Hidden (lady/moon)

James nodded. "okay. that's... not so bad." he muttered, swallowing thickly as he looked up at Steve. "don't leave me?" he pleaded softly. "i won't." Steve promised, watching the frightened James go to sleep. James hated being drugged to sleep. it was enough to make him panic, and he'd wake up swinging, but it had to be done.

"probably THE first... they used him like a guinea pig." Steve growled. "yes actually. because his brain is already used to the technology, it would probably be better for him to have an eye of the same, instead of trying to make something entirely new. he'll adjust to your work quite easily." Bruce agreed. he worked with brains a lot in his line of work. "calm down." Bruce ordered Tony. "we're not sure yet. that's why we want Phil." he admitted. "it's alright Tony. it's nothing bad, i don't think." he promised as Phil came in and blinked at the eye he was suddenly holding. "okay, one? gross. and two? tell me what i'm looking for before you hand me things." Phil ordered as he examined the tech before blinking at the insignia. "it's not surprising." he admitted. "during the war, a lot of people where working in as many high class locations as possible. there where over thirteen personal scientists working with Howard Stark at the time who abandoned him once the Red Skull fell. they where stealing his technology. once Howard found out, he was extremely pissed, which is why he founded Shield in the first place." Phil admitted as he handed Tony the eye. "there are records indicating that Howard was actually making this particular design for you." Phil admitted. "when you where still in the womb, Doctors said you weren't developing properly, and might be born without functioning eyes. when this turned up Stolen, Howard went on a pretty impressive Rampage. luckily, your development evened out and he didn't need it. he never forgave Hydra for nearly ruining your life though." he admitted as James let out a long groan, unconscious but still dreaming of cold ice and tight spaces.
“Good. Easier to make it better, without totally rewiring and overwhelming his system.”Tony frowned a little as he worked, frowning slightly at the order to calm down. “Kay.”He muttered frowning wondering what it was. Simmons snickered a little, “But it’s not nearly as much fun when you’re expecting it.”Simmons smiled a little before frowning, “Well. That makes sense actually.”She said glancing a look towards the billionaire who wasn’t actually looking convinced. Tony twitched a little, wrinkling his nose as he stared at James, obviously wanting to get away, the idea of paternal concern a little to much for the man, but equally unwilling to leave james “....I’d be more convinced if I didn’t know he cared more about his missing Captain then he did me. That’s why he hated Hydra.”Tony twitched a little making a face, because he knew it was true. Howard stark was the reason he had issues being handed things, of figuring out how to deal with people, of not understanding emotional things. So the idea that Howard had spent even a moment wanting to give him his sight had he been born blind was unfathomable to him
Bruce nodded. "have Simmons help you with the neural connectors. she's amazing at it." Bruce admitted. "she is!" Fitz agreed before snickering at Phil's disgust. "...remind me to tell you what i did when i was in the academy." Phil suggested/threatened her with an annoyed glance. "oh Tony." Steve sighed, upset that he had been a cause for such pain in Tony's life. "Howard stark was many things Tony. a horrible father was one of them. neglectful, bigoted, overwhelming. but even you cannot deny that he was there for you when you actually needed him in a way that he could fix." he was talking, of course, of the Kidnapping. seven year old Tony had been taken by people Tony would probably be able to guess now was Hydra. Howard had been the one to go in, shoot the bastards and reclaim his son with only six agents. then he'd screamed at Tony for two hours for going outside without supervision and then gave him ice-cream for Dinner before ignoring him once more. "the man was a horrible human being." Phil admitted. "who had no emotions and little ability to connect with anyone. but he loved you as much as he was capable." which wasn't much. "he was abusive, yes. but honestly i don't think he had any idea that he was. he wasn't the most mentally capable." Phil admitted. "he was a psychopath without the tendency to murder people."
“I’ll do that.”Tony smiled slightly, snickering at phil’s disgust even as clint bit his lip to not laugh, not wanting punished for laughing at his lover. “....I don’t think I want to know.”Simmons said after a moment smiling slightly. “Hey, don’t sound so upset. I got a fairly amazing room downstairs cause of it.”Tony said twitching a little as he avoided looking at any of them, staring at the floor as he considered that. “....No I can’t deny that. He just failed at everything else.”Tony sighed nodding jerkily, before snickering. “that is a very good description.”he snorted before swallowing hard, “How long can we leave him down without making things worse?If I go now, I can have a eye built in a hour?”Tony said having every intention of not talking about this anymore.
"your right. you don't want to know. there's a reason why even Natasha doesn't mess with me." he warned, looking amused and sadistic. not a good combination. "a room is no comparison Tony. i really should have neutered him." he grumbled, shaking his head. "your father was a failure, but he did save millions of lives." he admitted. "plus, he made Steve." Phil admitted. "that should get him a half a brownie point right?" Phil asked, trying to make the room a little less tense. "we should bring him back up as soon as possible." Bruce admitted. "as fast as his system metabolizes the drugs, it could make his system crash if he's under too long. you shouldn't insert the new eye for at least twelve hours anyway, the eye socket needs to heal." he admitted as he carefully started bringing James back up into consciousness. Steve was already moving everyone back since James did indeed wake up swinging, raging at being put back on ice, furious that they where holding him against his will, screaming at the Hydra Bastards who thought to contain, control, and use him. it took a good many minutes for Steve to calm James down enough that Tony could come in too. "...T...Tony?" James asked, blinking his only eye, the other covered in bandages for now. "sorry Steve..." James muttered, gently stroking the bruise he'd left on Steve's jaw.
“....Definitely don’t want to know.”Simmons confirmed. “...Yea, he did do that.”Tony muttered before snickering slightly. “A quarter of a point really.”Tony smiled a little as he relaxed, wincing a little. “Very true. Bring him up, and I’ll get the new eye ready to go.”Tony sighed as they left, not going far, simply hovering waiting for permission to come back in. “Yea, hey Jamie.”Tony muttered moving over, leaning down to press a kiss to the other’s forehead, wrapping his arms around them both, leaning into them for a few long moments before swallowing. “Hey. If you’re feeling up to it, we probably should go see Sarah. And give her her birthday present. I mean, I know she didn’t want to celebrate, but she could use some good feels to.”Tony muttered gently stroking the other’s hair.
Phil smirked. "ask Clint." he suggested. "he had the misfortune of attempting to prank me one too many times." and boy did Clint have horror stories of being 'tarred and feathered' with elmers glue, pink glitter and crafts feathers of assorted colors. then there was the whole debacle involving tarantulas and pheromones. "quarter of a point." Phil agreed with a smile as they all left, taking Gabriel with them. "i hate being made to go to sleep." he muttered as he leaned into his men, letting them fuss over him as he took his time to recover from the trauma. finally he stood up and nodded. "i agree... what did we get her?" he asked. "i know we got her something but i forgot." "you got her a unique knife of some sort." Steve reminded James. "oh! that's right." James stated with a grin before glaring at Steve. "it's not a Knife!" "well whatever it is, it looks funny." "it's a very special fighting [http://www.larpinn.co.uk/images/WP-5265.jpg]shortsword[/url]!" "it looks funny." "i'm going to smack you!" well at least James was feeling better.
“I know. And it’s going to be worse the second time around, but hopefully getting a new eye makes up for that yes?”Tony muttered smiling quietly as he fussed over the other man. “And we got her the necklace fitz made. Pictures and weapons, what every super soldier girl could want.”Tony snickered amused at the two’s bickering before nodding. “he’s right, it does look funny. But let’s go see Sarah.”he smiled happy as they headed upstairs to gather the gifts and go find sarah. Wincing a little as they walked into their apartment, finding it mostly dark he frowned looking around. “Jarvis?” “She’s on the balcony sir.”Jarvis said sounding as worried as only Jarvis could about the emotionally compromised broken woman. “Guys?”Sarah frowned startled tilting her head as she stepped back inside, looking confused. "I thought you guys'd probably just go to sleep after..."
he scowled. "do i have to go to sleep again?" "yes. they could do irreparable damage if you twitch." Steve stated calmly. "but we'll be there with you." he promised. "and it shouldn't take long." Steve promised with a smile as he stopped in his room to get the presents everyone had gathered up for Sarah. everyone had gotten her something so there was a good dozen boxes. "it does not look funny!" James protested. "that's it! you both don't get sex!" he declared, walking away with his nose in the air. "he doesn't mean that." Steve scoffed. "he'll be the first to cave. he's more of a slut than i am, and that's saying something." he admitted with a smirk as he headed up to Sarah. "nah. we wanted to make sure you where okay and prove that James was fine." Steve explained. "and to drop these off. i thought, since you didn't want a party, we could just sit here as a family." he offered. "there should be some cake around here somewhere too, so we could have cake, ice cream, sing you the birthday song and watch your horror as you open James present." "she'll love it! you'll see!"
“Yea, messing up your eyes even more, would be horrible for me. Just go to sleep and it’ll be fine.”Tony smiled softly as they got all the gifts. “...Fine!That’s why I have steve. He’s a slut.”Tony snickered teasing steve before nodding. “He is. He’ll cave first.”he smirked having every intention of holding out just to see what happens. “Oh. I’m okay. Gabe’s sleeping off the sedatives in his room.”Sarah shrugged a little frowning slightly as she looked at the presents, snickering as tony walked in carrying a cake. “...Did you get me something sex related or something?Cause I’d really be horrified if you did.”Sarah said eyeing her father before smiling as she settled on the couch, holding out her hand. “Come on then. Present it is.”She said grinning as she opened it, eyes going wide as she saw the knife. “This is awesome!Short enough to wear down my back.” "Oh god, she's a geek. this is going to be horrible. Always armed now." "You think I'm not armed all the time anyways?"
he huffed a little but didn't complain again. "You can't have sex unless i'm there!" James ordered. "or i'll get upset!" Steve sighed. "he's using emotional blackmail now. it's just now fair." he grumbled playfully, winking at Tony. "no i did not!" James complained, sulking at her. "it's a brilliant gift! it took me weeks to pick out just the right one!" he admitted as he handed over the present, grinning at her delight. "and it's pretty!" he declared happily as Steve rolled his eyes and started pushing the other presents to her, saving the picture gifts for last. Tony's would be the very last, because it was the most amazing. she got various weapons from the others, and Grant had gotten her the most adorable stuffed teddy bear that looked just like the one he'd given her as a child. after they'd stopped hating each other. Hydra had torn it to pieces right in front of her as punishment for something or other. "here this one is from me." Steve handed over the heavy box full of happy memories for her, including the new ones. "this last one is from Fitz and Tony." Steve admitted once she'd gotten over the emotional reaction to the pictures, nudging Tony to make him explain what it was and how it worked.
“yes we can. And what makes you think we don’t want you upset?You’re very awesome at sex when you’re annoyed.”Tony snickered a little. “Oh. Good.”Sarah snickered a little smiling happily as she looked at the knife, nodding. “It is.” “Don’t look so pleased, Jamie. It’s still odd looking.”Tony pointed out snickering a little amused as he watched her get all the presents, smiling quietly as she set the bear in her lap. Eyes wide and happy as she looked through the pictures, leaning over to kiss his cheek.”Thank you.”She said swallowing thickly, tears in her voice at seeing new ones of her and gabe together before frowning in confusion at the necklace, before her eyes widened as she saw what it could do, swallowing hard. “Oh.That’s amazing. Thanks Tony.”She said slumping tiredly into the couch, so overwhelmed, she started crying quietly.
James narrowed his eyes at them. "don't make me bring out the leashes and the whip." he warned, Steve sucking in a breath at the thought. he had discovered, much to his horror, that he adored certain kinds of pain. cutting, sharp pain like knives and the whip turned him on so bad he was begging for it just at the slightest promise of it. he barely managed to stop himself from dropping to his knees right then and there. "it is not odd!" he protested, scowling. "i should get two thanks." Steve commented with a grin. "since i had to wrap all those stupid boxes." he admitted with a chuckle as he smiled at her. "i'm glad you like it." he admitted softly, having honestly been worried about it. "you made her cry!" James gasped, horrified as he pulled her into his arms, cradling her. "here... watch. this is the very first day i ever held you in my arms." James admitted, setting the video to start playing, smiling as he simply held her and shared memories with her. "i didn't know it at the time, but that warm tight feeling in my chest i got when i held you was love. the second i laid eyes on you, i loved you." he admitted, watching the Hydra agent place the little girl in his arms and asked for a name and then that led into the mess of him trying to change her diaper, puking all over her, and trying to give her a bath.
“...Ohh...You might have to.”Tony said swallowing hard, eyes blown wide at the thought. “Well, thank you again then. I’ve never really gotten presents before.”Sarah said smiling a little nbefore nodding.”I do like it.”She said sniffling, startling as james pulled her close. “I’m okay. I promise.Happy tears.”she promised, though it was obvious the woman was all over the place, the pain of not having gabe there to celebrate tearing her up to. Flushing a little as she watched the movie, resting her head on his chest, sniffling a little. “I love you to papa.”She muttered before giggling. “You threw up on me. I think you’re the one I shoulda dunked in chicken blood and not gabe.”She snickered a little, calming down a little.
Steve chuckled a little. "yes well... i figured you'd like to have some way to remember some of the good things." he admitted, looking rather mortified himself that he had made her cry. "oh, okay. happy tears." James agreed, though he didn't relax his hold on her. it was like he didn't believe her. "i love you more, my Little One." he murmured, stroking her hair before he huffed. "you try changing a diaper like that. it wasn't even solid! and it smelled horrid!" he complained, shaking his head. "come on. you should get some sleep. i'll stay here with you tonight." he promised, Steve pouting a little but not arguing. Sarah was a tad more important than his Libido was.
“It is good to have them.”She smiled looking amused, “Don’t look so worried, Dad.”She muttered not even realizing it was the first time she’d called Steve a equivalent of james’ ‘papa’. Smiling tiredly she snuggled against her father, “Not so little anymore.”She muttered leaning into his hand, laughing a little.”Maybe someday.”She muttered for the first time actually expressing a vague desire for children sometime. “Kay, papa.”She muttered showing just how upset she was actually, by not even arguing that she would be fine on her own. Tony tilted his head a little as he stood, starting to clean up, “You want Cap to stay to?”Tony asked looking at the blond woman, worried about her. “If he wants to.”sarah yawned, showing that indeed she trusted him, even if she never came out and said it, she treated the two as her parents, not simply the one who raised her and the other who justed happened to be her gentic parent. she treated the two super soldiers as equals.
Steve offered no sign that he was surprised by being called Dad. he felt warm all over and he wanted to grin like a loon and cheer, but he didn't want to scare her off either. "your still pretty little." Steve teased, making a crack at her not so shortness. James purposefully avoided the subject of her having children. if she wanted them, he couldn't stop her. he wouldn't like it, but he wouldn't stop her. he felt she was still a bit young to think of such things. "yeah i'll stay. me and Tony will crash in the guest room." he decided. "and don't worry, we won't have sex." he promised her with a chuckle as he brushed her hair off her face and kissed her forehead. "sleep well." he offered.

in the middle of the night though, they where all woken by a screaming Gabriel, screaming for Sarah and fighting against the bracelet's and James as he screamed for Sarah. trying to break free so he could 'save' her. waking enough to realize he had betrayed her, his worst nightmare. he was lost in dreams though because he thought Gabe and Steve where Hydra agents.
Tony smiled slightly, amused a little at steve’s calmness at being called dad, but knowing just how much it affected the man. “I am not.”Sarah sputtered tiredly smiling quietly. “Good. Cause being subjected to your sex life would be hard.”Sarah snickered smiling as he kissed her forehead, stumbling off to bed.

“What?!What’s going on!?”Sarah said nearly falling out of bed at the sound of the screaming, the knife in her hand, looking around utterly panicked as she fought to figure out what was going on before wincing, as he realized what it was. Padding quietly to Gabriel’s room, she made sure to make some noise to make sure he knew she was coming, “Gabe?Gabe it’s me.”She said walking inside looking anxious as she waited to see how he’d react to her appearnace.
"you are too." James teased with a grin. "well. something would certainly be hard." James agreed with a chuckle, intending on sleeping close to Gabe to keep an eye on him for Sarah.

"it's fine! Sarah it's fine! Gabe is just having a nightmare." Steve explained to her as he walked in sporting a black eye. "he seams to think me and James are Hydra and that we're doing terrible things to you." he admitted. Gabe tensed as he realized Sarah was there. "Sarah! Sarah run! don't let them have you! don't let them catch you! Run Sarah! for gods sake run!" he begged through heaving sobs as he struggled valiantly against James who had him pinned to the floor so he couldn't attack anymore. "Run Sarah! Get away!"
“Ah. Okay.”Sarah swallowed thickly, shaking her head. “He nailed you good if you’re still sporting it now.”She said turning his head a little to inspect the black eye before moving further into the room, dropping to her knees next to them, gently cupping gabe’s cheek in her hand. “Gabe, you’re safe. We’re safe I promise. We’re at avengers tower. We’re safe here.”She said her voice soft and smooth trying to sooth him, looking up at james, making sure he wasn’t hurt either before looking down at James. “This is James Barnes, and Captain Steve Rogers. My parents, I promise, we are safe.”
he nodded. "broke the socket." he admitted touching the break with a wince. "it'll be gone in an hour or so." he assured her, watching as she comforted Gabe, who sobbed and begged her to leave him, to escape, to get away. "a...avengers..." he whispered, sounding confused. "no. we're with Hydra. they made me take you. your just trying to trick me." he gasped, recoiling away from her. "your not Sarah! your not Sarah!" he wailed, struggling again against James who grunted as an errant elbow got loose enough to jab him in the ribs. it wasn't hard enough to break anything but it stung like a bitch. "alright, he's not going to calm down. Steve sedate him." James ordered as Gabe dissolved into simply screaming profanities as he tried to worm free, swearing vengeance for daring to hurt Sarah. a few shots of an Icer and he was out and James sighed. "...this is a mess... maybe he'll wake in a better mood..." James muttered as he cautiously got off Gabe, wary of him 'playing opossum'. he wasn't. "you okay?" James asked, examining Steve who was in turn examining James' ribs before they both moved to check on Sarah.
“Don’t touch it.”She scolded slightly, tears filling her eyes as she watched gabe fighting.”No, no we’re not. We’re safe.”Sarah promised wincing as he smacked her in the thigh and elbowed james, swallowing hard as she watched him, swallowing hard as he was sedated, glancing up at the other two, looking relieved as she realized they were okay, “Hey, hey no fussing.” “We’re allowed to fuss. Here.”Tony said as he eased the door open and handed them all glasses of hot cocoa, looking at the three. “Sarah should stay here, you two stand guard. If he wakes, might be better if it’s just her.”Tony said sipping his drink, looking worried for them all.
Steve smiled sheepishly. "sorry." he muttered and stopped prodding himself in the face obediently. "we're not! we're not! it's a trap! a trick! we're not safe and your not Sarah!" he gasped as he was struck with the bullets and James sighed. "at least he's not still all blank and obedient to Hydra. he's throwing off the effects shockingly fast." James admitted as he looked up at Tony, smiling. "that's right, you have two fathers and a step-dad here, we're allowed to fuss." he admitted as he carefully checked to make sure she really was okay. "i agree, Jarvis will stop him if he tries to attack her." James agreed. "we'll calm down a bit and then let you alone with him, it shouldn't last long. the Icers. they where just normal ones and he'll brush those off easily enough." James admitted as he took a few gulps of his own hot Chocolate. as soon as Gabe started showing signs of life the three where out of the room, leaving Sarah alone with him. "...Sarah?" he asked, blinking at her. "Sarah issat you?" he demanded, sitting up slowly, eyes fixed on her. "tell me something only Sarah would know."
“...step dad?Doesn’t that require some kind of ceremony or something?”Tony said looking vaguely freaked out at the idea. “Well, considering your wearing a collar and went out in public wearing it, says all that matters about you being off the market and firmly in the ‘step dad’ category.”Sarah snickered a little amused at the look on tony’s face before nodding. “He’s doing amazingly well brushing it off quickly. Hopefully it wont be that hard getting him back.”She swallowed hard, looking worried for gabe as she sipped her hot chocolate and smiling quietly as gabe stirred. “yea, it’s me, gabe.”She muttered looking down at him. “....We made out at the top of coney island’s ferris wheel like horny teenagers, and I wanted to pay the carnie to keep us up there so we could have sex.”

Outside the room tony sputtered a little, quiet laughter escaping at hearing the words, the three still out in the hall to make sure she wouldn’t need them, keeping quiet as to not worry gabe, biting his lip to keep from laughing out loud at that.
they both shrugged. "i don't think so." James admitted. "we just kind of figured that since you where dating her dads it kind of made you a stepdad. you already act like a parent for her so why not?" James asked with a grin as Steve chuckled at Sarah's comment. "hopefully." Steve agreed as he examined Gabe. one could only hope that whatever it was that those people had done to him wouldn't have lingering side effects. "...your Sarah." he breathed, relaxing before standing up. "come on. we have to escape. i won't let Hydra use me to rape you. never again." he muttered, looking for escape options that Hydra might have overlooked. "Sarah? aren't you going to help?"

Steve and James glanced at each other before doubling up in silent laughter before sobering at Gabe's promise to not be used. to not use her like that.
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