Hidden (lady/moon)

Loki chuckled. "Steve and James are just all around sluts." he agreed, knowing better than to indicate Tony might be. James kicked his ass the last time he alluded to it. "this is true." Thor agreed, smiling at Clint. "and while i doubt you could defeat him alone, together you would certainly be no match for an old god." he admitted. honestly, Thor didn't think there was anything that could stand up against the Avengers. they took down an entire Army on their own after all. "no. he is a Bigot, but there was more at work here than hate." Thor muttered before smiling weakly at Clint. "come then, we will watch how the good James fairs against my father." Thor agreed, not about to get in the super soldiers way this time. Gabe chuckled and gently picked Sarah up and carried her after the others, knowing she'd be pissed if she missed this.

up in the crowded Throne room, most of the adult populace of Asgard was gathered to hear the King speak of why he had done what he had done when the doors slammed open, kicked open by the mortal with the shining arm. "HOW DARE YOU CALL MY DAUGHTER A WHORE YOU ONE EYED BIGOTED SON OF A BITCH!" James raged. "GET DOWN HERE SO I CAN KICK YOUR ASS! YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR UP TO YOU BASTARD!?" all of the realm heard this tiny human insulting their King, and did nothing. word had spread that the woman in Frigga's care had nearly lost her child within the womb and too many of them where feeling sympathetic to her to get involved now. Odin stood, his eyes narrowed at the interloper. but James wasn't done, with the hall deadly silent now, he no longer screamed. he simply spoke calmly. "you kidnapped Loki from his rightful home. stole him, from his lands and made him look like an asgardian for his entire life. you mocked him, picked on him, tortured and abused him. you spread tales of how the Frost giants where evil and wicked so that those who knew the truth would also torture and abuse him. more so, so that he would hate himself." Loki was leaning against the doors, watching while the others caught up.

"you then told Hydra where to find Loki's wife and twin sons. you knew they would kill them. tell me, how does it feel to know that you are directly responsible for the deaths of two boy child's and an unborn?!" James demanded, a ripple flowing through the crowd. horrified by what they where hearing. "why did you do it? i know exactly why, you have proved it here today. you WANTED there to be WAR! you sent Loki after the human race, knowing that you would have to get involved when they, when WE killed Loki! but that didn't happen, did it Odin!? we where stronger than you anticipated!" Odin just sneered and Loki spoke. "i claim the right of satisfaction, from Odin, Son of Borr for the deaths of my family and for the abuse and pain, both physical and emotional that i have suffered at your hand." when Magic swirled tightly around Odin, they all knew Magic knew the truth. and that the truth was as the human spoke. "i claim James Barnes as my champion." Loki intoned, smirking as James stepped foreword into a swirling dome of color that suddenly popped up. the fighting arena. "Brother! you can't do that! Father will kill him!" "there is no killing allowed Thor, you know that. if i nominated you, you wouldn't be allowed to fight for the Throne later."
“Hm, they are. Much to my enjoyment.”Tony grinned laughing a little, not bristling over the words, because steve and james really didn’t mind the namecalling, so it wasn’t bothering him either. “We defeated your brother, even if he is a ‘puny god’, and the chitauri. I am sure we can deal with a one eyed bigot.”Clint snickered a little, “Let’s.”he said smiling as they all followed, eyes wide as they witness the royal dressing down. This was going to be amazing.

Sarah blushed a little at witnessing just how utterly her father loved her, witnessed her father’s rage over her treatment, and everything else. Resting her head on gabe’s shoulder, she smiled a little as she watched. Looking around the room as she realized that no one, no one, was going to stop james from doing this.

Odin watched simply, silently, as the man in front of him accused him, “You have no place here mortal. Begone.”Odin said staring at the super soldier, refusing to speak of his claims, simply dismissing him. Eyes widening at Loki’s words, he realized that there was going to be no backing out, that this was going to happen, sneering as he shook his head. “I will deal with you later, my son. That you would dare think that this, human, would be a match for me, is insulting.”Odin sneered turning to face the super soldier as the robes he wore transformed into battle armour. “This way, Odin gets what he deserves, and you can still claim the throne.”Sarah said smiling slightly as she looked up at the thunderer. “Can we sit?”The pregnant woman asked, still feeling weak and exhausted, just wanting to watch this disaster happen.
Loki chuckled as Steve shrugged. "i make it no secrete that i'm a slutty whore desperate for Tony's cock." he admitted. "besides, Loki wasn't trying that hard. he severely underestimated your people." he admitted with a grin. "he won't do so again." he admitted as he led the way to Loki and James.

"I am not your son." Loki stated firmly. "you have said this yourself Odin." Loki stated firmly. "you raised me to be a Martyr, i will not be your pawn. besides, he has more right to be here than you do." Loki stated simply, as if bored, examining his fingernails. Thor, and the others would recognize it as his 'i'm emotionally distraught and hiding it' mask. "Father." Thor spoke up. "that 'human' just threw me through a wall." Thor warned, looking amused before gently leading her to a seat, the woman sitting in it moving out of the way as soon as she realized Sarah was pregnant and sick. James gripped the Shield tighter and flexed his metal arm, his eyes narrowed upon Odin. "i will make you suffer." he warned. "i cannot kill you, apparently. so i will leave that job to Thor when he takes your Throne away from you. pig."
“Can we just get this chess game over with, pawn? I have movies to introduce you to, padawan.”Tony smirked at loki, easily slipping into his ‘I’m a asshole, and going to enjoy watching this blow up’ mask, snickering slightly as he watched odin pale a little at the idea of thor getting thrown through a wall. “Thank you.”Sarah muttered to the woman, smiling slightly as she sat down, tugging gabe to sit down on the floor in front of her, gently stroking his hair as they watched the battle unfolding. “I will not lose, James.”odin scowled at him even as he made a move towards the other, planning on ending this battle quickly, and then dealing with the others.
"...padawan?" Loki asked, looking confused. "in any case, talk to James about ending it quickly, i don't care." Loki admitted, picking at a hangnail even as he watched intently on the battle that was coming. James made no retort, he simply settled into his Winter Soldier personality, his eyes gleaming with sadism and fury. he moved fast, faster than old Odin could, blocking the blow with Steve's shield and whipping around and slamming, with every ounce of strength he had, his metal hand into the side of Odin's face, breaking teeth and cracking bones. while Odin was floored by that James moved onto a crouch and slammed the heal of his boot into Odin's nose, another Crack sounding through the air as James shattered the bastards nose. James paused a moment to let Odin get his bearings. he wanted to prove just how pathetic the bastard was. he was going to play with the old doddy. "well? are you not going to fight back, Odin King?" Loki scoffed. "he is only a human, yet you let him strike you so." Thor couldn't help it, he snickered.
“Hm, yes. Star wars is going to be our first movie to watch.”tony grinned that grin that said he was enjoying screwing around with loki, just because he could, amused as the fight started. Smirking slightly as odin tried to fight back, but was losing in face of the stronger, better warrior. Odin glared at Loki even as he striked out at james only to have the man melt away from the hit. Panting with both exhaustion and pain as the man hit him, glaring as he realized that he was indeed beaten, that this was going to cost him more then a simple fight, but a utter loss of his throne.
James smirked a little as he watched Odin. too old, too weak, far too egotistical to win. he laid a beat down on the old man, shattering bones, breaking the old mans will and leaving him in a bloody pile on the floor as Thor strode forward, ending the fight. "I Claim the Throne of Asgard!" Thor declared. "Is there any who would dispute my claims?!" he demanded. "i will fight you with all my force!" Thor looked around, waiting for any sign of dissent, ignoring his bloody and bleeding Father before turning and settling himself onto the Throne, smirking as a crown materialized on his head. Magic had found him worthy of the Throne, no one could contest him now. "well done James. no one will underestimate the power humans can wield now." Loki admitted, still watching the man he had once called Father. "Mother. go to him." Loki offered, letting Frigga rush to her husband and tend to his wounds. as horrible as Odin was, he had always loved and adored Frigga. the bond between them was strong and Loki would not deny her. not when he knew how much it truly hurt to lose one you loved.
Sarah smiled as she watched thor claim the throne, smiling even wider as he was crowned. Good. He would be good as king. “Thank you.”Frigga muttered quietly as the woman crossed the room and got odin moving and up off the floor, taking care of the man she had loved, even if she hated everything he had done.

“Father, are you okay?”Sarah said standing slowly, even if she was healed, she was worried about hurting herself, smiling slightly as she moved over to him, gently looking him over as steve and tony let her fuss over him. “He’s fine. He’s amazing. He’s definitely getting laid.”Tony smirked eyes blown at the utter amazement of watching james fight.
as his first duty as King, Thor declared the Avengers and Affiliates friends of the nation. which would allow them to come and go as they pleased. Loki was exonerated and Hela was recalled from Exile to do as she wanted. Loki knew she'd probably stay in the realms of the dead. Loki watched Frigga and Odin, awaiting Thor's punishment. Thor declared that Odin would never again have any position of power, and would spend the next five centuries locked in his own rooms, like a naughty child getting grounded. his only contact would be Frigga, and only when she desired. Loki found it suitable and fitting.

"i'm fine." James promised her with a smirk. "matter of fact, that was fun." he admitted as he gave Steve his Shield back. "thanks for the loan." "sure. sure. more like stealing but whatever makes you feel better at night." Steve teased before snickering at Tony. "he is getting laid. he certainly deserves it." Steve admitted as he pulled James in for a Kiss, the soldier humming happily as he turned and kissed Tony once Steve was done with him.
“Only you would find beating up someone, fun.”Sarah rolled her eyes teasing her father before stepping away, snickering. “It probably does make him feel better. I mean, stealing from Captain America is just wrong.” “Though he did steal his virginity.” “That wasn’t stolen. That was offered up on a silver platter for the taking.” Sarah rolled her eyes as clint and tony’s snickering commentary, before nodding.”He does deserve it.”Tony moaned softly as he kissed james back, looking up at him with amused and blown eyes.

Sarah smiled as she leaned against gabe, pressing a kiss to the other’s cheek, “We should explore while we’re here.”She muttered wrapping a arm around his waist.
James shrugged. "it's who i am." he admitted with a smile. "it wasn't stealing! i knew he'd say yes!" James protested, sulking a little at them. "honestly, as if i was ever a virgin." Steve scoffed. "me and Bucky where fucking when we where fourteen." he admitted, making James scowl before he remembered that he was Bucky. "and if we're being honest here, neither of us had a clue what we where doing and it kind of hurt." "hurt a lot." James admitted before smirking at Tony. "we know better now don't we?" he asked, grinning at his lover as he kissed him deeply. "bed. now." James ordered, voice an eager growl. "we wanted me to teach you how to make Steve submit, didn't we?" he asked with a grin. "we should start that."

Gabe smiled as he snuggled her. "we should. but you need to rest first. Frigga's orders." he admitted. "you're still a bit weak after the trauma." he admitted. "we'll go take a nap and then steal Fitz's floating chair while he's taking his own nap." he offered. Fitz was over in a corner with Simmons at the moment, chattering eagerly at one of the younger sorcerers about the Science of Magic. that was a scary thought. Fitz able to use magic.
"Hm, you're so adorable when you sulk."Tony snickered a little before smirking at steve. "Hm, it's amazing anyone could ever think of you as a virgin straightlaced prude. I sorta wanna tell the rest of the world, really. If only they wouldn't think I was at fault for debauching you."Tony smirked a little before smiling. "You do know better. now it only hurts if we want it to."he said squirming a little, before nodding eagerly. "Oh yes, I did."Tony grinned ignoring the amused looks tehy were getting as he headed for their rooms.

"Good idea. no need to fall asleep while exploring."She smiled a little as she let him carry her back to their room, before smirking. "Scary thought that, fitz learning magic."She giggled a little as she settled down into his arms to nap, yawning. and when she got up, she looked amused that the chair was already in the room waiting, brought courtesy of a amused simmons who had just put fitz down for his own nap. "You're getting other people in on your plotting. I feel like I should do something about it."Sarah teased leaning over to kiss gabe lightly as he woke.
Steve sniggered and shook his head. "we shouldn't ruin all those girlish hopes and dreams over two thirds of the human population has o being the one to take my virginity." he warned with a grin. "we might start riots otherwise." he admitted before shivering at the idea of a bit of pain play. mmmm wonderful. "well come on then, if your so determined to gang up on me." Steve grumbled, not that he could hide how turned on he was by the idea.

"exactly." he agreed with a smile. besides, he wanted Loki's opinion on the best location to propose. "i know! it's going to be horrible. he's been pranking everyone!" he grumbled before smirking. "oh. and i asked Jarvis, by the way, how Loki lost his eyebrows. he barely had to do anything. he just handed Loki a bottle of Nair and said it was 'eyebrow moisturizer'." he sniggered as he laid her down on the bed for her nap. "well. i want to make things perfect after all." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head as he kissed her back, smiling as he gently settled her into the chair. Fitz would be out for the rest of the night, still easily tired. and it had been an exciting day. "how are you feeling?"
“...Not just girlish dreams. I’m sure there’s a few guys who want to deflower you.”Tony snickered, “I see how it is. I don’t get riots for being off the market, James doesn’t ger riots, but Cap does. I don’t feel special.”Tony sulked but looked amused smirking as steve shuddered. “Hm, you like us ganging up on you.Gets you off.”Tony teased before walking into the bedroom, reaching up and wrapping his hand in the other’s collar, urging the blond to kneel.

“...That’s awesome. Tony’s just going to sulk cause he didn’t think of that first.”she giggled a little. Yawning as she woke she smiled as he settled into the chair, smiling slightly as she looked at the controls, glad it was indeed so easy to move. “I feel fine,...”she bit her lip. “Scared of doing anything...what if...what if I mess up again, and mess up the baby, gabe?”She muttered looking up at him.
Steve smirked a little. "oh. i know. that's why i said a third of the human population." he teased with a shake of his head. "have to account for all the gay women and men running around too you know." he admitted. "besides, you've been 'off the market' for a while Tony, people have gotten used to the idea by now." he admitted with a chuckle. "besides, no one knows who James is yet." he admitted, shuddering as he was made to kneel, pupils blown wide just by that action. "it does get me off." he muttered, shivering. "tease him, he likes that." James instructed with a grin from where he was lounging on the bed. "touch his lips but don't let him taste you. stroke his neck, tug the collar, make his breath go short." Steve whined, realizing that James hadn't been joking. he was really going to teach Tony how to get Steve into subspace.

he snickered. "i know." he admitted with a grin before smiling at her. "Fitz just leans." he admitted to her. "on bad days, he can't make his hands work properly so he leans forward or to the side to make it go." he admitted. "like those two wheeled scooter things people work on the sides of the streets." he admitted. "Sarah. you didn't do anything to put the baby in danger." he promised her. "Bruce... he said that because of the Serum you where going to have a challenging pregnancy anyway. but with all the massive amounts of stress your body couldn't handle it." he admitted. "it's nothing to do with you and everything to do with the fact that you and i where test dummies, making our bodies weaker than they should be." he admitted. "our genetics are weak, but our baby will be fine, Frigga promised me that. we can go out just fine." he promised. "we just have to keep your stress levels down for a few weeks. that's why we're here. for a vacation."
“Hm, don’t burst my bubble that people are mourning the fact.”Tony pouted a little smiling slightly as he looked at the other, fingertips gently stroking over the tendons in steve’s neck, smirking as he watched the blond. “You hear that cap?He’s going to teach me so well.”He purred a little as he tightened his grip on the collar, tightening it for a moment before moving around to face him, smirking a little as his fingertips stroked over the other’s lips. “You are so pretty like this.”He muttered.

“Ah, okay this is good. Easy to work then.”Sarah smiled a little pleased to know how to work it before swallowing hard as she stared down at the floor, swallowing thickly. “...but.. But the serum makes me better in everything else. Shouldn’t it have helped here to?”She said eyes wide and pained, so scared it really was her that had messed up. “...promise?”She swallowed thickly looking up at him, needing to know, to know that they would be okay.
Steve chuckled a little. "only the pretty ones." he teased. "besides, if you and James want to gang up on poor woman i won't argue." he admitted with a chuckle. "sleep with another man though and you'll regret it." he warned with a grin. he whined though at the promise of Tony learning and shuddered at the fingers touching his neck, breath hitching as the collar tightened, making him feel it, but not effecting his breathing. a tease, a taunt, a promise. he whimpered again at the fingers on his lips, opening his mouth, inviting them in but not trying to suck or lick. that wasn't allowed. "please. Tony." Steve groaned. "tie him up." James warned. "tease him too much and he'll try to take control. gotta make sure he's helpless before he gets to that point or you'll end up being the one getting teased." he warned with a grin.

"no. because you where born with it, your genetics are actually weaker. the Serum boosts your immune and healing system, but passes onto your child broken DNA for lack of a better word." he admitted. "just as your DNA is broken. and mine too. our DNA can still fit together, but it's fractures sort of." he admitted as he smiled at her. "i promise. we'll be fine." he promised, kissing her knuckles. "now. shall we go explore? Loki gave me a map!" he admitted. "and promised us he'd have a picnic set up at one of these places." he admitted, examining the drawing he had.
“Hm, don’t want another man besides you and James.”He muttered smirking as steve shuddered, enjoying having this much control, laughing quietly as the man opened his mouth.”Hm, you’d like that wouldn’t you?Sucking on my fingers like you want my cock.”he smirked a little before nodding. “Very true. Can’t go letting him have to much control.”He purred a little moving away, frownign slightly before jerking his belt out of his belt loops, tying the others hands together, leaning down to press a kiss to his neck, biting down gently. “Hm, you can’t go taking control here, Cap.”

“...So while I get all the benefits of being serum’d, and actually show signs of holding steadier then james or steve’s, it’s still weaker genetically. Huh.”Sarah looked thoughtful, swallowing hard, before nodding as she held onto his his hand. “Okay. We’ll be fine.”She smiled happily before grinning. “Let’s go then. I want to see what loki considers appropriate picnic food.”she snickered as she made the chair go, happy just to be with him,
"Yesssss." Steve breathed, leaning in to Tony's fingers, not trying to suck them or lick them but certainly trying to trick Tony into slipping them inside. "noo... Tony." he whined, shuddering as he mewled into the kiss and then the bite, arching into it. "Tony... please.. God..." "tease him all you like, now that his hands are bound he won't break them even though we all know he could snap that belt. he's been well trained, haven't you Steve?" he asked with a smirk, making Steve shudder and nod. "yes. i'm a good boy. please fuck me." he moaned, spreading his legs and leaning forward so his pants, traditional asgardian leather than Thor let him borrow, making the leather accent his tight ass. which tended to heal after every fucking, making him virgin tight every time they slipped inside of him.

he nodded. "it makes you strong. it makes your genetics weak." he admitted. "we will be fine." he promised her with a smile. an hour into the tour they had seen two pure white unicorns, a shrieking bird that looked like a peacock, only much more graceful in the air and with longer tail feathers. a forest full of purple trees that had leaking fruit and a lizard with dragonfly wings. there was no grass but there where a few scraggly bushes and massive cliffs and tons of moss that was used to make the 'grog' that Steve and James liked so much. then they stepped into the place where Loki had set up the Picnic, it was a massive cliff wall shrouded by purple trunked trees with a bright waterfall slipping down, making a nice romantic setting. "wow. Loki really knows how to impress." he admitted with a grin as he looked at the Picnic basket. every bit of food was labeled with a name, what was in it, and which realm it came from. most of it was fruits, the rest of it was desserts. rich chocolate like melt in you mouth figures of animals, decadent puddings that made your mouth tingle, and red fruit that tasted like mint amidst dozens of others. Thor was opening in a trading rout with the other nine realms so that they could all enjoy what the other realms had to offer. he'd gotten the idea from when he went to a farmers market.
“Bad boy, trying to make me slip up.”Tony muttered before laughing as steve whined, smirking as he arched biting down hard enough to leave a imprint of his teeth before smirking as he looked up at james, “He is very well trained. Very.”He muttered as he knelt at the man’s back, leaning against the man’s back, knowing steve would be able to hold him up, smirking a little as he rocked his hips into him, teasing him as he palmed a hand over the other’s leather clad ass before moving back.”Get on the bed.”he ordered smirking.

By the time they got to the picnic area sarah’s eyes were wide with delight and happiness, the problems of the last months and pregnancy forgotten for a moment as she looked it over. Smiling slightly. “Hm, well he is a drama queen. Of course he can show off.”Sarah snickered a little as she stood carefully, moving to sit on the utterly decadent plush blanket loki had provided for them, relaxing into it as she looked through the foods, smiling happily. “This is amazing. So many foods.”she said as she nibbled and tasted, looking happy and content
Steve whined again, sulking as he realized Tony had caught on. James usually didn't. or if he did, he never commented on it. "Fuck!" Steve gasped at the harder bite, trembling as he struggled not to cum from the very fact that Tony was dominating him. "Tony. please... Tony." he whimpered, panting as he felt Tony leaning against him, pressing on his bound arms, making him remember just how helpless he was. he moaned at the touching, annoyed that he couldn't touch back but not protesting because he had a feeling that Tony was a touch more cruel than James was. no matter that James liked to tease him for hours. he staggered to his feet and slipped onto the bed as ordered, waiting for more orders, glancing at Tony.

he smiled a little as he nodded. "a good point. if it wasn't for the fact that he'd been married to Sigyn, i'd swear he was gayer than Steve." he admitted with a snigger as he helped her down onto the blanket, looking around. "it really is amazing." he admitted with a smile. "i know. it would be amazing if we could have something like this back on earth. we couldn't be trusted with something like that though. i think Thor is going to open up a permanent portal for us at the Tower though. he can do that now he's king. we could come up and get some of this... Fouflai, anytime we want!" he admitted as he dipped his spoon into what looked like sea foam, but tasted like spring water and green tea. kind of. "...you know..." he muttered, pulling something out of his pocket. "i've been meaning to do this for a while, but it never seamed like the right time." he admitted with smile as he slid the box over to her. "because you've touched my life in so many ways, made me better than i am... would you marry me?" he asked when she opened the Box and saw the Ring inside.
Tony grinned, laughing quietly at steve’s whine. While he was definitely more submissive then either of his men, when he gave himself over to topping, on focusing on dominating him, the man could be cruel, dancing on that razor sharp edge of being just enough and to much. “Beg so prettily.”He muttered smirking as steve got on the bed, smirking as he slowly got the other man undressed....ripping the shirt off as he smirked. “Beg for what you want next.”He ordered fingers absently ghosting over the other’s ass as he pushed him around to get him to where he wanted him, pulling him up to his knees, face pressed into the pillows since he didn’t have his arms free to brace himself.

“Hm, true. Maybe I’ll ask him if he is gay. Might have to set him up with someone.”She snickered smiling as he helped her onto the blanket, getting comfortable before nodding. “Well, if he opens the portal, we could come here for privacy whenever we want.”She smiled laughing at his delight of being able to get the food whenever he wanted it. Eyes widening as he slid the box over to her, looking startled and amazed as he asked. Swallowing thickly she nodded, smiling a little. “Yes. Of course. Always.However you want me, I’ll be there.”She muttered before tilting her head as she saw the ring, a slight bemused look on her face. “A fingerprint?”
Steve panted, whimpering again as he was told he was begging so pretty. he couldn't bring himself to protest it the way he normally did. he moaned as he felt the shirt being torn off, panting hard. "please... please. Tony. Tony. fuck me. please fuck me. i need it. i need your cock. i need it inside me. fucking me. please. god PLEASE..." he moaned, begging for what he wanted, voice a little muffled from being pressed into the blankets. ?Steve knew better than to think Tony was going to fuck him just yet though. he wasn't sure why Tony thought he needed lessons, he was doing pretty fucking good now on his own.

he chuckled. "Jotun mate for life. he'll never have another lover again. not unless reincarnation is real." he admitted as he smiled at her. "exactly. plus we'll be able to go and get Thor if emergencies come up on midgard." he admitted with a laugh before he smiled at her, eyes a bit wet as he kissed her. "yea. so you'd always remember how much you've touched my life." he admitted. "i know you don't care much for gemstones, and the other rings where all big and bulky and bad for punching in and stuff..." he admitted sheepishly. "is it okay? i could get you another one?"
Tony smirked watching him, fingers stroking over his skin, just teasing him, “hmm.”Tony swallowed taking a step back, needing a moment get control of himself, before looking up at james. “Any advice?”He muttered moving closer, gently playing with steve’s hair, just needing to touch him. needing to know that he was still there, that no matter how bad tony messed up, or things go odd, that steve was still with him.

“A very good thing for the world, if it requires the avengers, we can get thor.”Sarah smiled before smiling as she kissed him back, blushing as she realized he was tearing up, tears filling her own eyes. Damned hormones, crying at the drop of a hat. “...You’re...trusting me with...your fingerprint...”She stared at him, flushing hard as she realzied that he loved her so much, that he trusted her to not use it against him in some nefarious scheme. Blushing a little.”You’ve touched my life just as much.”She smiled softly, before nodding quickly, “It’s fine. It’s perfect, and no!you don’t get to take it bakc. It’s mine.”She growled possessively as she slid it on.
Steve moaned as he felt the fingers on his skin, squirming. "strap a cock ring on him and then fuck him silly." James suggested, smirking. "he's already more than enough Subby." he admitted, tugging on Steve's hair. "i told you that he'd fight less if it was you." James admitted with a smirk. "you could always put a vibrating dildo inside of him and then let me have my turn with you." he teased with a grin. "he hates that, but he way totally gets off on it too." he admitted with a snigger.

he nodded. "precisely." he agreed. "i'm more excited about the food anytime we want it though." he admitted with a chuckle. "how do you calculate American dollars with... whatever Asgardians use anyway?" he asked with a grin. "well.. yes... how did you know it was actually mine?" he asked, looking startled before he bit his lip and looked away before he laughed in her face. she was soo moody! crying one second and then possessive the next. it amused him to no end. "okay. i'm glad you like it."
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