Hidden (lady/moon)

Tony smiled amused that even memoriless the man was watching him this intently."yea probably. I saw a few on my way up here."tony smiled slightly t2itching slightly,wanting to get closer but knowing better."I do...and I'm sorry you had to do that alone. I hate that you were alone."tony frowned a little wondering if the fight uad caused this,and feeling so guilty about it. It upset him with the idea that james had been scared without anyone."tony stark."he said tilting his head a little."you're wearing it because we're dating and you wanted me to know you belonged to me. Not a slave,my equal in everything."
his lip twitched. "big City slicker like you probably can't tell the difference between a copper head and a rat snake." he teased, shaking his head before tensing a little as he studied the other. "i was alone." he muttered. "i don't like to be alone." he admitted softly before looking up at the other, examining him some more as he stroked the collar. "your wearing one too." he muttered, eyes picking out the collar that was usually hidden well by Tony's jacket. not much got by James though, no matter what state of mind he was in. he paused to examine the now empty bag of Tacos as if hoping he might have missed something in there before balling it up and tossing it into a plastic bag that appeared to have been supplied by Amanda in the hopes he'd stop scattering the bones everywhere. "how come i was alone?" James finally asked. "did you kick me out? did i run away? was i kidnapped?" suspicious and wondering if maybe it was Tony's fault he was out in the woods without any clue about anything.
“Hey, don’t make fun. You’re just as much a city boy as I am.”Tony rolled his eyes a little before flinching, looking down. “I know you don’t. I’m sorry.”Tony muttered before startling a little at the other’s observations, smiling slightly. “I am.”Tony agreed shifting it so it was more visible to the other man, snickering a little as he looked for more food, flinching a little. Anxious at the idea of why, because it made him wonder why the hell james had left, and if it meant the other wanted to be away from him. “You ran away. I don’t know why, well, I do. I was arguing with a friend.”Tony said a silent apology to steve for oversimplizing their relationship, “and you took off. I don’t know why.”
he snorted. "i'm no city boy." he scoffed. "if i was, i wouldn't be out here." he didn't think so anyway. "it looks nice on you." James admitted before frowning a little as he examined Tony. "your lying about something." he growled, eyes narrowed. "i'm not sure what, but your lying." he growled, getting agitated now as he stood up, flexing his metal arm, which was completely covered by a leather glove and a long sleeve. good thing to or Hydra might have found him first if Amanda Roads had called in the police instead of Tony. "Tell me the truth!" James demanded, madness creeping into his eyes, just a little. he had never liked it when people lied to him, now was no different.
“You were in the army. But you still are a city boy. Brooklyn born and raised.”Tony said shuddering a little at the praise, smiling slightly. Wincing at the other’s anger, his eyes went wide, shifting to sit on the groung, “The friend I got in a argument with, is also our lover. We have a three-way relationship going on. He’s also the father of your daughter. It’s confused and complicated, but we’re all together.”Tony said rushed, eyes wide, for once actually looking scared of the former assassin.
he blinked. "oh. makes sense." he agreed before smiling as he watched the Shudder. "..." he paused as Tony babbled out the truth and he tilted his head at the other, examining him for a long moment before settling down and sitting back down, something in his gut clenching at the realization that Tony was afraid of him. "i have a daughter?" he asked, sounding amazed. "...you came here alone." he accused softly. "your afraid of me." he sounded a bit hurt by that. "why where you and...." he paused, waiting for a name. "him fighting?" he asked, looking confused and upset again. "nothing you say makes sense, but i know your not lying..." he muttered, examining Tony intently. "i don't like it when your scared of me..."
Tony swallowed hard, slowly relaxing as the other moved back, rubbing a hand over his face, trying to not feel as afraid as he had been for that moment. “You do. She’s 26, and pregnant. Utterly adorable in the fact that she’s incapable of not crying at a drop of a hat these days.”Tony snickered a little, wincing a little at the hurt tone. “I did. I didn’t want to upset Steve or Sarah by bringing them with me. I thought it might be easier to talk if it was just me.”Tony said swallowing hard, “I’m not afraid per se, just cautious. You’re alot stronger then me.”he said before sighing. “I tried to give Steve a present and he didn’t want it.”Tony muttered sounding still hurt and raw himself over that fact, having refused to talk about the present or the fight for the two weeks that had past. “I’m not usually afraid of you.”
James watched Tony intently. "pregnant?" he asked with a small smile. "pregnant people do that i suppose." not that he'd know, he just knew what he'd read. not that he could remember that either. "oh." he nodded, that made sense. upset people would have upset him too. "am i?" he asked, considering that. "i suppose i must be." he muttered. "i guess tearing up trees isn't something that most people can do." he muttered before turning to focus on Tony again. "why didn't he want it? was it a bad gift or did his emotions get involved?" he asked, his head tilted. "presents can be hard to accept sometimes. especially if a person feels very strongly about them. like, if he loved it too much, he might have gotten scared of it." Bucky admitted. "i get like that sometimes when Amanda tries to give me food." he admitted. "like steak. i get upset when she tries to give me steak because it costs too much and i don't deserve it." he admitted. "i'm glad your not usually afraid of me... i'm not... stable right now." he admitted, looking troubled. "i hurt Amanda the other day, i forget why..."
“Yea, so she tells me. But watching a soldier cry because she’s out of carmel ice cream is amusing.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “Yea. Not totally normal. You’re really strong, not being in control is worrying for human me.”Tony smiled a little watching him, before shrugging. “It was a bike!It wasn’t a bad present!It was his!I just had to go find it.”Tony blurted out looking anxious and worried, afraid this would break steve and him up, not wanting to tell it to him, not wanting to talk about it to steve, afraid he’d break them up. “...He said it was to expensive. He didn’t want it cause he didn’t want to mess it up. But I built it, it’d be fine.”Toyn said sounding utterly distraught and lost at the idea, before nodding. “I know. Which is worrying, but I’m not that worried about it. You wont hurt me.”He said quietly swallowing hard. “So. You want to go home?”
he snickered. "well, make sure she has caramel ice-cream then." he suggested. "but like, eighty things of it, that'll keep her content for a week at least." he suggested. "yeah, i'm not much for control right now." he admitted. "...a bike?" he asked, frowning hard. "a bike... like a motorcycle?" he asked curiously. "you know, some people have this chronic problem where they think they're not worth the time and attention other people give them. that's what Amanda says." he admitted with a nod. "he might have thought you put too much effort into him and if he's a soldier, then he might very well think he has no place owning, let alone deserving nice things like that." he pointed out. "i know i don't deserve nice things." he admitted with a nod. "i just break things, so i need to have crappy junk that can be easily replaced." he admitted. "i've gotten better though, so long as i don't use my left arm i seam to be okay with not breaking things." he admitted, flexing metal fingers that where well hidden by his long sleeve shirt and glove, glancing at Tony. as if testing the other. after all, if Tony was really his lover, he'd know why the left arm was so special.
“Hm, I’m sure her boyfriend will make sure she has plenty of it.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “Yea, a vincent black shadow from the 40s.”He shrugged before shrugging, “I don’t know. We’ve been so busy looking for you, we haven’t really talked...”Tony said biting his lip, “He deserves it. I wanted to give it to him.”he sulked a little before frowning. “You deserve nice things. Alot of nice things. I’ll buy you stuff.”Tony frowned at the other, swallowing hard as he watched him flex his hand, shuddering a little. “....If you take that off, I’m going to prove I’m a tech genius with a fetish for getting touched with things I make. Stop it.”He ordered eyes wide and blown as he watched the other man.
he scowled. "boyfriend?" he asked, unhappy with the idea of a daughter he didn't remember dating a man he didn't know. "...black...." he frowned a little. "Black Shadow..." he muttered. "...someone saved me riding on one of those." he muttered before turning to smile at Tony. "i don't deserve nice things." he stated simply, least of all from someone who already gives me what i've always wanted the most." he admitted with a smile. "you love me. that's all i'll ever need. i can see it when you look at me. even if your scared of me." he admitted before he tensed violently, on his feet again. "you made this!?" he demanded, sounding angry again. "you put this abomination on me?!"
“Yea, and you like him. Most of the time anyways.”Tony smiled a little before grinning, “That was steve. And this bike is the one he used. Took me awhile to find it actually.”Tony smiled a little before frowning, “...But I want to. I can afford it.”tony said looking utterly anxious and upset that they wouldn’t accept gifts from him. Swallowing hard he nodded. “I do. Always.”Tony muttered even more anxious at the admittance that he was in love, because even if they all knew it, it was hard on him. Looking up at the other he looked ready to bolt, “Not, not the first one!You lost your arm before we met. I just replaced the piece of shit you had the first time, and gave you this one.”
he huffed. "i'm sure he's terrible." he grumbled before he blinked a little. "you got him the same kind of bike that he went to war in?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at Tony. "and you don't think his traumatic emotions are going to have issue with that?" he asked. "every time he rides it, it's like remembering all the people he killed while riding it." he pointed out. "all Soldiers have bad memories, and sometimes they come out in bad ways when triggered by certain things." he admitted. "besides, just because you can afford it, doesn't mean it's something we'll like. someone like a Soldier. we like things that touch the heart, not the wallet. buying us a flat screen TV will do little for someone like me. but buying a vacation where we can stay together for an entire week, even though it costs thrice as much, will be a lot more well accepted... makes sense?" he asked with a smile. "money doesn't matter, Love does." he admitted with a smile before focusing all his rage on Tony, staring at him before gripping his metal arm, cradling it as if it had broken and James whimpered as he sat back down, retreating a bit more into the cave, hiding from the pain of the memories of 'them' forcing the arm on him the first time, experimenting on him. of pain and blood. hiding from Tony's fear and the pain that also caused.
”Yea. I mean, its a rare bike. I thought he’d like it.”Tony said staring at the ground, looking so very lost, “...I didn’t think he’d mind. I mean, its a cool bike....I rebuilt it!I thought...nevermind it doesn’t matter I guess.”tony muttered slouching a little, looking utterly lost and confused, hurting because he hadn’t understood. Swallowing hard as he watched james retreat, sighing quietly as he shifted the bag he’d brought, glad he’d had the foresight to grab a blanket and his phone so he could play games, having figured it would take awhile to get through to him and get james home. Swallowing hard as he settled against the tree, snuggled up in the blanket as he played angry birds, keeping a eye on the cave, simply waiting, and knowing james would come back out when he was ready.

“....Gabe. He’s gone still. I don’t know. This is weird. He’s never been gone this long. I mean, not willingly. What if something happened?”Sarah sniffled as she snuggled into her boyfriend, looking worried and anxious, and indeed looking on the verge of crying at the idea of being left alone
he smiled at Tony. "what does it being rare have to do with anything? if... uh, Steve? was into collecting bikes i bet he would have loved it. but you expect him to actually ride and use it." he pointed out before pausing. "it does matter. it upset you, so it matters." he admitted. "does he know you rebuilt it though? or does he simply think you fixed it up?" he asked before he had his little episode and retreated. an hour into the waiting Amanda appeared, making sure 'Tim' hadn't killed Tony Stark by accident. "hey. i brought food and some Cocoa." she offered Tony, holding out the two bags of food. two hamburgers and a fries for tony, five fries and seven burgers for Bucky, he had taken a doze in the cave and slipped back out at the promise of food. "..Tim? are you hurt?" she asked, watching him cradle his arm. he shook his head and she looked at Tony for an answer instead. at his promise that James wasn't hurt she nodded and offered them a good night as she left to go get a couple of hikers out of the river. this time, James didn't hang out by the cave, he moved over and sat next to Tony and munched on his burgers and fries nearly within touching distance. though he didn't move there until Amanda was well out of sight.

Gabe shook his head. "i don't know." he admitted softly. "he might have hit his head for all we know. or he could just be lost. you know how terrible of a sense of direction he has." he pointed out. "Tony will find him." he promised her. "he always does." he muttered, kissing her forehead. "Tony's gone too, i think he might be hunting down another clue." he admitted. "Steve came back about twenty minutes ago." he admitted. "i think he was crawling the sewers again, he sure stank like it."
“..No it doesn’t. It’s okay.”Tony shrugged, but it did obvious upset him, but he didn’t want to talk about it. Startling a little at amanda’a appearance he smiled a little. “Thanks.”He smiled a little as he took it, sipping it slowly, glancing at james, looking worried before shaking his head.”he’s fine.”He promised watching her go, swallowing hard as james sat down next to him, trying hard to not fidget and touch the other. Swallowing hard as he tried to control himself. “So, are we staying here all night?”

“I know....he is really horrible at directions.”She sighed softly, leaning against her, smiling a little. “true. Tony’s amazing at finding him. It’s amusing.”She snickered before sighing. “I better go check on him.you coming?”She said wanting to make sure that her father wasn’t totally losing it, worried the man wouldn't take tony's current absence well
she smiled at him, glad that 'Tim' finally had what he had been trying to look for. James had been too scared to go far from his cave though, so his search hadn't lasted long anytime he got up the nerve to go look. "...no." James admitted. "no we can... go." he agreed, looking at Tony. "i'm sorry i scared you." he muttered from around his burger and his own helping of cocoa. "it's getting cold at night." he admitted as he hesitated and then squirmed closer and pressed his flesh arm against Tony's and rested his head against Tony's shoulder, sighing softly. as if the lack of human touch had been painful to him. "i want to go home... even if i can't remember it..."

he smiled. "and when he's lost he gets kind of timid. remember when he was missing for three weeks because he got lost and refused to stop and ask for directions because the people scared him? as i recall his excuse was that he wasn't allowed to kill them if they got rough." he admitted with a grin as he stood up and followed her. Steve was in the Garage, cleaning the motorcycle Tony had gotten him. he knew he had been wrong to protest it, and still wasn't sure why he had. he was using it every day now, but he couldn't bring himself to apologize to Tony until he understood why he had been upset about it.
Tony smiled happy that the other was pleased that the other wanted to go home, “Well, it wasn’t pleasant, but I can understand why you freaked out. It’s okay.”Tony muttered sipping his cocoa as he finished her burger, relaxing utterly as the other pressed closed into him, smiling happily and pleased that the other was touching him, having missed him. “Well, let’s go home then.”he smiled as he waited for the other finish before getting up, getting up, slipping a hand into the others, leading him back into the car. Fussing over him as they got into the car and headed back into the city. Trying not to be to anxious as they neared the tower.

“Oh yea. I forgot about that. That was horrible. I was certain he was going to miss my high school graduation because he got lost.’she snickered a little pausing at the sight of steve cleaning up the bike, tilting her head a little as she looked at him. “You okay?”She asked walking closer.
he smiled a little as he snuggled up to Tony. "it's just... i can't remember... people don't have metal arms..." he muttered. "it frightens me a little." he admitted as he examined the metal peeking out between his glove and his sleeve. "okay." he agreed as he let Tony fuss over him, feeling tired and skittish. "wait! stop!" James protested, cringing back as they prepared to go into the garage, looking rather horrified at the idea of going into a place so large, filled with so many people. "we can't! it's too..." he swallowed hard, examining the number of people going in and out of the building.

he nodded. "i thought you where going to murder him for sure when he finally showed up, filthy as sin and smiling oh so innocently." he admitted with a snigger. it didn't help that she'd graduated from 'Hydra High' at the age of fourteen. "hey... no." Steve admitted with a sigh. "i don't understand why this stupid bike bothers me so much..." he admitted, hand trembling as he wiped it clean. "and James is missing and Tony is avoiding me and everything is going to hell and i can't fix it..."
“I know. They don’t, but you do. It’s okay. I made the tech in this one, it’s perfectly safe and okay, I promise.”he muttered smiling slightly as he drove, simply enjoying being with him before his eyes widened at the demand, wincing as he threw the car in reverse, easily reversing the car and ignoring the odd looks he was getting. “Okay. No problem. We can just drive around more.”He said as he headed out again, smiling slightly as he headed out to brooklyn, simply driving.

“I thought about it. He just looked so innocent about the whole thing!”She whined a ltitle smiling slightly before frowning as she sat on the floor next to him, looking worried about him, “Maybe cause you didn’t get tony anything? I mean, I know he gives gifts for affection, but this is a fairly big one. I mean, he did spend alot of time searching for it. Fitz was telling me about it. Seems tony took forever debating on how to make it better.”Sarah said shrugging, not sure how to make it better. “And we’ll find james. And tony is avoiding you cause he thinks you dont want him anymore. Maybe, I don’t know. He’s not talking about it.”sarah sighed softly, this was so hard, because she had no idea how to help/
he nodded, flexing his fingers again. "...it is really cool." he agreed with a sheepish smile as he looked up at Tony before he wigged out at the idea of going into a place so busy. it took a good five minutes for him to calm down again. "sorry..." he muttered. "all those people. it freaked me out." he muttered, shaking his head. "i'm all broken..." he muttered. "i should have stayed in my cave..."

he laughed a little and nodded. "at least he got you a cool graduation present. that Gun was epic." he admitted with a grin before studying Steve who frowned, confused. "huh?" he asked, blinking a little as he realized what she meant. this was as big of an 'I Love You' from Tony as you could get. even Pepper hadn't gotten a gift so long thought out and hard worked. "...maybe your right." he muttered, staring at the bike. it upset him a lot less all of a sudden and he nodded. "in fact, i think you are right." he admitted before he sighed. "Tony would think something stupid like that..." he muttered with a snort. "i need to get him an i love you present too..." he muttered. "but what can i get him?" he wondered. "i wish James was here, he's always been smart about things like this." he admitted before he focused on her. "how are you feeling?"
“its okay. When I had a few freakouts a few years ago, i couldn’t stand crowds either. Still don’t do well with them actually.”Tony said frowning slightly, reaching over to take his hand, squeezing a little. “You’re broken, but so am I. So is steve. We just have to take care of each other.”He smiled quietly, tightening his hold. “No. No you shouldn’t have. I need you, steve needs you.”

“That was epic.”She agreed snickering a little before smiling slightly at steve. Sighing softly. “You said he didn’t do well hearing it, or saying it. This is his version of ‘I love you.’”Sarah muttered reaching out, squeezing his arm. “You know better then anyone he doesn’t know how to connect to people. Him finding the bike, not understanding it might have bad memories or you might not want it, was normal. He wanted something special, so he went with the biggest thing he could think of.”Sarah muttered before smiling a little. “He would. You’ll have to tell him different when he gets back.”she snickered smiling at gabe, “And I’m sure we’ll find him. We will.”She said a little worried with the idea, swallowing hard, before smiling a little. “I cried over ice cream earlier. And I cried cause I accidently smacked gabe in the face when I tried to get out of the blankets...it was horrible. I can’t stop crying.”she sniffled a little, hating that being a super soldier just made her hormones all the much more off balance then a normal pregnant woman. “And I miss papa.”She whimpered quietly as she sat on the floor, snuggling into gabe as he sat next to her.
he glanced at Tony, feeling a bit better that Tony understood, letting Tony squeeze his metal hand. "okay." he could handle that. taking care of Tony and the Steve who he couldn't remember... not that he could remember Tony all that much, or at all, either. "okay. i won't leave." he promised, smiling at Tony. "but... can we wait until Home isn't so busy?" he asked hopefully. "it's not always like that is it? do we live with all those people?"

he nodded. "this is true." he agreed. "i guess i didn't think about it from his point of view. i should have." he admitted as he set his hand on hers. taking comfort in the contact. "the thing is... this is the exact bike i owned." Steve admitted. "i know it is because of the serial number." he admitted as he stroked the numbers stamped to the frame. your right. we will find him." he agreed as he smiled at her. "i'm sure he just got lost." he offered. "remind me to tell you the story about how he meant to end up in Chicago but somehow got on the plane for Taiwan." he suggested with a chuckle. "James' Ma couldn't stop crying when she was pregnant with James youngest brother." he admitted. "i think it must be normal." he admitted as he stroked her hair. "come on. i'll make you some hot cocoa and some Apple Pie." he offered as he let Gabe pick Sarah up and snuggle her all she wanted as he carried her to the shared bedroom as Steve started baking, because it made him feel better.
“Good. Cause this last two weeks, worst thing ever. It was horrible.”Tony groaned a little at the idea of being left again before nodding. “We can. Not always. It’s still open for a hour or two, its a office building. People will go home soon.”he promised before shaking his head. “No, not all of them. A few of them have apartments in the building, but the top floors where we live, only have 20 people living in it, and they’re not always around or hanging out with everyone. So really, we live pretty solitary.”

“No, but its okay. Just explain if you can get him to talk.”Sarah smiled a little before frowning a little. “Is that what is upsetting you? I mean, he probably thought it was cool to have it back, but it could have bad memories...”She said looking concerned for him before snickering. “That’s awesome. He got lost before my graduation, and was so scared of people he refused to ask directions. It was mausing and annoying to.”Sarah snickered a little before nodding. “I know, its just not pleasant.”She muttered smiling happily as she snuggled gabe, perfectly content to let steve cook for her."Gabe...you should go take a pic of dad making apple pie....tony'd love it."She snickered tiredly
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