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Hidden (lady/moon)

Fitz grinned as Tipp took up the joke. "he was talking to the Coffee machine because it's the only thing he loves as much as himself. Fitz takes a close second though." as expected, Fitz went bright red and fidgeted. "uh... me." Bruce pointed out. "me." Fitz agreed. "me." Tripp commented. "myself." Phil muttered. "pretty much anyone who isn't a blonde skank or someone who wants to kill you." Sam commented as he walked in, looking amused. he had two black eyes a broken nose, several splits in his lip and his arm was in a sling. "alright Tony. you can take that piece of crap and make it better." "he's keeping the magnetic bracelets on as well. i want Jarvis to be able to stop him if he tries or if he attacks someone." Phil admitted. "he'll be more comfortable in this new room." Phil admitted. "and it will make Sarah more comfortable too."

he shook his head. "i wasn't." he protested before pausing. "yes i was... my parents abandoned me to Hydra after i was born... but i remember my parents. they used to hurt me..." he shook his head hard. "Stark Tower?" he asked, sounding as if he was checking out. too much emotion for one day. "no one wants to help me. i'd be better off dead for the things i did." he muttered as he let her lead him. he said it rather emotionless, but he made no motion that made it seam as if he might actually do it. "hold on Sarah." Steve ordered, gently lifting Grants ankle and attaching a second Anklet. "it's a monitoring system. suicide watch." he explained. "so he can't hurt himself when no one else is there." "i won't kill myself." Grant muttered. "that would be unfair to the people who want their revenge upon me."
“Hey. If the coffee machine wants to stroke my ego as much as fitz does, it’s all okay with me.”Tony snickered a little amused before pouting. “...I’m telling Cap you called him a blond skank, wilson, then laughing when James beats you up.”Tony smirked before watching the other. “What happened to you?Your wings finally stop working?” “It will. Though she’s not looking to good as it is.”Tony commented looking worried for Sarah as he watched them leave.

“...oh. I didn’t know that. But no one gets to hurt you anymore.”She muttered before nodding. “yea. Well, avengers tower these days.”She mused wincing at the sound of him checking out, but she was actually amazed he’d kept it together this long. “I want to help you. Skye wants to help you. Others here want to help. And no, you’re not better off dead. I need you, Grant.”She muttered looking up at steve, watching him hook the anklets on, looking relieved that someone would indeed be watching over him. “No one’s going to take revenge on you.”She promised, heading up to the room, showing him into the single roomed apartment, stripped of everything that could be used as a weapon, but also it looked...more lived in, more homey then the blank walled prison cell.
Fitz sniggered. "honestly, you never should have put AI into a coffee machine." he chastised, more amused than anything else. "i call Steve a Blonde Skank all the time... who're all these folks then?" he asked curiously. "and whose James?" he asked, confused. "what in the hell did i miss?" he wondered as he realized they where watching three strangers on the screen and a Steve. "yeah they failed on me. from about thirty feet up. so excuse me if i don't hug you, i have three broken ribs." he admitted blinking at the screen as Phil sighed. "she's not handling any of this well." he agreed, watching Sarah. "she needs a fun day. maybe Steve could take her and James somewhere? a library, or a Zoo. somewhere fun but without too many memories for James."

he shook his head. "they made me hurt muy little brother. and they let my older brother beat on me. and my older sister used to beat me with these sticks. and my mother used to whip me when i stepped toe out of line." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "but they aren't real are they? even though i remember them." he mumbled. " "...okay." he muttered. "i won't die yet." he promised, his desire to protect Sarah stronger than his desire to die. "they should. i would deserve it." he admitted softly, looking around at the couch and chairs and bedroom. he had an actual shower now and a small kitchen full of foods all he had to do was microwave. there was even color on the walls and he looked around the room with something akin to amazement.
“why not?Being told I’m amazing while getting coffee is exactly what I need when I’m tired.”Tony pouted before snickering at sam’s reaction. “Okay. Let’s see. We have Phil coulson, back from the dead. This is FitzSimmons, the science dream team, Tripp, shield specialist, you know Bruce, and those two in there with Cap?Well you know one of them. That’s the winter soldier, and his ever lovable daughter, Sarah. Who happens to be Steve’s daughter to.”Tony smirked, always the showman. “Sam, you’re looking at the world’s only three super soldiers. And the man they’re helping is Grant Ward, former Hydra agent, and current recovering fucked up person. We’re dealing.”Tony smiled a little before grinning. “Good. I told you you’d break something sometime. Serves you right. I should just make Fitz design your wings as punishment for making me wait so long.”Tony whined before slanting a glance towards Phil, “..Maybe. But you wont convince her to leave Ward’s side unless you have them carry her out.”

“...No, they’re not real. The closest you had to family, was me. And James.”She muttered squeezing his hand, looking worried for him before smiling, pleased at his decision to not to die, wanting him around. “No, I wont let them. If anyone should take the punishment, I will, since you were trying to protect me.”She touched his cheek gently, drawing his attention to her, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Come on. You haven’t showered in days. Lets get you shaved and showered, then you can get some sleep. You’ll feel better.”She muttered glancing at james, not quite brave enough to strip grant down herself and help him shower.
Fitz grinned. "okay, you have a point there. being told i look good while getting a cup of Coffee is really nice." he agreed. "....You have the Goddamn Winter Soldier here?!" Same demanded, horrified. "He tried to rucking KILL ME!!!! he SHOT me! Twice!!!" he protested. "he nearly killed Natasha! and Steve! how in the hell can you have him here!?" he demanded, looking quite freaked out. "Christ. i leave for a month and everything goes to hell." he groaned, rubbing his face with his one hand. "i could design his wings if you want." Fitz agreed. "i could put pretty pink ponies on them, and purple glitter." he mused. "and some flowers too of course." "i'll tell Tony your being mean to me again Stark." Sam warned, pouting as Tony ignored him. "well. it's worth an idea. maybe have Bruce sit a therapy session with Ward, that will give Sarah the chance to get out and have a bit of a life."

he shook his head. "but they're so real. so real Sarah." he whispered. "so very real." he whispered before blinking at her. confused as she stroked his cheek, closing his eyes as he nodded. "okay." "he can't Shave." Steve warned. "not on his own anyway. the blade would be too much of a temptation." he admitted. "but i can give him a hand once he's done showering." he promised, James nodding. "i'll get him in the shower." he promised, shooing James into the shower. he'd done this for the man before, after a training session on how to withstand torture. it was an hour before Grant came back out, showered with a nice haircut and shaved, looking so tired it was a wonder he wasn't asleep standing up.
“Yea.Well, considering you disappeared without checking in, is it really any surprise you don’t know anything?” “Sam, you knew Steve was going after him. Barnes showed up on his own, searching for their daughter. He’s not...the same as he was before.”Natasha said sighing softly. “...I like it fitz. And I do owe you one for not complaining to much that I redesigned james’ arm for him. I’ll let you do the wings.”Tony grinned a little before shrugging. “Steve expects me to be mean to you....Maybe. Bruce?”Tony tilted his head towards the other, looking worried. Truly worried that the woman was bottling everything up, shoving everything aside and not dealing with what she was feeling.

“I know, my memories were the same to.But...I know it’s not real. It’s just hard sorting out what is and what isn’t.”She said smiling a little, “I know. And I’m sure it’s not your first time helping someone to shave.”Sarah smiled a little as she settled on the couch to rest until they came back out, actually fast asleep on the couch when he came back out, making those quiet little anxious sounds as she slept. While she usually didn’t suffer them, she’d gone long enough between wipes that the memories were manifesting as dreams, torturing the poor woman who was already stressing out as it was.
he huffed. "i checked in with Steve!" he protested. "it was an emergency!" he complained. "i'd like to see you take on a pterodactyl without blowing it up, killing it or maiming it!" he complained with a sulk. "so that's really the winter soldiers daughter?" he asked. "and Steve's?... Hydra doing breeding experiments now?" he asked, looking rather startled. "well, i did get to help." Fitz admitted with a grin. "i have to admit, the mechanics on the arm where a little beyond my usual abilities." he admitted. "but i could make a set of advanced flight. do you have the original wings?" "yes." "excellent. i would like to examine them. i bet i could make a hyperbolic... uh.. hyper... uh..." he paused, looking a bit frustrated as he looked at Simmons, who helpfully supplied the right words. "right. thank you." "i think Ward would do well for a heart to heart." Bruce agreed. "and Sarah need to get rid of some of the emotions she's building up before she has a mental breakdown of her own."

he shook his head. "i can't tell what's real..." he admitted softly. "you'll help me? you won't leave me alone!?" he pleaded, gripping her arm, as if terrified she was going to go away right then and there. "i've helped him shave before." Steve admitted, indicating James. "and i've helped him shave before." James admitted, indicating Ward, who remained silent. "...Sarah?" James asked, moving over to her and carefully stroked her hair. "wake up my little one. Malishka" he murmured stroking her hair.
“uh-huh. You still disappeared. It was very boring. There’s only so many times I can making fun of steve.”Tony whined looking a little amused before nodding. “Yes, it really is. Her name’s sarah, she’s stronger and faster then either of them,.”Tony grinned a little. Simmons smiled slightly as she supplied the right words amused at how excited fitz looked at the idea of designing the wings. “we’ll convince her to go out of the tower for awhile.”Tony said sighing quietly, worried.

“I’ll help you. I wont let you do this alone, I’ll stay.”Sarah promised as he held onto her, swallowing hard. “No...dont go anywhere...”She whined a little, anxious sounding as she turned her head, pressing into james’ hand a little, before her eyes went wide and startled as she bolted awake, moving to hit the other, but stopping as her mind caught up that it was just james.
Sam snorted. "honestly, i'm shocked he hasn't killed you yet Stark." Sam admitted as he shook his head and focused on the girl they where watching. "Sarah huh?" he asked, his head tilted. "Cap never mentioned he had a kid..." he paused. "hold on... she's... and then he's..." he paused. "she's nearly the same age as him so i'm going to go with the theory that he didn't know." he admitted, wondering how in the world that happened. "i'll talk to her myself." Bruce decided. "do some of that 'mumbo jumbo' on her." Fitz blushed a little. "it would be good for Steve and James to get out for a while too."

James didn't even flinch. he was too used to her having nightmares. she'd had them often as a child. Grant was watching her from a distance, as if uncertain he would be welcomed by her now that he was clean and shaved and had his hair under control again.
“Cap loves me. He even feeds me on occassion. No killing me.”Tony snickered before nodding. “Sarah Taylor. And he didn’t know. Only James knew about her existence, and that’s cause Hydra had a hand in her creation.”Tony made a face before smirking at bruce. “We’ll do something.Oh!We’ll go to coney island. I have the upgrade for James’ arm, so I’ll go bully him into agreeing, if you go talk to sarah.”Tony grinned already heading out to go find the super solider to play with amazing tech, not just because he wanted to see for himself all of them were okay.

“..Papa?”Sarah frowned sleepily as she looked up at him, before bolting up, looking around her panicked before relaxing when she saw Grant, smiling slightly, “Hey. You look better.”She said already backing away from the emotions the dream had dragged up, having no intention of dumping that much feeling into his lap when he was already strugglign to deal. Glancing up startled at the genius walking into the room. "Barnes!I got a present for you. You done playing babysitter yet?"Tony asked, worry masked behind his usual 'I'm a asshole' mask
Sam snorted, wondering if it hurt to be that Naive? "damn. must suck to realize you have a kid so late in the game... especially if it was because of Hydra..." he muttered, shaking his head. "i'm going to go lay down. i think my pain medication is kicking in..." he paused. "or maybe the room us supposed to be that color?" he wondered as he ambled out of the room. "...i'll go check on him later." Bruce promised. "i'm not sure Coney Island is a good idea." he admitted. "there's a lot of memories for both Cap and James there." Bruce admitted. "go somewhere less likely to insight a mental breakdown."

"i'm here." he promised with a smile. "hey..." Grant muttered sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "you okay?" he asked her, looking nervous as he watched her before looking up as Tony walked in, tensing a little at the sight of the man. James was halfway to Tony, metal arm raised to attack before he realized who it was and stopped. "Dammit Stark don't do that!" James demanded, looking deeply upset that he had nearly attacked the man he had a pretty good lust going for. " that my new arm?"
“Yea, probably. Thank god for the world as a whole, I’ve never procreated.”Tony snickered before looking worried for a moment. “Go lay down.”he said looking worried, because while he harassed the man, he did like sam for the most part. Nodding at Bruce’s words he looked a little relieved. “Good. Make sure he actually rests.”he smiled before frowning, “Oh.Yea. I’ll figure out something. It’ll be fun.”Tony smiled.

“Hey.”Sarah smiled a little, biting her lip as she realized how nervous he was, nodding quietly. “Yea. I’ve always had bad nightmares.”She smiled a little before tensing, looking worried for a moment as Tony took a few steps back to avoid the man moving towards him. “I wouldn’t do it if it didn’t keep you all on your toes. If Cap can’t break the habit of me walking everywhere without knocking, you’re not going to.”Tony snickered before nodding. “Yea. Jarvis got it together and ready to go. Just have to put it on now.”
Sam smirked. "i think you'd make a great Dada." he teased. "how about i go get you a puppy, for practice?" he offered with a grin. "i will go lay down. i need a nap." Sam admitted as he headed off. "try the Zoo." Bruce suggested. "Steve likes animals and so does Sarah i'd imagine." he admitted with a smile. "or you could go down to the Museum, let them catch up on some history."

Ward smiled, relaxing a little when she acknowledged him. "me too." Ward admitted. "i imagine those are going to get worse, having two sets of hellish memories." he admitted with a shrug as he watched Tony. "seriously Tony... don't do that." James ordered, his tone nearly a growl before he focused on his arm. "how bad is it going to hurt?" he asked, wondering if he was going to have to put it on when Sarah wasn't around. he knew if it was anything like Hydra's, he was going to scream.
“...You are not funny, birdbrain!”Tony scowled twitching a little. “I’ll bring it up. Zoo or the museum. Sounds good.”Tony smirked a little.

“...Probably. But you’re across the hall from me and Papa, and a call away from the others. You can have company when you wake up from them.”She smiled a little. “...Fine. I’ll try. But I’m serious. I really can’t like stop, I mean, excitable genius here, doors don’t mean anything.” “...I sorta wanna lock the door just so he’ll walk into it.”Sarah mused smirking at James then smirking even wider as Tony shuddered at the near growl. Wondering just how submissive the genius was....okay. It was disturbing to consider tony’s sex life just because she knew eventually it was probably involve her father, simply because she saw how james acted around him, but it was to interesting in that tony was a a puzzle to try and figure out, reacting oddly to the oddest things. “Probably less then you think it will, more then you think. I got bruce to look at the nervous system end of things, I can give you feeling, a bit, but its going to hurt.”Tony said pausing when he realized why he was asking. “Cap and Sarah aren’t invited. This is my party, and you two can just go do something else.”Tony said having his own reasons beyond the tech and pain for wanting to talk to james alone.
Ward nodded, looking around the room again. much more bare than the others, mostly because Tony hadn't had time to decorate it. Steve knew Tony was working on personalized floors for all of Phil's duckings, since Phil already had one. Sam didn't need a floor, since he tended to crash at Steve's when he needed to stay for more than a few hours. straight as a pole but more than happy to tease Steve relentlessly. "do it. it's hilarious." Steve admitted with a smirk. "sometimes, i have Jarvis warn me when he's coming all hyper like that and i lock the door just to watch him run into it." his smirk widened. "now ask me how i 'lock' an elevator door." because Steve had an entire floor all to himself his 'door' into his rooms was literally, the Elevator into his sitting room. "...Sarah. why don't you show Ward where we live?" James asked, glancing at her. "so he knows where to find us if he needs us." he suggested, before flicking his eyes back to Tony. "i need to talk to our resident genius here anyway."
“Don’t look so disappointed. I haven’t decorated. People coming back from the dead, tend to put a cramp on my decorating. I’m still getting all your guys individual floors done, so you’re just going to have to wait till they’re ready.”Tony said smiling a little as he watched Ward look around. Which was another thing he needed to ask james about, but out of range of sarah just yet. “...You said the elevator stopped working!I spent a hour trying to fix the door.”Tony frowned looking at steve, twitching. Because while for the moment they were in the apartments, they were starting to become part of the avengers, they’d all need their own rooms and privacy...and it wasn’t like he didn’t have the room. “You asked Jarvis to do it didn’t you?”Sarah snickered at the idea, shaking her head before looking at James. “Kay. Come find us if you need anything.”She smiled a little as she left with Ward, showing him across the hall to their rooms.

“Come on soldier boy, we can talk while I work.”Tony smirked, looking up at Steve. “Don’t come down to the lab till I say its okay. I’m serious, no need for you to see him in pain, and I’d rather not be twitchy cause I’m worried you’re going to hit me for hurting him.”Tony twitched grinning at his friend as him and james headed down to the lab, smirking a little as he headed for the lab, settling at the bench. “So, what’s up?”He asked as he gathered what he needed, the tools and arm sitting on the work area in front of him, a chair for james next to him.
James blinked at him and Steve snorted. "i don't think anyone is complaining Tony." he pointed out. "i think Ward is more luxuriating than anything else. i don't think he's ever had a room of his own, let alone an entire apartment." "not in any memory." Ward admitted as he picked up a toaster, only to drop it as it beeped at him. "the Elevator did stop working." Steve stated calmly. "it's just that i made it not work. or rather, Jarvis made it not work." Steve teased with a chuckle before he sighed as he followed Sarah and Ward, upset that James was going to be in pain. knowing that there was little other option but pain.

"alright." James agreed as he followed Tony, ignoring Steve's puppy look. he sat down where instructed and let Tony work. the Arm could come off. had come off before. but it hurt so bad that Bucky sometimes passed out from it. "i was wondering." he admitted. "if you and Steve where a couple?" he asked. "Steve gets very upset when i flirt with you, and very uncomfortable when i flirt with him." he admitted. "you can tell me to stop, i won't mind." he promised Tony, studying the other. "i find you very physically attractive. and your a good match emotionally and mentally. even if i'm not as smart as you." he admitted. "i would like to have you for my own, but if you are already taken i won't try. the last thing i want is to steal your man, or Steve's man." he admitted.
“Oh. Well.Good. And he can decorate it h-Hey!Don’t abuse the poor toaster. Whatever did it ever do to you?”Tony sputtered, oh poor Ward. Having to deal with Tony’s AI’d appliances. “...That’s not cool, Steve. I’m going to get you back for that.”Tony sulked a little. Sarah smiled a little as she showed Ward around the apartment, looking a little worried for him as she did, the slight twitching saying she was edging ever closer to breaking, the stress starting to get to her.

Tony paused from where he was holding a screwdriver in his mouth, his cheek puffed out obscenely as he swallowed the spit in his mouth, startlement in his features at the question. “What?”Tony stared at him before taking the screwdriver out as he set it aside, already starting to undo the wires, trying to make it as painless as possible. “Despite what the other’s say, Steve is not my work wife. Or boyfriend, or anything besides just my best friend.”Tony twitched a little, because he was attracted to his best friend, but knew better then to do anything about it. So...well, at least he knew what the other’s called steve when they thought tony wasn’t listening. “He takes care of me, cause I do so horribly at it by myself. And considering what you two had before...are you really surprised it makes him uncomfortable?Because of that, not because he wants me.”Tony shrugged, oh yea, he was so very oblivious to steve’s attraction, and no one would probably ever convince him otherwise, unless steve did something about it.
Grant stared at Tony as if the man was insane. which was pretty bad, considering Grant was the one who was insane. "you can try." Steve stated simply. "Sarah?" Ward asked after a moment, taking her hand and looking at her with an expression of intense worry. "Are you okay? you look..." he paused, hesitated. "you look worse than me." he admitted. "is there anything i can do to help?"

Bucky stared at him, silent but amused as he watched the screwdriver in the others mouth before he gritted his teath, hissing at the dismantling but not screaming. not yet. the wires hurt like hell, but it was when the anchor points started being dragged out of bone that hurt the worst. that and the electrical discharge that happened when the machine's large plug that fixed into his shoulder socket, not unlike a computer charger or a plug in for headphones. it hurt like hell to say the least. "...Work Wife?" he asked, looking amused as he took deep, steady breaths. waiting for the next burst of pain that would be coming. "he takes care of you because he likes you. you see him taking care of Clint?" he asked. "or taking care of Natasha? they are both horrible at taking care of themselves. he takes care of you because he likes to." he admitted. "i think your being purposefully obtuse." he admitted. "can i have a blowjob after this?" he asked. "i'm horny and this hurts like hell... i should get a prize for being such a good..." he screamed tossing his head back as the first Anchor point was removed. it was more of a startled sound than a pained one though, like the agony had caught him by surprise.
Sarah jumped a little as he took her hand, looking up at him, a slight wrinkle appearing between her eyes as she looked up at the other. “I’m...okay.”She hesitated, knowing it was a lie, and not wanting to lie, but not sure what to do. “....I Weird. Like the world’s off balance just a bit.”She said shuddering a little, the mental issues of the mind wipe and the strain of helping grant, starting to manifest. While james locked himself in rooms, sarah showed physical signs of the stress, her body rebelling against it.

“Yea, according to my ex, he’s my work wife since I spend most of my time with him, and he takes care of me, and we make life decisions together. Though that’s cause he listens insteads of trying to talk over me.”Tony shrugged because it was true, he’d talked to steve over pepper when the woman was still around, simply because steve listened and let him work things out instead of just ordering him to do which decision to make. “he makes sure they’re okay. Not nearly as much as he does me, I’ll grant you, but he does.”Tony said frowning a little, “I’m not being purposefully anything, except being a genius.”Tony frowned at the other, it was because he was so smart that the man had issues with emotions and dealing with them. Grinning he smirked,”I’ll most definitely be willing to give you a blow job.”Tony said as he worked as quickly as he could to get the arm off, pausing when he was done, looking at the other. “You want a few minutes before I put this one on?”he asked, looking upset for having caused him pain, even if it had needed to be done.
he frowned, worried about her. "excuse me?" Bruce asked, knocking on the door, Ward turning to blink at the man suspiciously. "hello Sarah, Ward. my name is Bruce Banner." "your the Astrophysicist and Biochemist. Simmons used to talk about you all the time." "...did she?" Bruce asked, looking amused. "i was hoping i could talk to Sarah a moment?" he asked. "i have a bit of a problem and i was hoping she could help." he admitted. "don't worry, it's not medical." he promised, smiling at her. once he had her mostly alone he explained quickly that he wanted to have a one on one sit down session with Ward. about three hours hoping to help stitch together the man's mind a bit more. he also explained, AKA lied, about how he was worried about Steve and James being too cooped up and was hoping she might take them out into the city for a few hours. get James socialized a bit without too many terrible memories. the Zoo, or the World Museum. promising that Tony would pay for everything. because he payed for everything and got huffy if you used your own money for anything.

"Ex?" James asked, blinking, looking quite mystified. who in the hell would dump Tony? he was gorgeous, funny, smart, tender... who the hell would give that up? "Steve's good at listening." James agreed. "i can't remember him all that much." he admitted. "he makes sure that they are alive. he makes sure your happy, well fed and content." he corrected with a smile. "you are. your being purposefully dumb." James stated simply, smirking at Tony. he did scream, when the arm was fully removed, thrashing in the chair. gentle as Tony was, he didn't pass out this time, though he did sit in the chair and pant for a good minute, sweating because it took everything he had not to go throw up. "just a minute." he agreed, panting as he glanced at his stump... or rather, at his hole. it was red and chafed but not bleeding this time. "ouch."
Sarah tensed turning to look at bruce before relaxing realizing who it was. Calming slightly she sighed softly, looking worried as she followed after him.nodding a little she bit her lip."I'll get them out for awhile."she said swallowing the lie hook line and sinker as she walked back into the apartment tilting her head at ward."he wants to talk to you. It'll do you good to talk probably."ahe smiled up ay ward before looking at steve."and we're going out . you've been stuck inside to long."she sdemanded. And while she was capable of subtly she preferred not pretending when she didnt have to. Not realizing steve would see bruce's plan of getting her outside, by making her worried about steve. Frowning slightly."banner said we should get james out to but he's with tony getting a new arm...oh! I know.we'll go to the park then go to the museum when he's feeling better."she said overeager in her need to take care of steve. Her need to take care of ward bleeding over into taking care of steve.

"Yea...pepper was...she wasnt good at being iron man's girlfriend."tony sighed oversimplificating a complicated relationship before sighing he knew steve took care of him but he really didnt think of it being more then steve being steve and taking care of a friend. And not about to admit to wanting his best friend to a man he both wamted to sleep with and was steve's former lover. It was a little weird for him to consider it. "Kay. Just take a deep breath..."tony sighed looking at the wound nodding to the newer set up and way of anchoring it."this way shouldnt be as bad as that one. Easier removal if needed and less straining. I'm sorry ..I hate to do this but itd be better to do it now and just let it heal after rather then let it heal then reopen the wounds so yea..."tony babled because he hated causing a friend pain,added to the fact he was nervous about causing a episode maybe,the man was a messs
he smiled at her. "thanks Sarah!" he wasn't lying per say. it would do the super boys, James in particular, very good to get out. he just hadn't mentioned he was worried about her too. she was as selfless as Steve was. "talk?" Ward asked, examining the 'hulk' warily. "yes. i'm a psychologist. i'm about four months from attaining my mastery there. i thought it might help you settle a bit easier." Ward relaxed. no torture then, he supposed if this guy wanted to talk, it couldn't hurt. "uh...out?" Steve asked, looking surprised. "what about James?" "he's going with you." Bruce stated simply. "it will assist in James recovery." he smiled. "that sounds like a good idea Sarah. the park might be a bit too much for James right now, so you and Steve can have some bonding time." "i could make a picnic?" Steve offered, smiling. "then we can go to the museum later in the evening. it's a school night so it will be a lot less crowded." Steve agreed, well aware of what Bruce was doing and approving.

he blinked. "pepper? a girl?" he asked, snorting. "i had the impression you where gayer than Steve was." he admitted with a chuckle. "he's such a Nancy boy." he admitted before studying Tony. "you know he'd say yes in a heartbeat if you asked him." James admitted before he nodded, taking in several deep breaths. "it's fine. do it." he ordered. "it'll hurt thrice as bad if you wait and i don't want to be helpless that long." he admitted before taking a deep breath, gritted his teeth and forced his body to relax. it hurt less when his body was relaxed. even then, he still grunted, groaned, moaned and hissed as the new arm was put into place. he didn't scream though, and he looked rather mystified at the lack of screaming pain. "....thanks." he muttered, panting as he examined his new arm, not moving it yet. moving it would ache too much, he was just going to sit there and take a nap for a bit. "that didn't hurt half as bad as the other arm did." he mumbled as he closed his eyes. "i'm going to go to sleep..."
"Youll be okay."sarah muttered b4ushing her arm against ward's in a silent support before smiling happily that she'd had a good idea for all of them."cool. We'll enjoy the park. And a picnic would be amazing."

"Hey.thats just mean. I'm just...demisexual. I really dont care what gender you are as long as I enjoy your company."tony smiled a little as he worked. Ignoring the mention of asking out steve because if he thought about it to much he'd give into the need and simply ask him out which would totally screw up his team and life."fine.lets get this over with then."tony said before starting to work,wincing at every moan and hiss,3ven knowing it was less painful,it still upset him to hurt him."welcome.and of course it didnt.I'm a genius....get some sleep. I'll stand guard and just get some work done?kay."tony grinned as he simply settled in to work on sam'swings and make sure james wasnt disturbed.

Later though she was still a little twitchy,sarah did indeed look more relaxed for her time out. Despite knowing she could leave it was s5ill easier to know that when she did get to go out. Seeing the tower as less of a cage now. Relaxing as she lean3d back on her hands glancing over at steve, glad to se him relaxed, it had done them both some good to discover that they didnt mind sharing the same space, that they got along nearly as well as her and made her relax to know that he simply accepted her as her instead of trying to change her."so what museum do you want to go to tonight?I know theres a few in the city."

Tony glanced up as he heard the super soldier stirring,setting his tools down just in case he had to defend hims2lf if james had forgotten where he was."afternoon,sleeping beauty. How you feeling?"
Jame blinked a little. "they have a word for that?" he asked, looking a bit baffled. "Demisexual... huh. i like that. Demisexual." he muttered with a grin. "what's it called when a person only likes two people?" he asked, his head tilted. "you are a genius." he agreed, relaxing in his chair with a sigh, trusting Tony to let nothing happen to him.

Steve smiled a little as he handed her another Soda, looking much more relaxed himself. "well. there's only one that i really think you and James would like. it's got a bit of everything in it. space, technology, history, art... the American Museum of Natural History." he admitted, handing over a pamphlet. "it's completely massive though, so we might have to plan on going as soon as James is done getting his arm fixed. we can go and have dinner there too. Tony's probably already had the entire place cleared out, so there won't be any big crowds." he hoped. "what do you think?"

James sighed as he woke up, blinking at the ceiling before turning to blink at Tony. "better." he admitted as he slowly sat up and flexed his metal arm. testing the fingers first. wiggling them, curling them into a fest, flexing them out, rotated his wrist, bent his elbow, rolled his shoulder and shrugged. "it moves better." he admitted. "and it's lighter. it hurts less too. no wonder Hydra hates you so much."
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