Hidden (lady/moon)

“...I guess. Okay.”Tony swallowed hard not about to protest when it was true, but it still freaked him out a little be a step dad, even if she was grown and didn’t really need him to look after her like a child would. “I am.”She said before frowning looking up at him, “I know you wouldn’t.”Sarah said quietly, reaching out and gently tugging on his hand, tugging him back down. “We’re at Stark tower Gabe, not with hydra. We’re home.”She said looking worried for him.
Steve smiled at Tony and nudged him. "relax. it's not like you'll have to do anything." he promised. "you're already doing more than anyone could have ever expected you to." he promised with a chuckle.

Gabe blinked at her when she tugged on him. "...Start Tower?" he asked, looking startled and looking around the room again, realized with a shock that she was right. he was at Stark Tower. how had that happened?" he sat down and paused to try and make sense of that for a moment before turning to look at her. "we escaped Hydra?" he asked. "at Coney Island? we escaped?"
“I know, but it’s still weird.”Tony made a face at the blond, squirming a little. Not about to say why they all knew he had issues with being a dad even by proxy, because howard had left him with such severe daddy issues, that he had no idea how to cope with it, even if Sarah didn’t need anything from him that he wouldn’t do anyways.

“Yea, Stark tower.”She promised relaxing as he realized that he was indeed home, shifting to wrap her arms around him, cuddling against him, “Well, not so much as escaped, but were rescued.”She leaned back waving her wrist at him. “When they first arrived I switched the watch on when I realized I couldn’t fight all of them, seems tony’s toys do have some practical uses, in having a direct alert system for a SOS to Jarvis. Hydra got their asses kicked by the avengers, and the only casuality was our awesome date.”She smiled kissing him gently, wrapping her arms around him.”we’re okay.”
"not so weird." Steve admitted. "technically i'm a step-dad too." he admitted with a smile.

he snuggled into her. "i'm sorry. i'm so sorry." he whispered. "i don't know what happened. all of a sudden i was just doing anything that man said. i was so scared, but i couldn't stop." he whispered, starting to sob. "i was going to do anything they told me to. i was going to rape you and help them control you. i'm so sorry. so sorry." he gasped, weeping because he couldn't do anything less. clinging to her because he knew, had that German bastard ordered it, he would have turned his gun on her and pulled the trigger and watched her die.
“I know. I’m sorry to. I couldn’t protect you.”She muttered stroking his hair, swallowing hard, sliding her fingers through silky locks, “I don’t know what caused it, but we’ll figure it out. I wont let you be taken from me again.”She muttered holding onto him, cupping his cheek in her hand, drawing him up for a kiss, a desperate needy kiss as she clung to him. It was always amazing how the touch of death, of pain could turn into the urge to create life. Even if she had no intention of having kids soon, the need to hold him close, to be with him, was still there
he shook his head. "there is no defense against what is already buried in my own mind." he muttered softly as he snuggled with her. "will you stay with me tonight? i don't want to be alone." he muttered as he looked up at her, kissing her back, sighing softly as he simply held her, touching any bit of flesh he could as he kissed her for as long as she liked. he balked as soon as any clothes came off. the thought of being forced to rape her too close to the surface to allow anything more than kissing. he fell asleep with her locked in his arms. he wasn't about to let her go. not anytime soon.

in the morning, Steve was making waffles while James attempted to snuggle Tony to death in the guest bed. Gabe was the only one up and he looked as skittish as a rabbit. "...hey." Steve chirped. "how are you feeling?" "....paranoid." Gabe admitted, glancing around. "i feel like the walls are watching me..." he admitted. "is Bruce up?" he nearly crawled out of his skin when Jarvis told them that Bruce was indeed awake and would be there momentarily.
“there has to be.”She muttered before nodding. “Of course I will.”She smiled simply being with him. And while sexually frustrated at being told no, she wasn’t about to force him to have sex, not when she knew just how traumatic it would be for them both. Simply settling in to snuggle as she slept.

“...Jamie...can’t breath...”Tony whined a little nuzzling his nose against the other’s neck, biting him ever so slightly.

“...Gabe?you out there?”Sarah called as she left the bedroom, sounding anxious and worried, relief filling her face as she found him in the kitchen. Smiling when she saw her dad cooking. “Just mine right?I don’t have to share the waffles do I?”She said teasing them a little, wanting gabe to smile, because waffles had always been her favorite food, and she had been fiercely annoyed anytime james had made her share her breakfast food with gabe when they were kids.
James blinked sluggishly and relaxed his death grip. "sorry. usually i wake up snuggling Steve." which was true, James loved to grip the life out of people so Steve tended to sleep at James front so the assassin wouldn't crush Tony with his death grip. "mmm that feels nice." he admitted, leaning into the nibbling.

"here..." Gabe called, offering her a strained and twitchy smile. he'd had days like this before so it wasn't anything new. a long chat with Bruce usually fixed everything. "yes you have to share the waffles." Steve ordered, looking amused. "go wake your fathers before they start fornicating." he suggested to her as he drizzled in her favorite toppings so they would be hot, gooey and delicious for her. James had told him what she'd loved the most as a child, so he was hoping she'd enjoy this since her birthday had been so shitty.
“I know. Its not so bad, at least I know you;re never letting me go.”Tony teased a little smirking as he bit down a little harder, hands trailing over his skin. “I’m sure other things would feel nice to.”he muttered grinding his hips against james as he squirmed closer.

“No I don’t. I’ll ask papa.”Sarah huffed before pausing. “They promised they wouldn’t!It’s my guest room. They don’t get to do that.”Sarah said though her eyes went comically wide at the sight of the chocolate and strawberries along with the syrup being poured on top of the waffle. Scampering out of the room,”Gabe!Don’t touch my waffle!”She ordered as she headed for the guest room, knocking before pushing the door open, despite steve’s warning, not even considering the two would be up and making out. “Oh!ew!Guys!Not in my bed. It’s time for breakfast!”

“...Think we’ll ever be forgiven for her walking in on us?”Tony asked absently stroking james’ cock, not about to let the interruption distract him just yet.
he smirked. "never ever." he agreed before groaning at the bite, panting a little. "mmm, Tony." he moaned, squirming happily at the contact. "please. don't tease..." but James loved to be teased. and to tease. he'd teased Steve for two entire hours a few nights ago. Steve had been a blubbering, begging mess by the time James finally gave in and Steve was probably looking for some payback. he'd probably get Tony to help. he moaned eagerly at the hand on his cock, fingers gripping Tony's hips because it was all he could reach with Tony's arms in the way. he yelped when the door swung open and dove under the covers to hide from his daughter. "we're not in out own bedroom!" he yipped, startled. "Tony!"

"Sweetie. they are half asleep. they have probably forgotten that they're not in their own bed." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i won't touch your Waffle!" Gabe yelled back before smirking at Steve. "quick! while she's gone! gimme her waffle!" he ordered, laughing when Steve handed him a half cooked plain waffle instead.
“Good.”Tony muttered utterly relaxed at the idea of never being let go, laughing softly. “You love me teasing you. Don’t lie.”he muttered grinning as he teased the other man, pouting as the other pulled away, utterly shameless as he looked around, before snickering. “So we’re not. Come on. Get up, we’ll go eat breakfast now that we’ve managed to scare sarah.”Tony snickered even as he reached for his own clothes and got dressed.

“Yes!You didn’t give him my waffle. You are awesome, dad.”Sarah grinned as she bounded back in the room, kissing steve’s cheek as she took her plate of yummy goodness and settled into a chair, making a face.”So, you were right. They totally forgot where they were.”She made a face as the two stumbled into the room. "morning."Tony said with a yawn, smiling as bruce came in. "You want something to eat?"
James huffed. "i don't. i don't like it." he whined, even if he made no effort at all to stop Tony. thy both knew if James wanted it, he'd make it happen. well, unless his daughter flounced into the room. "you jerk." he grumbled as he slid out of bed and got dressed. even that shock hadn't deflated his cock, so he had to go into the bathroom to take care of it while Tony went out to get food.

"of course i didn't give him your waffle." Steve promised. "he did beg me for it though." "yeah... and now i have a half cooked waffle on my plate." he grumbled, looking amused before snorting at her comment as Steve chuckled. "neither wakes up well in the morning." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "that would be nice, thank you." Bruce admitted with a smile as he moved over to the skittish Gabe and muttered in his ear, making the man nod as Steve handed Gabe a new waffle, and Bruce one too. "well good morning." Steve teased his two lovers. "good morning?" "shut up Punk."
“Am not. You heard her, cap’s making waffles.”Tony grinned amused as he heard james heading for the bathroom, amused that not even scarring his daughter would deflate the other’s cock.

“Hm, and he begs so nicely.”Sarah teased kissing her boyfriend’s cheek as she settled into the chair, snickering a little. “They both looked well enough. Thank god for blankets, otherwise I might never consider having sex.”Sarah gave a dramatic shudder. “Hey, no daughter sex talks at the table, it’s scarring, and I don’t want it.”Tony said snickering a little as he settled at the table, rolling his eyes. Even if he was awake, he hadn’t had coffee yet.”Shut up. Get coffee. You made me sleep somewhere without my coffee machine.”Tony grumbled as he snuggled into james, even if he was wide awake, he was never happy until he’d had a lot of caffeine.”....There is to a coffee machine. And it’s already making some.” “Nah-huh. I have one by my bed. I had to walk all the way out here for a cup.”Tony huffed as steve handed him his coffee. “...You have a coffee machine in your bedroom?” “Yea.”
he huffed. "jerk!" he complained as he followed Tony out, now mostly dressed. he couldn't find his shirt.

both Gabe and Steve flushed brightly at the tease and Gabe groaned and shook his head. "yeah we wouldn't want that." Steve teased with a roll of his eyes. "i'd be more worried about you going blind." he admitted. "you should talk. she walked in on you!" Steve complained,looking amused. "you where having sex without me, in your own daughters room! for shame!" he chastised, James shrugging as he fetched the Coffee for Tony, Bruce chuckling. "he does." Steve admitted. "sometimes it's the only reason why he gets out of bed at all. before noon anyway." Steve admitted as he handed out some more waffles, pausing when Jarvis called out that there was a man at the wet bar that hadn't been a second ago. Jarvis had run a facial recognition and indicated that there was an 75% chance that it was of a relation to Loki. "...i'll go look." Steve decided with a sigh. "Jarvis? get Thor and Fen would you? if this person is here for revenge purposes i want them there to run interference."
Sarah grinned as her dad and boyfriend blushed, before wincing. “...I thought going blind was obvious. That would follow up on never having sex.” “Hm, that would be a worse accusation if everyone in this room except Gabe has walked in on me having sex. Everyone gets to see eventually.”Tony grinned amused at steve’s chastising, sipping his coffee. “That’s insane. Are you sure you’re not sick?” “I only get sick when i don’t have coffee.”Tony said as he ate, pausing at jarvis’ words. “I’ll go to. It’s my wet bar after all.”Tony frowned looking worried as he finished eating, sighing as he waved the other’s to stay. “Stay. I’m serious. Watch Sarah and Gabe, see you and Bruce can be body guards. I’ll take care of cap.”Tony grinned stealing a kiss from james as he headed for the wet bar, looking slightly worried about whatever they were going to face.
James rolled his eyes as he walked in. "at least your not missing an eye." he pointed out with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "Tony. we sleep with you." Steve pointed out. "and you sleep naked. most of the time the people walking in on you nude is because you forgot to get dressed before shuffling for your Coffee in the communal kitchen. that's why we put a Coffee maker in your room." he reminded the other, looking extremely amused. "it's not insane. nor is he sick. he's an eccentric genius whose also an eccentric billionaire. i like to think he's astonishingly normal considering that." Steve admitted.

James nodded at the order to stay and him and Gabe and Sarah all grabbed hidden weapons that where strategically placed all around the room. at the wet bar a blond haired man wearing a leather jacket was leaning against the bar with a shot glass of bourbon in his hand. "i hope you don't mind." Loki's voice, it wasn't a relation to Loki, it WAS Loki! "but i have helped myself to that drink you offered." Loki was looking... short, healthy, cute. but he sounded exhausted and almost broken. "...Father!" Fenrir crowed, leaping across the room and snatching Loki up into a strangling hug, Loki chuckling as he smiled and hugged his Son back, careful not to spill the precious amber liquid. "hello Fen. it's good to see you again." "i thought you weren't breaking out until next week!" "yes well. the Guards coming in to rape and then beat me to death changed that." Loki admitted, ignoring Thor's started shriek at such a revelation. "you look good." Loki admitted, examining Fenrir. "Midgard suits you well."
“I sleep naked cause I have two sex starved geriatrics sharing a bed with me. Clothes get in the way.” “I think you’re right. He IS astonishingly normal for all that.”Sarah snickered a little amused at why they’d put the coffee maker in his room.

Tony raised his eyebrows, smirking a little. “Well, I did offer it to you. Though if you were going to drink, you should have gotten the good bourbon, not that warehouse shit Cap drinks.”Tony said wrinkling his nose a little as he walked closer, smiling slightly as he watched loki get glomp. “He’s fitting in astonishingly well here, it seems having asgardian sparring partners suits everyone here well.”Tony snickered, sighing quietly. “Jarvis?Warn Clint that Loki’s here.”Tony said after a moment, knowing better then to simply let the archer walk into this without some warning
Loki chuckled a little. "i don't know the difference. Midgardian liquor is beyond my comprehension." he admitted. "Asgard doesn't have much variety on drinks so i just grabbed the one that looked pretty." Loki admitted, indicating the massive shelves of alcohol. "stop making fun of my drink choices." Steve ordered, pouring himself a shot of Bourbon too. he needed it. Phil and Clint where not going to be happy. "Fenrir has always had a likable personality." Loki admitted. "got that from his Moth...." Loki paused, swallowed thickly and went silent as Fenrir and Thor both winced. "yes. the Archer. i do intend to apologize." Loki assured them. "in my grief and madness i just lumped all humans together." he admitted, sounding tired again. "i did not realize that earth was split into a hundred different cultures. i assumed you would be like Asgard, one person rules all the people. i knew only that the people in charge had ordered my Son's deaths. i never anticipated that there where over a million different people that could be considered as 'in charge'-" he shook his head. "-There's no excuse for what i did here other than grief and madness."
“Hm, glad to know some things are beyond even your comprehension, oh great loki.”Tony teased rolling his eyes a little. WEll, one could never claim tony didn’t know how to make fun of everyone, even if it might be wiser not to. “...It is warehouse moonshine,you uncoth bastard, you can’t be angry at me for declaring it as such.”Tony snickered a little as he poured himself a glass of scoth, “And all alcohol is pretty.”Tony added because well, the alcoholic in him agreed. Staring at the drink for a long moment before swallowing thickly, trusting steve to stop him if he started drinking more. Sipping his drink he nodded. “No, there’s no excuse, but I once gave my company away, became a grand prix driver, and tried to commit suicide by droid while grieving. I think you taking over the world is understandable. I mean, I’m amazed I didn’t go super villian.” “That’s cause you are no Sith lord Stark, only a very weak jedi.”Clint said looking a little sick around the edges as he walked in, having needed to see for himself that the man was indeed there.
Loki rolled his eyes. "i am a sorcerer, not a scholar." he scoffed. "you want someone educated, talk to Jormungandr." he ordered with a small smile. "i like Warehouse Moonshine, my mother used to make it in the bathtub." Steve admitted. "since we didn't have plumbing what better use for the tub?" he asked. "sometimes that moonshine was the only reason we got to eat, even with her working every day and every night." Steve admitted as he smirked and took a long drink as Loki examined the Bourbon. "...i hate to disagree but this is not Moonshine. i have had Moonshine. it is much more potent and a lot less flavorful." he admitted. "well, this bottle was prettier than the others, the the color of the, Bourbon? is pleasing." he admitted as he took another small sip. "...what is a Grand Prix Driver?" Loki asked, blinking at Tony. "Droid?" no wonder Loki lost, he knew nothing, absolutely nothing of Earth. "...Sith? Jedi?" Loki asked, looking so baffled Thor started to snicker as Loki shook his head and reached his arm into an empty pocket of air. "ah. Clint don't panic." Thor offered the Archer. "in Asgard, it is customary to offer a personalized gift when apologizing to someone." Thor explained as Phil walked in, Loki looking not in the least it surprised to see him. his daughter, Hela must have warned him.
“...Can I have a bathtub where I distill alcohol?It would be epic. I could make a whole floor just for distilling liquor.”Tony said looking thoughtful before staring at Loki, looking interested and amused. “Moonshine is what we call it because it’s made at night under the moon, not because it’s actually moonshine though I’m interested and want some now...”Tony said looking interested before starting to laugh. “You poor lost soul. No wonder you can’t conquer anything, you have no idea what’s going on.”Tony snickered at the idea of loki’s lost knowledge, before tensing as clint walked in. “Not panicking. Really.”Clint swallowed thickly, scooting around the far end of the bar away from loki to get himself a drink, looking bemused and worried about whatever this personalized gift would be.
Steve rolled his eyes. "no, Tony. you'd make terrible alcohol. you don't have the patience to tend to it as often as it would need." he admitted. "oh." Loki mused, his head tilted. "so it's not like Moonwine?" "not even close Father." Fenrir admitted with a chuckle as Loki shrugged. "i know little other than what i was raised by." he admitted. "i was never interested in traveling the way Fenrir is." the way Sigyn was. "if it makes you feel better, i no longer contain the ability to take over a mans soul." he admitted. "never had the power in the first place really." he admitted. "the Chitauri created that power using a chip of the Tesseract they where able to command." he admitted. "the power to do what was done to you is lost forever." Loki assured him as he pulled out a long box and set it on the bar before backing away so Clint could open the box. "i will offer you the right to punish me." Loki stated calmly. "This is also common. if you do not feel the gift is enough, then you have the right to give Loki any kind of physical punishment you feel fit. most Asgardians like to beat the offender." he admitted. "...i'm not sure you could hit Loki hard enough to make it last." he admitted, not looking bothered in the least at his brother offering to let Clint beat him up.

inside the Box was a Bow. carved from a light wood with white carvings that looked utterly ethereal and beautiful. there was a leather quiver made of some strange brown leather and stamped with a gold peacock. inside the quiver was over a hundred arrows clustered in groups of twenty. each one with a different colored fetching. Fenrir sucked in a sharp gasp. "Father... that's a Lorethelai Bow! only the best archers in the nine realms can carry those!" Fenrir stated, stunned. "how did you get it?" "i stopped by the Makers and said that the Best Archer in all of Midgard needed the best Bow in the nine realms." Loki stated with a shrug. "he examined my memories of the Archer and he agreed. it is strong enough that even the Green Monster could hold it in his hands and bend with all his worth and it will not even crack. the Quiver has been heavily charmed to recover lost Arrows, even ones shot through buildings and bodies. each Arrow is enchanted to do different things. Red arrows set things aflame. blue ones place the shot or nicked target into a deep sleep. green is such a deadly poison that even if the shot or nicked target escapes they will die within the next twelve hours. Yellow creates an electrical discharge that can paralyze a target for up to a full minute, and the white arrows work not unlike a flare. they reach a certain distance and then explode into a massive bright light. the Purple arrows there release something akin to a glowing trail that only you will be able to see, useful for tracking. there are other arrows too that can be bought. exploding arrows, arrows that release a static discharge that interfere with technology and break lights... i tried to pick the ones you would find the most useful but i don't know much about such weapons so i probably got it wrong."
“...That’s why I have jarvis. He’d remind me to check on it.”Tony snickered a little before shaking his head. “Nope.Nothing like it.”he said looking curious though, before shifting watching Clint nervously. Even knowing he probably couldn’t do true damage to loki, it still worried him. “Good. No one should have that power.”Clint said thickly staring at the box before pausing, tapping his fingers over the edge of the box, before tilting his head. “...Do I have the right to allow someone else to beat on you? You’re right, I can’t do damage enough that it’d last long. But I know someone who does.”Clint said looking thoughtful.”I mean, you’d still heal from her kicking your ass, but you’d feel it longer then just a few hours really.And no, it’s not Bruce. I wouldn’t let him whip you around the room again, no matter how amusing that was.”He muttered even as he flipped open the lid to look.

Eyes widening as he stared at the bow, making a slight noise. “I am the best archer here.”He whined absently at fenrir’s amazement, frowning slightly as he looked over everything, swallowing thickly. Before pushing it away. Even if he wanted it, oh god he wanted it, it wasn’t....”Not enough. Nothing can correct what you did to phil. What changed after. I can’t...”He shook his head looking about as closed off as phil did when a episode was coming, swallowing hard before he scooped up the bottle of moonshine and a glass heading for the elevator.
Steve rolled his eyes. "Tony. how about you leave the booze making to those of us who grew up during prohibition and actually know how to make Booze?" he offered. "Tony, you do not even know what Moonwine is." Fenrir stated, looking amused. "Yes, you can nominate someone else to administer the beating." Loki assured him. "the Green Monster, or the Super Soldier would be able to apply enough force to truly make me feel it." "your not allowed to kill him or permanently maim him though." Thor admitted, sounding slightly put out and Loki smirked. "did you have to beat up Tyr again?" "yes." "you'd think he'd learn." Loki muttered, shaking his head a little. "her?" Loki asked, looking confused. "ah. yes, Sarah too could administer enough force." Thor agreed. "the Avengers have greatly added to their numbers Brother." Thor admitted before wincing, waiting for Loki to glare and say that they weren't brothers. it didn't happen.

"i know." Loki admitted. "you still get to keep the Bow. and i do have an apology gift for the Son of Coul." he admitted. "however. i thought you where harmed the most out of all of my victims and law dictates that i must apologize in order." Loki admitted. "Son of Coul will have his turn to punish me once i have recovered from yours." he admitted as he watched Clint leave, glancing at Phil who smiled at the worried Thor. "he'll be alright." he promised. "he just needs a moment. will there be witnesses allowed?" "yes." Thor admitted. "Witnesses are required to ensure that my brother is not murdered. this is about apologizing, not revenge." Thor admitted. "Loki is not looking for forgiveness, he is simply offering the chance to right what has been done. even if it cannot be fixed." "...i am pretty sure that using his son as an experimental way to return me to life is payment enough." Phil admitted softly. "i will not require..." "what has been done to my family is not your fault Son of Coul." "it's Coulson." Phil sighed. "...is that not what i said?" Loki asked, looking confused, Thor shrugging and Fenrir stifled his snickers. "
“Oh.That’s true. I think I will do that.”Tony snickered before shrugging.”I don’t, but it can’t be like our moonshine.”Tony smiled a before smiling a little. “Good. I’ll ask our newest recruit to do it. Sarah’s showing every sign of being stronger then her fathers.”Clint said sounding amused and pleased at the idea, before shrugging.”Don’t want to hurt him permantently. Just causing damage would be nice.”Clint said sighing quietly. “Oh yes. Her. A female super soldier, born from the two original super soldiers. And she has a mean right hook.”Clint snickered a little.

“Fine. Bow’s mine.”Clint said scooping that up to, because really, he wanted the bow. Tony sighed snickering a little as he listened to them talk, smirking a little. “Just call him Phil or Agent. It’s is first name.”Tony smiled a little before smiling. “Oh, even if he wanted to, I doubt clint would support outright murdering you, Reindeer. Despite his... Issues, he holds onto his honor.”Tony muttered glancing away because he knew how hard teh aftermath of the battle of new york had been on clint, was pretty sure he was the only one who knew just how close clint had come to eating his own gun. Knew that still,even with hydra in their ranks, clint was still looked at oddly and sneered at by the remaining shield agents.
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