Hidden (lady/moon)

he chuckled a little. "it's because he doesn't like feeling helpless." he admitted. "he seams to think being in sub-space means he's also helpless." he shrugged. "but he can't deny he loves it too much to not go down so he's sort of at war with himself." he admitted. "good." he agreed smiling at Tony. "Steve would probably go down easier with you at the helm, he trusts you a bit more than he does me." he admitted with a smile. "oh i cry all the time." he admitted. "i cried the other night when i was watching this show called Old Yeller." he admitted. "it was so sad!" now he was just lying. "that's a good idea!" he agreed. "nothing bonds a father and daughter together better than burying the dead brother of a boyfriend." he agreed with a grin.

"it's hilarious." Gabe admitted with a snicker. "she turns the funniest colors." he admitted with a laugh. "ow!" he complained as she hit him. "that hurts!"he complained before chuckling at Tony's surprise and James smug look. "holy shit he's wearing a collar too!" Rhodey gasped, gaping at James. "is that yours too?" "nope. James is all Tony's. Tony's just kind enough to let me touch him." Steve admitted with a grin and a chuckle. "his has a bell too. he's actually the one who started it. he's such a perv. the things he does in the bedroom should be outlawed." "your just upset because i wouldn't let you cum when you begged." "...i will never forgive you." Steve huffed before sulking. "we are having words about this Tony Stark!" Steve warned. "you put my image on underwear!" "i don't have Iron man boxers." he stated with a shrug. "and my iron man swim trunks are in the wash."
“Ah, that makes sense. And we’ll help him, once he accepts it, he’ll be easier.”He said quietly, frowning a little.”He trusts you.”he muttered before frowning, shaking his head. “You are horrible. You did not. Stop trying to make me feel better.”He said rolling his eyes at the others words, before snickering. “I know your teasing, but its probably true. Bond over it, and consider it a warning for gabe.”He snickered.

“I do not.”Sarah frowning punching in his the arm even as she leaned in to kiss him.”Stop being a baby.”She teased. “Yea, he is.And don’t make it sound like I have any control. He’s both ours.”Tony rolled his eyes, not realizing it wasn’t exactly the truth. That he had more control over what the two did, or if they were together, then he really thought. While he loved them both, wanted to be with them both, he hadn’t quite realized they needed him to work now, he figured they were just being nice and letting him join in. Even if they told him that, he still wouldn’t believe it, his self worth problems keeping him from thinking anyone would ever need him bad enough like that. “You always forgive him, don’t lie Cap.”Tony teased smirking a little before frowning, shuddering at Steve’s words. “Words?Why?”He whined a little grinning. “Why shouldn’t I?Everyone in the world wants you near their dick. This way they can get it.”Tony said with such wide eyed innocence that it made sarah and pepper bust out laughing. “...Okay. Well. As long as you have something.” “He does.”Sarah snickered a little at how pleased tony was that they had something iron man before wincing as teh man focused on them. “Wait. Does this wearing each other’s clothes and half dressed state mean we need to have the sex talk?” “No.I’m to old for the sex talk.”
James nodded. "i'm sure." he admitted. "he doesn't, not the way he needs to." James admitted. "he trusts me not to kill him. that's not the same as trusting me not to hurt him. especially when i already have hurt him. a lot." he admitted before smirking at Tony. "alright, i'm a big manly man who doesn't cry when the commercial about feeding the stray dogs through recycling plastic bottles comes on." he didn't cry, but he did get a bit weepy. "who says i'm teasing? this asshole turns out to be anything like Howard stark and i'm going to be doing the world a favor." he pointed out.

he whined as she punched him and sulked at her. "Abuse! i have an abusive girlfriend! abuse! Steve save me!" "from my own daughter? sorry pal your on your own." Steve teased, making Gabe smirk. "will you at least protect me from James?" "provided you remain the perfect gentlemen towards my precious daughter." Steve stated, smirking because he already knew what they did last night. "nope. James is yours. it's your name on the tag." Steve teased. "that's why he goes to you when he's in trouble." he teased. "i never forgive him." Steve complained as Rhodey snickered and Gabe fought not to laugh. "Tony!" Steve gasped, going the color of a tomato. "you.. you.... i am SO punishing you tonight!" he complained. "with candles! and nipple clamps! and you won't get to cum, ever!" he was bluffing about the cumming thing. orgasm denial did weird things to Tony's subspace. "what's the Sex talk?" James asked, confused. "the Sexual Education Course counts." James assured him, making Gabe shudder. "ugh. oh ugh!" he complained. "i'd forgotten about that! needing to know where a baby comes from at fourteen and having to watch it was HORRID!... at least i didn't pass out like the kid behind me."
"...then why am I special?i mean I coule totally kill you both or something in an explosion of something."tony frowned thinking about it "...don't make fun of me. I doubt you cry nearly as much as I do."tony sulked a little because it was true,no matter how much he tried his weepy side came out when he was in subspac3,because it stripped him of everything he needed to keep himself from crying."...you might. Dont think so,but I'll keep it in mind."

"What? I didnt hit you that hard.dont whine."sarah frowned at him worriedly before sulking as he realized that he was teasing her. Smiling a little at steve's words she watched them in amusement glad her boyfriend and father got along."was he ever a perfect gentleman?"she said looking bemused."...well. I guess he does."tony said looking bemused at the idea that james did indeed always run to him when he was upset. Looking pleased that james was his before smirking."no you wont."he dared him a little looking amused at the idea of getting punished even if he knew like them,that denial did weird things to him before laughing at james question."that and telling him he has to be a good boyfriend and threatening his life...one of the scarest conversations was with a father who found out I was sleeping with his daughter...so so scary..."
he smiled. "that's not the kind of hurt i'm talking about Tony." he admitted softly. "i've hurt him. emotionally and physically during sex." he admitted. "i didn't mean to of course, but it happened and while he loves me, he's never really gotten over the trauma of it." he admitted. "besides, you think i don't cry in Subspace? i do, you just don't notice." he admitted. "i don't cry like most people do." he admitted.

he rolled his eyes. "Super Soldier!" he complained. "you're 'not that hard' is 'ungodly pain'." he teased with a grin. "of course i was!" Gabe protested. "i open doors for you and everything." he stated with a snooty sniff. "of course i do. Steve doesn't comfort me the right way." James stated with a shrug. "i so will." Steve growled. "and i'll paddle you raw too just for doubting me." he warned with a smirk. "they've already had sex Tony." James pointed out. "a lot actually. they know their limits, they won't force each other." he promised him. "when they're ready yo have sex, they'll do it, with or without parental permission. considering that they are, in fact, adults, they don't exactly need that permission." he pointed out with a chuckle.
Tony frowned a little looking up at james protectiness in that look.as if he could protect steve and james from something that had already happened between them, probably years before he'd even been born. Sighing quietly willing to table the discussion for the moment.

"It was not!i was careful to remember your more fragile then me."sarah sputtered making pepper laugh."you better give up now gabe,otherwise she's going to call you girly next." "I'd never do that. I know he's all guy."she grinned wickedly just to watch tony sputter.it was so amusing to be embarrassing him for once "hmm ..I look forward to it. Even if we know you wont."tony smirked at steve the dirty little kitten in that look,cause he was totally utterly helpless against the need to test and push things,just to see how much theyd let him get away with "shut up james. Youre making it no fun to tease them."tony sulked. Pepper shook her head amused glad that tony had found a family for hims3lf."as entertaining and informative as this has been,I did come to new york for a reason besidees Alexander. Did you remember youre speaking at Tokyo's tech convention this weekend?" "Yea totally."tony said quickly which meant that no,he hadnt remembered
he huffed. "i am not! how dare you say i'm fragile!" he complained, eyes glittering with wicked amusement. "i am girly." he admitted with a smirk. "someone in this relationship has to be." he teased, making kissing noises at Sarah to show he was only teasing her. "oh, i won't." he agreed. "i'll get James to do it for me." Steve promised with a smirk. now that was an honest threat. James was just MEAN. "oh. sorry. do you want me to go get you a shovel?" he asked Tony with a grin as Gabe paled. "please don't." James just snickered and then blinked at Tony, amused. "...Tony! your supposed to tell me these things!" Steve complained as he opened his Calender and then blinked. "oh... you did tell me." "yeah. Clint and Natasha are acting as his bodyguards for the trip. Phil's insisting. he seams to think Alexander being outed now is a forerunner into something more sinister." Rhodey admitted. "i for one, think he's probably right." he admitted. "someone's up to something. what it could be, i have no idea. it could just be the news crews looking to get big bucks out of this, who knows. either way shit like this is never outed for 'no reason'. someone's up to something and we need to be on high alert." "Johnny Storm has already agreed to host Alexander and Melinda and Maria are both watching him like a hawk." Phil explained as he walked in. "in the meantime, Tony. you need to pack, you can't miss this convention. we need to send the impression that your not going to let a shock like this interrupt your life."
“I dare because its true.”Sarah said with the same amusement in her face, before sulking at his words, leaning in to kiss him. “I’ll show you girly. I’ll be totally girly.”he snickered a a little laughing at the look on tony’s face at the honest threat. “Hm, no. I’ll be nice I guess.”He snickered a ltitle. “See!I did!”Tony said pleased, even if he hadn’t remembered to tell him, before frowning a litle. “Probably, but why can’t I just take james and steve?”He said looking sulking about it before sighing a little. “Storm might be a idiot who thinks with his dick, but he’s skilled enough to not let his boyfriend get in trouble.”Tony said because he did indeed enjoy johnny’s company, even if they rarely got to be together to catch up. Huffing he sighed, “It’s not interrupting my life. Fine. I’ll pack.”He grumbled looking at his boys.”Want to help me pack?”
he grinned. "not too girly i hope. i can't stand airheads." he admitted with a chuckle as he kissed her back. "good. you better be nice." Steve teased with another smirk. "actually. i think Jarvis told me about this one. but i don't understand why he didn't remind us?" he muttered before shrugging. "must have forgotten after all the horror he's had to help us through." Steve decided. "James can't be allowed on airplanes due to his... difficulties." Phil stated. "do you really want a man with PTD, supreme claustrophobia and anger issues on a plane packed with rude people and little to no space to escape if he has a flashback?" James was looking pale at the idea as it was. "and Steve's going to have to be here to help James." he admitted. "besides, Natasha is going to use this chance to... scratch off, a Hydra insurgent within the Japanese government." he admitted simply. "yes." both boys chorused as they followed Tony, Phil glancing at Pepper. "you know they're going to go have sex right?"
“Hm, not to much of a airhead I promise.”He snickered a little looking amused. “Probably. Even Jarvis can be overwhelmed.”Tony said shrugging a little before frowning, looking annoyed at that before nodding a little. “Fine. They can stay here. I’ll go with clint and natasha.”Tony said sulking a little snickering as they headed off to pack. “Yes, which is why I’m here this morning, for both the news of alexander and this way, he’ll not rush cause he doesn’t have to leave till tonight.”pepper snickered settling in to talk.

Later Tony frowned as he finally finished packing his bags, sighing a little as he slipped on his shoes, procrastinating as he looked at the other two. “Are you sure you two are going to be okay? I mean, it’s just for two days. And the others are here. You’ll be okay.”Tony said looking anxious, and he was definitely avoiding the subject of why he really was looking forward to going, even without them. Because he could avoid the man in the tower across city. Definitely going to forget he had a sibling for a few days.
he grinned and nodded. "you, an airhead? never." he promised her, giving her a small kiss. "Jarvis is indeed the most human machine i have ever met. give him time and he'll start building himself a body." James warned with a grin before shuddering at the idea of being on a plane. "it'll be okay Tony. you can handle it without us for two days." James promised. "we'll call you every hour for phone sex." Steve agreed with a smile. Phil chuckled. "good planning." he agreed with her before sitting down and handing her a cup of tea while he explained what all had happened, starting with the discovery that Steve had a daughter and heading off to collect her only to realize that James and Steve had beaten him there. he continued to explain for a good two hours about everything that had happened.

James ad Steve where helping him pack, completely in the nude and Steve wearing welts from his 'punishment'. not that he was complaining, he loved being caned. "we'll be alright." Steve promised. "James has Bruce if anything goes wrong." he promised. "and Sarah and Gabe will lend a hand too. this is something you need to do. we knew you where going to be taking trips oversees from time to time. this isn't unexpected." he promised. "this will give you a chance to calm down and come to terms with what's going on." James agreed, smiling at Tony. "you can avoid the press, as well as certain people for a while, whilst we handle things here." James promised.
Tony smirked a little as he looked the other over, making sure the caning hadn’t been to much, even with steve’s healing, he still worried about seriously hurting him. Swallowing hard at the sight of the two boys packing his stuff nude, it was a awesome sight. Shifting his shoulders to feel his own marks from his flogging, he knew he’d feel it the whole time he was gone, and those thoughts kept him from freaking out. “I know.”Tony said sighing quietly fidgetting, and knowing if he didn’t leave soon, pepper was going to come in and drag him out. Perking up a little as he smirked, “Oh. That’s right. The panels wont let press in. I wont have to see anyone.”he perked up at that thought, grinning a little he leaned down to kiss them both, “Call if you need anything okay?anytime.Even if you’re going to interrupt, call.”He ordered fussing, and knowing he was leaving soon.
Steve grinned a little as he let Tony fuss over him a little. "i'm fine." he promised. "you hit me good, but i like it when i can feel it for a few hours." he admitted with a smile as he gave Tony a kiss and examined the others back. Tony would feel it all weekend, hopefully. "we've packed a few extras in there for you too." Steve admitted as he closed the suitcase and latched it shut. "there's a picture of the three of us that Sarah drew, i had it framed." he admitted. "and i have your cell, your tablet, and your laptop packed in your carry on." Steve promised. "you also have this. Fitz made it especially for you so wear it on your trip. it has tracking monitors, health monitors, a panic button and it still tells time." he admitted with a chuckle as he strapped a very nice watch onto Tony's wrist in just the man's style. "your right. won't have to see a soul." he promised. "we'll call if anything at all happens." he promised, looking up as Pepper strode in. neither man tried to cover their nudity as James fussed over Tony's hair, and Steve made sure Tony's shirt was straight before they both kissed him again and nudged him out the door, wishing him luck and promising to watch him on the TV during his panels, because Jarvis was going to hack the Conventions video feeds so they could watch too.
“I know you do.”Toyn smiled a little, sighing softly as the other examined him. “I’m fine. Really.”He said before smiling at that, grinning. “Good. I’ll have to remember to thank sarah for that.”he smiled before laughing, kissing him again. “You know me so well, tech well within reach.”He smiled a little before raising a eyebrow at the watch, smirking a little. “Very stylish.”he smirked a little looking at the watch before smiling, huffing again as he was dragged out. But for once, not totally protesting pepper dragging him out.

3 days later the man was running out of strength. While it wasn’t obvious in the videos, the boys would see it in the videos, by the time the last panel had come, he was ragged around the edges, starting to fall apart. By the time he was home, he was exhausted and ready to just fall into bed, and snuggle his boys. Glad that he’d gotten pepper to not tell them when he was getting in, simply wanting to surprise them, because it was the only good thing he could think of right in the moment, simply seeing them surprised to see him home a day early, having weaseled his way out of closing ceremonies and dinner. Running his hand through his already spikey and messed up hair he smirked as he walked into the penthouse.

“I feel horrible...”Sarah whined a little as she shifted, pushing gabe around just enough to get comfortable in the nest she’d made herself out of blankets and her lover’s body, feeling sick and achy, for the first time, actually feeling like a normal person in her utter exhaustion,but not able to sleep yet.
they smiled a little and kissed him goodbye once more. while he was gone, they offered no idea that they where bad off. truth of the matter was, without Tony the two could barely tolerate each other with so many bad memories and spent any moment they where alone with each other, either ignoring each other completely, or screaming at each other. they actually fell to blows one night and Gabe and Sarah had to separate them before they actually hurt one another. when Tony got home, the two boys where in fact, screaming at each other. in some sort of eastern language. either Korean or maybe Chinese. they where red faced, Furious, jabbing at each other with fingers and it looked like ti didn't matter what they where saying because they appeared to simply be insulting each other. they paused when they realized Tony was there and beamed, bounding towards him. "Tony! your Home! Welcome home!" James cheered, Steve grinning just as happily as he gripped Tony's chin and pulled him into a deep kiss. "we missed you."

"we should let Bruce come in and look at you." James complained softly, stroking her hair. "you could be really sick." he muttered, worried. while it could be just stress, Gabes was more than worried about what might be happening. between her fathers practically killing each other anytime they set eyes on each other. and her worry over what was up with Alexander and Phil being upset that Clint was gone and Pepper trying to deal with the media circus everyone was on edge.
Tony stared at the sight in front of him, looking utterly at a loss to what was going on. Frowning a little he looked up at the two, “...What’s going on?Did something happen?”he said looking worried about what they were yelling about, before moaning quietly as he was kissed, wavering a little on his feet, leaning into steve, shifting to snuggle the two, tiredly clinging to them.

“No. I’m fine. I’m sure its just a cold and stress. I don’t even want to consider how we’re going to get through another day before dad and papa kill each other.”She muttered sighing quietly, trying to relax, shifting, pressing a kiss to his shoulder.”I’m okay, really.”
they blinked. "no. nothin." James assured him. "we just don't like each other." he admitted as he took his turn with Tony's mouth. both of them holding him before they hefted him up and carried him away to the bedroom so they could snuggle up and get some much needed rest for all three of them.

he rolled his eyes. "it's not. a cold doesn't even affect you." he stated simply. "if your not better by the time Tony gets back and your fathers stop trying to kill each other, then your going to Bruce." he ordered. "they'll be fine. they just have too many bad memories between the two of them." he assured her. "try to get some sleep, okay?"
“...How could you not like each other. You guys plot and plan together when I’m here.”Tony frowned looking worried the whole way to the bedroom, but distracted by the feel of getting in bed with them, cuddling as he settled into bed with him. To tired and strung out to worry about them just yet. But when he stirred later, after all, he was running on tokyo time, he sat up, leaning back against the headboard as he played with their hair as they snuggled him, startling a little as he realized steve was watching him. “hey...”He muttered tugging on blond strands. “....Are you unhappy?I mean...in a relationship like this?When it’s obvious you can’t get along without me here...”He muttered looking concerned as he stared down at him. Because he’d started to understand that they were right, that he needed to be here, but he was afraid they were just going along with each other, simply because he wanted them both. Not wanting to make either unhappy.

“...Fine.When tony gets back and we don’t have to play referee, we’ll go see bruce.”She muttered sighing quietly as she shifted to snuggle him. “I will.”She muttered starting to fall asleep. When she got up, she whined a little, feeling even worse, poking gabe a little. “Kay...I agree.I need to go find out what’s wrong.”She muttered shuffling to get up, lazily finding her clothes.
they shrugged but didn't say anything. Steve smiled as he watched Tony, leaning into the hand. "i'm happier than i've ever been." he admitted as he smiled at him. "me and James. we're... we love each other. we do, we just can't be alone together." he admitted. "we grate on each other in all the wrong ways without someone here to take the edge off. besides, i'm not in this relationship for James. i'm in it for you." he admitted with a smile. "we'll be better prepared for next time." he promised. "me and James love you too much." he admitted with a chuckle. "we're happy with you. we're happy with each other. we just don't like being alone together." he admitted as he leaned up and kissed Tony. "me and James are happy in this relationship. i promise. you'll get rid of us when you die, and not even then." he stated sternly. "because we'll make Loki go get you back. he can do it, i'm sure."

he smiled a little and nodded as he kissed her gently. he shook his head as he realized she was awake and got up to help her get dressed and ended up carrying her down because he didn't want her to walk when she was so exhausted. "what's wrong?" Bruce asked as they walked in, looking up from the microscope he had been examining, moving over to her. "sick? well let's have a look." he agreed pulling on a pair of gloves and taking a look in her eyes, ears and mouth to check for anything obvious. "i'll run a blood test just to make sure but i think it's just a flu bug. it goes around." he admitted as he gently took a small blood sample and ran it through Jarvis's impressive scanners before he frowned. "...hold on. let me run that again." he ordered as he took a slightly larger sample and then glared at the results. "....oh dear..." he muttered as he realized he was seeing exactly what he thought he was seeing.
Tony bit his lip as he thought about that, before smiling a little. “Sorta like how oil and water can co-exist, but need a bonding agent to actually combine.”Tony muttered changing it into terms that he could understand, before smiling a little.”Hm, next time I’ll remember to pay Pepper more, and give sarah and gabe presents for babysitting.”He teased a little but relaxing as he realized that he wasn’t lying, that they really were happy, even if they couldn’t get along alone. “Okay. Till death, and maybe after. I can live with that.”he smiled.

“Don’t feel good.”Sarah muttered resting her head on Gabe’s shoulder as she looked at Bruce, making a face as she let him look her over. “Don’t get sick. Ever. Not even as a kid really.”She muttered, and that was what made it worse. She hadn’t ever been really sick, so this was making her feel even worse then it normally would. “What’s wrong?”Sarah said stirring as he took more blood, looking anxious and scared before swallowing thickly. “Bruce?What’s wrong?”
he smiled. "yes.... i think." he admitted before snorting. "Pepper does deserve a raise. every damn time someone tried to complain about how you weren't dealing with the 'family situation' she was all over their asses." he admitted, smirking. "i think they finally got it into their heads that they weren't allowed to talk shit about you or Alexander." he admitted. "and Sarah and Gabe do need presents. i think a present for James would be good too." he admitted, looking a bit troubled. "he had a bit episode this morning... he damn near killed Loki." he paused. "well. no. Loki let him damn near kill him." he paused. "actually. Loki just stood there and let James try to strangle him with a look of clear amusement, but that's not the point." Steve admitted as he watched the very deeply asleep assassin. "till death and beyond. forever and always." he promised, kissing Tony. he planned on wearing his own collar later with that etched into it. 'Forever and always, yours till the end of time' etched into the inside. Tony's name etched into the front of course.

he nodded. "the Serum would have bolstered your immune system to the point where most anything you could catch wouldn't be a match for the serum. even Eboli... trust me, i know." he admitted with a grin. he'd gone to one of the third world countries to help with an outbreak before he'd joined the Avengers. "...uhm..." Bruce muttered as he examined the results before shaking his head. "well your not sick." he promised her. "your just..." here he hesitated and then hid behind Gabe as if worried Sarah might attack him. "your pregnant. congratulations!" and then he was running out the door. fleeing her perceived wrath.
“Hm, I was dealing. Only way I knew how. By not.”Tony sighed softly relaxed more then he had been since he’d heard about alexander, before snickering. “I’ll find presents for them. Something....I wish I could send them on vacation, but its not safe...so hmmm.”Tony frowned so focused on that for a moment that he didn’t hear what steve had said before startling, looking worried as he looked down at james, “No, that’s not the point. We’ll do something. Just for him.”He muttered running his fingers through james’ hair. “Always.”He muttered nuzzling the other a little, kissing him back, fingers absently stroking his neck, even without knowing steve was getting a collar, or wanted one, he just liked the feel of feeling his heartbeat under his fingers.

“Ah. That explains how you went to some of the places you did.”She snickered a little smiling slightly, before staring at bruce, utterly at a loss. “w...”She stopped panic tightening her features before she bolted, not after bruce, but simply away from gabe, needing away, not wanting to hurt him, and even without realizing it, fleeing to the only people she trusted herself not to hurt. Her parents. Ignoring the indigent yelp from tony as she ran in, she jumped on the bed, squirming under the covers with her parents, snuggling up against james, trusting her papa to make the bad thing not be real, even if he wasn’t awake.
he shrugged. "it's to be expected." he admitted. "how can you deal with something when you don't have anyone to help you?" he asked with a smile before he hugged the other. "we'll think of something." he agreed. "in any case, that's why we where fighting, he doesn't like it when i fuss over him." he admitted. "i don't do it right apparently." he admitted before sighing as he leaned into the others fingers. "i did get something for you." he admitted, biting his lip. "wait here a sec?" he asked, getting up and heading into the closet before coming back out and offering the small box to Tony with the red and gold collar inside with the words inside and the metal nameplate on the front. "so... you'll always know that i'm yours." he admitted softly. hoping Tony would like it before yipping in surprise as Sarah ran in. "...hhhhng." James protested as he was forced awake, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tight. "S'rah? 's wrong?" James asked, struggling to wake up as Steve flashed Tony an apologetic look before stroking Sarah's hair. "Sarah sweetie, what is it?"

he nodded. "yup. most diseases don't effect me, and those that do feel like little more than a cold or a flu." he admitted. "i caught Cholera once and all it felt like was a batch of mild food poisoning." he admitted. "Sarah wait!" Gabe gasped as she bolted, looking hurt and upset. he went to the only person he could. Phil and Clint. who comforted him as he sobbed that Sarah didn't want him because he'd made her pregnant.
“...you don’t...fuss properly....I’m feeling confused.”Tony said sounding utterly, adorably, confused with the idea of that before tilting his head. “A present?For me?”he mused looking thoughtful, before his eyes widened as he saw the collar, smiling a little. “Iron man colors. I definitely like it.”he muttered blushing slightly as he realized steve wanted claimed, yelping as he raised his arms to keep from getting elbowed as sarah climbed into bed with them, frowning a little, collar forgotten as he tossed the box onto the nightstand, looking down at the two. Tony offered that small shrug that said everything. ‘it’s okay, take care of her. We’ll take care of her.’ he swallowed hard, raising a hand to stroke the obviously upset woman’s hair. “Sarah?”he muttered frowning a little as his phone dinged, untangling a arm enough to grab it, paling slightly at the text message he had from clint, tilting it so steve could see what the problem was, not liking how utterly silent and withdrawn sarah was being.

Clint swallowed hard, shifting to get comfortable as he set his phone down, gently stroking gabe’s hair, glancing up at phil, having no idea how to fix this, how to get the words right. “You know that’s not true.She’s just freaking out Gabe. Have more faith. If she didn’t run away for what hydra did, she’s not leaving you now.”Clint scolded lightly, tugging on his dark hair, looking upset.
he nodded. "i know! i was confused too, but he was upset and i was upset so we ended up just screaming at each other." he admitted with a chuckle before flushing. "uh... yeah. sorta." he admitted before beaming as Tony admitted to liking it, leaning in to let Tony strap it on when they where interrupted. he smiled, thankfully at Tony and turned his attention to Sarah, glad that Tony understood. "ooooh dear..." Steve muttered as he looked at the text, handing it to James who paled before going red with rage before going green with horror, finally settling on worried as he snuggled his daughter, simply holding her as he sang her favorite lullaby.

he shook his head. "you don't understand! this is Sarah's greatest fear! this is all Hydra ever wanted! her entire adult life was centered around Hydra making me rape her so she could be a brood mare! she's never going to forgive me for this!"
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