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Hidden (lady/moon)

Tony frowned as he walked into the living room, looking confused as he paused to listen. Wondering just what the guys were up to since they weren’t in the living room. Shaking his head in amusement he wondered what James was confused about this time. “Jamie, if you can’t figure out the sh-”Tony paused as he walked into the bedroom, tilting his head a little as he watched the two, appreciating the sight for a long moment before clearing his throat as he looked at the two in his bed. “Get out.”He ordered coldly, ice cold and in control as he stepped into the bedroom to let the two get out of the room.

“I think so to. But he’s going to be okay. You know him and tony are just going to go back to talking up a storm, so it’ll be okay.”Sarah smiled looking at him, tilting her head, nodding.”If you want to. What where you thinking about?”
James looked up, confused at Tony's tone, startled and looking rather hurts as Steve choked and pulled back, looking startled as well. "Tony? James you said you talked to him!" Steve protested, getting to his feet. "Tony wait!...." he winced as the door was slammed and he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "...why's Tony angry?" James asked, upset, mostly because Tony was upset. "Because he thinks you cheated on him... you kind of did, you said you talked to him!" "i did! i swear i did!" James protested, sounding more and more upset. "come on. let's give him time to calm down and then i'll come up and talk to him." he promised James. "we'll get it worked out." he promised.

he nodded. "i don't know... i was thinking maybe a journal. so he can write things down so he won't forget them." he muttered. "it's a stupid idea i think..."
Tony sighed softly as he slammed the door, feeling childish and hurt, acting out as he collapsed back onto the bed. “Sir’s asked that you two leave the penthouse, please. It seems that Ms. Potts is on her way up, and he’d rather not have you two fucking in the front hallway when she arrives..”Jarvis said sounding both upset on tony’s behalf, and understanding, because the AI better then anyone understood just how emotionally compromised tony could be, the words repeated word for word where if given the option, jarvis would have changed it to be less angry and hurt. Tony knew it would only buy him a little time before he had to talk to them, but he needed to deal with pepper first. Which was why when Steve came up later he found the two somewhere between screaming at each other and making out like horny teenagers even as they kept arguing. You could say alot of things about tony and pepper, but the fact was, that they’d always been attracted to each other, even if their lives hadn’t fitted right. And tony was angry and hurt enough to be self destructive in seducing her.

“No, no it’s not. I like it.”Sarah smiled leaning down to kiss his cheek, nudging him. “Come on. I’m sure we can convince phil or Clint to go out with us, we can go shopping.”She smiled at the idea. Pleased that he wanted to do it.
they both paused and then Steve scowled. "Pepper has no place being here." he growled even as he ushered James out of the penthouse. "you watch her closely Jarvis! if she says one wrong thing to Tony you make any excuse you can to have them separated." he suggested. Steve lifted an eyebrow wen he saw the two of them, basically screaming at each other while making out. he didn't bother feeling hurt or jealous. he knew Tony was always going to want Pepper. "Tony." he called, examining him and Pepper. "should i come back later?" he asked. "please remember that you hate her just as much as you love her, and if she hurts you again i'm legally bound to remove her ovaries." he warned, sounding just a little bit amused amidst all the worry. "seriously though, Jarvis made me come up, he thinks your not 'functioning at reasonable levels to make proper decisions.'... i'm inclined to think he's right."

he smiled a little. "okay." he agreed, feeling pleased that he could do something to help Fitz. it took him a good two hours to pick just the right one and then bought twelve of them so Fitz would have one for every day of the year. Phil was more than happy to help, since he'd been quite worried about Gabriel's self hate problem.
“Huh?”Tony blinked stupidly as he raised his head, staring at the super soldier even as he rested his hands on pepper’s waist, shuddering as she nibbled on his neck. “....Legally bound, huh?”He said, trying to pull together enough to think. “I’m fine, El Capitan . Just go away.”Tony ordered because once he cleared his head enough to think and remember why he had his tongue down his ex’s throat, or why he had a fierce desire to not see his best friend. “You heard him. Go.”pepper said raising her head to glare at hte blond captain, who she hated nerly as much as he disliked her.

Sarah grinned amused at the sight of him getting all the journals, pleased that he had gotten out for a bit. Her good mood lasting until she walked into their apartment, pausing at the sight of james furiously using the computer. “Papa?”
Steve narrowed his eyes at her when she gave him a command and he was moving before any of them could even react. "You, do not give orders here Pepper Potts!" he hissed, grabbing her and lifting her over his head as he marched her out of the room and into the elevator. "i think it's time you left! Phil, see to it that she leaves! Jarvis! take her down!" Steve demanded. "she's done enough damage to Tony as it is!" he growled, Phil looking a bit startled at the orders, since he'd been heading down to check in with Shield. "i'll see her out Captain." Phil promised, glancing at her. "really, Pepper." he chastised once the doors had closed. "do you have to antagonize him like that?"

Gabriel blinked a little as he walked in, curiously examining the computer. "...oh dear..." "Tony's mad at me and i can't figure out why." James explained. "Steve said he was going to talk to Tony but i want to apologize myself... and i will... just as soon as i figure out why i'm apologizing..."
Pepper yelped as he grabbed her arm, but didn’t protest as he walked her to the door, even though she could hear tony’s angry sputtering. Quiet until the doors closed she slanted a glance towards Phil, a quiet pain in her eyes. She knew just how damaged she’d left tony, “I did. Because if Tony’s yelling at him for escorting me out, he’s talking to him. You know tony. He would have holed up in the lab and ignored them both. Antagonizing them both gets them talking.”Pepper said,because while she couldn’t fix the damage she’d done, she was aware of just how deeply she’d hurt the genius, to late to do anything about it, but she could give steve a opening to try.

“You can see yourself out to then.”Tony said even as he turned away and headed for the stairs that led down to the lab, ignoring the blond shadow following him as he punched in the code to get in, heading for the motorcylce on the far end of the room, pausing in front of it, looking torn and upset as he fidgetted, holding the wrench in his hand, moments away from bashing it over the vincent black shadow, such a good bike for steve, wanting to ruin it, to hurt steve as badly as he was hurting, but not quite able to do it yet.

“...What happened?I mean, tony’s not someone who gets mad just because.”Sarah said frowning at the man, looking confused and upset, ready to hurt tony if he’d upset james for something stupid, sitting down next to him.
Phil had to smile. "your a good woman Pepper. care for some lunch?" he offered. he knew she hadn't meant the things she did. hadn't realized she had done them. it was just in her personality to control. Tony had let her, and the damage had gotten extensive the longer they had stayed together without either of them realizing they where doing it. "Steve only dislikes you because you upset Tony." he assured her. "once he realizes your not doing it on purpose he'll stop antagonizing you back." he promised. "come on. there's a new bakery in town. i'll buy you a Croissant."

Steve followed Tony without a word and settled into the main part of the lab to wait Tony out. he knew the man would be back to yell at him soon enough. "Are you going to come out here and beat on me like you want to or not?" Steve finally asked. he knew Tony wouldn't let him back there in the 'i'm building this for someone' part of the lab so he said it from his usual chair in the lab. "you do realize that James has no idea what he did wrong?" he asked. "and i thought that he had talked to you about a potential threesome between us three." he admitted, studying the opaque wall separating them. "Tony please... i don't want to ruin things between us... let's talk about this, okay?"

"i'm not sure..." James admitted, frowning. "i was just giving Steve a blowjob." he admitted. "i was sure Tony would be okay with it. he likes Steve too. maybe he was upset because he wanted to have Steve first?" he wondered, scowling at the computer screen. "i know Tony doesn't mind threesomes. he said so before..."
Pepper smiled, “I would love some. I was supposed to eat with Tony, but he got sidetracked.”she snickered a little shaking her head. Because she would always love the mad scientist of a billionaire, but they’d destroy each other if they had stayed together. “Hm, a croissant sounds amazing.”She smiled. “And you can fill me in on everything else that Tony doesn’t think is important enough to inform me about.”she snickered, because tony was tony, and things other people would want to know, just wasn’t important to him.

Tony frowned as he turned to look at the blacked out glass, glaring at it even as he shifted, twisting, throwing, and grinned savagely as the wrench spiderwebbed the glass but didn’t totally shatter it, tossing himself into the rolling chair, slumping down, not wanting to talk to the other but not telling him to go away either. “...You knew better., And you know why. Just-Go. I’ll let you guys stay, I don’t care. Just....go, Captain.”Tony said sounding so hurt and pained, because in the end it hadn’t been what him and pepper had been as a couple, or really her being a superhero’s girlfriend, in the end, she’d fallen in love with someone else. The one time he’d tried having a functioning threesome, to fill both their need for each other, but also togive pepper someone else to rely on when tony was on a invention run, or away.... Only to have her want Rhodey more then she wanted him. Not realizing that pepper had stepped away to save him from himself, simply thinking he wasn’t good enough, would always be someone’s second choice. Even if he still talked to Rhodey, cause really, he was happy for the couple, was glad to see both him and pepper happy, it still hurt. Had left a wound that had left him vulnerable and quietly bleeding to death. “Go away!”Tony growled as he walked out of the back part of the lab, anger and pain twisting his features, hands fisted at his sides, seriously wanting to hurt him, but not able to.

“...Uh...Maybe? What are you looking up anyways?”Sarah said frowning at the screen, glancing at gabriel before frownign. “Wait. Did you ask tony what he thought about a threesome? In plain words, with steve involved, and not just a vague question to see what he thought?"
he chuckled a little. "are you so surprised." he asked curiously. "in any case i can't fault you for letting him seduce you. he is a dish isn't he?" he asked with a grin. "not as handsome as my Clint is, but still... you know i have a friend in the Air force. submissive, meek little thing." he offered eyes twinkling as he talked about Rhodey, picking on the man because he wasn't there to defend himself. "not important such as the fact that both James and Steve are trying, and failing to invite him into a threesome? important like how one of Tony's personally invited workers has been stalking Tony for years now and actually thought you where encouraging him because you smiled in his general direction once? or important like how Steve has a daughter he never knew about?" he asked, well aware she was now gaping at him. "also, he's horribly depressed and thinks it's his fault that Fitz has permanent brain damage and will never walk again." he admitted with a sigh. "this last week has majorly sucked."

he shook his head. "i didn't actually. i was under the impression that you had given James permission to sleep with me." Steve admitted. "i really shouldn't have known better than to think you had. your you, after all. loyal to a fault..." he admitted. "i'm not going anywhere Tony, until we talk about this properly. James and i never meant to hurt you. we both want you so bad it hurts Tony... the only one who isn't accepting that we both want you is you." he admitted. "i won't go away. why don't you come out here and make me?" Steve asked, lounging in his chair. "or better yet, why don't you stop hiding nd come over here and kiss me?"

"of course i did!" James protested, sulking as she looked at the screen. which was up on a page that read 'my threesome is dysfunctional?'. definitely not the page he was looking for. "i think i did...." he admitted before he paused. "...maybe i didn't.. is that why hes mad at me?"
“Not really. We tend to get distracted even if we’re trying not to.”Pepper snickered before laughing. “he is quite a dish, and I’ve already met this friend. It’s not nice making fun of him when he’s not here to defend himself.”She teased before staring at the other man. “..Yes. Yes all those things. I’m going to kill him for not telling me. How is it he talks to rhodey every night, and I still don’t get to hear these things!?”Pepper scowled shaking her head. “I might kill him. I mean really.”Pepper huffed shaking her head before frowning, realizing exactly what had happened. “...Do they know why Tony’s resisting being with them both?”She asked as she ordered her food, guilt twisting her features. She knew what her leaving him for rhodey had done to the billionaire, but the fact that they’d all managed to hide it, to keep anyone from finding out about it, only writing it off as a separation of personalities....because tony had been afraid of what his team would have done if they’d known just how hurt he’d been by the choice. Wondering if tony had told them, or simply stonewalled into not talking about it.

“...Well I hadn’t. I don’t do threesomes anymore.”Tony muttered as he spun his chair a little, looking like a sulking kid as he sat there, frowning at the door as he realized that the other wasn’t going anywhere before pushing his chair to the doorway, wheeling closer to the captain, anger in that look as he looked at him. “Go. I’ll get Sarah up here and carry your ass out if you don’t.”He growled sounding upset.

Sarah looked thoughtful as she leaned against him, frowning as she saw the page, “Do you feel dysfunctional?”She asked, frowning a little before sighing quietly. This was so messed up. She felt bad for all three of them. “Probably. He was probably surprised. You know he doesn’t do well with emotional things.”she reminded him gently
he laughed brightly and nodded. "your boyfriend was mean to me so i'm calling him names." he admitted with a boyish grin and a shrug. "well, in Tony's defense, he hasn't had the ability to really cope with it yet." he admitted. "i think he's mostly in the 'denial' stage still. Fitz only just woke up this morning, and Gabriel... he was Grant Ward, the traitor i told you about? he's apparently been completely mind controlled and we've been having trouble keeping him from doing something stupid. like leaping off the roof of the tower. then we have James, Bucky Barnes? who won't set a step in the elevator anymore because he was trapped inside when Fitz hit the top of it." he admitted, shaking his head a little. "i think Steve suspects, which is probably why he reacted so strongly to him having his tongue shoved down your throat." he admitted, looking amused. "James is completely clueless unfortunately. he's not.. all there, mentally. he's extremely innocent in many ways, James is." he admitted. "so they don't actually know, but Steve has his suspicions." Phil admitted as he opened the door for her.

"why? because Pepper and Rhodey had the sense to realize they where hurting you more than they where helping you?" Steve demanded, lifting an eyebrow. "you did a very good job hiding it, but i can read between the lines." he admitted. "i'm not going to leave until we talk about this, and Sarah won't come down until James has calmed down. he has no idea what he did Tony. you have to understand that. if you don't want a threesome then say so, but it's not fair to lock James out like this when he's so dependent on you. and it's also not fair for you to make him choose who he loves more. yes, i said it James loves you, and i do too and i have for a while." Steve admitted, gripping Tony's wrist so he couldn't run away. "all i want is for you to be happy, whatever that takes. if it means you being with James and only James then that's fine." he promised. "but i want you to say it, and i want you to honest to god mean it."

he shrugged. "i don't know. what's that mean? i just clicked it because it said 'threesome' and in the bottom it said 'how to fix it'... it's not helpful." he admitted as he sighed. "yes well. neither do i unfortunately. all that time on the ice and being brain washed a lot of my emotional responses have been muted, dulled or even erased completely." he admitted. "that's what Bruce said. things like jealousy, rage, depression, fear for myself, fight or flight responses have all but been deleted from my brain. the ability to tell right from wrong too, though i know intellectually that killing people is bad." he admitted with a chuckle as he rubbed at his eyes.
“Ah. Well, that explains why he laughed when I told him I was coming to visit.”Pepper huffed rolling her eyes a little before sighing, shaking her head. “You really have had a shitty week.”she sighed before nodding. “I remember...I want to wrap you all up and bubble wrap and order you guys to stop trying to save teh world. It’s just messing you up.”Pepper said looking worried about him, about them all before sighing quietly. “Well, that’s better then nothing then.”She said as she walked in, frowning slightly. “I was going to go home tonight, but if you think I should talk to Steve before I go...”She trailed off, to worried about tony to simply run away no matter how angry they might be or upset.

“...They left because I wasn’t enough!I never am. Not for pepper, not for Rhodey. Definitely not for you two. Just go be happy together.”Tony demanded pacing a little, sounding woundedly angry, well aware that he wasn’t enough for either man, that he had no right to ask this. He’d known he’d lose james, but it was going to kill him this time if he tried this and it failed. Like everything he really wanted always did. Snarling as he felt Steve gripping his wrist he tried to pull away, very, very close to utter panic at steve’s words. “Life isn’t fair, Tony!”He snarled, sounding hollow, not even aware he was talking to himself more then he was steve, jerking at his wrist.”Now let go, let go let go, leggo...”He said looking at the other with wide panicked brown eyes, something broken in that look, pushed to hard, pushed into a memory, and drowning.

“Oh. Dysfunctional means it’s not working. I’m sure it’s not. You said steve is talking to him?He’ll sort it out.”Sarah sighed quietly before nodding, wrappign her arms around him. “I know.”She muttered worried about him, laughing quietly. “I think everyone knows that its wrong.”She pointed out pressing a kiss to his head. “You’d probably feel better talking to tony, rather then just sitting here you know.”
he snorted. "yes. because Super gluing my hand to my face was ever so amusing. just like how me filling his entire office with ping pong balls was equally as amusing." he sighed. "very shitty." he agreed before he chuckled. "Pepper if we don't do it, no one will. and if no one does, then people like Hydra are in control. and if you thought the idea of Hitler being in control was bad, this is even worse." he admitted. "we have to protect the world, because if we don't, then it's doomed." he shook his head. "you'd be better off going home, Steve's too stubborn to listen to anything you say tonight anyway." he admitted. "he's too upset about upsetting Tony to do anything other than fret and be mad at you." he admitted.

"they left because you where being hurt!" Steve scoffed. "do you really think Pepper would ever abandon you!? i hate her filthy girly guts and i know better than to think she just got bored of you! and your even stupider to think i could ever be happy with James without you!" he stated sternly. "you think i can take care of James?! i can't even take care of myself Tony! me and James would murder each other before the week was out without you to buffer between us! James and i. we're too broken to function together. we don't fit together anymore. we need you Tony. and even if i can't have you, don't abandon James." he stared at Tony, dispassionate as Tony yelled at him. "Life isn't fair. if it was James wouldn't have been reduced to he emotional level of a toddler. if it was fair, Fitz wouldn't be laying downstairs. if life was fair, you and Gabriel wouldn't blame yourselves for every little bit of anything that gos wrong. Life isn't fair, so we have to do what we can to keep each other together. you have a chance here Tony. a chance to really, truly be happy and your pushing it away because your a coward." he paused at Tony's panicked ramblings and let him go, looking worried. "Tony?"

"oh... well i guess it is right then. it's not working... i just don't understand why. i love Tony, Tony loves me. Steve loves Tony, Tony loves Steve, and me an Steve love each other... so why isn't it working?" he asked, scowling at the computer screen. he sighed and leaned back into her, shaking his head. "Steve's talking to Tony. i think they're probably yelling right now." he admitted. "i'd rather wait till morning, i don't want to yell at Tony." he admitted with a huff and a shake of his head. "i'm going to sit here and research some more."
“...I was there when he opened that door. It was fairly amusing.”Pepper snickered a little before sighing quietly. “I know. And it’s part of why I left tony. But it doesn’t make me feel any better watching this.”Pepper said before sighing, nodding. “I’ll come back in a few weeks then. Tony’s to upset to do any of the work I came to help him with anyways.”She smiled as she finished her food, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “you’ll watch out for them wont you?”

Tony looked at him as he spoke, eyes wide and nearly hopeful, maybe....Shaking his head he swallowed hard, “I-I don’t...I can’t...”he panted flinching at the dispassionate tone, trembling a little as he looked around him, trembling harder like a fly stung horse as the other spoke, slumping down into his chair, staring down at the floor, “....Not a coward.”He muttered and it would take a moment to realize he was crying. “Not a coward...I’m not...”He swallowed hard, not that Steve had managed to break through the shields that he’d built for years, high walled and nearly unbreakable, even when others managed to get close to him, there had still had been a emotional distance, a part of tony that had remained untouched. But the recent events, and this argument had imploded the shields on each other, leaving the billionaire oh so vulnerable, more childlike then he had been since he’d been a child. Reverting to the child who howard had hurt so badly, having steve scold him like this, had reminded him of his own overbearing father, who’d used steve’s memory to abuse a child who’d only wanted to make him happy, and always fallen short. Now having steve yell at him for not understanding, of being closed off and falling was breaking him a little. But it was probably a good breaking in the long run.

“Tony’s had a lot of relationships, papa. And hurt by a lot of people. He’s probably just upset and not thinking right. He’ll figure out you didn’t mean this as a breakup, simply meant to bring steve in with him. Probably freaked out thinking you were leaving him.”Sarah muttered sighing before resting her head against his. “You sure?You might get some sleep, if you think talking to tony tomorrow’s going to be hard.”
he snickered a little and shook his head. "i know Pepper. but it will work out." he promised her. "alright. shall i send you a text when things calm down?" he asked, his head tilted at her. "i always do." he promised, kissing her cheek before he headed back tot he Tower.

"Tony. you can. your just frightened, and i can understand that. we're not going to rush this, i promise. we'll go at your speak and follow your ques. you're the boss." he promised with a smile as he gently stroked the others cheek. "Tony. of course your not a coward." he scoffed. "i only said that to piss you off." he admitted as he pulled the other into a hug. "anyone's whose done all the shit you've done, anyone's whose lived through the shit you have. no one could ever call you a coward. your the bravest, strongest man i ave ever met." he promised. "i know it hurts, and i know it's hard. but wouldn't it be worth it in the end? to at least try? even if it doesn't work, wouldn't you rather have tried, then to live the rest of your life wondering what could have been? even if we don't work as a threesome, we're here for life Tony. we won't ever leave you. we're here to stay. as lovers, as brothers, as friends, it doesn't matter. i will always be here for you."

he nodded. "i know." he admitted before he paused and contemplated that. " think he's upset because he thought i wanted Steve more than him?" he asked, looking startled before he nodded. "i can fix that." he admitted witha bright grin. "thanks My Kitten." he muttered, kissing her temple. "you know, your the best daughter a father could ever have... you have no idea how proud i am of you." he admitted with a smile. "i'm going to go out." he decided. "i think i'll take Natasha with me. she can keep her mouth shut." he muttered. "and she might even know where to go..." he muttered, grabbing his jacket and heading out, Gabriel chuckling. "he's obsessed." Gabriel admitted with a smile. "but at least he's happy, right?"
“Do.”Pepper smiled a little watching him go, and trying not to worry to much.

“I like being the boss...”he muttered turning his head a little into the other’s hand, sighing shakily as he slumped into the other, wrapping a arm around his waist, holding onto the blond. Pillowing his head on the other’s shoulder, he slumped tiredly into him, emotionally wrung out. “...Kay. We’ll try this thing....after we talk to jamie...need to talk to him first.”he muttered trailing off, and amusingly enough, that was a quiet little snuffle as the exhausted emotional man fell asleep clinging to the blond super soldier.

“I do. I’m sure it’s something stupid and very reasonable, if he’d talked to you before running away.”Sarah said before smiling, “Your welcome papa.”She said blushing slightly at the nickname, “I’m sure I have some idea. Be careful.”She said snickering a little as he left, wondering just what kind of present tony was going to end up with, grinning up at gabriel, “Hm, he is happy. Which is good.”She smiled stretching, yawning. “We should get some sleep. You wanted to give your present to Fitz tomorrow.”She said worried about him to.

“ head is killing me...”Tony muttered groaning as he squeezed his eyes shut, refusing to wake up, crying having stuffed up his head and made his head ache like someone was driving a railroad spike through his temple.
Steve chuckled. "i know you do." he admitted as he cradled Tony. "okay. we'll talk to James." he promised with a smile and a shake of his head as he realized Tony was sleeping. he just picked him up and carried him to bed.

"i'm sure." James agreed with a grin as James nodded. "i always am." he promised while Gabriel chuckled. "i have a feeling whatever it is, it's going to be perverted." he admitted with a grin. "yeah. sleep would be good... do you think you could give Fitz the present for me? i don't think he'd like seeing me too much right now..." he admitted as he examined the wrapped box he had payed extra to get. that and the leather stamper so he could stamp titles into the covers.

Steve chuckled as he shifted next to Tony. he hadn't wanted to leave the other alone, so he'd just slept with Tony. "i imagine so." he admitted as he nudged Tony into a sitting position and pressed an aspirin into one hand and a cup of strong coffee into the other. "here, drink up." he ordered with a smile. Tony finished his cup of Coffee just in time because all of a sudden James was there, tearing through the room, every step causing the sound of a bell to ring through the air. he leaped onto the bed, squirmed in-between Tony and Steve and sat there, looking very smug as Steve stared. "what are you wearing!?" he demanded, half amused and half scandalized. around Jame's neck was a thick black leather collar with red paw-prints around it. a metal plate proclaimed, in pretty cursive writing 'Property of Tony Stark', and dangling from there was a human sized cat bell that jingled every time he moved. "i can't decide if i'm aroused or horrified." Steve admitted as he stared at James, who just looked even more smug.
“...Probably. And the less said on that topic, the better. I mean there goes the 1940s biggest slut of new york, to make up with the current slut of new york, with a gift and another super soldier in tow. It’s going to be scarring for me. I mean kids shouldn’t get to now about their parents sex lives.”She whined a little before nodding, “I’ll give them to him.”She promised taking the box from him and setting it on the table, smiling as she headed for the bedroom. “Come on.Sleep.”

Tony sighed softly whining as he was nudged into sitting up, groaning a little as he sipped the coffee and took the aspirin, sipping it slowly. Yelping as james ran in, looking utterly confused at the sound of the bell.”Hey, hey, drinking coffee here.”Tony protested yelping as the other climbed in between them, looking utterly lost as he stared at the other, eyes widening as he saw the tag. “...”Tony stared biting his lip, a quiet contemplative look on his features as he looked at the other to, even as he raised a hand to absently stroke the leather. “...What about steve?I wanted to try this...didn’t you?Shouldn’t it say tony and steve...??”He said looking confused and utterly lost. Though a little more relaxed at the idea of ‘owning’ james.
he chuckled a little. "those are all good points." he admitted as he shook his head. "then again, when have we ever been normal?" he asked, grinning a little before smiling at her. "thanks Sarah." he muttered, wondering when he'd been moved into Sarah and James rooms? oh well, it was better than sleeping alone in his own apartment. at least here, Sarah could wake him from nightmares. he didn't have nightmares that night for once.

James laughed a little. "no your not, the cup is empty, i timed it perfectly." James stated smugly. "Jarvis told me when you took your last sip." he admitted with a nod. "nope." he stated, rubbing the Tag. "Steve's just a bonus." Steve snorted, not in the least surprised or bothered by that proclamation. "besides, Steve doesn't have the same emotional needs as you do. that's what Natasha said." he admitted. ""hmm... be kind of cute to get Tony a matching Collar that says Property of Steve Rogers though." Steve admitted with an impish grin as he got another cup of Coffee for Tony from the bedside Table. Tony, being Tony, had a Kuereg machine right there so Coffee was only an instant away.
“well, I was normal once upon a time. Then this little brat showed up, and I had to pour chicken blood over him, and that was it. No more normal.”She teased before smiling. “Welcome.”She smiled, not quite sure when gabriel had moved in, but she liked having him here. Especially since james spent as much time in tony’s rooms as much as he did down here.

“Fitz?”Sarah smiled quietly as she stepped into the room, glancing over her shoulder. While he wouldn’t come in, she knew gabriel was watching from the hallway just how his gift was given.”Sweetheart, I have a present for you.”She smiled a little moving over to the bed, swallowing hard, hating she couldn’t make this better, hating herself for a bit for being able to heal so quickly, and utterly unable to help fix this.

“You are a smug bastard.’tony snickered a little rolling his eyes a little, smiling a little, flushing a little as the other’s words. “A good bonus.”Tony muttered, fingers absently playing with the tag, nervous about this, but willing to try, because he did want them both. “Ahhh, well as long as you got natasha’s opinion. She’s wise.”Tony snickered a little before looking up at steve, pupils rapidly blowing out as he considered wearing a collar, “ captain america collars. Might have to do that.”He shuddered a little even as he took the coffee, sipping it slowly. "If for no other reason to wake up in the morning with you, Cap, you make my coffee perfectly. The rest is just a bonus."He snickered quietly, trying to relax, and not be utterly nervosu about this
he smirked. "don't blame me for your oddities." he ordered with a chuckle as he headed for bed.

Fitz smiled as she walked in. "hey, Sarah!" he chirped, chuckling as he studied her. she was in hospital scrubs and had to wear a mask and gloves and a heavy duty plastic hair net but she was in the room, so clean she had practically scrubbed off a layer of skin. it was the only way they could be in the same room as him for now. his system was too weak to handle any germs. "a present?" he asked hopefully, his eyes lighting up. "thank you so much! Tony gave me a present too." he admitted with a grin before he paused. "i can't remember what it was though..." he admitted before he smiled at her. "i'm glad your here, i get a bit lonely in here." he admitted. "granted, i don't think i'm ever awake for more than a couple of minutes at a time." he admitted.

"i am a smug bastard." James agreed with a grin. "he is cute. can we keep him?" James asked with a grin as he winked at Steve who snorted. "i'm not the one wearing a kitty collar buddy." he teased right back. "Natasha is wise." James agreed with a nod. "...Tony you'd look terrible in red white and blue." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "blue makes you look pasty and white just makes you look like you died." he admitted. "pale as a ghost." he admitted before he rolled his eyes. "Tony, even i can work a Kurieg machine." he scoffed, though he was smiling. "i think we should get you a black collar and put an image of my shield on the front." he mused, stroking his thumb across Tony's adams apple gently. "get you a cute little bell too." he teased with a smile as James piped up. "now that we're not all angry about things at each other, can i give Tony a Blowjob now?" Steve sputtered at James vulgarity.
“hey.”Sarah smiled and indeed she was looking a little red, because despite her healing ability, she had scrubbed herself raw to make sure she wouldn’t get him sick. “Yea.”She bit her lip a little, before laughing quietly. “He’s been going on and on about the palladium that he wanted to give you, he probably handed it over.”She smiled, quietly reminding him without making him feel bad for not knowing. “Well, you probably aren’t. It’s okay, I sleep alot to. Bruce tells me I’m starting to go through my last growth spurt.”She smiled a little, before holding up the box, setting it gently on the hospital table, “...This isn’t just from me. It wasn’t my idea. I know you’re upset with him, and find it upsetting...but this is from Gab.”Sarah overexplained, nervous because she knew gabriel was nervous about it.

“Hm, he’s not a kitten, but yes, we’ll keep him.”he smiled looking amused gently tugging on the collar, gently playing with it, simply enjoying the feel of it under his hands before frowning, looking amused before sighing. “Fine. Just a image with a black collar.”he said looking amused shuddering as the other stroked a thumb over his adams’ apple, shuddering.”You just want to collar me so I can’t sneak up on you anymore.”He sulked a little, shuddering, looking up at james, resting his head against steve’s shoulder, groaning a little as he squirmed, tangling a hand in james’ hair.”Hm, I guess.”he said though he still llooked nervous.
he blinked a little. "Palladium! that's it. it's brilliant!" he admitted brightly. "i'm going to be able to do so many things!" he admitted, squirming as much as he was able. "i remember my last growth spurt." he admitted. "i grew four inches in a week. everything hurt so bad i couldn't even get out of bed. and then everything was all weird, i was clumsier than a drunken Scott." he admitted with a lopsided grin, examining the box eagerly. hey, he was a boy. presents where always met with delight and eager anticipation before he paused and looked at the windows. "Gabe is here?" he asked, sounding delighted. "what did he get me?" he asked, reaching for the present. something he could do because of the brace he was always strapped to. that and the pain pills. "...oh these are lovely." he breathed, stroking the leather spine and the stamping kit. "these are perfect." he admitted, beaming at her. "have you a pen?" he asked hopefully. "i'll write in them right away. i keep getting upset because i've forgotten things. these will make my days much easier." he admitted. "who did you say these where from?" once she told him he wrote it very carefully into his Journal and smiled. "this is great. will you tell Gabriel thanks for me? and tell him i'm not bothered or upset in the least with him? it's not his fault, what Hydra did to him."

James grinned as he leaned into the fingers on his collar, he hadn't expected to like it. he would have tolerated it for Tony, but as soon as he'd felt the leather wrap around his neck a sense of... fullness filled him. like he hadn't been complete without it. "good. i can just imagine the black against your skin.... you look absolutely stunning when your wearing black." Steve admitted, smirking. "do you have any idea how hard it was not to dry hump you into a fine past last year at that Christmas ball you made us all go to?" he asked before snickering. "that's part of the reason. that and i think you'd like it as much as James seams to." he admitted as he watched James. "he was always a kinky little bastard." he admitted, chuckling as Tony squirmed and James smirked. "don't worry, Steve knows better than to touch." he promised, Steve rolling his eyes. "i won't touch. possessive bastard." he complained, though he sounded well and truly amused as James slipped into place and mouthed at Tony over the slacks.
"Mine's not that bad this time. I'm just tired and ea5ing even more then normal. Bruce thinks I might get a little taller and get a little bulkier but its not so bad."she smiled watching him her heart taking a beating as she listened to him."gabe's outside since you only get one visitor at a time. We thought me being a super soldier would be a less of a chance of getting you wick since I cant."she sighed quietly because she knew that wasn't why but she'd gone along with it sinply so gabriel wouldn't be upset."you'll just have to open it and see."she smiled helping him amused at his excitement nodding as she handed over her pen."he thought it'd be a good thing. Less frustrating then always making people remind you what youre talking about."she said reminding him who got them before sighing."I will tell him,but he wont believe it .he's...being very hard on himself for nearly killing you."sarah said sadly because it killed her that she had no way to make any of this better.

Tony smiled watching james' face,realizing he really was enjoying having the collar before flushing brightly at steve's words."I always look stunning."he said before stuttering at the rest of that sentence looking up at them a little wide eyed."what?I mean-what?"tony stared at steve for the christmas party. He remembered that. He had felt amazing that night happy and content for the first time in awhile,just being with them and seeing steve so happy."I've never worn one before actually."tony said thoughtfy whining high in his throat as he squirmed, frowning a little as he tried to focus."what?steve can touch. I mean,now that I know whats going on I dont have problems with him joining in..."tony frowned worriedly sputtering ever so slightly.
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