Hidden (lady/moon)

"you haven't even eaten yet today Tony." James chastised with a smile. "we have Pizza upstairs. from new-york." he admitted with a smile. "me and Steve like to argue." "yeah, it's all we do." Steve agreed, both of them chuckling. now that the trauma was over from screaming at each other, they found it rather amusing how much they really couldn't stand each other without Tony. "i am not freaked out by girls!" Steve protested, sulking. "i'm just scared by them!" James started to laugh and examined the paper. "i'm surprised they where allowed to print her naked like that." "they blurred out all the naughty parts so it's okay." Johnny admitted with a snigger. "i so did not! some alien bastard called the Silver Surfer came so that the Star Snuffer could come kill us all!" Johnny protested. "for once, it wasn't Reeds fault!" Johnny complained before smiling at Alex, expression gentle. he really did love Alex. "you know, you'd be impressed Tony. Alex hit a reporter on his way in." Johnny admitted with a snicker as he gathered Tony up a pile of Pizza and handed it to him.
“I have to. I had a apple.”Tony frowned a little but looking interested in pizza, smiling happily as they headed upstairs. “You are to. It’s quite adorable how freaked out you are.”Tony teased a litle before shaking his head at the part. “...Well. For once. It’s only a matter of time before it is again.”Tony snickered a little. “What?You did?”Tony said looking at his half sibling in interest as the man settled on the couch with johnny, nerves and compassion on his face, knowing just how hard this had to be. “I did. He wouldn’t stop shoving the mircophone in my face. Punched him and declared he was assaulting me. It’ll be fun if he tries to accuse me of assaulting him first.”Alex said smiling slightly as tony started eating as he laughed, the man amused as he sat between his boys on the couch. Simply talking for awhile before..."So...Dad." "I saw him. I didn't...he never made a big deal, didn't really make the connection between him and howard stark. Didn't watch alot of tv and all, so..."Alex said helplessly. "So you saw him alot?" "Yea...every few months, he'd come and visit."Alex said flinching a little as tony's features shuttered, the billionaire drawing away from them emotionally as he realized the weeks howard stark had claimed to be looking for cap, had simply been a excuse to go visit his other family. giving up time with him, to have the family he really wanted.
James rolled his eyes. "tony you've had an apple ina twenty four hour period. you need more than that." he warned with a smile as Steve huffed. "i'm not scared of Natasha." he pointed out. "well. except when she tries to get me dates." he admitted. "and Pepper doesn't scare me." he admitted. "well, unless she and Rhodey are in the same room. those bastards always gang up on me." Steve admitted as he helped himself to another piece of Pizza and then flopped down next to Tony, smirking a little. "you're a lawyer right?" James asked his head tilted. "Soul sucking Lawyer right?" he asked with a smirk as he took a sip of his new favorite beverage, Dr. Pepper. they all fell silent at the sudden subject change and they fidgeted a little. "Tony..." Steve muttered, settling his hand in the others and holding it tight, glancing at Alex. "James? i'm going to take Tony back downstairs." Steve decided. "i'm sorry Alex... Tony's not feeling well." he admitted, though that was obvious. James watched Tony leave and then turned his attention to Alex. "Howard was extremely negligent towards Tony." he explained. "abusive even." he explained. "finding out his father had a second son is... hard for Tony." he explained. "particularly since Howard seams to have hated Tony, while loving you." he admitted. "it's really hard for him, so please don't think it's anything to do with you personally."
“Yea. Corporate and international law, is my specialty.”Alex smiled before laughing. “Well, a lawyer, not soul sucking.” “Lies. All lies. All lawyers are soul sucking.”Tony snickered a little. “Don’t...”Tony muttered as he squirmed away, already heading for the door, ignoring Alex staring after him. “...I had known he wasn’t the most attentive of parents...but really?”Alex flinched, swallowing hard. Because he didn’t remember the man like that. He’d been reserved, but not mean, not angry. “Maybe...meeting him wasn’t a good idea?”Alex said looking worried as he glanced between johnny and james worried about upsetting tony to badly.

“Hey. So I have something for you.”Tony grinned, having every intention of distracting steve and himself from talking about what had just happened. “Come on.”He grinned as he tugged steve into the backroom, grinning at the gleaming black bike, with a arc reactor/ shield design, flanked by a red star, representing all three of them over gleaming black. “Here. A early christmas present, since I forgot your birthday.”he smiled happily.
"International? like if someone goes to France and breaks a law there and makes a huge mess?" James asked, frowning a little as he considered that. "i have to agree though, Lawyers are soul sucking." he admitted with a playful grin before watching Tony leave, closing his eyes. "he was a terrible father. at the age of Five Tony was building using power tools under Howard's... 'supervision'. he's been so traumatized by it that he can't even handle people handing him things." he admitted. "Howard... he might of been nice to you, but he was horrible to Tony." he admitted. "don't worry about it Alex. Tony will love you, he just has to come to terms with some pretty heavy emotions first." Johnny promised, taking the others hand as James smiled. "Tony will calm down, he just has to understand that your not Howard, that's all." he promised the other. "i better go check on them."

Steve blinked a little. "something?" he asked, looking amused. "the thing you've been working on for the last couple of months?" he asked with a chuckle as he paused and stared at the bike. "...oh my god, Tony..." he whispered, stunned. "that's... i thought they weren't made anymore?" he asked, stroking the bike. "i saved Bucky on one of these..." he admitted, touching the handles as he sat on it, amazed before he stood up. "this must have cost you a fortune!"
“Yep. I’m angling to be a diplomat, but there’s no positions open at the moment, so I’m practicing law still and staying here, and just traveling when the diplomats need help.”Alex smiled wincing as he watched tony leave before swallowing hard, realizing that the man he knew, hadn’t existed for tony. “...Okay. I’ll just be patient then.”Alex said before looking at johnny, “We better get going. No need to make tony hide out in the lab if he wants to come upstairs.”Alex smiled slightly.

“Yea. That thing.”Tony grinned happy, tiltin his head, grinning pleased at steve’s reaction. “They don’t. It took me awhile to track down a guy in germany who had the one you used. Apparently it was a spoil of war after you went down, having your bike.”Tony smiled happily nearly bouncing in hyperness at the sight of steve sitting on the bike.”Well?Like it?”
"what in the world is a Diplomat?" James asked, quite a bit baffled. "Patience is best when dealing with Tony." Johnny admitted as he wrapped an arm around Alex's shoulders. "sure. come on, we'll stop at that dessert place you like so much and make a date of it." Johnny promised, ducking his head to give him a kiss before guiding him to the Elevator. hoping Alex was going to be alright. poor guy had so been looking forward to having a family again.

Steve felt so touched that Tony had gone to such lengths, but it was so much effort for something so... he shook his head a little as he touched it. he wanted it so badly but... "Tony this is too much." Steve whispered. "it's just too much." he admitted, swallowing thickly as he looked at it, looking up at him. "it just costs too much i can't take that kind of money away from you."
“Someone who represents their country in other countries, to deal with problems and laws between countries.”Alex smiled a little before smiling, “Hm, that sounds amazing.”He grinned pleased as they left, even if he was sad that he’d made tony run away. At least this would be something, hopefully.

“What?No it’s not. To much would have been replacing the engine with that repulsor engine I was thinking about doing. This was awesome to work on.”Tony grinned though it was starting to fade around the edges, “Do you realize just how much money I make in a hour?This wasn’t anything cap, except my need to give you something awesome. I mean, you like it don’t you?Don’t worry about the money, money means nothing to me...”
he blinked a little. "like that group of stuffy old people you see on the Television that keeps trying to tell each other why their country is better?" he asked, looking amused. "boring." he admitted as he watched them leave.

Steve shook his head. "Tony..." he muttered, frowning as he studied the other. "Tony don't make jokes about this. besides i don't think i could have handled a repulsor engine." he admitted. "Tony there's too much here. i do like it, i do but i don't think i could ride this. it's just too much." it cost too much, he's scratch it, or scuff it, ruin all of Tony's hard work. he knew he could never do anything but stare at it. it was a wonderful gift, too wonderful. Steve would never be able to bring himself to use it for fear of ruining it.
“It wasn’t a joke, at least not really. I had considered changing it, then decided it was better original.”Tony tilted his head, before his smile faded, watching the other man. “Why not?It’s a bike, ride it. It’s made to be ridden, I got it cause your bike isn’t you. This is you, I can totally see you on it. Come on, go for a ride, you’ll like it.”Tony said working hard to keep his voice even and happy, even if there was crushing hurt under it all. Already turning away he scampered over to the bike, pushing steve a little. “Come on, we’ll go for a ride.”
Steve shook his head. "Tony! please... this is... i can't. i'll ruin it somehow. i'll break it!" he protested. "it's too nice for me, i can't use this!" he protested, voice rising because he didn't understand why Tony didn't get it. he knew Steve had trouble with money, being so poor all of his life, having to use hand me downs and broken things all his life had given him an aversion to using nice things for fear he would have to pay for them when he scuffed them. "Tony don't push! i'm not getting on that thing, it's too good for me!"
“But its yours!and I’ll fix it if you do.”Tony said sounding upset himself, “It’s yours!It wasn’t to good for you back then, and I want to give it to you. Just take it!”Tony said shoving him a little, anxious and upset because money was one of the few ways he understood how to tell people he cared about them, giving them things he knew they’d like. Flinching as the shove pushed steve into the bike, flinching when he heard it topple over. Wincing a little as he scampered around to pick it up, looking up at steve. “See, I scuffed it up myself now, so don’t worry about it. It’s fine.”
Steve shook his head. "it wasn't good for me back then!" he yelled, wincing as he realized he was yelling, stumbling as he was shoved, mostly because he hadn't expected it ad was startled to realize that he'd actually gotten a it hurt from tripping over the bike, a long cut on the back of his leg bleeding slowly from a sharp edge on the casing. "it's not fine! you just pushed me!" Steve protested, touching the bleeding. he wasn't used to bleeding anymore and for some reason, it enraged him. he pulled himself to his feet, puffing himself up to continue fighting when Jarvis intoned that 'Sargent James' had left the building.
“But I want you to have it!”Tony said sounding anxious paling quickly as he realized that he’d gotten steve hurt.”Sorry, are you okay?”he asked looking up at the other, already crouching down to look at the cut, worried even as he got up again and went to find bandages before pausing, frowning. “What?Where’d he go?”Tony asked as he found the bandages, crouching down to fuss over steve’s leg one handed for a moment as he dialed, before pining his phone against his shoulder as he bandaged the other, anxiously fussing as he waited for james to answer. Wincing as it went to voice mail. "Come on. We better go find him."tony said his anxiety over the gift shifting into being afraid for james as he headed for the door.
Steve sighed as he deflated. "he must have heard us... fighting." Steve muttered as he let Tony bandage the cut. it was deeper than Steve had expected, and strangely it wasn't healing as fast as it normally would. he ignored it, letting the other bandage it before he followed Tony. "i'm sorry too..." Steve admitted. "i'm..." he swallowed thickly. "i'm not used to. i've never..." he'd never gotten presents before. save a teddy bear once. by the time he had the money, he was too old for presents. plus his mother was dead so there wasn't anyone other than James to give them. "money was always a big deal. we had to save every penny, and sometimes we would only be able to eat once a day." he admitted. "no ones ever given me a present that wasn't... you know, specifically useful in some way." he admitted. "a gun once. and James gave me a candy bar for my birthday one year..." he admitted, swallowing as he headed out, trying to spot James. "come on, we'll want to look for someplace high and open." but Steve was wrong, James had gone against all his previous behaviors and was low and closed in. traveling in the sewers. they wouldn't find him.
“Yea...”Tony muttered shrugging a little as he finished bandaging it, tense and anxious even as he nodded. “It’s okay. I get it.”Tony muttered but still obviously off balance and anxious, upset because steve didn’t want it. Emotionally to raw to deal with how utterly hurt he was feeling, focusing instead on trying to find james. “Bikes useful. Better then your current one.”He muttered, even as they started searching, simply falling silent, not wanting to fight, so he was being oddly weirdly quiet for him.

By the time they finished searching hours later tony was tired, grouchy, and being generally passive aggressive as he slumped into the apartment, flinching at the sight of gabe and sarah. “Hey you two.” “...Where’s papa? I wanted to ask him something.” “Not here.” “What do you mean, not here?”Sarah said raising her eyebrows, looking worried.
he shook his head. "you don't get it. but that's okay, i don't get it either." Steve admitted with a sigh. "we'll have to talk about it, that's all... no fighting this time." he decided softly as he took Tony's hand into his, holding it because he needed to. "my bike is a piece of shit." he agreed.

Steve was looking rather frantic when all their searches of all of Bucky's old and new favorite places turned up nothing. and the tracking chip in his collar had been removed. so he'd either abandoned it, or simply removed the Chip, or it had gotten damaged somehow, who knew. "...he heard me and tony fighting about something stupid and he left." Steve whispered, sounding torn up with guilt. "why would he leave? me and him yelled at each other all the time. why would he leave?"
Sarah looked worried looking at the two, swallowing hard. Maybe the two were just to close to see it, because tony was looking utterly lost and confused to. “Because you and him?You two are in this for tony. I know I know, you two love each other, but its tony. Maybe hearing you argue with tony freaked him out, made him worry you two were going to call it quits.”She said looking worried and anxious, “How about you get some sleep. Talk. Do something. Me and Gabe’ll look for awhile, and get jarvis to help.”She said biting her lip, having no idea how to help, but knowing that she had to find her father, trying not to let her own hurt feelings show. Knowing that him running hadn’t had anything to do with her, and yet it still hurt.
Steve made a small whimpering sound. "what if he doesn't come back?" he asked, sounding utterly panicked by the idea, fingers gripping tightly on Tony's hand, being careful not to squeeze too hard. "i would never call it quits with Tony. i'm too selfish." Steve admitted. "...okay. you know him best. you'll be able to find him..." Steve agreed, looking hopeful as he looked at Tony. "we should ask Phil and Natasha to help look too. they can find anything..."
“Don’t be a idiot, dad. He’ll be back.”Sarah said. “He will be.”Tony said sounding worried and panicked as he clung to steve’s hand. “I will. And I’ll get Phil and Natasha. And clint. And the others. Go rest. You two look moments away from passing out exhausted.”She said watching them, waving them towards the bedroom. “...bloody hell.”Sarah said biting her lip after they left, looking over at Gabe. “Come on.”She sighed quietly, already heading down a few floors to grab phil and natasha, also starting jarvis searching for the man. Having no idea what to expect from their search, but having a feeling it wasn’t going to be easy on any of them.
but two weeks later no one had found anything, not even when Steve took that new bike out every single day and rode it until the gas tank emptied twice before returning home. out of everyone, Steve seamed to be hitting the hardest, waking from screaming nightmares about Bucky being gone forever, Bucky falling from trains, Bucky being kidnapped by Hydra and mutilated like Loki's sons. nightmares where Tony blamed him for making bucky leave, nightmares where Sarah blamed him. nightmares where Hydra too Tony and wiped his mind and made him a slave. it had gotten so bad that Steve had practically stopped sleeping, and worse. the cut on his leg had gotten infected at some point because Steve had seen on one of Jarvis's video feeds that Bucky had taken to the sewers and followed James down with an open cut though sewage. Bruce had not been happy.

Two weeks had passed now and no one had seen a single thing of Bucky other than him going into the sewers. they did find his tracking chip, but not the collar so James seamed to still be wearing it. there was that at least. Natasha and Phil had not turned up anything either and they where worried that James might have skipped country. then it happened. Jarvis spoke up, stating that a Miss Amanda Roads was on the phone stating that she had found a man who didn't seam to know who he was camping in the national forest fairly deep in and she had noticed that he was wearing a BDSM Collar with Tony's name etched into it. she told Jarvis that the man was extremely paranoid and it had taken her an entire twelve days to get close enough to him to be able to read the tags but that he did seam to be eating the food she was leaving for him. so at least he was getting food.
:...Ms. roads, I’m currenty in the city, but I would like to thank you for finding him. We’ve been worried sick.”Tony said getting directions and everything he needed to find bucky, biting his lip a little as he debated. If he waited till steve got home, it’d be awhile. And knowing steve, he was out of the city on the bike searching. Glancing at the clock he realized it’d be awhile till he was home, and...”jarvis. Tell the other’s I’m going out for a drive. I’ll be back in a few hours. And don’t tell them we found him, at least not till I know if he’s coming back or not.”Tony said as he headed for the garage, not about to get sarah’s hopes up when the pregnant woman seemed always moments away from tears these days. Swallowing hard he texted steve to let him know he was going on a drive, not wanting the man to worry if he got home before tony did, before leaving.

Following Amanda’s directions into the forest, tony cursed every time he tripped and stumbled, so not used to going hiking in the woods, though he’d been smart enough to change into hiking boots and jeans before leaving, at least he wasn’t climbing in dress clothes. Pausing at the edge of the small clearing he looked around, looking anxious when he didn’t see the super soldier right away, holding up his hands, hoping the man was in the middle of a episode and wouldn’t recognize him.”Jamie?”He called sounding anxious and upset, after steve, tony was the one taking it the hardest. his own insecurities about being left, by both james and afraid steve would leave if he didn't find james, of sarah hating him, of being left alone, the guilt of knowing he'd driven james away, was eating him alive. and not even being totally dominated in the bedroom one of the few times steve had actually convinced him to go to bed, the man was a absolute utter mess.
Ms. Roads was more than happy to be of assistance. she gave clear directions and offered him to take his time, that the man she'd been calling 'Tim' never moved. she told Tony she thought he was waiting for someone, probably him, and that she'd meet him at the Ranger station for more directions. Ms. Roads gave him a big bag of Tacos for James and sent him on his way with a warning of Coyote problems while she left to go handle a poisonous snake that was on the path. within the clearing there was a dead fire and animal bones scattered about. most of it appeared to be chicken leg bones. there where a couple of fish bones too, and what looked like a rack of ribs. so he was obviously eating the stuff Ms Roads was bringing him. there was a movement from the shadows, which turned out to be a big naturally made den of sorts. or a rather small cave. it was indeed James that crawled out, filthy, dirty, smelly, covered in scratches, scabs, burns and what looked like a few welts. he'd been having a rough go of it. what probably hurt the most though, was the blank in his eyes that told Tony, James had no idea who he was, who Tony was and why they where both where they where.

"...Tacos." James muttered, reaching for the bag and twitching his fingers, indicating that Tony was supposed to throw them to him. Ms. Roads said that James was very paranoid but that he'd accept food from pretty much anyone. he twitched his fingers at the bag again and looked up at Tony with his clear eyes. he was sane, for the moment. he just didn't know who he was, or who Tony was. once he had the Tacos in hand he munched down a good six of them before he was full enough to focus on something other than food. "where's Amanda?" he asked, proving why he trusted the food. he could read Amanda's name on the bag. probably the only reason why he let Tony so close.
Tony bit his lip 8p as he watched the other his look anxious and worried as he watched james crawl out. Resisting the urge to run and cradle him close. Realizing that he couldnt get close no matter how much he wanted to until james would let him."catch."tony said carefully tossing it to the other man,tilting his head slightly as he crouched down bracing his arms on his knees as he watched the other."she's taking care of a snake. She called me cause that thing your wearing, had my name on it. She thought I'd be happy to know you were okay. And I am."tony bit his lip to keep from babbling swallowing hard not wanting to overwhelm the other."do you need anything?"he asked trying to be calm and collected glad he'd come by himself instead of inviting the others, glad because he didnt want to freak out the man.
James munched on the Tacos, watching Tony intently, as if curious about the man. it seamed that whether he remembered Tony or not, he was always going to gravitate to the other. "Snake? yeah there's those around here. probably a copperhead. hikers disturb em and they tend to bite." he admitted as he chewed on his tenth taco. "...you know who i am?" he asked, suddenly the Tacos where abandoned as he stared at Tony. "you feel so familiar, and i've been trying so hard to remember..." he admitted. "i just woke up one morning, scared to death. didn't know a thing. not who i was, not where i was..." he hesitantly stood up, examining the other. "what's your name?" he asked. like it was a test, checking to make sure Tony's name was really on the collar. "and why am i wearing this anyway? am i a slave?" James asked, more curious than upset by the idea.
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