Hidden (lady/moon)

“Yea. He’s the world’s best soldier. Well, along with you.”Tony smiled a little before frowning, wanting to smack the other for thinking that. “I am not leaving. And you are not a monster.”Tony said softly smiling as the puppy made him relax, glancing up at steve, taking his cocoa and pie, sipping it as he settled in to eat. “Never hating you.”Tony smiled slightly, glancing up at steve as he freaked out, snickering a little. “He just doesn’t want you kissing him if you’re sharing germs with the dog. Don’t worry.”Tony snickered a little amused as steve twitched at the sharing
he blinked a little. "Soldier? was he in the war?" he asked softly before cringing at Tony's obvious annoyance. "are you sure?" he asked, looking up at Tony. "i have these dreams... i hurt people in them. i make them die..." he admitted softly, swallowing thickly. "i enjoy it..." he admitted as he pressed his face into his knees. he wasn't all balled up now though so that was progress at least. "kissing him?" James asked, looking confused before. "oh. that's right. i forgot. i'm in a threesome." Steve started choking on his own piece of pie. "is this the other? you never told me his name." James admitted, examining Steve curiously, angst forgotten for the moment. "Steve. Steve Rogers." Steve introduced with a smile as he watched the Puppy devour what was left of James Pie. "...hey!" James complained, scowling at the dog. "you little sneak! i'll turn you into a pair of slippers!" he complained before sighing at the puppies adorable 'i'm not afraid of you at all' ness. "stupid thing." he grumbled, patting it on the head. "don't even know your supposed to be afraid of me." he grumbled. "call you Captain Fearless if you keep this up Blondy." he growled at the Dog, who just barked and wagged it's tail, Steve burying his face into Tony's neck to hide the fact that he was laughing.
“He was. A few of them actually.”Tony mused tilting his head a little, wincing as james cringed. He hated upsetting the other, before nodding. “I’m sure. And you have hurt people, and killed them, but it wasn’t....”Tony looked frustrated unable to explain well. “it wasn’t you, not really. You are safe, I promise.”Tony said before wincing, “Oh. Sorry. I guess I didn’t.”Tony made a face before smirking at steve. “It is.”Tony smiled laughing as the dog swallowed down the pie, snickering. “....Oh. Look steve. He’s got another blond fearless Captain to make fun of.”Tony smirked pressing a kiss to steve’s head.
he nodded, studying Steve. explained why the man wasn't much bothered by the strangling thing. "i liked to kill them." he muttered before blinking at Tony, confused. "wasn't me?" he asked, a bit baffled. "don't worry James. Tony just tends to run hyper a lot and forgets little things like that." he promised the other, making James smile. Steve just started laughing harder as Tony made his quip and James pointed at the Dog. "That's right! you're name is Captain Fearless from this point on! now obey me Captain Fearless! Sit!" the dog just kept wagging it's tail and James sighed. "fine, i'll go get you more pie." he decided as he levied himself to his feet and stalked to the kitchen. "James! no! you'll make him sick if he eats anymore." Steve warned with another laugh. "he needs Dog food." "...where do i get that?" "Dum-E brought it up." "who?" "just one of Tony's robots." "...robots?" James asked, looking excited now. "will they lead an uprising against the human race like in the Comics?" "christ. i forgot about those." Steve admitted with a laugh. "come on Tony, we'll see what kind of stuff you bought." Steve ordered, digging through the piles of stuff to find a dog dish and some dog food.
“No, no you didn’t.”Tony muttered before huffing, making a face. “I do not. I’m perfectly calm and collected and totally remember how to explain things.”Tony pouted a little before smirking as he felt steve laugh, grinning as james named the dog. “You have to train them to sit down, he wont know how to just yet. He’s still young.”tony smiled before nodding towards the bags sitting in the living room.”everything we need is in there.”Tony smiled before huffing. “...Hey. I promised to not lead the revolution of bots! Natasha threatened me after she realized just how advanced Jarvis was.”Tony snickered before nodding, heading for the piles, smirking as he dumped what looked like two of everything from the dog aisle in the pet store onto the floor, laughing as the kitten and puppy tried climbing into the empty bags just to investigate
Steve snorted. "and he's a bad liar too." he admitted to James. "but we love him anyway." "i think it's cute." James admitted with a smile. "you mean Dogs don't just do what we tell them to? that's not the impression i got." James complained with a frown. "how do i teach him to sit?" "there should be some dog training books in with the rest of the stuff." Steve admitted. "we'll look them over." Steve promised. "who's Natasha?" James asked. "and who's Jarvis?" James asked, nearly crawling out of his skin when Jarvis intoned a greeting. "Leo, no no. not in the plastic bags, you'll suffocate." Steve complained as he pulled the kitten out of the bag and set it on the table. "here's the dog training books." Steve declared. "i take it half of this stuff is for James and Sarah?" he asked with a smile as he started sorting everything out while James enticed Captain Fearless with a rope toy, grinning a little.
“I am not!I’m amazing in everything I do!”Tony huffed before shaking his head. “No, they don’t. You have to train them. And there’s books.”tony reassured looking amused. “Natasha is the scary lady who lives here, who lives to threaten me when she thinks I’m being riddiculous.”Tony snickered, “And Jarvis is the artifical intelligence that runs the house.”Tony smiled snickering as steve took the kitten out, “it better be. I don’t want to go shopping if it isn’t.”Sarah said walking in, the small rat terrier nestled gently in the pregnant woman’s arms, looking quite content to stay there as she looked over the mess they had going on."it is, don't worry."
Steve snorted. "only when it comes to electronics." Steve corrected. "or physics. smart people things. you can't cook at all. and James? if he ever so much as tries? you are to stop him immediately." "uh. okay." James muttered, looking a bit confused as he studied them before scowling. "your being threatened? do you want me to hurt her?" "no. she's a friend. everyone you see in this level of the building is a friend." Steve explained. "how can intelligence be artificial? your either smart, or your not." James pointed out. "half of it is for you." Steve assured her with a grin as James bit a hasty retreat from the newcomers, quickly putting the table between them. "James? this is your daughter, Sarah. this is Gabe, a man you helped train." Steve explained, Steve flashing a smirk at Sarah. "ask James what he named his Dog." "what's wrong with Captain Fearless for a name?!" James demanded, scowling. "it's better than 'Leo'."
“I can to cook.”Tony sulked, poking james. “Don’t tell him that. He’ll stop me cooking, and I can make things.”Tony whined a little before shaking his head. “No, not really. She just likes thinking she’s in charge of things.”Tony snickered a little before smirking at james. “True, but Jarvis isn’t a real person. He’s a computer.”Tony explained. “...papa?”Sarah frowned a little looking confused, glancing at steve for explanation as she watched james put the table between them, wincing as she realized he had no idea who they were, “Also my boyfriend. You like him most days.”She added to steve’s introductions. but her mouth fell open as she realized what james named the dog, smirking at steve. “He named his blond dog, after his big blond puppy of a boyfriend?”She teased snickering a little.
"you can't even make Jello Tony! and don't get me started on the time you tried to make Toast." he grumbled. "and Natasha totally owns your ass. your terrified of her." he teased with a snicker. "what should really scare you is that she, Natasha and Phil are planning a 'girls night out'." Steve admitted. "they're supposed to be meeting Maria Hill and i heard Skye and Simmons are going with them. that's a formula for world domination... or world destruction right there." Steve admitted. "a...computer?" James asked, looking amazed. "computers can think?" he asked, looking startled before examining Sarah intently now that he knew she was his daughter. "i don't like him." he decided after examining Gabe. "can i shoot him?" "not unless you want to upset Sarah." Gabe warned. "no, i suppose i don't want that." James grumbled as he frowned at Steve. "are you a captain?" "yep." Steve admitted. "i'm Captain America." "...." "i'm a superhero." "...." "you know, i fight evil villains, aliens and Nazi." "...your called Captain America?" "...yes." "...that's a crappy name." "hey!"
“Hm, which is why I no longer make toast. Natasha threatened me.”Tony sulked before his eyes went comically wide. “.....Let’s hope they don’t add pepper and sarah to that list of people, otherwise it really will be world domination.”Tony snickered before nodding. “This computer can. He’s one of a kind.”Tony said proudly. “No!You can’t shoot him. He’s the father of your grandchild, be nice.”Sarah scolded looking amused, blushing slightly as james stared at her, smiling as the puppy in her arms wiggled and wanted down, smiling as she set the terrier down so he could play with captain. “He didn’t get to choose it, as he tastes like apple pie and freedom, it was declared he was Captain america. Just think, when you blow him later, you can hum ‘god bless america’ without getting scolded.” “...oh god. He’s going to be hyper for days now that James’ is home.”Sarah whined a little rolling her eyes.
"Pepper is going." Steve admitted. "and i think they are planning on inviting Sarah, even if she can't drink." he admitted. "that's... kind of creepy." James admitted, looking a bit wigged out as he tried to figure out if Jarvis was watching him. "but i desire to shoot him." James stated simply before he scowled a little. "i don't think i like the idea of people knowing what Steve tastes like." he admitted. "wouldn't that annoy him?" James asked, wondering why he would hum something like that when he was sucking cock. "of course it annoys me. that's why you assholes do it." Steve admitted as he handed Sarah a slice of apple pie. "so what did you name the little scamp?" he asked as he patted the puppies head. "why should he be hyper just because i'm here?" James demanded, frowning. "that doesn't make any sense at all."
“...oh hell. We’ll have to prepare for utter world domination then.”Tony shuddered before laughing a little. “Don’t worry. You actually enjoy talking to jarvis most of the time.”he smiled a little before nudging him. “You can’t shoot him.Sarah’ll cry.” “I would not!”Sarah huffed making a face. “...Me to. No one gets to taste Cap. He’s just for our pleasure.”He smirked a little. “thanks.”She smiled as she took the pie, nibbling on it before smirking. “Clayton.”Sarah smiled as she looked down at the small puppy nosing at gabe’s leg for attention, having already chosen his favorite. “...You’re his lover. And he’s hyper by nature. The fact he’s been worried sick, and is glad you’re back, he’s just going to be hyper.”
Steve chuckled. "probably. but at least we don't have to worry about them destroying it." he admitted. "as far as i know, Loki has resisted all attempts at being recruited." he admitted with a grin. "though there has been some talk of inviting Jane, Darcy, and Sif." he admitted. "do i?" James asked, examining the walls again. he did adore Jarvis though,he sometimes took hours just interacting with the robot, learning how to work things, learning about history, or just getting his feelings out. "yes. well. aside from you and Bucky no one has tasted me..." "who the hell is Bucky?" James demanded, jealous and Steve choked, fighting back the memories of first finding out the Winter Soldier was his best friend. "Your Bucky. it's a nickname." Gabe explained. "Steve typically references you in two different forms. James, and for the time before you where lost, Bucky. you don't usually like being called Bucky because of the memories attached to the name." "oh. alright then." James muttered as he blinked at Sarah, turning to examine Tony. "oh... would sex make him feel better?"
“You do. Almost as much as I do, actually.”tony snickered a little amused. “You are. Don’t worry. He’s ours.”Tony muttered gently running his fingers through james’ hair, looking up at steve, looking worried for him.”Cap?”He muttered quietly. Absently moving over, fussing over the blond. While he was normally submissive, the man responded like a dom when his boys were in trouble, fussing over them utterly, fussy and worried. “...Probably.” “Yes!”Tony piped up at teh question of sex making sarah roll her eyes, poking gabe. “we better go. Sex is going to happen now.”
James blinked a little and took Tony's word for t before smiling at the puppy named Clayton as Gabe sighed and picked it up when it started whining at him. "i'm okay." Steve muttered. "it just... hurt, a bit." he admitted softly. "bad memories." he explained to James who nodded. he could understand that. "yes. Sex. i agree." Steve stated with an eager nod as he started nudging Tony to the bedroom, James chuckling as he followed, wondering if this was really going to be okay. he hoped so. still, so long as he didn't panic, nothing bad would happen, right? he just had to stay calm and remember that these people where safe. they wouldn't let him hurt them, and they wouldn't hurt him either. it was safe, he was okay. he was also very horny.
Sarah snickered as she headed for the door, smirking at gabe a little as he picked up the puppy. “You’re already his favorite. I feel let out.”She pouted a little even as they got to the elevator and stepped in, looking up at gabe with a smile.

“Eager, Cap?”Tony teased smiling a little as he was nudged towards the bedroom, walking to the bedroom before turning to look at james, tilting his head, for the first time his collar not hidden under the collar of his shirt or jacket, looking completely content with them.”You okay? I mean...you really don’t remember us...so I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t want sex...”Tony said looking anxious
he chuckled. "Clayton loves you." he assured her. "he just feels safer with me because i'm bigger and don't smell like pregnant." he lied with a smile. "besides, i would never ignore you." he promised. "if you didn't shoot me for it, James certainly would." he admitted with a laugh.

"Yes. i've been horny ever since we got up." Steve admitted. "...i don't know." James admitted, looking hesitant. "i really want to." he admitted. "but what if i hurt you?" he asked, looking anxious. "oh. we can fix that." Steve promised, holding up the silver chain that looked so fragile a woman might have necessitated upon touching it. "Tony made it last week." Steve admitted. "we've tested it relentlessly. nothing can break this. we'll tie you're hands up and you won't be able to hurt us." James smiled, looking quite pleased and set his hands behind his back and let Steve tie them together and then wrap the chain around his hips so he really wasn't going to be able to do a damn thing. "hows that feel?" Steve asked, James struggling a bit against the chain before grinning. "wow. it's really strong... i kind of like this." James admitted.
“You are bigger. My big protector. I feel like I should get you a shield or something, so you can go defend me.”She teased easily accepting the lie, because she trusted him, so never questioned him on the white lies because of it. “Hmmm that’s true.”She teased before biting her lip as they got to their apartments, looking thoughtful as she walked in.”Hey gabe?...you...still serious about getting married?Maybe?”

“Me to.”Tony grinned, “The choke out didn’t help matters though.”Tony teased smirking at the other, before nodding, “We can definitely help that.”He said smirking at the chain, because it was so obscenely fragile looking, to be able to hold a super soldier. “See, all wrapped up like a beautiful present for us.”Tony muttered stroking a hand over james’ hip, smirking at him.”I know. This isn’t the first time we’ve tied you up, though it’s usually me getting tied up and teased. You two love teasing me.”
he smiled a little. "a Shield? i think Steve might protest that." he admitted with a chuckle. "besides, i work better with Guns, you know that." he admitted with a smile. "very true." he agreed as he kissed her cheek, pausing as she asked and examined her, taking her hand and smiling at her. "i would do anything, just to see you smile." he admitted. "if that means suffering through months of picking out colors and debating flowers and dresses i have no clue about. then that is what we will do." he promised. "i don't need a wedding to know how much i love you, but i would love a way to show to the world just how important you are to me." he admitted. "if you want a wedding, i can make Phil marry us. or maybe Steve?"

Steve flushed hard. "he was holding me against the wall! of course i'm going to react! he was strong, and powerful and... fuck!" he flushed as he pressed a hand to his groin. "it's not like i have the same breath capacity as you do. i can hold my breath for ten minutes without any problems." he admitted before grinning as he watched James. luckily, they'd already taken off his shirt, and the pants would be easy to remove. James shivered at the stroke to his hip and he let out a breathy sigh, closing his eyes at the sensation. "really?" he asked, blinking before he grinned. "you bite. when we tease you too much." he muttered. "and Steve begs, really pretty when he begs." he murmured. starting to remember already.
“He might, but you’d look good using a shield and gun.”She smiled a little as she settled onto the barstool, looking vaguely nervous at the idea of getting married, and having no idea why it made her so nervous, but she was. Smiling as he took her hand she curled her fingers around his, tugging him closer, wrapping her arms around his waist, leaning into him. “....I have no idea how to plan a wedding...think someone here knows?”She muttered looking nervous about the idea, before thinking about it, nodding quietly. Pleased to know how important she was, even if she had known it, it was still good to hear before sighing quietly. “Steve. Dad should.”She muttered.

“hm, we’re going to play with that kink later, soldier boy.”Tony teased even as he watched steve palm himself, absently reaching out, tucking his fingers under the collar and twisting, just enough to make breathing a little more difficult. Smirking at james he smiled, “Yea, really.”He said before sputtering. “Are you never going to let me forget I bit you once?”Tony whined, because really, he did bite when he was past the point of enduring teasing."And he does, he does beg so prettily."
he chuckled a little. "i would make a terrible Captain America." he admitted with a smile as he watched her,, wrapping his arms around her, hugging her tight. "i think everyone here is just as clueless as we are. we'l get Pepper on it. or Skye, they can research it." he suggested, stroking her lips with his thumb, grinning a little. "alright, we'll make sure Steve marries us. and James can walk you down the isle. like on the TV." he offered as he kissed her gently. "of course, i'll have to propose now." he admitted with a grin. "and get a ring for you."

Steve flushed hard. "i'd rather not." Steve lied. and it was easy to tell he as lying because as soon as that collar tightened around his throat his breath stuttered and he shuddered. so much for his self control. "nope." James admitted. "and it was more than 'just the once." he admitted, Steve huffing. "Tony, i don't beg pretty." he complained. "now stop picking on me and have sex with James so i can have my turn." he ordered with a smile.
Sarah smiled going utterly relaxed in his arms, because it was really the only place she could relax anymore, in his arms. “I’ll get pepper. She’s insane-organized anyways.”sarah muttered smirking as he stroked her lip, biting down gently on the pad of his thumb, giving him that flirty little look before smiling. “Hm, we should do normal things like that, since we don’t do normal so much of the time.”She teased kissing him back, blushing a little. “Well, of course.But don’t go insane or anything, you don’t have to go insane about it.”She muttered looking worried about what he’d do, not wanting anything to huge or anything, just wanting him.

“Liar.”Tony smirked tightening it more just to listen to him stutter before laughing, leaning down to kiss james lightly. “So glad to see your getting your memories back. Makes sense they’re about sex first.”Tony teased before smirking. “You do. But fine, I’ll get to teasing him.”Tony smirked palming the brunette’s cock as he tugged james’ jeans off, teasing him slowly, just enjoying touching him after so long.
he smiled and nodded. "this is true." he agreed. "Pepper would certainly be the best for the job." he mused before smirking as she nibbled on his thumb. "normal is overrated." he scoffed. "you'd be bored stiff if we had normal lives." he admitted with a grin. "don't worry. i'll make Tony buy it." he teased with a smirk. "it'll be fun to watch him freak out." he admitted with a chuckle before he tensed and his eye twitched. "...Clayton just pissed on me..."

he did stutter, cock throbbing in his boxers as he went bright red. "i... i'm not lying! i'm just not being honest!" he protested sheepishly before grinning as he watched the two men in his life. settling onto the bed to watch, letting Tony have his fill.he and James needed the contact and Steve wasn't about to be greedy when he'd basically had Tony all to himself for the last two weeks. James didn't seam to mind anyway, he was moaning as Tony palmed him, thrusting into the touch. "Tony... don't tease." James whined, squirming. "please..." he always tried to get out of being teased by acting cute and irresistible. Steve usually fell for it. Tony never did.
“She would.”Sarah smiled before laughing. “I would. Thank god we’re not normal.”She giggled a little, snickering a little at the idea. “He’ll definitely freak out. It’ll be amusing watching him try to figure out how to be helpful for a wedding.”She giggled a little before her eyes widened, laughing as she looked down at the puppy. “well, get used to it. Babies piss on their fathers all the time to.”She snickered looking amused, hugging him tighter to tell him she was just teasing, letting him go so he could take care of clayton.

“Hm, I’ll have to punish you later for lying.”Tony smirked laughing as he enjoyed playing with james. “Cute and iresistable don’t work on me, Barnes.”Tony grinned even as he gave in faster then usual, his need to be with the other as much as he always was, to great. By the time they finished, tony was a content happy mess, snuggled between his two super soldiers. “That was awesome.”He muttered panting yawning, the last two weeks of worry and exhaustion starting to catch up to him.
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