam chirped, holding his hands up. "Up! Ony, Up!" he pleaded, wanting snuggles. "Chicken!" he commanded. "Up!" Steve and James where watching, amused. they where wondering how Tony was going to handle this. "Go on Tony. he likes you. just set him on your lap." Steve urged with a smile. "he seams to have trouble with his sounds." James admitted with a grin. "he's really cute. can we keep him?"
"Well you had be be bad at something in your life. Just be glad its pancakes and not sex."she teased a little. "Would you stop?i can finish chicken. Go pester your grandson."sarah ordered looking at her father in vague amusement as she set the chicken on the table eyes widening when she saw adam going to ,worried they were going to be witnessing tony freaking out but ahe shoule have known better. Tony studied the boy tilting his head a little looking torn between refusing and accepting, looking up at his lover with a slight smile realizing they trusted him with the kid. Swallowing thickly before gently picking adam up and settling him in his lap."...cap get us some food would you?"he said glancing towards the food in front of them and looking nervous with a kid in his lqp.
Gabe snorted. "you trained me too well for me to be bad at sex." he pointed out before snickering as James pouted at her. "fine! i will!" he huffed, stalking off to entertain the sleeping newborn. he had to smile happily when they watched Tony interact with Adam who settled into place very happily. he liked these people, no one had stuck him with needles or smacked him. he snuggled into Tony and looked up at him, patting his stomach, looking amazed. "hard!" he declared, poking Tony's stomach again, amazed by the muscles there. he was quickly distracted by a plate full of already cut up Chicken that Adam could eat with his fingers. which he did, munching down eagerly on his first piece and using a small spoon to messily feed himself mashed potatoes. "you look so cute Tony." James admitted, smiling at Tony as he moved over to wipe Adam's mouth before he started making a mess of Tony too. "Ony! Hard! Chicken!" Adam declared happily before shoving a mushy carrot into his mouth. despite his teeth, Adam seamed perfectly happy eating anything. Gabe had settled into a rocking chair and was feeding Jas his bottle, smiling as he watched the three super men handle the alien baby. though he wasn't much of an Alien.
"I'm sure there was a point of time you were bad."she teased stealing a kissnbiting her lip to keep from laughing at her sulking father as he entertained her son,or 5ony getting a lapful of kid. Tony yelped a little at the pat,startled by the touch,raising his eyebros in confusion."yea..."he said before realizing that the kid didnt mean it in the normal way of 'hard.'"yea im muscled buddy."tony snickered amused as he ate his own food quite content to just let the kid make a mess before making a face."not cute...and is he just saying words now?"he said looking down as adam spoke looking concerned.
he huffed. "never. i was born with the skills of a whore in my blood." he admitted before cringing as Adam, in his infinite childish wisdom. "Whore?" "shit..." "Shit?" "...." Gabe wisely shut up as James nearly broke himself he was laughing so hard. "he's just excited." Steve assured Tony. "i imagine he's used to lab tests and physicals." "No poke!" Adam declared firmly and Steve smiled. "that's right. no Poke. eat up." he urged, Adam happily tucking back into his dinner. "he's only just learning to talk, so there will be a lot of repeating." James admitted with a chuckle. "Sarah was like this too. she'd string huge words together. her favorite phrase was 'Dastardly Carrot Brat.' if anyone annoyed her she'd say Dastardly Carrot Brat." he admitted with a grin, snickering when Adam obediently parroted the phrase as he finished his plate, leaving only a couple pieces of chicken and a smear of potatoes, letting Steve wash his face off and clean his hands. "Ony!" Adam stated happily as he looked up at the Billionaire, just studying Tony's face, as if committing him to memory.
Sarah's eyes wid3ned as she started 5o laugh grinning at her fiancee."i thought it was tony wed have to worry about.not you teaching jas bad things."she giggled a little."are you sure?"tony frowned still looking worried before smiling a little."youreright. No poking."tony said."i did not.even that little i could come up with better insults."sarah huffed though she was smiling. "Yes?"tony asked looking down at the boy as adam said his name looking a little weirded out at being stared at
Gabe flushed. "yes, well... hush you." he ordered with a smile and a shake of his head. "very sure. ghe doesn't really understand the words yet. he just repeats them and knows tht if he says 'up' he'll get picked up and that he likes Chicken." he admitted, Adam perking up at a familiar word. "Chicken!" he agreed before giggling at Tony. "No Poke!" he agreed. "oh, her second favorite was "Yellow Blue Turtle!" she'd walk around muttering that over and over again a lot like a man who'd just dropped something heavy on his foot." James admitted with a grin. Adam just stared at Tony for another moment and then, finally. "Down." he demanded, flipping onto his belly and wiggling his way off Tony before tugging on Steve's sleeve. "Potty!" he demanded, making Steve panic. "relax i've got him. come on Little man, Potty's this way." he informed Adam who followed James obediently. "well at least he's potty trained."
“Oh. Okay.”Tony said looking relieved to know that adam really was okay, laughing softly at adam’s words. “Yea, we just had some chicken. We’re not having more yet.”He muttered before staring at james, before starting to laugh. “I like it. That’s my new curse words, yellow blue turtle.” “It is not!”Sarah said blushing brightly before looking at adam, resting a hand on his back to make sure he got down okay before smirking at steve as james took adam to the bathroom. “...Of all the things about having a kid, it’s potty time that freaks you out?”
Adam blinked at him. "Chicken!" he stated rather sternly, as if chastising Tony before jamming his Thumb in his mouth and squirming to the floor, making James and Gabe laugh. "Yellow Blue Turtle huh? that's kind of adorable love." he admitted with a grin before snickering as Steve shrugged. "i have never, ever changed a diaper, and i never, ever intend to." he admitted simply. "personally, i'm just glad that he's not exploding." he admitted. "or bursting into blue flames." he admitted. "besides. i think he really likes Tony." he admitted, casting a glance at Tony, smirking before pausing as Jarvis spoke up. "Sir. Johnny Storm is on the line. he is at the Delworth hospital. someone has just shot Alex." Jarvis intoned calmly. "...well fuck. if it's not one thing it's another."
“”Hey, you don’t get to scold me kid.”Tony said though there was a gentle teasing in the words, not really scolding the kid before smirking at sarah. “It is not.”Sarah huffed making a face before smirking at her dad. “You have a grandson who’s still in diapers you know. Who you’re going to be babysitting sometimes.”She pointed out. “Well, yea I guess. Sorta likes me.”tony shrugged before paling slightly. “What?I..what?”Tony sputtered utterly at a loss for a moment before swallowing thickly. “Tell Johnny I’m on my way.”He said heading for the door and grabbing his jacket, looking worried and for once so upset about his brother that he wasn't aware that he was leaving everyone else behind
Adam blinked at him. "Scold!" he declared. "Chicken!" he declared firmly, stomping his little foot before beaming at him. "Ony!" "yes. i do have a grandson. but i have James for Diaper Duty." he admitted with a grin. "and i'm sure Tony could learn how to change diapers if i offer enough incentive." he admitted. "he more than 'sort of' likes you." he admitted with a grin. "Tony! Wait!" Steve ordered, grabbing his wrist. "we can't leave without telling James or he'll panic." he warned. "Jarvis? what condition is Alex in?" "medical reports indicate that he is stable and not in any life threatening situation." "good. tell Johnny that Alex is being moved into the Tower, we'll have Bruce go with us for medical transport." Steve decided. "Go." James ordered. "i'll watch the Malen'kaya oshibka." he promised, well aware that calling Adam a 'little bug' was going to annoy the adults. which was why he did it. Bruce was already heading for the Garage, waiting for Tony and Steve to appear.
Tony smiled a little, amused at adam’s display, snickering at steve’s words. “no. I can’t be made to change diapers. That’s why we have Gabe.’Tony sniffed smirking a little. Startling as he was grabbed he paused half way to pulling on his jacket, looking at Steve before swallowing thickly as he realized what it was. “Oh. Yea. Sorry.”he muttered realizing that he couldn’t leave just yet. “You sure?”Tony said looking at james worriedly, cause he was upset enough to not want to wander to far. Nodding a little he frowned, “What?”The genius said looking confused at the name. “Little bug. Go.”Sarah responded rolling her eyes at the nickname, smiling slightly as tony walked out, to worried about alex to really be paying attention.

“...Tony?”Alex frowned a little as he saw his brother rushing in the room, startled. He’d known johnny said they were moving to the tower, but he hadn’t expected to see the man in person. “Yea. Hey. How are you?”Tony said before ignoring the patient, looking at johnny to get answers.
"Sure you can, if i promise to..." he leaned over and whispered naughty things in Tony's ear before everything was derailed by Jarvis. "it's okay Tony. your worried about him. it's understandable." he admitted. "i'll be fine. i haven't had an episode in a,most a month. it will be fine and if it isn't, Gabe is here to contain me." he promised with a grin. "go." he ordered, giving Tony the nudge out the door, Adam watching all this with his thumb tucked in his mouth and Gabe sighed. "it's like the fates hate us, huh little man?" he asked Jas, who blinked sightless eyes.

Johnny smiled. "it's fine Tony. they shot him clean through. two bullets. one in the shoulder and one in the thigh. clean, nothing vital was hit. bad aim." he admitted with a shake of his head. "he's in pain, and he'll have to be in a sling and stay off his feet for a while, but he's more shaken than he is hurt." "i'll be the judge of that, thank you." Bruce stated, sounding huffy and annoyed. the Hospital didn't seam to think he was 'properly qualified'. he examined the X-rays on the glowing screen intently. "the bone is cracked, but that will heal." Bruce admitted as he examined the screen intently. "he's fine. like Johnny said. in pain but in no danger. he's fine to be moved."
“...Okay. We’ll be back soon.”Tony muttered stealing akiss before leaving. Sarah nodded quietly, moving over to sit next to her fiancee, smiling down at their son as she gently touched his hand, smiling as he grabbed onto her finger, “Not hate. Things would be worse if hated. We’re loved...and that just means we get alot of curves thrown at us, but nothing we can’t handle, right little guy?”She smiled sighing quietly as she nuzzled gabe a little. “We’re okay. Even alex is okay.”She muttered quietly.

Tony took a shaky breath studying them all, “bad aim?What happened?” “Not really sure. We were eating dinner and we left and then...”Alex trailed off shrugging a little before smiling. “Really, I am just in pain, and worried, but not bad.”Alex reassured smiling a little at bruce. “Hey.” “Good. I’ll go talk to the doctors about getting him released into your care.”Tony grinned as he left the room. He was so willing to yell because he hated, despised hospitals, and he was already upset. Within 10 minutes he was back, looking a step away from a explosion, grinding his teeth as he smiled. “Alex is released to our care. We even have transport. You ready?” “Yea, we’re good.”Alex smiled a little as the nurse started unhooking him from the monitors, looking thoughtful at his brother, wondering exactly what conversations had resulted in the infamously hard temper to draw to the surface to show.
James nodded, watching Tony leave as Gabe snuggled with Sarah and Jas. "this is true. i guess 'they' are just indifferent to us." he admitted as he smiled at her. "we can handle it. everything we get we can handle." he agreed. closing his eyes. "Alex is okay. and maybe this is the push Tony needs." he muttered as he kissed her. "Gross." was Adam's contribution to the conversation.

"as far as we can tell, the Guy was aiming at someone else." Johnny admitted. "either that, or they mistook Alex for someone else." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "it's hard to tell because the shooter turned the gun on himself after shooting, and failing to kill, thirteen people." he admitted as he watched the two brothers intently. "good. go yell at the rat bastards who think they're better than me because they have a M.D when i have three PH.D's." Bruce scoffed. "as if i don't have an M.D myself, it's just a little outdated." he grumbled as he started getting Alex ready for transport. "Tony? you okay?" Johnny asked, frowning, worried as he set a hand on his shoulder. "you need me to beat someone up?"
“Tony does need a push. If we’re lucky, he’ll settle for simply having alex here. If we’re unlucky, he’s going to be a paranoid SOB and be insane over it.”Sarah said smiling as she kissed him back, raising her eyebrows as she looked at the kid. “It is not.”She said smiling slightly, trying not to worry.

“...That’s insane. Stupid.”Tony said shaking his head before smirking a little at Bruce. “I will definitely make my displeasure over that obvious.”He said not about to comment that everyone was staring at him. Rubbing a hand over his face he smirked at Johnny, slanting a look at him before shaking his head. “Nah. Its okay. Nothing I haven’t heard before. Ready to go?” “...Tony?What happened?”Alex said frowning at the man a little. “Just stupid people thinking there’s no reason for me to be here, as I’m not listed as next of kin, though you know, obviously. I mean come on, people bother me. And I’m responsible enough to help. And if I wasn’t, I do live with Captain Fucking America, he more then makes up for my faults.”Tony whined a little sulking and annyoed with the doctors.
he smirked. "and since when are we ever lucky?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Gross." Adam declared again, trying to stand on his tiptoes to see the baby. "Dot?"

Bruce shrugged. "they just think that because i'm dressed rather scruffy that i'm not a 'real' doctor." he rolled his eyes. "as if a good suit makes me a capable person." he scoffed before shaking his head. "they insulted you?" Johnny demanded, fury etching itself onto his face. "i'll see them ruined." he promised. "they have no right to dictate who helps Alex, when it is I who am on the Next of Kin list. and even more, have the right to decide who treats him and where he is housed at in emergency situations like this. how DARE they try to interfere in such things!" he growled as he stormed out of the room, Bruce lifting an eyebrow before turning to Alex. "you've created a monster." he teased. "used to be, he'd just set the place on fire." he teased as he helped Alex into a wheelchair. "honestly Tony, i'd rather have you treating me. you have an M.D too as i recall." he pointed out, and even if you didn't, you've done surgery on more than a few people, yourself included."
“Hm, you could get lucky. Later. If I get some sleep first.”She said smirking at him a little, smiling as she let gabe hold the baby, before picking up adam, setting him in her lap so he could see. “Dot?”She said looking confused.

“I always wear a good suit, and am quite capable. It’s probably the suit that helps with that image. You should dress better.”Tony snickered a little, smirking as he set johnny off. “Yea. Don’t worry about it. It wasn’t anything other people haven’t said to me before.”She pointed out shrugging a little, smirking as he realized that johnny indeed had matured from burning things down, and simply moved on dealing with things maturely. “Hm, I just told him he couldn’t burn things down all the time, I don’t have time to deal with the lawsuits. Watching him harass stupid, idiot doctors who are getting sued as soon as I can stand again, is just a bonus.”Alex snickered smiling a little as he was settled into the wheelchair. “...Uh yea I do.Horribly so, and I dislike remembering that I do, thanks, Banner.”Tony wrinkled his nose cause it had been teenage rebellion that had him enrolled in med school instead of tech school, just to annoy his dad. “....Putting the arc reactor in doesn’t count as surgery on myself. I’d like to think given the option, I have better sense then to use a car battery the first time around.”Tony huffed looking amused as they headed out, smirking slightly as he could hear johnny yelling even from the hall. “Storm!we’re leaving!”
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