Hidden (lady/moon)

“Definitely. It’s amazing Bruce hasn’t killed him really.”Sarah said before staring at loki, and wondering what in the world fitz had done. “She’s-”Bruce started before gabe beat him to it, cupping gabe’s arm in his hand, keeping the man balanced afraid he’d pass out. “No,nonono what are you doing...its weird!stop!”Sarah said looking to panicked to understand that loki was helping, trembling as gabe held her, starting to cry. Whimpering, and more then wanting gabe to hold her, she wanted her father, because james had always made things better, he could make this better.

Tony shared a worried glance with steve as they got to medical, staring wide eyed at the sight in front of him, “She’s losing the baby. We’re taking her, and the rest of us,”Bruce said realizing that everyone in the room was going to be demanding to go with, “to asgard.”He said softly looking at james even as he asked jarvis to get the others, knowing their friends would want to be with her and gabe, hoping for the best, but bracing for the worst. "When can we go?"Tony said looking at the brothers, anxious, knowing that this was going to be bad as clint phil, and natasha, and the rest rushed in, all of them looking equally upset.
he chuckled. "im sure the first time was funny, the second time was amusing, and the fiftieth time was too much." he admitted with a chuckle. "hush, hush it's alright." Loki promised her. "i'm infusing the child with magic." he explained while Gabe struggled against Bruce, looking all too ready to attack Loki for upsetting her. "it will keep the child alive, much like the Serum protects you, my magic will stabilize and support the life within the child." he promised. Gabe gathered her tight to him when he realized Loki was actually helping, holding her carefully and stroking her hair, muttering reassurances.

Gabe picked her up once Loki said it was safe to and held her close to him. Loki had put her to sleep so she wouldn't stress her body anymore than it already had and looked at Bruce, hoping to god everything was going to be alright. "We may go whenst you are ready." Thor assured them. "Heimdal is keeping the Gate open. we will travel in sets. first will be Loki, me, Gabe and Sarah. Heimdal has summoned the Lady Frigga to his side and she will take charge of the Lady Sarah once we are within her sight." he promised. "My Mother will do all she can." he promised, gathering the people who needed to go first and heading for the landing platform where they vanished in a swirl of color and light but a surprisingly little amount of physical sensation.
Sarah looked up at loki at his promise, eyes wide and pained, swallowing thickly, trying to be calm at his promise, because she trusted him. “okay.”She said her small pained whimpers all the worse for being through a wired jaw. “Let’s go.”Bruce said looking worried as they were transported.

Hours later Frigga smiled tiredly as she walked out of the healing room, having kicked everyone but loki out of the room, even gabe, since the man couldn’t be calm, and the delicate magic required focus, and she’d been afraid that she’d mess up if he was emotional. Smiling tiredly as she looked at the men and women waiting on her, she swallowed thickly, approaching both gabe and james, “Mother and child are fine. Resting and healing well.”
Gabe was pacing the waiting room, around and around and around, ignoring the rather large crowd that was there. of all the people gathered, only fifteen people where supposed to be there. the other thirty or so where there to see if Loki really was alive. Fenrir was actually trying to chase them out but they kept coming back. Asgardian's did not have 'womb troubles' so had no idea that a woman was in there fighting for her babies life. the massive crowd fled at the sight of Frigga, save for the fifteen that was supposed to be there. the
Avengers had all come. the seven 'Ducklings' and the six Avengers and Fenrir. "the baby is okay!?" Gabe demanded. "and Sarah!? they'll both make it?! you swear it!?" he demanded, eyes wet from crying. "can i see her? will that be okay?" JAmes was silent, just sitting there and crying he was so relieved.
Frigga smiled slightly at gabe’s demand, nodding slightly. “The babe is fine, along with lady Sarah. I swear.”Frigga said gently resting her hand on his arm, squeezing lightly. “In a few moments, her body is still adjusting to recovering, but she asked for you. And....her papa. She is still groggy and out of it though. ”Frigga said frowning slightly at the word as she looked at them all. “See?Told you she’d want you still.”Tony muttered gently stroking james’ hair, still looking worried
he sagged with relief, but didn't stay that way for long. he was too anxious after being forced out of the room. "Papa is me." James admitted softly. "it means Father." he admitted. "she probably wants to yell at me... it's all my fault." he muttered even while heading for the bedroom so she could scream at him as she wanted. "Sarah? Love? how are you feeling?" Gabe asked as he took her hand and kissed the knuckles. "Frigga said that the baby made it. your both okay now." he promised her, stroking her hair as James settled on her other side, holding her hand. he wasn't wearing his metal Arm yet, so there was only one hand he could use. "how are you doing Sweetie?" he asked her gently. "i'm so sorry..."
Frigga smiled a little, “Every little girl wants their father when they’re hurting.”Frigga smiled slightly, tilting her head towards steve, knowing he was the other father, feeling the bonds between the three super soldiers. “You know she loves you to.”Tony muttered squeezing steve as he hugged the other man, not wanting the other man to feel upset that sarah hadn’t asked for him to.

“...Gabe...”Sarah muttered smiling a little as she squeezed his hand, the one benefit of frigga helping, was that she’d also sped the rest of the healing, so while she was still a little bruised, it wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been. Holding onto their hands she looked relieved, “We’re okay.”she muttered looking up at james, “I’m okay. Are you?”She said quietly, despite the ordeal, she was still worried about him, tugging his hand gently. “Lay down, papa.”She muttered still sounding exhausted.
Gabe nodded and James shrugged. "it's my fault she's hurting." he stated simply. "i know." Steve admitted with a smile. "i am her father too, but i'm new to her. Gabe has always been there for her. she needs him." he admitted as he kissed Tony's cheek. "but thank you." he hesitated and then. "...i wanted to apologize to you." he admitted. "about the bike thing... i was. it was stupid. i was so stupid." he admitted. "i couldn't handle the emotions involved." he admitted softly. "it was unfair of me to take that out on you." he admitted. "it was wrong of me to do that to you." he admitted. "i love the damn thing. you have no idea how much i love that goddamn bike... and how much i love you." he admitted, holding Tony's hand tightly so the other couldn't run away this time. "i do Love you Tony. and everything you do for me only makes me love you more."

Gabe smiled at her and kissed her gently. "look at that. your bones are all healed." he muttered with a smile. "you really scared me for a bit there." he admitted. "i don't know." James admitted weakly. "i shouldn't. i might hurt you again." he warned even as he laid down. "i won't let you." Gabe promised James. "go to sleep James. i'll watch over you both." he promised. "i won't let you be hurt, and i won't let you hurt anyone." he promised. "go to sleep." "okay." James whispered. too tired to fight it, settling in to sleep with Sarah just as they had done when she had been a little girl.
“So she does. I feel like we should sneak in and take a picture, you know they’ll be cuddled up like a pair of puppies.”Tony snickered a little, flushing a little at the others words, squirming a little at his words. Realizing what the other wanted to talk about, ducking his head as he blushed a little, swallowing thickly. Bracing for whatever the other was going to say, before smiling a little. “....Good.I just...wanted you to have something good. I mean, I could have just bought something, a new bike. but...I wanted to build you one...James said to tell you I rebuilt it, not simply bought it already built...”Tony muttered squirming a little, wanting to get away from the idea of love, needing to not hear it, but something tight in his chest also relaxing at the words. “...Love you to.’he muttered staring at the floor.

“Yea. Bruises should be gone by morning to.”Sarah smiled a little wincing, “Scared me to. But I’m...we’re okay.”Sarah muttered before frowning at James, looking like the sulking 5 year old who’d demanded his presence for the chicken pox, the itching disease the only thing that she’d ever gotten sick with, and she’d been utterly miserable and demanding of cuddles the whole time. “Sleep, papa.”Sarah muttered shifting closer, relaxing, to exhausted to simply stay awake, holding onto gabe’s hand tightly as she fell asleep.
"no bet on that one." he admitted with a chuckle. "...Tony you have no idea what you got me... do you?" he asked softly, looking amused. "that's not A bike that looks like mine. it's MY bike." he stated simply. "you might have rebuilt most of it but you never touched the serial numbers did you? it's mine, Tony. mine from the war. i went on missions with that thing." he admitted as he rested his head on Tony's shoulder. "it hurts a bit, to see it again sometimes. but it's worth it to have my Bike back. i rescued Bucky on that thing you know." he admitted before beaming at Tony and pressed his lips to Tony, kissing him furiously, kissing him so hard in fact, they fell out of their chairs. "we should go have sex." Steve breathed happily. "you said those words and they went straight to my dick." he admitted with a grin.

Gabe smiled a little. "that's great. looks like you won't have to drink your meals after all." he admitted with a smile. "we are okay." he agreed, kissing her gently. "now get some sleep." he ordered, smiling as she slept, James following soon after. he just sat there and let her sleep, so damn glad that she was actually okay.
“...It’s a vincent black shadow. I did look for a bike. I mean, I had pictures.”Tony whined before looking at the other, frowning slightly. “Did I...no...I didn’t change the serial numbers...”he said looking bemused, pressing a kiss to the other’s head as he leaned into him,tensing slightly but relaxing as he realized it was indeed a okay thing, that he’d done well getting the bike. “I know. I’ve heard countless stories about the bike, which is why I thought you’d like it.”He said blushing lightly, laughing as they fell out of the chairs. “We should. We have bedrooms here, we’ll go there.”He said smiling a little as they headed for the bedroom.

In the morning Sarah stirred, smiling a little as she pressed a kiss to james’ head, tensing a little, waiting for a bad reaction as she gently shook his shoulder, needing to get up, to pee. “Papa...”She muttered turning to look for gabe, wondering if he’d help her get up if james didn’t wake up.
he chuckled a little. "yeah, you had pictures." he agreed with a smile. "you bought me my bike." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "you know, i think i might need a new paint job." he admitted with a grin. "red and Gold would look perfect wouldn't it?" he asked with a chuckle.

James twitched violently and rolled out of bed when she shook his shoulder and leaped at someone who wasn't there and paused, frowning and confused. "Easy James." Gabe muttered. "easy. it's alright. your safe." "...where... where are we?" James asked, confused and frightened as he tried to shake himself awake. "no matter, find me a gun, we have to protect Sarah." "no one here is going to hurt Sarah. what's the last thing you remember?" Gabe asked, a bit worried when James just paused. "i'm... not sure. it's all... mixed up, in my head. where's Tony and Steve?" "screwing like bunnies somewhere probably." Gabe admitted, making James chuckle. "probably." he agreed as he settled down, trusting Gabe to be honest about danger levels. if Gabe said it was safe, then it was safe.
“...Oh.Oh. You are my new favoritest biker. Totally redoing it in red and gold.”Tony snickered looking utterly pleased with it.

“Easy, papa.”Sarah said sitting up slowly, looking around, for the first time really seeing the room, “We’re in Asgard, Thor’s home.”Sarah said gently watching him, swallowing hard. “Their room across the hall probably.”Sarah mused. “....We came here because I needed help papa, and we’re fine. Me and the baby, don’t worry. It’s safe here.”She smiled wincing at the knock on the door. “Hey, are you guys awake?”Tony asked as he pushed open the door, poking his head in, glad to see them awake as he walking in, his hair every which way-definitely sex hair, looking well fucked- but delivering food. “I promise, I didn’t cook it.”He said smiling as him and steve brought enough food for them all, smirking a little. “Gotta tell you jamie, asgardians know how to eat. I think they made enough food to satisfy even you three super soldiers for a day.”
James paused as he looked around and then looked over at Sarah. "oh. right. i remember that." he agreed softly "the baby!" he gasped. "that's right! you where. the baby was..." he paused to collect himself like Bruce had been teaching him. "you and the baby are okay?" he asked, worried. "really okay?" he asked, examining her belly intently as if to check and see for himself if the unborn was really okay. he had to snort at the sight of Tony, looking amused. "you and Steve had a good nights sleep?" he teased with a grin to show he didn't mind. "is it real food?" James asked, wondering if they where being fed pig's brains and lizard spleen. Asgardians ate everything that was edible on an animal, including the innards, but there didn't seam to include any organs on the meal. there where huge hunks of meat, grilled and fire roasted, massive slabs of fish and long slices of some sort of poultry sliced so thin you could see through them. there was so much meat that you had to wonder how the asgardians avoided scurvy since there seamed to be only three vegetables that the people there could eat. one of which was only edible after being boiled three times, mashed twice and soaked in a mix of water and Ale for twenty four hours. and not in that order. James settled on the floor and went about stuffing himself silly with meat and the huge hunks of something that looked like Bread but was made from water and some sort of powder made from a tree bark. "No wonder Loki has such a hard time eating meals here." Steve commented as he walked in with the rest of the food. "ninety percent of it is either animal, or comes from animal." he admitted with a shake of his head. "it's really good though." he admitted, eating what he had been told was stuffed Bilgesnipe hearts and Osterone Livers which where sliced thin and sauteed over some sort of oil.
“Pause.”Sarah ordered quietly, smiling a little when he stopped, before nodding. “We’re fine. Frigga will be by later to check, but she said we both were fine.”She said amused a little at the intent look she was getting, “we’re fine.”she said again rolling her eyes at the fucked out look on tony. It was a good thing he looked good well fucked otherwise he’d be screwed. “of course. I always sleep well after sex.”Tony smirked looking amused as he stole a kiss, before nodding. “It is real food, I promise, nothing to weird.”He promised as he settled a plate of food in sarah’s lap, amused as the woman ate slowly tasting slowly to make sure it wouldn’t make her sick. “It is fairly good.”Tony snickered as he settled next to james to eat, snickering a little. “don’t feel bad for loki. He still wont tell me how he lost his eyebrows, so he gets no sympathy.”
he blinked at her for a moment and then snorted. "i am not a Jarvis controlled TV." he scoffed, shaking his head. "Frigga, she's that woman. Thor's mother." he muttered, settling down before snickering at Tony. "well you certainly look fucked out." he admitted with a chuckle as he examined his meal before eating. he and Steve had grown up during the great depression after all. and gone to war after that. there was no being picky about food after that. plus, James had eaten rats when living in the woods. you didn't get much more gross than that. "...he still won't tell? didn't you ask Fitz?" Steve asked, looking amused as he took a huge gulp of some sort of ale that tasted, more or less, like someone had made a keg of bear with a dirty sock inside. he'd had worse. "how are you feeling Sarah?" Steve asked, sitting next to her. "how are you feeling?" he asked, gently tucking her hair behind her ear. "you gave me a heck of a scare you know."
“Yes, thor’s mother.” “You should be. That would be epic, letting jarvis control you for a day.”Tony mused looking thoughtful on that idea. Before wincing, “Maybe not. He’d make me behave like a responsible adult or something...”Tony muttered smiling, making a face at james. “Hm, I got a super soldier to myself for the evening. It’s usually enough to be well fucked.”Tony snickered a little smiling as he kissed the other’s cheek, before frowning. “I did. I think loki threatened him, cause he wont tell me either.”Tony sulked, having a feelign the two were denying him knowing it simply because they could, twitching a little as steve drank the ale. “I can’t believe you’re drinking that.” “Why?” “It’s nasty. Like dirty sock bottom of the trashcan nasty.”Tony said. “I’m tired, and still a little sore, but well. See?Even the bruises are almost gone.”She smiled quietly, shuddering a little, trying not to think about it. “I scared myself to."
James paled at the idea though. looking utterly panicked. "he. he can't really take control of me right?" he asked, Gabe looking just as pale at the idea. they had been controlled for so long the very idea of it made them sick. "yes i imagine so." James agreed, shaking off the horror in the face of sex talking. "Steve is a good guy for Sex, almost as insatiable as i am." he admitted with a snicker. "it was probably a prank." Steve admitted with a snigger. "Loki probably bribed Fitz with a non retaliation in return for his silence." he admitted with a grin as he smirked brighter and took another long drink before handing it to James who took a drink. "i've had worse." he admitted as he tore into a slab of fish. "they are almost gone." he agreed, smiling at her as he pulled her into a half hug. "i'm just glad your alright." he admitted with a smile as he kissed her forehead.
Tony winced, paling as he realized what he’d done, “No no no no, I promise, just being a nerdy geek, its not real. He can’t control you.”Tony said sounding anxious as he looked at the two. “He really is. Completely insatiable.”Tony snickered before sulking, “...that’s not fair. I want to know.”He whined a little, making a face. “....you poor poor men. You’re never choosing your own alcohol again.”Tony twitched. Sarah smiled hugging her father, resting her head on his shoulder,”Me to. We’re both okay.”She muttered.
they both calmed at Tony's promise, though they'd be tender-footing around Jarvis for a bit. "very insatiable. when's it my turn?" he asked, pouting playfully before he chuckled. "Fitz is scared of me, i could get it out of him. or if you really wanted to know, you could ask Jarvis. he DOES record all things." James pointed out. "we've had worse." both men chorused again, flashing grins at each other. "i'm glad." he admitted with a smile. "oh. Frigga said she might be able to help James too." he admitted as he ruffled James hair, looking up when Loki walked in, his expression tight and furious followed by Thor, who looked just as Furious. "well. Father now knows i'm alive. and is angry that we brought in some 'human whore' into his realms." "excuse me!?" James demanded, his eyes flashing. "his words, not mine." Loki assured James. "he wants us out and he wants me cast as a traitor." Loki admitted, lifting his lips into a facsimile of a snarl. "fortunately, most of the realm is siding with Thor, and siding with Me." Loki admitted. "they are starting to see just how much of a bastard Odin really is. Frigga doesn't want us to leave anyway, not until Sarah finishes completely settling. and she wants a look at James as well." Loki admitted. "she will probably be able to help."
“Whenever you want.”Tony smirked before smiling. “I could, but its not nearly as amusing as harassing them about telling me.”Tony smiled a little before twitching, shaking his head.”Never ever again”Tony grumbled much to sarah’s amusement that bad alcohol upset him. “Good. Hopefully she can.”Sarah smiled before looking up at them, flinching at the insult, curling up a little, the words grating over emotions already overly raw from the tormoil of the last few months. “You mother wouldn’t let us leave even if odin wants us to. Sarah shouldn’t be moved yet.”Tony said looking worried, and wondering just how badly odin was going to freak out on them, pausing as he looked at sarah, bemused at the words coming out next. “...is this cause we’re not married yet?I mean, the whore thing?”Sarah muttered sounding sad. “...Can we just kill him for upsetting sarah?”Tony asked looking at the two gods and two super soldiers.
he laughed a little. "good point." he agreed with a grin. "besides, i don't like the good stuff. it tastes weird." Steve grumbled as he and James shared the seemingly never ending mug of Grog. "i hope so." James admitted before scowling at Loki for upsetting Sarah. "your no whore Sarah and never believe anyone who tells you otherwise." Loki ordered firmly, Thor nodding. "that's right, Frigga will stand her ground. unfortunately, that doesn't protect the rest of you from his bullheaded bigoted shit." Loki admitted, Thor grimacing. "no. this is because you are a human." Thor admitted. "i never knew that my Father was so... disgusting before." he admitted, looking upset. "i fear there will be little option but for me to take the Throne by force." he admitted. "i might very well have to battle him for the right to control the Nine Realms." he admitted. "i might very well have to kill my own father over this.... where's James going?" he asked, watching the man leave the room, metal arm slipping into place, James rotating the arm to make sure it was working properly.
Sarah stared down at the blankets, nodding a little at loki’s order.”Okay.”She muttered, because while she’d try, the insult had hurt her. “The rest of us can defend ourselves. We’ll be okay.”Clint said as him, phil and natasha walked in, looking disturbed themselves that the all-father was showing such bigotry. Made you wonder how he treated everyone, and if other world’s suffered for it. “You were young, and I met you when you first arrived thor, hate to say it, but naive. But you know better now.”Clint said patting him on the arm, looking worried about the thunderer. Sarah frowned a little when she realized james was leaving, before realizing what it was. Laughing quietly she smirked at thor. “You’re not going to have to deal with odin, if you don’t follow him. He’s protective of me when I’m not hurt. Like this....yea, he’s going to go all Soldier on him.”
Loki moved over to her and kissed her forehead. "if anyone is a whore, Sarah. 'Tis your father." he assured her. "all of Asgaurd heart him and Tony last night. they are most impressed with his virility." Loki admitted with a smirk as Steve blushed hard. "no you won't be." Thor grumbled. "i am sorry but you are no match for my father." he admitted before shrugging. "i just do not understand. Loki was raised knowing he would be king, and yet Odin was so cruel to him and made us all to believe that the Frost giants where monsters. why would he do that if his reasons for taking Loki where true?" Thor complained, beyond puzzled. "what? oh no, James! Stop!" Thor demanded, he and Loki scrambling after James. Thor came crashing back into the room, through the wall a scant second later. "ouch..." Thor groaned, rubbing his chest. "perhaps humans are stronger than i thought." he muttered, Steve chuckling before pausing. "...where's my Shield?" "that's what he used to send me flying through the wall." Thor admitted as he got to his feet and went after James again, a touch more cautiously this time.
Sarah giggled at that, looking up at the brunette god, smiling quietly. “They are both whores, I am sure if we stay long enough asgard will be amazed that Tony can keep up with them.”She said giggling. “We might not be, but we’d be willing to fight for you, if you need us.”Clint said looking worried before shaking his head. “Because he could not see past his own bigotry. He has his own reasons for this.”Sarah said shaking her head before laughing quietly as thor came crashing back through the wall. “Well, at least that human anyways.”Clint pointed out, before his eyes widened as he realized what james had, slanting a glance towards steve and tony. “Tones, do you have anything?” “Of course. Never leave home without things.Don’t know if they’ll work though.”Tony said as he twisted the bracelet he was wearing, watching the gauntlets unfold over his hands, looking at steve. “We better go supervise the death of a god-king.”He mused as he cautiously stepped out of the room following the others.
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