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Hidden (lady/moon)

“Yea, we have alot of words for alot of things.”Tony snickered a little before tilting his head. “A threesome. Though from experience, they tend to be messy and hard to deal with.”Tony said biting his lip as he thought. Trying really had not to think about that, it was hard not to think about steve if james was going to keep asking questions like that. Hopefully the man would forget about it.

Sarah smiled as she sipped the soda, perking up a little as she read over the pamphlet, grinnign at him. “Oh. I do like this. And even if we don’t get all the way through it, if he wants to, we can always go back sometime.”Sarah grinned enjoying the idea before nodding. “Probably. Bruce would have told him we were planning on going, and he’s smart enough to guess where we’d end up.”She smiled pleased with the choice.

“Good.”Tony smiled as he went back to working on his own metal arm, working on getting the bent metal back in shape, fights were hard on the suit sometimes, but oh so much fun for the genius. Glancing over at the other he smirked a little, amused watching him do it. “It’s better connected to your nervous system. It’ll move better, and you’ll get some feeling from it, though not as much as you’d get from your other hand. And I made it out of the same stuff I made the suit out of, considering I’m only human, it has to be light.”He smirked before laughing.”Hydra hates me for being an Avenger, and a billionaire. Being a genius just made it worse.”
he shook his head. "no. not a threesome. i mean, literally. i have only ever found two people to ever be sexually attractive." he admitted. "male, female, what have you. the only thing that ever got me... aroused was Steve until you." he admitted. "is there a word for that?" he asked.

Steve grinned a little and nodded. "yeah. i like to go in there and look at the sky exhibits." he admitted. "did you know that we put someone on the moon?" he asked, sounding amazed. "and the knowledge of space has increased so much!" he admitted. "it's just amazing!" he shook his head. "i was gonna be a space explorer you know. when i was a kid that's all i wanted to do." he admitted with a chuckle as he studied her. "what about you? did you ever have a dream?"

James smiled a little as he stood up and rolled his arm again, swinging it about now as he got used t the newer, better arm. "you used a titanium Alloy?" James asked, looking surprised before examining his arm again with new eyes. Tony had shared amazing technology with him. tech that he didn't share with anyone. "thank you Tony. this means a lot to me." he admitted as he moved over to a punching bag that Steve kept down there for when Steve needed to burn off steam but didn't want to be alone. he threw a few punches, his head tilted as he stroked the arm. "amazing, you even fixed the shock-wave recoil..."
“Ah. Well, asexual. I mean, I know thats not right, but that’s as close to a word as I know.”Tony frowned a little thinking, “Limited sex reaction, yea that’s about right.”Tony smiled a little looking bemused at having such a affect on the other man.

Sarah laughed quietly at his reaction, amused at his amazement.”I did. I mean, I’m only 26. I didn’t have to deal with being born in 1918, I grew up knowing these things.”She teased a little looking amazed.”Really?I didn’t know that.”She said before going quiet, staring down at the ground, biting her lip a little. Blushing because what she wanted was embarassing, at least considering just how physically superior she was to most people but...he’d asked. So maybe he wouldn’t think her odd? And feeling sad as she realized that she probably had art, that was forgotten, taken away from her so she couldn’t remember things hydra wanted her to forget, considering she’d always drawn the people she cared about. “...I wanted to draw comics. Like...for Marvel.”She muttered blushing ever so lightly,

Tony snickered a little watching him before blushing slightly, nodding. “Only way to make it functional enough like you need it to be without hurting. And thank Bruce, he’s teh one who figured out how to hook it up to your nervous system.”Tony said blushing ever so slightly as he watched the other work out before grinning. “Same principle as it being light. Nearly knocked myself on my ass the first few times I physically hit something with a punch instead of the repulsors. Had to fix it otherwise I was going to be useless.”he shrugged before raising a eyebrow. “Now, was it me who owed you a blow job, or you giving me one?”Tony said smirking a little.
he blinked a little. "Asexual. sounds fine to me." he mused with a smile.

he smiled sheepishly. "sorry... i forget that not everyone is as amazed by all of this as i am." he admitted. "not a lot of people did. i abandoned that dream even before i met Bucky." he admitted. "comics?" he asked, sounding delighted. "i used to draw comics... well. they weren't... superhero comics they where... uh.." he flushed hard and coughed. "anyway! i have a ton of artist stuff in my rooms, you can help yourself anytime you like." he promised with a smile. "i never really made a go of being an artist but maybe you could make a name for yourself." he offered, smiling. "you could write up all of the Avenger adventures." he admitted with a grin. "we're certainly not about to let anyone else do it. they won't make us up right." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "you know. Marvel is really the best Comic Book collection ever." he admitted. "you and i will have to go down tot he Comic Book Museum sometime." he offered. "learn all sorts of fun things."

he nodded. "Bruce might have. but what good would that have done without a proper platform?" James asked with a smile. "you made a work of art here Tony. don't sell yourself short." he ordered as he smiled. "i can imagine. i bet that would have been as hilarious as you plowing into the side of a building." he mused, chuckling a little. "how about we take turns?" he offered, moving over to Tony, eyes dancing with Mischief. "kneel." he ordered. "and if you do a good enough job, i'll suck you off in return." he promised, unzipping his pants and slipping his cock out. with his metal hand, stroking the flesh with a sigh as he stared at Tony. aroused, horny, trusting.
“It’s okay. I was fairly amazed to. I just happened to be four at the time.”She teased a little before staring at him wide eyed. “Yea, comics.”She stuttered a little, having not expected this reaction before raising her eyebrows.”...Just what kind of comics did you draw?And don’t make me go ask Tony. You know he probably has some of them.”She threatened, though there was amused laughter in her features, happy because he wasn’t belittling her for what she wanted to do. The only people who had ever supported her drawing was grant and james, so suddenly having someone else who didn’t make her feel like a idiot for wanting to draw, amazed her. “I might have to do that. I’ll have to see what stuff you have, might have to do some group pictures of you all and then individual and-”She stuttered to a stop, forcing herself to stop the excited rambling, before nodding. “We’ll have to. And leave Papa at home. While he’s supportive, his eyes sort of glaze over when I talked to him about art.”She smiled.

“Hm, it would have been okay.”Tony said because despite knowing he was a genius, and apperciating others noticing, it was never enough to offset Howard’s abuse of telling him it wasn’t enough. “But if you must, I guess I agree. It’s fine.”Tony smiled before twitching, “Who told you!? Just because I was flipping him off, doesn’t give everyone the right to show that video to everyone.”Tony sulked even as he sank to his knees,”Hmmm I’ve never had anyone complain about this.”he smirked groaning as he watched the metal fingers work over the other’s skin, shuddering hard. Oh yea, james was going to have fun with tony’s tech fetish. Nudging the other’s hand with his nose to get it away, he smirked as he slid his mouth down over him, devoting himself to blowing the other
he smiled a little. "if you where four, when they landed on the moon, you'd be about fifty right now." he pointed out before he flushed harder. "well... it was before... nude magazines so i... well... i drew... smut." he admitted, coughing into his hand. "it paid the bills real well and... well James helped with a lot of the jokes..." he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. well that would probably explain why James eyes had glazed over. "we don't really have anything at all actually. but we can pose for you, or pose and take a few pictures so you don't have to deal with fidgety people." he admitted. "but yeah, we should leave James at home for that one." he agreed with a chuckle.

he shook his head. "it wouldn't have." he stated simply. "as intelligent as Fitz is, he could never have made this. and as smart as Bruce is, he couldn't have created an arm so capable of motion." he admitted, flexing his fingers. "oh. no one told me. i just overheard a few people talking about it." he admitted with a smirk. "and you defending yourself." he teased before smirking as he watched Tony fall to his knees. so obedient. "mmmm look at you. so willing." he moaned, pressing the tip to Tony's lips, shivering as he moved his hand away and let Tony do as he pleased, moaning again, this time in pleasure as Tony went to town. Tony was right, there was no reason at all to complain abut this. not at all.
“True, but I was four when I heard about it the first time. It was a awesome day, james took me to the smithsonian so I could explore all the space stuff.”she grinned a little before her eyes widened. “Oh!Oh that’s awesome. And...oh gods. Well. I’m glad I didn’t know WHY his eyes glazed, glad I thought I was just boring him.”Sarah snickered teasing him a little before nodding. “I’ll ask Jarvis to snag pictures of you all, and maybe have you guys spar so I can draw a fight scene or something, and let Jarvis record it. Easier then making you guys pose.”She smiled happily, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “Thank you. Besides...James and Grant..No one’s ever approved of this...”She said her eyes glazing a little, already mentally starting to draw the picture she wanted to do first.

“..Fine If you insist.”Tony rolled his eyes a little before twitching. “Well. Good. I’ve gotten better, and don’t go plowing into buildings anymore. Just plow into other people now.”he leered, looking amused as he shuddered, “Always willing.”He muttered groaning as he took his time, rolling his eyes up to look up at the other, having every intention of driving him insane, groaning, palming himself through his jeans, being on his knees in front of a amazingly hot man, and surrounded by his tech was definitely getting to him.
he blinked. "they let you leave?" he asked, astonished. "i mean, they let James take you out of their control? out of their base?" he asked, astonished. it was before James had started to display unwanted behaviors, so they had allowed a lot more freedom until she was around six when he tried to take off with her for the first time. after that they had always stayed where Hydra wanted them to stay. "yeah. he was a filthy man." Steve admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "oh, good idea, it'll look more natural that way too." he agreed before he flushed. "oh. uh. your welcome... i can't imagine anyone in Hydra would have wanted you to have any hopes for the future." he admitted, smiling. "come on. we'll head back and you can pick out some drawing supplies for yourself." he offered, packing up their things.

"Well, i certainly won't complain if you 'plow' me." James growled playfully, groaning eagerly as he felt the other suck him off. it was so wonderful. "Don't!" he growled. "don't you dare touch yourself." he hissed, gripping Tony's hair in his flesh and and tugging him more firmly onto his cock, rolling his hips. "the only pleasure you will have, is the pleasure that i grant you." he growled, shivering as he tipped his head back. "your going to swallow every drop i give you." he ordered. "and then your going to lay down like a good little Genius while i suck you into insanity."
“When I was really little, yea. For a little while. The longer he was off ice, the more rebellious he got. Eventually we had to stay, but for awhile there, we were just a normal father and daughter.”She shrugged a little before smiling as he blushed. Amused at it, it was adorable. “No, more like they just wanted me to go fight, to be a specialist. That’s all that mattered to them.”She shrugged smiling happily as she nodded, helping him get their things before heading home. “Think we should check on tony and james?I mean, it’s been awhile. What if something happened?”She said looking worried as they walked inside.

“Hm, good to know.”he smirked a little whimpering as his hair was pulled even if he moved his hand away from his cock, whining, squirming, wanting the other, groaning as the other fucked his mouth. Giving a particularly hard suck at the order, he smirked as he rolled his eyes to look up at the other, giving him that look like to say, ‘who me?I don’t behave.”
he smiled a little. "well, at least you had a few years of freedom." he mused with a smile. "he really loves you, you know." he admitted. "the first thing he looks for anytime he wakes up or walks into a room is you." he admitted. "it's kind of cute how much he dotes on you actually." he admitted with a smile before he grimaced. "that too." he muttered before he smiled at her. " want to check on Tony. one of the biggest sluts of the century, and your father, who has been incessantly flirting with Tony ever since he laid eyes on him?" he asked, waiting for her to see the folly of such a suggestion.

he growled as he watched Tony's hands move away. good. that was good. a thrill ran through him as he realized Tony was actually obeying him. he moaned, thrusting a little faster into Tony's mouth, the silky smooth feel of a tongue against his cock was driving him crazy. it had been so long, so many years since he'd had any kind of physical pleasure and Tony was very good at it. it wasn't long before he was cumming, hard into Tony's mouth, shuddering and groaning the whole time.
“I know. He fought to get me free...I didn’t...remember that part. I just remember him leaving, but even without knowing why he’d gone, I knew he’d always loved me.”Sarah smiled slightly, thinking about her father, looking up at him staring for a long moment. “...He just finished what amounts to minor surgery. You really don’t think they’ know...I mean...”She stuttered as she considered that, at a loss of what to think about her father actually being in a relationship, looking up at steve worriedly, as she considered the other half of that thought as she headed for her floor, wanting to check on ward, “...Are you seriously okay with that?I mean, Tony’s you’re best friend, and papa’s....well, papa.”She said worried about him.

Tony groaned as the other came, licking him eagerly, like a kid with a ice cream cone before drawing away, licking his lips as he smirked a little, looking up at him, panting and pleased, so pleased in fact that even with his jeans choking his cock to death, he didn’t look in any hurry to get any relief, simply enjoying pleasing the other. “Good?”He smirked shifting to get up and settling back on the workbench like he’d been ordered to.
he nodded. "they took that from you." he muttered with a sigh. "maybe you'll get it back..." hopefully. "he didn't really leave you know. you where always his most important thing. Grant's too i think. even if he won't let us call him that... we should give him a new name. something horrible like Dudley, or Fistermelon." he muttered with a grin. "his new name is Dudley Fistermelon the third." he decided. "and yes. i do actually." he admitted. "Tony has the hots for James, and James has only ever been physically attracted to two people in his entire life. me, and Tony. he's definitely going to go for Tony. especially since Tony isn't about to say no." he blinked at her and then chuckled. "Darling. this is going to sound really weird and kinda mean but... do you really think James is going to 'settle' when he can have both me and Tony? the only person he has to convince is Tony himself." he admitted. "Tony has a lot of issues that i've been trying to work around. James could very well make all my dreams come true." he admitted with a chuckle. "come on, we'll go upstairs and i'll watch Disney while you work on your comics."

"Fuck, Tony. Jesus." James groaned, closing his eyes. "very good." he groaned, trying to contain himself before tucking himself back into his pants and smirking at the laying down Tony, his head tilted. "you'd let me do anything to you, wouldn't you?" he asked, his head tilted as he slid Tony's zipper down, unhooked the pants and slipped Tony out, letting the cool, cool metal stroke the hard flesh, teasing it. "such a good boy, hmm? aren't you a good boy?" he asked with an impish grin. "beg me to suck your dick Tony. i wanna hear you say filthy things."
“Hm, there’s alot of memories I’m hoping to get back...I can tell they’re there. Just not..there.”She made a face before nodding, “He lets me call him Grant.Though he might want a new name...”Her eyes widened at that, staring at steve. “....I think I’m very glad I met you all as adults, instead of a awkward teenager. Otherwise discussing my parents sex life, and potential threesome would be scarring and traumatic.”She snickered a little before nodding. “Let’s. I’ll tell Jarvis to tell James we’re going out whenever they finish.”She grinned happily as she raided his art collection, in utter heaven at the sight of the overabundance of stuff tony had splurged on, really, there was probably to much for steve to ever had used. Good thing she was there. Smiling happily as she settled in to watch the movie with him, though if he dared look it was obvious that she wasn’t drawing comics this time around, simply Ward and her, a memory or wishful thinking? The woman feeling drawn to him physically despite the oddities of how they’d actually had sex, she wanted him. But was afraid of actually doing anything about it.

Tony grinned pleased at the praise, flushing a little as he looked up at the other. Not anything.”he protested, squirming a little. Because while he was normally in your face, in bed, he was surprisingly submissive most of the time, whether it was natural inclination, or a trained trait after dealing with pepper, the man enjoyed giving up control. Moaning louder at the metal on his cock he whimpered, hips rocking into his hand. “I am good. So good, so good that I might beg just to be allowed messing up that pretty paint job of a arm. I mean, your mouth is probably amazing, and I’d love to be in it and fuck your mouth hard enough that your jaw’ll ache for days, but that’s my tech on my cock!”He whined, rocking into th eother’s hand.
he chuckled a little. "you do know that i wouldn't have told you if you where still a kid right?" he asked with a chuckle. "the only reason why i'm being honest now is because i think you're honestly worried about it." he admitted with a smile. "come on. we'll go look in on Ward before we get your art supplies." he promised. Ward was actually looking quite well, laying back on a couch and talking to Bruce who was nodding and writing things down. it looked as if he had been crying again, but he looked better than he had in months. "it might be an hour or two before they finish." he admitted with a chuckle. "you can come up here and raid my stuff anytime." he promised her. "we'll work on building you a good selection of stuff too." he promised as he settled into place to watch The Lion King. eventually he did dare to glance at what she was working on and he had to smile. she was so crushing on the poor broken man.

h chuckled. "oh yes, you'd let me do anything." he teased with a grin. "you'd let me tie you up and tease you for hours. you'd let me fuck you so hard you can't walk straight for a week. you would let me paddle your ass until it's pink wouldn't you Tony?" he asked with a smirk, stroking the thick flesh with a grin. "oh really? you want me to stroke you off? you want to see my pretty metal arm stained with your seed. marked up, smelling like you, claimed by you." he teased with a chuckle. "i wonder if i shouldn't stroke you off and then see how much sucking it takes to get you to cum again, hmm?"
“I know. But its still a disturbing thought for my inner teenager to consider.”She snickered shaking her head a little. Pleased that the man was indeed talking to bruce, well, at least now he would have help. “I’ll do that.”She smiled happily pleased that he wouldn’t care if she used his stuff, or that she was going to spend money and get her own stuff. Though she was still working on the picture she quickly hid it when Ward walked in, smiling slightly as she listened to the singing lions. “You okay?”She said looking the other over, sounding more relaxed and happy then he’d heard her since they’d been reunited.

Tony moaned looking up at james with eyes so blown there was almost no brown yet, whimpering in pleasure as he squirmed, “Yes!”he gasped at the question, not even together enough to lie. “You could...but you have somewhere to be....”Tony whined, looking torn between the options as he watched james’ hand, a startled look crossing his face as he came, his orgasm catching him by surprise as he spilled over metal.
he chuckled a little. "good point." he agreed with a smile and a shake of his head before he chuckled a little as he watched her draw. she was very cute when she was all focused like that. "hey." Grant muttered as he walked in, looking tired but much better. "...what in the hell are you watching?" "shush! i haven't seen this and Tony says i have to!" Steve ordered, Grant blinking a little at him before looking at Sarah, as if asking if he was serious or if he had misheard him or something. "i'm good. better i think." he admitted as he hesitated before he settled into a chair. "i'm so tired... i never knew talking about my own feelings could be so extinguishing." he admitted, smiling at her. "you certainly sound like your feeling better." he admitted, happy that she was happy.

he smirked at Tony. "such a cute little Subby." he purred before he looked confused. "i do? where?" he asked before he blinked and watched Tony cum. "...damn. i've lost my touch." he admitted as he lifted the metal hand. "i was sure i was going to be able to cut you off mid orgasm." he admitted with a huff and a grin. he brought his metal hand up and began to lick it clean, his eyes fixed on Tony intently. "well. we're going to have to do this again so i can get back into the swing of things huh?" he asked with a smirk.
Sarah smiled a little. “The lion king. And he lets tony choose what movies are absolutely necessary to watch. Now sit.”She said smiling a little before laughing softly. “Hm, you should take a nap then.”She smiled tilting her head a little, “I am.”She flicked a glance towards steve to make sure they weren’t going to get yelled at for whispering, before gesturing to the drawing pad in her hand.”Finding out me and Steve share a love for drawing made me feel better.”She smiled.

Tony whined a little looking up at him, “Cap and Sarah want to go to the museum, making it a family thing.”Tony whined shuddering as he forced himself to think through the afterglow when all he wanted to do was lay there. “Well, being as old as you are, losing you touch is expected.”He muttered yawning a little, feeling sleepy and content, pupils blown out as he watched james lick his hand, shuddering, the man really did have a fetish for tech. “Hmmm, yes.Later. After you family thing.”She muttered yawning.
Ward rolled his eyes and sat. he would never admit it, but he had always loved the Lion King. once he had gotten 'out' it was the first movie he'd ever seen that wasn't propaganda films, camera footage of targets or educational 'this is how we work a gun'. his roommate at the Specialist Academy had shown it to him, another Hydra Agent who had only been out fr two weeks. Ward had fallen in love with the cool lines and the brilliant colors and the way everyone always cried when Mufasa died. "i will once you and your dads go out." Ward promised, yawning. Steve didn't even seam to be paying them any attention because he'd just hit the part where Mufasa died and was staring at the screen in horror. "this is a children's film!?" he demanded, sounding scandalized and Ward started to laugh. that was hilarious! "Drawing?" Ward asked, his brow furrowed. it was a familiar look in the last several days. it was the look he got when he was trying to decide if he was actually remembering something, and if so, whether it was a real memory or not. "you used to make these cute little cartoons. funny ones."

he blinked. "oh." he smiled. "good. it will do Sarah good to get out of here for a while. get some fresh air. she feels trapped here a bit." he admitted as he lapped his hand clean, a little smirk on his lips. he knew exactly what he was doing to poor Tony. he stood up once it was clean and gathered Tony up into his arms and headed to the small bedroom that was attached. at Steve's insistence so that Tony could actually get some catnaps in when in the thrall of science. "you sleep." he suggested, tucking Tony in before heading out to find his pants.
““I know. All of you need to get out for awhile.”Tony muttered twitching a little, whining as he watched the other smirk. Yawning a little as he rested his head on the other’s shoulder, “I have work to do...”He muttered even though he let the other tuck him into bed, shifting to snuggle down into the bed. “Go enjoy the museum.Tell Pipsqueak I closed it down for you guys tonight, so you can stay as long as you want, as long as you’re gone by morning.”Tony yawned as he drifted off to sleep.

“Good.You look exhausted.”sarah muttered smiling a little before laughing at Steve’s reaction. “It is. Don’t look so scandalized, it’s really good.”Sarah snickered, it was a amusing reaction to the movie. “Yea.”she smiled a little watching him before grinning, “I thought they were funny, yes. I draw. Alot....well...not as much as when I was younger, but I think I’m going to draw more now...”Sarah smiled happy with the chance to draw and be allowed to be herself, and while she could fight and spar with the best of them, it wasn’t physical fights that she enjoyed the best. She liked drawing, liked the quiet pursuits more. Smiling when James walked in she tilted her head a little, “Did tony tell you about our plans?We’re going to get dinner to.”She said looking a little nervous, figuring he might not want to go after all.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "work after a nap." he ordered. "you'll be more able to actually think that way." he admitted as he kissed Tony's forehead. "thanks Tony." he muttered with an affectionate smile before he headed off to join his family.

"but he was just trampled to death!" "kids don't really understand. by the time they do it's something they understand happens." Ward explained simply. "Death is a part of life Rogers and kids, as well as adults understand that. it's a good cartoon and this one in particular has a deep spiritual meaning behind it. you'll see." he promised with another yawn, ignoring the fact that he was being stared at. "Hydra made you stop." Ward muttered. "something about creativity inducing rebellious behavior or something." he muttered. "yes he did. let me take a shower first okay?" he asked with a grin. "what kind of Dinner?" he asked. "can we get Pizza?" "no we can't get Pizza. you had Pizza for breakfast." Steve stated sternly making Bucky grumble and head off to the shower, Ward snorting.
“Kay....Welcome.”Tony muttered as he fell asleep.

“This movie more then most, teaches that there’s shadows as well as light in life. It’s a good less to learn.”Sarah smiled a little tilting her head as Ward yawned, “Yea, they did.”She sighed softly looking at him. “Kay. And no. I was thinking italian.”Sarah grinned snickering at his complaining about not getting to have pizza, shaking her head in amusement before looking at ward. “Hey...”She bit her lip, because she thought the name worked, but she wanted to know. Shuffling closer to Ward so that the talking wouldn’t upset Steve by talking she sighed quietly. Having wanted to ask for awhile, but not sure how to bring it up. “Can I still call you Grant?Or do you want to choose a new name for yourself?”She muttered resting her head on his shoulder, getting comfortable as they waited for bucky, wanting to know, and happy and content enough after a afternoon out, that she was willing to risk the upset to ask.
Ward snorted. "that's not it. it teaches children that the dead never really leave us." he stated simply, looking amused. "though, i suppose that the movie does teach us that there's light and darkness in life too." he agreed. "Italian sounds nice." James agreed, perking up at the idea of getting a Ravioli, some hot soup and a salad as he shuffled into the bathroom. Grant blinked at her before he grimaced and looked down at his hands. "Grant ward did horrible, horrible evil things... i don't want to be him anymore. but Andrew did too." he admitted. "i can't be Andrew Sitwell anymore, or Grant Ward... so. i'd like a new name." he admitted softly, looking up at her. "would that be okay?" he asked, looking worried. "would you...." would she still like him, even if he had to have a new name? would she think him weak or pathetic? "i was thinking Gabriel." he admitted softly. the one thing that he had found while away from Hydra, was the strength and power of God. granted, anytime Hydra found him praying for his sins they mind wiped him, but he always found God again. now he was remembering the peace that praying had brought him. funnily enough, James was a well praying God fearing man too. probably where Grant had gotten it from.
“Well, that to. It seems lion king is a wealth of life lessons.”She snickered a little amused as James left, before tilting her head. “..Gabriel. I like it.”She smiled at him, her smile happy and pleased at having a name she knew to call him, that it would be okay to tell him. Because Andrew hadn’t sounded right, but Grant hadn’t truly fit him either....but, Gabriel. Yea. She liked it. “Would I what?”She frowned slightly looking confused at the half asked question as she rested her head against his shoulder, simply relaxed and happy now that she knew what to call him, that would make him happy. And like the two men in her life, she believed in god and followed. While her faith had taken a beating the longer she was with hydra, she still wanted to believe. Needed to. Now that she was back with the people who’d taught her faith, she’d probably settle in more. Simply drawing a cartoon of tony being a mad genius with his talking toaster as they waited, she grinned as James walked in, smirking slightly because he’d cleaned up and dressed up some. It amused her that despite flirting with tony non-stop, her father was also flirting with steve. It was embarassing a little, but as long as he was happy, she was happy for him.

Shifting away from Gabriel she swallowed hard, because it made her nervous, not sure how to act on the feelings or need in her. And while she knew sex was perfectly normal, or to be attracted to someone she’d already slept with, this still made her feel odd and out of sorts. Not to mention, being a super soldier, she easily matched steve and james in pure sexual drive, so this drove her insane, being nervous and upset. But she was going to figure it out. Really. It just required not making a move on him until he could figure out what he wanted. Despite wanting him, willing to walk away if he wanted her to. The woman utterly not wanting to put pressure on him. "I'll see you in the morning, okay?"Sarah smiled at the man, smiling slightly as she headed for her bedroom to put away her drawing pad, even knowing no one would look at it, trusting gabriel not to look at it, she still needed to put it away considering the cutesy scene she'd been drawing with her and gabriel in it.
he beamed at her, looking so delighted that she liked his new name that it almost made you want to laugh. "it's nothing. i was a bit worried you wouldn't like me having a new name. it was stupid." he admitted. "i think Gabriel Ezekiel Mathews." he decided with a smile, Steve smiling. "all of those are biblical names." "i know." Gabriel admitted. "Gabriel means God is my Strength, Ezekiel means God will Strengthen and Mathew means Gift of God." Gabriel admitted with a smile. "even when they took my faith, it always found me again." he admitted, looking quite happy with his name. Jarvis was already working on a completely new identity for... well, everyone. James and Sarah and the newly named Gabriel would soon have a new Social Security number and birth certificates. they had done the same for Steve when he had first started living in the tower.

James had shaved and had pulled his hair back into a ponytail so it would stay out of his face. he had refused any and all mentions of getting it cut. he liked it long. "Tony says we have the whole place to ourselves until morning." James admitted as he pulled on his shoes, looking very handsome. "okay... do you mind if i sleep here? if feels... safer." he admitted, looking around her and James shared area. "sure." James agreed. "you gonna be okay on your own?" he asked, worried and Gabriel nodded. "Bruce is just a word away and Jarvis will keep an eye on me." he promised. "i doubt anything will happen while i'm sleeping anyway." he admitted with a smile. "you guys go have fun so i can get some sleep." he ordered as he settled onto the couch with another yawn.
Sarah smiled a little, blushing slightly at how happy he was at her approval. “Ah. Okay. I do like it.”She smiled amused at his knowing exactly what it meant before nodding. “Good. Well, at least Jarvis’ll have something to work with. Tony said something about him getting everyone new identities so we didn’t have worry to much about it.”Sarah smiled. “Cool. I told you we wouldn’t have to rush, Steve.”She snickered amused that tony had made sure they’d have enough time to enjoy whatever they wanted to. “If you want.”She shrugged smiling at Gabriel before biting her lip, hating to leave him, but knowing that her fathers needed time out, not realizing it was as much for benefit as hers. “Sleep well. We’ll see you in the morning.”She smiled kissing Gabriel’s cheek lightly before leaving with the other two.

“This place is huge.”Sarah smiled as they walked inside, looking around her with a childlike wide eyed delight, grinning at the two men walking with her, “You know, its a good thing we can all run on a hour or two of sleep without feeling horrible. We’ll need all night to look around.”
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