Hidden (lady/moon)

he smiled a little before he paused, looking a little startled. "new identities?" he asked, his head tilted. "well. that will certainly help." he agreed. "especially for James, considering he was born in the twenties." he muttered with a chuckle. "yes yes, i know." Steve grumbled playfully. "but even we have to sleep eventually." he teased with a chuckle. "thanks." Gabriel muttered, smiling at her. "have a good night." he ordered, flushing as she kissed his cheek but offering her a smile because he rather liked it when she kissed his cheek. "night."

"it is huge." James agreed, sounding rather impressed himself as he looked around, smiling as he shook his head. "lets start with that one." he decided, heading for an underwater exhibit. "not that one." Steve ordered, going pale. even the fake water on the walls made him shudder. "let's go to the African wildlife exhibit." he redirected, James happily agreeing as he headed for that one instead.
“Yea. Easier for us all. Especially for james, but also phil and the rest of the team, since they were all listed as SHIELD. This way, they get to start over without having to worry to much.”Sarah smiled before nodding. “we’ll sleep eventually. Just not tonight.”She snickered a little, smiling at gabriel.”Night.”

Sarah paused, tilting her head towards steve, looking worried for a moment before nodding. “Sounds good.”She said knowing why he didn’t want to go to the watery ones, that was completely understandable. Grinning as she followed after. This was going to be fun. Hours later Sarah trailed after the two, yawning tiredly as they walked through the stars and galaxy exhibits, and despite being younger, the woman was starting to go through her growth spurt again, the serum settling, not to mention the upsets of the last week, she was still tired. “....Ready to go home?”she yawned, shaking her head a little as she watched the two flirting. Having a feeling this was just going to be bad, no matter how it played out.
Steve nodded. "exactly. plus you have Skye, who was never really in the system in the first place." he agreed. "we'll sleep in the morning." he nodded with a grin as he watched Gabriel kip out on the couch.

Steve offered her a thankful smile. James seamed to have no idea why Steve would not want to go into the watery abyss. then again, he didn't know how Captain America had been frozen the way Sarah did. the entire Shield world had been awash with the tale of how they'd fished Captain America out of the ice. found only because of Tony Stark. he grinned as they walked through the Galaxy exhibit, smiling at her. "go home? it's only dawn." he teased as James nodded. "yeah, let's go home." James agreed, yawning as well. "wanna stop and get breakfast somewhere?" Steve asked, his head tilted. "i know this cute little joint that will pack up all your food to go. we could pick up about eight orders and share with War... Gabriel when we get back." he offered.
Sarah smiled back, tilting her head. Knowing steve would eventually have to fill james in on what he’d missed, but for the moment, she was willing to avoid the complicated talks of watery graves and falling. Making a face she yawned as she looked at the two, “Hm, Tony did say we had to be out of here by morning. Though I doubted he realized we’d stay this long.”She smiled a little before perking up at the idea of food. “Let’s. Gabriel should be up when we get back, and if he’s not sleeping, you can go bully tony into going to sleep.”Sarah snickered as they headed off to get their food, amused because over the last few days, she’d realized just how horrible tony stark was at taking care of himself, simply working until he either collapsed from being tired, or someone bullied him into bed.
he nodded. "the place won't open for anther few hours yet." he admitted. "honestly i think they left us alone in there. the staff i mean... not exactly the smartest thing in the world to do." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "Gabriel a morning person?" Steve asked, looking amused as James nodded. even as a child, Gabriel had always been the first one up. always. "we'll pick up breakfast for Tony too hten." Steve agreed. "and i'll take it down to him. unless James wants to?" "....yes." James decided. he could take care of Tony too, with enough guidance. so they stopped at the place Steve wanted and ordered a few dozen orders to go, much to the cook and the waitresses amusement. they knew Steve on sight and by name, so he must have stopped by a lot. he said goodbye to them both, using their names and reference one of their mothers and headed off with the ton of food. "you come here often then?" "yup. the people there are real nice, and they let me eat int he corner so most people won't see me. they don't let phones in there either so i don't have to worry about people plastering my face on the news." he admitted as he walked them to the Tower and up the Elevator. Ward was indeed awake when they got back, in the Gym according to Jarvis. running on the treadmill.
“Well, considering you’re well, you. I’m sure they expected your sense of patriotism and all american goodness to keep you from stealing things.”She snickered teasing him a little before nodding. “Always. Horribly so. Would be up at the crack of dawn wanting us up with him.”Sarah grumbled a little tilting her head towards her father, looking curious. Well, maybe steve had been right. It hadn’t been a good idea to go check on tony and james earlier. Laughing as she watched him talk to everyone she smirked, “Yes, nothing more disheartening then to see Captain America doing normal things, like eating.”She teased him a little as they carried their food inside, asking jarvis to tell ward that they had food, digging out food and putting it on a plate before handing it over to james.”Here. Go see if your genius can be tempted out with food.”She paused thinking about it, before making up another plate.”And there’s yours. Go.”She said looking vaguely weirded out, knowing she was having to share her father’s attention. It wasn’t that she wanted him to be alone, or unhappy, it was just...for so long, it had just been her, him and ward. Having to share his attention with his...boyfriend?Was weird to her.
he snorted. "i grew up in Brooklyn during the Great depression and they think i won't steal?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "sometimes, i worry about the level of intelligence in this country." he admitted. "ugh. there's a reason they call it the 'ass crack of dawn' you know." he admitted with a grin. "it is actually. you should see what happens when Tony tries to go out and get food. he's been in the press for so long that people think they have a 'right' to bother him." he admitted, grinning as James examined the plate, decided it didn't have enough color and got some berries, strawberry and blueberry, to go on top of the pancakes before he took the plate to Tony. "...he is so smitten it's not even funny." Gabriel admitted as he watched James leave with both plates, sweaty and tired, but a good kind of tired. "morning. where you three out all night?" "yep." "...weren't you supposed to have her back by Dark?" "nope. her father was with us." "ah." Gabriel chuckled. that was truly amusing.
“No they don’t. I mean, you are a superhero. Aren’t you supposed to be above petty theft now?”She teased before grinning. “Tell that to Gabriel. It’s not my fault he gets up early.”she smiled before looking at him, eyes wide as she considered that. “...I’m surprised he hasn’t been sued more then he has been really, if they’re always bothering him....Though, if they were female reporters, that might explain some things.”She snickered shaking her head as she watched james get the fruit, amused before looking at Gabriel. “He is. It’s sort of sickeningly adorable really.”She snickered before watching the two, rolling her eyes. “It wasn’t a date!”Pause. “Well. At least not for me. My parents on the other hand....”She chuckled shrugging as she started to eat.

“James?You guys weren’t gone that long. Didn’t you enjoy it?”Tony said as he looked over the frame of the motorcycle he was working on, raising a eyebrow. Frowning in confusion, not realizing that in his work, that the whole night had past already. Looking in bemusement, tilting his head a little.
he smirked a little. "and just who decided that?" he asked, pulling something out of his pocket and examining it. a glass eyeball he'd picked up off the floor from the stuffed animal parts of the exhibit. "i bet i could wig Tony out with this." he admitted. "they are always bothering him, why do you think he rarely goes out unless it's for publicity?" he asked with a smile before snickering at her vehement protests. "we where socializing James, that's all it was." he stated with a chuckle as Gabriel settled in to eat his share of the meal. "so did you have fun?" Gabriel asked with a smile, wondering if she'd had as much fun as he hoped she had.

James snorted. "Tony it's six in the morning. we where gone for almost fourteen hours. up." he ordered, offering Tony the berry covered pancakes, eggs and sausage links. "i like your bike." he admitted as he examined the frame, munching on his own pancakes. "how come Steve doesn't like water?"
“Well, parents of little people and-ep!”She squeaked a little squirming away at the sight of the eyeball, twitching a little. “Oh my god, that’s disgusting.”Sarah twitched a little before shrugging. “Never considered it. What with the mad genius thing he’s got going on, I assumed he just didn’t like people enough to go out.”She snickered before rolling her eyes. “Yea, socializing.”She smiled a little because she knew just what steve was hoping for. Though she had a feeling it was going to be a mess before they figured it out. But trusting both steve and james to figure it out without killing any of the three of them. Smiling as she ate she nodded happily at gabriel, “I did. Until Cap pulled out a animal eye and totally grossed me out. But it was fun otherwise. It was great to watch papa run around looking at everything.”

“...Really?”Tony paused leaning his forehead against the seat of the motorcycle before sighing as he got up, stumbling a little as he moved over to the workbench to start eating. So well trained by steve to accept food that he didn’t even fight the order even if it was james giving it instead of steve. “Not my bike. Steve’s christmas present. I uh...sorta forgot his birthday?So I’m making up for it by a amazing christmas gift. It’s nearly as old as he is.”He snickered a little before pausing in eating, frownign slightly before starting to eat again. “...After you ‘fell’ off the train, Steve had to go on and fight red skull alone. Only way to stop him....well...maybe not, but from all accounts the idiot was sucidially depressed after you went down, he drove a plane into the ocean. Slept frozen for the next 70 years.He doesn’t do well with water.”He said simply, because while he hadn’t been brave enough to ask, he suspected that steve had been awake for most of the time as his body froze. Because of the serum, his mind would have been the last thing to check out in frozen suspension....probably awake some throughout the 70 years....that idea scared him enough that even the scientist in him didn’t want to know the truth.
he snickered as he bounced the fake eye in his hand. it was just like the kind they used on stuffed toys, only a little bit more realistic. "well he doesn't like people either." he agreed with a chuckle. "but that's mostly because they won't leave him alone." he admitted. "socializing." Steve agreed with a laugh. "it's kinda cool actually." Gabriel admitted with a grin as he snaked his hand out and stole the eye from Steve, who was in mid toss. "must have been the most fun James has had since the war." "i imagine so." Steve admitted. "maybe even before. we didn't have things like that when i was a kid. and if we did, we where too poor to go. the biggest thing we ever did was the Worlds Fair, ad we only got in because James scored Tickets because of his position in the military."

James chuckled. "really." he admitted, pleased that Tony was eating the food he had brought. "Steve's probably tormenting Sarah with that fake eye he stole from the museum by now." he admitted, mostly to see Tony splutter before he paused chuckled. "Steve's gonna love it." he admitted. "i won't say a word." he promised. "besides, i doubt he even knows he missed his birthday." he admitted. "we never really where able to celebrate such things growing up. we where too poor. usually we just mark it as a day older and that's the end of it." he admitted before he paled. "...oh Steve..." no wonder Steve refused to go outside if there was more than an inch of snow on the ground, refused to go into the pool room, refused to go into the ocean exhibits. "i'll have to remember that." he admitted. "poor guy... god, that's even worse than being locked in a tube and frozen." which was why James had refused to go into the massive heart filled with tubes that where just a little too small for him. James was severely claustrophobic now/ which was why he tended to avoid the Elevator unless he was with someone else.
“....Oh gods. Boys. I’m going to be sick.”Sarah whined looking a little disturbed at the sight of the eye being tossed around, eyebrow twitching a little as gabriel stole it. Smirking a little, “The world’s fair?The one tony’s dad was doing right?He heard about that one. Fairly cool. How’s it feel to know his son?”She asked a little curious about the older stark before twitching, running her fingers through her hair, now that she was full, she was more awake, even if she looked ready to curl up and go to sleep.

“...What?Why would-If he brings it down here, and I find it in my helmet or something, tell him I;m going to see just how much physical damage I can inflict on him.”Tony growled threateningly, amazingly awake despite being up nearly 14 hours. “Good. I’d hate to ruin the surprise. And well, no one in the tower really does either, all of you didn’t have good childhoods, except probably sarah, but I’m celebrating holidays and birthdays so get used to it.”Tony said sounding stubborn about it, because he had had such a shitty family that never did anything together, he was determined to have a normal....well semi-normal family life now with his adopted family. “Do. He’s okay with showers, and cold stuff as long as it’s like food or small ice cubes, but if its alot of stuff he freaks out.”Tony said proving he was more observant about people then others believed. Stifling a yawn, now that he was relaxing he was feeling tired as he finished his food. “But did you guys have a good time besides the near freakouts?”
Steve snickered a little as he let Gabriel steal the fake eye. "yeah, Howard was hosting the thing. i didn't know him then, i didn't meet him until later." he admitted. "it's a bit weird actually. i hated Howard Stark with a passion that was almost frightening." he admitted. "and the blasted little fucker never even noticed. i was unfrozen and met Tony expecting him to be just like his ass hat of a father, only to realize Tony was so far from th same spectrum as Howard that they might as well of had different skin color and nationality." he admitted. "you should go and get some sleep." Steve suggested to her. "or go for a swim, something to burn off some of that hyper energy."

James snickered. "mostly he got it to wig out Sarah i think." he admitted. "but i'll tell him." he promised with a smile. "you know. i can't even remember when my birthday is." he admitted with a frown. "i'll have to ask Steve." he muttered before he smiled at her. "you think Sarah was allowed to celebrate anything growing up in Shield?" he asked. "we couldn't. i don't think she even knows what a birthday party is..." he admitted. "i ruined her life even if i saved it." he muttered before he grimaced at the idea of Steve hating water and ice that much. because James had a suspicion that on Steve's 'bad days' he probably couldn't even take a shower. "yes we did." he admitted with a happy grin. "i feel a lot better. i hadn't even realized i was feeling caged and trapped until i went outside." he admitted. "i'm glad you suggested it." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "come on. i'm tired and i feel cuddly. wanna take a nap with me?"
“That is fairly weird, really. Disturbing to think about knowing them separately, when they’re probably about the same age when you met them.”Sarah looked thoughtful on that, and just how different tony stark was from howard stark. Yawning she nodded.”I think I will.Night....”She trailed off smiling as she stumbled off to bed, curling up in bed, content and happy, to go to sleep.

“Good. Because even if he got it for Sarah, I don’t doubt he’d show up with it.”Tony whined a little before smiling slightly.”October 1st. I grew up with a father who was obsessed with his time with the commandos. I know alot of weird odd things about you guys.”Tony said making a face a little at James’ look, knowing it was odd, but really, was it any surprise he remembered everything he’d ever heard about the commandos? “...Oh. Didn’t think of that. We should choose a day, and tell her it’s her birthday. Not like she’s going to age normally, we should give her a party.”Tony said perking up at the idea of giving her something, a making someone happy. “You didn’t ruin it, James.”He sighed quietly, before nodding. “Figured. Sarah was getting twitchy, figured if she was feeling caged, all of you were.”Tony smiled before laughing, “Like I’d pass up a chance to climb in bed with you. Let’s go.”He grinned as he cleaned up his hands from oil and grease, before heading to bed with the other, groaning tiredly as he climbed into his huge bed. And despite teasing james a little about the idea of being in bed with the other, he was asleep within minutes, the genius to exhausted to do anything else.
he nodded. "uh, yeah more than a little weird." Steve admitted with a smile. "me and Tony actually didn't hit it off too well either." he admitted. "we traded insults that where actually meant to hurt. i emasculated him and he said something about everything that made me special came from a bottle." he admitted. "then we saved each others lives and realized we weren't who we thought the others where and now we're good friends." he admitted. "goodnight." he called after her, chuckling as he glanced at Gabriel. "i'm gonna crash on the couch, i don't feel like being alone." he admitted.

James snickered a little and nodded. "October first." he muttered with a smile before he grimaced. "please... for my sanity... don't bring up Howard." he begged. "it's just gonna piss me off." he admitted before he paused. "Commandos... who is that?" he asked, looking a bit confused. as if the name sounded familiar but he couldn't quite place it. "i don't know when she was born, but she was placed in my arms December the ninth, nineteen eighty eight." he muttered. "she was all pink and squishy, and i named her after Steve's mother. her name was Sarah Rogers, but before she married Steve's layabout old man, she was Sarah Taylor." he admitted. he had to chuckle as he followed Tony, stuffing the last of his food into his mouth. "wash your face first, i'm not kissing sticky lips." he warned as he crawled into bed, gave Tony a kiss, snuggled in tight and followed Tony into slumber land.
“Ah. Sometimes the best relationships start like that. God knows I was mean to Gabriel the first few times he came around.”Sarah snickered a little smiling as she drifted off to sleep, feeling safe and content with them all there.

“..Oh good. I wont. I prefer not talking about him either.”Tony smiled a little before tilting his head. “Your and Steve’s team. The howling commandos.”Tony shrugged a little knowing he didn’t remember alot, so wasn’t really surprised that the other was missing parts of his memory of that time. Snickering a little. “Well then, we’ll celebrate on December 9th.That’s only like..a few weeks away. We’ll celebrate. And its sad you don’t have any pictures. I’m sure steve would have liked them...”He muttered sounding sad for his friend, hating that steve had missed so much of his daughter’s life. Laughing as he washed his face, kissing him before settled in to sleep.

A few days later Sarah smiled a little as she swung into Gabriel’s room, her hair drawn back into a ponytail, a quiet smile on her face. “Hey. You doing anything?”She smiled at the man, looking eager and happy, a drawing pad tucked under her arm, the sight of her curled up drawing was a common sight now, simply settling in to quiet life.

“Hey old man, I found out something you should know. Your girl’s birthday is on decemeber 9th, you should totally buy art stuff.”Tony said as he walked into Steve’s apartment, smiling and happy, while he and james hadn’t had sex yet, because while, tony was enjoying just getting to know him, and for once, wasn’t in any rush to have actual sex, even if it didn’t stop the blow and hand jobs happening. Grinning as he looked up for his best friend, having every intention of talking to the other man, simply because tony needed advice, and the man was horrible at relationships.
Gabriel was sitting on the floor, using a technique called meditation' that Bruce had shown him. it always made him feel better after nightmares or bad memories, or when he wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't. a woman named Melinda May, who Gabriel was certain he'd slept with, was teaching him some weird kind of tai chi, or was it tai kwon do? he liked that too. the one named Fitzsimmons avoided him like the plauge. honestly he wasn't sure if they where two different people or if they both shared a name. he knew the short term memories where blocked out because of the dual memories f his 'childhood'. Bruce assured him he would remember the last few years with time. though, he would like to know why Fitzsimmons and Skye looked at him with such terror and pity. "just meditating." he admitted as he cracked open an eye. "i remembered something... i think, and was trying something Bruce taught me to see if i could figure it out myself." he admitted. "what's up?"

Steve looked up at Tony and blinked from where he had been reading a book. "her birthday?" he asked, looking startled. "crap. people celebrate those now." he muttered, looking a bit worried. "no i can't get her art supplies she has more than i do now..." he admitted, fidgeting unhappily before his eyes brightened. "i know EXACTLY what to get her... Tony i need your help." he admitted, grinning. "we can say it's a joint present then." he offered. "you do the technical stuff and i'll do the artsy craftsy part."
Sarah paused at the sight of him mediating, tilting her head a little before walking in, moving to sit down next to him, settling in cross legged as she sat across from him. “What did you remember?”She asked looking curious before biting her lip, fidgeting a little. Because while she’d been drawing most of them, she’d been using pictures and memories to do it. Tapping her fingers absently over her knees she looked nervous, “I was wondering if you’d pose for me. Like, actually model, instead of simply using a picture.”She said smiling quietly, the memory tugging at her. Because besides james, gabriel had been her only other model, the one she’d followed around like a love lorn puppy, and despite the adult her hating herself a little for still following him around, she still wanted to draw him.

Tony smiled a little. “Yea, they do. Don’t worry, you still have a few weeks. And I wasn’t planning on a big party or anything, just all of us, dinner or something. But you should do something for her.”Tony said looking worried, hating he’d made the other unhappy before looking startled. “Wait, what?What are we doing, and do we need to warn her parents we’re giving her something dangerous?”He teased a little
he smiled a little as he watched her, his head tilted. "it's a bit blurry but i think i was about thirteen and someone dumped a bucket of what i think was chickens blood on me." he admitted. that had actually happened. it had only been the second time he had ever been around James and Sarah. she had been all of seven and extremely jealous that he was getting James attention and had used her training to set up a 'trap'. where she got the chicken blood she would never tell. "Pose?" he asked, looking a bit confused before he smiled. "sure i can pose, if you don't mind me falling asleep?" he asked with a smile. "how do you want me?" he asked, wondering if he was going to be holding some weird pose for an hour. he'd done it before, he knew he had. it wouldn't suck too much, and if it made her smile it was worth it.

Steve grinned a little. "no, nothing ike that. honestly Tony. i just need you to hack the Hydra and Shield Databases for any and all pictures of them, particularly them together or with Wa.. Gabriel. even if you have to make pictures out of Video Feed. i think you can do that can't you?" he asked, grinning. "i'm going to make her a photo album."
Sarah winced at that, blushing brightly as she looked at the other. “Oh. Well. I’m sure there was a good reason for dumping blood on you.”She squirmed a little, making a face. “I was jealous okay?It was the first time I ever had to share Papa with anyone. I wasn’t happy.”She grumbled before nodding, “yea. I mean, you don’t have to, if you don’t want to. And you can sleep if you want.I just...I missed spending time with you like this. Even without remembering you...I missed drawing you. And papa.It’s not...the same, using jarvis to bring up pictures.”She shrugged blushing softly, because really, she was just going to use it as a excuse to get him half naked. “Come on. Tony’s got his balcony glassed in so it’s warm, but sunlit.”She said pleased because the glass would keep them warm, but would give the feeling of being outside. “...Shirtless please. I’ve done half dressed pictures of the rest of them, its your turn”She said blushing, because really, it was just her wanting to see him half naked, and be able to know she’d remember it.

“Hey, considering it’s me, you should be glad it was dangerous toys I thought of first, instead of something for her and ward.”he smirked before nodding. “I can do that. Come on. We’ll go down to the lab, you can help me choose pictures. There’s probably alot to choose from.”Tony said sounding hopeful about the idea as they headed down to the lab, putting the lab on lockdown to keep everyone else out unless it was a emergency, already settling down to hack. And within minutes, the two were digging through pictures and videos, “Oh!Look. I found one of her birthday.”Tony said drawing the video, remembering the date james had given him, smirking slightly as he realized he was looking at the first time james had held their daughter, the small pink bundle looking even smaller against his broad chest.
he smiled a little. "oh, so it was a real memory. i had thought so, but i wasn't sure." he admitted, looking like he was trying very hard not to laugh in Sarah's face. "i don't mind." he promised with a smile. "it sounds easy enough to do." he admitted. "and it's not like i don't do the same thing when i'm meditating anyway." he admitted with a chuckle as he stood up. "i missed you too Malaya." he admitted softly, looking at her with an almost fearful look. "...it's not pretty." he warned as he unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall. he was covered in scars. torture marks, gunshot wounds, burns and knife wounds littered his body. he didn't try to cover himself up the way most of the others who had posed for Sarah had, but he seamed to wait for a rejection.

he snorted. "good point. i'm going to tell James your giving Sarah Dildos and Condoms for her birthday." he teased with a smirk as he followed Tony. for once, Fitz wasn't in the lab chatting with Dum-E or Jarvis. he had found the glory of the R&D departments and spent most of his time at a work station building whatever his little mind fancied. most of the people who worked there figured Fitz was Tony's new 'pet project'. "oh my gosh she's so cute! and James looks like he's going to pass out!" Steve cooed, laughing. "he has no idea what he's doing!" he laughed as she started screaming and flailing and he damn near dropped her. he quickly placed her on the couch and started flipping frantically through what looked like a manual for baby care.
Sarah whined a little, blushing slightly. “Yes. It’s real. I was 7 okay? Wasn’t good at sharing.”Sarah grumbled because she knew he was trying not to laugh before relaxing, smiling slightly as she realized he was okay with this. “True. Just relax, and mediate.”She smiled a little before frowning at his words, looking worried for a moment when she saw his fearful look before pausing, staring at him for a long moment before moving closer, a slight frown on her face as she gently touched her fingers to the knife wounds that decorated his stomach, or the gunshot through his side, blushing at the term of endearment from him.. “...I tended some of these....They sent you to me after a good mission. Thought I’d do as good of a job as a doctor would...”She frowned slightly as she felt the raised and slightly crooked scar curling around his ribcage, a long knife wound. “Apparently I suck as much at sewing flesh as I do at sewing fabric.”She muttered dropping her hand, stepping back, “Lay down on the couch.. Relax. Enjoy the scenery.whatever you want. I’m not being picky today, these are pictures just for me,...of you all. Just...be yourself.”

“...You can’t do that. I’ll never get laid at that rate. I mean, really. If you told him that, you’re going to get Gabriel killed in the resulting shovel talk.”Tony whined a little smiling quietly, though sulking that fitz wasn’t down here. Pouting because he’d gotten used to having the other genius around until he’d lost him to the R&D departments. “He does. And she’s so small.You’d never think she’d grow to be over 6 foot tall.”Tony snickered watching, eyes widening as james nearly dropped her. “I think we should be glad she heals as fast as she does if this is the assassin’s version of baby care.”Tony snickered amused that james was reading a book, before slanting a look at steve. “You know, we could do a physical photo album, but I could make a hologram one to, a picture frame of sorts, maybe put it in a locket or something, so she has a wide arrange of pictures always with her...”Tony frowned, simply talking outloud as he thought the problem over.
he grinned. "that must have made James just laugh." he admitted with a chuckle. "where did you get the Chicken blood?" he asked with a grin, nodding to her. "kay, i can do that." he agreed. he nearly twitched when she got close but managed to stay still as she stroked his scars. "you really don't mind?" he asked softly, blinking whens he admitted to tending to him. "oh. i didn't know that.. uh, remember that." he admitted, watching her closely. "i used to love those moments." he admitted. "sitting there with you, not expected to really do anything. it was horrible when they... watched." he admitted softly. "because then i had to do terrible things to you. when they left us alone though, i could just lay there with you, just... be there with you." he admitted softly before he smiled and laid down on the couch and watched her work.

he snickered and nodded. "exactly." he grinned. "it would be hilarious would it not?" he asked with a grin. "wait... you haven't had sex with him yet?" he asked, startled. "i mean... really?" he asked. "James is a slut! how have you not slept with him yet?" he asked, looking amused and puzzled. "she is tiny. it almost looks as if she's a preemie." he admitted, watching the screen. "oh look! he's changing her first diaper!" he laughed, watching as James heaved and gagged and actually threw up on her a little, making him curse wildly and take her straight to the sink to wash her off, which only made her cry harder. "oh my god that poor man...." he muttered, snickering. "yes! that's a great idea Tony! we could make a home movies too! of all the best videos we find! you really are a genius!"
“It did. Even though he was trying to be a serious adult and scold me. We both know he nearly died laughing as soon as he was away.”Sarah snickered before wrinkling her nose. “Not telling. It’s my secret.”She made a face at him shrugging a little as she dropped her hand. “No...I mean...you got these in defense of me. Even if you didn’t know it, or knew... You got hurt protecting me. Protecting the world, how can I be angry with that?”She muttered blushing slightly swallowing thickly at his words, “...I’m glad I don’t...remember more then fragments. I mean...it’d be nice but what I do remember of hydra and us like that, is traumatizing enough...I don’t want to know.”Sarah sighed quietly, “But I remember being with you. And feeling utter content...it’s not so much a actual memory, just a feeling...”She smiled quietly as she settled on the louge chair to work, looking so intent and focused that it was sort of adorable in its own way. And it was probably a good thing tony wasn’t there, otherwise he’d be making cracks about titanic and naked drawing.

“I think we have a different sort of amusement, Cap.”He made a face before focusing on the keyboard in front of him, knowing he was being stared at, but....”Yea.No sex. Plenty of making out, hand and blow jobs don’t get me wrong...but..”He shifted, because it felt awkward talking about this, but Tony knew he might be worrying james to with not pushing for sex. Maybe he should talk to someone? “...I haven’t had sex since Pepper left. Or really been good with relationships. I mean, I’ve never had to be. Not really a people person either. He’s not stable enough to deal with me, or if I mess up...I don’t want to mess him up, Cap...and I have a habit of messing people up. I don’t...”He shrugged helplessly before grinning shaking his head a little. “She might have been. No idea how the serum would have reacted with a pregnancy.”Tony said thoughtfully before laughing out loud as james threw up on his kid, shaking his head. “I’m showing this to him. It’s amazing. I think you got lucky missing the diaper stage.”Tony snickered as sarah just cried harder, that poor baby. “I’ll do that. Find something simple and easy to carry. Maybe a ring or necklace....”Toyn frowned thoughtful wondering if he could convince fitz to work with him on creating something that small. He knew he was a genius, but fitz had proved to be a little better at small projects where tony focused on the big things, his mind to busy to focus on something small for to long.
he snickered and nodded. "that sounds about right." he admitted before he smirked at her. "you can't remember where you got the Chicken blood, can you?" he asked with a grin and a shake of his head. "...i guess i did." he admitted with a smile as he examined his scars. "i can't really tell though, every time i look at a scar i get two different memories and i can never tell which one is the real one and which one isn't." he admitted. "besides, in no memory was i ever protecting the world. i was working for Hydra." he pointed out. "if anything i was dooming it." he admitted. "not that it matters, i think i was doing it to save and protect you, the world can go hang." he admitted with a smile at her. "yeah.... i wish i couldn't remember..." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "the first couple of times, you cried... you begged me to stop and i couldn't because they where watching..." he shuddered violently. "then one day they left us alone and i held you and said i was sorry over and over again and i guess you realized i didn't like it any more than you did." he admitted. he smiled as he watched her work. she was mesmerizing like this. he couldn't look away, though he pretended to when she looked at him.

Cap smirked. "i'm a sadist after all." Steve teased with a grin before he sobered, looking concerned. "oh Tony..." Steve muttered, sounding surprised and sad for the other. "Pepper really fucked you up didn't she?" he asked softly. "Tony you have to understand something. James is perfectly capable of deciding who he wants to be with. fully capable of deciding who he wants a relationship with. as for your relationship with pepper? that wasn't a relationship Tony. that was her dominating every aspect of your life. which is very unhealthy and borderline abusive. she was taking advantage of you Tony." he pointed out gently. "she might not have been aware of it, but she was. you don't mess people up Tony. no one can mess up another person unless they are abusive and you are anything but that." he promised. "if you want to be with James, then be with James." he smiled as he watched James struggle with little baby Sarah. "a necklace would work better." Steve admitted. "a ring draws attention and it's hard to look at when you store pictures in it." he admitted. "you go talk to Fitz. you have that 'lets get Fitz' look on your face." he teased with a chuckle. "i'm going to start printing out some pictures and have Jarvis record some of these videos." he decided.
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