Hidden (lady/moon)

Frigga nodded a little.”I’ll try.”She said hating that they were all so damaged, in their own way. “She is a lovely woman.”Tony snickered a little pouting at being called his last name. It was weird. “Oh. I see.”Frigga said looking at james, smirking, patting him on the head teasingly. “You are far to young for me.”She said seriously, smiling. “They do not.”Tony grumbled twitching a little as he was kissed, before smiling a little. “I’m sure it would.” “Besides, she likes loki.”Tony pointed out worried about sarah to before smiling a little interested in the bracelets, and if they really would be able to help with the hulk. “I probably can make them to do so. I’ve never tried it before.”Frigga said looking interested in the idea though, before swallowing hard, looking relieved that it was okay. “Well then, I shall leave you to comfort him, and we’ll speak later.”Frigga said smiling as she hugged them all before leaving.
James chuckled a little at Tony's pouting before assuming his own pout, eyes twinkling with amusement. "you don't think i'm handsome?" he asked. "i'm told i have the libido of a god. i could make it worth your while, mortality be damned." he admitted with a grin before rolling his eyes at Tony. "they make you just as uncomfortable as they do me Tony. don't think you can fool me." he scoffed with a grin. "she does like Loki. it's creepy." Steve admitted, wrinkling his nose. he still had a few issues regarding the godling. it wasn't anything that caused issues but it was enough that Steve did his damnedest to avoid Loki. "Thank you, Mrs. Frigga. really. thank you." Steve breathed as he smiled at her as he stroked James hair and tucked the overwrought man into bed.

Loki, in the meantime, was knocking on Sarah's bedroom door. "Sarah? May i come in?" he asked, his head tilted. "my mother told me that you where having some worries about the baby. i came for a checkup." he admitted. which wasn't entirely true, but he did intend on having a checkup, just for Sarah's sanity of mind.
“You are very handsome, but I think the man clinging to you would have a problem with it.”Frigga teased looking amused. “I can always fool you.”Tony huffed from where he was cuddled against james chest, sighing softly, before snickering. “You only think it’s creepy cause you don’t know why she gets along with him. I think they’re planning world domination.”Tony snickered a little. “You are very welcome.”Frigga smiled as she left. “Aynthing you need?”Tony asked gently tucking james into bed, smiling quietly.

Sarah startled a little as she opened the door, her drawing pad tucked under one arm, having settled gabe out on their balcony, simply so she could draw him in asgard, shrugging a little. No worried, just cautious.”She said letting him in as she walked back onto the balcony. “Come on out, sit and visit.”
James grinned. "very true." he agreed as he kissed Steve and then Tony. "you can't fool anyone Tony." Steve teased with a smile. "they are planning world Domination." James agreed. "Sarah wouldn't settle for anything less. just be glad she's settling for Midgard instead of going after the other realms." he teased with a grin. "no. i'm okay..." James promised once he got himself under control. "i'm sorry. it was just such a relief..." he admitted as he let them snuggle him. "i can't hurt you anymore."

Loki smiled. "Sigyn was constantly worried when she was pregnant." he admitted. "she was terrified she was eating too little or eating too much. was worried she shouldn't walk around, worried she was laying around too much. worried that sex would hurt the baby, worried that magic would affect the baby. it was ridiculous." he admitted with a smile. "even our youngest. it was worse then though because she had two of them to worry about." he admitted with a suffering sigh before smiling at Gabe who was only half dressed and reading a book while Sarah drew him. "it got to the point that i developed a specific monitoring spell that will constantly monitor the baby. heart rate, brain cognition, even mood and emotion." he admitted. "if you like, i'll cast this spell on your little one. then if there is any kind of problem, i can be by your side in a split second." he admitted.
“I can to. I had loki convinced the fridge was a port to jotunhiem.”Tony huffed making a face at the other before smiling as he settled into the bed with james, gently stroking his hair.”Hm, I’m very glad she’s settling just for midgard, otherwise it’d be bad.”he snickered a little before sighing softly, “you did nothing wrong. And you can’t, you really really can’t hurt us anymore. Or sarah.You don’t have to worry about her.”Tony muttered stroking his hair.

“Really?And sex wont hurt the baby?”She asked looking interested and worried, laughing softly that even with the youngest, sigyn had been worried. Settling into her chair again she bit her lip as she thought, looking at the frost giant before focusing on gabe. “...is it to much? I mean, I know you keep telling me everything’s fine, so I shouldn’t need the spell...”
he shuddered hard as he realized he didn't have to be afraid of himself anymore. "

"No, sex won't hurt the baby." Loki promised, sounding highly amused. "as long as it's not so rough as to leave bruises on you, or in you." he admitted. "and don't put too much pressure on your belly either." he warned. "other than that, it's perfectly fine until you hit your final trimester or so." he admitted. "do you think so?" Gabe asked. "even if we don't need it, will you be able to relax without it?" he asked. "he offered, after all and i think it was more for your sanity of mind." he admitted. "it takes little energy to maintain." Loki admitted. "and even less to monitor. it's as simple as breathing for me, as often as i did it for my wife." Loki admitted, watching her. "it's up to you." he assured her. "but it could ease your worries a great deal."
“Oh. Good.”Sarah said looking amused, blushing slightly as she realized they’d be okay having sex. “...Well. That’s true. Okay. Use the spell as long as your sure its easy to maintain.”she said relaxing simply at the idea, it was obvious it had been the right choice, allowing her to relax, and to know if she needed help, loki would be there within moments.

Months later sarah frowned, sulking as she looked over the edge of the book that was balanced on her stomach, looking utterly miserable despite the air condition, the early summer heat in new york was unbearable as she looked up at Gabe. “I feel huge.”She grumbled, because she was within days of giving birth, and she was huge and miserable, and hot. She just wanted to sleep comfortably again, or do anything comofrtable again, but this was horrible. “Gabbbbeee...”she whined looking up at him.

"You ready to be a grandpa?"Tony snickered a little looking at the two men laying in their bed, absently stroking their hair, looking amused even if he was utterly nervous about having a baby in the house to.
Loki smiled at her and it took only a second for the swirling green mist to settle on her stomach and then disperse. connecting Loki to the child and surrounding it in magic, giving it another boost to it's systems.

Gabe was fiddling with the thermostat to make it cooler in the room for her. "you look adorable." he admitted with a smile as he settled next to her. "it won't be long." he promised her. "Loki said that the baby is getting antsy." he admitted. "it will be coming soon." he admitted as he kissed her cheek. "our Little one will be here soon." he admitted, looking up as a knock sounded on the door, Loki stepping in. "it's time." Loki informed her. "the baby just broke your amniotic sac." he stated simply, smiling as wetness suddenly flooded between her legs. "oh.... the Child feels very proud of himself." Loki admitted with a chuckle. while he could monitor the minor 'emotions' of the child, which was very different from adult 'emotions', he could not monitor much else other than health. so Loki had no idea of the child was male or female either. "come, Bruce will already have the room set up for you. and yes, walk." he suggested. "it will help with the labor."

James smiled. "yes. i am. i just wish i hadn't raised such a bitch. it's cruel of her to hide the gender of the baby from us." he whined, sulking. he had recovered a great deal since the bracelets had been given to him. he had five bad 'episodes' in the first month alone and had nearly attacked Skye and Fitz. the bracelets had dropped him like a stone, paralyzing him until he came to, leaving no one hurt. not even himself. with every time he had a bad episode and tried to attack someone, and failed before he could even take a step, he got more and more calm. more and more at peace with the little bits of recovery he managed. he still had an episode once and a while, but they where rare now. "Sirs. Loki has initiated Code Baby." Jarvis informed them. "you are requested to attend to your battle-stations." they never should have gotten Loki hooked on Sci Fi.
“I do not.”Sarah smiled a little smiling as he settled next to her, leaning in for a kiss before grinning. “So they will be. Did I tell you my fathers are going insane cause we don’t know what gender the baby is?”She said snickering, having left it up to be a surprise, simply to just because she didn’t care either way. Yelping as loki appeared, swallowing hard at the wetness between her legs, looking up at loki. “Well, as long as their proud.”She snickered, whining a little as she was told to walk, sulking slightly even though she did let gabe help her walk downstairs. “You know, its a good thing I’m a super soldier, otherwise this would probably hurt worse...”She muttered, like in battle, her body was overcompenstating for the pain she was in as she let bruce and gabe settle her into bed.

“I’m telling her you called her a bitch.”Tony snickered amused, “And you know they didn’t find out what they’re having.”She pointed out, amused and so happy to see the other so relaxed, so at peace with things. “...We should have never let him watch star trek.”tony snickered as they headed down to the med wing.

Later Sarah sighed quietly, tiredly as she slumped back into the bed, bruce gently cleaning up the baby before frowning slightly as he looked down at the fussing baby, raising a hand, trying to get the babe to follow his finger, paling slightly as he realized the baby was simply staring in front of her, instead of following the finger, or trying to look at anything else.
he smirked a little. "yes you have. it's hilarious. they tried to muscle it out of me. i laughed in their faces. of course, i don't know either." he admitted with a huff and a grin before chuckling as Loki appeared. "very proud of themselves." he admitted. "they've been trying to break that 'barrier' for about two days now." he admitted. "thats why all the kicking." he admitted as he watched Gabe help Sarah to her feet. "indeed. your endorphins don't work the same as most womens." Bruce admitted. "they actively block pain signals, so less pain." Bruce admitted as he washed his arms up to the wrists. "by the way, Loki's not allowed to watch Sci-Fi anymore. he called me to my 'battle-station' and he's actively corrupting Jarvis now."

James smirked. "i've called her worse." he admitted. "she thinks it's funny." he admitted with a snicker. "i know." he admitted with a chuckle. "but it's still annoying. i was so sure Gabe was going to find out in secrete." he admitted with a snigger. "me and Steve tried to 'lean on him'. it didn't work." he admitted before grinning as he followed the man down. "or Andromeda. or Battle star Galactica, or Farscape.... need i go on?"

Bruce was gently washing the baby and noticed her worry, frowning himself before he twitched as he realized. "hold on..." he muttered, picking up a flashlight and shone it in the baby's eyes. "...no reaction to light." he muttered, swallowing thickly as he carefully checked both the babies hearing and vocal cords. checking to see if the little one was deaf or mute. he didn't even bother checking for the sex until he saw just what was wrong with the child. it seamed ironic to him that Tony was supposed to have been blind, and now Sarah's child was.
“That’s adorable really. That they tried to intimidate you. You’d think they know by now you’re not that scared of them.”She teased snickering a little amused before shaking her head. “I was wondering. Baby was so restless. Hold on sweetheart, you’re almost done.”she muttered to her stomach, amused as she got a kick in return, grinning a little. “Thank god for that. This pain is bad enough.”She snickered before laughing out loud, “Well, we can’t let him watch anything else, otherwise he’ll be obsessed with that.”

“Only your daughter...”Tony snickered shaking her head a little before smiling as they walked. “Nah, he’s fairly straight laced. Less likely to bend rules. And not finding out was one of sarah’s rules.”he snickered before laughing.”Firefly and star wars. Okay, wer’e done letting him watch them.”

Sarah swallowed hard, “What’s wrong?”She said looking worried, before realizing the baby was reacting to their voices, and was making that quiet little annoyed sound at being disturbed. “Bruce?”She said biting her lip as she looked up at gabe.
he snickered. "James doesn't scare me anymore. not since he tried to smack me for... i forget why and dropped to the floor." he admitted. "i think he could hurt me if i actually deserved it, but i don't, so he can't." he admitted with a grin as he smiled at her belly. "our baby. so smart already." he praised. "we could get him to watching those daytime soap operas." he suggested. "or get him started on young adult fantasy. like Harry Potter and Eragon and Lord of the Rings."

he nodded. "good point." he agreed as he settled down into the sitting room. "totally done." he agreed. "he's entirly too obsessive with them." he admitted.

"Bruce swallowed thickly and gently handed the baby to Sarah. "there's nothing 'wrong' with the child." he assured her. "it's just..." he sighed. "The Baby is Blind." he explained, ignoring Gabe's startled sound. "as far as i can tell, her eyes never grew the optic nerves. i'd have to run tests to be sure, but those are invasive and unnecessary." he admitted. "there's no chance for the baby to regain sight." he admitted. "but, being blind doesn't mean that your baby is broken..." "would you tell me the gender already!?" Gabe demanded, Shoving Bruce out of the way, completely uncaring that his baby was blind. there was plenty of blind people who led fulfilling lives. and there was even a blind Superhero. Daredevil was a hack, but Gabe only thought that because the bastard had saved his life a few months ago. Bruce just chuckled and shook his head as the man cooed and gushed about how precious and pretty and perfect the baby was. forgetting about finding the gender in the face of his flesh and blood.
“that moment made you both feel better. Knowing he really couldn’t hurt anyone.”Sarah pointed out smiling as grinned. “Young adult. We’ll never hear the end of it if both Tony and Loki are watching day time soaps.”

“Oh. Okay.”She said relaxing, before making a startled sound as it sunk in,shifting the small bundle in her arms, grinning as Gabe fussed. “That’s okay. She’s ours. We knew there was a chance something would be wrong, it doesn’t matter does it sweetheart, your ours.”Sarah muttered giggling a little as bruce was shoved aside, smirking at Gabe. “...didn’t you want to know what gender?”Sarah teased looking up at her fiancee, sighing tiredly as she looked down at their son. “We have a boy, Gabe, a boy.”She said eyes wide and teary.

“....Bruce?”Tony looked up worriedly as the doctor appeared, looking worried as he glanced towards the door. Looking worried and wanting to know that everyone was okay.
he smiled and nodded. "very true." he agreed. "i think he was more relieved than anyone else. he really beat himself up over hurting you." he admitted, smiling at her before focusing entirely on his little bundle of joy. he had been doing everything he could to prepare. even practicing putting diapers on dolls, attending baby daddy classes and looking up everything he could on Youtube. "there's not a thing wrong with her. being Blind just means we'll have to do things a little differently. teaching her Braille instead of English. and how to get around without bumping into things once she starts walking. we already have everything baby proofed anyway." he admitted. "we'll get some books on how to help her cope better, and find a school that specializes in such things for when she starts going to school, and we'll love her even more because she's even more special." he admitted, beaming at Sarah. "....what? it's a He!? but he doesn't have a willy!" he protested, shocked as he examined the space between the little boys legs. blinking. "....but... is it supposed to be so small?" Bruce cracked up. he couldn't help it. "well, James Anthony Steven Mathews. welcome to the world." Gabe christened with a grin as Bruce chuckled and left to tell the others.

"Hey. everything is fine." Bruce assured them. "Sarah had no complications and is resting and little James Anthony Steven Mathews is as well. aside from the single complication the baby is completely healthy." "complications?" Steve asked, looking worried. "it's a boy!?" James demanded, looking delighted. "little Jas!" he decided with a grin, since that's what the initials seamed to spell. "the baby was born blind." Bruce explained. "blind!?" Steve asked, looking worried. more worried about how Sarah was handling it than anything else.
Sarah giggled a little as she watched gabe fuss, amused as he studied the other fussed over their child, tiredly excited. “Not a damned thing.”She muttered resting her head on his shoulder, shifting the baby into his arms, watching him snuggle him.”We’ll be fine. Between books, internet and everyone helping, we’ll be fine.”She muttered gently stroking the baby’s fingers, smiling as he held onto her finger, snickering at gabe’s reaction. “Yes he does.And of course it’s small!He’s tiny.”She pointed out gently wrapping the fussy baby back up into his blanket, smirking. “I’m sure despite whatever you think, you were that small once to.”She teased smiling down at their son. “Welcome, Jas.”She muttered, well, like father like daughter.

“Oh. Good.”Tony said relaxing at the idea, smiling softly, looking pleased before grinning. “Complic-boy?”Tony said torn between questions before laughing at James’ excitement before growing serious, looking at bruce. “Completely blind? how are they doing?"
"that's right! not a damn thing!.... we might need to work on our language..." he admitted. "i don't think we want our Son's first words to be 'damn'..." he admitted with a grin as he kissed her forehead. "we will be fine. just fine. and look how well behaved he is." he breathed, smiling a little. "well. yes. he is tiny. but, i mean... it doesn't look much like a willy." he admitted, narrowing his eyes at it. "i was never that small!" he protested before blinking. "Jas? i thought we where going to name him James?" he asked, confused.

"yes. boy." Bruce admitted. "and they're doing well. they don't care in the least that he's blind. Gabe is already thinking about getting some books on how to help little James adjust to living in a world without sight." he admitted. "books and you-tube and the like." he admitted. "i think they're just too relieved that he's alive to care about the fact that he's blind." he admitted with a smile.
“...We might have to. Though if we’re being truthful, his first words going to be fuck, and it’s going to be cause he’s spent time with Tony.”Sarah pointed out with a smile, sighing quietly as the baby fussed a little before settling easily into gabe’s arms. “He is so very well behaved. So beautiful.”She muttered before snickering. “No, I doubt they ever look like one till they grow up more.”She said giggling a little before smirking. “Yes, I’m sure James might have pictures somewhere.”She teased before blushing a little. “Uh...we are. James Anthony Steven. J.A.S. Jas.”She said blushing a little./

“Good. Thank god.”Tony said looking utterly relieved that they were handling it well, before bouncing a little, looking interested, tilting his head. “Can we go see them?”He said, not only wanting to see the baby, but wanting to reassure himself that sarah was okay to.
he smirked a little and nodded. "true. true." he agreed with a chuckle as he stroked the baby's head and cooed at him some more. "oh. well if your sure..." he muttered, smiling at her. "James didn't raise me. and no one took my picture." he pointed out, looking amused before blinking. "oh. a nickname! i get it. that's clever!" he agreed, beaming at the little boy. "our Jas..." he brushed a faint kiss over the baby's forehead. "should we let your fathers in?" he asked with a smile, his head tilted. "or do you want to get some sleep first?"

Bruce nodded. "very good. and not yet. Sarah and Gabe need a moment to accept their new roles as parents. too many people in there will set off their overprotective instincts." he admitted. "we need to give them a few moments to themselves." he admitted. "Sarah needs to rest and so does the baby. they'll tell us when they're ready for guests."
“I’m sure. He’s normal.”Sarah reassured him, smiling quietly, gently stroking the fingers gripping hers, smiling tiredly before snickering. “True. Damn. Embarassing pictures would be amusing.”Sarah smiled a little before grinning. “I’m clever all the time. Jas.”She smiled a little before sighing quietly, “Let them in for a few minutes. Then we’ll sleep.”she muttered stifling a yawn.

“Fine, fine. Don’t want two overprotective super soldiers. That would just be bad.”Tony made a face before glancing up at jarvis’ words, grinning. “Sirs, ms. Sarah said you can come in for a few moments if you wish.”Jarvis said barely finishing the statement before tony was quietly opening the door and walking in. “how’s everything in here?”Tony said looking them both other. “Well. We’re all well.”
he smiled at her. "more than normal." he agreed as he kissed her, smiling at him. "such a strong grip already." he muttered happily. "our little Jas." she whispered happily before smiling at her, settling the baby into her arms so she could bond with the baby so he could stand watch over them. "not so loud." Gabe ordered sternly at Tony, quite so as to not wake the sleeping angel as Steve and James followed, beaming at her as they gently and silently fussed over her, making sure she was comfortable and didn't need anything. "he's so gorgeous." Steve admitted, wide eyed as he stared at the baby. "and so small... i didn't realize he'd be so tiny..." he admitted, biting his lip as he gazed with wonder at the tiny being.
“okay okay, I’m quiet.”Tony winced swallowing hard, realizing that he was so going to be the one getting in trouble for waking the baby the most. He just couldn’t be calm when he was excited, and he got excited, he was loud. Smiling slightly as they all fussed, amused as sarah tolerated it with quiet patience. “I’m fine. Really. Tired.”Sarah smiled at her parents, before smiling softly. “He is gorgeous. And if you comment on his willy, then you’re going to join Gabe in amazement about it.”Sarah teased amused that they were all so amazed at the tiny being.
both James and Steve chuckled a little as Tony was chastised. "his willy? what's wrong with his willy?" James asked, lifting the blanket to look. "it looks fine to me." "fine! it's all... squished..." "it's supposed to look like that. it's because they haven't formed yet." James explained with a chuckle as he stroked the tiny head. "your going to be the most spoiled baby in the universe. yes you are. yes you are." Steve gushed with a grin before Gabe decided they'd had enough time with the baby and chased them out so Sarah could sleep.

"well. he's going to make a good father." James admitted with a smile. "now. lets go gush to everyone about the baby." he decided. "and warn them all that he's blind and that the parent's are okay." James decided. "and then gush some more."
“Nothing. Gabe just didn’t believe me when I told him that.”Sarah giggled a little grinning at gabe’s description, yawning a little. “So so spoiled. I’m going to go decorate your room, I am. All boy stuff, kiddo.”Tony smiled gushing over the baby just as much, smiling as they were chased out and sarah settled in to sleep.

“He is.”Tony agreed grinning, happy that hey were being quite pleased and relaxed about everything, for a moment having been worried about how they’d handle having a blind child. “Let’s.”he agreed grinning as he followed them.

In the morning Sarah sighed quietly as she sat up, swallowing hard as she moved slowly, “I’m fine. Really. Bruce said I could get up. I want to lay on my own couch, and visit with the others.”Sarah promised her fiancee as he held jas, because the woman hated hospitals, even if she was sore and tired, the woman was still to twitchy about being down here to stay, and not want to leave.

“So. It looks fairly good in here.”Tony grinned pleased, a streak of blue paint on one cheek, pleased though that the nursery was ready and both not overwhelmingly boyish, but just enough more boyish then neutral, that it was good. “Well, think its good?”he said looking around the room that contained toys and everything tony could think of that a baby might need
Gabe smiled at her. "i wasn't going to protest." he admitted. "you'll rest better in your own room." he admitted as he smiled at her. "besides, the girls have been complaining because the boys got to see first." he admitted with a chuckle as he tickled little Jas's chin. "oh, look. we already have company, even though we're not home." he teased as he realized their rooms had been invaded.

"it looks perfect." Steve admitted with a smile as he looked around. the soft blue highlighted by white and a soft yellow. he had managed to get by without getting any paint on himself, though his shirt was a bit splattered. James, on the other hand, had accidentally managed to drop an entire can of blue paint on his head and was completely covered. he looked over as the couple came in and both Steve and James beamed at them. "sorry. we meant to be out by now but there was a... mishap." he admitted, smirking at James. "come see!... leave the baby out though, there's still some paint fumes in here. they'll be gone in an hour or so though." he promised. "you go see what those knuckleheads did." Gabe offered. "Junior needs a diaper change." he admitted, heading into the bathroom to change the diaper.... classes had not given him the stomach to handle this. within seconds he was calling to James for help because he'd... you guessed it. puked on the baby.
“Well, they’re not the grandparents. They’ll just have to settle on being second.”Sarah snickered tiredly laughing as she looked around their rooms, shaking her head a little. “Well, I’m sure its good company....how is it you didn’t get paint on you?”

“Because he’s fussy and unfun. Your papa made up for your dad though.”Tony snickered a little. “What in the world did you do?”Sarah said looking at her father, shaking her head at the paint covered assassin before nodding, “I’ll see.”She said snickering as she gave jas over to have, smiling slightly as she followed to the room, pausing as she looked towards the door, “Gabe?You okay?’She said stepping out of the bedroom, looking concerned before starting to laugh. “Gabe, you’re okay. Hold on. Let me help.”She smiled gently cleaning up jas, amused that it never failed, fathers puked.
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