Hidden (lady/moon)

James and Steve both rolled their eyes at him and Loki smiled a bitter little smile. "if your goal is to make me afraid, it's quite pointless. i will already let anyone you choose to beat on me. my honor insists." he admitted with a shrug. "in any case, if you really wanted to inflict damage on me personally, you could always take a whip or a knife to me." he admitted before blinking. "for a second there i thought you where speaking of the fire hair." he admitted with a smile. "i forget her name." "Natasha." "yes her. i was slightly confused as to why you would want someone so slight to apply my beating." he admitted before chuckling as the bow was snatched up and Clint took his leave.

"Phil Agent Son of Coul? odd name..." "no. Agent is a title." Thor corrected. "ah. Agent Phil son of coul..." Loki agreed, Phil groaning. "even while he was under my control he had Honor." Loki admitted. "he refused to kill anyone he considered an innocent. that was why i had to be the one to go to Germany." he admitted. "even under the control of the Chitauri he refused to harm someone so helpless." he admitted. "Clint Barton has a strong soul and an even stronger will. his honor is as pure as that of a Vanir." he admitted, turning to look at Tony, his head tilted. "i know it is very unlikely that he will ever forgive me, but if i can make it enough that he is no longer afraid of me, then that is enough." he admitted as Fenrir patted his fathers shoulder. "i'd best go see to him." Phil admitted as he headed after his Lover, knocking on the door. "Clint? can i come in?" Phil asked, his head tilted.
“I know. But you asked who it was.”Clint shrugged a little before flinching, “N-no.”He stuttered a little, mentally stumbling away from the idea of using a knife and whip, because while he could use both, he stayed away from them like it was the plague. “...Are you calling me weak, Godling?”Natasha said as she stepped in the room, raising her eyebrows as Clint fled past her.

Tony grinned, choking on his laughter, because fucking with loki amused him so much, poor innocent loki was going to get a crash course in what tony found amusing. “Be happy, Agent. I’m sure this could be worse somehow.”Tony grinned, oh gods, tony had found someone else he wanted to be friends with. Tony and loki teaming up could only spell trouble. “...Tell him that sometime. He might not listen, but he still could hear it.”Tony said tilting his head a little, coming from loki it probably wouldn’t help alot, but he knew Clint, knew the man was still breaking under the guilt of what happened on the helicarrier. “Is it safe to come in?”sarah said as she followed james and gabe into the room, having grown worried enough about tony and steve to have come upstairs to see if they needed help.

Clint frowned a little from where he was laying up in the loft-nest apartment corner of the room that tony had given him. While he had a whole apartment to himself, well him and phil shared, tony had known that he liked high places, and built a nest in just for him. Frowning as phil knocked on the door he sighed quietly.”Yea. If you want.”
Loki nodded. "as you will." he assured the man before looking at Natasha. "for a human? no not in the least." he admitted simply as he picked up his drink and gulped down the shot. "i'm sure it could be." Phil grumbled as he shook his head and Loki blinked before nodding. "i will tell him so." he promised, giving Tony an odd look. people being 'nice' to him was unusual even before hi families murder. Sigyn had only started liking him after he'd saved her from a Dark curse and actually started talking to him. most people hated him simply because he was a Jotun so kindness was usually met with suspicion. "yes, it's safe. it's just Loki." Steve called to James an Sarah, Loki snorting. "yes. 'just' me." he muttered, gulping down another shot. "i do like this." he admitted. "it burns very nicely and has little enough alcohol that i won't get drunk." "most Midgardian alcohol is as such." Thor admitted with a grin. "drink enough though and it sneaks up on you." Thor admitted.

Phil smiled a little as he walked in and started up the ladder that would take him up to Clint. "it's a beautiful Bow." he admitted as he examined the creation. "Thor says that there is only one in each realm." he admitted. "you know. you didn't hurt anyone." Phil admitted. "Loki says that even while under the control of the Chitauri, you refused to hurt anyone who couldn't fight back." he admitted. "he's very impressed with your character. Thor and Fenrir too." he admitted as he wrapped his arm around the other. "Loki isn't looking for forgiveness, you understand that right?" he asked. "he is looking only for you to feel better. he's looking for punishment so that he can forgive himself. even if you can't forgive him, he is content with knowing your not afraid of him anymore."
“Good.”natasha smirked a little looking bemused at the sight of Loki doing shots, before glancing a look at phil. “It could be. Him and Tony could be doing shots, you know what happened last time tony got into a drinking contest with Thor.”She snickered a little at the thought before settling in to watch them. “Good.”Tony said making a face as loki stared at him. “Don’t give me that look. Flirting with you is going to make my sex life interesting when my boyfriends figure out I’m flirting. Totally for my benefit, nothing for you.”Tony said smirking a little, and knowing the man, you knew that was only part of the reason he was being nice to loki, mostly it was just that he really was mostly incapable of truly hating people, and given enough reason he was nice mostly. “Ah.”Sarah snickered as they walked in, pausing at the sight of them all drinking. “It’s not even 10 in the morning. A little early for drinking, yes?” “Nope. Mine has coffee in it.”Tony piped up looking pleased.

“Yea it is.”Clint huffed from where he was laying in the bed, back turned and curled up against the wall. “....Doesn’t make me feel any better considering that it was the helicarrier that I fought on.”Clint grumbled refusing to uncurl even though he snuggled back against the other, angry and hurting, “...Maybe. I’ll go watch Sarah beat on him, and it might help.”He muttered tense and hurting, hating that his actions had gotten phil killed. More then any other, that death was what crippled him, the fear and pain of losing him, of waking up from loki’s control to find phil dead, had crippled the archer.
Loki snorted. "as if a mortal could out-drink a god." he scoffed. "i'm a mortal!" Steve protested and Loki smirked. "no your not." he stated simply before inching away from Tony. "i don't do men. or women. Jotun mate for life." he stated simply as James growled and slung Tony over his shoulder. "that's it!" he declared, Steve sniggering as he watched James leave with Tony. "yeah. we're going to go have sex now." Steve decided. "see you all later." he declared as Loki blinked at Sarah. "what does Time have to do with drinking?" he asked, confused as Fenrir rolled his eyes. "humans seam to think that if you have drinks before a certain time of day, it makes you a drunken sot." "i am a drunken sot." Loki admitted. "besides, i'm going to be getting a beating from a woman. i deserve to have a few drinks." he admitted with a wry grin. making jokes about his upcoming beat down. clearly Asgard was a very insane community. then again, there was no war. maybe being able to punish people who did you wrong was why.

Phil smiled a little as he nodded. "i know. but you can't blame yourself forever Clint. particularly when none of us blame you. the only people who blame you are the uneducated and the foolish, and since when do you listen to them anyway? the only person to be blamed for my death is Loki, and he is taking that Blame and accepting any punishment we offer him." he admitted. "i'll certainly be there to watch the beating." he promised. "though i'm not sure we should make Sarah do it. emotionally, she's very fragile. might be better to let James do it. he won't care if he hurts someone." he admitted. "or let Natasha do it. she could torture him fairly well. you don't have to beat someone to make them feel pain." he admitted.
“So?Flirting with you still makes then jealous.”Tony snickered as loki scooted away from him, yelping as he was pulled away. “Hey, hey who said I wanted to have sex right now?”Tony said as they left. Sarah rolled her eyes a little as she listened to the two before frowning a little as she considered the god. “...Yes. I guess you do deserve a few drinks if you have to get beat by a woman.”She snickered a little.

“...I know. It’s just...you died. And I gave him the way onto the helicarrier.”Clint sighed rolling on his back to look up at the other, before pausing, frowning a little. “I hadn’t thought of that. I just was thinking of the most embarassing person and the one most likely to hurt him the most....”He bit his lip before sighing softly. “I’ll ask James.”He sighed softly, shuffling around to rest his head in the other’s lap, closing his eyes. “...How’s sarah doing anyways after yesterday?And gabe?Do you know?”he said looking worried for his friends now that he had actually thought about it, wanting to know how to take care of his friends
Loki looked baffled. "you want them angry with you?" he asked, confused and Thor chuckled. "they are entirely too comfortable with their relationship to truly be jealous of Tony paying attention to others." Thor explained. "Tony simply likes to pretend he is being punished." "ah. i forgot Humans have... varied, sex lives." Loki muttered, making Thor laugh uproariously. "You, my Brother, are a prude." Loki just shrugged. "so long as i don't have to do it i don't care." Loki admitted. "indeed." Loki admitted with a grin as he knocked one more back and then sighed. "by the way, Odin thinks i'm dead." Loki admitted. "i left a bleeding body double. he'll think i've killed myself." he smirked. "tore out my wrists with my own teeth is what they say." "Gross, father!"

"Clint, even if you hadn't been there, it would have been someone else. Loki would have found a way onto that Helicarrier no matter what. you being there might have been useful, but your not the only one who could have blown up the engine." he pointed out. "if it wasn't you, then it would have been someone who didn't care about who they hurt." he admitted as he held the other. "i know. that's why i commented on it." he admitted with a smile. "Sarah's fine. a bit shaken up. Gabe's snapped out of it. he woke up late last night convinced he was with Hydra and broke Jame's ribs and Steve's eye socket." he admitted. "woke up again this morning skittish as a cat in a rocking chair store." he admitted with a grin. "he's talking it out with Bruce right now... James had one of those mechanical eyes. Tony's making him a new one and he's already had it removed." Phil admitted. "Gabe's listening implant was removed too." Phil admitted. "so we should be safe now. Hydra won't be tempted to try that again too soon."
“No, not really.”Tony snickered amused. “For as old as you are, you’re very much a prude. Interesting.”Sarah teased a little before shuddering. “That’s disgusting and horrible.”She said shuddering at the idea of the body double before slipping off her stool. “I better go see if Gabe’s okay. I’ll talk to you later guys.”She smiled leaving the family members together as she headed downstairs.

“...Maybe.It might have been.”Clint said admitting that phil was probably right. Sighing quietly before wincing,”Damn. It’s a good thing those two heal well, otherwise that would have been bad.”he muttered knowing that it still hurt, but better them hurt rather then say, tony. “That’s a very skittish man indeed. Sorta wanna text him a picture of a cat in the rocking chair store now...”he muttered before sighing, snickering. “Well, as soon as they come up from their sex life, I’m sure Tony’ll finish the eye. Though knowing him, he might finish it in the middle...I mean, I have never seen a more tech fetish then Tony’s...”he snickered stepping away from the depressing memories of loki before laughing, nodding a little. “Good. At least we’re safe from hydra for the moment.”Clint sighed tiredly, because he hated seeing a friend’s birthday go all to hell, when all the girl deserved was a good day.
Loki shrugged. "Jotun are known for being monsters. not good lovers. though my wife never complained." he admitted. "i did end up having six children with her after all." he admitted before offering her a small salute with his empty glass. "very disgusting and horrible. just the thing a mad, insane Jotun Bastard would do. especially when i knew what they where planning on doing with me." he admitted with a shrug. "Thor will probably be called in for Grief and mourning as will most of my children." he admitted. "it will cause a stir of course, when my wife and two youngest fail to arrive but i'm sure Odin will have pathetic excuses as to that. hell, he might even tell the slightest of truths. after all, i'm dead now, what does he care if people might sympathize with me now?" he asked, sighing as he realized he was getting drunk. he hadn't meant to say anything like that.

Phil snorted. "Clint, think logically. how many Shield agents did he have under his command? fifty? seventy?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "any number of those agents could have done what Loki made you do." he admitted. "perhaps not as well as you, but they could have, and would have, and with a lot more bloodshed." he promised. "they do heal very well." he agreed with a smile as he chuckled before he snickered and buried his face in the others neck. "do it." he ordered. "and make sure i'm there when you have to explain it to him." he ordered with a grin. "oh, you can say it. i won't get mad." he promised playfully. "i've heard that Tony get's off on James metal arm." he admitted as he nuzzled the other. "now. are you going to sit up here and sulk or are we going to have fantastic sex, go test out your bow and then have James beat up Loki?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at him. "before having more fantastic sex?"
Sarah’s eyes widened laughing softly. “I’m sure she didn’t. You are very handsome really.”Sarah said smiling before shuddering, “You’re a maudlin drunk, Loki.”She pointed out shaking her head a little, gesturing towards the hallway.”There’s guest rooms down that way if you want to sleep it off.”She said looking slightly worried about him.

“...Yea.I guess. Stop being logically.”Clint said smiling though, relaxing. Realizing that phil was right, and he was starting to accept it slowly. “Kay.”Clint reached out snickering as he searched for a picture before texting it to gabe, snickering a little before laughing, shuddering as he was nuzzled. “He does. And I think I can go for some fantastic sex and talking to james. Though maybe we should go talk to james first?Interrupt their sex lives, just to drive tony insane?”Clint said snickering as he stole a kiss, cause it totally amused him to interrupt tony sometimes while he was trying to have sex, cause tony go so very twitchy when he couldn’t have sex as much as he wanted.
Loki blinked at her, looking a bit wary again. "Jotun mate for life." he repeated, Thor snickering. his poor brother had no idea what to do with all this attention. "i don't mean to be. i have a lot to be depressed about." Loki admitted with a shrug. "i assure you, i'm not much happier when i'm sober." he admitted. "i'm fine. just a bit tipsy. Thor was right, it sneaks up on you." he admitted, examining the drink. "did i drink all of that?" "most of it." "i truly didn't mean to drink so much." he admitted, letting a laughing Fenrir guide him out of the room. "do you suppose the Man of Iron will be upset with me? i don't think i could handle three beatings." he admitted. "he won't be mad." Fenrir promised, Thor chuckling. "Loki never could hold his liquor." he assured Sarah. "he's always surprised when he ends up drunk."

Phil chuckled. "being Logical is my job in this relationship." he admitted with a chuckle as he watched his lover pick on Gabe. it was just too fun. "i think we would die horrible deaths if we interrupted him now." Phil admitted with a chuckle as he kissed the other back. "we have two super soldiers to contend with now and James is a lot less controlled than some. he might think that having his sex interrupted is worth the death penalty." he warned with a snigger.
“It does seek up on you.”Sarah agreed before laughing at loki’s questions, amused as she watched loki get led about. “No, just tell him about magic and he’ll forgive you even if he’s angry.”Sarah reassured shaking her head. “It’s mildly adorable, seeing him like that. Sorta like seeing Gabe.”She snickered bumping his shoulder.”I’ll see you later.”she smiled at the blond god before heading downstairs, pausing as she walked into the apartment.”Gabe?Is it okay to come in?”she asked not wanting to interrupt.

“....Oh.Yes. That could be a problem. I can hide from Tony. Don’t think I can do that as easily from two super soldiers.”He snickered at that kissing him. “And probably would consider it a death penalty.”He muttered kissing the other harder, “Come on. Sex then we’ll go see the others.”He demanded.
he nodded. "i'll do that." he agreed. "Tony could probably access small amounts of it. Genius eccentrics are that way for a reason you know." he admitted. "My father has had a very hard life." Fenrir admitted with a sigh and Thor shook his head. "i'm only just now beginning to see that." Thor admitted. "i intend everyone to know exactly what happened to your mother and brothers." Thor promised Fenrir. "all of Asgard will know my rage, against anyone who dared keep this a secrete." he admitted before smiling at her. "have a good morning young one." he offered her. "Yeah! come on in." Gabe called back sounding much more relaxed. he was sitting in his chair and Bruce was sitting in the other, both of them sipping tea. "just in time, we've just finished." Bruce admitted with a smile. "call me if you have problems again." he offered to Gabe who nodded and smiled at Sarah. "tea?" he offered her.

he chuckled a little. "on the plus side, Steve will forgive you quickly and James is terrified of enclosed spaces so if you hide in the vents you might survive... if you don't starve to death before James stops hunting you." he teased with a chuckle as he pulled the other into a deep kiss and proceeded to love his lover as much as he needed.
“Oh gods.Tony Stark with magic...disturbing, disturbing thought.”Sarah snickered at the idea before nodding as she left. “No. Tea and alcohol don’t go together. I just want snuggled and tell you about witnessing a maudlin drunk jotun willing to teach tony to use magic.”She smiled settling into a chair, looking happy that gabe was feeling better.

“...I’d starve before then.”Clint laughed grinning as he kissed him. Later the archer yawned as he stretched, groaning at the quiet ache to his body, but it was so nice. Pulling on his clothes he tossed phil his, smirking a little. “Come on.I want to go harass Barnes, and tell him this is proof that I’m the better shot, as told by the gods, and go shoot something.”Clint snickered as he scooped up his bow heading for the door. Having every intention of interrupting whatever james was up to, and showing off to everyone his new awesome amazing bow.
"Alcohol?" Bruce and Gabe both asked, looking startled. "Jotun? so it's Loki that's here?" Bruce asked, looking wary. "where there any problems?" he asked as Gabe shook his head. "i doubt it. with both Thor and Fenrir there? if there was a problem half the tower would have been destroyed." he pointed out. "come on you. lets get you into bed." Gabe ordered with a chuckle as he hefted the other into the air and carried her into the bedroom for a nap. they both needed one.

Phil chuckled and nodded as he stroked the other. "alright." he agreed with a snicker. "in any case, it's to prove your the best Archer, not the best shot." he pointed out with a grin as he paused and realized most of their clothes had been tossed out of the nest. sighing as he slid down the ladder and started pulling on his clothes. "heathen!" he complained, teasing his lover. James was, fortunately, not having sex, he was beating on a punching bag with a grin. glad that for once, most of the people in the tower where content. "Hey." he called when he saw Clint, eyes falling on the bow, smirking. "i'm still the better shot."
“Yea. Loki got everyone drinking before lunch. And it was tony’s moonshine.”She said yawning a little before shaking her head.”Nope. He’s just drunk.Fairly adorable actually.”Sarah snickered a little yelping as she was picked up, laughing as she was carried to bed. Snuggling in to sleep.

“...I am the best shot!”Clint scowled making a face at the other before making a face. “I am not a heathen!”He whined even as he got to the gym. “No, no you’re not. This is proof that I am the best.”Clint grinned a little as he set the bow aside, starting to wrap his hands. While he’d brought the bow, he had every intention of beating on a punching bag himself. Biting his lip a little, not sure how to bring up the topic of james beating up loki for him. “Hey. I have a favor to ask.”
"You are a Heathen! you threw my favorite pants twenty feet onto the floor!" he complained as he brushed them off. James snorted. "no. that's proof your the best Archer." he teased, smirking. "the fact that i can snipe a squirrel from five hundred yards away with my good eye missing proves i'm the best shot." he teased as he resumed beating on the bag. "no you can't borrow Tony for your kinky sex games." he stated sternly, teasing Clint before pausing. "...what is it?" he asked, frowning. "has someone bothered you? do you need me to kill them?" he asked, wondering what could put a look like that on the others face.

"morning." Gabe muttered, smiling at her. "do you have a Hangover?" he asked, his head tilted as he leaned in and gave her a kiss. "Loki's going to get beaten up, wanna come watch? they needed witnesses to make sure that whoever Clint chooses won't maim or kill him." he admitted. "they want someone whose not emotionally invested in this so i figured i'd offer."
“I didn’t rip them this time!It’s progress!”Clint called. “I am the best archer.”He agreed before pausing, staring at the other for a long moment before starting to beat on the bag. “You can snipe a squirrel?Seriously?”He said curious before starting to laugh, flushing a little. “Can’t burrow tony. He wouldn’t enjoy it. Not enough tech involved.”he snorted in laughter before sighing, shaking his head. “No. But...look. Loki offered to let me beat him up for the stuff he did to me. And well, he’s a god. I can’t really hurt him, but he said I could have someone else do it....I was going to ask Sarah but then Phil pointed out that wasn’t a good idea, so I’m asking you. If you’d. Uh. Beat up a god for me.”

“Hm...no.”She said groaning quietly as she kissed him back, “A little. Not alot.”She muttered as her head pounded before laughing quietly. “Yea, I’ll come watch.”She said crawling out of bed, before tilting her head, smirking a little as she looked at him.”You can. But I bet he chooses either James, or Tony suited up.”
he nodded. "i wanted to test my new toy." James admitted. "electronic scope, once it was properly set i can see up to a thousand feet and as long as the gun can shoot that far i can hit it. it's a bit like cheating but what do i care?" he asked with a grin before laughing at Clint's quip. "your right, not enough Tech. plus he's scared of Phil." he admitted before pausing, his head tilted. "and Thor doesn't have issue with this? or Fenrir?" he asked, looking a bit surprised as he studied the other. "yeah Sarah wouldn't like that so much." he agreed. "she'd do it, for you. but she wouldn't like it." he admitted as he examined the other. "provided Fenrir and Thor won't kill me for it, sure i'll kick his ass for you." he promised, smiling at Clint. "you gonna put that thing through it's paces?" he asked, indicating the bow. "can i watch?"

he chuckled. "you have a hangover." he teased as he kissed her again and then stood up, stretching. "yeah, twenty bucks says he chooses Tony." he offered, grinning at her as he looked for his shirt, which he'd stripped off before crawling in bed.
“That is cheating. You are totally not the best shot.”Clint snickered shaking his head before smirking. “It’s fairly adorable he really is scared of Phil. Quite amusing really.”He said before nodding a little. “No they don’t. Apparently its a normal thing on asgard for the person wronged to be able to beat up the person who wronged them. So no, they wont be kicking your ass, as long as no permanent damage is done, they will stay out of it.”Clint said before smirking, nodding.”I am. Just wanted to warm up first.”he grinned as he stepped back, “Want to watch first, or go get loki’s beating out of the way first?”He said still weirded out enough at the offer of being able to beat up loki, to want to get it over with quickly.

Sarah whined a little as she kissed him back, smiling slightly.”I’ll take that bet. Twenty he chooses Papa.”she said biting her lip as she watched him, swallowing thickly at the sight of his bare chest, glancing away to hide blown eyes even as she got up herself. “Let’s go then.”
he smirked. "i am the best shot, i proved that when we did that competition." actually it had been a tie, but James and Clint where too competitive to feel content with that. "it is kind of cute." he agreed with a chuckle. "but i think anyone with a self preservation trait is afraid of Clint. he's scary as hell." James admitted with a grin. "really? that's a good idea, we should do that here." he admitted with a chuckle as he shook his head. "alright, so no maiming, no killing, no scars... can Gods scar?" he wondered. "let's go beat up Loki first, i'm feeling ansty." he admitted. "then if your still in the mood for archery i'll watch. or i'll go screw Tony into the mattress again if your not in the mood for Bow practice." he admitted, unwrapping his hands and then re-wrapping them in preparation for his beat down on a god.

he smiled at her. "i'm sorry." he admitted softly, stroking her cheek. "i know your ready." he admitted. "i just... every time i try i remember when they made me..." he shook his head. "i'll be ready soon." he promised, kissing her gently. "i'm certain of it. i just need a little more time." he admitted smiling at her, kissing her again before holding her hand as they headed for the kitchen where Bruce, Fenrir and Steve where making fried chicken for lunch.
“No, no you didn’t. Sarah and Gabe proved that we just need more practice.”Clint twitched a little before laughing. “He is. Makes sex interesting.”Clint snickered because it was true. “We should. But it’d never work, humans can’t take as much damage as gods, and we’d probably just kill each other or something.”he said before shrugging. “No idea. Probably.”He said nodding as he smirked. “Let’s. And does everything make you want to go screw tony?And why is this just tony, and not steve?I mean, it’s interesting you always go running after tony.”he said, honestly interested in their relationship, because well, tony was a good friend. Smiling a little as they headed upstairs to look for the others.

Sarah swallowed thickly, leaning her cheek into his hand, making a small frustrated sound. “I know. Don’t make it sound like I don’t know that. It’s just...I was never really aware of just how jacked up my body could be until I wanted someone like I want you.”She made a small frustrated sound, “And it helps...that unlike you...I don’t...have all the memories...I have parts...I still don’t remember it all....it’s just...hard, when I want so badly.”She muttered sighing quietly as they headed out to the kitchen, smiling slightly. “Food smells amazing.” "That's cause they're not letting me cook."Tony sulked from his seat, putting the finishing touches on james' eye, the thing almost completely done, but tony's utter need to have it perfect making him keep working on it
he smirked. "you can't beat me." he teased before shaking his head. "your a madman you know that right? here i was thinking you perfectly sane and not understanding how you managed to fit in here. and then you say a thing like that and i understand your just as mad as the rest of us, you just hide it better." he teased with a grin. "this is true." he agreed. "might make people rethink things like rape and murder though." he admitted. "pretty much. Steve will be the first to tell you i'm a slut of monumental proportions. i'm worse than Tony when he was seventeen." he admitted with a grin. "hell, Steve's worse than Tony at seventeen." he admitted with a chuckle. "...hmm..." he paused to think about that for a long moment and then. "me and Steve. we love each other. but we don't work together anymore. i broke in bad ways and he adapted in good ways and we don't... match. if it where just me and him, then we'd do nothing but fight and cry. not healthy." he admitted. "Tony is like glue. he holds me and Steve together, keeps us from shattering, holds all the broken peices together. he's the center of our lives really. without Tony i'd still be lost in this sea of people, drowning. without Tony, Steve would have swallowed a bullet a long time ago." he explained. "he does the same thing for everyone else too, to an extent. admit it, if you hadn't been living here, you never would have made it. neither would have Bruce. Tony touches people, deep inside and that's all i can feel every day is him touching me and making things so much better." he admitted with a smile. "does that make sense?"

he smiled at her. "i know... i just. i wanted to make sure you understood... i want you too, so bad. i just get so scared." he admitted softly. "you don't remember the horrible things they made us do and i hope you never, ever do." he admitted as he pressed his forehead against hers before taking her hand again and leading the way to the Kitchen. "Tony. you can't make Jello." Gabe pointed out with a raised eyebrow as he started setting the table. "do you have to work on that here?" he asked, sounding a bit grossed out as he examined it. Fitz had joined them and was watching Tony work with rapt fascination. he'd never seen anything like that before. it was simply amazing.
“I can to.”Clint said before starting to laugh. “I am perfectly sane.I’m just also a Adrenalin junkie who gets off on being with the scariest mother fucker I’ve ever met. Did I ever tell you about the time he took out a whole team of bad guys with just his tie?”Clint snickered before nodding in amazement. “...I find it disturbing that BOTH are you are worse then tony at 17. I’ve seen some of those pictures. He was horrible.”Clint snickered because no matter how much of a slut tony was right now for these two, or had been in recent years, the man had calmed alot from the wild child he’d been as he rebelled against howard. Tilting his head a little as he considered that. “...I wouldn’t have. He dragged me down to the lab those first few weeks, made me help him rebuild my bow.”Clint muttered before smirking, nodding a little. “it does make sense....and I also dare you to tell him he’s the glue that keeps us all together.”Clint said snickering over what he knew would be tony’s awesome epic response to that bit of lifetime channel thinking.

“I know.I know you are.”She muttered sighing quietly, nodding slowly, resting her forehead against his. “I hope so to.”She agreed before snickering at tony’s words. “Can to. I just can’t use the repulsors to do so.”Tony corrected before slanting a look at gabe. “I really don’t have to, no, but Fitz looks so amazed, it seems like a crime to stop working on it.” "You just like having someone tell you you're amazing, all the time." "Hm, james and steve do that anyways."Tony said smirking tilting his head to look at clint and james as the two came in. "You two look all serious and stuff."
he snorted. "insane." he corrected before looking curious. "what. really?" he asked, eyes shining with delight. "there was a story going around a few years ago about some super soldier spy taking out a team of almost fifty soldiers all by himself. is this the same story?" he asked with a smirk. "well, Tony never had a role model and sex made him feel better. me and Steve are just whores." he admitted with a chuckle. "Tony just... he connects to people. makes them feel good about themselves." he admitted. "he just makes life better somehow." he admitted as he smirked at Clint. "i sort of did already." he admitted. "when i fucked up and made him think i was cheating on him me and Steve told him he was the reason we where still together and stuff. he took it well enough." he admitted. "he was a bit distracted though." he admitted. "might have to do it again, it's fun calming him down after he freaks out." he admitted. "you should have seen his freak out after we told him he was Sarah's Step-dad." he admitted with a snicker.

he smiled at her and kissed her again before making a face at the eyeball. "you can't make Jello." Gabe reiterated with a chuckle before shaking his head as Fitz nodded or tried to. he was still strapped in. "Tony is amazing!" Fitz declared with a grin. "we where talking about the meaning of life." James lied with a grin. "he didn't believe me when i said it was you." he admitted. "oooh fried chicken." "fried what?" Loki asked. "what in the blazes is Chicken?" "it's a domesticated bird. they farm them for meat and eggs." "you people eat EGGS?! heathens." he grumbled, making Fenrir snicker. "you call Thor a heathen for eating pop-tarts. and meat." "he is a Heathen." Loki agreed as he sat down, blinking at the mashed potatoes. "what are those?" "brains." "WHAT!?" "oh yeah, delicious, want some?" Fenrir offered, making Loki look both disgusted and horrified. "Fenrir! don't torment your father!" Thor ordered. "Loki it's not brains. the Human's within this culture do not eat those. these are potatoes. a tuber that grows in the ground, that have been boiled, mashed up and mixed with butter and milk." "milk?" "yes. harvested from dairy cattle. they milk the animals." "...you drink... breast milk..." Loki muttered, stunned. poor man was clearly in a state of culture shock. "i thought it odd too." Thor admitted. "but it tastes amazing! it doesn't hurt the animals in the least... here, try some." Thor offered, handing Loki the glass who examined it very intently. "the animals who gave this are not harmed?" "nope." he hesitated a moment and then took a small sip before smiling a little. "it is fairly decent."
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