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Hidden (lady/moon)

“I can!totally. Just cause I don’t want to share everything with you, doesn’t remember I’m as forgetful as you old man.”She scowled, though her eyes were full of laughter. “Oh...yea. That would be horrible. And I can’t even tell you which was which, since I wasn’t there....I feel like a sheltered idiot sometimes. I mean, since...hydra kept me out of things. I feel like I should have known things.”She sighed softly as she worked, wincing at that, “...I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up.”she said looking worried for him, wincing a little. Wondering if she could suggest him getting dressed without upsetting him. Because it was hard for her, to see him like this, and feeling so so guilty for wanting him still. Smiling softly as she worked she smiled as she finished, getting up and moving over to him, smiling as she showed him the picture, he looked sleepily content, even if there was a quiet tension to him, that said at a moment’s notice, he’d be up and able to fight. “Like?”She smiled shyly.

“...Pepper is pepper. Amazing awesome pepper who knew me better then anyone.”Tony sighed softly as he stared down at the computer as he worked, tilting his head a little at steve’s words. “...Okay.”He bit his lip, but willing to trust that steve knew james better, knew he’d be okay with tony. “...I always mess up people. I mean, why else would everyone leave?”He muttered in quiet confusion, because while he understood that people left, it always confused him that they told him they wanted him around, but they still left him. He always stayed, it was never him leaving. So, there had to be something about him that was messed up. “...I’ll do that. I want to be.”He smiled al ittle, not sure, but willing to trust steve. Steve who’d never lied to him, who’d never hurt him, steve who was his best friend, and more then the others, he trusted. “...Necklace it is then. And I don’t have a ‘lets get fitz’ face.”he whined a little before grinning. “GO ahead. Use the lab. I’m heading down to talk to Fitz. And then James.”The man said smiling happily as he felt better for having talked, smiling as he left the room, having every intention of building with fitz then seducing james. It was going to be fun.
he snickered. "you can't remember." he teased with a laugh as he shook his head. "i know. it's something i'm going to have to work out on my own." he admitted. "your not an idiot. sheltered? sure, a little bit. your out in the world now though, that sheltered part of you is going to be gone with the wind in a bit." he admitted. "it's okay." he promised her. "Bruce said i'm supposed to talk about the things i remember..." he admitted. "and i guess i thought you should know. since it was you it was being done to..." he admitted. "i used to use venom you know. inside my balls, so i couldn't get you pregnant. i don't think Hydra ever found out. i think they just assumed one, or both of us was sterile." he admitted as he settled into the couch. he was half dozing by the time she was done and he blinked blearily at the picture before he grinned. "it's perfect. you have real talent." he admitted, examining it. "you even got the scars right." he admitted, quite impressed.

"no. Pepper was Pepper, who never saw past your masks and assumed you needed every aspect of your life contained and controlled to her satisfaction." he corrected, shaking his head as he set a hand on Tony's shoulder. "even Melinda May and Skye know you better than Pepper ever did at this point and you've never even interacted with them." he pointed out. "everyone leaves because people are assholes Tony. the reason why people leave is their fault. not yours. they knew, going in what they where dealing with when they became your friend. it's their own fault that they couldn't handle it. being a superhero, being a star, being you isn't something you should have to 'contain'. you should be you. Rhodey is still here after all, isn't he?" he asked with a smile. "he still calls you every night to make sure you've eaten doesn't he? not everyone leaves, and James, me, the Avengers? none of us are going anywhere." he promised with a smile. "you don't have to be alone anymore." he promised.

"you do have a 'lets go get Fitz' face. it's adorable. it's like you've adopted him." he teased with a smile. "he adores you, you know. your his Hero. have you seen his collection yet? very impressive." he admitted. "fine by me." he admitted as he slid into Tony's chair and thanked Jarvis for helping. Fitz was down on level fifty at a station loaded up for building computer chips and the like. there where several people working in there as well, and they all looked up when Tony walked in. "Tony!" Fitz beamed at him. "come look! i had a great idea for..." he dissolved into technical babble, showing Tony the computer chip that would greatly reduce the amount of energy that Jarvis would have to use, allowing Jarvis to work a little bit faster as well. "Jarvis helped." he admitted with a grin at his Hero and adopted big brother.
“Can to.”Sarah sulked. “Yea. I guess. It still doesn’t make me feel better for not realizing hydra was still alive and kicking...or at least, not realizing that this wasn’t normal.”She sighed quietly, because she’d always grown up with it, it hadn’t really gotten to her that her life wasn’t normal for the most part. “...Well.That makes sense. Its weird to consider those things being done to me...and not really remembering.”She sighed quietly before smiling, “I know. You told me. Thank you. Had to hurt, doing that. But thanks.”She smiled a little. When he looked at her blearily, she smiled at him, pleased that he liked it, blushing ever so slightly. “I thought so to. And I think I got the talent from Steve. He’s fairly good to.”She smiled before blushing more at the praise, “I tried. You can get dressed if you want.”she said hanging him his shirt.

Tony sighed quietly as steve touched his shoulder, slumping a little. “I do to. May makes me go down to the gym sometimes, and Skye comes to brag about hacking things I couldn’t.”Tony said sounding like he was sulking about that, before sighing quietly. “He is. Though he calls you after just to make sure I’m not lying. Stupid Rhodey.”He sulked a little though he sounded more amused then anything, because it was right. His team, this family he’d so painstakingly built for himself, wasn’t going anywhere. “I have not. He’s not a puppy to be adopted.”He snickered before nodding. “It is. We compared collections. We’ve decided my collection of Cap things is more impressive simply because its harder to get some of the stuff, but he has more things.”Tony snickered because he knew it amused steve to know that somewhere in the tower was a total floor that held nothing but captain america and howling commando things. “Later Steve.”

Tony laughed amused as he was greeted with varying degrees of reactions. From Fitz’s enthusiasm to the other’s sulking jealousy that tony was down there to talk to fitz instead of them. Shrugging it off he smiled at them all before moving over to fitz, grinning as he listened to the tech babble, adding a few helpful adjustments before laughing. “I can tell. Good going you two.”Tony smiled at the younger genius before smiling. “So. You done for the moment? I have a new project I want some help with. Cap’s got a birthday to plan for, and wants to make a tech present, but its more up your alley then mine.”
he shook his head. "how could you realize it wasn't normal when it was all you've ever known?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "you had nothing at all to compare it to so you never had a chance to understand until recently." he admitted. "they really fried you." he admitted softly. "they held you under for as long as they dared to." he admitted. "they held me under for even longer. Bruce says that i might have permanent brain damage because of it." he admitted. "James too actually." he admitted before he smiled at her. "the pain was worth it." he admitted. "besides it only hurt for a minute before the Serum nullified it. it still took hours to rebuild my sperm though, so it as the best option. plus, it meant that the Hydra bastards couldn't discover it because by the time they thought to check, the venom was already out of my system." he admitted, sounding quite pleased with himself. "i think yours is a bit better than Steve's." he admitted with a smile. "besides, talent isn't an inherited trait." he teased with a smile. "thanks." he pulled in his shirt but didn't bother buttoning it."so. wanna go bug James? he's been hanging out with Clint, something about a contest."

he smiled a little. ""well. at least your getting some practice in." he teased with a smile before he snickered. "i told you she was a better hacker than you. still, she can't make a true AI." he admitted before he sniggered. "he does do that. and it's your own fault for lying to him and then ending up int he hospital because you passed out because you forgot it had been three days since you last ate or drank anything other than Coffee." he pointed out. "you've adopted him." he teased with a grin. "but i think Bruce has adopted Jemma so it's okay." he promised with a chuckle before he made a face at the mention of the collection of Cap memorabilia. "Phil showed me his collection." he admitted. "it's damn near as impressive as yours is." he admitted. "he only has one thing you don't have. you have three things he doesn't... it's also really creepy." he admitted. "later."

Fitz was practically jumping up and down he was so excited as he added Tony's suggestions. Fitz was brilliant, but Tony was more so. it was just that Fitz thought differently than Tony did so he had different ideas. which meshed well with Tony's ideas. "oh! i'd be glad to help!" he agreed, unaware of the jealous sulks he was getting aimed at his back. "what's the idea?" he asked as he pulled out his self made tablet. it wasn't as fancy as a Stark Tablet, but it was so specialized that Fitz, Simmons and maybe Tony was the only people who could use it. possibly Bruce might be capable of it with a bit of tutoring.
“I know, I know.”She sighed quietly before nodding, shuddering a little. “So james said. Those...memories close to that time, and what lead up to it, despite healing it, are probably gone forever according to bruce. It was to traumatic and frying to recover.”Sarah sighed before smiling slightly, “A very good plan really.”She smiled amused that he sounded so pleased with that, shrugging a little. “Might not be, and you’re biased in thinking I’m better.”She teased a little before grinning. “Of course. Bugging Papa is what I do best, and whatever snipers are getting up to, is going to be amusing.”She grinned as she asked jarvis where they were, snickering at the confirmation that they were downstairs in the shooting range. “Come on then.”She said careful not to stare at his chest as they headed downstairs, really not wanting to stare. “So, who do you think is winning whatever contest they’re doing?”She muttered as she stepped out of the elevator.

“True. I’m the only one who’s done that. Thank god. Otherwise we’d have to worry about skynet or something, and sometimes I worry about jarvis taking over my life enough as it is.”Tony snickered a little before twitching. “...Fine. I do take the blame for that, but only because I can’t blame you for going on a mission.”He pouted a little before grinning. “No, no it’s not. Mine’s so much better. And I know you think it’s creepy, but at least he’s not having a fangasm every time he gets near you anymore. He’s gotten to know you.”Tony snickered amused at Steve’s reaction to their collecting.

“Good. Cause Cap wants the perfect present.”Tony grinned as he settled down onto one of the barstools he’d brought down to the R&D lab from his personal lab, the one he’d built for his height with wheels and everything so he could roll around....really, it was just a high tech stool, something that had just kept his hands busy as he worked on something else. “You’ve seen my phone right?The transparent thing?”Tony grinned as he pulled it out, “Well, cap wants to give Sarah a photo album and use the videos we have to do it. But I thought if we did a charm, a small version of this, and size it down so she can both carry it around and see the videos AND photos, but big enough its not to hard to see them. A way of having the people she cares about close. Figured we could set it up like the lab, have the small screen be like a base, and project the pictures and video into the air when she wanted to.”Tony explained grinning happily, glad to have someone to talk to, and completely unawere of the near hostility that skyrocketed the longer he talked with the younger genius.
he nodded. "as long as they held you under, i'm not surprised." he admitted. "honestly it's probably better you don't remember that part." he admitted. "it was a good plan." he agreed with a grin as he chuckled. "biased or not, it's the truth from my eyes." he admitted with a grin before he paused, his head tilted. "...huh... i'm a poet now. who would have thought." he muttered before he chuckled. "whose winning? what kind of silliness is that? James is of course." he teased as he stepped out into the gun rang where Clint and James where both aiming at moving targets. arrows and bullets littered the moving targets. "told you James was winning." actually, it looked more like a tie at the moment.

he smirked a little. "Skynet?" he asked with a shake of his head. "you know, i think if she wanted to, she could make her own internet." he admitted with a grin. "you'll have to take the blame because i was in Africa dealing with that fake deity." he admitted. "it was a pain." he admitted with a grin. "is 'fangasms' even a real word Tony?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at the other.

he chuckled. "i can imagine so. it's the first time he's been able to celebrate with his daughter." Fitz agreed before blinking at the chair and looking up at Tony, extremely amused. "really?" he snorted ad shook his head. "yes! your phone is simply amazing." he admitted. "if we make the pendant too big or too heavy it won't be functional." he warned. "perhaps if we used a hologram function? something she can make into various sizes?" he mused. "like she can bring up a standard wallet size picture, or bring it up on a wall like a movie." he suggested. "then we can make the Locket smaller and perhaps ad a micro SD option so she can switch which pictures are cycled?" he offered, already drawing designs up on the personalized Tablet in his hands. "did Steve have any opinions on what the Locket should look like?"
“...You are quite the poet. Amusing to.”She teased grinning at him, before snickering. “Hey, I try to poke holes in his ego sometimes. No reason to let him believe he’s the best there ever will be.”Sarah snickered as she watched the two. “And he’s not winning. I think Clint’s drawing daffy duck.”She smirked a little watching the arrows hit one of the stationary targets, smirking as she eased around to the cabinet, picking up one of the bow and arrows, smirking as she nocked it, smirking as she fired, grinning as Clint nearly jumped out of his skin as it hit near his ear. “I hate you!” “No you don’t. Are you two done playing games?”

“Yes Skynet. Evil terminator and all.”Tony smirked a little before smiling. “It was a pain. So glad I didn’t have to deal with that. Our Norse Godling was bad enough.”He snickered before nodding. “Yes it is. It’s what happens when a fan orgasms at your feet.”

“What?It’s a good chair. And it’s mine. None of you people get to use it. It’s mine.”He said posessively rolling his eyes at the other amused as he nodded. “I know. If we make it small and slender she can project it into whatever she wants.”Tony agreed before nodding. “We’ll put a mirco SD card in, and have it linked to Jarvis to, so if she needs something right away without having time to get it on a SD card, she can. I mean, if its a mission or something and she needs a temporary tablet, she could use it like that to.”Tony said smiling, and while it hadn’t been put in the works, it was obvious tony was already planning on letting them join in on the avenger end of things. “No. I was thinking something simple in design, nothing that would draw to much attention, or anything. Maybe make it out of matte’d glass, so it doesn’t reflect light and give her away if she’s hiding.”Tony said well, at least he was thinking ahead to what if she went out and someone was looking for her.
he smirked a little. "well. maybe i'm just too biased to be a fair judge." he agreed with a chuckle before he blinked at the Targets. "yeah but James is drawing Mickey mouse." he pointed out, indicating one of the targets that did indeed have to large ears. he laughed loudly as Clint jumped and James paused mid fire and turned to see what all the commotion was. "we're not playing games. we are execution large shows of skillmanship to prove our dominance over the other." "" Gabriel muttered, looking extremely amused. "what Comic book did you get that from?" "Green Lantern."

"i have no idea what your talking about." Steve admitted, looking amused. "what in the world is a terminator?" he asked, shaking his head. "lucky bastard. this woman could actually control the weather... turns out she was being controlled by an evil Shaman though. turns out she was one of the X-Men." he admitted. "...Tony that's creepy. go away."

Fitz snorted. "if your not careful, James is going to kidnap your chair just to watch you freak out." he warned. "and it cannot be glass. it's too fragile. i was thinking... something like this." he showed Tony a simple design, and then used the hologram on his tablet to take the pendant apart. "see? the four gems' hide the camera lenses that bring up the holograms. and she can cycle through the pictures and videos. then she can have four micro SD cards for each lens." he looked up at Tony. "what do you think? the only problem i can think of, is what kind of materials to use. if she has to fight for her life, we don't want to have to worry about this, or the chain breaking..."
“Two snipers with a disney fixation. I feel like we should leak that to the tabloids or something, just to prove they’re normal people to.”Sarah snickered a little smirking at her father as he spoke. “It’s a good comic book.” “It is. And you just had to stop it before I proved to this bozo I’m the best.” “...You two are both clowns. I think I’ll draw bugs bunny now.”She smirked, settling in to shoot, grinning a little as Clint whistled. “Well, it seems you can teach, James. She really is doing bugs.”Clint snickered as he watched.

“...Oh my god. We’re having a movie night so you can watch that.”Tony groaned a little before laughing. “Well of course it was one of the x-men. They’re almost as bad as the fantastic four in number of screw ups.”Tony snickered before laughing as he left as ordered.

“...He would not. He enjoys blow jobs to much to risk me not giving one by stealing my chair.”Tony huffed before frowning as he looked it over, smirking. “Now this, this is why I came and got you, kid. Give me something big to build, I’ll do it. I fail at this shit.”Tony praised smiling pleased at that before frowning. “That is the only problem...the chain is easily fixed. I’ll make it out of vibrianium, light and strong.”Tony mused frowning a little as he smiled slightly. “vibrianium and diamond, strong enough to withstand anything, without having to worry about the gems breaking either.”
James snorted as Gabriel chuckled and shook his head. "it is a good comic book." Gabriel agreed as he walked over, picked up his own gun and started shooting out a picture of Tweety. "and just who where you doubting? my Protege' or me?" James asked, smirking at Clint. "it was fun though." he admitted. "we'll have to do this again. eventually i will be proven superior." he admitted, looking smug.

Fitz colored and spluttered as he always did and then coughed into his hand and shook his head. "well. that won't stop Steve, War... uh, Gabriel, Sarah, Phil, clint, Bruce, or any other untold number of people who might enjoy watching you wig out." he admitted with a grin and a shake of his head before he colored again at the praise. "you know. i keep forgetting that you can afford things like that... he admitted as he started working on the internals right there at the table. "it will have to be very thin diamond. if it is faceted, it will screw up the imagery and the holograms. Refraction is great, but not for imagery." he admitted as he used a tiny pair of tweezers to handle a micro thin strip of copper. "we're going to have to set this into the molds so the wires will have to be protected from the extreme temperatures of melted vibranium. we might have to have the Diamond set before we pour the metal as well or they might pop loose..." he muttered. "we're going to have to do this in steps. lost wax first, then make a mold..." he muttered, lost in his work not unlike what Tony did. only Fitz was still actually talking to Tony. "do you have a forge?"
“hm, your proteges. Though I’m going to have to take it back, since both of them are fairly good.”Clint snickered a little. “That was fun.”Sarah smiled a little as she set the gun down, shaking her head at her father. “hm, I’m not so sure you’re superior, papa.”She teased, looking pleased though that he was making friends.

“...They wouldn’t. It’s my chair. They would never do that.”Tony huffed making a face at that, before smiling. Amused that fitz still blushed at being praised. “I know, but if we used glass or a semi-precious jewel, and she got in a fight, there’s a higher chance she’d break it, even if it’s one in a million chance she’d do it.”Tony said shrugging a little. “And I’ll get the diamonds, I have the lasers upstairs to cut them. IT’ll be fun.”Tony grinned because it was a rarity he got to play with high powered lasers and diamonds. “We’ll set the diamonds before we pour the vibranium in. Less chance they’ll fall out then, protects the cameras better then to.”Tony mused thinking it over. “And we’ll put the slots for the SD cards on the inside, protected.”Tony grinned just as lost in work before nodding. “You’ve seen what I fly around in right?Kinda have to have a forge for the suit.”He teased amused, as he got up. “Come on. I’m going to go grab some food, and I’ll meet you in the lab. Might as well include Cap in on the process, he’ll find it interesting, and he’s using my lab.”
he nodded. "they are good. Gabriel is a bit better though. Sarah doesn't get a chance to practice as often as he does." James admitted, smiling at her. "i am superior in all things and in all ways." he stated simply. "and if i am not, it is simply because your feeble mortal minds are unable to comprehend my might." "we're taking away his Netflix Access."Gabriel ordered as he emptied his gun and set it back where he found it.

"they totally would." he warned. "Gabriel and Sarah in particular. they are a might bit mischievous." he admitted. "particularly when bored and in the company of each other." he admitted before nodding. "your right of course. i'm just not used to working with such materials." he admitted before he chuckled and nodded. "you just want to play with lasers." he teased, shaking his head. "i haven't, actually. unless you count long distance video feeds." he admitted. "personally i think your high powered Arc reactor is much more impressive. it's been running this building for two years now?" he asked, looking amused. "and will continue for about fifty more years before you have to replace it?" he asked, gathering up his things and following Tony out. "oh! and your particle...." he continued on about some of Tony's highest achievements that where often overlooked because of the shiny red robot before he realized he had forgotton something. "sorry! i'll be right back!" he promised, darting back the way they'd came.
“And maybe his access to the security feed if he’s watching Loki’s megalomaniac speeches.”Sarah teased a little before smiling a little at Gabriel. “Definitely don’t get enough as practice. I had class still.”Sarah said shrugging a ltitle smiling. “Come on you guys, lets get some food.” “What are you making?”Clint said raising his eyebrows a little. “I was thinking pizza.”Sarah said as they got into the elevator frowning slightly at the slight thump hitting the ceiling, and the sound she couldn’t quite place.

“...You’re going to make me paranoid.”Tony frowned at the other before smiling. “Of course I want to play with lasers. Lasers are fun.”Tony smiled a little before twitching, staring at him. “really?I feel like I’ve deprieved you of something. We’re going to have to correct that soon. I look amazing as iron man.”He said before laughing, “It has. Two years without a sign of being a problem.”he said looking amused at just how obsessive fitz was, in that he followed everything that was more important then tony flying around in what clint called a ‘tin can’. “No worries. I’ll be upstairs in awhile.”Tony smiled as he went to track down food, making a annoyed sound a little when jarvis informed him there was a problem, before his mind caught up to what he’d said, “Wait-What?”He demanded even as he headed for the elevator.”Shut it down. And get bruce and cap.”Tony snarled even as he ran for the emergency hatch, “Okay. J? Raise the elevator up here slowly.”he ordered wincing a little at the sight of fitz laying in a tangled mess on top of the mechanical machine, “Bruce?Best way to move him?”He called when he heard the other man coming in from the stairs, making the elevator top stop level with the floor, looking anxious as he looked down at the hurt unconscious genius.
"whose Loki?" James asked curiously, Gabriel seconding the question. "class was important." James admitted. "you need to learn things so you can have a successful life now that we aren't under the control of Hydra anymore." he admitted. "Food sounds great." he agreed, Gabriel nodding. "none of us can cook." James explained to Clint with a chuckle before he froze at the Thump and made a very hasty emergency exit, his Claustrophobia snapping into high gear at the sound that he was sure meant they where all going to die, horrible, enclosed deaths. then the alarms started up and all the doors started slamming shut, locking everyone in. Jarvis had activated the Red Alert.

"Lasers are fun." he agreed with a grin. "the suit is impressive." Fitz agreed. "but it's rather sub par compared to some of your other inventions." he teased with a grin, because even he had to agree, the Iron Man suit was the coolest thing ever. even if some of Tony's other inventions where more scientific and helpful. he wasn't really aware of what happened next, only that he'd decided to take the elevator up to the communal kitchens where Tony would be waiting for him. then he was falling and he realized that he was going to die. Jarvis told Tony that he could not bring the elevator up without taring off some of Fitz's limbs. Bruce didn't say a word, he just forced the doors open a little more and jumped down the ten feet to Fitz, the entire machine rocking as Bruce took the young genius's Vital signs before snapping orders that where quickly obeyed. a oxygen tank was tossed down by Phil and Bruce immediately started resuscitating. "there's a small pulse, but he's not breathing! someone get down here and help me stop this bleeding!" he demanded, Steve quickly leaping down and following Bruce's orders. "we're out of the way of the wires Jay! bring us up!" Bruce demanded. "Tony! get the backboard!"
“A asgardian prince who totally went bat-shit insane on new york last year. He’s responsible for the invasion of chitauri and all.”Sarah shrugged a little before sighing softly. “I’m learning plenty. Between art and all the stuff Tony has in the library, it’ll be fine.”Sarah smiled a little before wincing as Clint scrambled out of the car, swallowing hard as she heard the alarms starting. Trying hard to not panic, even if her hands were fidgeting, absently running over her sides, finding the weapons she had, because she never went anywhere unarmed, and this was freaking her out.”Guys?Fitz was hurt. You’re going to be stuck for a few until we can get him off the elevator. Sit tight.”Tony’s voice said, filtering through the speakers, sounding stressed and scared.

“What?No it’s not. The suit is amazing and you know it. You just don’t want to admit it’s the best thing in the world.”Tony huffed in amusement though. “I got it.”Tony growled sounding stressed and worried even as the elevator got moving, getting the back brace before returning, handing it over to steve, knowing better then to try and help bruce, his hands shaking to hard to be sure he wouldn’t hurt fitz. “Jay!Lock down the rest of the building to.”Tony called, even knowing the AI would have done it, but still ordered it, knowing whoever did this wasn’t getting far. Stepping back he winced a little as he realized just how was in the elevator, already returning to the med lab to start getting ready for bruce moving fitz to it, wrapping a arm around simmons as the genius appeared, dedicating his focus into helping calm the woman even as they watched bruce, trying to keep phil’s team steady and not freaking out even as they all gathered.
"Asgardian?" James asked, puzzled as Gabriel stared at her like she was insane. "Asgard. like, Norse mythology?" he asked, scoffing. "oh, i think you'll make a good living on your artwork, but you should still be smart." James admitted, smiling at her before whimpering as the doors closed before he could escape, leaning against the doors before jumping at the sound of Tony's voice. shit! he liked Fitz. "hey. James. hey. it's okay. take some deep breaths..." Gabriel ordered when he realized that James was panicking, pausing as something wet, and red landed on the back of his hand. Fitz's blood was leaking through the top f the elevator.

"the suit is cool, i'll grant you, but your subatomic analyzer was cooler." he teased with a grin. "alright, i'll admit, it's pretty awesome." he agreed with a chuckle. Bruce was working hard to get Fitz breathing again, but the boy just didn't want to cooperate. having a crushed Sternum tended to do that to a person. "Someone go to the medical and get the breathing Tubes ready!" Bruce ordered. "i'm breathing for him right now but it won't last long!" he warned as he worked hard. Jarvis assuring Tony that the building was on full lock-down and that the person responsible was trapped in the stairwell with no way in or out. Bruce was already arranging Fitz on the large board that would keep his back straight so they wouldn't risk breaking it anymore than it might already have been. once Fitz was on the body board they moved him onto the stretcher, heading to the emergency medical section of the tower. there was already a surgeon on route, as well as an assistant so that they could get Fitz up and going again as soon as possible. they just had to keep him breathing long enough fr them to get there.
“Yes, like the norse mythology. Thor comes around and fights with the team every once in awhile. Don’t look at me like that, it’s true!”Sarah growled before smiling a little. “I’m plenty smart. And plenty of people to learn from here. It’ll be fine.”She said before shifting closer to james, eyes widening as she saw the blood dropping in on gabriel’s hand, “Hey, deep breaths with me okay?Sit. We’re going to sit.”Sarah said pushing james down to the floor leaning a little over him to keep the blood from dropping onto him, afraid of freaking him out again, looking anxious as she waited to see what would happen.

“I got it!We’re ready for you. And a surgeon’s already on the way.”Tony yelled back even as him and skye got things ready, frantically working to get everything ready for the doctor so they could just work. Stepping back as the surgeon and assistant got there, letting them work, to anxious to stay and watch the surgery, “Cap, come help me.”Tony muttered as he grabbed steve’s arm, nodding towards the elevator, having a feeling the people trapped in there were freaking out. Swallowing hard as he got jarvis to bring up the elevator to the floor and open the doors, “Guys?”He said trying to keep his voice steady even if all he wanted to do was crawl in james’ arms, and cling to his boyfriend.
James chuckled a little as Gabriel shook his head, wondering if Sarah had lost her mind. then again... hadn't he met an Asgardian? "hey! i remembered something!" Gabriel gasped, looking delighted. "something recent!" he admitted. "i met Lady Sif, and Lorelei... that bitch!" he complained, scowling. "i met a berserker too. that was... a lot less fun." he admitted. "actually... asgardians on a whole are very unpleasant..." he grumbled before focusing on James who was well past freaking out and was going into 'i can't handle this'.

"Alright! let's get him moving as soon as we're clear!" Bruce ordered, doing exactly as he said and racing off with Fitz while Skye and Simmons huddled together to watch and comfort each other. James was sitting where he had been positioned and was staring blankly at nothing. he'd done this before. Bruce said it was a 'coping technique'. a bad one. it would take him a while to snap out of it, but being close to people seamed to help.
“You did?That’s fairly cool.”Sarah said looking amused a little and pleased at gabriel’s memories coming back.

“Hey James, we’re going to get you moving okay?Cleaned up. You’ll feel better.”Tony said rambling even as he got the other moving, focusing on his boyfriend, babbling about absolutely nothing and everything as he got all three of them cleaned up, made sure the blood wasn’t on any of them before settling them on the couch, to wait. Figuring it wouldn’t be a good thing to let them go down to the surgery room, not trusting any of them to watch that.

Hours later Tony looked up tiredly from where he was laying on the couch with James, the other’s head resting on his chest, absently playing with the brunette’s hair as he looked up at bruce. “...Is he out of surgery?”He muttered softly, looking worried that bruce would say no, that he had died on the operating table. So worried, and scared that he’d lost someone he’d grown to care for.

“ okay?”Sarah muttered as she eased back onto the lounge chair with gabriel, having been sitting on her own, giving him space, but feeling needy and wanting comfort, easing onto the soft chair with a bowl of popcorn, shifting to rest against gabriel’s side, looking up anxious when she saw bruce walking in.
James didn't say a word, though he did move where he was directed and let them clean him up without any fuss. the puddle of blood had gotten too big t avoid so all three of them had it on them. he curled up with Tony on the couch, already starting to tremble form the shock.

Gabriel on the other hand looked over at Srah and swallowed thickly, shaking his head. "he's just a kid. someone just tried, very hard to kll him and they might have succeeded. i had hoped that with me being out of Hydra, i wouldn't have to deal with things like this anymore." he admitted, looking over at Bruce. James had, by this time, settled back down, but still hadn't said a word. "He's out of surgery, yes... but..." Bruce sighed. "he's still not breathing on his own, his pulse is weak and... i honestly don't know if he's going to wake up. even if he does, the lack of oxygen to his brain and body could have long lasting, or even permanent damage." Bruce admitted softly. "he's in bad shape Tony... very bad." he admitted. "we're going to hope for the best and do everything we can, but even if he wakes up the chance of him being semi paralyzed is... it's to the point where you hope it's just from the waist down instead of the whole body." he admitted as he sat down and set his head in his hands. "there's nothing else we can do but hope." "and pray." James admitted softly. "we should pray for Fitz." Gabriel stood and headed over to James, taking his hand so they could pray together. Steve joined them, all of them praying silently for Fitz to be okay.
Sarah nodded a little, looking worried about him, and everyone. “I know. But sometimes bad things happen, even if you are in the best protected tower in the city.”Sarah muttered looking up at bruce. “...Damn.Fucking hell.”Tony muttered staring at the floor, swallowing hard. “He’ll have the best care he can get. I’ll make sure of it.”Tony said quietly, relaxing a little as james spoke, nodding. “You should.”Tony muttered, shifting to let james sit up, watching the small group pray even as he moved away. “I’m going to the lab.”He muttered needing to work, now that he knew he was still alive, he needed away from the press of people and worries, needing to work.

But a half hour later, had Jarvis interrupting the prayer hour, sounding genuinely sorry for it.”Captain? You are needed down in the garage lab please. And hurry, Sir is...he is not doing well.”Jarvis said sounding genuninely worried and upset about his creator, which was never a good sign when it concerned Tony. And indeed instead of retreating to the lab...well, he had gone to the lab for a bit, but it’d given him to much time to think, so the man had gotten thinking about why this had happened, which was what had ended up with tony down on the garage level with all his nice sports cars and discarded projects, wearing just the gauntlets to his suit, because with them on, he packed enough of a punch to seriously hurt someone. And well, he was beating the living hell out of the man who’d dared hurt fitz.
he nodded. "i know." he whispered, closing his eyes. "i know..." he muttered with a sigh. "we will." James promised. praying hard for Fitz, who was connected to as many life support systems as money could buy and the best doctor from the loal hospitals. the man specialized in heavy trauma cases like this one. if anyone could help Fitz pull through it was Dr. Flay.

Steve wasted no time getting there, racing down the stairwells by simply leaping over the balconies and falling a story or two at a time. the man who had pushed Fitz down the Elevator was one of Tony's personally picked workers who, when questioned claimed it because he 'loved Tony' and 'was protecting Tony'. the delusional idiot honestly thought Tony would be glad to be rid of Fitz. well, he was learning the error of his ways now. Steve moved into the room, took stock of the situation and let Tony have one more strike before he caught the others wrists in his and held him still, leaving the would be murderer on the floor, sobbing and bleeding. "that's enough Tony." Steve ordered. "Fitz wouldn't want you to be a murderer. not for him." Steve warned. "besides, Dr. Flay called us. Fitz is already working out of the Coma. Dr. Flay says that his chances of survival have increased Dramatically. he's started breathing on his own now too. it's only for a few seconds at a time, but it's better than what he was doing." Steve explained. "we have to stay strong Tony. could you look Fitz in the eye if you killed someone in cold blood like this? you think Shield isn't going to rain hell down on this man for what he did?"
Tony snarled, pissed as his risk was caught, straining, but with only with the gauntlets on, and without the rest of the suit, he wasn’t strong enough to break the captain’s hold on him. Turning his head he looked up at the blond holding onto him, anger and pain in his features, panting, straining to get away, but utterly helpless to get away from him. Tense and angry as he looked up at the other, before relaxing, breathing slowly, “....Yes. I could.”Tony looked down at the man at his feet, for once not looking like the brilliant over the top billionaire, but a man who’d been pushed to far, by to many blows, and this final one had snapped something, looking coldly collected. “No you couldn’t, and you know it. We’ll take it from here, Stark. Agent Coulson asked if I would see to it that he was shown to a cell.”Sarah said as she walked into the room with gabriel and james, looking down at the man, a cold smirk twisting her lips as she dragged him to his feet. “Come along, idiot. I want to introduce you to your worst nightmare. His name is Coulson, and he really does....”Sarah’s quiet threats and utter amusement at scaring the scientist as she left the room leaving tony smile quietly as he watched her go.

“....He thought he was doing me a favor.”Tony muttered slumping, swallowing hard. Making a choked sound before scrambling for the trashcan, and despite having been emotionally closed off, the man was feeling sick about it as he threw up. Yea, despite being a utter badass in a fight, how close he’d come to outright killing the man, and getting a friend killed, sickened him,
Steve shook his head a little. "no you couldn't. even worse you couldn't stand to face yourself if you killed that man, no matter how much you want to or he deserves it." Steve stated stern;y. "i won't let you do that to yourself." he admitted, turning to blink at Sarah. he hadn't realized Phil had accepted her into the Shield program. of course, she could be bluffing. "take him." Steve agreed, the man sobbing as he was dragged away, babbling that he was sorry an that he loved tony and that he was sure Tony would forgive him if they just let him explain. truly delusional. "Phil's probably going to experiment on that man you know that right?" he asked, stroking Tony's hair. "he's sick Tony." Steve explained. "just because he thought it, doesn't make it right or true. he was deluded and dangerous." he stated simply, following Tony to the trashcan and carefully kept Tony from falling in. "it's okay Tony." he whispered. "it's okay, truly it is." he promised, handing him a cool glass of water to rinse his mouth out with. "come on. you me and James are going to snuggle for a while." he ordered, picking Tony up. "Dr. Flay said he'd contact us through Jarvis at any change." he promised. "and Phil's going to take his time with that prisoner."
“...You look after me, even when I don’t deserve it.”Tony muttered shuddering a little. Looking slightly amused as Sarah left. Wondering if she was bluffing, or really had been accepted. Though considering it was Phil, he wouldn’t be surprised if Phil accepted the super soldier into the programming. Turning over that problem, distracted for the moment as he considered that. “Probably. We’ll find out some interesting stuff if he does.”Tony muttered shuddering as steve stroked his hair, resting his forehead on the edge of the trashcan as he fought for control. Taking the glass of water he straightened slowly, sipping it before sipping it out, washing out his mouth before yelping as he was picked up. “Me and two super soldiers in bed with me. I’ve had wet dreams that started like this.”Tony huffed, resting his head against the other’s chest, not really aware of what he was sawying, having mentally checked out for the moment, and despite his attraction, he was still fighting it. “Hm, I’m sure he’ll enlist help...I widow....hawkeye....your daughter....gabriel...may.... We have alot of people who are really good at taking time with prisoners living here.”he muttered smiling sickly as he saw james as they got to the penthouse. “Hey...”he muttered.

“...So good of you to join us, Director. I was just having a informative talk with our lover boy here.”Sarah said from where she was perched on the back of a chair watching Clint and natasha go to town on the man, looking up at Phil. “It seems he’s been stalking everyone’s favorite billionaire for awhile now. Has some interesting photos that I really should share with James. I mean, if anyone should be jealous of this fucker stalking Tony, it should be his boyfriend.”Sarah snickered because she was just enjoying the sounds the bastard made every time she mentioned tony actually having someone else besides him. And while she'd probably regret being this coldly psychopathic later, for the moment she was enjoying watching him break.
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