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Hidden (lady/moon)

“But but it’d be awesome!”Tony pouted before smiling. “I’ll have to take James then.”Tony pouted a little at the idea of not making out a thousand feet in the air, during the middle of a barrel roll. “And I do not. I have to compensate for the extra weight somehow. The fact I enjoy swirling around, is just a bonus.”Tony snickered. “Hm, I’ll have to make sure to make him lean over the edge of the car if he throws up.”Sarah snickered as they left. “It is.”She agreed before pausing, eyes wide as she considered that. Grinning with reckless abandon she smirked. “Steve’s bike.”She said knowing that of the two, phil would forgive them for taking lola sooner then steve would forgive them for the bike. Grinning as she settled on the back, she smirked at him.”You driving?”She said smirking as he settled on the bike, shuddering a little as she settled against his back.
"it wouldn't be awesome." Steve grumbled, James chuckling. "i'll go." he agreed. "would be really fun." he admitted. "i don't get sick during high speed barrel rolls." "jackass." Steve grumbled, making Bucky snicker. "your both jackasses." he complained affectionately. the three of them had really cemented their relationship. something that Fitz adored teasing Tony about. he'd given Tony a pair of kitty eats and handcuffs the other day. the face that the three had used them was completely beyond the point. "not fair." Gabe complained with a chuckle as they left. "...James, your daughter stole my bike." "why is it she's always mine when she's in trouble?" James asked, frowning.

"alright." he agreed as he settled onto Steve's bike and kicked it into gear. "of course i'm driving!" he stated with a grin as he took off with a whoop and a laugh, heading for Coney Island and loving the way she was plastered against his back. it didn't take them long to get there thankfully. "where should we go first?" he asked with a smile.
“Great. It’ll be like the world’s best foreplay.”Tony grinned with amused hyperness, grinning ever so slightly as he was called names. “Don’t go calling me names, Cap. Otherwise I might not be nice to you.”Tony smirked a little, shuddering ever so slightly, turning his head slightly just to feel the leather pressing against his skin. Snickering at Steve’s words he smirked. “Because you are the troublemaker.”Tony smiled shaking his head. “At least you know Gabe can drive it. She’s just along for the ride.”

Sarah laughed as he drove, pressing against his back, shuddering at the feel of the motorcycle vibrating between her legs, feeling her boyfriend pressed tight against her body. It was...amazing. Flushed and happy as she looked up at Gabe as they stopped, grinning as they walked inside, “Uh...the ferris wheel.”She grinned at him."You did promise me kissing at the top."
James laughed and nodded. it would be pretty awesome. "i will call you names. you like it when i call you names, Dirty Kitty." he teased with a smirk as Jame's hand found that leather and skin again, stroking it with a grin. "oh, Sarah can drive it too. i taught her how." Steve admitted with a smile. "now then. i think a certain Dirty Kitty needs a spanking for being lippy." Steve growled in Tony's ear with a grin.

"god. no wonder Steve likes that thing so much." Gabe muttered, feeling quite turned on. "i did promise you a kiss at the top." he agreed. "lets stop at the ATM and get some cash so we can bribe the Carni to stop it while we're up top." he decided with a grin as he grabbed the ATM, pulling out about three hundred dollars and then bought about four hundred worth of tickets. this was going to be her best day ever, he was bound and determined. then with a smile he did exactly as promised and bribed the man to let them stop at the top for a good five minutes so he could give her the kiss of a lifetime.
“Hm, I am not a kitten!”Tony sputtered, head bowing ever so slightly under james’ hand, squirming slightly as he snickered. “I’m sure gabe’s enjoying having her plastered against his back though. I mean, the bike’s like a huge vibrator.”Tony snickered groaning as steve growled at him, enjoying teasing them about sarah because it was nearly guaranteed to get him punished.

Sarah swallowed thickly, smirking a little. “Yea, I don’t want to think about why Cap likes the bike.”Sarah said before laughing as they got their cash, smiling as she followed him onto the ferris wheel, eyes blown and wide as she kissed him, it was amazing, pulling away just long enough to look at him, hands tangled in his hair, panting ever so slightly. “...Think we could bribe him enough to leave us up here?”she said panting, flushed and turned on.
Steve smirked. "notice the part he protests." he teased as James sniggered. "it is a huge vibrator." Steve admitted with a smirk. "why do you think i like it so much?" he asked with a snicker as he watched James tease Tony. "up." Steve ordered, voice dominant as James urged Tony to his feet and to the Elevator. "Jarvis, Code Tango." Steve ordered, which would effectively stop the elevator for about ten minutes so they could do dirty things in it. "Kneel, Tony." Steve ordered, smirking. "lets put that filthy mouth of yours to better use, hmm?" he asked, unzipping his pants and slipping his cock out, James grinning as he leaned back to watch.

he sniggered and nodded as he hooked his arm in hers and led the way to the places that they wanted to go. "probably not. we'd get busted for kidnapping probably." he admitted. "there are other people on this ride after all." he admitted with a chuckle as the ride started again. "come on, we'll go find an alley somewhere and ill suck you off." he promised with a chuckle.
“Hey, I know I’m dirty.”Tony made a face before groaning, “Perverted Cap. Didn’t know you had it in you to use your bike as a sex toy.”Tony whined a little shuddering at the order, eyes blown out as he looked up at steve, whining, protesting being moved because he really was horrible at being submissive even when he was. “No.”Tony growled even though after a few long moments he sank to his knees, smirking at his captain and soldier, swallowing hard. “Would that be a better use?”he said raising a eyebrow as he wavered a little, leaning closer to the other.

“Hm, true.”Sarah snickered a little as the ride started, moaning softly at his promise. “I’d like that.”She said panting quietly as she considered that, nearly stumbling as they got off the ride, her response to him making her a little clumsy and uncoordinated, blushing because despite the vague memories of sex, this was the first time she truly remembered feeling like this. “Let’s go down to the beach. Its late enough in the year there wont be anyone there.”She pointed out,”We could use the boardwalk there...”
he smirked. "i know. no one would." he admitted with a chuckle. "yes." Steve growled back, his eyes boring into Tony's. he knew the other would move, he just had to wait. just like that, Tony had knelt. "better use for now." Steve agreed, smirking at Tony as he pressed the tip of his cock to Tony's lips, rubbing those smooth lines like he was trying to use his Pre-cum as a lipstick. "go on Kitten, suck. you know you want to." he growled, smirking.

he grinned at her and nodded as he helped her off the ride, grinning. "i like the way you think." he agreed, kissing her again as he led the way down to the pier, looking for a good, secluded spot. "Grant Ward." a voice spoke, heavy with a German accent, smug. "and Sarah Taylor. what an interesting place to finally find you, alone." Gabe went tense and he turned to stare at the man who had haunted his dreams. the man who had put him into the machine, the man he could remember rewriting his memories, making everything new and painful once more. "Take a deep breath." the man ordered, smiling as Gabe staggered backwards, panicked. "no! Don't do that! Stop it!" "calm down and take a deep breath, let your mind free, and comply." "Stop it!" Gabe demanded, voice high and etched in terror. "Stop it!" "Everything will be better when you simply, comply."
Tony moaned softly looking up at the other as he felt the cock pressing against his lips, raising a eyebrow. “This will be the lipstick the world over. Cum and apple pie flavored.”Tony snickered a little lips brushing against steve’s cock, teasing himself as much as steve, resisting before giving into the need, groaning as he slid his mouth down over him.

“Wha?”Sarah winced at the voice, her lust shattering as she turned to look at the other man, swallowing hard. “Stop this. Now. He is not yours anymore.”Sarah glared anger even as she focused on the man and not gabe, knowing she needed to deal with this quickly. Sliding the knife free from the lining of the jacket she gave it a throw, just wanting to force the man to back up a step, knowing this wasn’t going to last. Knowing that no matter how good she was, she couldn’t fight, not when she was going to be focusing on defending gabe since he was falling apart. “Gabe.”She growled grabbing his arm, tight and bruisingly hard even as she dragged him with her, pushing him in front of her, running towards the bike. Knowing if they could get to the bike, they could loose the hydra agents in the city.
Steve rolled his eyes. "shut up and suck, Kitten." he ordered, looking amused, moaning as he finally felt those luscious lips wrap around his cock. "god you where born for this." Steve groaned, tangling his fingers in Tony's hair. "i think this is all your going to do. kneel and suck cock and make fancy shit that i don't understand with wires and metal." he decided. "yes. Sex and tech, that's all your going to do from now on." Steve decided, thrusting slowly, gently into Tony's mouth.

"he is always ours." the man stated with a smirk, his head tilted at the sight of the knife, completely un-bothered by the sight of it and simply stepped to the side as it whizzed by him. their escape was quite suddenly cut off by a Line of Hydra soldier, all of them holding guns. "Relax. take a deep breath. set your mind free, and Comply." the man ordered softly, Gabe whimpering as he shuddered hard and then went still. "are you ready to Comply?" the German asked, smirking as Gabe nodded. "i am ready to Comply, Sir." Gabe admitted, sounding blank and dull as he stared at the man, waiting for instruction as the German chuckled. "good. bring the girl." he ordered. "we have business to do." Gabe looked at her, not recognizing her in the least. "follow, or die." "now now. we don't want her dead. you can maim her if you must." the German promised. "but do not kill her. we need her alive." "Yes Sir."
Tony whined a little at the order, nearly squirming at his feet, shuddering at the idea of only doing sex and tech for the rest of his life. Nearly yanking some of his hair out as the alarm sounded, looking confused for a moment as he pulled off steve’s cock, trying to figure out what it was. “J?” “Sir, Lady Sarah activated the distress call on her watch. She is in dire need of assistance.” “Kay. Take us to the lab. Now!”Tony yelled rocking a little as he stumbled to his feet, wincing as he looked at the two super soldiers. “I can only carry one of you. The other’ll have to grab thor to hitch a ride.”Tony said already starting to pull the suit on.

“Gabe!No, gabe. You’re mine.”Sarah growled looking at the soldiers around them, holding up her hands, not offering resistance, knowing that her watch would soon enough lead her fathers and the rest of the team to them, she just had to buy time. “No. Don’t. Gabe, you know me.”Sarah said begging quietly before looking at the german, “What do you want from me?”
Steve yelped at the sound f the Alarm, jerking back away from Tony. had he missed the man's safety action? that was a hell of a loud alarm. "fuck!" James hissed as Steve tucked himself away. "i'll take Lola." Steve decided. "Phil will meet me down there and you take James." he ordered. "Jay! tell Phil we need him, Assemble the Avengers." he ordered as he headed for the Garage as James started pulling on his Winter Soldier Armor as Tony assembled the Iron Man suit. the others where already gathering to help, suiting up and heading for the roof and a Wasp Jet waiting for them.

"why, what we wanted in the first place." the man admitted with a smirk as he led the way out of Coney Island. "you will bear us a new child, one even greater than all of our assets." he admitted. "we will of course be reprogramming you." he admitted. "you will learn to comply, just as Grant has." "i am willing to Comply." Gabe assured the man who smiled. "i know. and you will be rewarded for that." he promised with a smile. "you will be our new prize. and if we can manage it, we'll be getting our Winter Soldier back as well."
“See you there.”Tony growled out as he finished the suit, already pulling james against him as he headed for the door, jumping and free falling for a few moments as he got his bearings, and heading for coney island.

“You’ve tried for years. You would think by now you’d realize we’re just not breedable together.”Sarah ground her teeth together, slanting a glance at Gabe then looking at the man again. “I am not a doll to simply be compliant. You wont risk destroying me, not yet. And I will never be compliant....”Sarah snickered silently, fear choking her words, wondering if she was going to lose gabe all over again, “I doubt it. You might have gotten to me, but James is currently playing to a billionaire’s needs. I doubt you’ll get him away without watching the avengers raze the world to the ground....also. Loki would like to have words with you.”Sarah said dragging her feet a little, delaying as much as she dared even as her sensitive hearing picked up the whine of repulsors, and the gunning of a jet engine.
James was too terrified for Sarah to enjoy the free fall or the flight, he had his sniper rifle in his hands, cocked and ready for the first shot. he had a few dozen weapons on hand and a few dozen in a bag looped around his shoulder for Sarah. he could only hope that he was getting there in time to help her.

he smirked. "so you mean to say that Grant Ward was not rendering himself Sterile in order to prevent your pregnancy? we don't have to worry about that this time around." the man admitted. "and do not worry. we will make you comply." he smirked. "after all, we have made stronger women than you to obey our commands." he admitted. "ah yes. Tony Stark. it will be delightful to make him and Rogers bend to our wills to protect you." he admitted with a smile. "the rest of the Avengers will follow." he paused at her mention of Loki and turned to look at her, confused. "Loki? the would be ruler of the world? what has he to do with any of this? he is locked away on Asgard." "not for long." a voice snarled, the massive Fenrir the first to arrive in a swirl of emerald fire and black smoke. which of course, created a massive panic. "kill it." the German commanded as Fenrir charged into the fray. but these people only had bullets and common icers. they had nothing on an enraged God.
“Nope. He might be brave, but not even Grant is willing to put up with that kind of pain just for me.”Sarah said lying smoothly, though her stomach tightened, wondering how he had found out that out. “They wont bend. Not for me.”Sarah shook her head before smirking. “For now. But it seems that you killed his son. It does not do well to kill a sorcerer’s son.”Sarah mused already throwing herself back out of the way as fenrir charged in, grabbing gabe, reaching for the weapons james tossed her even as tony landed and dived into the battle themselves. Within minutes, the rest of the avengers arriving and between the two enraged gods and the enraged avengers, the hydra agents were quickly taken care of, even if the german had managed to escape. Panting as she wiped blood out of her eyes from a cut over her eye, it was healing even as it poured blood into her face, she looked at gabe, raising her hands a little as to not provoke him.”Gabe?It’s sarah. Your sarah. Gabe?”She said glancing sideways towards james, having not idea how to break through to her boyfriend.
he smirked. "you are lying of course." he admitted. "we have heard him confess to you." he admitted. "or where you not aware of the fact that he was chipped?" the man asked with a smirk. "it is how we knew you would finally be alone here. and how we knew he was sterilizing himself." the man chuckled. "we listened in on your conversations anytime we pleased." he admitted, tapping his own here, where Gabe had an implanted listening device, not that Gabe had known it. "they will bend. they are weak with emotion and loyalty." he admitted with a smile before scowling as he realized the others where there in an instant. they must have been tracking Sarah. "Grant! Slaughter them all. leave the girl alive." "Yes Sir!" Grant called, shocking a good number of the Avengers, particularly those who had been betrayed by him once already. it didn't take them very long to have him pinned down and pinned against a wall where he couldn't hurt anyone, his bracelets connected to metal poles. he had insisted, he wasn't sure why at the time, now they knew. "what's wrong with him?" Fenrir demanded, sniffing at Gabe. "...they brainwashed him and then triggered his 'activation' codes." James explained. "it's like hitting a reset button..." James explained. "i'm not sure how to break it." he admitted, looking deeply worried as he examined Gabe, who examined them all with curiosity, but no recognition."
Sarah’s eyes went wide at that, realizing exactly what they had done. They’d have to deal with that, trusting that bruce and tony would be able to take care of that implant. Sarah flinched, swallowing hard as she looked over at james, looking so hurting and no idea how to fix this. “Let’s get him back to the tower.”Sarah said quietly, rubbing a hand over her face. “Tony?” “Hm?” “No party. Let’s just get back.”She muttered already heading to pick up steve’s bike. “Go with her. She shouldn’t be alone. We’ll get Gabe back to the tower.”Tony said quietly looking at james, nodding towards the broken hearted girl even as the others started getting gabe into the jet.
Bruce had opted not to go with again, and had in fact stayed behind to get the emergency care area ready. which was a good thing because Phil had been shot and so had Hunter. Tripp was cradling a broken finger of all things. at least no one was hurt badly. "we'll get him back to the tower." Steve promised, grabbing the struggling Gabe's wrists and forcing them, gently, behind his back, letting the bracelets connect like handcuffs. "James nodded and headed after his daughter as Steve started manhandling Gabe back through the street, ignoring the mans growls and attempts of escape. "Sarah?" James asked, gently setting a hand on her shoulder. "it's going to be alright." he promised gently, pulling her into a tight hug. "he's going to be alright, we just have to give Bruce a chance to work on him. we have to give him a chance to remember." he explained. "others have broken the programming and Gabe is strong." he promised. "it's going to be okay..." he hoped.
Sarah startled a little at james’ touch, turning to look up at him, leaning into him. Hands holding tight to the back of his shirt as she clung to him. Because she had always trusted him to make sure everything was alright. That if he said it could be done, she trusted him to make it so. “We’ll see. I’m going home. And relaxing.”Sarah sighed quietly as she bullied him onto the bike and driving herself, because she needed to.

When they got back to the tower she was quiet as they headed down to make sure everything was fine, pleased that they hadn’t been hurt to badly for coming to her rescue. “I’m sorry guys...I didn’t think going out on my birthday would result in this.”She sighed quietly looking over her hurt friends as bruce doctored them up with simmons’ help, before swallowing hard. “How’s gabe?”She asked looking anxious and failing to hide it
he held her tightly until she was ready to let go. "yes. a good idea. i'm sorry this happened. it never occurred to me that they might have put stuff in us. i'm going to have Bruce examine all of us, full body scans to make sure that there's nothing else buried inside of us." he let her drive and tried his best not to press up too close to her.

"oh Sarah, you shouldn't blame yourself for this." Bruce ordered, beckoning her close and then wrapping his arms around her, hugging her tight. "we're all just so glad that your alive and okay." he promised her. "Gabe will recover, and so will everyone else. funnily enough, Tripp has the worst injury, he would be pulling triggers for a while, but he's barely hurt." he smiled a little. "i have him sedated." he explained. "he bit me. i've already removed the listening device and checked him for any others. i'll need to check you and James as well." he admitted. "and i'm running Scans on Phil as well, since he was held captive by Hydra a few times. we need to make sure he's clean as well." he admitted as he indicated the bed that Gabe was currently strapped onto. he had a few scratches but nothing else. the removal of the device hadn't even needed surgery.
Sarah flinched slightly at the order, swallowing hard as she looked down, hugging him tightly as she rested her chin on his shoulder, “He always was a biter.”Sarah snickered sadly pulling away, running her fingers through her hair before nodding a little. “Of course.”She nodded shuddering a little at the idea of getting checked for bugs, “Let me check on him first, then you can do whatever tests you want.”She muttered as she moved over to gabriel’s bed, looking down at him. Gently stroking his hair out of his face, swallowing thickly. “Oh gabe...”She muttered to herself, checking him over before looking at bruce. “Let’s get this over with. Then I’m going to bed.”She said her emotions tightly locked down, refusing to contemplate just how much had been ruined by them going out, simply wanting to be by herself as she considered losing her boyfriend all over again.
he chuckled. "yes. he was." he admitted. "remind me to tell you about the time he bit me." he offered. "it's alright Sarah, all you'll have to do is lay on the table while i run your through an MRI." he promised. "it will pick up any electronics." he promised. "i'll check Phil first since he's already here." he promised, running his scans over Phil and picking up nothing. "if you want, we're moving Gabe back to his own rooms, Jarvis has them on Lockdown for now and he's keeping a close eye on him for now." Bruce explained as he gently had her lay down on a Table and ran the MRI wand over her, examining the images. "nope. your clean." he promised once he'd looked over every inch of her. "alright James. you're turn." he ordered, urging him up onto the Table and running the wand before pausing. "...oh hell...." "what?" Steve demanded, instantly on edge. "...uh. he has... well it's... did you know his eye is fake?" there was a long silence as they all took in what that might mean. "and it's wired to an explosive..." that. was not good.
“I will.”Sarah said quietly, looking amused at the idea, before swallowing hard. “Okay. That’s not so bad.”She said as she watched him run over phil, before nodding a little. “move him. If hes’ there, he might remember more.”She said quietly, relaxing completely as she realized she was clean before startling at james’ prognosis. “What?”Simmons looked up, eyes wide, startled before swallowing. “Fucking hell...Tony?Will you go get fitz?”Simmons said looking at phil, tilting her head. “We’ve run into this before. It’s a common Hydra practice. It’s possible to remove it, but it’s going to require some sedatives. I mean, I know you don’t do well, but you’re going to need to go under James.”The scientist said looking worried.
Steve nodded, promising to take him up right away, once he was sure James was alright. "...fake? but i can use it." James protested. "i don't understand..." "it's going to be alright James." Steve promised, taking the man's hand. "i'll be right here the whole time." Steve promised. "but... i'll lose my eye, won't i?" "...yes." Bruce admitted. "but they won't be able to blow up your brains either." Bruce admitted. "if we can get it out, whole, we might be able to recreate it. it could be a great advancement for medical science..." Bruce admitted, making James chuckle. "i'm more interested in the fact that it's my sniping eye. it's the one i aim with..." he muttered before tending as he realized he was going to have to go to sleep. "....okay." he finally whispered, tense and terrified, but it was better than dying. soon he was asleep and Fitz was there, wearing his medical gloves, ready to help.

"it looks like it's a primitive example. probably one of the first. they can't use it to send him messages or look through it." Fitz explained after examining the scan intently. "all it does is provide a visual 'feed' to his brain much the same way his arm get's a 'feed' from his muscles." Fitz muttered as he and Simmons worked. "what this means, is that we can extract all of the technology without worrying about it ...uhm... uhm.... exploding on us. there's no manual switch we can accidentally hit. it's... uh... it's.... uh..." he checked his Tablet. "remote access only, and even then they have to be within fifteen feet. they must have used it to ensure his cooperation when they first discovered him." Fitz muttered as he carefully, very carefully pulled out the wires that where inside of Bucky's eye socket. "even old technology like this is rather brilliant. not of SI quality to be sure, even from back th...." he paused and then. "...get Phil..." he ordered as he let Simmons handle the now empty eye socket. on the mechanics of the eye, was the Stark Industries logo. either Howard had been Hydra and they hadn't known it, or Hydra had been stealing from Stark industries since Howard first started it.
“You’ll be okay. And you might lose it temporarily. We’ll figure it out.”Tony muttered already playing on his phone, and a simple glance said that he was already working on recreating the eye even as he held james’ hand, designing one handed. “You’ll be okay.”Simmons said seriously watching the brunette super soldier go to sleep, swallowing hard.

“Considering how old he was when he probably lost it, it had to be one of the first.”Tony muttered as he tilted his phone this way and that from his seat on one of the desks, looking like a little kid as he designed away, only half listening to what they were says. “So since his brain’s already used to using the ‘eye’ like that, all I have to do is rebuild a better system, and hook it up again.”Tony hummed a little as he worked, only glancing up as they pulled out the eye, shuddering a little as he looked down again. It was to much like watching the arc reactor coming out of his own chest really. Eyes snapping up fitz’s words. “What is it?”Tony demanded as clint and phil walked in, both men looking worried. “....”Simmons swallowed hard glancing at the anxious looking billionaire for a long moment before making the call and showing it to steve and phil first, letting the two men tony trusted most be the ones who told him that the eye was stark tech
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