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Hidden (lady/moon)

“...Well. That’s better then ‘eye candy’. It seems you Hydra men have a problem with me.” “That’s cause they know they’ll never have your thighs wrapped around their head. They’re jealous.”Sarah said though looking bemused as she glanced at Gabriel, wondering what had been said. “Hm, he is big blond and gorgeous. Thor doesn’t get to count, cause even the insane godling he calls a sibling is sorta gorgeous to. Gods don’t get counted.”Tony snickered looking amused. “Yes, phil’s team, and the blond woman is Sarah, she’s Cap’s daughter.”Tony smirked looking amused just to be able to tell someone else this big secret before laughing. “Stop there big guy, don’t want to know what you did to entertain her.” “Well, at least his sex life would be better then yours. I’m sure it’s thunderous sex.”Sarah said with a slight giggle looking amused. “I know you don’t. Which is why I’m not explaining it.”Tony smiled at the god, he really did like the man. “It’s complicated and weird, and there’s a side affect of you writing things, but I don’t know what it is, and it’s bothering me I have no idea what you’re writing.”Tony sulked a little making a face.
Gabe flushing brightly. "...i wasn't in my right mind and shouldn't be held accountable for any completely inaccurate statements that i may, or may not have said... or thought." he wasn't about to run the risk of her being a mind reader. Thor just smiled and then sighed. "please don't bring up Loki. he's being purposefully belligerent now." Thor grumbled. "he's made no attempts at escape as we might have expected. then again he also refuses to eat, won't sleep, doesn't take any form of liquid. he even refuses to bathe! he stinks worse than that despite your people call a 'dump'. worse, he won't say a word no matter what we do, what we say or what he sees." Thor grumbled. "he will probably spend the rest of his life in that cell and even an asgardian can starve to death after a few months. we've started to force feed him, which tends to get us bitten and clawed at." he grumbled. Thor wanted his brother back, but it was seaming more and more likely that Loki was beyond anything that could be done for him.

"Captain!? you have a daughter?" Thor asked, startled and Steve grinned wryly. "yeah it was a surprise to me as well." Steve admitted before continuing the introductions. "there's one more, Fitz. he's in critical care right now though, he was pushed down the Elevator shaft." Thor looked confused until he remembered how fragile most humans were and winced. this 'Fitz' person was probably lucky to be alive at all. "Ah! a Joke! a verily good one!" Thor agreed, grinning at Sarah as James laughed and Gabe snickered. "writing things? perhaps it is a language i might be able to locate? a great many 'aliens' hold a 'mother mind' or an instinctual language. it could be that you are picking up 'broadcasts' from a Hive Queen or are simply adapting to knowledge that is awaiting you. have you a sample? i have been trained to understand a great many languages to further better my standing with foreign dignitaries." Thor admitted. "even if i do not understand the language, i should at least be able to tell you from which species it comes from."
“Uh-huh. If she hits you for calling me eye candy, I’d go with that arguement.”Natasha said snickering a little as she looked at his amused and thoughtful looking girlfriend. “He lost. Of course he’s punishing you all by being utterly unhelpful in any sort of way.”Tony frowned because while he didn’t like the insane godling, he also knew that thor did, and it hurt him to not be able to help his friend get what he wanted.

“It was a surprise to all of us.”Tony snickered amused as he watched steve introduce everyone, before snickering at Sarah’s joke. “Yea, He writes on the walls and all. It’s weird.”Tony frowned before nodding, “I do. J?Picture it please.”He said gesturing to the air above the table, smiling slightly as the writing appeared. “If it wasn’t so creepy, it’d be almost pretty.”Sarah mused tilting her head a little.
he flushed harder. "i stand by my statement. i wasn't in my right mind and was clearly wrong to say such things.Thor just shook his head. "this is a madness." he stated softly. "i honestly don't think he can talk at this point." Thor admitted with a sigh. "i had hoped there where reasons. something that would explain why. it wouldn't excuse what he did but at least i would understand..." he muttered before staring at the screen, as pale as a ghost as he stared at the writing. "this.... this is Asgardian." he whispered. "it is Ancient, yes but still our language. we where writing this language before earth even had life." he explained, swallowing thickly. "only Asgardian sorcerers use it now." he stood on shaking legs. "please excuse me... i have to look into who might be missing amidst my people." he whispered. "Thor! wait! calm down." Bruce ordered, grabbing Thor's arm. "we don't know how old the body is." Phil explained. "we think it has been around for a few centuries. if it is someone you know, they should have been missing for some time..." that seamed to sooth Thor a bit. "thank all the gods. i'm sorry. it's just... i haven't seen my Nephews or my niece in some time, nor have i seen their mother. i had, for a moment feared the worst." Thor admitted. "but i'm sure someone would have told me if Loki's children and wife had gone missing of all things.." Thor swallowed thickly. "... i think i need to summon Fenrir. you would not mind aiding me in a quick trip? it won't take more than three hours i shouldn't think...."
"Well, I am sure there's a reason, even if it only makes sense to him."Sarah said softly, looking sad and hating that she couldn't help this. "What?"Tony sputtered staring at the other, standing quickly to grip thor's arm. he probably wouldn't be able to catch him if he did fall, but he could at least brace thor. "Sit."He said helping him sit down. "I am sure that if any of them were missing, Loki, even if he hates you currently, would have told you, or someone would have."Sarah said frowning a little before nodding slowly. "What do we need to do?"She said knowing she spoke for all of them in wanting to help
he nodded, still pale. "your right. of course. Loki would tell me if someone had gone missing. or Father at the very least. still if anyone would know if someone is missing it would be Fenrir." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "we need to go to a small forest. it's close by. the hardest part will be finding the right Stump." he admitted, sounding rather like he'd checked out. "Fenrir has summoning Runes all over midgard. all over the whole nine realms actually. he's basically a, how would you call it? a Sheriff for Hire? a lawman who goes around settling problems. of course, he doesn't always work for the people who summon him. he picks only the side he feels is 'in the right'." Thor admitted as he followed them to the Jet. Bruce opted to stay behind so he could keep an eye on Fitz. "i do have to warn you. he doesn't look human the way Loki and the rest of us do. Fenrir is n anthropomorphic canine. which is why he tends to avoid Asgard for the most part. a lot of the weaker minded idiots think he is a 'child of chaos doomed to bring about Ragnarok'.... ridiculous." Thor scoffed as he gave instructions on where to go.

soon they had set down and where spread out, looking for a Stump. there where a lot of them in a forest like that, humans cutting down the trees and such. it was Phil who found it first and when he touched it, black ink seamed to sink upwards out of the wood, forming a black wolf head with glowing green places on the forehead, mouth and eyes. "this is it. the Summoning Sign for Fenrir. back up, he's very large." Tor warned before placing his hand on the Stump and spoke in flowing Old Norse. there was a flair of bright emerald light, and then the biggest wolf they had ever seen was... standing, there. Thor hadn't been joking. it was a god damn real life Anthro. "Well, Uncle. you surprise me, daring to summon me here." Fenrir snarled, yellow eyes filled with rage as he bared shining, sharp teeth. "After what you did to my Father you dare to summon me!?" he demanded. as impossible as it seamed, the... wolf, was even bigger than Thor by a good inch or more. wider too, and packed with more muscle. good thing they had all brought Icers.
“Well, then let’s go see about talking to him.”Tony said smiling slightly, looking worried for his friend. “That sounds really cool actually. I’m sure he has plenty of stories to hear.”Sarah said looking worried about thor even as they settled into the plane, absently hands playing over the weapons she’d packed on her, along with the icer, knives hidden and guns. Because like james, for so long the weapons had been her only promised safety, so the woman touched them to reassure herself that she was okay.

Tony’s eyes widened as he looked up at the wolf, paling a little as he realized just how big the wolf is, glancing around at the other’s gathered, trying not to look as worried as he felt considering just how close the rest of his team seemed ready to attack the wolf for simply snarling at his uncle. “...We have a question about a missing asgardian. Thor said that if anyone knew, you would.”Sarah said stepping slightly closer, to draw his attention, worried about thor, and despite being scared of the wolf in front of her, was willing to draw attention to herslef.
Thor grinned. "there is no greater warrior, nor storyteller in the nine realms!" he praised. showing that he was very proud of his nephew. Loki's son the boy was, but Thor was clearly very, very proud of him. he looked rather hurt when Fenrir appeared, clearly he didn't understand why Fenrir was so furious. the Wolf's golden eyes fixed on Sarah and he dropped onto all fours, his limbs easily adapting to this new position, proving he could run just as fast on two legs as he could on four. "Missing Asgardian!?" he demanded, voice filled with such loathing and hatred it almost made the very air shake. every word grated on their ears and rumbled in their chests. "An Asgardian you gunned down with fire and metal though he was barely able to toddle! a missing Asgardian that was my Kin!" Thor paled and collapsed and Fenrir paused, his voice softer. "you did know? you did not know that Vali and Nari where here with Mother? that all had perished at the hands of humans. placed in tubes of ice and water and mutilated?" Phil had staggered to his feet and had gone into the bushes to be sick. "i did not know. i swear i did not know!" Thor whispered, horrified as he realized that his friend Phil was only alive because one of his nephews had been mutilated and experimented upon. he was the next to go into the bushes to be sick. Fenrir just watched, sitting now, looking less like a raging beast and more like a dog waiting for attention.
Tony tensed as he watched the reunion, fingers flexing, knowing he was no match for the wolf without the suit...or even with the suit it would be a problem but he wanted to defend his friend. Wincing at the sound, wanting to cover his ears at how utterly painful it was to hear the sound of his voice. “No. We didn’t. We...we only knew that we were looking at writing that we didn’t know what it was.”Clint said sounding choked and pained as he stumbled after phil, bracing the man as he held him, stroking his hair. “...We...we have writings. That Thor said...that it was asgardian. We didn’t know what it was, but...maybe you can understand this? Thor didn’t...but...”Tony rambled because the man was utterly unable to not to when he was nervous.
Fenrir glanced at Tony, as if he knew exactly what the man was thinking before focusing on Sarah again. "how did you get such writing?" he asked, much more calm now that he realized Thor wasn't to blame for the events that had happened. nor where these people. their shock and horror was too honest. "Phil draws it." James explained. "he just starts writing it out, on the walls. we didn't know why. Thor suggested something about a Hive Mind..." "Vali and Nari do not have mental connections like that." Fenrir admitted. "nor did my mother, Sigyn." Fenrir admitted. "nor is the language instinctual. it takes a very long time to learn the ancient language of the Vanir." he admitted. "i would see this writing." he ordered. "as fresh as possible. "i'm... due for an episode." Phil admitted weakly, having finally stopped heaving. "i am, SO sorry. i was reassured, time and time again that the body was pulled from ice that was from the last Ice Age! i never imagined. i never thought..." "you where lied to." Fenrir stated simply. "you are a Friend of my Uncle, who is a noble warrior. he would not be friends with you if you where of evil or wicked inclination. your part in this was misguided, yes, but yi do not blame you for it." he promised. "i was angry because i believed Thor knew. now that i know he does not, my anger lies elsewhere." "this is why Loki did it." Thor whispered. "humans killed his Life mate and two of his sons. of course he went mad with grief." "My father is not mad. angry, yes but not insane." Fenrir stated simply. "he will return to lay waste to this planet sooner or later. we will simply have to redirect his fury." Fenrir admitted. "know this. i will kill Odin for his part in this." Fenrir warned, shocking Thor so bad that all the thunder god could do was gape at his nephew.
“Over and over. It’s always the same.Craved into the walls, drawn...doesn’t matter. It’s always there”Sarah said tilting his head before frowning. “...then what the hell is it...”Tony muttered to himself as he turned over the newest facts they knew, what the fuck was phil writing if it wasn’t a mental connection or a part of what the boys had known? “Yes. A warrior wronged. We went against Hydra for what they’ve...”Sarah paused considered that. Tilting her head as she considered it, frowning a little. “Fenrir?”She said quietly, “How long have they been...gone?”she said looking at the wolf, curious. Wondering just how much hydra had to pay for, and more then willing to help a angry godling lay waste to hydra if they could redirect loki’s fury at them, instead of the whole world. “Odin?What did he do?”Sarah said refocusing on the wolf, resting a hand on thor’s arm to offer comfort. “...He banished them here, right? I mean, in mythology Odin outcast Sigyn, Vali and Nari to earth...”Clint said frowning slightly, wondering if the all-father had been so cold as to condemn his grandchildren...even if loki had been adopted, surely he hadn’t been that cold.
Fenrir paused, hesitated and then. "it is most lily a memory echo." he stated softly. "with one of their DNA in your system... it is likely their last thoughts, memories or mental imprint has attached to your mind, creating this, 'glitch' for lack of a better word." he admitted. "that's why it repeats most likely. you would also have some connection to the magic that all three of them possessed." "that's right! do you remember?" Tripp asked Clint. "Phil said he could see the universe." Phil blinked, surprised. "did i?" he asked, more than a little shocked by that. "... they have been gone since a month before my Uncle's would be coronation." Thor went very pale at that. "...everything he's done, even getting me banished... trying to get me killed... it was because of Vali, Nari and Sigyn." he whispered.

"i don't understand! why did no one TELL me!? they where only children! Sigyn was pregnant last i heard of her!" Thor wailed, the trauma of realizing that a good chunk of his family had been murdered. "...Odin told my father he would not wage a war over half breed mutts." Fenrir stated softly. "Sigyn was bringing the boys here for an educational excursion, teaching about the battle of the Ice Giants that took place here." he admitted. "they where so excited, it was their first time off of Asgard. in human growth, they would have been about twelve years old. still children. and Odin called them half breed mutts because Loki was not Asgardian, Odin would do nothing. he simply cast Loki away as if my Father was wrong to grieve over such 'pathetic beings'." Thor howled in rage and grief. how could Odin do this!? mock Loki's grief and pain and refuse him closure. children had been murdered and Odin didn't care because they where not 'pure'.
“A repeating code in a computer...that makes sense.”Tony muttered making the connection to something he could understand. “The universe...which would have been bigger that they understood. Something a human would never understand.”Clint mused looking thoughtful as he wrapped his arms around phil, pressing a kiss to his hair.

Sarah was quiet as she looked around the group, before focusing on the wolf, those dark grey eyes shining with anger, darkening like a storm on the horizon. “Well. Odin might not have been willing to wage a war over their deaths, but there is a reason we are called the avengers here. We’ll find what happened, Fenrir.” “You are looking at this world’s best warriors and geniuses, we might not have been aware of them to be able to protect them, but you can be damn well sure we’ll avenge them.”Tony said quietly, the quiet rage in the words even worse then the usual temper tantrums, because it offered no gauge to show just how pissed he was, not even really aware of paraphrasing the word’s he’d told loki when he attacked earth. Only this time, the living legend, a man with breathtaking anger management issues, the demi god, and assassins, along with the Winter Soldier, and the others, were going to turn their righteous fury on the ones responsible for this.
Fenrir nodded. "Magiv is a connection to energy that most humans have no knowledge of, let alone experience with. many humans exposed to magic in such a fashion go mad." "Garret." Gabe admitted. "he went insane. lost his marbles." he admitted, shaking his head as Phil leaned into Clint, desperate for the comfort.

"Odin was unwilling to do anything." Fenrir scoffed. "he has no love for us. his only goal is to control Thor for as long as possible." he admitted with a growl before he moved over to his Uncle and wrapped the now sobbing god into a hug. "i am sure if you had known, you would have defended them with your lives." Fenrir assured Tony. "but that does not help them now." he admitted. "they are still dead, my father is still in prison, Asgard is still being fed lies about why and Odin is still in charge." "not for long." Thor husked out. "not for long." Thor whispered as he slowly got to his feet. "come... let us go back to the Tower." he suggested. "i need stiff drinks... and a shower. and more drinks." Thor admitted, Fenrir shaking his head. "Uncle. will i not put a panic into the humans?" "no. we take a Jet." " have a Jet?" "we do." "...can i fly?" "no you cannot."
“I got you. You’re safe.And sane.”clint muttered as phil leaned into him, holding onto him tightly. “Well, I don’t think controlling your uncle is a option anymore.”Tony said glancing uneasily up at at the storm brewing. While it wasn’t breaking yet, he knew they had to be going soon if they wanted to be out of the rain. “It might not help, but you have other siblings, and a father we can see to. Not to mention seeing to the assholes who did this.”Tony said smiling slightly before nodding. “We’ll raid my liquor cabinet. I’m sure there’s something in there to get even gods and super soldiers drunk.”Tony said before snorting a little at fenrir’s words. “Don’t be upset. I don’t get to fly either, and I can fly.” “No. You’re suit flies. You just go flitting about like a butterfly to much to let you anywhere near the jets controls. We’d all be puking within minutes.”Natasha corrected as tehy all got into the jet, the two falling into their usual bickering as everyone got in, trying to act normal and like this wasn’t tearing them all apart. “Hey. No hanky panky in the plane. Hands were I can see them Gabe.”Tony said smirking to himself, having every intention of distracting james as he watched sarah practically crawl into gabe’s lap and snuggle up to him.
Fenrir nodded and glanced upwards at the thundering sky. Thor's outraged had pulled a storm in and it was threatening to break at any minute. "i do have siblings. all of whom are just as grief riddled as i and Loki, and now Thor are." Fenrir admitted. "they will be glad to know that Uncle doesn't hold them in the same light as Odin does, i will send them a message later, informing them of the new developments. and a message to my Father as well, it might give him the energy to do something other than lay there and slowly die." Fenrir muttered as they all climbed into the Jet. "Tony. you do barrel rolls for fun. the last time we flew every single person in the plan had a concussion because you forgot to tell us to buckle up." Steve stated with a roll of his eyes. "Natasha is driving." Gabe stuck his tongue out at Tony as he snuggled Sarah, holding onto her desperately. he wasn't the one who had gone and killed the poor blue boys and their pregnant mother, but he had seen the bodies that where brought in, including the fetus which had been cut out of the mother's stomach. each one earmarked for a different location. from what he understood, they recognized the energy signatures and went to investigate, saw the Gods and killed them before they even realized they where under attack. at the time he hadn't cared, it didn't affect him. now it did and he felt sick. James on the other hand, had no intention of being 'distracted' and used Tony as a giant teddy bear for some comfort of his own. because he too remembered the day those bodies had brought in. he had escorted the Fetus straight to a genetics and bio chem lab in Nebraska.
Tony nodded a little, “He is a good man, who has a bastard for a father. It’s been driving him insane not knowing what caused loki to do this.”Tony muttered because he knew what it was like to have a bastard of a father, and he felt sick considering just what kind of damage howard stark would have done if given power like odin had. Making a face at steve he sulked. “There’s a sign that says buckle up. I figured I didn’t have to warn you.”Tony muttered sighing softly as they headed for the tower, despite his usual protesting to being clung to all the time, the man needed as much comfort as he did. “...You okay?”He muttered dipping his head to mutter in the brunette’s ear, shooting steve a worried lookg as he looked at both james and gabe, realizing they were reacting similarly, wondering if it was just a reaction to the situation, or if they knew something. Had seen something that had left its own scars.

When they got back to the tower sarah shifted, getting up, gently wrapping her arms around gabe, “Come on sweetheart. You look ready to fall over.”She muttered looking so worried for him, having realized just how desperately he was clinging to her, gently stroking her fingers through his hair. “Jamie?”Tony muttered into the man’s hair, pressing a kiss to his hair, nudging the clinging man.”You have to let go so I can get up.”
he nodded. "i imagine so. for most of Asgard, Loki's actions are seen with confusion. my Father has never been the violent sort. i imagine all will be calling for his release once they know the truth. bigotry like what Odin possesses is fairly rare." Fenrir admitted. "at least amidst the Asgardians. they hate me for the most part, because i terrify them. there's very little that can contain me after all." he admitted. "but Sleipnr, Jormungandr, Hella, Lorelei-" Gabe twitched. "-Vali and Nari where all very loved by more than just Loki and Thor." he admitted. "...Lorelei was... Loki's daughter?" "she was. when she started letting her power go to her head, he designed the collar that would silence her. he was horrified that a child of his could cause so much death and grief." he grimaced. "and then she escaped and did it all over again... stupid girl." he grumbled. "no." James muttered. "no i'm not..." he whispered. "i saw those bodies. when they first came in. Gabe was there too, i remember seeing him. i had to... escort the... the unborn baby..." James uttered a short sob and fell silent again, Steve wincing as he gently rubbed James' back.

Gabe shook his head a little. "i'm not feeling too well." he admitted hoarsely. "i should have been drowned at birth." he admitted as he let her take him off the Jet and into the Tower, where he headed for his room to throw up himself now that the shock was starting to wear off. "Don't want to..." James muttered, but obediently released Tony when Steve just picked the super soldier up. Steve carried James straight up to their bedroom much the way Clint was doing for poor Phil and Fenrir was doing for Thor. nothing would get done that night, none of them where of an emotional stat to handle anymore.
Tony winced as he ducked his head, squirming a little to get more comfortable and pull the other closer, gently stroking james’ hair, “I’m sorry. So sorry...we’re going to get them back.Now we have even more reasons to go after them.We were going to destroy hydra anyways, now there’s more reasons.To make sure they never do this shit again.”Tony muttered knowing there was no words to offer comfort, but he tried.

“”What?”Sarah sputtered at his words, holding onto him. “No, no. Come on, we’re going inside.”He mutteredlooking anxious and worried, knowing she wasn’t going to be able to sleep, scared that he’d try to kill himself.Following after him, staying close even if there was nothing to do to help beyond just being with him and rubbing his back. This was horrible.”Kay. Just sleep then. We got you.”Tony muttered as they all headed inside, hating that currently his team was so broken at the moment, but watching everyone head inside, he realized that at least all of them had the emotional support they’d need. Sighing quietly he let steve take james in before going to inform Bruce about what was going on.

In the morning Sarah was slouched awkwardly against gabe, having been staying up to watch him as he slept, stirring at the slightest movement, a elbow braced against his chest even as she curled up awkwardly across him having fallen asleep sitting up she just leaned against him. Stirring when she felt him moving she raised her head, looking at him with quiet pain, “...Gabe?”She muttered eyes utterly exhausted as she studied her boyfriend.

“hey, hey, you’re okay. We got you. Don’t fight.”Tony muttered as James stirred, holding the laptop he was working on out of the way even as he caught james’ wrist as he tried to swing at them, swallowing hard as he balanced the laptop before tossing it onto the nightstand to wrap his arms around james, smiling quietly as steve settled closer to him to. Both super soldier and genius having not really gotten any sleep between wrestling james’ nightmares, and their own. Having instead settled in to work instead of sleep, the genius not able to put aside the thought of what hydra had done. glad that at least, james had gotten some, no matter how fitful it was.
James sniffled a little and nodded. he was going to make Hydra pay for what they did to so many innocent, helpless people. "okay." James muttered as he closed his eyes. his sleep was fitful and broken, during the knight he'd broken Steve's nose and split his lip twice. it was healed by the time James woke up though so at least he didn't have to feel guilty about that too. he woke up swinging and blinked stupidly at Tony for a moment, terror and panic etched into his face as he struggled out of his nightmares. "T... Tony?" he asked, blinking at him before settling as he realized he had only been dreaming. Tony was alive, and so was Steve. they where alive and they weren't mutilated and they hadn't been experimented on. he simply laid back and enjoyed their attention and affection, closing his eyes. "we should get up." James muttered a while later. "Fenrir will be waiting for us..." Fenrir was currently freaking out half the R&D departments by swimming in the communal swimming pool.

"i should have. if i'd died as a child then i wouldn't have done so many awful, horrible things." he muttered. she didn't have to worry about him trying to kill himself. that wasn't how he operated. he would save his death for the person who deserved to hand it out. in this case, Fenrir Loki or Thor. "....yeah?" he asked once he had woken up, blinking at her. " didn't sleep?" he asked, worried as he stroked her face. "nightmares?" he asked, swallowing thickly. "me too." he admitted as he sat up slowly and studied her. "get some sleep. i'll watch over you." he promised, stroking her hair. she could sleep safe knowing he wouldn't leave, he never broke a promise. if he was going to watch over her, he wouldn't move from that spot unless he woke her up first.
"Yea its me. Im safe. Steve's safe. Youre okay."tony promised looking down at the man looking tired but relaxed. Itd be hard on him to not be able to let james mind relax,to not torment him. Tony smil3d gently stroking his hair simply relaxed before sighing."do you feel okay? He can wait if you just want to stay."tony said looking worried.

"I know. And I slept some. Just not well."she muttered pressing a kiss to his cheek shifting to lay down and cuddle feeling exhausted but fretful. Leaning into his hand she sighed quietly looking up at him sleepily. "You'll be okay?"she muttered showing what more then nightmares had kept her up. Taking care of him, si th ing softly.
James took a shaky breath and relaxed at the promise. "i feel..." he paused, struggling. "empty." he finally admitted. "like someone scooped out all my feelings and dumped them somewhere." "it's just shock. you feel too much so the emotional part of you is trying to shut down in order to cope." he explained gently, stroking his lovers hair. "come on, i'll make everyone some breakfast." he promised, urging them both up and into the showers to get cleaned and dressed while Steve headed out to make enough food to feed an army. made him feel better, baking up a ton of popovers, some Breakfast Skillet, Grits, hash browns, pancakes and about fifteen packages of bacon and sausage. soon the entire living area of the Tower smelled like food.

he nodded. "i can relate. i didn't sleep very well either." he admitted. he had woken dozens of times in the throes of nightmares. he didn't seam to remember her soothing him back to sleep. "i'll be fine." he promised as he smiled at her. "i'm not going to go throw myself off the tower if that's what your worried about." he promised.
"Me to....I think we're all in shock."tony muttered sighing quietly before grinning at steve's words."you are such the wife in this relationship."he teased trying to get back himself even as he showered and got ready, for once taking a shower with james and not stealing a grope. Smiling as he ztole a kiss he dressed getting james there to before heading for the kitchen."so how long do you think it'll take the others to show up?"he said tiredly,looking about as bad as he usuall6 did after a three day bender.

"...I was worrying about that....I need you around gabe..."she muttered tiredly yawning,snuggling into him before her stomach growled at the scent of food."...I'll sleep afterwe go see what cap made...she said as she stumbled out of bed and headed for the penthouse
Steve nodded before grinning. "i already knew that. i've been your wife ever since i moved in, why change it now?" he asked with a chuckle as he headed off to cook. James made sure he got to wash Tony's hair, even if he didn't grope the other. he remembered, back when Steve was still sick and weak, he'd used to wash his hair when Steve was too weak to even lift his own head. it made him feel good to take care of Tony and Steve like that, so he did it every chance he got. "not long." Steve admitted as he started putting out the serving platters. thank god the table was big enough to hold all of them. "the smell of food usually brings them all in, and we can have Jarvis get everyone else."

"i won't leave you." he promised, stroking her hair before smiling as he followed her up the Elevator to the communal kitchen. that's when they received a big surprise. laying back in a 'chair' that was hovering several inches off the floor was Fitz. the chair had been designed by Tony, and fixed up to be medically assisted by Bruce, allowing Fitz to come out. there was an air mask over his face, but enough that he could talk with little issue. a bluish fog was filtering in through the tube attached to an air tank that looked like it was also attached to a nebulizer. the mask was strapped into place so he didn't have to hold it up, which was a good thing because his left arm was strapped to the arm since he had Vascular tubes in said arm that where keeping him dosed with low grade painkillers and hydration. "Fitz!" Steve crowed, delighted. "welcome back buddy! how are you feeling?" "i'm feeling fine." Fitz promised, smiling. "Bruce said it would be good for me to... to..." "interact." Bruce supplied patiently. "yes! that. said it would help me with my recovery... did you know that there is a werewolf in the building? i'm not sure if it's actually real though..." Bruce chuckled. "he's real." he assured Fitz. "your not hallucinating."
Sarah grinned happily at the sight of fitz,wrapping a arm around gabe's waist as they walked in and settled not at the table but the small breakfast nook.close enough to talk to everyone but senough space to not make gabe feel like he was croding in close to fitz,knowing her boyfriend still hadnt accepted they weren't angry with him. Tont grinned at fitz's words smirking a little. "Despite how good your painkillers are,no the werewolf is real. Unlike the smelling of colors."tony grinned at his friend as he started to eat having every intention of treating him like he always did. For him nothing was differentexcept that he was going to have to be a little less manic as to not upset fitz,afraid of overwhelming him
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