Hidden (lady/moon)

they both laughed at Tony's order and walked in. "it was not! i don't have any cheese!" James complained, smirking. "well. if you want to be arrested i think that can be arranged." Steve growled. "get out of the bed, put your hands behind your back and get ready for a cavity search Mr. Stark." Steve ordered as James approached, the assassin ruining the whole game by giggling as he handcuffed tony's hands behind his back.

he snickered. "i know, that's why i got them. i actually have Hulk tighty whiteys and some Captain America boxers." he admitted with a smirk. "i mail ordered them." he admitted with a laugh spluttering as she jumped in and splashed him. "cruel!" he complained with a laugh, tossing a splash her way.
“Hm, of course I want to be arrested by captain america.”Tony said squirming out of bed and standing, shuddering at hearing his title of mr. Stark instead of his name, swallowing hard as he was handcuffed, shooting a look at the other two.”Does it have to be a cavity search, officers?”

“...Are they tighty whiteys if their green?”Sarah mused before shaking her head. “I’m disturbed that you have avenger underwear. Its like my father is getting to touch your privates before I do, since you have cap boxers.”She teased just to be mean as she floated in the water, yelping as he splashed her, splashing him back
they both smirked. they'd never called him Mr. Stark before but they trusted him to tell them if he didn't like it. "Yes indeed Mr. Stark, we have reason to believe that your hiding something dangerous up there." Steve teased as James bent Tony over the edge of the bed. "don't struggle Mr. Stark or we'll be forced to get... handsy with you." James warned, smirking as Steve's tongue started stroking the tight muscles of Tony's ass.

he smirked. "i have no idea." he admitted. "Tighty greenies then?" he asked with a snigger before he flushed brightly. "i hadn't thought about that." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i haven't worn them yet. i'm trying to 'plan it perfectly' so he can see me wearing them." he admitted with a snigger, laughing as he started a splashing war, ending it by pulling her in for a deep kiss.
Tony swallowed hard, and while ‘mr. Stark’ usually made him think of his father, hearing it from them, made him think of bad things and being disciplined. “Oh, I don’t think the weapons up there, just in my pants.”Tony smirked a little squirming as he was bent over, getting comfortable, moaning quietly as steve stroked his ass.”Handsy officer?Surely there’s something I can do to avoid getting in trouble.”Tony squirmed.

Sarah laughed as he blushed, finding him s oattractive when he blushed that much. “Hmmm,...we could plan on him walking in on us pretending to have sex. I mean, I know you’re not ready, but we could make out half dressed on the couch and get him to walk in.”She mused snickering as they splashed, moaning quietly as she kissed him back,wrapping her arms around him.
Steve smirked as he glanced at James. "check his pants." he ordered, James giggling as he skipped off to 'find' the pants, returning with a cock ring and some nipple clamps. "these where the only things in his 'pants'." James lied, smirking as Steve smacked Tony's ass. "you can shut up and submit tot he Cavity search Mr. Stark." Steve warned before lifting an eyebrow at the items. "well. would you look at that. are you a pervert Mr. Stark? carrying that around with you all the time. we need to teach you the error of your ways i think. apply the items Officer Barton." "yes sir." James growled eagerly as they both lifted Tony up and laid him on his back on the bed, twin mouths attaching to a nipple and sucking them into hard little peeks before attaching the nipple clamps at the exact...same... time.

he smiled a little. "i think he'd be too horrified to notice. i was thinking more like, he's making you breakfast and i just walk in or something." he admitted with a chuckle. "and i might be a bit more ready now. me and Bruce talked for a bit about it." he admitted. "we can try later if you like?" he offered with a smile as he kissed her back. "hoping our first time 's a little more romantic than this." he admitted with a grin.
Tony moaned as the other smacked his ass, squirming a little“Of course, Officer. I have two sluts for a boyfriend, who usually want me to punish them. Gotta keep the toys around to use.”Tony whined a little yelping as he was picked up, moaning loudly as they sucked on his nipples, because they were oddly very sensitive, no matter how much he tried not to let it affect him. Moaning loudly as they nipple clamps settled in, squirming. “please officers, w-what can I do for you?”

“Ahhh... That would work to.”She snickered a little before tilting her head,”Really?Are you sure?”She asked looking worried about him before laughing as she kissed him again. “More romantic then the pool, and being slippery together?”she teased pressing against him before pulling away. “Hm, we could have a romantic dinner upstairs. I mean, have food brought in and all, call it a late birthday dinner.”She said smiling quietly, not ready to face the outside world yet.
Steve smirked as he studied the other. "well. we might have to bring your boyfriends in for a little chat too." he decided smirking as Tony moaned and whimpered as his nipples where amused. James loved that Tony was so damn sensitive in such a 'feminine' place. "you can do what we tell you to Mr. Stark and hope we don't find anything incriminating on your person." he growled, smirking as they took turns stroking his cock, James strapping on the Cock Ring. "that should keep you behaving, hmm Mr. Stark?" Steve demanded, playing with the tip of Tony's cock while James went back to work sucking on Tony's tight little entrance.

he smiled and nodded. "i'd like to try." he admitted. "Bruce says that if i can build up some good memories, the bad won't feel so bad." he admitted as he paused and blinked at her. "...okay, good point. but someone might walk in on us." he pointed out with a grin. "i like that idea." he admitted happily. even happier because it would lead in perfectly for what he payed Simmons to do for him in the bedroom. filling it with fancy candles and rose petals and changing the bedding to red silk. he knew she'd love it.
“Hm, they might enjoy that.They’re fairly perverted to.”Tony moaned, squeezing his eyes shut as his nipples were played with, squirming. “....what kind...of incriminating things?”He panted as his cock was played with, making a high whine in his throat as the cock ring was played with, panting as he looked up at steve, “I never behave.”he panted, squirming and moaning, desperate, but not at his breaking point just yet, though he was getting closer.

“That makes sense. We’ll try.”She smiled before nodding.”Hm, that would be bad. Okay. We’ll do dinner.”She smiled stealing a kiss before moving away, just enjoying swimming with him for awhile before rubbing a hand over her face, blushing ever so slightly as she looked over at him as she eased up onto the edge of the pool.”I’m hungry. What do you want to eat?”
they both smirked. "i'm sure they would love watching you get frisked by a couple of police officers." Steve agreed, even if he'd beat up any person, man or woman who tried to touch what was his. "oh there's plenty of incriminating things. this for example, his pretty incriminating." Steve teased, stroking the cock again as James slid one well slicked finger into Tony, stroking and touching and pressing on the prostate. "i feel something here. can't quit reach it, i'm going to have to use two fingers." James teased, crooking his finger so it dragged against the others prostate on the way out before slipping two in.

he smiled a little. "yes. very bad. especially if it was Tony. he'd beat my head in." he admitted with a smirk as he enjoyed lounging in the water with her. "hmm... Italian?" he offered. "i could go for some pasta." he admitted with a smile. "what do you think?"
“I’m sure they would. I’d enjoy the sex after. They were quite possessive.”Tony smirked a little,moaning loudly as his cock was stroked, whining as james played with his prostate, presisng his head back into the pillow, moaning and squirming, coming utterly undone and trying to keep it together enough to fall apart and ruin the game, not when he was having so much fun, but there was always a point where he just couldn’t stand the teasing. “Cap, please.Jamie...”He whined, breaking the game, showing that he’d reached the point where the teasing was just this side of to much.

“He would.”Sarah snickered a little, tilting her head.”Hm, pasta sounds good. Jarvis?Will you have pasta and tiramasu dilivered from la trattoria’s?” “Of course, ms. Sarah.”Sarah smiled at jarvis’ words, looking at gabe, nudging him with her food. “Come on. By the time we dry off and wash up, food’ll be here.”
Steve snickered. "i imagine so." he agreed. "but your going to keep this our little secrete, aren't you Mr. Stark? you wouldn't want to have to go to prison for seducing a police officer, now do you?" he demanded, smirking as he watched the other come undone. "aah there's our cute little kitten." Steve purred, chuckling as James removed his fingers to give Tony a chance to catch his breath. then the ring was off, and James was carefully working three fingers into Tony to get him well prepared for his, and then Steve's cock. they had plans after all. they where going to well and truly fuck Tony into submission.

he chuckled. "he certainly would." he agreed before beaming. "i've never had Tiramisu. is it good?" he asked with a grin as he followed after her, humming happily as he let himself into the bedroom, letting her use the guest to get cleaned up and dressed. making sure she wouldn't see the candles and rose petals and romance yet.
“hm, I might.Though I think this is the wrong way around. You’re seducing me.”Tony panted a little, looking up at steve through tear spiked eyelashes, oh yes, he was starting to come totally undone, and subbing out hard. “not little.”Tony whined, not protesting the rest of it for once, panting softly as he caught his breath, swallowing hard as he looked up at the two. “You two look like your planning things.”He muttered squirming as he rocked a little onto james’ fingers, swallowing hard as he shuddered.

“It is. Amazing really.”Sarah grinned as she followed him to the rooms, looking bemused at being made to use the guest room, but changing smiling as the food arrive.”gabe1Foods here.”She called as she settled the food onto plates, biting her lip. Nervous despite wanting this, about how things were going to go.
they both smirked. "and who do you think people will believe? a good upstanding cop like me and he, or a dirty kitten who carries nipple clamps in his pocket?" Steve teased, mouthing one of the nipples to make the pain zing through him while James teased the man's prostate. "we are planning things." James teased. "would you like to know? first i'm going to fuck you. and then Steve's going to fuck you, and then when your all wrung out, your going to watch me and Steve fuck each other. twice. and then we're going to fuck you again. if your a very good boy, we'll even take off the Handcuffs." they didn't have to worry about Tony getting cramps, the chain between the handcuffs was long enough that Tony could relax his arms at his sides, though he wouldn't be able to touch the boys until they removed the cuffs.

he chuckled a little. "i'll have to try it." he agreed with a chuckle. he came out as she called, toweling his hair dry as he smiled at her. "that looks great." he admitted as he sat down and studied the Tiramisu. "that looks... weird." he admitted, poking it with a fork before shrugging. "can't be any worse than Baklava i suppose." he mused before grinning at her as he tucked into the pasta, freezing. "oh my god." he muttered, examining the plate. "that's fantastic!" he breathed. he'd never had five star food before. mostly he ate at canteens or at burger kings. occasionally he'd make his own steak or eat at a sit down restaurant like applebees. so he was adoring the perfect taste of the chicken fettuccine alfredo he was eating.
"The dirty kitten of course. Everyone wants to believe that your innocent act is just that. a act."tony squirmed a little watching the two before a deep moan was ripped from his chest at the description of what they were going to do. A slight tinge of blood at the side of his mouth saying that despite scolding he'd reverted to the childhood habit of shredding the inside of his lip to distract himself, trying really hard not to come. Whimpering at the words he squirmed slightly swallowing hard."what do I have to be?I want to be good."and that more then anything said that tony was starting to go into subspace. That he only admitted to wanting to be 3 good,to really pleasing someone when he was under. While the desire was always there,he only expressed it in times like this.

"It does look amazing."she smiled a little as she watched him dry his hair snickering slightly at his words."I know it does but I promise its good."she reassured him as she started to get a share of her food."bakalava?"she asked looking interested having never had it laughing at his wonder, swallowing hard as she watched him find such simple joy in food "you look amazed that its good. Have you never had like high end food?"she smiled at him before snickering."just think this is what tony's been eating since he was a kid. I'm amazed he doesnt weigh like a million pounds."
he smirked. "Filthy Kitty. you might be right." Steve admitted with a laugh as he kissed the other to distract him from tearing apart his lip. they couldn't scold him while he was like this or he'd start sobbing and there wouldn't be any sex. not that they where blaming Tony for that. never, but they didn't want to be derailed this time. "mmm you don't have to be anything." Steve purred. "just let go and enjoy. cum anytime you want. don't hold back." he purred, unsnapping the cock ring and gave him a few strokes."go on baby. My Kitten, cum for us Tony and then James will fuck you just the way you like."

he nodded. "it's a Russian desert that got it's start in the middle east. it usually has walnuts, pistachios and... uh... blanched pecans?" he muttered. "it's really good but it takes about twelve hours to make properly." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's really good. pain to make but really good. Steve's mama used to make it." he admitted. "and we'd have that and bootleg alcohol on Christmas." he admitted with a smile as he smiled at her. "no, never. Hydra doesn't pay well and neither does the Army." he admitted. "Shield pays pretty well but Hydra took most of my paycheck to pay for weapons and development." he admitted. "they left me enough to get buy easily enough but i couldn't afford anything higher than a steak house." he admitted. "fuck, i'm so jealous of Tony now." he admitted with a chuckle as he took another bite of his meal, groaning happily.
"Always ri th t."tony muttered as he kissed the other back moaning quietly at the kiss made his mouth hurt a little as steve's tongue slid qcross his shredded lip. Moaning at the order he looked up at the two with wide eyes whining softly at the otder, shuddering under steve's hand as the blond stroked him coming undone under the man's hand as he came panting as he blinked stupidly."...oh...that was nice..."he muttered

"Oh that does sound really good. We'll have to find where we can get some."she smiled before frowning a little making a face."that sucks.I'm sorry...you should have gotten to have better then that.."she said not that she'd been much better. They'd given her enough to get buy and save some,but to not truly have enough to run away "hm dont tell him that...qnd if it makes you feel better you cqn eat like this any time you want now.you know tony'll pay for it."she pointed out as she ate
Steve smirked. "that's right, you are." he agreed with a chuckle as he kissed the other again, knowing that Tony's half formed Serum would heal the cuts in his lip rather early, but in the meantime Steve would be a distraction. "that's it. what a good boy." Steve praised, smirking. he knew praise got Tony off more than anything else when he was in a state like this. "what a good boy, Cumming for us." he purred as James lined up and carefully worked himself into Tony while he was too blissed out to notice the intrusion. "always so tight." James moaned. "always so good." he smirked and shivered. "it's like your a virgin every time i put my cock in you. it's great."

he smiled a little and nodded. "i'll have Steve make it. he makes the best. it's his ma's recipe." he admitted before shrugging. "i'm not a fancy sort of person." he admitted. "i had more than i needed so most of my money was actually saved up." he admitted. "and i'd buy myself something nice with it, like a big screen TV." he admitted with a grin. "i'm not insane! i'd never tell Tony something like that." he admitted with a laugh before beaming at her. "good idea! we'll have to explore the areas four and five star restaurants on our next dates." he agreed, winking at her as he took a bite of the Tiramisu, eyes fluttering as he sighed. "oh that's wonderful." he muttered as he sucked on the delicious dessert.
Tony sighed quietly in pleasure as he kissed steve,even as extermis healed his lip. Looking up at the two he smiled contentedly,utterly in bliss whining quietly as steve pulled away to talk. Hips rocking little at the praise,he did indeed get off on it. And whe he didnt have the non existent refractory period the super soldiers did, he'd be hard again soon enough having discovered with them and given breathing room and enough simulation it wouldnt take long to be hard again."good?"tony smiled wrapping his legs around the other smiling as he squirmed wanting to touch but the handcuffs keeping him still. "Definitely not a virgin."he snickered quietly at the others words.

"Thats pretty cool...they never let me have enough to really save. Made sure I coulent bolt."she shrugged a little smiling at him. Before snickering."you're sanity's always in question."she teased before nodding."we'll have to.it'll be fun." She agreed blushing slightly at the wink squirming slightly. Oh how this flirty teasing gabe could get her going with auch little effor5.
they both chuckled as they watched his hips rock. "yes. very good." James moaned as he bottomed out and paused to catch his bearings and give Tony the chance to calm down a little more. "we couldn't do half the things we do to you if you where a virgin." he teased as he started to roll his hips and fuck Tony just the way the kitten liked it.

he nodded. "they never had to worry about me leaving. i was too loyal to Garret because of the brain damage and the fake memories." he admitted. "Bruce actually told me i was lucky enough that i wasn't permanently affected by my time under the memory deleter." he admitted. "it was not!" he protested, eyes glittering. "we always knew i was insane." he stated with a chuckle as he leaned in and gave her a deep kiss. "hmmm. i think dinners done now." he admitted as he ran his hands along her sides. "...hey Sarah?" he asked softly, smiling at her. "i love you."
“Tony whimpered quietly, blinking slowly as james stilled, swallowing hard as he looked up at the other, sighing quietly, relaxing. “hm, true...though I was always able to swallow cock like a champ...”He snickered a little moaning as the other fucked him, hands jerking at the handcuffs helplessly, feeling utterly untethered as he was fucked, whining squirming, he was utterly a cute submissive kitten even as james pushed him over the edge again, a desperate keen escaping as he came again. So turned on he was utterly helpless in the face of it.

“Ah, that makes sense.”Sarah said tilting her head a little before nodding. “Yea, it really is lucky that you weren’t. Or that I wasn’t. It’s amazing really we didn’t end up as bad off as Papa.”She sighed softly, before laughing. “True.”She snickered moaning as he kissed her, grey eyes wide and blown as she looked up at him, panting, “Hm?”She muttered at the sound of her voice, swallowing hard, blushing at his words. That was so good to hear, even if she’d heard it before.”Love you to.”She muttered squirming in her seat a little, slightly awkward and nervous.
James grinned a little. "yes. me too." James lied, Steve snorting. "it took you over a year to learn how to suck a cock properly." he corrected, smirking at James who sulked. they both grinned as they watched Tony struggle helplessly under the force of the pleasure and it took James little time to flood Tony. another good thing was that both super soldiers where very sensitive and usually came very quickly, giving Tony a chance to have both of them at once before he needed to rest himself. well, usually. they kissed him deeply before switching so that it was Steve working his way into Tony, gently, carefully.

he nodded. "if they'd done it to me as often as they did to James i probably would be in the same condition... worse probably." he admitted with a smile. he grinned as she stared at him. "come on." he offered her his hand. "i think we should go tot he bedroom." he admitted, letting her take in the room once he got her there.
“...not everyone’s as good as me. Don’t pretend to be, officer.”Tony muttered, half remembering their game, whining quietly as he looked up at them grinning as he kissed them, moaning as steve worked into him, “Are you always so careful with your prisoners officer?”Tony muttered, even bottoming out, he was still a mouthy little shit, it was just that the thoughts rarely were following the same line of thought or connected to each other.

“Probably.”Sarah shuddered at the idea of how close she’d come to losing him, taking his hand with a smile. “We should. No need to have people walking in.”She snickered a little pausing, staring as she stared at him, swallowing thickly. “When...when did you do all this?”She said staring around them in utter amazement
Steve laughed and Jame snickered at Tony's muttered comment. "no one is as good as you Tony. 'scept maybe Fitz." he admitted. "always." Steve admitted with a smirk as he worked himself a little deeper. "then again, your the first prisoner i've done this to. it was a good idea. might have to do this again." he admitted with a smirk. "now shut up and take it Mr. Stark or i'll have to plug up that chatty hole of yours."

he smiled at her. "they wouldn't have risked me like that when i was already so obedient." he admitted softly. "exactly." he agreed with a smirk as he took her hand. "who me? i didn't. i paid Simmons to do it for me." he admitted with a smirk. "i arranged it during my talk with Bruce." he admitted as he smiled at her, looking a bit worried. "do you like it?"
“What?You want fitz?He’s not better.I’m the bestest.”Tony frowned a little trying to come up enough to understand what they were talking about before smiling, “Good.I should always be first.”he muttered looking riddiculously pleased for a man who knew he was with his lovers and that they wanted him. Whimpering at the order he moaned, swallowing hard as he rolled his hips a little, squirming, trying ot get the other to go deeper, needy.

“Ah. That explains it.”She snickered a little having wondered how he pulled that off of setting it up ebfore nodding, stepping into his arms, curling her arms around his neck, kissing him slowly. “I do. Like it. Alot.”She muttered gently kissing him again.
both boys laughed. "according to Simmons he's a GOD. too bad he's so straight and so loyal. it would have been pretty hot to watch you two fuck like rabbits." Steve admitted with a chuckle as he rocked his hips carefully. "forever and always Tony. you will be my one and only." Steve promised as he pushed in as deep as he could get, smirking at the other, "such a good little Kitten."

he grinned as he smiled at her. "good. i'm glad. i was a bit worried about it." he admitted as he pulled her into a kiss and picked her up, settling her into the bed. he was going to go all the way tonight. he loved her too much not to give this to her.
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