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Hidden (lady/moon)

Gave looked horrified to see Fitz until Fitz smiled at him and he realized there wasn't going to be any yelling. "are you sure it's safe for him to be up? what if he gets sick?" Gave demanded, doing something no one had ever seen him do before... he was...he was mother henning! "it's perfectly safe." Bruce promised. "the mist he's breathing in is basically an immunization against anything he could possibly catch. so long as he keeps breathing, he's protected from getting sick." Bruce promised, looking very amused. Gabe wouldn't get too close to Fitz, wary of upsetting the young man he had nearly killed, but was still concerned about the guy too much to not voice concerns. "....hey! Colors smell amazing!" Fitz complained. "you should see what Pink smells like! it's wonderful." he admitted, proving that he was indeed, still high and Bruce had turned his face away so that Fitz couldn't tell he was laughing at him. "he can't have solids yet." Bruce warned when Steve went to offer Fitz a pancake and some Skillet. Fitz did accept the huge tray of Jello that had appeared in the fridge though. he could take his mask off long enough to eat, the mist would protect him for ten to fifteen minutes before he had to put the mask back on but at least he had some freedom now. "....what on earth is he eating?" both Thor and Fenrir asked, looking awestruck at the Jello as they walked in.
“I’m sure bruce wouldn’t have let him get up if he could get sick.”Sarah soothed, squeezing gabe a little as she leaned back against the bench, a arm wrapped around his shoulders as she ate, looking concerned for gabe, which was amusing because it was normally james who’d always been a focus of her worried fussing, now it was gabe. “I’m sure you think so. It’s still not possible to smell colors.”Tony snickered looking amused as he got the jello. “It’s called jello. Would you two like to try some?”Clint said as he walked in, getting his own plate of food.
Gabe scowled a little but nodded. he knew Bruce would protect Fitz. "you should be pleased Gabe, it was you who helped with this after all." Bruce admitted with a smile as he tapped the Nebulizer. "this is what i was working on when you helped me with the slides." he explained. "Tony made the chair with Simmons help." he admitted. "he did an amazing job too." Fitz admitted, grinning. "it doesn't wobble at all! look!" he went to lean over before wincing as he remembered his back was broken and leaning hurt. luckily he was still strapped into the backboard. "it is possible!" Fitz complained as Bruce chuckled. "please don't upset him." he pleaded. "he screamed at me for ten minutes when i tried to tell him the same thing." "and let me tell you, screaming at someone has no effect when you can't remember all the words." Fitz admitted. "the more upset i am the more my... uh. the more my..." he paused and glanced at Bruce who paused. "er... Vocabulary?" "that'll work. the more my Vocabulary is effected." Fitz admitted. "it still takes a hit, but it's worse when i'm upset." he admitted before grinning. "see! i said there was a werewolf!" Fenrir groaned. "that was ONE TIME! and it was an ACCIDENT!" he complained, sulking. "yes, we would like some jello." Thor agreed inbetween his snickers.
“I always do a amazing job. Don’t sound so amazed.”Tony said as he ate smirking a little, looking up sharply as fitz moved, concern in the look. Though his fussing was more restrained then the others, he was still fussing. “Fine, no upsetting the genius. I want him back in my lab to much to upset him. If he’s upset he might not work with me, and I need his help planning a birthday party.”Tony smirked looking amused. “Birthday party?” “Hm, Sarah’s birthday’s in like, 2 weeks.”Tony mused smirking a little before looking at fitz, “I feel like I should make you a watch that supplies words to use.” “...Tony, don’t do that. Auto correct is bad enough on phones, we don’t need it correcting fitz.”Natasha said rolling her eyes a little. “....What was a accident?”Tony said looking interested as Clint got thor and fenrir some of their own jello.
Fitz grinned. "you do always do an amazing job!" he agreed. "except, i think you forgot to show Steve that thing we made for that event." Fitz reminded Tony, making Steve look curious. "Thing? Event?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Birthday party? whose birthday!?" Steve demanded, yanking out the pocket calendar he always carried with him, flipping through it. he did too much, between running volunteer work, helping at SI, organizing training sessions with various Avengers and Shield operatives and keeping his personal life in line, he needed it on hand at all times. "i don't have it written down so it must be a new birthday." he muttered, glancing at all the new people, awaiting a confession. "it's Sarah's." Bucky explained with a chuckle, pointing to the date. Steve quickly wrote it down, much to Gabe and Fitz's amusement. "actually. i made an app for that." Fitz admitted. "a lot of the words i forget over and over again, like... uhm..." he paused and Bruce handed him the tablet. "Asphyxia." he admitted, examining the list. "and Algorithm. and Polymorphism." he admitted, blinking as everyone stared at him. "i don't know any of those words." James admitted, Gabe shrugging. he didn't either. "nothing was an accident!" Fenrir yelped, Thor dissolving into full blown laughter. "during the revolution... uh, what you would call the Renaissance period. Fenrir was on earth handling a bunch of Vampires that had escaped their locked realms and where creating chaos in the human realms. Vampires are, of course, Dark Elvs who got sick with something similar to what you would call rabies. one of them bit Fenrir and he bit a human on accident and then he had to spend the next ten years hunting down the creatures he'd accidentally created. the humans had taken to calling them werewolves and of course the Vampires where still a problem. and then the werewolves and the Vampires started fighting each other. it was a mess!" Thor admitted, utterly delighted as Fenrir sulked. "it was a few thousand years ago! and it was an accident!" he complained, pouting as he tried his Jello, blinking. "...this is amazing!"
“I did. It seems I forget things in inbetween you getting hurt, having sex with super soldiers, finding thor and fenrir....I’ve been busy. I’ll give it to you after breakfast.”Tony made a face rolling his eyes at Steve’s calendar. “I’m making you a app for your phone so you can just record all your events in there.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little. “You guys don’t have to do anything. I mean, I haven’t for years, and we always just had dinner...” “Well. That just means that you’re going to have a amazing birthday this year.”Tony smirked smiling happily, because spending money, doing stuff like throwing a kickass party, even if it was just for the group, was the only way to show he cared that he knew. “Well, you guys aren’t scientists. We know a lot of awesome words.”Tony snickered. “...That’s awesome. You’re to blame for all those horrible werewolf movies....though I don’t think there’s any way to blame you for twilight....”Tony snickered in amusement. “Jello is amazing. It comes in alot of flavors to.”Sarah said smiling softly.
Steve blinked a little before he startled, realizing what they where talking about and horrified to find he had forgotten all about Sarah's birthday. thank god he'd already finished those photo books. "i have an app. i hate it." Steve admitted. "it never records anything right and it won't open half the time." he admitted. "your having a party." both James and Steve ordered sternly. "birthdays are important. you never got to have a birthday as a child, so your going to get the best damn birthday ever... no strangers Tony. just the people in the upper levels of the Tower. that means only Sarah's friends." he ordered firmly, amusement glittering in his eyes. "we do know awesome words!" Fitz agreed as he let Bruce slip the mask back onto his face now that he'd finished his Jello. "....i'm to blame for nothing!" Fenrir grumbled. "what you humans do with your spare time and imagination has nothing to do with me. i'll have you know the idea of werewolves turning on the full moon is ridiculous and implausible." he huffed. "other flavors? is it always a fruit?" Thor asked, looking delighted as he sucked on his Orange Jello.
“You have a bought app. I’ll make a awesome one. It’ll be better.”Tony smirked a little nudging steve. “Don’t look so horrified. You’ve had some traumatic things happen.”Tony muttered kissing his cheek, before smiling. “Besides, you have Gabe to celebrate with. I’m sure you can think of something to do on your birthday.”Tony leered smirking at her. “Tony!” “What?It’s true. And I wasn’t going to invite strangers. Don’t look at me like that.”Tony rolled his eyes. “....Why?”Simmons asked, utterly curious about werewolves now that they were discussing them before laughing. “Yea. Lots. And usually. About 40 different flavors.”
he stared at Tony for a moment and then. "fine." he muttered, returning to his Calender. "i am horrified!" he complained before smiling at the kiss and leaned against Tony a little. "Tony!" he protested as Gabe went bright red. "i will look at you like that!" James decided, widening his eyes and stared at Tony in the creepiest manner he could. "you are a doctor, right?" Fenrir asked, smiling. "tell me. have you ever, in your entire life come across a disease of any kind that turned on or off due to an outside force?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "why then, when the werewolf... er, problem, being that it would a disease, turn on or off because of moon patterns of all things?" he asked. "no. once they transformed they where stuck that way. they where horrif looking too, all covered in patchy matted fur... you ever seen a dog with the mange? looked kinda like that all over them." he admitted. "forty!" Thor gasped, looking delighted. "i will go to the Mega Mart and buy every flavor! and the good Captain will show me how to make them!" "sure." Steve agreed with a chuckle.
“What?Stop it!Just cause I suggested Sarah and Gabe do the horizontal tango, doesn’t mean you have to stare at me like a creepy stalker killer!”Tony whined shifting to hide behind steve’s shoulder from the super soldier staring at him, before snickering at fenrir’s question. “...Oh. I hadn’t thought of it like that. That is weird and impossible.”Simmons said tilting her head a little snickering slightly, before laughing out loud at Thor’s delight. “Just don’t let Tony help you make it. He’ll mess it up or something.”Sarah smirked resting her head on gabe’s shoulder, content to just be with them all, to tired to do anything else. “Hey!I can make jello!”Tony sputtered glaring at the blond woman.
JAmes smirked, only making him look even creepier. "you suggested my daughter have sex with someone. you deserve to be creeper out." James stated with a snigger as he looked away. "besides, i am a creepy stalker killer." he pointed out as Fenrir chuckled. "yes, very impossible. while some diseases can be affected by outside forces, they cannot be stopped or started by them. especially not by something millions of miles away." he admitted as he took a long drink of water. "no you can't. you tried and failed." Steve stated simply as Fenrir stole the last of Thor's Jello when the thunder god wasn't looking. Steve just chuckled and started refilling Tony's Coffee cup as James reached for a second helping of food. "in any case." Phil muttered, looking a bit twitchy as he glanced at the food. he couldn't stomach trying to eat, the need to write the weird language on the wall was itching in his brain and it was starting to drive him a bit batty.
“I suggested she could have sex with her boyfriend, not some random stranger. Stop being creepy.”Tony whined. “I totally can.” “Tony, you burned it last time, and I have no idea how you did it, as you don’t actually use the stove.”Natasha pointed out rolling her eyes before looking at phil worriedly. Clint sighed quietly, worried for phil as he kissed the other’s cheek. “come on then. We’ll go write and see what fenrir can tell us.”he said sounding worried as he finished eating.
"you suggested my daughter have sex." he reiterated. "i like being creepy." he admitted with a grin. "...all it is is boiling water and powder. how the hell did you...." Gabe looked at Tony. "you used your repulsors to make it, didn't you?" Steve asked, rolling his eyes before looking a bit worried as he realized Phil desperately needed to get the mental 'glitch' out of his system. "do you want to be alone?" Gabe asked Phil, looking worried as Phil hesitated and then shook his head. "aside from the fact that it's draining and a bit traumatic when i 'wake up' there's nothing really to watch. i have a feeling that the last memories are extremely painful and horrible ones so..." " Fenrir, Thor and Clint should be the only ones in the room..." he agreed. "we can have Jarvis record it later for the rest of us to watch once we feel emotionally stable."
“I would never use the suit in such a inappropriate manner.”Tony said primly. “He was wearing the gauntlets when I came to put out the fire.”Natasha said smirking looking amused. “Yea, we’ll have jarvis record, and get you guys if something happens.”Clint sid looking worried about how desperate phil was, holding onto the other’s hand as they headed down to the room tony had given them to work in, settling in to watch.

“I feel helpless. I hate not being able to help.”Sarah said frowning a little rubbing a hand over her face. “Me to.”Tony agreed before poking steve in the arm.”Want to see what me and fitz made for you?I’ll even let fitz explain how it works. Since it was his idea. I just built it.”Tony said smiling happily, no wonder the R&D departments had been jealous, when there was such obvious pride in the billiaonire for the younger man.
Steve snorted. "you tried to make toast with your gauntlets the other day." he pointed out. "i'll have some high grade narcotics on hand if you need to calm down." Bruce promised. "they'll make you sleep, yes but it's better than being a panicked mess. just in case." he promised, watching Phil head down to his favored room, which was freshly painted every time Phil did this. Phil settled into place and began to use the knife to etch the wall, relaxing with every draw of the knife until he was as loose and relaxed as he ever got. "...this is a spell." Fenrir muttered. "two pronged. one half defends, the other half prepares an escape. they where trying to get away. the Twins always did such magic, two halves of one whole, interconnected." he explained. "it's incomplete. they where killed before they could finish. once the spell ends, the memory will surface and he will begin to write that." Fenrir admitted, watching intently.

"me too." Gabe admitted, swallowing thickly as he watched Fitz and Simmons as they chattered with Tony and Steve. James was digging in the fridge for his favorite comfort food. strawberries. he nommed on those anytime he was upset. "it was my idea, and it was a brilliant idea." Fitz agreed with a grin. "come on, you'll love it." Fitz admitted as he pushed the buttons on his chair to make it go. "Thank you for building this for me Tony." Fitz offered suddenly. "it really is brilliant." he made no mention of the fact that he would probably never walk again.
“Well, you said you wanted toast, and I couldn’t use the toaster.” “I told you giving that AI toaster your personality would be a bad idea.”Clint snickered a litle. Relaxing a little himself as he watched phil, relaxing simply to see the other relaxing. Tilting his head towards fenrir he flinched a little, swallowing thickly. “...He says he’s seen the world. The answers to everything.”Clint muttered worried and scared about what memory would follow.

“I think I’m going to bed.”Sarah muttered with a yawn as she stretched, despite being a super soldier, she did usually require more sleep then the guys, simply because her system overworked so much, that it took mroe for her to keep up. And while she could go without sleep, she was usually grouchy about it. She just wanted to cuddle gabe and sleep. “It was a brilliant idea.”Tony smirked laughing a little as he headed out with steve and fitz tugging james along with him with his bowl of strawberries, eager to see what sarah’s dads thought about the brilliant necklace.....and he wanted to show james the video of him changing diapers, because that kind of teasing was just to good to pass up. “You sound surprised at that, shrimp. Why wouldn’t I do it?”Tony said guilt flickering over his features before he controlled the emotion grinning as they got to the lab, digging out the necklace box before handing it to steve. “As requested, electronical pictures.”
Steve rolled his eyes. "it was my mistake to think that trusting him with cooking was a good idea but i was sicker than a dog and didn't feel like eating, Tony insisted and he set fire to half the tower." he admitted, not mentioning the bitching both men had to endure from Pepper that only stopped when Steve promptly threw up all over her dainty shoes.

"that's common." Fenrir admitted. "it's the Magic. you see, while he's writing down the spell, he's channeling the magic that was put into it as well. humans aren't meant to be connected to things like that." he explained. "in a way, Magic connects you to the very core of life, the energy source that fuels every living thing, be it trees or people. that's what he's feeling now, his human brain can't comprehend it, so he feels as if he's touching the very universe. others have claimed that they where being spoken to by God... whoever that is. some claim to hear Angels, others go mad and murder everything in sight. Phil is rather lucky he's so open minded and already seen some things like this, it makes it easier for his brain to cope." he straightened suddenly. "the last memories are starting..." he whispered, swallowing thickly. and indeed the lines had changed somehow. it was all the same symbols, long lines, circles and ovals. but they where still different somehow too.

Gabe nodded. "i'll go with you." he agreed, following her. "i don't want to see... not yet." he admitted. "if i take a nap with you, i'm much less likely to be tempted to peek." he admitted, swallowing thickly. " "very brilliant." Fitz agreed with a chuckle. "hand me one of those would you?" "only one." Bruce ordered sternly. "just the one." Fitz agreed, happily munching on his single allotted strawberry. "well. i was was expecting a wheelchair." Fitz admitted. "i keep forgetting that your rich and can make things like this." he admitted, blushing a little. not about to admit he had been a bit worried Tony wouldn't want him around now that he was damaged. that fear was long gone now. "Electronical isn't a word Tony." Fitz stated, looking amused. "my Tablet says so."
“....And because his mind doens’t know what it is, he’s overseeing things. Or at least thinking he is. That makes sense.”Clint said frowning a little, smiling slightly as he considered that, “He always was willing to accept things.”He muttered still looking worried for phil, swallowing thickly, worried as he looked over at Fenrir.”....Can you tell me what kind of memories?”He asked, curious and worried about how the wolf was goign to be with the memories.

“Hm, sounds good.”Sarah snickered a little as she headed for their rooms. “You should never forget that. Though if you ask nicely, I might consider letting you see the suit, might be interesting to see if you could use it.”Hesaid wondering if he could make a suit sort of for the paralyzed man. “Don’t look so worried. I want you for your brains, not cause I can make you fetch things.”Tony teased a little before frowning. “Electronical is to a word. You have a electronic thing, so it’s eletronical.”tony decided smiling slightly as he showed steve how the necklace worked. “Something small enough to not be in her way, but something big enough to hold all the important pictures and whatever she wants:.
he nodded. "it won't hurt him." he promised. "it's sort of like being on LSD i'd imagine." he admitted. "only without the very painful withdrawal process and the tendency to think you can fly." he admitted before staring intently at the walls, swallowing thickly. "...his last thoughts are being written now." he whispered. "Help... Help me. Daddy, please help me. they're hurting me Daddy..." Fenrir translated. "Save me Daddy. Save me..." he shuddered hard. "he was still alive even after they tore him in half with an exploding weapon of some sort. this was Vali. he doesn't recognize the weapon so i can't tell you exactly what they used, but it was harpoon based, lodged into his stomach and then exploded from the inside." Fenrir whispered as Phil stepped away and stared at the writing he had made before turning, exhausted to Clint. "i'd like to sleep now." he admitted sluggishly, letting Thor take the knife from him, the thunder god so pale and shaken you almost thought he was going to pass out. Fenrir couldn't go pale, but he wasn't moving either and there where tears tracking through his fur.

Steve rolled his eyes and huffed and Fitz chuckled. "Tony, i don't think i could operate a suit like that." he admitted. "there's nothing to incorporate control into the legs." he admitted. "i have no muscle control. at all, from the hips down. which means a prosthesis won't work." " muscle control at all?" "nope..." "so... does that mean... you know. when you... er.." "are you asking if i'm... uh.. i'm..." he paused and tapped at his tablet. "incontinent?" he asked, sounding amused as James flushed. "no i'm not. i hold enough rectal and urethral control to not have to wear adult diapers. i've made peace with the fact i won't walk again. i was never a very active fellow in the first place." he admitted. "and it is not a word Tony!" Fitz complained. "just because you say it is, doesn't mean it's true! i could claim fbjkghnjerqgbjqg, is a word, that still won't make it so." he pointed out. "wow! Fitz you designed this!? this is amazing!" Steve gushed, truly amazed as he examined it, and pressed the first button, which made a picture of a laughing Gabe, a scowling Sarah and a blood covered Gabe appeared. "HA!" James laughed at the sight of it.
Clint shuddered a little as he listened, watching phil, eyes wide and sad as he looked up at the other. “Kay. We’ll get you to bed, love.”Clint said quietly, watching thor for a long moment trying to decide if he should be helping him, gently grabbing the blond’s elbow, directing him to sit next to fenrir.”Stay. Sit.I’ll get Phil to bed.”He said pausing long enough to hug both fenrir and thor before scampering up to get phil, leaving the asgardians to their grief as he took phil to bed.

“I’m sure I can figure something out. I mean, I have the one I don’t have to be in. It doesn’t rely on muscle control...”Tony said in that vague way that said he wasn’t really listening, more focused on the project he was already building in his head flinching just a tad at fitz’ words, because the guilt of getting his friend her was near overwhelming. Swallowing hard before smirking a little. “Well, of course that’s not a word. It doesn’t make sense. It’s just letters. Electronical means electronic things.”Tony said primly, looking pleased at steve’s amazement. “he did.And there’s four different ports, so she can add more pictures or change then if she wants.”Tony said snickering, “Wait, wait there’s a better movie on here.”Tony grinned as they got to the next one, snickering at the sight of james changing his first diaper.
Phil nodded, looking confused, as if he wasn't sure which way the bedroom was. the bleed-over from Vali's mind was leaving him baffled, which was always gone after a good nap. Thor and Fenrir both sat down and stared blankly at him as he left and got Phil tucked in, who was asleep before he even crawled into bed. leaving it up to Clint to undress the man and get him under the blankets as Phil uttered those adorable little snores he always protested about making.

Fitz smiled as he reached out and took Tony's hand. "it's okay Tony." he promised. "it really it." he promised. "you shouldn't get so worked up over things that aren't your fault." he chastised gently. "we don't even know yet, not for sure. there's still a chance i'll be walking." and then he flushed. "plus, Simmons does all the work during sex anyway so that doesn't matter either." James, Steve and Bruce all choked on their laughter. "she's oddly dominating." Fitz admitted, flushing harder. "i can't seam to shut up..." he hoped this would make Tony feel better. " does not! Electrical means electronic things!" Fitz complained before grinning as he watched Steve look over the pictures and videos inside the thing. "this is great Tony, Fitz!" Steve gushed. "she's going to love it!" Steve admitted before blinking as he watched the Video start, James groaning. " James... you puked on the baby?" "shut up! i'd never even touched one before! and she smelled funny! and her shit was...." he shook his head. "just because you could babysit!" he grumbled even if he was smiling. Sarah was really going to love this. a lot. "Steve will wrap it, and make sure you're names are on the tag. this is just brilliant." James admitted, flicking through the four hundred some odd pictures stored in the necklace.
“...Everything is my fault. I mean, isn’t everything about me?”Tony muttered making a face at getting chastised like a child, holding onto fitz’s hand though before whining a little. “Yes!I knew it. I knew she was a dominatrix. And I’m so prooud of you for finally talking about sex.”Tony snickered ruffling the other’s hair before nodding. “I think she will.”Tony smiled pleased that his lovers were so happy with the present. “I’m telling Sarah you think she smells funny.”Tony snickered looking at his lover in amusement, because for all his experiences, he had never been around a baby, so he was definitely missing out on the baby diaper experience. “Well, we are fairly brilliant.”Tony smirked laughing as they settled in to look at pictures.

Two weeks later found all of them settled into a slightly subdued attitude. While it had taken some getting used to having fenrir around, all three super soliders had settled in happy to have not only thor but his nephew around, because they offered a truly challenging sparring session. And while none of them were sure about what else Phil would remember, or how loki was reacting to fenrir’s news about his sons, they had settled into a good life for the moment, while skye and tony worked on finding the rest of the hydra agents within the country, which mostly left both tired and irritable at their inability to find everyone.

“So. We’re being ordered out of the tower for the afternoon?” Sarah said looking at her parents in amusement, slanting a glance at the newly collared billionaire, who despite his protests about being controlled in any way, seemed quite comfortable wearing the black leather collar with the tags of belonging to james and steve. And even sarah, who didn’t seem him like that, could admit the dark leather made a attractive picture on lightly tanned skin. “Yes.”Tony grinned. “Why?” “because I’m setting things up in the penthouse for your party. You don’t get to be here to see it. Go to coney island or something. It’s new york. Find something romantic and cute to do for a day.”
Fitz rolled his eyes. "no." he scoffed. "everything is about greed, power and holding that power over people who are weaker than you. that's what the world revolves around." he admitted with a smile. he didn't let go of Tony's hand either, it made him feel better, like holding Tony's hand meant the other couldn't leave him. "she is a Dominatrix." Fitz admitted with a smirk. "she even has a leather whip. it's sexy." Fitz admitted with a giggle. "i think i'm high again.""let me check." Bruce offered, examining the medicine tube that deposited medicine into Fitz on a timer. "yep. your high." Bruce admitted with a chuckle.

Fenrir had proven to be amazingly capable of handling earth technology. Thor, who couldn't even work the microwave properly compared to Fenrir, who had just spent ten minutes fixing the connection from the TV to the X-Box for Steve. it was shocking to say the least. though, considering how Fenrir traveled all of the nine realms as he pleased, he would be more of an expert on the different cultures than Thor. he was in contact with Loki too, how he would not say, but every time he finished talking between Thor and Loki both looked a little more happy. apparently, Loki was orchestrating his escape. it was going to be a while, but he would be joining them soon.

"apparently." Gabe admitted with a chuckle as James grinned. "Your supposed to be doing fun things." he admitted, stroking the back of Tony's neck, where collar met flesh. he couldn't stop touching it. "we could go to Coney Island. i've never been." Gabe admitted with a smile. "Tony has good ideas. come on, we'll go make out on the top of the Ferris Wheel." he offered, handing her the money card that Tony had given him. "here, you hold this, i'll just lose it."
Tony whined a little as he bowed his head a little as he ate, enjoying the stroking fingers even as he shuddered. Despite resisting being owned, it was obvious nothing got him going faster then being reminded of it being there. “Neither have I.”Sarah grinned before smirking, “Such a daredevil, making out so high.”She teased. “...No, making out flying the suit and carrying cap, is daredevil.”Tony snickered smirking a little. “And don’t go on the tilt-a-whirl, considering how sick your father gets, you’ll be lucky not to throw up on gabe.”Tony teased smirking at steve as he stole a kiss. “Urgh. Let’s go. If they’re going to defile the kitchen table, I’d rather not be here.”Sarah rolled her eyes as she pocketed the money card, looking amused though, despite the slight oddness of seeing them so open and easy with her knowing they were having a amazing threesome sex, she was happy for steve and james, it pleased her to know they were happy.
James grinned as he watched Tony react oh so submissively. "good. that's where we'll go then." Gabe agreed with a smile as Steve shook his head. "Don't you dare Tony! i have enough trouble not puking on you as it is." he grumbled. "blasted suit. i think you do all those twisty turns just to see if you can make me sick." "it's because of Steve's Equilibrium." Bruce commented as he walked in. "because his 'inner ear' is so fine tuned to all the moving, rolling and dramatics he does, outward forces can throw it off. i'd be more worried about Gabe getting sick then Sarah, who is used to both personal and outside G-forces." Bruce admitted as Steve grinned and kissed him back. "i agree." Gabe admitted as he followed her, taking her hand. "it's nice to see them so happy though." he admitted once they where out of hearing. "shall we take Steve's bike?" he offered with a grin. "or should we take Lola?"
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