Hidden (lady/moon)

Steve chuckled a little and James rolled his eyes. "Tony memorizes fingerprints too." Steve admitted as he kissed her forehead. "i'm so happy for you." he admitted with a smile. "sure you would have." James stated. "soon as i brought you one of these, you'd forgive me." he assured her, handing her the ice-cream she adored so much. "Loki brought it back for you." he admitted with a grin. "your naming a baby after me?" James asked, eyes suspiciously wet and voice suspiciously wobbly. "if it's a girl, maybe you aught to name it after Sarah?" Steve suggested. "...although, Sarah Junior doesn't really work right does it?" Steve muttered, frowning a little, head cocked. "....huh.... why is it harder to name girls?" Steve wondered, Fitz chuckling.
“Well, some of my projects are fingerprint locked. Its easier to know them.”Tony snickered a little smiling as steve hugged sarah, amused at the slightly watery eyes on them all. “....Okay. Maybe.”Sarah said eyes wide as she took the ice cream and started to eat it, blushing ever so slightly as she smirked at gabe. “Sorry hun, but for the moment, ice cream is more important then your casteration.”She teased squeezing his arm so he knew she was just teasing. “Yea. We are. If it’s a boy. All three of you actually.”Sarah said smiling as she leaned over to hug her father, laughing softly at steve’s words. “cause we have to many guys, and we can’t name her natasha. The world’s not ready for another natahsa.”Tony snickered before natasha could say anything. Looking utterly pleased and trying really hard to not be hyper and start planning things or anything yet. there was time still.
they all nodded, Tony had explained this to them before. most of them had given him their fingerprints themselves. "gee. love you too." Gave teased, smiling at her as he watched her eat the Ice-cream. "that's brilliant." Steve admitted, beaming at her as he realized they where really going to name a son after him. "we could always name the little girl after the only three women we know. Pepper, Simmons, May and Natasha." Gabe admitted with a chuckle. "maybe Madeline Pepper Natalia Jemma Mathews? has a nice ring to it." he admitted with a grin. "in any case, Peppers getting most of the stuff set up for planning and the like since most of us has no idea what goes on for a wedding."
“:I’m marrying you. Doesn’t that say enough?Now shush, I’m eating.”Sarah teased smiling, blushing a little because she was glad he understood she was just teasing, that she really didn’t mean it. “Glad you’re happy about that.”Sarah smiled beaming back at him, so glad that steve wasn’t upset or annoyed with the order of names or anything, so glad that they were just happy. “...you’re naming him anthony to?” “Hm, yea. You’re dad to.”Sarah smiled grinning at the billionaire’s sputtering. “Don’t forget me.”Skye teased rolling her eyes. “Sorry skye, can’t. Its to weird knowing you’ve had your tongue down my fiancee’s throat.”She teased looking amused, just teasing them just to see them blush. “Hmmm, I like it.”She said thoughtful tilting her head. “Madeline Pepper Skye Jemma Matthews. Or something.It’ll be fun.”Sarah snickered a little. “Good idea. Let pepper do what she does best, plan things. We’ll just have to show up, she’ll figure out everything. And I’ll get the ballroom set up and all that stuff.”Tony said nearly bubbling over with excitement. Like predicted.
he snickered. "yes, i suppose it is saying a lot." he admitted with a grin. "once i have you trapped in marriage you'll never be rid of me." he admitted with a smile. "our poor child is never going to forgive us." he admitted with a chuckle. "maybe we should just plan on having a child for each of our friends?" he mused, eyes glittering playfully before he went bright red at the reminder that he had kissed Skye. "remind me to brush my teeth later." he ordered with an impish grin. "we where thinking you could do that. once we have the floor plan set up and stuff." Gabe agreed. "there will probably be painting involved." "i hate painting. let's build a painting machine to do it for us." Fitz ordered. "we where. sort of hoping, that you might marry us Steve..." James admitted, looking hopefully at Steve who looked rather floored. "you.. really? you'd trust me with something so important?" "of course."
"More like your stuck with me."she said blushing a little.despite everything,she still had her moments of insecurity,to many years as simply wanted as a female super soldier instead of a person. Sometimes she wondered what he loved more,her or the serum that was involved but she just had to keep reminding heself not to be stupid. Laughing a little she nodded."might be the best idea. We'll just have a houseful of brats. But the first will be james steven anthony."she decided wanting to honor all her fathers without leaving anyone out,everyone else could just wait. Grinning at gabe's reaction she giggled a little."I'm sure it doesnt require brushing your teeth." "No it doesnt. But it requires brushing mine."skye teased amused as she realized what the two had done.set tony up to choose the job that would keep him the busiest and out of the way for the most part. "Oh!i like that. We'll make a machine and get 5he colors-" "no red and gold tony." "Ah...okay."tony snickered before looking at steven squeezing his hand for support when he realized just how shocked the man was."...your my father and the Captain.who else would be able to marry us?if you want to.you dont have to of course..."sarah said looking nergously at him now.
he smirked. "Forever and always. together we'll be." he promised her, kissing her cheek. "trapped or not, your side is always where i'll be the happiest." he promised her with a smile. "i like that idea, a full house of people." he agreed with a grin. "tiny people that will freak Tony out." he muttered with a snicker. "if it's a boy, it will be James Anthony Steven." he agreed, switching the names just to see if she would notice. Steve biting his lip to keep from laughing at Gabe's not so subtle attempts at annoying his soon to be wife. "shut up." Gabe grumbled at her. "at least i'm a good kisser. you need a few lessons." he stated, all huffy and indignant even if his eyes where laughing. "i was thinking maybe a creme and blue." Gabe admitted. "since those colors look really nice on you." he admitted, examining Sarah. "i don't know how to marry people!" Steve gasped. "i have to get books! or is there a school you have to go to!? i'll sign up right away!" he promised, looking almost as if he was about to go as Manic as Tony was. "easy! Steve, calm down." Phil ordered. "there's an online class you can take. it will only take a few hours." "a few hours?! to learn how to marry people!? are you people insane!? i have to get started right away! i have to make it perfect!"
"Oh my god you sound like a romcom. I feel the need to tell you gabe,you're getting prociously close to being a girl."tony teased snickering. "Leave him alone tony.just cause you're incapable of being romantic,dont make fun of gabe."sarah saidrolling her eyes a little. "...tiny epeople wouldnt freak me out."tony muttered though his eye twitched a little at the idea of so many little people. "Would you stop?we'll name him james steven anthony."sarah twitched a little staring at him. "You werent complaining about it then. Maybe you're the one who needs lessons." "Definitely doesnt need lessons."sarah snickered before nodding a little tilting her head."creme and blue.i like it...and how did you know what I look in the best?"she teased looking amused before biting her lip hard even as her eyes went wide at the sight of her normally calm dad freaking out."well dad. You are in the realm of gods. I'm sure there's someone who could tell you about weddings."sarah said her eyes wide and trying hard to not laugh at him even if tony had given up and was nearly dying with laughter
"Romcom?" James asked as Gabe just looked completely baffled. "Tony? are you making things up again?" Steve asked, looking just as puzzled as nearly everyone else was. "oh, Tony's plenty romantic." James assured her. "it's just not a very feminine romance." he admitted with a smirk. "he grinned at her. "but why Anthony last? it sounds better as James Anthony Steven. because you know that Tony is the middle of that sandwich." he pointed out. "Steve is so damn submissive i wonder if he's actually a girl sometimes." "he's just saying that because my dick is so big it unsettles him." Steve quipped back, Making a good number of the men flush. because Steve was massive, and put most of them to shame. about the only one who could compete was Thor, and maybe the Hulk. "oh... er..." he flushed at her and looked away. "you know... i looked it up..." he admitted. "Pepper helped..." he admitted sheepishly. "i just... i was going to get you a dress for your birthday and i didn't know what kind to get... but then everything went to hell and i ended up not getting it..." he admitted, shrugging. "it was a stupid idea anyway." he admitted before grinning as he watched Steve nearly have an aneurism. "what's a wedding?" Thor and Loki chorused at the same time, making Steve groan.
"I never make things up. A romcom is a romantic comedy. Like the one gabe's currently staring in."tony snickered making a face as he looked at the others."i think ykure talking about the wrong tony. I'm not overly good at romance."he frowned a little before snickering at steve's words."true...anthony does sound better in the middle..." "I'm definitely in the middle. I mean who wouldnt want to be sandwiched by them?"tony snickered rolling his eyes a little as the oters blushed very pleased with himself for being able to take steve's cock without to much trouble."oh.oh gabe...it wasnt a stupid idea."she smiled at him eyes wide and teary at the idea of him going through so much trouble to get a dress for her. "Christmas is coming up. Just get it thdn."tony said helpfully looking up at the gods."a wedding is what we humans would call what you guys have as a bonding ceremony. You know husband and wife thing."
Gabe scoffed a little. "there's nothing 'comedy' about us." he stated with a sniff. "your perfect at Romance." Steve admitted with a grin. "finding, rebuilding and gifting me with my own bike was very romantic. as was rebuilding James perfectly perfect arm just because he had a momentary panic attack." he admitted with a smile. "very romantic." he promised as Gabe chuckled and rested his head on her shoulder, just content to be with her. "very true. we can do it for Christmas." "what's Christmas?" both Loki and Thor chorused. "Oh! a Hand-fasting!" Thor agreed, nodding. "will you be drinking wine with your blood in it? or simply soaking a ribbon in it and using it to tie your wrists?" there was a long silence. "...humans don't use blood..." "how then, do you know you are well suited for each other?" "they don't have Magic Thor, so they probably don't use blood based ceremonies." Loki mused. "i believe you would be best in learning from humans who know what they're doing." Loki admitted to Steve, who nodded.
"...if you say so."tony said though he didn't look like he actually believed he was good at romance. He was simply agreeing to avoid a fight."christmas is yuletide festival...a time to celebrate the longest night and the return of the sun."sarah said explaining the simple version,the ancient pagan celebration of christmas instead of the catholic christmas."you give gifts and spend time with people you care about."tony added smiling."....i feel a little sick..."sarah muttered swallowing thickly at thor's words because there was enough tqlk of blood to make her queasy. "Good idea. Humans steve. We'll ask when we get home...btween pepper and phil I'm sure we can find out everything you need."
they both just shook their heads, knowing exactly what Tony was thinking but they didn't comment. "ah! we do not have a longest night. all of our days are of the same length all year round." he admitted. "we do have a day where we trade gifts in celebration of a new year." he admitted. "it is typically gifts that are hand crafted. personally cooked, built or grown." he admitted with a smile. "often, we spend the day with friends and family sharing stories that are funny or heart touching." he admitted. "that's a lot like our Christmas. though a lot of people get too fixated on the things they're going to get." James admitted. "i am very sorry Lady Sarah. i didn't mean to upset you." Thor admitted, more than a little ashamed of himself. "i'm sure your right." Steve agreed, giving Loki an odd look. "why Blood?" "Blood carries both Soul and Magic." Loki explained with a shrug. "using blood in a ceremony means it is much more binding. using blood can be very dangerous as well, but when used n things like marriage or adoption, magic itself can ensure you long happy lives, and in the case of adoption, even alter that child's DNA to match yours and become, literally, a child of your blood." that was kind of cool.
“Very much like our christmas.”Sarah agreed smiling a little before smiling at thor, leaning up to kiss his cheek.”Don’t looked so upset, Thor. I feel queasy most of the time. Hell, considering having sex makes me queasy right now.”She grumbled trying to get him to smile. “...Oh. That’s gotta suck. You should wait till the kid is here, for the wedding. I mean, traditional honeymoon, requires lots of sex.”Tony snickered just because he knew discussing her sex life with her parents still made sarah blush. “...Would it work, I mean, if we didn’t have magic of our own?”Sarah asked looking thoughtful and interested despite feeling sick at the idea of drinking blood, it was still interesting to her.
he smiled at her. "we might be able to help with that." he admitted. "i remember when Sigyn was pregnant. she could not even drink water some days for fear of being ill when she was pregnant with Hela." he admitted. "Loki made a special tea for her using some sort of herb i am unaware of." he admitted. "it might be of assistance to you." "i'll have a batch whipped up." Loki promised. "it might not help, but it won't hurt you." he promised as Gabe chuckled. "i do not think so." Loki admitted. "your realm has no magic, so it won't be a part of you. here, even those who cannot use magic, still have it in their bones and in their blood." he admitted. "humans don't." Loki admitted. "there are some forms of magic humans can still use. berserker staffs for example can be employed by humans." Gabe went as pale as paper. "many humans can use magical items. but they possess no magic of their own save very, very few and they are usually of asgardian decent..." he paused and then focused on Skye and Phil. "actually. you two might be able to have access to Magic now, what with Vali's blood in your veins. it will be something to test later."
“Thanks. That would be amazing.”Sarah smiled at the two gods, looking pleased at the idea. “Damn. That would have been cool, even if it sounds gross.”Sarah said snickering a ltitle before looking at gabe worriedly, resting a hand on his arm.”gabe?”She muttered. “We ran into a berserker with a staff nearly a year ago.”Skye said looking worried about gabe to, before looking startled tilting her head. “We will have to test later.”She agreed looking both worried at the idea, and intrigued.

“James?”Frigga said as she smiled, walking into the room, looking happy at the sight of them so relaxed, so happy. “Thor mentioned that I could be some help to you.”The woman said looking worried for the man, wanting to help him now that sarah or odin didn’t require her attention, she was focusing on him. Knowing he wouldn’t be insulted by her choice to take care of sarah and odin first, weaker woman and her husband, she knew james simply wanted help. And now, she had a break to do so.
they smiled and Loki nodded. "i will head tot he Fire Lands right away to gather the herbs you desire." he promised her. "i don't think you could handle the blood at the moment." Loki admitted with a smile. "Blood is a cultural thing and you haven't the culture needed to be so accepting of blooding yourself and then swallowing it." he admitted. "its okay... i just..." Gabe swallowed thickly. "the staff... it made me... Hate. so much. i remembered things i didn't want to remember and it made me hate, and it made me angry, and it..." he shuddered violently. "it did things to me. inside." he admitted, rubbing his chest. "even knowing all the things i remembered wasn't real, doesn't get rid of the ache inside." he admitted. "don't worry. just because you have magic in your bones doesn't mean you can actually use it. take Thor for example. he can't even shadow walk." Loki admitted with a smile. "if you do have Magic in your Bones you'll heal faster, hit harder, and be much more difficult to entrap using magic, but that doesn't mean you can use it yourself." he admitted.

James looked up at her from where he'd been lounging with a good book, snuggling his boys as he read aloud from one of the 'history' stories that was more like a fairy tale. "Mrs. Frigga." Steve stated, startled by her sudden presence and standing. "please, come in, sit... would you like me to get you something to drink?" he offered, ever the gentleman. "i don't know." James admitted. "i'm having... problems. in my head." he explained to her, sitting in a chair himself so he could be a bit closer to her. "i forget things. big things. like who i am, who the people around me are. where i am. i attack people. i hurt my own daughter because i woke up and didn't know anything other than that i was scared." he admitted, looking upset. "i don't like it. i want it to stop. i'm dangerous like this." he admitted. "do you think you can help? i'm willing to do anything..." he paused. "almost anything."
“Good.Thank you.”Sarah smiled at him before wrinkling her nose, nodding a little. “probably for the best.”She smiled before focusing on gabe, swallowing hard as she gently stroked his hair, “You’re okay. You’re here, with me. And you love me. You’re okay.”She muttered stroking his hair, trying to sooth him before nudging him a little. “Wan to go take a nap with me?”She muttered. “,...That makes sense. And makes me feel a little less weird about it.”Skye said indeed looking relieved to know that it wouldn’t be totally weird now. Simply more.

Frigga winced,”Sorry. I did not mean to startle you.”She smiled sitting down, before nodding. “A glass of tea would be nice, Steve.”She smiled at the man looking bemused as she watched them, tony a twitching worried mess about james. Frownign a little as she lsitened, nodding quietly. “I spoke to the others, before coming here. To get their thoughts on your condition. I think I will be able to help you. But it will take time.”She said looking worried. “While I can make sure you can’t attack anyone like you did sarah, I can’t gurantee that I can fix you, or that it will fix anything. But I will be willing to try and fix this damage that....hydra...has done.”Frigga said smiling at him gently, “I will ask nothing except that you look after my sons, since they seem to delight in wandering away where I cannot protect them myself.”
Loki smiled and nodded. "i am okay." he promised her. "it was just... traumatic." he admitted as he nuzzled her. "i love you." he agreed with a smile. "i would like a nap." he agreed, taking her hand. "maybe some cuddles too." he admitted as he led the way back to the bedroom. "if you can use magic, it will only do what you say." Loki admitted. "Magic doesn't like to be..." he frowned, struggling. "Magic is lazy. it wants to be directed, if left alone it will do nothing." he explained with a smile.

James smiled at her. "i heard you coming." he admitted. "i was startled you'd know it." he assured her. "it would probably hurt." he admitted with a shrug before looking utterly hopeful. "you can make sure i can't hurt anyone?" he asked. "if that's the only thing we can make happen then i will accept it happily." he admitted before he pulled a face. "you want me to try and control a Thunder god, who tends to rush into anything he sees without fear or though, and a God of Chaos, who eggs his other brother on simply because he finds it amusing?" he asked, looking at her as if she was insane. "i'll do my best Mrs. Frigga but that's like asking me to catch a tsunami with a butterfly net." he admitted, smiling to show he was only joking. sort of.
“I know.Love you to.”She muttered smiling as she was nuzzled, gently stroking his hair, simply holding him, before holding his hand, smiling. “Cuddles is always good.”She muttered as she settled into the bed with a smile. “Well, that’s good to know. We’ll have to test it later. When things aren’t to busy.”Skye said, interested but willing to not poke at things until they were sure everything would be okay.

“I can. You mentioned a berserker earlier. What I have, is the counter for a beserker’s staff.”She said raising her hand out of her dress poked, the deceptively slender silver bracelets laying on her palms. “They are infused with magic, a sort of mental knockout drug. It wont sedate you, unless you are extremely agiated, mostly, they will paralyze you in place until you are truly in danger, or realize where you are. They will allow you to attack a enemy, but no longer a friend.”Frigga smiled a little before laughing. “I did not say try. Simply make sure they dont’ get themselves killed....I know it is a tall order, but try. My boys live to make me worry for them.”Frigga smiled a little, tilting her head. “I am sure your own daughter makes you feel the same. Like no matter how old, you will always worry for her.”
"...there's a counter to the berserker staff? will it help Gabe?" he asked, looking hopeful. "he was taken in by one of those things." Steve admitted. "he was talking to Clint about it." Steve explained, leaning forward with James to examine the bracelets. "wow." James muttered, amazed as he picked one up and slipped it on, examining it. "this is amazing. thank you. will it work even though one of my arms isn't flesh?" he asked, showing her his metal arm. "well, i'll do my best. if anything i'll just shoot them with an Icer. it's a potent drug that makes you sleep." he explained to her. "one of the formulas used knocks out even gods." he admitted. "never works for more than ten minutes, but that's plenty of time to get them under control and in special cuffs." he admitted before he smiled sadly. "how can i not worry about Sarah after all the pain she's suffered?" he asked. "most of that pain was my fault, how could i not worry?"
"Everything has a counter. For you cannot have one without the other. These bracelets are peace, to a beserker's rage."frigga said before looking thoughtf."if he held the staff and is still sane,he should be safe from it in the future. But i will see that he gets a pair of bracelets if you think it would make him feel safer."frigga smiled a litfle."it is not the arm it bonds to, it is your soul it goes to. The bracelets are just 5he physical manifestation of it."friggaexplained smiling, wanting to ease his mind."you cant.its a parents job to worry for their child. The fact she is hurt, doesnt help. But I promise she and the child are well."frigga reassured him tilting her head."also the bracelets have anotber function. Son of coul was telling me about the damage that they did when they messed with your mind. The bracelets should also heal. Because theyre designed to heal and offer peace after a beserker's rage, so it should also allow you to heal."
he blinked a little. "oh. no, he's not attacking people. he just aches." Steve admitted. "in his chest. the pain hurts him i think." Steve admitted as James nodded and wrapped the second bracelet around his other wrist, metal clicking against metal, making him smile. he didn't have to worry about hurting anyone ever again. he startled Steve by actually initiating a hug, with Frigga of all people. "thank you." it was very, very rare for James to actually initiate affection. other than sex anyway and even that was a bit rare. "i am less worried for the child." he admitted. "i know you would not let her out of your sight if the child was still in danger... it is her i worry about. she is so afraid for her child." he admitted with a sigh. "and the more she worries, the more the baby will be troubled." he admitted before blinking at her. "really?" he asked, examining the bracelets. "we should get a pair for Gabe then. it might help." he admitted, stroking the Bracelet before bursting into tears because for the first time in years, he had hope that he could be whole. had hope that everything would really be alright.
"I shall speak to him. Maybap there is something I can do."frigga smiled a little because she hadnt realized the loss of the staff would hurt,but it made sense. She'd talk to hom. Startling a little as she was hugged her eyes widened a little,realizing this was a rarity,hugging him back just as gently."you are welcome." Tony smiled watching them tilting his ead."if you keep hugging her jamie,thor's going to worry about you hitting on his mom."tony teased lightlynwanting to lighten the mood because they were all so very worried and upset. "...whyever would he hit me?"frigga said frowning just making tony laugh."nevermind."the billionaire smiled before looking at james worried about sarah. "Ah. I see your concern...I shall ask loki to speak to her. He is good at listening, and was always able to ease sigyn's fears."frigga sighed before nodding."i shall see that gabriel,and sarah...and any of the warriors with you who'd benefit from them, have bracelets."frigga said knowing it would take time to make them,but her sons companions needed protected,so she would do so. Looking startled as he started to cry she glanced at tony and steve worriedly as tony hugged him gently."shush,its okay. You're okay..."tony muttered rubbing his back.
he nodded. "i hope so. the trauma has left him shaken. and Hydra did a hell of a number on him too." James admitted. "he doesn't show it as much as i do, but the things they did to his mind have certainly left their mark." he admitted before smiling as he hugged her. "oh piss off Stark, she's a lovely woman." James admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "hitting on, is an American midgardian phrase that indicates someone is attempting to flirt with, and thus seduce someone." Steve explained. "Tony's just being a dick because heavy emotional environments make him uncomfortable." he admitted, smacking his lips against Toy's playfully. "thank you. i think she would be comforted by that. nothing i or Gabe says seams to make a difference. maybe someone who actually knows what they're doing might help." he admitted with a smile. "i think Bruce might benefit from them. he has this... uh, creature? inside him. when he gets too angry, or his heart pace goes up too high he turns into this raging monster that can't tell friend from foe." he admitted. "will the bracelets grow if the person does?" Steve asked hopefully before startling as James started to Cry, cuddling him as well. "it's okay." Steve assured Frigga while Tony comforted James. "he gets like this sometimes. he's just releasing. too much worry and stress." he assured her as he stroked James hair, not entirely sure he believed that himself. James still had a lot to overcome, but they would be okay, he was sure of it.
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