Hidden (lady/moon)

he smiled a little. "i know. thank god." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head before grinning brightly. "he would freak out." he agreed. "it would be pretty awesome." he mused. "all that panic and manicness." he muttered with a chuckle before sulking at her. "babies do not!" he protested as he knelt down to clean up the pile of piss. "no. bad Clayton! No!" Gabe chastised the pup, who whined until Gabe stroked it's head. "there. all better. i just need to change my sock and soak my food in disinfectant." Gabe joked with a chuckle and a shake of his head.

"i'm not lying!" he grumbled. "i'm just not being honest!" he repeated before snorting as James tried to get Tony to fuck him before Tony wanted to. "little Jerk." Steve grumbled. they all three of them had a good long sex marathon. which Tony, as usual, ducked out long before the two super soldiers did. "it was awesome." James muttered. as they'd continued, he'd remembered more. mostly about sex, so he had been confident enough to reduce Steve to a quivering, begging, sobbing mess. it was sort of hilarious how, out of the three of them, James was the biggest slut. and yet, Steve was the kinkiest.
“...It’s going to be awesome. He’s going to totally be manic.”Sarah snickered, knowing that the minute gabe asked him for help sorting out the ring and where to go for dinner, or however he planned on proposing, that tony was going to be utterly manic over the idea. “They do to.”Sarah smirked a little sighing softly as the puppy whined, leaning down to pick him up, cuddling him as she nudged him. “Go change your sock and clean up. Me and Clay are going to bed.”She snickered amused, feeling oddly domestic and family like. James and tony had been right, the puppy was going to be good for them.

Tony snickered, pressing a kiss to james’ shoulder, simply content with him as the man cuddled. It was amazing, that even without all his memories, he was remembering more. Hopeful that they’d be okay.

Later that week Sarah smiled slightly as she balanced her drawing book on her knees, glancing towards the clock then her dosing father. It was pleasing to see James so relaxed, so content he was napping as she drew, but she didn’t want to leave him sleeping when she left. Feeling both nervous and giddy, because she was going out for the evening with Gabe. And while the idea of going out again was nerve wracking, she was starting to get twitchy with being stuck inside all day. Setting the drawing aside she crossed the room, “Papa?”she called, knowing better then to touch him, or crowd him, but shaking the pillow near his head just hard enough to get him moving. “Papa, I’m leaving.”
he snickered. "now the question is, do we really want him to suffer like that?" he wondered with a grin. "they don't! our baby will only pee on people who deserve it, like Tony, and James." he decided with a grin. "because our baby will be well mannered like that." he admitted with a nod, moving to change his sock.

James was dozing while Tony and Steve went and handled some SI mess downstairs. apparently one person had grabbed the wrong vial and now there was a massive fight over stealing things and somehow the argument had gotten the two vials in question mixed up and the explosion had been very loud and had shook the entire building. it had freaked Gabe out so much he was hiding in the 'nest' with Clint getting ready for his date and James had fled to his daughter in fright. James twitched as he heard her and when he felt the Pillow shaking he moved, striking out at the perceived threat by backhanding it with his metal hand before leaping onto it and pinning it tot he floor by the neck, again with his metal hand. pinning Sarah to the floor and choking her, ignoring any attempts at her struggling as he blinked sleep and nightmares away before he gasped as he realized just who he was trying to kill. he leaped away from her so hard he slammed himself against the wall and started babbling apologies in a mash up of languages as he cradled his arm, looking so horrified one almost wondered if he was going to see if he could fly, right out the window.
“It’s going to happen whether we want it to or not. We’ll just have to curb some of it...I’m sure my parents would be willing to make the sacrifice of having more sex because of it.”Sarah snickered shaking her head. “Fine, the baby will be well behaved.”She snickered a little.

Sarah gasped as she was backhanded, stumbling for a moment, not even with the serum could she simply brush off a hit like that, pushing and shoving at james as he pined her, though she was going to bruise, really, like him and steve, she could hold her breath awhile. She just had to keep him from actually killing her for a few minutes, knowing he’d realize who she was soon enough. Laying there for a few minutes as she gasped, stumbling to her knees, movign over to james, worry in her features, but no fear, it wasn’t in her to be afraid of him. “Papa?papa?Do you know who I am?”She said strugglign to follow him through the languages, even with her gift for languages, hearing the mash of everything was hard to think through."I'm okay, I promise, I'm okay."She said, even if bruises were already starting to darken her skin.
He shook his head and staggered back away from her, following the wall until he hit a corner, sobbing as he tried to recoil away from her. "No! Don't come near me!" he yelled, curling up and trying to get away from her, as if terrified he was going to hurt her again, or worse, terrified that she was going to hurt him. "Go away! go away!" he yelled, cringing and cowering as if he was some abused child who was waiting for a beating. "Sarah?" Gabe asked as he walked in, wearing a fancy getup. a button up shirt and a leather jacket, his hair slicked back. "Sarah! Jesus what happened!?" he demanded, his eyes examining James, making the connection right then and there and wondering how to handle this situation. "i'll get Tony." he decided, examining her neck. "you hurt?" he asked, worried. "did he hurt you? i want you to be completely honest." with a hit that hard, he'd probably broken some of Sarah's facial bones. her cheek bone was most certainly cracked if nothing else, but that would heal on it's own in a matter of a few hours. the entire side of her face was cut and bruised though from the metal striking it. he scowled a little as he gently examined the woman's face. "i'll get Bruce too." he decided.
“Okay, okay I’m not coming near.”Sarah said scooting back, “yea I’m here.”Sarah said not looking away from the man in front of her, nodding slightly. “Tony’ll be good. Dad to.Jarvis get them please”Sarah said knowing Jarvis was already informing bruce, tony and steve that they were needed. While she wasn’t afraid exactly, she didn’t want to be alone with james when he was upset, and the world was still a little wavy to her. Pained and hurt, she tilted her head so gabe could look at her neck, moving away to stand up, letting gabe look her over, biting her lip before wincing at the feeling. “... My cheek really hurts...Jaw feels weird...Might have cracked both...”She muttered her face hurting so badly, “Neck’s just bruised though.”She muttered sounding husky, but she was okay, it’d be healed in a few hours. “Sarah?”Tony said as he walked into the room, looking at them before looking at james. “Jamie?”
James shuddered as she promised and muttered something in what sounded like a mix of Italian and Russian. not that it would make any sense to her anyway, it was like he was speaking gibberish in various languages. Jarvis promised to alert them and a second later informed them that they where on their way up and that Bruce was on his way down. "he punched you?" Gabe asked, examining the marks. "no... backhanded?" he asked, examining the shape of the bruises and the cuts. "it looks like your Jaw is broken, Bruce will probably have to strap it in place until it heals. even we can heal bones in bad ways." he admitted as he wrapped her up in a gentle hug. Steve walked in after Tony and gently examined Sarah for himself, looking upset and worried. James wasn't getting better at all. they had hoped with his memories coming back steadily that it would be okay, but this was a really bad 'episode'. "Tony... take it off... please take it off." James sobbed. "take it off. i can't take it anymore. i'm a monster. take it off. please. take it off..."
Sarah swallowed hard as james muttered, hating that he was sounding like this. Hating that she had caused this. “Backhand.I woke him up, he didn’t know who I was.”Sarah swallowed hard leaning into him, nodding a little. “we’ll have bruce look.”She muttered looking up at the good doctor as he walked in, glancing at tony and steve. “Come on. We better go.We’ll go down to the med lab.”She muttered after she let steve examine her, “I’m okay. Promise.”She muttered squeezing steve’s arm. “We’ll go downstairs. I want to get a good look at your face under a x-ray.”Bruce muttered worriedly as the three left the room. “Ohhhh fuck....my face hurts...”Sarah muttered as they got downstairs, starting to fall apart now that she wasn’t in front of her father.

Tony looked up at Steve, upset and worried himself, not sure how to handle this, before swallowing thickly. “If you want. I can. But Jamie, you’re going to be helpless, and you’re not a monster. Just a man who’s going through a bad spot.”Tony muttered sounding anxious and having no idea how to help with this.
he nodded. "he's getting worse." he muttered, worried about James. "he's never going to forgive himself for hurting you." he sighed and shook his head, kissing her forehead. "thanks Bruce." he muttered as he let Bruce lead them to the Med lab. "shh. i know. it's okay Love." he whispered, pulling her into his arms and carrying her as she fell apart, holding her because he couldn't think of anything else to do.

Steve looked worried. "can you make the arm removable?" he asked. "then we can just take it off when he gets like this, and put it back one when he calms down." he muttered, moving a little closer to James, who shrunk tighter into the wall and demanded Steve to stay back. just stay back! muttering in his mash-up of languages once more. even Jarvis couldn't translate it.
“He is.”Sarah muttered a worried look on her face, because she had no idea how to help her father, afraid that he would leave because of this. Sniffling as gabe held her, snuggling into him as bruce looked her over, the man looking worried before giving her the safe painkillers, having made sure they were safe for pregnancy, watching her slump into gabe’s arms, sighing quietly. “I’m sorry about your date night.”He muttered, “he cracked her cheek bone, and jaw. I’ll wire her jaw shut for a day or so, it should heal well.”Bruce said even as he started to work, having put her out so this would be easier, before glancing up at gabe. “The real worry is the pregnancy. Stress isn’t good for pregnant woman, and the last month of James disappearing, tony and steve fight, and now this...”He swallowed not wanting to say what he feared, but given her unique problem of being a pregnant super soldier, paired with the stress might be even more a reason to worry about a miscarry then anything else.

“...Yea. I can do that.”Tony said frowning a little, standing. “Come on Jamie. We’re going to go work, okay?We’ll get you fixed up.”Tony said looking at the other, “Jamie, will you let us help?Come downstairs, and steve’ll sit down with us while I deisgn. Just a few hours, I’ll even move the suit and shield in the room, so we can defend ourselves, okay?”Tony soothed, looking worried.
he nodded as he held her. "it's fine. she's more important than some silly date." but he knew that Bruce knew he had been about to propose. he was going to make it perfect. still, she was more important and she was hurt too. "guess she'll have to drink her food for the next few days." he mused, shaking his head a little as he stroked her hair. "could this hurt the baby? do you think i should take her on vacation somewhere? Thor said he could take us to Asgard for a while if we where interested." he admitted as he swallowed thickly. "she's not in danger is she?"

Steve nodded but James hunkered down more, as if terrified they where going to jump him. "...okay." he whispered. "okay..." if they could defend themselves, it would be okay. and Tony was going to take the arm off, everything was going to be okay. it was all going to be okay. he could trust them. they would keep him under control. he staggered to his feet and followed them at a distance, flinching if they tried to touch him. he sat in the chair and relaxed only once the arm was off. now that it was gone he crumbled and fell into gut wrenching sobs, clinging to Steve because Tony was working and needed his hands. "he can't continue like this..." Steve muttered as he stroked James hair. "what's wrong with him Tony?"
“I know, but now we’re going to have to listen to tony’s anxious manic wedding planning all over again.”Bruce muttered rolling his eyes cause they’d finally gotten tony to stop offering advice on the proposal, after gabe had told him he had everything planned. “Yea, I’ll have phil and clint go get some of those shakes Clint likes, he’ll know which ones are the best.”he smiled slightly watching the super soldier for a moment as she dozed, nodding slightly. “I think the stress along with being injured, and the unpredictability of being pregnant and serum’d, I always knew there was a higher chance she’d miscarry, simply because of it. I hadn’t wanted to worry you,but...”Bruce shrugged helplessly before sighing. “If you think it’d help. But taking her away from james, when he’s unstable might panic her more.”Bruce pointed out, because they all knew she’d worry that james would leave, if she didn’t stay with him. “I don’t know, Gabe, I really don’t.”

“Kay then.”Tony said as he worked, wincing as james flinched under his hands as he got the arm off, swallowing thickly as he watched the two, looking utterly helpless in helping. “I know.”He muttered working, swallowing. “I think...you know how when a computer locks up and freezes, it has to shut down and reboot to work again?I think his mind is doing a hard reboot, but because of hydra’s torture, it’s not being as smooth and easy as it should. It’s...I don’t know. I can’t fix this!He’s not a machine, I can’t fix humans, all I can do is fix the stupid arm, cause I at least know how to do that.”Tony said snapping, tears starting to fall as he slumped over his workbench, the stress finally getting to him, having not really processed anything beyond being happy that james was back, instead of dealing with everything he’d felt since he disappeared.
he smiled and nodded. "yeah. i know." he admitted. "but we can do that once she's feeling better." he admitted. "thanks. she'll bitch about it of course but it'll be worth it so long as her jaw heals straight." he admitted as he shook his head before swallowing thickly. "maybe... maybe if we took James, Tony and Steve with us. they could use a vacation too. and maybe the Asgardians could help James?" he wondered, looking up at Bruce. "i'm scared... if we loose the baby, i don't think she could ever forgive herself." he admitted softly. "i don't think she could recover from something like that." he admitted, holding her hand.

Steve looked up at Tony, looking puzzled. "you think this is his brain trying to overcome it's Hydra brainwashing?" he asked, looking curious now. "i think you might be right." he admitted. "i don't really know much about computers so i'll take your word for it." he promised. "Tony. we don't have to Fix it." he promised the other, pulling him into his lap as well, holding the now sleeping James and the crying Tony tight, comforting them as best as he could. "we just have to be here to help him adjust. that's all. it's going to be okay, the three of us, we'll be okay." he promised, even if he didn't know that for sure he could hope beyond hope for it.
“I know.”Bruce smiled a little before nodding, “Of course, but she’d bitch more if her jaw wasn’t right, and we had to rebreak it. Not to mention it’d be worse for james to.”Bruce said before looking thoughtful then nodding. “They might know more then we do.....Ask Thor. And maybe loki. Despite his ‘death’ and what happened, he might be willing to return to asgard to help, since he does like them both, sarah and james.”Bruce sighed softly before nodding, “I don’t know. But...you need to be aware it’s a possibility. Don’t say anything to her, she’ll just stress more about it.”He said smiling slightly as the woman started waking up more. “gabe?”Sarah said between locked teeth, whining a little as she figured out just how difficult it was to talk like this.

“...I do. He’s restarting itself, which means resetting back to basics, for him, defending himself, lashing out...would be a normal mode of dealing with things when startled. He’s trying to fix things, but its not quite right either.”Tony sighed quietly, shuddering as he was hugged, shifting to leaning into them both, resting his head against james’, sniffling a litle. “...We’ll be okay.”She muttered closing his eyes.
he chuckled. 'a valid point." he agreed as he stroked her fingers, unable to not touch her. not when she was so fragile and broken right then. "i will. Thor came back a few days ago and said that everyone was really very sympathetic to Loki. they don't understand the 'only one mate for life' thing but they understand loosing a child." he admitted. "more than one of them have gone mad with grief over the loss of their own children. though, most don't loose them when they're so young." he admitted as he shook his head. "if Loki where to return, he would be well welcomed." he admitted as he looked at Bruce, swallowing thickly. "i won't." he promised softly. "i'm right here. Bruce ad to wire your jaw shut for a few days so your jaw heals properly." he explained. "you'll be on a liquid diet for a few days, but that's alright, right?" he asked with a smile. "i was thinking of asking Thor if you me and the Super Trio could go up to Asgard for a bit. what do you think? they might be able to help James at the very least."

he nodded. "it makes sense i think." he admitted. "during the war, we used to be in just our group, it was just us Commandos. so any noise was seen as a threat. he used to wake up like this back then too. i can't imagine Hydra could make it stop, and might even have encouraged it." he admitted as he nuzzled Tony's hair. "we'll help him the only way we can. by being there for him. by accepting him, broken and all." he promised. "we won't leave him alone." he promised. "i got some PTSD books and stuff so maybe there's something we can use in there to help?" he muttered as he let his boys use him as a bed, unwilling to wake James and equally unwilling to let them go.
“Well, then you have your vacation plans. And you could always propose in asgard. That’d be one of a kind proposal.”Bruce teased a little watching sarah wake up. Nodding slowly she rested her head against Gabe’s shoulder, still feeling out of sorts and hurting to really want to stand on her own. Simply staying in his arms. “...I’d like that. He needs help.”Sarah said sounding worried, sitting up slowly, gently resting a hand on his arm,”I’m tired. Let’s sleep, we’ll talk to the others in the morning.”She muttered standing carefully, feeling sore and broken.

“probably encouraged it.”Tony muttered smiling a little as steve nuzzled him. “We can do that. We’ll have to get Sarah and gabe to see him, when he wakes up. So he knows they don’t hate him.”He muttered sounding worried, wondering just how the girl was doing, trying not to worry to much before nodding. “I’m sure there is. And I’ll call that pet store owner....he said if I ever needed help, I could call.”he muttered yawning, to comfortable to move, glad that he had thought ahead to have a bed put down in the room next to the lab, at least they’d be comfortable while they rested.
he nodded. "you think she'd like that?" he asked with a grin. "she did complain about being bored the other day. could be exciting enough for her." he agreed before focusing entirely on Sarah. "he does need help. and the boys need a break." he admitted. "and you need an exciting vacation. three birds with one stone." he admitted with a smile as he nodded, kissing her forehead. "alright. come on, lets go take a nap." he agreed, carrying her off. "i'll talk to Thor while your sleeping and make sure he's okay with us going." he promised her, tucking her in and snuggling her until she went to sleep, and was still there when she woke up. as far as she could tell he'd never moved from her side, besides the book in his hands and the brush he was brushing her hair wit while she slept. something he'd used to do for her when they where still kids and she'd had a nightmare.

he nodded. "i wouldn't doubt it." he admitted as he smiled. "Sarah and Gabe could never hate him, especially as they understand he can't help himself right now." he admitted. "Pet store owner?" he asked, looking a bit surprised. "okay, we'll call him once you wake up." he promised, managing to move them all to the bedroom without waking up James, who was too exhausted from all that emotion to wake up. he was still asleep when Tony woke up, still asleep when Steve got up to make food and seamed determined to stay asleep when Steve gently shook his shoulder, whining and burrowing more deeply into the pillows and mattress and demanding five more minutes.
“Probably.”Bruce smiled a little. “I like it.”Sarah muttered smiling slowly, looking pleased at the idea of vacation, even if the motion made her grimace, her whole face aching, and despite her healing ability, the bruises were dark and painful, having every sign of staying for awhile. “Kay.”he muttered as she fell asleep. Blinking slowly as she woke, slanting a glance towards him, relaxing softly as she felt the gentle tug of the brush through her hair, swallowing hard.”You talk to thor?”he said sitting up slowly, wincing as the motion made her stomach hurt, feeling horribly sore and out of sorts as she tried to figure out what was wrong, smiling slightly at the sight of clayton pressed against her hip, cuddling her.

“No, they never could.”Tony agreed before nodding tiredly.”yea. The place we got the dogs from, has a boyfriend suffering from PTSD. When he saw james, he offered his help if we needed it.”Tony muttered smiling a little. When he got up he went right to work on the arm, smiling slightly as james snuggled into the pillows. “James, I have your arm done, sweetheart.”He said as he walked back into the bedroom, looking worried for the other, not afraid. Just worried.
he smiled back and shook his head. "try not to talk okay? your face probably hurts like hell. the bruising should be gone by dinner though." he admitted as he stroked the undamaged side of her face. he knew they would probably linger a bit longer, but not by much. "i did." he promised her with a smile. "Loki and Thor have both assured me that we will be welcomed, even if they have to banish the entire realms." he promised her, looking amused. "Loki thinks it's a glorious prank." he admitted as he examined her. "they think that Lady Frigga might be able to help James too." he admitted. "we just have to talk to the boys now and tell them the plans." he admitted. "and decide who all, if anyone, else we are taking with us."

"well that's good news." he admitted. "it would be so helpful to talk to someone who actually has an idea how to actually help." he admitted. "we'll call him as soon as we can." he agreed. "my arm?" James asked sluggishly, blinking at his... empty socket. "oh. did i break it?" he asked sleepily, too tired to remember what he had done. then he did remember. he tensed violently and swallowed hard, eyes darting around as if seeking an escape path before relaxing again. if they hadn't hurt him for it last night, they weren't going to hurt him for it now. "...morning." James muttered, skittish but not as terrified as he had been last night. "you made me another arm?" he asked, looking a bit confused as to why they would do that. "might be better if you left it off. i... i don't know how much i can be trusted right now..."
Sarah nodded a little, looking around before grabbing her phone and typing for a few moments, smiling slightly as jarvis spoke the words for her, glad that her starkphone was linked to jarvis, so the AI oculd at least make it fairly easy for her to ‘talk’. “Good. Asgard will be fun. And loki thinks everything is a glorious prank.”She said sighing quietly before looking pleased. “That would be good. Papa needs help.”She said scooting to the edge of the bed and standing carefully, wincing as the movement hurt, before looking at him. “let’s go talk to everyone. Fitz and simmons will probably want to go. Phil and Clint to.Natasha.”

“No, but you didn’t want it on anymore. Made a newer better one.”Tony said looking worried, shifting back to not crowd the other man, “Morning.”He said watching him, “I did. And okay. I made it so we could take it off easily when you didn’t feel like you could be trusted or not.”Tony said studying the man, looking worried for him.
he smiled a little. "that's perfect! hank's Jarvis. this will save Sarah a lot of pain." he admitted as he admitted as he watched her. "not everything. he didn't think that bucket of water dumped over his head was very funny." he admitted. "it's a good thing it was warm water or there might have been a case of homicide in the building." he admitted. "Sarah? are you alright? your wincing." he warned, frowning. "did he hit you in the stomach?" he asked. "we should see Bruce first. pregnancy isn't something to be scoffing at." he warned as he picked her up. "no arguing, we're going to Bruce." he ordered. "then we can talk to everyone once Jarvis calls them all up for the breakfast he's ordering for us all." "Of Course Sir." Jarvis agreed, sounding amused.

he nodded. "it would be better if you left it off. at least until i'm stable." he muttered, not about to admit that while he could be ambidextrous with enough effort and focus, mostly he was left handed. "it's going to be removable?" he asked, looking surprised before he smiled. "i'd like that." he admitted as he watched Tony. "are you... upset with me?" James asked, voice wavering. "i hit Sarah.... i could have really hurt her..." he admitted, tears trembling their way down his cheeks. "i hurt my daughter...."
“It will.”Sarah agreed before snickering, wincing as the noise made her face hurt. “No he didn’t. Or the time tony told him that the fridge was a transport to Jotunhiem.”sarah rolled her eyes a little before sighing, “No he didn’t. But I don’t feel well.My stomach hurts like...a muscle cramp or something...”Sarah said, jarvis’ calm tone not matching up to the panicked look on her face. “Bruce first. Definitely.”she agreed leaning against him, settled easily into his arms as he carried her downstairs, looking worried as bruce examined her. Fidgeting as she held onto gabe’s hand. Bruce frowned a little as he examined her, looking upset and sad, “Jarvis?Will you have loki come down please?”he asked, because he knew there was no medical way to stop teh woman from miscarrying, but maybe the sorcerer would have some way to save them both from the devastating fallout of this.

“Kay. I can do that.”Tony smiled a little before nodding. “I know you would. And you’ll need two arms sometimes, but for now, until you’re feel better, we can leave it off.”Tony said before shaking his head, moving slowly to sit next to him, wrapping his arms around him. “I’m scared for you, not upset at you.”Tony muttered stroking his hair, “You could have. But from what it looked like, it was nothing that wasn’t going to be gone in a few days.”He hoped. “You hurt her. Maybe badly. But she will forgive you, she loves you.... Do you want to go see how she’s doing?She’s probably still in bed, it’s early enough...”
he nodded. "he cleaned out the entire fridge looking for the portal." he agreed with a laugh. "of course, since he turned Tony neon green i think they're even on that front." he admitted. "he didn't even use magic to do it." he admitted. "your stomach is cramping? maybe it was a bad... what was the last thing you ate? whatever it was, maybe you have a food poisoning or something." he muttered, hoping to GOD that was all it was. especially after all that talk of miscarriage. "...Bruce? what is it?" Gabe demanded, looking utterly panicked as Loki appeared in a swirl of shadow and emerald fire... missing his eyebrows. "not. a. word." Loki demanded, narrowing his eyes at them before pausing. "whatever is wrong?"

James smiled a little. "thank you Tony." he muttered, rubbing what was left of his shoulder, wincing as Tony sat down, but not recoiling the way he did when he was truly upset. he leaned into the other as he hugged him. "she'll hate me." he whispered. "i hurt her bad Tony... i broke her face.." he whispered. "i felt the bones break..." he shuddered. "she'll hate me and she deserves to..." he swallowed thickly and then. "yes. i want to see her." he decided. if only so she could scream at him. he did let Steve help him into a shirt so they wouldn't have to look at the hole that was his arm.
“It was amusing. And tony being neon green was epic.”Sarah giggled a little before nodding. “I had some shells and cheese with papa last night.”She muttered looking worried. “Hold on.”bruce muttered looking up at Loki, raising his own eyebrows as he looked at loki’s missing eyebrows before focusing again. Knowing he was going to panic the parents but...”She’s miscarrying Loki. I can’t stop it with medicine, I thought maybe magic would offer some help.”The man said, looking a little green around the edges, the hulk close to the surface in his worry, strong emotions pulling him closer to the surface then normal.

“Welcome.”Tony smiled a little, pleased he didn’t recoil, holding onto him tighter as he leaned in. “She wont hate you. Or hurt you for it. Now I’ll expect Gabe to punch you, but you’ll be okay.”Tony muttered standing up as steve helped him into the shirt, looking worried when jarvis directed them to the medical floor.
he snickered. "especially as he kept walking around, pestering Bruce." he agreed. "i do believe Tony got punched when he said 'Tony Smash' a few too many times in Bruce's presence." he admitted before blinking at Loki. "...Fitz did it! ask him!" Loki demanded as he scowled at them all. not very frightening when he was missing his eyebrows. "...i'm sorry, but... what is that?" Loki asked, a bit worried that Gabe had gone as white as snow. "...we're losing the baby..." he whispered. "the baby is dying." "shit!" Loki hissed, startled as he shoved Bruce out of the way and started to speak in ringing tones, hand over her belly. green mist seeping out of his hand and sinking into her belly. he spoke for nearly ten minutes, her stomach cramps slowly easing back. "i can't save the baby, but i've stabilized it as much as i am capable." Loki admitted. "we need to get her to Frigga, right now. Jarvis! summon Thor at once and have him open the Rainbow Bridge! we have no time to worry about formalities!" Gabe was already gathering her into his arms and was trying to keep her as calm as possible.

James shivered in Tony's arm and stood up with them. "i hope he does. i certainly deserve it." he admitted. Steve paused at the order and thought it best to take the new arm with them. he had a bad feeling James was going to need it in a bit. "what's wrong!?" James demanded as he stepped into Medical where Loki was doing his best to stabilize the mother as well so that they wouldn't upset the baby during the journey, Thor was already calling for Heimdal, warning him that there was a life on the line and to keep the connection open.
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