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Hidden (lady/moon)

he nodded. "very fine." he agreed before smiling. "you won't have problems with your Serum at this stage in your life. if you where going to have problems, it would have been when you where a baby. it's part of your genetics now, your own system will keep it under control." he admitted. "by the time you where two, you literally had the most stable Serum ever created. probably because it was naturally created and not man made. or at least as naturally as it can be at this point." he admitted before he smiled at her. "this is what i do. what i like to do. if i don't do it, no one else can. i do it because i love the people i live with and i want them safe. making sure their systems running properly is one of the ways i do that." he admitted. "you'll see a lot of slides like that." he admitted. "but don't worry, even a non reaction is good information." he admitted. "this one's not doing anything either." Gabe admitted once he had a new slide. "wait. wait.... nope" Bruce snickered a little at that.

James chuckled a little. "yeah me too." he admitted. "we'll head up in about a half an hour then." he decided. "after everyone else sets the table." he muttered with a grin. "agreed." Steve chuckled as Jarvis promised to tell them when the food was there and the table was set and that he'd told the others they where having a sit down dinner. "rest for a bit." Steve suggested to Tony with a chuckle.
“Ah. I see. Because it was already coded in, instead of being introduced, its more natural now.”Sarah hummed looking thoughtful as she considered that before smiling. “well, as long as you’re enjoying’re alot like tony that way....did I tell you about the watch he gave me, cause he was sure I needed a way to both tell time, get ahold of james, make sure gabe was okay, and be connected to jarvis, and check my heartrate at the same time?”She snickered shaking her head a little smiling as she looked over the slides, glancing up as jarvis told them the food was ready. “Come on. Let’s go then.”

“Kay. Sounds good.”Tony smiled sleepily, “...I’m resting. You’re comfortable to lay on. Between.”He muttered indeed dropping off for a few minutes, stirring with a whine when jarvis told them the food was ready, wincing a little as he got out of bed, sore a little as he got dressed.
he nodded. "exactly. it didn't have to rewire or rewrite your genetic code to work, so it was always stable." Bruce admitted. "i do enjoy it." he agreed with a smile. "Bio chem has always been one of my passions. it's part of how i ended up with the other guy." he admitted. "i didn't know unti very recently, but the people i was working for was actually Hydra. my turning into the hulk and destroying every ounce of their research ended up saving a good million lives. that's what Phil told me anyway." he admitted. "Tony's a bit manic, but he means well." Bruce admitted as he showed her his own watch. "if my heart rate goes above a certain level, it goes off." he admitted. "it's prevented a lot of accidental hulk outs." he admitted with a smile as he accepted the sheets of paper they offered him. only two had done something funny and that was better information than he'd expected.

"Tony? you okay?" Steve asked, carefully examining Tony's ass to make sure he hadn't hurt the other too badly. "you'll be sore for a bit." Steve muttered. "but there's no damage."
“Ah. I was wondering about that. I mean, I heard the story, but its different to actually meet all of you guys, instead of just hearing the shield rumors about how you ended up at this point.”Sarah smiled nudging bruce a little. “And the big guy saved you to. At least from what I understand of tony’s ramblings about the science end of it. And you keep saving people. Not just as the other guy, but as you. I mean, you are totally helping all of us, by getting your psych degree.”She smiled a little before laughing. “He does mean well....Oh shit. Do you think I’m going to get more gifts now that he’s basically my step dad?”She whined a little as they headed upstairs, having a bad feeling that was exactly what was going to happen when tony actually thought about it.

“Yea.Fine. Just sore.”Tony muttered letting the other examine him as he pulled on his sweatpants, smiling slightly. “Besides, Extermis will heal me probably by the time we finish dinner. I just sorta feel achy.”he said, wanting to reassure the other man, before leaning down to kiss him. “You did okay. I mean, for not being prepared for me to bottom out on you.”He said looking a little nervous.
he nodded. "i imagine so. you know, i used to hate myself,and the monster that was living inside of me. it didn't matter where i went or who i was with, i ended up hurting people. usually pretty badly." he admitted. "and then Tony invited me here and i found people who weren't afraid of me. who didn't hate me even when they saw what i could become." he admitted with a smile. "and Tony's right. Hulk's always been there, you know? repressed memories and rage and fear... the 'accident' just gave him a body of his own." he admitted. "it was only thanks to the that i could find peace with who i am, and what i am." he admitted with a smile. "besides, someone has to help all your traumatized folk and i have enough issue with Dr. Flay being here." he admitted. "and yes. gift giving is how Tony says he likes you. his father fucked him up pretty good. it's the only way he knows to make you feel wanted and liked. just humor him. and you have to admit, most of his presents are awesome." he admitted with a grin as he followed her upstairs.

Steve smiled sheepishly. "sorry. got a little carried away i think." he admitted. "bit too rough for the first go." he grinned. "but it was worth it right?" he asked with a grin. "and i know you'll be healed, but you'll be sore until then." he admitted. "i don't like leaving lingering pain..." "too bad Tony likes lingering pain." James mused, startling Steve before he smiled at Tony. "i thought i broke you." he admitted sheepishly. "i've never seen someone do that before. then again i've only ever slept with James, and that was usually hurried and filled with fear and shame so..." he shrugged. "you'll teach me right? how to do that? James said it's the best feeling in the world..."
“well, considering you’re living with a man who goes mach 5 in a tin can, a archer who leaps off buildings, a woman who can kill you with her thighs, and a living legend, not to mention the rest of us, I think you can say we’re not overly afraid of you. I mean, papa called me weird the other day for wanting to make you change and duke it out with the hulk, just to see what would happen.”She admitted with a sheepish smile before nodding. “I know. The serum could only give what was already there. Papa didn’t need to bulk up, he just needed more to be the world’s best sniper. Steve needed a way to overcome his phyiscal got someone who could help you.”Sarah grinned a little before sighing. “Well, I can humor him...adn I admit nothing. That’s how I ended up with a alarm clock that talks to me. I don’t have to.”She sulked a little, laughing as she headed for the dining room, grinning as tehy all got the food set out.

“Just a bit. And a bit. But not to much.”he smiled a little as he headed for the door, blushing slightly. “he’s right. I do. I love going to meetings still sore from the night before. It makes be relaxed and happy.”Tony said blushing knowing it was odd, but he enjoyed his reassurance of the pain ,that he hadn’t dreamed it all. “Of course.I’ll teach you whatever you want.”He said smirking a little looking amused as he kissed him heading for the living room. While he was back and aware, he was still relaxed and floating some, to relaxed to really be as hyper as normal
he grinned a little. "i know. it's still a bit mind boggling isn't it? it still took me a bit to realize that all of these people are just as dangerous as Hulk is." he admitted. "sometimes i still can't believe it." he admitted before he took three quick steps away from her. "let's not do that." he ordered. "iit took, Tony, Clint and Steve to bring the Hulk down last time i changed in a location where they couldn't just let him smash anything he wanted." he admitted before grinning at her and snapping his fingers before pointing at her. "you got it in one. the only difference between our serums is that Steve's attaches to the DNA, James attached to the nerve endings and mine turned my blood into poison." he admitted before he snorted. "you got a talking alarm clock too? i think he's just doing it to impress Fitz actually." he admitted with a chuckle as he started setting the table.

Steve blinked, looking confused. "you like pain?" he asked, a bit baffled. "isn't that... dangerous?" he asked, a bit worried about Tony's passive suicide tendencies. "no. Tony only likes certain kinds of pain. and only when it's inflicted by a person he trusts. battle pain is not the same as a pleasure pain. or sex pain." James explained, which Steve nodded to. it made sense. "will you teach me to like pain?" "you can't teach someone stuff like that Steve. if you have to be taught to like it, then it's just abuse. you either like it, or you don't." he'd been reading his handbooks after all. "but we can see if you like it." "i'd like that." Steve admitted, grinning as he sat down and smiled at Bruce as the others came truckling in, followed last by Sam and Tripp and Hunter, all three of whom where arguing about who had won at some bloody game on the X-Box.
“Me either. I mean, I still have problems sometimes remembering that the way I am, is just normal in the tower, where the serum set me apart everywhere else.”Sarah smiled before laughing.”I said I thought about it, not that I’d actually do it. IT was just a thought.”Sarah snickered at his reaction before grinning, pleased at having seen something that others would have missed. “It gave us what was there, and what was needed.”She smiled before grinning. “I did. And are we sure he’s not trying to seduce his lab partner?I mean, it’s fairly cute really.”she snickered knowing that tony was perfectly happy just having fitz around, and had no inetntion of ever seducing him.

“Hm, sometimes.”Tony wrinkled his nose before nodding. “Being hurt when I’m alone, with you guys, and bearing the marks and soreness for a few hours afterwards, is different then getting my ass kicked in the suit.”he smiled before tilting his head. “We’ll try and see. And you’ll tell us if you don’t really like it.”Tony said looking worried that steve would pretend just to please them, before laughing as clint followed the others in. “Hey steve, didn’t you want to tell phil something?”He smirked looking at the director as he walked in with clint. “Tell him what?”Clint frowned looking suspicious.
he smiled a little. "that's a good way to put it." he agreed. "the way i am, is normal here. i like that. we should make it the official Avengers Tower Motto." he admitted with a smile. "yes well... don't even think about it! your entirely too much like Tony for my sanity." he grumbled with a chuckle. "it gave us what we needed most." he agreed with a smile. "Steve got healthy, James got super healing and super eyes, i got a bodyguard who would never abandon me... did you know James was going blind when he was captured? a degenerative eye disease. that's why his eyes got so sharp and strong." he admitted. "oh, no. James is a very jealous lover and Steve is too." Bruce admitted with a smirk. "they'd punish Tony or trying to seduce Fitz." he admitted with a snigger. "i just hope my idea works." he admitted. "i think it will..." he admitted, sounding eagerly hopeful.

Steve nodded. "it's sort of like we claimed you. and it's something you can feel even when we're done." he mused, Jame grinning. "...i like that idea." Steve admitted with a shiver. "i promise i'll tell you if there's anything i don't like." he promised with a smile. "i know better than to say yes to something i don't like." he promised. "James and i did a lot of experimenting when we could so we know how to be honest." he admitted. "oh! i had forgotten." Steve admitted, smirking. "Clint got Tony to dress in Sailor Moon after a lost bet in order to ogle Tony's pretty ass." Phil paused and stared at Steve, startled and then huffed. "you're getting a paddling later Barton." Phil warned, Steve blinking. "'re going to paddle him?" "yes." " a naughty little boy?" "yes." "...can we try that?" Steve asked Tony, making Jame laugh.
“Hnm it should be the motto.”Sarah snickered a little before smiling. “Well, doctor, for your sanity I’ll forget about it.”He snickered a little before frowning, shaking her head. “No, but it makes sense. It fixed what would have put him out of comission.”Sarah shrugged before snickering as she started to eat. “I’m sure it’ll work. You always have the best ideas.”

“,..yes. Exactly.”Tony muttered shuddering a little before smiling, glad that steve wouldn’t like to them about it. “Good.otherwise I’d worry about what we’re do.”He muttered before laughing at clint’s sputtering. “W-what?I wasn’t the one who chose the outfit.”Clint whined twitching a little as tony laughed. “Hm, if you’re going to be naughty, I’d be more then happy to turn you over my knee, Cap.” “This is so disturbing. Their sex lives where I can hear about it...”Sarah said teasing them as she looked at them.
he grinned. "good! see that you do." he ordered with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "exactly." he agreed. "i don't always. remind me to tell ou about the time i genetically spliced together a cat, a dog and a racoon." Steve paused and shuddered. "or not." Steve stated sternly, making Bruce chuckle.

Steve smiled a little and bent his head, kissing Tony gently. "i know. trust is very important, i have to trust you to stop and you have to trust me to tell you to stop." he agreed before snorting at Clint. "you SO where!" he scoffed. "i know you where! Natasha was going to make him skip 'round in one of those Japanese schoolgirl costumes." he teased with a grin. "Tony i don't think you can hit me hard enough." "no. but i can." JAmes teased as he glanced at Sarah, looking quite happy. "sorry Darling." he chirped, kissing her cheek as he settled into place next to her and asked her how her day had been.

(going to bed. so tired.)
Sarah laughed softly shuddering a little at that mental image. “Yea. Let’s not think on that.”she said smiling slightly. “Yea well, he’s got the legs for boots.”Clint snickered. “hm, those boots are nice.”Tony snickered slanting a glance at his boys, amused. “It’s okay. Just a little weird.”She muttered smiling at her parents before grinning. “It was good. Went and visited fitz, and sparred with Gabe, who has something to tell you.”She said smirking at her boyfriend, knowing she was being mean, but well, at least this way he couldn’t back out of telling him.
"well. it was horrible." he pointed out with a chuckle. "apparently the Raccoon i used the DNA of had Rabies." he admitted. "and it got into the splicing..." he admitted. "i had to give everyone medicine so they wouldn't get sick wit rabies. that thing bit everyone." he admitted. "including most of the R&D departments." "don't make your punishment worse Clint." Phil ordered, looking both stern and amused. "it is a bit weird." James agreed with a smile. "but it's alright, right?" he asked hopefully. "i can tone it down?" it would be hard, he wasn't always aware of what was leaving his mouth, but he could try, for her. "how was Fitz?" Steve asked with a smile. he adored Fitz and Simmons. Steve was rather 'mama bear' towards them at the moment. making sure they had food and where comfortable. he felt partially guilty for not making sure Fitz was safe in his own home. "oh! before i forget, all the other employees passed the Lie test except one, who isn't a threat she just wants to be here for all the wrong reasons. it's up to Tony whether she stays or not." Phil promised. "she won't be a danger, and Jarvis is watching her intently and Hulk doesn't mind her so really, it's just if Tony wants her around." he admitted before examining Gabe curiously as the poor guy went bright red. "uh.... Sarah agreed to be my girlfriend."
"Thats seriously horrible. Rabies shots suck."sarah made a face. Tony smilex a little."it was so horrible. Nearly as bad as the reactor coming out." Clint rolled his eyes at tony's dramatics shu!ering a little at phil's words."of course not sir."he muttered smiling slightly."no its fine. You'll drive yourself insane trying to. I just have to get used to it...I guess its probably a normal thing you know. Kids being weirded out knowing their parents are having sex."she snickered a little before wincing slightly as everyone focused on her wanting to hear the most recent news about fitz."he was doing okay. He's smelling colors." "Smelling...colors...i really need to record that."tony snickered at the idea twitching a little with the need to go check on fitz himself before frowning slightly looking bemused."...what were her reasons for being here?"he asked curious before sta4ing at gabe,hiding a snicker at how bright he was blushing. "She no immediate death threats or anything. I told you you were worrying for nothing gabe."sarah muttered
Bruce chuckled and nodded. "most of the Scientists bawled like babies." he admitted as he shook his head. "Tony is just a big baby in the first place. i've never heard someone bitch so much." he admitted, chuckling at Phil and Clint. "i wouldn't know." James admitted. "you're the only kid i've ever known." he admitted with a smile. "other than Gabe and i don't think he counts." he admitted. Bruce laughed at the smelling colors comment. "yeah, the new painkillers i developed helps him keep most of his mental facilities while still rendering him pretty high. i've been developing it for people like Phil, Tony, Steve, James... everyone. people who will refuse to take painkillers because it fucks up their ability to defend themselves." Bruce admitted. "oh. she jut wanted to become rich and famous using Stark Industries as a launching pad." Phil admitted. "she wants to use your technology to create even better technology and make a name for herself before launching off onto her own once she has enough money to." Phil admitted. "harmless for the most part, particularly since she'd not fully capable of achieving that goal with the limited skills she currently has. she's just overly optimistic and entirely too Ambitious. the worst we have to worry about is her becoming a thief of other people's inventions or designs."
"I am not. I'm perfectly adultish who just lets others know I'm unhappy."tony made a face looking amused though. Really he knew he was the worlds biggest baby about some things."no I don't think he counts. We werent very normal kids."sarah snickered before grinning."thats why I usually dont take them...feels to helpless to be drugged even if I'm somewhere with people I trust." "I just dont like the feeling.while i enjoy alcohol and sex as a release being drugged is weird."tony made a face shrugging a little. Brfore frowning looking thoughtful."....give her the option of getting a intern ship somewhere else we set her up with or getting fired. Shes doing nothing wrong but I wont have her here for that reason when I have so many scientists working and inventing here. The temptations would be to much...will you send the information to me and I'll take care of it?"tony said frowning ever so slightly. Because while he hadnt still been in subspace he'd been slightly disconnected and relaxed still. Talking work brou tj t him all the way back
Bruce smirked. "your a brat." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head before smiling. "see? my point exactly. if you're less uninhibited, your more likely to take it when i offer it." he admitted. "which then makes my job of caring for you a lot easier. i'm still tweaking the formula a little bit, but its working very well for Fitz and other various purely human people who need them." he admitted. "i'll see to it." Phil promised Tony. "by the way." James stated suddenly. "i have a body i need to bury, is anyone interested?" Gabe paled and glanced at him, shuddering at the overly innocent smile he got in return. "no James, you can't kill James. would you rather some stranger be dating her?" "" "don't you like Gabe?" "yes. don't you trust him to make Sarah Happy?" "well...." "so no killing Gabe." "fine..." he grumbled, sulking before smirking as Natasha walked in. "well now. you i remember." he stated simply, studying her as Gabe went tense. he recognized her too. and Simmons and Skye who had walked in behind her. "i should go..." he muttered, not wanting to make the two girls uncomfortable.
“I am not.”Tony sulked making a face. “Hm, you just want to see use smelling colors. I see how it is.”Sarah teased looking amused before biting her lip, “If you need someone to test it, I will. Should see how it reacts to all of us anyways, cause I’m sure between the serum and extermis, and what gabe has, we’ll all probably have different reactions.”She said sighing quietly disturbed a little at the idea of doing it, but knowing it probably needed done. Leaning into gave a little, getting ready to defend him before phil beat her to it. “besides, you know you can trust him. Can you imagine me finding a stranger to have sex with?”She snickered, saying the words just to tease her fathers with the idea of their child having sex.

Natasha smiled slightly, pausing in the doorway before nodding, walking further in. “I remember you to. Sadly, I was trained before you got the rugrat, it seems you did all the fun stuff without me.”Natasha smiled a little tilting her head. “Why?”Skye frowned looking at gabe worried. Because while it wasn’t the most uncomfortable, the woman had come to terms with what he’d done and why, and how it had changed them all. "Stay."Simmons said smiling a little.
Bruce smirked. "admit it, you want to know if red, white and blue smells like apple pie." Bruce teased, making Steve flush brightly. "Bruce!" he complained, making the bio chemist snicker. "no, i don't need anyone to est it." Bruce promised. "i don't do human testing until i am absolutely certain nothing is going to happen. i have enough blood and skin samples from Steve and James to work with for a good month yet." he assured her. "i now how you feel about being experimented on, i won't do that to you." he promised her. "Gabe has an original version of what is being called the Centipede Serum." Bruce explained. "it's the same stuff that the soldiers Hydra is controlling use, only basic, incomplete." he admitted before grinning as James sulked. "you people ruin all my fun! i was going to make him piss himself!" he whined, making Gabe laugh as he realized James had just tried to punk him.

"i did a lot of fun stuff. like kicking your ass on the Bridge. that was loads of fun." James admitted with a grin. "so. you are the Asset. the one before me. you know they have this thing at Hydra academy. they claim that anything they can do, you can do better. it took me two years to prove i was, indeed better." he admitted, looking amused as Steve paused. "hey, they say that at Shield too!" he stated, startled as Gabe nodded. "Natasha is what's known as a 'Switchround'." James explained. "she was abandoned during a mission to save a more important Asset... namely, me. she was raised from birth in Hydra facilities much like Sarah was, and knew nothing else until Agent Barton made the call to try and rehabilitate her. lucky for her, Agent Coulson, his handler at the time, and Director Fury, who is, in fact, as old as dirt, agreed with that call. she was loyal to Hydra because she knew nothing else. now she's loyal to Shield because they deserve that loyalty." James admitted with a grin. "technically, Sarah and Gabe would be classified as 'Switchrounds' as well. me? i'm just a lost asset." he admitted before watching Gabe curiously as he hesitated, glancing from Sarah to Simmons before relaxing. "okay." he agreed, looking more baffled than anything else. as if he wasn't sure why they wanted him to stay and didn't understand why they didn't hate him.
“It does. I sat next to Cap earlier, and he totally smells like apple pie.”Sarah smirked looking amused then relaxing a little, sighing quietly. Relaxed at the idea that bruce didn’t need her. “Okay. I can live with that.”She said before laughing as gabe laughed. “I told you he wouldn’t care.”She said rolling her eyes a little.

“Yes, watching you nearly get run over by our car, was fun.”Natasha rolled her eyes before nodding. “I am better. In everything.”Natasha smirked. “Well, I think the census is that if you can do it, natasha’s better, no matter your allegiance”Tony snickered looking amused. “So they did. And thank god they gave me a chance.”natasha smiled tilting her head a little before smirking. “You are lost. So lost you ended up in bed with a billionaire hyper active child.”Natasha snickered. “Told you it’s okay.”Sarah muttered pressing a kiss to his cheek
Steve just went even more red at the proclamation. "Sarah!" he complained, more than a little mortified that he was being picked on like this. "James! do something!" "why? i think this is hilarious." James admitted with a grin. "i was worried for good reason and you know it." Gabe complained with a roll of his eyes.

"i was thinking more about when i almost shot you. i got pretty damn close too." James admitted. "your not and i'll prove it!" he stated sternly before scowling at Tony. "i can do everything she can do, and do it at least a percentage better!" he scoffed before he smirked at Natasha. "oh. i'm not lost, this is exactly where i wanted to b..." he paused as Thunder rolled and lightning cracked through the city, startled. "...the hell? it's no supposed to rain today." he complained, standing up and moving over to the window. "there's no clouds." "it's just Thor." "who?" James asked, Gabe blinking in surprise. " in. Asgardian?... i'll go get the Icers." "Thor's a friend, an Ally." "Asgardians bring trouble wherever they go. i'm getting the Icers."
“Guys, stop picking on Cap. It’s not fair teasing him about smelling good.” “Tony, you’re the one who told him he smells like apple pie and motor oil, you’re two favorite things.”Sarah pointed out rolling her eyes a little. “Did not.”

“Close doesn’t count. I tricked you with the phone. We’ll call it even.”Natasha snickered a little before smirking. “I am. Just admit it.” “I’m sure you don’t do sex nearly as well. I mean, she kills people with her thighs, James. Her thighs.”Tony snickered, just to wind him up, because he knew where it’d go. Startling Sarah tensed, looking up. “What-” “Don’t worry. It’s just Thor. He’s destructive, but harmless really.”
Steve turned to scowl at Tony as James sniggered, Bruce outright laughing at poor Steve, who was secretly adoring the attention. it was rare that he got teased in a way that wasn't meant to be cruel or dominating. "Tony..." Steve groaned as James giggled. "sometimes he smells like sex too. then he really smells like heaven." "JAMIE!"

"...i was brain damaged." he stated simply. "you wouldn't be able to do it again." he stated simply. "i refuse to admit it! and i can kill people with my thighs too, i developed that damn move! it's jusyt that she's 'pretty' when she does it!" James complained. "it's not fair that she wears leather and distracts all the bad guys she's fighting." he grumbled before glaring at Tony. "stop looking at her thighs!" he demanded before blinking as Gabe got up and left, returning with a high powered Icer, designed specifically for Asgardians and super soldiers... and a Hulk. Fitz and Simmons had helped Bruce make this just before Fitz's near death. "GREETINGS FROM ASGARD!" Thor boomed as he stepped into the room before freezing at the sight of so many people he didn't know. "...should i come back lat...." his eyes fell on Coulson and his eyes widened. "Son of Coul!? i saw you fall in the mighty battle for Earth!" he protested, sounding baffled. not even Asgardians where used to people suddenly regenerating from the dead. " chance, did you make a deal with Hella?" "...he's loud. can i shoot him?" "alas! Bullets do asgardians no harm." Thor admitted with a shrug. "if you feel you must shoot me, you are most welcome to try."
Tony grinned at his boyfriend, because while most of his teasing could at times come out as cruel, they’d gotten to the point where steve knew that unless he was trying to be really, really insulting, the teasing was just that, a way to show affection and tease him gently. “What?You were working on the bike. You smelled good!And oh. You’re right. He’d smell amazing with apple pie, sex, and motor oil...”Tony muttered his eyes going a little dazed as he considered it.

“Just ‘pretty’?” “Are smart. Don’t kill him tash, he’s mine.”Tony defended smirking a little before pouting. “but they’re awesome thighs!”Tony whined a little at the demand, looking amused. Sarah rolled her eyes knowing tony was just winding him up because he oculd, it was fairly amusing. Sarah paused, looking a little worried at the sight of the blond god, swallowing hard. “No, no stay. They’re staying here.”Tony reassured grinning a little. “And you remember what we said about the indoor voice?”Tony said smiling a little. “And that’s a long complicated story on how Agent came back.”clint said glancing at phil, wondering if the man would want to tell him.
Steve groaned. "Stop encouraging them!" he wailed, making James and Bruce just sit there and laugh as Gabe smirked. "who are you yelling at?" "i don't know!" Steve groaned, sulking even if his eyes where glittering with laughter. "it's pick on Steve day isn't it?" he grumbled. "jerks."

"just pretty." James agreed as Gabe paused and then hunkered down, wary of her having learned what he might have said to Maria Hill about Natasha's looks. "hey! hey! my thighs are twice as awesome!" he complained before staring at the god. "...and here i thought Steve was the epitome of big, blond and gorgeous." "HEY!" Steve complained, scowling at James. "don't make me teach you your place!" "oooh, yes please!" Steve sighed. "i give up." he groaned as Thor blinked at Tony and then beamed. "New members!?" he asked happily as he sat down where Gabe had been sitting when it became clear Gabe wasn't going to sit back down. after Lorelei and the Berserker staff, Asgard and asgardians where held with deep suspicion in Gabe's eyes. "i am sorry Tony. i will remember." he agreed. "it has been so long though!" he admitted with a bright grin. "i had meant to be by sooner, but i had to entertain Jane for a week before she would let me leave." he admitted. "i do not do well with complicated. can you make it simple?" Thor asked, wrinkling his nose. of course, Thor was assuming complicated meant science he did not know or understand. or worse, was complicated to Tony or Bruce's standards. "i was used in experimentation using unknown alien genetics." Phil explained. "it was blue." "there are a lot of blue aliens." Thor admitted, looking troubled. "your people use dead alien bodies for experimentation?" "as far as i know? only this once. we where hoping to use it to revive fallen Avengers, but i called a halt to the experiment when i realized it was doing more harm than good... actually it wasn't doing any good. only to end up dying myself and being used in the experiment. aside form certain mental repetitious behaviors, i seam to be steady. as does Sky who also had this alien DNA inserted into her. not that we knew it was alien at the time." Thor looked baffled and Phil shrugged. "complicated."
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