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Hidden (lady/moon)

Steve smiled. "you always deserve it." he promised, stroking Tony's hair again. "always." he watched Tony sip his water before nodding. "i'm more interested in finding out how long it takes to completely break a genius's mental facilities." he admitted. "or his rectal abilities. either or, i'm not picky." he admitted as he picked the other up. "yes Tony. i know." he promised with a smile. "you've been having wet dreams about me and Bucky since you where six. you've mentioned this before." he teased with an affectionate chuckle. "oh i'm counting on him enlisting help." Steve admitted, smiling as James walked in, looking pale and unhappy himself as he stripped off his clothes and crawled into bed next to Tony completely naked, making Steve tsk and roll his eyes as he crawled in on Tony's other side. "get some sleep Tony." Steve suggested. "i'll stay up and listen for Jarvis." he promised.

Phil walked in and blinked at her. "enough Natasha." he ordered without even looking at the man. "stalking for how long?" he asked as he made a note of that. the man, Erik Anderson, had been stalking Tony for a year before he'd even gotten hired. the man had delusions about Tony loving him back, delusions about Pepper Potts urging him to go after Tony through glances and smiles. delusions about Tony wanting him. "the really sick part." Gabriel stated. "is that he's the one who was behind the failed attempt at slipping Tony a real life Aphrodisiac." he admitted. "he was waiting for his 'partner' to call him and let him know when the drug worked."
“Hm, interesting expriement. I’m sure they’ll find out.”Tony smiled slightly, before nodding a little. “I have. And I know. But telling you about it amuses me.”he muttered smiling a little at the sight of his boyfriend getting naked, squirming a little to get comfortable between the two, resting his head on the other’s chest. “Kay. Sleep sounds good.”The man muttered, sighing quietly as he relaxed,trusting the other two to watch over him and tell him if anything changed.

“A year.”Natasha said frowning a little as she listened. A quiet thoughtful look on her face as she listened. “That is fairly sick yes.”Clint agreed looking disgusted, but flicking a glance at Natasha’s face he wondered what she was thinking so hard on. “We should get some sleep. I’m sure that the rest of the employees would like to go home.”Natasha said simply as she walked out, pausing outside the door before looking at phil as he walked out. “...How delusional do you think he is?”She asked, because she knew pepper. Could the woman have really been that insane, and intent on making tony even more paranoid then he already was? The female assassin having a bad feeling that soon enough, they’d know the answer in the form of pepper potts arriving to find out what had caused such a ruckus at SI.

“,’re in my bed....with James naked....and me half undressed...”Tony muttered awhile later, frowning in thought as he pressed his cheek tighter against james’ chest, refusing to move just yet, not wanting to be awake just yet.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "yes yes. but then again making high powered fart simulators amuses you too." he pointed out. "goodnight Tony." James and Steve chorused.

"Pepper Potts is not involved. i checked. pepper Potts and this man have never been in the same room alone together. Mr. Anderson has spent every moment of his life within the walls of SI ever since he was hired. pepper and he have been in the same vicinity twice. once when Tony hired him. she did offer him a pleasant smile and shook his hand as she does to everyone Tony introduces her to. and once curing a small party that they where hosting for Christmas a year ago where she had no direct contact with him. he is completely deluded." Phil stated calmly. "Stalkers like this often delude themselves into thinking they are being welcomed, accepted, or even encouraged through the simplest of actions, such as nodding when on the phone, smiling at or in their general direction, even making eye contact." Bruce explained. "he's sick in the head. nothing more. i don't like Pepper any more than any of you, but she wasn't involved in this." he hoped.

by the time Tony woke up, Phil had Mr. Anderson hustled off to 'prison' for his crimes and had returned for a good sleep himself. it was now six in the morning and Jarvis had allowed the doors back open and had ordered a mass breakfast for everyone in the entire building, as well as offering information to anyone who asked. a lot of people where mortified to realize that the boy they had all been so jealous of hadn't been an employee at all, but a good friend of Tony's. they where even more horrified to realize that one of their own had tried to kill the poor kid. by the time eight o'clock in the morning had appeared, most of the workers that worked at SI, from janitor to genius had gotten Fitz something. some sent flowers, most sent get well cards, one man sent a case of palladium ore for Fitz to play with when he got better. "good news." Steve admitted, smiling at Tony. "first, Jarvis mass ordered about a hundred thousand dollars worth of food for the entire Tower. and second, Dr. Flay called. he said that Fitz is going to make it. he started breathing completely on his own now and his coma is pretty light." Steve admitted with a smile. they didn't know the extent of the damage yet. a crushed sternum and a broken back was nothing to be taken lightly, nor was the broken neck he also sported. he was alive though. even if he was too brain damaged to do anything but recognize them and smile, he was alive.
Natasha let out a quiet relieved sigh at that. Well. At least they wouldn’t have to explain that to tony. “Good.”She said pleased they wouldn’t have to try and tell tony that his girlfriend, ex girlfriend, had nearly gotten his friend killed.

Tony smiled slightly, “Kay....does that include food for us?”Tony yawned stretching, now that he was being talked to, he was starting to wake up more. Shifting to sit up, he ran a hand through his hair, looking over at him. Relief showing on his face as he considered that. No matter how bad it was, at least fitz was alive. “Well, at least that means I don’t have to kill the deluded fool for killing Fitz. Though I am disappointed I didn’t get a excuse to ask our resident assassins to take care of him.”Tony sulked a little as he stretched squirming out of the bed and going in search of clothes, changing, and completely unashamed of the fact that his best friend was in the room with him, after all he knew he looked good naked, and utterly unashamed enough to strip down even if he knew logically he probably wasn’t the best idea in the world. “Come on you two, I want food.”He said as he pulled on his jeans.

“Gab?”Sarah muttered as she walked into her apartment, sitting down on the edge of the bed, having not felt great about leaving him alone, so she’d made him spend the night in their apartment, even if hadn’t shared a bed, they hadn’t been alone either. Gently brushing hsi hair out of his face. “Gab, you’re dreaming, wake up, milyana.”She said shaking him a little looking worried once she realized he wasn’t resting easily.
Steve nodded. "it does. the Delivery man left it at the door. James wouldn't let me go get it until you woke up." he admitted. "too late. that 'deluded fool' fought back during prisoner transport and had an allergic reaction to the icers." he admitted. "Simmons was quite shocked when she found out that was possible." he admitted. "seams to think there was foul play afoot. she was quite upset until she realized just who had the allergic reaction." he admitted, looking amused. "he died rather horribly actually. throat closed up and he died before they even realized he was having problems." Steve admitted, completely uncaring of the naked Tony. he was too used to nudity. one did not go into the army and have issues with Nudity after the first week. "food sounds good."

"Gabriel shifted from under his massive pile of blankets. he liked to 'den'. pile up about six blankets and then sleep under them and you got the idea. "no.... please..." he begged. pleaded with the unknown person. "please... i'm sorry... Fitz... don't die..." he groaned, getting all twisted up in his mounds of blankets. remembering when he'd tried to kill Fitz. all because Garret had told him to.
“....Damn. Really?The icers?”tony said looking interested before laughing, wondering if there was indeed something afoot, after all, he really wouldn’t have put it past natasha or clint to arrange that allegric reaction, but it was still interesting if it was indeed something real.”We might have to test that out. Just to reassure poor simmons that for the most part, her weapon is not allergy inducing.”Tony snickered amused before looking pleased.”Good.”He said vindictively pleased the man had suffered that long before hrinning as he headed for the food, grinning as he brought it in, looking amused as he started setting out three plates for them. He might not be able to cook, but he did know how to feed others.

Sarah winced as she realized what he was dreaming about, wincing a little as she shifted the blankets, crawling under there with him in his den, keeping the blankets from getting to tangled up in his limbs as she shook him a little harder, “Gab!Awake up, please.”She begged worried for him.
e nodded. "oh, don't worry. they where tampered with. someone already confessed." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "several people actually. Bruce was the first though. apparently Mr. Anderson had a severe peanut allergy so Bruce slipped in a bit of peanut oil into the Icer caps. he didn't even look bothered by it... he kinda scares me sometimes." he admitted. "Clint just poured Peanut oil on his hands and grabbed Mr. Andersen's arm. not very effective, but it did the trick." Steve admitted. "if there where others, no one's said anything. you should see the pile of stuff that the people who work here sent for Fitz. one guy even sent some Palladium. there's about a thousand get well soon cards, and so many flowers it looks like a jungle in there." he admitted as he set about handing out silverware as James poured the drinks.

Grant whimpered as he jerked awake at her shaking, gasping hard at being woken so suddenly. "...S..Sarah!?" he asked, voice trembling and eyes wet. "oh god. Sarah, i killed Fitz. i killed him. i dumped him in the ocean and he died and i forgot i did it!" he gasped, completely freaked out. i'm a horrible person! i'm an evil, evil bastard who deserves to be put back in that tiny cell!" he gasped, clinging to her because he had nothing else to cling to.
“...that’s awesome. I always knew there was a supervillian behind his mask of zen master.”Tony snickered, raising a eyebrow. “I’m sure Natasha at least did something. And I really wouldn’t put it past Phil, not to mention Sarah and Gab to have done something. They’re all a little convivially evil you know, and a little better at not admitting to anything”Tony snickered at the idea, pausing as he considered that, smirking. “I’ll have to go around and talk to everyone after breakfast. I mean, they should know more, instead of having to ask jarvis.”He said frowning a little, even knowing jarvis had told them about everything, it still made him feel better to go see his employees. Snickering a little. “He’s going to love that palladium. We should go tell him that it’s there, he’d probably wake up just to have it.”

Sarah winced as he reacted to being awake, tensing before relaxing. “Yea, it’s me. You’re safe.”She promised shifting to get more comfortable under the pile of blankets, shaking her head. “No, he’s not dead. I promise, you didn’t kill him. Didn’t even hurt him that much...I mean, yes, he did suffer a little damage, but he survived.”She promised not sure if he remembered what was currently going on just yet before sighing, clinging to him just as much.”No, no you don’t.”She trembled, ducking her head, resting it against her, crying quietly. Feeling so guilty for this, because it was her fault he’d been delted, protecting her had given hydra a clean slate to work with, a whole new person to shape out of the wreckage that had once been andrew sitwell. And that killed her a little.
Steve snorted. "Tony... Bruce's rank on the Shield Database is a ten." he stated simply. "and that's not including the Hulk, who scored a Ten all on his own." Steve admitted, shaking his head. "you can't go higher than a ten." "yes you can. i'm a twelve." "what. really?" Steve asked, startled when James nodded. "...well alright then..." "Hulk's rank is a fifteen now. they implemented new grading scores. i'm not sure what Bruce's is at the moment." James admitted. "but Tony's a six." "...Toyn actually scored that high?" "mmhmm. he's a big fan of big explosions. plus he took down some guy named Killian without ever setting foot inside of an iron man suit. that cranked his score up pretty high. and your average citizen scores a zero. drug dealers, muggers, and the like, petty criminals get a one. mob bosses, serial killers, and such get a two. Skye's sitting at a nice even three from what i understand." Steve chuckled and shook his head. "just call for a press conference." he suggested. 'then you can talk to them all at once... by the way, every single person is now going through the Lie detector, then Natasha, then Hulk." he warned. "we're not running this risk again." he admitted. "visitors aren't allowed yet. apparent he's in a fragile state and too much stress could cause his systems to collapse. a single cold virus could effect him very badly right now so he and Dr. Flay are on complete quarantine."

"S..Sarah." he whimpered, shaking his head. "he is. he's dead. i killed him!" he gasped, trembling violently. "i killed him!" he wailed, shaking his head again. he didn't understand how he could have done that. he cried with her for a good long while before he started to calm down, swallowing thickly. "he was trying to stop me. him and Simmons. Garret told me to scratch them off the list, so i did. i dropped the bunk they where in, straight into the ocean. i knew it would sink, so they would either spring a leak and drown or run out of oxygen. on the off chance that those hadn't killed them, the starvation would have. i thought myself so clever. i'm so disgusting Sarah.... so disgusted..."
“...Super villian I’m tellign you. The Zen Master is a act, no matter what he tells me.”Tony snickered amused before staring at James, raising a eyebrow. “Really?I feel dangerous, just for getting in bed with a super dangerous assassin now.”Tony smirked flirting because it was his stress relief, a outlet. Looking startled before looking at Steve. “Why do you look so shocked?I always score high on things.”he said before laughing. “I do enjoy explosions....and Killian was a idiot. Seriously. Christmas bulbs and a nerf gun is a poor substitute for the suit.”Tony rolled his eyes looking interested in the ranks, “What about the rest of our team?Just so I have a idea of how many potential big explosions I have.”He said looking interested before nodding.”I’ll do that. Easier.”He said before relaxing, realizing that they might be able to fool one, but not all three. Natasha and the hulk were amazing. “...Well. When he is. We’ll go tell him about it.”Tony said twitching a little as he ate, because even knowing fitz was alive, it made him twitchy to remember this was his fault. It was hard on the already self hating man.

“No, no he isn’t. He isn’t, Gab. I promise.”Sarah said holding onto him tightly, swallowing hard, she had known he’d tried to kill them, she hadn’t realized just how clever he’d been about it. “...It was clever.”She muttered closing her eyes, holding onto him tighter, having no comfort for him, at a utter loss on how to make him feel better. “You’re not. You are not. Simmons and Fitz would have fought harder to keep you locked up, if you were truly disgusting and utterly deserving of punishment. You’re not.”
Steve chuckled a little. "and you let him into your Tower." he teased with a grin as he helped himself to a mashfry. "i'm not sure of all the scores." James admitted. "Natasha is an eight i think, Clint is too. Phil is a ten. Fitzsimmons are a four, Melinda May is a ten. Sam is a five, i'm a Five. though they might have lowered that score now that i'm not depressed anymore. uuuhm. Sarah is a nine. Gabriel is a ten." Steve reported as he examined his Tablet. "thanks Jarvis." he chirped, grinning as he handed the Tablet to Tony. "you rank right up there with Dr. Doom and Magneto. if you where to go to the dark side though, there's a note there that says people should be wary of 'rank increases'. i think you only have a low score because your a teddy bear and don't kill anything." he admitted. "much easier. and we can then have everyone start lining up for the lie tests. Phil is already working on a questionnaire." he admitted. "and we'll make sure to tell him ourselves." he promised Tony. "Dr. Flay says that once Fitz is awake, we can talk to him through the intercom system. he's in that big medical room with all the windows. all his new stuff is sort of lined up outside that room."

he shook his head. "he is! he is and it's my fault!" he gasped, shuddering as he leaned into her. "Fitzsimmons have trust problems." he grumbled after a while. "they trust too many people too easily..." he muttered as he started to calm down, sighing as he wiped his eyes. "i do deserve punishment." he muttered. "insane i am, above reproach when i try to murder someone i am not." he muttered, closing his eyes. " you think Simmons will ever forgive me? or Fitz if he ever wakes up?"
“Hm, I like explosions. It’s a well documented fact.”He snickered a little before looking interested, grinning a little. “That’s fairly cool. Always good to know where everyone stands.”He snickered as steve used the tablet, because it always amused him when steve used tech. “I am not a teddy bear. I’m dark and dangerous and totally better then magneto. I at least don’t lose to Logan and Storm at least.”Tony said snickering a little before nodding. “Hm, phil’s good at questionnaire’s. He’ll figure it out.”He said sounding pleased at having phil around before nodding, looking relieved that they were going to be talk to fitz. Feeling a little better at the idea. “Good. I don’t want him thinking we abandoned him or anything.”he muttered smiling slightly as he ate.

“No,no he’s not.”Sarah sighed softly holding onto him, hating that he was so upset, and having no idea how to help. “Well. After you were shown to be hydra...I doubt they are as trusting anymore.”She pointed out stroking his hair, sighing quietly as she thought. “..I think it will be a long time if they do. They want to forgive you, you just hurt them alot by betraying them, Gab.”She muttered biting her lip. “And he’s going to wake up. Because if he doesn’t, it’s going to kill tony.”She muttered sounding worried and scared that fitz really wouldn’t wake.
Steve chuckled and shook his head. Tony was being way hyper this morning, he knew why of course, but it didn't lesson the amusement that Steve was feeling. "you are a teddy bear." Steve stated simply as he used his Tablet Pen to play one of the games he had recently become completely addicted to. "Storm could kick your ass Tony. all that lightning packed into a massive titanium alloy conductor? she'd roast you." Steve teased. "....i'm not sure if Logan could beat you, i doubt it. even then he can't beat Magneto either." he admitted. "you might be able to beat him, depending on if your suit is magnetically inclined or not." he admitted as he tapped on his tablet with intense concentration. "i can't beat this stupid level." he growled, sulking. "of course he knows we're not abandoning him. it's just like when people have an auto immune disease at the hospital, they have to be quarantined too." he admitted. "i went and saw a little girl with Leukemia who was the same way." he admitted. "it was kind of cool actually. i had to get completely sterilized before i could go into her room." he admitted. "she was so excited she actually bounced in bed. her parents where so thrilled that they sobbed all over me when i came out of her room." he admitted with a grin. Steve loved making sick kids feel better.

he shuddered and shook his head. "good. they shouldn't forgive me." he muttered softly, swallowing thickly. "he has to wake up." he whispered. "he has to." he muttered before falling silent and refusing to say another word, just holding her, completely uncaring that the Super Duo was right outside as he clung to their daughter.
"I am not. Only if a teddy bear is dangerous and cuddly."tony smiled looking amused as he ate,utterly amused at the sight of steve so addicted to a electronic game."could not....I'm going to have to ask fitz when he's up to make my suit both magnetic and storm proof."he frowned looking bemused and thoughtful."well you dont deserve to beat it if your going to tease me."tony grumbled before smiling shaking his head."you're such a geek. Next thing you know you're going to help old ladies across streets and rescue kittens out of trees."tony teased relaxing and happy. Relaxing at the idea of fitz was going to be okay. That he had to believe he would be.

"You're going to be okay...they'll be okay...."she muttered sighing quietly simply snuggling him sinply holding him because he wouldnt accept comfort. So sinply snuggling him as he rested was all she could do. After awhile she sighed quietly. "...gab?you want something to eat?"
Steve smirked. "nope. your the cute and fluffy kind." he stated with a chuckle before shaking his head. "considering the enemies we go up against Tony, shouldn't you have done that already?" he asked, looking amused. "i have to tease you, it's part of my 'i like in Stark Tower' contract." he admitted with a smirk. "i do rescue kittens out of trees... i've stopped helping little old ladies across the street though, they hit." he admitted.

Gabe shook his head. "no." he muttered but let her go and slowly slid out of his pile of bedding to get food. starving himself wouldn't make Fitz better.

three days later wrd finally came. Fitz was awake. he was confused and very sluggish but his brain scans showed high functionality. he would have severe damage, but his intelligence and ability to care for himself probably wouldn't be affected. unfortunately, the way things where looking, Fitz would probably never walk again, but Bruce and Simmons where already working on a hovering chair so that Fitz could do everything on his own, from cooking, to bathing, to building anything he needed. granted, neither of them where good enough with the technological aspects to actually put it together, but they where brainstorming a host of ideas to make Fitz's life easier and leaving it up to Tony to actually build the thing. when Dr. Flay told them that he was awake enough to have visitors, they all let Tony go first.

Fitz looked so small and fragile on that big bed with breathing tubes down his nose, pumping oxygen into his system. he was breathing on his own, but sometimes he stopped so they needed the machine to take over yet from time to time. his face was bruised and swollen as was his chest but he was alive and that was all that mattered. "Tony..." Fit'z tried vainly to make a smile, his mouth hurt too much though. he'd bitten through his lip when he handed, so there was a line of stitches holding his lip together. there was a long line of stitches going down his chest and across his ribs where they had opened him up to set the bones and get his lungs working again. he looked like a mess, but he recognized Tony and that was all that mattered. "hey."
Tony swallowed, looking pale and shaken as he walked in, the five o’clock shadow and tired eyes and circles around them, saying he wasn’t taking nearly as much care of himself as he should, in fact, was usually resisting james and steve’s attempts despite his usual submissiveness, the man was resisting let anyone take care of him. “Hey.”He muttered looking around anxiously, twitchy a little, he really had been utterly hyper active for the last three days. Between creating things and having sex, a lot of sex actually, the man was still to twitchy and anxious. “I have pallendium for you. One of the scientists downstairs gave it up...really. They’ve nearly given you as much stuff as they gave me when I was hurt.”He snickered.
Fitz frowned at him a little. "you look Terrible Tony." he complained, sounding weak and shaken, but alive. "Palladium?" he asked, perking right up. "that's awesome! i could make... uhm... i could make..." he paused, looking confused. "uh,... it was.. uh..." he frowned more, thinking hard and then blinked at Tony. "what where we talking about?" he asked, slightly puzzled. "did you know you look terrible?" he asked with a small grin. "you should see the ton of stuff i have. i was thinking of giving Simmons that big pot of Lavender. she loves Lavender." he admitted. "Tony? are you alright?"
“Even looking terrible, I look amazing.”Tony smiled a little before nodding, “Yep. Lots of it actually. And You could make a few different things.”Tony said swallowing thickly, realizing just how bad this was going to be before smiling shakily. “We were just talking about it. I’m fine Fitz.”He said before grinning, “I’ve seen. There’s more stuff out there then I got for nearly dying. I’m jealous. And you should. Simmons would enjoy it.”Tony said smiling at the other, “I’m fine. Don’t worry.”

“Gab?”Sarah said quietly as he looked around her apartment, looking worried when she didn’t see him right away. The last three days had been hardest on Tony, but all of them were feeling the strain of having fitz so hurt.
he chuckled. "i'm glad to see your Ego is still strong." he teased with a smile. "where we? i'm sorry. Dr. Flay said that i have some short term memory loss and some neural misfires. he says that those will stabilize, but i might never regain full cognitive abilities. i'm still smart though, i'm just forgetful." he assured the other. "did you almost die?" he asked, looking startled. "when was this? how did i miss it? there wasn't an article was there? i need it for my collection if it was!" he protested, looking horrified at the idea of Tony almost dying. well, that and not having the record of it. "hey! did i finish that thing we where working on? the.. uhm. the..." he paused, struggling. "for Steve?"

Gabriel had taken Fitz attack quite hard and was usually buried under blankets or off babbling apologies to Simmons. the poor woman having no idea how to handle that, considering Gabriel rarely seamed to actually be aware she was there. he was often found in the cell in the basement that he had first occupied. he had not hurt himself however. Bruce said it was because Gabriel felt he didn't have the right to hurt himself when it should be Fitz, Simmons and Skye who punished him. "here..." Gabriel muttered from under his pile of blankets. he had been in there since noon the day before, after they dragged him out of the cell, protesting but not fighting them.
“Hm, it’s got to be. I’m dating someone who puts a energizer bunny to shame and looks good enough to be a playboy bunny. My ego’s taking a beating here.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “So he said. And being forgetful is fine, I forget alot of things.”tony smiled before nodding. “Which time? Let’s see, there was going missing in afghanastan and coming back with the arc reactor, the time Stane nearly splattered me on my own building, Vanko nearly pummeling me at my own expo, nearly dying in space facing off with loki, killian nearly killing me when he kidnapped pepper....really, I’ve died alot almost. And for the most part, I managed to keep it out of the papers, don’t look so upset.”Tony ordered smiling a little “No. You didn’t finish the necklace, but I got the tablet, and I finished it for you. Giving it to him tonight, figured I’d ask and see if you wanted to add something before I did.”

Sarah sighed quietly shaking her head as she walked into the bedroom, looking tired and worn around the edges. This was hard on her, to see him like this. Sitting on the edge of the bed she sighed softly, leaning over, resting her head on her arms as she rested against his back. “You can’t keep doing this, sweetheart.”
he chuckled a little. "it's your own fault for dating a super soldier." he teased. "just be glad you aren't dating both of them yet." he teased with a yawn. "i forget a lot of things too." he admitted with a grin before he blinked. "oh yeah. when you where kidnapped. that was Stane? i thought he died in a small airplane crash?" he asked, remembering the lie Shield had told people. "i think you need a new profession Tony. and a therapist." he admitted. "i am upset! my Hero and alternate big brother almost died!" he protested before he paused to cough, Dr. Flay there in an instant to help Fitz drink some water. "i'm okay." Fitz promised, Dr. Flay nodding and leaving again to give them their privacy back. "you shuold have it engraved with something heart touching on the inside." Fitz suggested. "something about how she'll always have family or something." he coughed a bit more. "i'm sorry Tony. i'm too tired. i'll talk to you again later, yeah?" he asked sleepily as he settled in for a nap.

"i can." he grumbled. "i don't want to see their faces..." he muttered. "they don't hate me enough. they trust me and they never should have." he muttered as he came out of his blankets a bit. which was better than he usually did. "they said Fitz woke up...?" he asked, taking comfort in her presence.
“...Yet?What-I don’t want to date them both!”Tony sputtered looking utterly lost for a moment before the mask slid back into place before laughing. “Yea. Shield came up with that lie. It was Stane. And why a therapist?I have Rogers and Banner. They’ll give me alcohol and advice, I’m good.”Tony snickered before wincing as the other coughed, “Calm down. I’m not the one almost dying at the moment. You scared me, kid.”he grumbled before tilting his head, “Hm. I’ll do that. Just rest.I’ll be back later.”Tony promised watching him for a moment before leaving, anxious and upset still, retreating to the lab to retrieve Sarah’s necklace, before going in search of steve. Wanting something to calm him down, and seeing the super soldier so happy about his perfect gift would be that.

“..They trust you again, you know. Tehy want to.”She promised smiling a little as she looked down at him, shifting to get comfortable as she curled up against him over the covers, resting her head against his chest. “He did. He’s sleeping again, but he talked to Tony for awhile. Hopefully he’ll relax for a bit.”
Fitz grinned. "why not? they both want you." he admitted with grin. "and they are cute, for guys. you three would make a lovely couples." he admitted happily. clearly he was loopy on pain pills, he'd never say things like that otherwise. "you need a therapist. if i have t have a therapist for all the things that almost killed me, you have to have one too. at least Dr. Flay said that Bruce can be my therapist. i like Bruce. he made me... a... uhm..." he paused, frowning. "it was a thing." he muttered. "an important thing and i thought it was nice..." he muttered, scowling harder as he tried to remember. "what where we talking about?" he asked before smiling sheepishly at Tony. "i'm sorry i scared you. in my defense, it wasn't my fault this time." he admitted. "try to get some sleep yourself, okay Tony?" he asked before going to sleep.

he shook his head. "they shouldn't trust me at all." he growled, swallowing thickly. "they shouldn't trust me..." he muttered as he sighed. "thank god he's alright... mostly. is the... damage bad?" he asked softly. "Bruce said that Fitz would probably never gain the use of his legs..." he admitted. "and that there was significant brain damage."
“...You’re high. Really.”Tony said neatly sidestepping the talk, looking disturbed and vaguely amused that fitz of all people was having this talk about threesomes. “Fine. I’ll go talk to Bruce. He’s good at the therapist thing.”Tony grinned smiling slightly before tilting his head, “I’m sure it was. You can tell me about the thing later.”He said feeling lost because he had no idea what bruce had given the man before smiling. “We were talking about you scaring me, Fitz. And no, it isn’t. My fault, I guess I deserved being scared.”Tony snickered a little as he headed for the door. “I will. Sleep well, fitz.”Tony grinned looking down at the necklace in his hand, before heading for the penthouse. “Cap? You here?James said you two were going to play video games or something.”Tony called as he walked out of the elevator.

“They do.And you get no say in that.”Sarah sighed softly before nodding. “It’s bad enough. Dr. Flay said he’s going to be forgetful. He’s still intelligent, still the same person, he’s just not going to be the same either...”sarah sighed, worried about all of them, and how this was going to go.
"am i?" he asked, trying to turn his head to look at the floor, yelping at the pain that caused. good thing he was strapped in too much to be able to damage himself. "i'll take your word for it. i forgot my neck was broken." he admitted sheepishly. "it's easy to forget when pain doesn't hurt." he admitted before beaming at Tony. "you talk to Bruce." he agreed. "okay Tony." he agreed with a yawn. "goodnight." he muttered. as Tony headed up, Steve was going down. sucking cock had always been one of his favorite things to do and sucking Bucky's was the best thing in the world. granted, he'd only ever sucked Bucky's cock so maybe that was a biased assumption. neither f them realized Tony was there, not that they really realized they where doing anything wrong. Steve was under the assumption that James had talked to Tony about it, and James just didn't know it was a problem.

he huffed. "they shouldn't." he grumbled. "i don't think anything could take away Fitz's intelligence." he admitted. "but he did almost die. i think anyone has the right to be different after that." he admitted. "Bruce said he was making something for Fitz but he wouldn't say what... do you think i should make him something?"
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