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Hidden (lady/moon)

“Yea. Serum’s settling. One last growth spurt, apparently.”Sarah smiled a little before making a face at him. “I can put my fist through a steel door, Gabe. If I really didn’t want you touching me, I’m sure I’d stop you.”She teased back, blushing ever so slightly as he leaned into her hand, swallowing hard before nodding. “We can. We will.”She said stepping into him a little, wrapping her arms around him, leaning in to kiss him again slowly.

Tony whimpered at the idea, “N-no.”He stuttered squirming, moaning as the other groped his ass, swallowing hard as he looked at the other. “Uh, you do realize I’m tony stark right? I’m fairly aware of how amazing and good looking I am.”Tony said even if he was blushing at the praise, gasping as the other tongued him, whimpering as he squirmed, shifting, getting comfortalbe on his braced arms, raising his head, curiousity getting the better of him as he looked for james.
he smiled a little and shook his head. "well i can't call you Squeakers anymore." he admitted with a chuckle. remembering his old nickname for her. because she squeaked everything she got excited as a child. because yelling was frowned upon. "this is true." he agreed. "perhaps you could just tell me first?" he asked with a smile. "then i can back off before i get my bones broken." he admitted with a smile as he held her back and bent his head in for a kiss as well. smiling. "i really don't deserve this." he admitted with a sigh and a smile as he kissed her forehead. "

"oh yes. i think you'd like that." Steve grinned. he smacked Tony's ass just enough to make it sting when he mouthed off and smirked at the other. " don't be lippy Kitten." he ordered before returning his attention to the others ass. James was leaning against the doorway, his cock out through the Zipper of his pants as he stroked himself, smirking as he watched Tony.
Sarah whined, squeaking a little as she made a face at him, proving that indeed she still squeaked when she got excited or annoyed, because indeed, some habits couldn’t be broken, even years and brainwashing later, she still squeaked.”No, you’re not allowed to.”She smiled before nodding, “I was proving the point I could stop you if I wanted. Of course I’ll tell you first.”She sulked a little sighing softly as she leaned into him, “Neither of us deserve this, but its not about deserving. We’re together.”She sighed quietly, leaning her head against his, finding it odd to be as tall as him, before smirking. “....I leave it up to you to tell Papa we’re together.”She smirked, already imaging that conversation.

Tony yelped glaring over his shoulder at the smack, indeed he looked like a affronted kitten, bristling and annoyed eve as he squirmed. Moaning loudly as he watched james stroke him, hips rocking a little back as steve tongued him, “...Fuck me. Steve, CAp, come on.”He demanded, such a mouthy little sub.
he sniggered. "we;;, the name does still fit." he teased. "it would be a shame to loose it now." he admitted with a grin. "plus, i think Steve would get a kick out of it." he admitted with a bright grin before he nodded. "and a very good point it was." he agreed with a smile. "your right though. deserving or not, we're together now and not even aliens, asgardians or Hydra could put a stop to that." he promised before groaning. " i have to? can't we keep it a secrete from him but tell everyone else?"

Steve smirked. "i'll smack you again if you don't behave." he warned, chuckling as he lowered his head again and continued to work Tony open with his tongue. "hush." he ordered. "James, go get a cock ring." "and a gag." James agreed, walking off to get Tony's stash of toys, not even bothering to put his cock away first.
“Does not. This is a irregularity. I don’t squeak.”Sarah whined a little rolling her eyes a little. “You’re not allowed telling him. Or tony. They’ll try surprising me.”she grumbled before nodding, “No, they wont put a stop to it. Never.”Sarah muttered kissing him slowly, before grinning. “Yes. And I’m fairly certain if we did that, it’d be worse. He’d be really pissed then if everyone else knew.”

Tony whined squirming at the other’s order, “I don’t need a gag. You love hearing me talk, you know that.”Tony whined squirming and moaning, thrusting into james’ hand, wanting more of a touch as the other slid the cock ring on, glaring a little as the gag was placed.
he smirked a little. "you do squeak, and i am so telling Steve." he admitted with a smirk. he had missed teasing her. "this is true. fine i'll tell him tonight at Dinner but you have to be there with me." he ordered firmly. "if i'm going to die, i want you to know it's your fault." he complained with a grin, because he knew James wouldn't kill him. just mangle him a bit.

"you do need Gag. if only because you look pretty in one." James loved gagging Tony.the sounds the billionaire made when he couldn't talk where divine. Steve just snickered as he returned to running his tongue all over the inside of Tony's ass.
" cant do that.he'll tell tony and then everyone will know!"she smirked raising her eyebrows at him,her smirk turning into a slight leer."I'm sure I could persuade you not to say something."she smiled before rolling her eyss."you've been spending to much time with tony. Dont be so dramatic. He wont kill you."she said shaking her head a little.

"Do n-"tony growled glaring at the two as the gag was fitting into his mouth. He might be submissive but he wasn't a pliant or easily dominated one. He'd fight the whole way down,which in turn made the subspace he hit all the more powerful and addicting to his lovers,because it meant he trusted them to give in and not keep fighting. Amoaning and growling around the gag you could tell he was still trying to talk despite it. Probably orders 5o fuck him already if the deperate little rocking to his hips indicated anything, even as he craned his head up leaning towards james,wanting to suck his cock even if he was gagged.
he smirked. "exactly. and it would be hilarious to watch you beating up people who sneak up on you trying to make you squeak." he admitted with another snigger. "i'm sure you could too." he admitted. "threats of castration usually do the trick." he admitted with a smile. "...oh, he will. he'll mangle me first, make it slow and painful, and then he'll probably bury me alive in a deep grave where no one will ever find my body." he admitted with a nod.

"Do too." James teased, looking delighted. "look at you, so cute and helpless." he teased, stroking Tony's hair as Steve continued to suck and nibble and stroke with his tongue. "fuck he's delicious." Steve groaned, finally. finally pulling back and accepting the Lube from James, slicking his fingers with a muttered 'thank god for advancement' he slipped one finger inside of Tony and stroked, and teased all over again as James obediently removed the gag and replaced it with his cock, smirking at Tony as he held him in place by the hair so Tony couldn't remove his cock enough to be able to talk.
“You’re just trying to get people beaten up. You’re so mean.”She snickered a little before smiling, blushing a little because she’d been thinking of kissing him into shutting up, not castration.”Hm, but I wont ruin your fun I guess.”She snickered a little. “Will not. Because that would make me unhappy. Not to mention, he’s getting laid probably. He’ll be in to good of a mood to be upset.”

Tony whined around the gag, looking up at james, tears spiking his eyelashes. Because once he was forced to be submissive, he really did break down, the only time he allowed himself cry. Growling as the gag was removed he smirked.”s-”He sputtered whining around james’ cock as he was forced to not to talk, growling as he sucked on the cock in his mouth even as he squirmed back against the man teasing him.
"he grinned a little. "i am mean, you're surprised by this?" he asked with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "well. he'll still mangle me a little." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "this is true. he is getting laid. i think they finally got Tony to agree to a threesome too, so he might be in a particularly good mood indeed." he admitted with a grin. "come on, lets go order food. unless you've learned how to cook?"

Steve chuckled a little as he watched the two. trusting James to know what he was doing. "Stop talking." James ordered as he pulled Tony down, Steve snorting as he slipped in a second finger and teased Tony some more. by the time three fingers had been added, James had worked all of his cock, very carefully, down Tony's throat, groaning eagerly the entire time.
"Hm, not really."Sarah snickered a little as she leaned into him, simply enjoying being close to him before smirking. "No he wont."She rolled her eyes before snickering, a little weirded out, but happy enough for both her father's that it wasn't to weird. "Hopefully. Otherwise it's going to be messy."she sighed before pouting, "I can cook perfectly fine. but ordering food sounds good."

Tony growled and groaned as he was teased, whimpering as he deep throated the other, and as steve slipped a third finger into him, tony's teeth scraped over sensitive skin, a sign he was quickly both losing his fight to not to come, and that he was getting frustrated with all the teasing, frustrated enough that it probably wasn't a good idea to keep teasing him.
he chuckled a little. "he will. he'll cut off all my fingers or something to i can't ever touch you." he grinned. "and what he doesn't do, Steve will. he's very protective of you after all." he teased with a smile. "i'm sure they're going to have issues." he admitted. "but they'll be okay, they always are." he promised before nodding. "Indian sound good to you?" he offered.

James moaned eagerly as he felt the teeth against his cock and pulled away before Tony started biting. he had learned early on that when Tony was done being teased, he was DONE. "Fuck him now. before he starts biting." James ordered, Steve snickering as he took another moment to make sure Tony was well and truly ready before slicking up his own cock and rubbed against that tight little hole. "ready?" Steve asked, simply to make sure Tony was relaxed. Steve was a big guy, bigger than James was that was for sure, he didn't want Tony clenching up and hurting himself.
"No, not even james is that mean."She snickered a little before rolling her eyes. "He's nto that protective. I can take care of myself."She grumbled before smiling, "Indian sounds amazing."She grinned as she ordered the food before telling the others that it was on the way, knowing that it would take only a short time to get there. the close by resturants had gotten good at delivering the avengers food quickly since they tipped so well.

"I don't bite."he muttered sulking, moaning a little as steve fingered him still, growling as he looked back at the other, before looking up at James then steve again pressing back against him."Fuck me for fuck's sake, I swear to god I'll leave here, get in my, rogers I swear I'll go put on the suit and beat your ass..."
he smirked. "he is. he's very mean. i suppose you can't remember what happened to the guy who thought himself clever for kidnapping you." he mused. "he is that protective. but he's that way of everyone, especially you, Fitz, Tony, Bruce and Skye." he admitted as he laid the menu down so she could order a family size of everything on the menu. a standard order for anyone ordering for the entire Avengers. which had now officially extended to the Ducklings and Sam. "Hey!" Bruce beamed as he bounced over to them. "Sarah, can i ask your help with something?" he asked hopefully. "i think i can help Fitz recover a bit faster, but i need a sample of your blood to test a theory i have. i was going to ask Steve but..." here Bruce paused and flushed. "anyway, would you mind? please? i only need a drop and i wouldn't ask at all if not for Fitz."

"you do! it too three hours to heal the last time you bit me!" James complained as Steve laughed and slid inside of Tony with a loud moan. "fuck. fuck he's tight! god your tight Tony." Steve moaned as he shuddered and came, but didn't stop working his way inside. Steve had a 'hair trigger' which was why James loved plugging it up. fortunately, Steve could cum a good five times in a row before he needed a breather, so he wasn't about to stop fucking Tony anytime soon.
“....someone tried kidnapping me?”She said looking up at him a little wide eyed. Wondering if it had been a hydra rogue agent, or simply a creepy guy. Before rolling his eyes, “Well, okay. But I have a feeling he’s going to be more protective of tony now. We’re going to be lucky if he doesn’t make tony stay right at his side all the time for awhile.”She snickered before looking up at bruce in startlement, biting her lip a little before nodding. “Well,I guess. I mean, I’d hate to have you interrupt my fathers and find a mouthy little genius on his hands and knees.”She snickered, simply to just tease bruce since it was so easy to embarass him.

“I didn’t bite your cock, stop whining about it.”Tony said rolling his eyes, moaning as the other pressed into him, whining, squirming, hands fisting into the blankets as steve pressed into him.”Hm, no your just that big.”He muttered moaning, rocking his hips into the bed to get some friction on his cock as the other fucked him, eyes widening as he came, whimpering in pleasure.
he nodded. "yup. you where eight at the time. we where napping when this spunky new shithead who was too eager to please slipped in and snatched you up. he never made it to the door before James had him bleeding to death on the floor." he admitted. "gutted him and refused to let anyone close enough to treat him or give him a mercy death. he just laid there on the floor, screaming and dying." he admitted. "we found out later that the Spunky shitheads Handler put him up to it as a 'way to prove himself' and James gutted him too. turns out the Handler just wanted to have you for himself. child molester. even Hydra draws the line at that and no one stopped James when he gutted the filth." he admitted. "oh, Tony will leave whenever he wants. Steve will just follow him." Gabe admitted with a snigger before blinking at Bruce who flushed harder at her and took the drop of blood, yelling his thanks as he fled. "that was weird... and you where mean to him, awesome."

"you damn near did!" James complained. "you where off by mere centimeters!" he complained, pouting at Tony as Steve sniggered. "god Tony." Steve muttered as he panted. "don't move, i'll tear you." he warned. "and that's the last thing we want to try to explain to Bruce." Steve teased, panting as he worked his cock in a little deeper, pausing once he was all the way in. "fuck. god Tony you feel so amazing. let me know when your okay to move. and be patient! if i hurt you, i'm not going to be the only one pissed."
“...I think I remember this. You locked us in my bedroom after, made sure I stayed put while Papa took care of things.”She mused sighing quietly. Trying not to worry about hydra now that she had given the thought of them out there, some thought. It scared her, to know that there was surely people out there who still wanted her. Wincing a little as bruce took her blood she shuddered, trying not to freak out at the idea of having it. He wasn’t hydra, it didn’t mean countless months of tests and things, didn’t mean anything. “It was weird...and curious. But I was. I mean, teasing him is great.”

“I bit your hip, stop being a bitch about it.”Tony growled squirming a little, pressing a kiss to james’ hip bone as he settled against the bed, panting quietly as he tried to relax.”Kay. No moving.”he muttered moaning as the other worked into him, whining quietly, it was almost to much, but forcing himself to calm he sighed softly, closing his eyes as he tried to relax. It was a few long moments before he swallowed hard. “ can move...kay....”He muttered looking over his shoulder at the other.
he nodded. "i was fairly terrified, you where just tired and cranky." he admitted with a chuckle as he shook his head. "it's okay. even if he wanted to do something nefarious with that blood, he'd need more than a drop." he assured her. "he's just testing a way to help Fitz..." he paused. "i'm really curious now.." he admitted. if they could help Fitz, anything was worth it, well. not some things, most things. "should we see what he's up to?" he asked with a smile.

"i won't!" James growled. "i'll bit you, see how you like it." he grumbled, Steve rolling his eyes as he let them bicker. it was distracting Tony from the girth that was now pressing into him. "it's okay Tony, just breath." James offered, running his hands along Tony's back and arms, soothing him. "okay." Steve agreed. he didn't move too fast at first. in fact he hardly moved ar all, he twitched and rolled his hips, opening Tony a little more before finally, slowly, carefully pulled all the way out, and then all the way back in. every stroke getting just a half scant faster until he was thrusting into Tony just as hard as the billionair wanted.
“I was usually tired and cranky as a kid. Papa always was so hard on us after school with training.”She smiled fondly before nodding.”I know...its just...there was just so many tests and all...”She shrugged a little, before tilting her head. Because she agreed, anything for fitz but...”Yea. We have awhile before the food’ll get here.”She said sounding curious even as she got up to go after the scientist.

“I enjoy you biting me, you know.”Tony pointed out rolling his eyes a little shuddering a little as james rubbed his back and arms, making those small needy noises that was also a little painful as he relaxed, groaning as steve twitched, eyes widening as he was slowly worked open, gasping as he came, hands twisting in the blankets under him, going quiet and pliant under the other man, his orgasm having dropped him easily enough into subspace.
he chuckled and nodded. "yeah he was. but he had to be. or we never would have survived." he admitted. "i know. it's okay." he promised her. "just remember, Bruce is a friend. he would never do anything to you without your permission." he reminded her before smiling. he knew she'd feel better if she saw for herself what he was doing. he led the way up to Bruce's lab, where he was examining two blood samples intently. "Bruce?" "over here!" Bruce called absently. "what are you doing?" "trying to stabilize this..." he muttered. "my blood was too caustic." he admitted. "but Sarah's blood... i'm not sure yet but it might...." he muttered under his breath now as he carefully dipped the tip of a pin into Sarah's blood sample and then slid it into the other sample, looking ecstatic. "yes! it does work! i just have to Isolate-" he broke off into more mumblings. "-and then. yes and hen i have to-" more mumbling. just mumbling as he worked, talking to himself as he carefully handled the blood samples, super careful not to wast a single spec. "well. he's focused." Gabe muttered, looking amused.

James huffed. "i know." he grumbled, making Steve snicker again as they worked him open, Steve moaning as he felt Tony cum, and then relax under him. "fuck... Toyn?" "it's okay, he's just gone Subby. he's fine. Tony? what's your color?" James asked, having easily adopted Tony's method of 'Red Yellow, Green for most of what they did. having James as a boyfriend meant it was needed. the wrong thing could easily send him spiraling into a flashback, or worse, into the Winter Soldier. being able to say 'yellow' anytime he needed to pause, spared James a lot of 'blank outs' as he called them. and hopefully it would easy Steve's worries too.
“I know. And I know he’s had to be curious before now, but he waited until fitz needed’s just. Hard sometimes to remember I’m no longer simply the lab rat that was to smart to stay out of trouble.”She shrugged a little watching bruce, “....Bruce?Would it work better if I did something?I mean, more tests?”She asked watching him, looking amused and wanting to help the man who looked so intently focused on doing whatever he was doing.

“Hmm...”Tony muttered humming quietly at the sound of his name, quiet for a few long moments as he struggled to come up enough to answer the question, turning his head a little to look up at the man talking to him, “Green.I;m okay...just gonna lay here...comfy...”He muttered utterly pliant and relaxed, unlike so much of his life, this was teh only time he truly could turn his mind off, and not overthink things.
he smiled a little and shook his head. "he has Steve and James to do curious stuff on." he pointed out. "he's not going to do anything that upsets you." he admitted before watching Bruce work. "huh? oh. no. this is all i need. micro testing will be all i need." Bruce admitted as he realized what she was asking. "if you want to help though. i could have someone examine some of the other blood samples." he offered. "uh. don't we need science skills for that?" James asked hesitantly. "not at all." Bruce admitted. "you just have to watch, and if the blood cells die, then write that down. if they don't die and just sit there, write that down. if they do something weird, call me." "oh. i can do that." James agreed, looking delighted. "great!" Bruce chirped eagerly as he set up slides for them to watch. "if, at the minute mark nothing happens come get me again and i'll make you a new slide. each slide is marked with a number, write down that number before any observations you make. we'll stop in a half an hour, that's all this should take with all three of us working." Bruce admitted.

Steve blinked a little. "uh... subby?" he asked, looking a bit freaked out. "yeah. it's great." James admitted with a grin. "Tony subs out hard. but it's perfectly safe, you haven't broken him, i promise. it's the best feeling in the world Stevie. i'll show you later." he promised. Steve did calm a bit when he realized Tony was indeed talking and decided it was okay to keep going. James would know when Tony had enough. and indeed James did stop Steve after Tony's second orgasm and showed Steve how Tony would do pretty much anything he was told, provided it didn't mean moving too much, or thinking. James also showed Steve how to do the aftercare and explained that you never, ever left when someone was in that state. the more Steve learned the less terrified he was that he' broken Tony.
‘that’s true.”Sarah smiled looking amused at the idea before tilting her head. “Oh. Okay then.”She said sounding amused at the man, before frowning. “I can’t do sciency things. It was the only thing I really ever sucked at in school.”She said though she did look pleased when she realized it wouldn’t require great skill, just time and patience to write and observe. “Cool.We’ll do that.”Sarah smiled as she settled in to watch the slide, frowning slightly. “Have you done this with tony, steve or james?I mean, testing their blood. It’d be interesting to see the difference between them all, since all different scientists created them.”

“..Not broken. Promise. I’m okay.”Tony promised sounding hazy around the edges, the slight California twang to his words showing that while he repressed it mostly, the man had grown up out west for the most part, and showed when he was subbing out hard, or was overly tired. Simply doing what they wanted him to do, loose and relaxed enough to do it, whining a little as he started to come up, squirming to get comfortable, pressing his face against james’ chest as he cuddled against the brunette. “...Jarvis said there was food on the way...right?”He muttered remembering the AI telling them that food was on the way. [/u]
Bruce smiled a little. "trust me, even Clint can do this." he promised. "and has. and considering i think your both a good deal more skilled at 'sciency things' than him, i think you'll do fine." Bruce promised. "i have actually. i test everyone's blood. i have to. if the half formed Extremis in Tony's system was to activate, i have to know how to get it under control again. Steve's Serum too, it acted up about a half a year ago. he had a massive asthma attack in the middle of a battle and almost died." he admitted. "so i have to monitor him closely too. Phil and Sky i take daily tests to make sure the lien genetics aren't doing anything to them." he admitted. "i got a blood sample from James, but his Serem is mostly dormant. it does effect him a little, superior strength, superior hand eye coordination but little else." Bruce admitted. "and of course i have to monitor my own blood. even more so because of how dangerous my blood is." he smiled at them. "i even monitor Pepper Potts blood work because she has Extremis in her system as well." who knew Bruce did so much for them? "Hey Bruce?...i think this sample ate through the glass...." James warned, Bruce groaning. "that happens sometimes, step back please." Bruce ordered, examining the slide. "yep." he agreed. "it's eating the glass." he admitted as he grabbed a pair of metal tongs and carefully deposited that slide to somewhere a little more safe.

Steve huffed. "okay...." he muttered as he watched the other, smiling as he realized that Tony was really kind of cute and cuddly like this. "there is. Indian food." James admitted with a smile as he stroked Tony's hair. "we'll have Steve go up and fetch our fair share. unless you want to do the family thing tonight?" he offered. willing to let Tony decide. "he's really cute like this." Steve admitted with a grin as he rubbed Tony's back the way James instructed him to.
“Well, I’m sure we’ll be fine then.”She said smiling a little before tilting her head, frowning slightly. “I’ve never really had any problems. I mean, not like the serum acting up or anything.”She said looking thoughtful, looking over at him.”You do alot for them. For us. Thanks.”She smiled a little at him before wrinkling her nose, watching the slide before sighing quietly. “This one’s not reacting, though I think it’s starting to die.”She said after a few minutes.

“”...Family thing. Seems I should like...spend time with everyone...”Tony muttered squirming a little but not making any move to get up just yet. Feeling relaxed and cuddly, and content enough with his mind still blissed out enough to not go hide in the lab, that he could do a night of just visiting with everyone.”I’m not cute. Or cuddly.”Tony whined a little as he relaxed under the steve’s hands, the touch starting to bring him even further up.
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