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Hidden (lady/moon)

he nodded. "just make sure to drink plenty of fluids." he offered her with a smile. "i know. i look a bit like death warmed up, chewed down and spat back out." he admitted with a smile. "but on the plus side, i get some very nice painkillers." he admitted with a grin before he nodded, or tried to. "i'm sure that sounds right." he admitted before eagerly tearing open his journals. "it is a bit frustrating, forgetting so many things." he admitted. "Dr. Flay and Bruce assure me that it will get better, but it's still a little bit annoying. i was never the most patient of people." he admitted with a chuckle. "i know. i just thought it might be nice for him to know i still think he's a very good friend. i know he sort of went off the deep end for a while, but i can forgive him for that." he admitted with a smile. "honestly, i don't think he meant to kill us at all." he admitted. "he might have himself convinced, but he gave us far too much opportunity to survive." he admitted. "i think, subconsciously, he always anticipated our survival. after all, if he really wanted us dead, he would have used the override codes to force the doors open and then he would have shot us." he admitted.

Steve smirked. "you do, although some things make you look even more so." he admitted with a chuckle. "yes. that long." Steve admitted with a smile. "but i was still having issues with being Gay, and Howard was such a Homophobe i was a bit worried about how you might react." he admitted. "and then i didn't want to ruin the friendship we had... it was all a bunch of pathetic excuses so i wouldn't have to admit that i was being a bit of a yellow belly." he admitted before he grinned. "you looked simply amazing in that black tux." he admitted before chuckling as James growled. "James is just staking his claim." Steve promised. "he gets possessive like this sometimes. he once caught me flirting with Peggy and he tied me up in the woods and teased me for four hours and wouldn't let me cum. at all the bastard." "you deserved it." James huffed as he nuzzled Tony's cock. "you can have your turn when i'm done." "i know." Steve promised with a grin. "besides, i like watching." "i know."
“Hm, not that bad. Just a bit rough.”She teased before laughing. “Hm, that has to be nice. Better then me. I can’t take them. Nothing is strong enough to work on my metabolism, I just process it to much.”she smiled before smiling. “Though you have to admit, it’s better you and tony. Could you imagine just how horrible he’d be at being both a patient and forgetting things?”She pointed out teasing him just a little, “He did. But he’s coming back.”She tilted her head frowning a little before nodding. “You know, I think I’ll tell him that. It might convince him he’s not a totally bastard.”Sarah smiled at the man, glad to have another weapon to use against gabriel’s self hate.

“ahhh, yes.”Tony said before staring at him, biting his lip, wondering if he really had been that scary to try and talk to. “Hey!not wanting to ruin a friendship or a team is a perfectly valid and non-pathetic excuse.”Tony sputtered showing that he’d been just as bad about the worrying. Shuddering a little he smirked. “Hm, I’ll have to go out with you guys dressed up then.”he smiled before smiling, looking down at james. “So I see. You know, it’s a good thing I’m not nearly as dominate as most people would believe, otherwise I might have a probably with being a possession.”Tony mused moaning as the other nuzzled his cock, whimpering, squirming. “Well, I think you’re going to get a show, Cap.”
he grinned "they are nice. pain doesn't hurt and i can smell colors!" he admitted happily. "i think Bruce has actually started working on something about that." he admitted. "or maybe it was Simmons?" he muttered before he laughed. "Tony would be terrible, he'd be bitching already about being stuck in bed, despite the injuries he probably would have." he admitted with a grin. "please do. i hate seeing Gabriel so upset. Simmons too. actually everyone's upset and i don't like it." he admitted with a huff before he yawned. "i'm sorry Sarah, i don't think i can stay awake anymore. the pain medication makes me so sleepy."

Steve smiled. "i was more afraid of rejection than anything else." he admitted with a shrug. "it's a terrible excuse." Steve teased with a chuckle. "you will." Steve agreed. "i might even be able to find some cute kitty ears for you to wear with it. and they make these butt plugs with tails attached." he teased as he watched James nuzzle Tony's cock. "your just a cute little sub, aren't you Tony?" Steve asked with a smirk. "and you know you love the idea of being owned by me and James." he muttered, smirking. "it means all the sex you could ever want for one thing." he teased, watching James slide Tony's slacks down and then engulf every inch of that impressive cock.
“Well, as long as your smelling colors. That’s a nifty talent.”She smiled “Either way, it’ll be nice if they figure it out.”She said before grinning. “He’d already be trying to get out of bed, and down to the lab without caring if he was hurt.”She smiled nodding, “Well, I’ll see what I can do about making everyone happy. Just rest Fitz.”she said patting his hand before leaving, smiling quietly at Gabriel. “he loved it. I told you he would.”

“No, no it isn’t. Shut up, you don’t know anything.”Tony sputtered sulking a little before raising a eyebrow, eyes wide at the teasing. “...Are you serious?I’m not a kitten.”He sputtered rolling his eyes even if he was responding to the attention, shuddering as he looked at the captain. “Do not. It’s just a nice feelign you know, to have you both.”Tony said refusing to accept that he was okay with being owned, his emotional issues leaving him unable to admit what they all knew. That they owned him in every way that mattered. Laughing, he groaned, tightening his hand in james’ hair, thrusting up into his mouth as the other swallowed him down. “Hm, oh god. Even with extermis I’m never going to be able to keep up.”He whined a little.
he grinned. "it is. green smells kind of like tomatoes you know." he admitted. "Yellow doesn't smell very good at all. but i like the way Pink smells." it was funny as hell to realize that he was high as a kite when he was talking so well and making sense. well, until he started talking about smelling colors. "i don't think i can get out of bed. i'm strapped in pretty well." he admitted. "besides, it's kind of nice to just lay here, sleep when i want, eat when i please and work on whatever catches my fancy." he admitted with a grin. "goodnight Sarah." Gabe looked very relieved indeed to realize that Fitz had liked his presents. "i'm glad. how is he doing? i peeked in once and i swore i heard him talking about smelling colors..."

"i know all." Steve purred with a chuckle. "you are a kitten." Steve muttered with a smirk. "a cute little kitten with claws and fluff." he promised with a snicker. "you know. it's only thing to lie to yourself, but you can't fool me." he teased with a grin. "besides, you forget. if we own you, then you own us." he stated simply. "maybe i'll let you put a collar on me too? i bet you'd like that." he admitted, stroking Tony's neck again. "well, we can distract each other while your recovering." Steve promised with a chuckle. "and you'll get enough practice in to be able to keep up eventually."
“...You are so, so high Fitz.”Sarah snickered a little, grinning. “And not to mention tony coming and going as he pleases, just to be a annoying pain in the ass....really, nothings changed. Except you’re not allowed out of bed.”Sarah snickered as she left, smiling as she nodded, “he did. He’s higher then a kite, and has declared that all colors smell like something.”She smiled walking over, wrapping him in a hug. “I promise, he liked your presents.”

“Am not!And I am not fluffy, though I do have claws.”Tony sputtered wrinkling his nose as he looked up at the other, elbowing him with a smile. “I can always fool you. You believe anything I say, captain.”he teased before humming quietly.”True. I want to own you.,..and hmmm, I like the idea of you in iron man colors.”He purred a little moaning as the other stroked his neck, trembling a little as he rocked up into james’ mouth, “Hm, I like the idea of that.”
Fitz blinked at her. "am i?" he asked, trying to look down again. "i'll take your word for it." he decided once he realized trying to see how far away the floor was rather hurt. "painkillers?" Gabe asked with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "we should record it the next time he goes on about smelling colors or he might not believe us when we tease him about this later." he admitted before leaning into her. "i'm glad he liked them." he admitted softly. "i'm glad he's getting better too." he admitted as he released her from his hug and sighed. "i think i'm going to go beat on a punching bag for a while."

"you are fluffy. if you weren't, then i wouldn't have any reason to snuggle you." he admitted. "so there." he stated with a grin as James chuckled and resumed Sucking Tony off. "hmm. i'd look terrible in red and gold." Steve teased, grinning because he knew that was a lie. James hummed as he let Tony rock all he pleased, sucking loudly, and rather lewdly simply because it made Steve shudder as he watched. "look at him suck your cock. isn't he gorgeous like this?"
“Yea. The best money can buy...or create. Seems Bruce has been creating painkillers in a effort to keep up with the serum. Good painkillers fitz’s got.”She snickered before nodding. “I’ll tell tony to. I’m sure tony’ll enjoy a conversation about colors.”She shook her head in amusement, nodding before grinning as she headed for the door. “Nah. Come on, we’ll spar. You know working out emotional problems is better when you have a partner. Though I’d understand if you wanted to go grab Clint or natasha to spar with,.”

“Would not. I’m going to do it, and you have to wear it under your spangled outfit. It’ll be the world’s best fashion statement.”Tony muttered whining as he watched james, “He is. Natural cocksucker there.”He groaned, his head dropping back against steve’s shoulder as he came, trembling as he clung to james’ hair.
he had to chuckle a little at that and shook his head. "that poor boy." he muttered, amused. "at least we know Bruce would never use Fitz as a Guinea Pig." he muttered with another chuckle. "nah. i'd rather spend time with you." he admitted before blushing as he realized he'd said that out loud and scuttled off to the gym in the hopes she might not have noticed.

he chuckled a little. "i don't thin we can wear things like cat bells in public Tony." he admitted with a smile as he shook his head. "oh no. the first time he ever tried sucking, he puked. twice. it took a lot of practice." Steve admitted with a grin as Tony came, wrapping his arms around the billionaire and stroking his belly. "mmm you look so gorgeous when you cum. your the boss." he purred. "what should we do now? since your probably all tuckered out at the moment."
“very true. Just making sure he’ll feel better.”Sarah smiled before looking startled at his confession. Staring after him for a long moment, to startled to follow him before grinning as she followed, glad she’d worn the jeans and tank top natasha had gotten her, the clothes form fitting but loose enough to not get in the way in a fight. Smirking as she walked in, moving to the sparring ring. “Come on, then.”She smiled a little blushing a little herself.

“...I’m fairly certain it wouldn’t be the weirdest thing I’ve ever worn into public if we do.”Tony pointed out smirking, before letting out a choked laugh, half way between a moan and laughter as he considered that. “That’s great. Poor james puking.”He giggled a little shuddering as steve stroked his stomach, slumping into him tiredly, the emotional tormoil of the night before still sapping his normal hyper levels of energy. “Kiss me.”He demanded yawning as he blinked up at steve sleepily.
he smiled a little before flushing hard as he fled. he glanced at her, flushed harder as he actually took in what she was wearing and taped up his hands. "im not entirely sure i'm capable of hitting you." he admitted softly, and rather sheepishly at that.

Steve snickered a little. "yeah. no the weirdest thing you ever wore was that Sailor Scout costume you wore when you insulted Natasha and then lost a bet with her." he admitted with a smirk. "...did i mention how damn hot you looked in that outfit?" he asked before he snorted. "most people can't just suck cock from the straight up Tony. there's this thing called a gag reflex." he admitted. "some people don't have it, but unfortunately, super soldiers gag reflexes tend to be twice as strong." he admitted before smiling as he obeyed the other, giving Tony a deep, sensual kiss.
Sarah paused in the middle of taping up her hands, actually not really aware of just what she was wearing. Unlike most girls, having grown up with james, and gone straight to the academy, she wasn’t really focused on clothes, wasn’t really aware of them beyond something to wear. “I can take it you know. Even if you hit me, I’ll heal a bruise in a hour or two.”She pointed out.

“....That was Barton’s fault, I swear. He shouldn’t have gotten to choose the outfit I went out in.”Tony sulked making a face before shuddering. “..No. I was just aware of just how embarassing that skirt was.”He said before frowning. “Oh. I didn’t.”Tony tilted his head, squirming a little, groaning as he kissed the other back, groaning as he pulled away, panting as he looked up at him. “You are amazing.”He muttered blinking slowly.
he shook his head. "i know. intelligent anyway. that's not the word i was looking for. intellectually? my brain knows it, but part of me still seams to think i'm supposed to protect you, not try my damnedest to pummel you into the mats." he admitted as he slipped into the ring. "so don't mind me if i stop every time i hit you to make sure you're alright." he admitted, shaking his head.

Steve smirked. "i'm half certain that he just wanted to see your ass." Steve admitted. "besides, it was your own fault for pissing off a Russian, not to mention a super spy. and your fault again for actually entering into a bet with her. you know she never looses." he admitted with a smirk. "it was short." he agreed, sounding rather foggy. clearly he was remembering that day in vivid detail. "don't you still have that outfit?" he asked before grinning as he kissed the other. "of course i'm amazing. what now boss?"
“Logically.”She smiled at him, snickering. “Don’t mind me when I knock you down for pausing to ask if I’m okay.”She grinned laughing as they fell into half remembered fighting patterns, easily falling back into fighting with him, because while they hadn’t really had a chance to spar in the time they’d been back together, james had trained them both, and it showed as they fought.

“Hm, maybe. It’s a fairly amazing ass.”Tony muttered before twitching. “She’s going to lose sometime. I’m sure of it.”He huffed before snickering at steve’s look, bemused at teh other’s clear desire to see him in a skirt. “...uh. Yea. I do.”he smirked before humming in thought, “Hmm...I think I’m going to get up...shower. And you two are going to go make breakfast.Shoo.”He ordered already squirming to get up out of bed. Despite the lingering tiredness, he was to antsy to stay in bed.
he nodded. "yeah. that smart person word that means what i said." he agreed with a chuckle before he shrugged a little. "if you knock me down enough times i might feel less horrible about hitting you back." he admitted with a grin as he slipped into the fight as well. they where well matched, but eventually she won, if only because he had hesitated before hitting her in the face and she hadn't. "ouch!" he muttered as he cradled his nw bruised jaw before laughing. he felt so much better it wasn't even funny. "thanks Sarah... i think that's exactly what i needed." he admitted with a smile.

"it is an amazing ass. remind me to hurt Clint for looking." he ordered with a grin before he snorted. "Tony. there's something that Agent May told me. something that all people in all factions of the Shield Academy learn. anything you can do, Natasha did it better, does it better, and will always do better." Steve admitted with a grin. " sex for me?" Steve asked playfully, pretending to pout. "fine... i'll go wank." he teased with a chuckle as he kissed Tony again, James already jingling his way out of the bedroom to go make food. "he's such a hyper little shit this morning." Steve groaned. "it's going to take hours to wind him back down."
Sarah laughed softly when they were done, gently reaching out, cradling his jaw in her hand, turning it a little so she could look at his jaw, “Welcome. And I’d be happy to smack you around when you need it.”She teased a little, gently pressing her fingers to his jawbone, making sure she hadn’t broken it, swallowing hard as she flushed, resting the urge to lean forward and suck a hickey into his skin to match the bruise already raising along his jawline. Eyes happy and content, but blown, because much like the others, the lines between fighting blurred for her, usually could work her up in the mood for sex faster then anything else....not that she remembered that part, she just knew she was responding to him,.

“Hm, clint should be hurt for alot of things....I think we should tell Phil he was looking. That’d be proper punishment.”Tony snickered a little before pausing, and starting to laugh. “Oh, I’d heard about the number one rule, but I had no idea that was what it was.”he snickered, “Hm, not yet. You’ll enjoy this I promise.”He smirked before kissing the man again. “He is. But it’s good to see. Besides, it’ll be fun winding him down.”Tony smirked shooing the blond super soldier out before heading to what he was plotting. And by the time he got out of the shower and into the kitchen, the man looked a little less handsomely beautiful then normal, the soft natural curl his hair and the slight sheen of makeup to his features showing he’d gone the girly route and dressed up....the fact he was in a sailor moon outfit,,complete with the knee high boots, as he walked in, just gave the over all look even more girly.
he chuckled as she checked him and nodded. "i'd appreciate that." he admitted as he studied her before leaning forward a little more. he knew it was wrong, considering the hell he had caused her. he wanted her anyway, and since he was a little bit Dizzy, and wasn't thinking right, and she was right there, he simply leaned forward and kissed her. fighting had always gotten him revved up too, so it took him several moments, long seconds to realize what he was doing. "sorry! i shouldn't have! sorry!" he gasped, scampering away from her like he'd been burned, like he'd expected her to strike him.

"We should!" Steve agreed with a grin. "well, it's not the 'official' first Rule, but everyone knows that's what it is anyway." Steve admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "well... alright." Steve decided with a smile as he gave Tony another kiss and then snickered. "this is true." he agreed as he shook his head and headed out to help James learn how to make Omelets. "....oh... my... god..." Steve breathed, eyes immediately blown with lust as he stared at Tony, throat thick with lust as James paused and stared at Tony for a long, silent moment. "....dibs." "you don't get to call Dibs James! you already gave him a blowjob! it's my turn!" "Dibs." "no, damn you!"
Sarah startled a little as he kissed her, fingers curling against his jaw, but not responding to the kiss, to startled to respond. Eyes widening in pain as he scampered away, hurt that he was pulling away, and wondering if she was that bad at kissing that he was pulling away now when they’d done this before. Confused and hurt, biting her lip a little, shoulders slouching a little, maybe she really was wrong in wanting him still? “Gab?It’s okay. You’re okay.”She promised, sounding so sad at the idea of him not wanting this, though the fact he kissed her was leaving her confused on what he wanted.

“Tony tilted his head as he leaned against the door jab, tilting his head, his hair just long enough to fall in his eyes, because it only got really curly when it got long, usually he kept it short enough to not curl. Squirming a little in nerves as they just stared at him, swallowing hard before chuckling as the boys argued, cocking a hip, looking totally girly leaning there. “Well, if it makes any difference, I am wearing captain america boxer briefs.”Tony purred snickering, just to watch them fight out who got to touch him first.
he shook his head. "i'm sorry. i shouldn't have touched you like that. i have no right..." he muttered, staggering to his feet as he turned and fled again, tears glittering in his eyes. he'd fucked up everything now. by the time she found him, he was trying to decide if he should pack some clothes or not. he wasn't sure if they where actually his or not. " he also wasn't sure if he should leave an apology letter or not.

they both paused at that proclamation and James very suddenly took a big step back away from Steve who had growled, very loudly. almost like a rabid beast. "Steve goes first." James agreed, making no motion to get in Steve's way when he swept across the room and grabbed Tony around the waist and kissed him hard, backing him into the bedroom. he was going to give Tony the fucking of a lifetime.
Sarah startled, staring at him. Lookign confused as she watched him flee, before sighing quietly. Realizing she had to go after him, needing to. And indeed it did take her a little while, and walking in on clint and phil making out-which was scarring and awesome all at once- but she’d sesarched everywhere, feeling stupid for not checking his room first, but having thought he wouldn’t go there since it’d be the first place she looked. “Gab, what are you doing?”She growled as she walked in, already crossing the room, cupping his jaw in her hand and drawing him close, kissing him slowly, careful not to hurt him, because she knew his jaw had to be tender. Drawing back after a moment she searched his face, trying to figure out if he was freaking out.

Tony grinned, laughing quietly even as his pupils blew out at the sound of the growl. “So he does.”Tony smirked eyes wide as he looked up at the blond super soldier, nearly melting into the blond’s arms as he was grabbed and kissed, kissing him desperately, whimpering quietly as he let the dominate man take control. "Demanding aren't we?"He panted as he drew back to look up at him.
Gabe jumped as she spoke and spun around. "uhm. leaving. i don't want to upset you by staying..." he admitted before yipping in surprised as she pulled him into a kiss. he was tense for the duration, mostly because of shock but he did manage to kiss back the last few seconds and paused, blinking at her. "...oh." he stared at her for a moment. "...huh. wasn't expecting that." he admitted looking a bit... okay a lot, relieved. "i was being stupid again..." he admitted, smiling sheepishly at her. "so... it's okay that i like you then?" he was freaking out a little. but that was okay because he wasn't running away this time.

Steve just smirked. "yes. now do what i tell you or i'll tie you up and tease you with a cock ring for the next two hours. i'll make James help." he growled again and returned to kissing Tony, running his hand along the others ass, cupping the firm globes before backing away to get some control over himself. "bend over the bed. i want to eat you out."
Sarah smiled a little at the yip, biting the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing at him, watching his face from a few inches away she blushed at his words, nodding jerkily, looking nervous herself as she dropped her hands, hands resting on his forearms, thumbs stroking over his skin nervously, wanting to back away, but also needing to be close to him to. “No, not stupid. Just upset.”She muttered before tilting her head a little, looking a little worried herself, biting her lip.”Well, as long as its okay I like you to, I guess it’s okay.”She said looking nervous and adorably worried that he’d say no.

“Ohhh...uhh...we might do that later. And James wouldn’t do that. He likes me.”Tony sulked smiling quietly, squirming a little as he was groped, moaning loudly as steve squeezed his ass, whining quietly before swallowing hard. “Oh, you do?”He muttered even as he moved away. He might be submissive, but he was still a mouthy little shit. Taking his time he knelt on the bed, red boots making his legs looking even longer as he settled onto the bed on his knees, leaning down to rest his front on the bed, the movement flashing those red white and blue briefs at the two men behind him.
he blinked at her again and then smiled. "i felt so bad... because i really liked you even though i did such horrible things to you." he admitted softly. "i thought when i kissed you, it was like taking advantage of you all over again." he admitted, swallowing thickly as he studied her. " i taking advantage of you?" he asked, worried. "you can tell me no. i swear it. i won't ever do anything you don't want me to." he promised, taking her hand. "we can make this work, right?"

"he would so do that because he's a bastard like that." Steve promised him with a smirk. "orgasm denial is one of his favorite things." Steve admitted with a small sulk before he smirked at the moaning. "i do." he growled eagerly before watching, Steve, swallowing thickly as he watched Tony move. "Fuck Tony. you goddamn tease." he growled. "take those Boxers off, leave the rest on."
“I...I felt weird liking you to.”She said looking at him, startling a little as she realized she had indeed grown a few inches, no longer just a tad shorter, she could look at him eye to eye. “No. I think I’ve proven that I’m quite capable of keeping you away from me if I don’t want you near me.”She said gently touching his jaw with her free hand, fingers pressing gently into the bruise, swallowing thickly. “...Right. We totally can....though I’m forseeing problems when one or both of us remember things about being together.”She muttered.

“Hm, good to know.”tony muttered shuddering a little at the idea, swallowing hard as he considered just how much fun those could be, even if he’d hate it at the time. Smirking as he heard the other swallowing, smirking as he squirmed a little, sliding his boxers down his legs, legs spreading ever so slightly as he settled back on the bed. “A very good tease. Now are you going to keep teasing me?”He whined a little glancing over his shoulder at the other
he smiled at her a little. " grew?" he asked, looking a little startled. "your almost as tall as me now." he admitted with a smile. "that's true, you have. you only beat me though, because i didn't want to hit you in the face." he teased with a chuckle before sighing as he leaned into her fingers. "that feels nice." he admitted with a smile. "i'm sure we'll have issues. we're both too messed up not to... but we can work through them, right?" he asked softly. "we can make this work?"

Steve chuckled a little. "you like that idea hmm?" he asked, smirking at Tony. "maybe i should see how long i can keep you from cumming before you start to beg?" he wondered as he ran his fingers down Tony's pale globes. "fuck. you have no idea how fucking gorgeous you are." he hissed eagerly as he leaned in and ran his tongue along the others ass, touching and stroking the tight little hole with a wickedly talented tongue.
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