Hidden (lady/moon)

“Hm, I like that.”Tony smirked as he watched Steve for a moment, a cruel little twist to his lips as he slid off the bed to retrieve what he wanted, smirking as he returned, smacking steve’s hip a little to get him to move enough so he could slide the cock ring on before showing him what else he had.”I think I’m going to make sure I’m well satisfied first. Cause you know, I’m always having to watch you two. Its your turn now.”he smirked as he stretched steve slowly, before sliding the vibrating dildo in, grinning as he turned it on to its lowest setting, smirking as he leaned over to kiss james slowly. “he is so subby right now. Not even protesting.”

“Hm, me to. Food is good.”The pregnant woman smiled happily at the idea, before grinning. “I don’t think we’ll have to. Thor’ll take care of it.”She pointed out before shrugging. “Well, if I touched your life, I figured you’d want to have a claim on touching mine....I mean...”She stuttered looking away, not about to admit she was creepy enough to have actually memorized what his fingerprints looked like, and her own, simply in case something happened and the police got their prints...and it wasn’t that creepy...she did it to the whole team...okay, she knew it was creepy. “What’s wrong?”She frowned at him as he turned away, slipping on the ring with a frown.
Steve whimpered as he realized Tony was going to follow James advice, shuddering while he spread his legs like the obedient little slut he was, uttering short, high pitched sounds as the cock ring was strapped into place and the dildo offered for viewing. "n...nnnn." he tried to protest but he couldn't get the other sound out. "well. whatever you want." James promised with a smirk as he watched Tony with eager eyes. Steve moaned, rocking his hips as the Dildo was slipped in, gasping at the cool feel if lube and metal. "hah... Tony... please." he whimpered, managing to get his voice back. not that it would help him. "mmm he is, just wait till he really drops. there's nothing sexier."

"Food is good." he agreed. "especially if i can have more of this." he admitted, eating more foam with a grin. "can you imagine the calorie count on this? it's got to be like... five." he admitted with a snicker before smiling at her. "your adorable." he admitted, kissing her cheek. "it's kind of sweet, in a stalker-ish kind of way." he admitted with a kiss of her knuckles. "nothing." he promised. "just the hiccups." he promised her. "green tea foam stuff?" he offered her, looking entirely too innocent.
Tony grinned watching steve drop down, smirking as he watched james, blushing slightly as he realized that the other man was watching him just watching him as eagerly as steve was. “Fuck me, Barnes. Now.”he growled kissing him hard, sliding closer, fingers sliding over metal, feeling his arm around his arm. Shuddering a little.

“Hm, you’ll get fat if you just eat it all.”She teased flushing a little as she looked at him, making a face at him. “I am not adorable. And it’s not sweet!I was just being careful. Just in case our prints showed up somewhere. It’s normal!Totally.”Sarah huffed making a face at him, before nodding smiling slightly, tilting her head as she took a bite of his green tea foam, raising a eyebrow.”it’s bad to lie to your bride to be you know.”She pointed out.
James smirked as he nodded. "Sir yes Sir." he growled, devouring Tony's mouth as his metal hand wrapped around Tony's wrist, tugging him into the bed and using his flesh arm to give Tony a few gropes on the ass. he took no time at all in stripping his lover, Steve whining, annoyed at being ignored, though it didn't seam to be upsetting him much. "you want me to finger you Tony? you want my metal fingers up your ass?"

he smirked. "can't get fat." he admitted. "i don't have much of the Serum but i do have the metabolism." he admitted as he kissed her again. "you are adorable." he admitted with a grin. "and while it might be normal for people like us, it's not all normal." he admitted with a smile as he kissed her again. "but how boring our life would be." he admitted with a smile. "it is not, not when the bride to be might castrate me for answering honestly." he admitted.
Tony moaned, shivering as the other’s hand closed on his wrist, shuddering as he laid back on the bed, whimpering as he was groped, squirming. Slanting a glance at steve, eyes blown so wide there was just the thinnest ring of brown whimpering as james teased him, squirming as he looked up at him.”Please, oh please. Slid into me...please.”he whimpered at the idea of the metal in him, panting hard as he looked up at him.

“True.”She snickered a little amused as she kissed him back, blushing a little as she made a face at him, “Shut up. It’s not weird, okay. I know alot of stuff.”She muttered not about to admit to just how much she knew about all of them, and him and herself and really, it was fairly stalkerish, but also fairly cute to. “....I can’t casterate you. I like having sex to much.”She said staring at him.
he smirked as Steve whined, watching the man wiggle, desperate to touch them but just as desperate to watch. "you do? well. it would be rude of me then to deny you." James admitted as he soaked his metal digits in lube and slide the first one, ever so slowly into the man. teasing him with fake fingers, a smirk on his lips as he worked one, then two and finally three fingers inside of Tony. "you like that, huh? taking your own tech up the ass. i should just fuck you like this, not even use my cock, just milk your orgasms out again and again with nothing but the metal fingers in your ass." funnily enough, Steve was moaning more than Tony was.

he smiled a little at her. "you are weird. but that's okay." he admitted with a grin. "because i'm pretty damn weird too." he admitted as he grinned. "you can castrate me." he admitted. "from what i understand it's just the removal of the testis isn't it?" he asked. "i won't be able to cum, but i'll still be able to get it up. i think. we'll ask Bruce." he decided, trying to derail her.
Tony shuddered swallowing hard, whimpering eyes wide,”It would be very rude.”He whined gasping as the other worked his fingers in, hips rocking back into james’ hand, a hand resting on steve’s thigh, spastically gripping his leg, squirming, desperate for something to ground him as he moaned.”Can’t...gotta fuck steve. Let me-let me fuck him!”He whined, and it was obvious his switch had been flipped from dom to sub.

“You are pretty weird. We’ll be weird together....our kid’s never going to have any chance to be normal.”She giggled a little before tilting her head, before shaking her head.”We could.but I might want kids again, and I dislike hurting you.”She muttered leaning in to kiss him again, for the moment derailed.
James smirked a little as he watched the other. "yeah? you wanna fuck Steve?" he asked, slipping his fingers out of the other, looking amused. "you think you can in this state? maybe i better fuck you senseless and then pick up where you left off on him eh?" he asked, wondering if that would annoy Tony back into dominance or not. some people could flip that way and some people couldn't. he was curious to see if Tony could.

he chuckled a little and set a hand on her belly. "our kid will be weird, but he, or she, will be loved." he promised her. "they won't ever feel as if they have to work for affection. and we sure as hell aren't going to raise them to be a killer." he promised her, kissing her belly. "i agree though. our little one should have a sibling or five." he agreed with a grin as he smiled at her and kissed her again. "i love you."
“Yea, I do.”Tony growled, whimpering a little at the loss of his fingers, before blinking up at the other, frowning as he sat up on his elbows. “I think you better just lay back and enjoy the show, Barnes, or I might put a cock ring on you just to be mean.”Tony growled shoving at the other’s shoulders, and indeed it seemed that tony could switch back and forth with a flip of a switch, depending on who he was focusing on. He found it easier to dominate steve, while it was easier to be submissive for james. “It was my game with him, I wanna finish.”Tony growled squirming over to steve, pulling his head around for a kiss. “You want me to finish you off, sweetheart?”

Sarah blushed softly, twitching a little as he touched her stomach. To nervous, to aware of how close they’d come to losing the child, to be completely relaxed with the touch. “No, they will never doubt that they’re loved. And no, we wont.We’ll raise them well, and good.”Sarah smiled softly, shuddering as he kissed her stomach, swallowing hard but not shoving him away as she gently ran her fingers through his hair.”Love you to.”She smiled, smirking a little.”So. Should we go interrupt whatever amazing sex my parents are having, to tell them we’re getting married?”She said snickering.
James smirked at the other. "i wouldn't mind." he admitted. "will you tie me up too? i'd like that as well." he smirked. "of course, i'm a mouthy bastard just like you, so a gag might be in order." he admitted with a snigger, letting Tony do what he wanted. "then finish. and take your time." he offered with a smirk. like Tony, he could switch depending on who he was focused on. on Steve, he tended to be submissive, on Tony, dominant. Steve couldn't do a flip flop. he was either Dom, or sub. switching did bad things to his sub space. "No. Tony. please. fuck me. Tony please fuck me." he whimpered, thrusting his hips. "please. please. i want you inside. i want to feel you inside me... please. please."

he smiled a little and looked up at her. "when do you think we'll be able to tell the gender? i feel weird calling our child 'it' and 'them'. so impersonal." he admitted with a frown before he brightened. "oh! i know! we'll call him, or her, Little One for now." he decided, beaming at her. "our Little One." he paused, hesitated and then. "if it's a boy... could we name it after your papa?" he asked with a smile. "James Junior would make a great name right?" he asked with a smile before he snorted. "i think Tony would kill us. i heart tell that they where working on Tony being dominant on Steve." he admitted. "Tony's been looking foreward to this for about a month now." he admitted with a grin. "we'll tell them tonight at Dinner."
“Hm, I can do whatever you want.”Tony smirked looking amused as he rolled his eyes. “You know, for a man who’s letting me gag him, you’re being awfully mouthy still.”Tony teased even as he fitted the gag into place, smirking as he slid a hand over steve’s back, gently petting him before easing the vibrator out, tugging off the cock ring. Smiling slightly as he settled onto of the other, he moaned as he slid into him, rolling his hips slowly, easily, “You can come when you want to sweetheart,”Tony muttered nuzzling his face against the other’s neck as he took his time fucking the other.

“Should be soon. We could ask frigga.”She said thoughtfully, grinning at his words. “We’ll call them little one then.”She said smiling a little before laughing, laying back itno the plush blankets as she looked around them, before looking at him again.”I think we’ll never hear the end of it if it’s not James Anthony-Steven or some version of that.”She pointed out snickering a little before rolling her eyes.”You’re right. Tony would kill us. Dinner tonight then.”She said looking a little nervous at the idea, even if she knew they all loved gabe.
James snickered as he let Tony slip on the cock ring and bind his hands. he loved being tied up and feeling helpless. he moaned as he settled into place, smirking as he watched, letting the bonds slip him into a hazy sort of in-between place. Steve mewled happily as he realized Tony was going to fuck him. "yes. okay. please. thank you." Steve babbled, rocking his hips, shuddering as Tony fucked him, cumming all he pleased. being a hair trigger, and deep enough in subspace that everything felt so much more, he came twice to every Tony's once.

he nodded. "we should." he agreed with a smile. "Our Little One." he agreed, beaming at her. "James Anthony Steven Mathews does sound good. or maybe James Anthony Steven Taylor. which do you like better?" he asked, wondering who would be taking whose name. "Gabriel Ezekiel Taylor sounds nice. Sarah Jane Mathews does too though." he admitted as he kissed her cheek. "it'll be fine. Steve and Tony like me and they'll control James until he accepts it." he promised with a smile. "i certainly don't have to worry about him attacking me anymore." he admitted with a smile.
Tony groaned as he listened to steve babble, it was so adorable. Coming a few times, before actually fucking james to, the man was utterly loose limbed and happy as he slid out of bed, settling about bringing steve back up. Gently easing him back into his own frame of mind, instead of down in subspace. “Steve?”He muttered as he finished cleaning him up, laying down with a small smile, curlign up with them both, fussing over them both.

“Hmmm...”She looked thoughtful, biting her lip a little. “Matthews. I’m marrying you, I’ll take your name.”She muttered blushing a little as he kissed her cheek, shifting to settle into his arms, smiling quietly as she snuggled him. “No, he wont attack you. He’ll just start helping tony plan insane things or something. Tony’s going to be hyper, wanting to help pepper plan everything....pepper did agree to help us with planning, said it was safer that way instead of letting us just fumble about.”She said smiling softly as she stole a kiss.
Steve moaned eagerly as Tony fucked him and James followed suit. once Tony was done, James broke himself out of his bonds and headed to the bathroom to get some damp rags for some cleanup. "yeah?" Steve asked, smiling as he was snuggled and fussed over. "that was awesome Tony. we can do that again right?" he asked sluggishly. quite content to just lay there and let Tony do whatever he wanted. not in Subspace but feeling very lazy and pleasant. "oh. we're doing it again. we have to show Tony how much fun you are when your completely desperate." James admitted, making Steve moan at the idea.

he smiled at her. "alright. James Jr. Steven Anthony Mathews if it's a boy." he agreed with a chuckle as he snuggled her happily. "Tony's going to go all nuts again." he agreed with a chuckle. "we should set him to one specific task." he admitted. "so he'll focus entirely on that and leave us alone. maybe we should make him paint the ballroom or something? he doesn't get to choose the color scheme. everything will come out red and gold. ugh." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm Glad Pepper is willing to help us out." he admitted with a smile. "i'd be completely lost." he admitted. "we should head back though, Fitz is going to be up soon and he'll want his chair back so he can terrorize more asgardians."
“yea.You’re so good.”Tony muttered pressing a kiss to the other’s shoulder as he closed his eyes, smiling slightly at james word, turning his head to look at the super soldier, shuddering a little. “Ohhh....that’ll be fun.”he muttered blushing and looking eager, yawning a little before nuzzling them a little. “We should get food.”He muttered sleepily, already starting to drop off, instead of staying up to get food.

“I like it.”Sarah smiled happily at the idea of having a little boy, already in love with the idea before grinning, laughing softly. “We should. He’d obsess over it. I like it.”she said before laughing. “And paint it himself, instead of hiring people...and no, no allowing him to choose, otherwise our wedding colors will be red and gold.”She snickered a little before nodding. “Me to. Pepper’s a better plan then just letting us stumble about.”She looked amused before laughing. “He is enjoying terrorizing everyone. Its quite amusing really.”She looked amused before standing slowly, and easing herself into the chair, yawning. Tired now that she was relaxing more
Steve smiled. "yeah. i'm good." he murmured, misunderstanding what Tony had said. thinking Tony was asking of Steve was feeling okay. "it is fun." James admitted with a chuckle. "of course, when he goes down that far, he stays down." he warned. "so you'll need to have a full night free for that one." he admitted. "nap first. then food." he ordered yawning.

"he will obsess." he agreed as he smiled. "and he would paint it himself. which would keep him out from under our feet." he admitted. "i think she's planned weddings before." he admitted. "she seams to know exactly what to do." he admitted. "it's kind of funny how he's zooming about." he admitted with a grin. "he gets really frustrated though, being unable to use his hands for anything." he admitted before smiling. "go ahead and nap, i'll push you in." he promised, guiding the chair, with her in it, back up to the rooms where Simmons took control of the chair for the sleepy Fitz who needed to use the bathroom and refused to make Simmons try to carry him. "we'll have a nap 'fore dinner." Gabe promised her as he snuggled her in the bed.
“Good.Relax.”Tony said smiling quietly as steve relaxed, nodding a little. “I’ll keep that in mind. If he goes down further, a full night.”He muttered before yawning.”Hm, sounds good.”he muttered snuggling down into the bed to relax. When he got up the man smiled, yawning as he stretched, nuzzling his face into steve’s shoulder as his stomach growled. “you guys wanna go get food?”

“Hnm that’s true. He’d be obsesed enough we’d probably not have to tell him to do it himself.”She snickered before nodding.”She’s pepper. I think she always knows exactly what to do....and it is fairly amusing watching fitz zoom.”She giggled a little before nodding, already starting to nod off as gabe pushed her, smiling sleepily at fitz, “Thanks Fitz.”She muttered as gabe got her into the bed, smiling as she snuggled into him. “night.”She muttered snuggling down. When she got up she stretched slowly, sitting up slowly, making sure really was doing okay. “...Okay...I feel okay. Me and you, we’re doing okay aren’t we, little one?”she mtutered talking quietly to the child she carried, still worried about the baby, even if gabe reassured her that they were fine.
he nodded. "very relaxed." he agreed with a happy little sigh, James chuckling as he settled down for a nap. when he woke up his stomach growled just after Tony's did. "so hungry. Steve get your lazy ass out of bed." Steve's response was a strangled groan as he resisted the waking world. even with that protest, he was still the first out of bed and getting dressed in Asgardian clothing, since they hadn't packed before coming to Asgard. "well? food? i imagine Sarah's all a fuss because we haven't been out all day."

"he would be obsessive enough to not listen to us. we'll have to assign someone to help him from the straight up. James maybe? he likes to be useful and it'll be a full time job containing Tony." he admitted with a smile. "you think Clint would be willing to be my best man?" he wondered. he'd never admit it, but he really looked up to Clint. he was like the big brother he'd always wanted. "hmmm." Gabe muttered as he woke up, hearing Sarah talking to the baby was awesome... and a bit troubling. "your fine." Gabe promised. "neither Loki nor Frigga will let anything happen." he promised her. "Frigga is teaching Loki specific spells right now just to make sure our Little One is going to be fine." he admitted as he kissed her gently. "it's going to be okay. now. shall we head up for food? those rapscallion fathers should be up and about by now."
“steveeee.....food.”Tony whined pushing at the super soldier’s shoulder even as he snuggled into the bed, not wanting to get up even as he cracked a eye to look at steve dressing, smirking.”Hm, asgardian clothes look good on you.”He muttered even as he rolled out of bed himself to dress, looking quite dashing in the leathers himself, snickering. “I’m sure she didn’t notice. I heard Gabe had plans.”Tony smirked.

“Hm, james and fitz. It’ll do them both good to have a job, and being around tony is definitely something fitz enjoys.”Sarah smiled before grinning,”I’m sure he’d be ecstatic that you asked him.”she smiled a little. Tilting her head a little as she heard gabe wake, sighing sighed softly, “Don’t give me that look. I’m not insane for talking to the baby.”She muttered before biting her lip, nodding a little. “I know she is. I just...can’t stop worrying.”She muttered before nodding, getting up slowly.”Yea. Let’s get some food. And do you really think any of them are out of bed?”she snickered as she walked towards the door, stomach growling
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "yes, yes. food. come on." he ordered, yanking the bedding off the beds as a form of revenge. "up we get." he ordered, smirking as he watched them dress. of them all, he personally thought Tony looked the best in Asgardian wear. James cam a close second. of course, James would protest that, saying that while Tony certainly came in first, Steve looked better in it than he did. "she noticed." both men chorused.

he grinned. "Fitz will totally derail Tony and make a painting machine. i like it." he agreed. "he's getting better too, did you notice? Fitz i mean? he's only forgetting a few words here and there now, instead of one word a sentence." unless he got upset or really excited of course. "no your not." he agreed. "i was more worried about what you where saying to it." he admitted. "it really is going to be okay." he promised as he kissed her fingertips. "our baby will be perfect." he promised her with a smile and a kiss to her belly. "oh, they'll be out of bed. their bellies will demand it." he admitted with a snicker. "see? i told you." he teased when he walked in through the door at one end of the dining hall while the three men did the same on the other side. the others where already gathered and feasting on a meal that was barley a tenth of Asgardian food. Thor must have implemented the trading routes already.
“Hey!”Tony yelped as the blanket was stolen, whining a little as he got dressed, smirking at his lovers. Like james, he’d protest over looking the best, knowing the other two looked better, but knowing better then to protest it. “Bet you she didn’t.”

“Hm, he would. They’d have like the world’s best painting machine.”Sarah snickered a little before nodding, pleased at how well their friend was doing.”I noticed.I’m so glad. He’s doing so well.”She muttered. Sighing quietly as she looked at her boyfriend, she took a shuddering breath. “I know, I know.”She muttered as he kissed her fingertips, gently stroking her fingers over his cheek,sliding her hand through his hair. “hm, that’s true.”She snickered knowing the need for food would get the three out of bed when nothing else would. Snickering as they walked into the dining room she smiled, amused at all the different foods, blushing a little. “Well, now that everyone’s out of bed.”She smirked at her fathers, “We have a announcement. We’re getting married.”She smiled at all their friends, smiling as she slid into her chair.
"Twenty bucks says she noticed." Steve shot back, smirking.

"they would. and then after the wedding they'd sell it and become filthy rich..." he paused, wondered what was wrong with that sentence and then. "they'll show it off but never sell it because they are cruel, cruel bastards." he corrected. "he is doing well." he agreed with a smile. "we should make him and Simmons one of our groomsmen/bridesmaids." he mused. "Tony can be the ring bearer." he decided with a grin. "since James is going to walk you down the isle and Steve is going to marry us, he needs an important job." he admitted. he leaned into the strokes and smiled at her. "very true." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i told you she'd notice! cough it up Tony!" Steve demanded, smirking at Tony before blinking at Sarah, startled. "i gt to walk you down the isle and castrate the groom!" James declared, Gabe snorting. "uh. James? that's not part of a wedding." Fitz corrected, looking amused. "i'm starting a new custom." "....it'll never catch on. besides, i'm going to want more than one grandchild." "...grandchild?" James asked, suddenly looking excited. "that's right! he has to keep his balls so i can have grandchildren to spoil!"
“Really?”Sarah muttered smirking at his correction, nodding.”They totally would just show it off to be cruel.”She snickered before smiling happily, “We will. They’d love it.”She said pleased with the idea before giggling, “You know, he’d probably be so excited over the job, he’d forget that it’s usually a kid’s job.”She giggled amused. “No, I don’t have to.”Tony sulked a little even as he dug out the money, his mouth falling open a little, startled before grinning. “Congrats.” “You can’t do that!”Sarah said with wide eyes as she looked at her father, blushing a little as she settled on her seat, smirking. “I see. You’re more swayed by the idea of grandkids then my happiness over whether you hurt my fiancee or not.”she teased amused shaking her head as she started to eat.”See, I told you he’d be okay with you marrying me.”sarah said smiling as she poked gabe in the side with a smile.
he nodded. "they so would." he agreed with a chuckle before smiling at him. "actually. the Ring bearer is usually the job of the Best Man." he admitted. "but Tony needs something important." he admitted with a chuckle. "you do have to! fork it over." he ordered before grinning at the two. "yes. congratulations. lemme see the ring." he ordered as he stuffed the twenty into his pocket and bustled over. "a fingerprint?" he looked closer. "Gabe's fingerprint?" "...wow. so you aren't the only one who memorizes fingerprints. i stand corrected." Gabe mused, a bit startled, Steve flushed but made no excuses. "of course i'm more swayed by the idea of grandkids. if i castrated him you'd forgive me. eventually." James admitted with a smile. "i'm not sure 'okay' is the word i'd use." Gabe admitted, sounding like he was three seconds away from bursting into laughter. "we're already working on an itinerary... and a name for the Little One." he admitted, beaming at Sarah and giving her a kiss.
“Fine fine, here.”Tony grumbled as he handed over the money smiling a little, before snickering as Sarah held out her hand, raising a eyebrow at the fingerprints. “See!I’m not the only weird one.”Sarah huffed making a face at gabe, blushing to. “No, I’m fairly certain I wouldn’t.”Sarah teased her father smiling. “Hm, it’s better then killing you, so okay is probably the right word.”Clint pointed out with a smile, raising his eyebrows.”Names?” “if it’s a boy, James Steven Anthony....for a girl...we’re still working on it.”Sarah smiled as she kissed gabe back, so happy and pleased, her worry forgotten for the moment
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