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Hidden (lady/moon)

he nodded. "toaster." he agreed. "and there was that fiasco with the dishwasher. and the fridge. and the washing machine... the vacuum cleaner..." he paused. "anyway..." he studied her and gently patted her shoulder. "if you think he deserves this chance. then he should have it." he agreed softly. "and he's getting it. i'm sure that if what James said is truth, he's a good man inside." he admitted. "after all, Ward risked his life trying to help Sarah escape..." he admitted before he smiled. "repressed suicidal tendencies." he admitted. "he doesn't think his life is worth anything, so he treats it that way. we're training him a bit but it's been slow going."

his lip twitched a little and made a move that was so very much the Andrew she had once known. and the Grant that Skye and the others had loved. he swept his hand up and over and said in a low voice. "i am not the Droid you are looking for." then he paused and stared at it as if he wasn't entirely sure why he had done that. he shook his head and examined her. "you've had a hell of a few days." he agreed. "and i imagine you'd be more susceptible to high amounts of stress than most." he admitted. "sure. i can play." he agreed, moving over to the second chair ad sat down in front of the table. "you know, i taught my younger brother how to play." Ward was an only child. he had been adopted at the age of six months from an orphanage and raised in Hydra. no permanent 'parent's' just a bunch of different trainers that never stayed long enough for him to form emotional attachments to. James had been the closest thing to a father Ward had ever known until they'd made him new memories.
“...interesting.”Simmons snickered at the idea of tony having a grudge against leaving appliances alone. Smiling slightly she nodded. “we’ll see.”She said not wanting to think about ward or what was going to happen.

Sarah’s eyes widened, laughter bubbling up at his words. “No, you are the droid I’m looking for.”she snickered in amusement before nodding. “I have.”She sighed before rubbing a hand over her face simply relaxing into the chair as she thought about pushing it, but letting it go for the moment. Simply settling in to play a game. “I’m going to kick your ass.”She smirked. Because it had been him to teach her the game, but playing against james, and being a tactical genius in a game that required planning, kept things interesting. Because as a teen, she’d hated beating him, and it seemed even now...there was something that kept her from totally crushing him, playing as often over the next two days to let him win as to let herself win. And...spending more of her waking hours either with james or ward, allowed her to avoid dealing with everything that was going on, simply refusing to deal with anything, even avoiding steve now that things were starting to sink in.

Glancing up in amusement as Grant won again, she pouted a little, mustn’t let him figure out she was letting him win sometimes. “We should make things interesting. Bet something.”She said, eyes widening as a memory sucker punched her at the words, utter confusion twisting her features at the words, as they brought up the memory of playing with him, of sweat slicked skin sliding against each other, pleasure undoing her...but...she’d never had sex...looking up at him in utter confusion she swallowed thickly, trying to stay in control. Having figured out if she just let the memories pass through and didn’t fight to see them, they didn’t hurt as much.

“You know, just cause she wants to spend more time with Ward then you, doesn’t mean you have to kick my ass all over the gym.”Tony grumbled pulling off his helmet looking at the dented metal then at the blond super soldier. “You knew she wasn’t dealing well. This is her, dealing. What did James say?”Tony said knowing the brunette assassin had his own opinion on how their daughter was doing, and was willing to do anything to convince steve to stop with the sad puppy eyes. It just made tony want to cuddle him.
his lip twitched into a smile and he shook his head. "i'm sure you are. i was never good at chess." he lied. because while he was very good. for a normal human anyway. it was just another bluffing technique that he used on, well, everyone no matter who he was.

he smirked a little as he won again and leaned back in his hair, examining her. "interesting? you do realize i know that your letting me win right?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at her before he paused. "you okay? another memory?" he asked, looking concerned as he always did whenever she looked even mildly uncomfortable. "Sarah? can i ask you a question?" he asked, picking up a pawn and playing with it. "why are you here? what do you want with me?" he asked. because she had done a very good job at chipping at his mental walls. a few good shoves and he would shatter. "...why can't i remember my mothers name?" he asked her, voice soft, frighted. "why can't i remember the name of the town i lived in, or the name of the dog Garret made me shoot? what did they do to me?" he asked, swallowing thickly. "Sky? what did they do to me?" he'd called Sarah Skye. as if he wasn't sure who was who anymore. that... probably wasn't a good thing.

Steve was panting as he leaned against the wall, closing his eyes. "i'm having nightmares." he explained softly. "every night... i wake up and i can't go back to sleep because i'm so fucking scared i'm going to see one of you bleeding out all over the floor again." he admitted softly. "and James said that she's trying to avoid me because she doesn't want to face up to the idea of her being a 'freak'... i hit him for that." he admitted. "he just shrugged and said that's what she was thinking. James been avoiding me a bit too. i don't know why, it's like i scare him." he admitted. "and Phil's been acting weird." he admitted. "he's vanishing for hours on end and all Jarvis will say is that Tripp is with him and he's safe. i think Clint's suspecting the worst... Phil's only done it, three times now. but it's kind of freaking me out."

down on the Eighty fifth floor, empty as a desert, Tripp was standing watch over Phil, who was using a knife to carve lines, long loops and circles into the wall. Tripp looked up when he spotted Clint and nodded to him. "hey. i was wondering when you'd show up." Tripp admitted reaching out to block Clint from getting too close to Coulson. "don't interrupt. he gets... upset." Tripp admitted. upset, Phil got homicidal when they tried to upset him. Tripp had come up three days ago and ad to have Bruce stitch him up, he had a deep gash from shoulder to hip on the diagonal. he'd refused to say where it came from, but Clint was smart enough to connect the dots on that one.
“I would never do that.You’re winning.”Sarah said smiling with that wide eyed innocence, before swallowing hard. “’s...weird...I...I remember sex...but I’ve never...”She shuddered trying to sort it out before looking up at him, tilting her head a little. “...I’m here because I remember you. They changed you, deleted from your memory. I just want my friend back.”Sarah said swallowing hard, flinching ever so slightly at ‘skye’ because she knew it was a bad sign she was getting called skye. Standing up she moved around the table to sit next to him, looking worried.”You’re okay, Grant.I’ll take care of you...”

“....I told you to ask Jarvis to tell you where everyone is.It’ll help.’Because that’s what tony did when he woke screaming, had jarvis tell him where people where. “...Did you really? I’m sure he apperciated being hit.”Tony snickered a little before sighing. “Steve. You probably do. For the same reason you scare her, you’re part of a past that neither of them are ready to deal with. Your the father she never looked for, and is afraid to get close to, just in case. And James....well, you were together. It’s bound to make anyone insane suddenly finding yourself back with a old lover.”Tony pointed out before sighing. “And don’t worry about Phil. Well, worry, but Clint’ll be the one to help him. Phil wont allow anyone else to do it.”tony said looking worried about his friend.

Clint paused looking around the froom, frowning. “I was waiting to see if he’d talk to me first.”He said stopping when he was stopped, frownign as he watched phil. Looking worried, knowing whatever was going on, it was bad.”Phil?”he called out, not trying to stop him, but wondering if phil would explain if he asked.
he snorted. "your a terrible liar." he teased with a smile before he frowned. "sex? that's what you remember?" he asked, looking amused before he sobered as he stared at her. "people can't just have their mind deleted Skye." he protested, shaking his head before he paused, his eyes widening. "...but they did. to Coulson... they..." he trembled and flinched as she sat next to him, leaping to his feet. "get away!" he demanded, voice high with utter panic. "Get away from me!" he demanded, scrabbling for a weapon, an weapon before grabbing the chair and slinging it hard against the wall, leaving it completely splintered and destroyed. before he could reach for a sharper chunk, the metal cuffs activated and he found himself pinned to the wall, struggling and screaming in rage and terror as Bruce hustled in and carefully sedated the man. "Sarah? you okay?"

he nodded. "i did." Steve promised. "he said everyone was fine." he admitted. "but the thing is... we're not. none of us are." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "it was only on the arm." he scoffed, rolling his eyes before he sighed. "...i miss him. James isn't the man he was and part of me wants my Bucky back, even if i know that's impossible." he admitted, staring at the floor now. "i just... i want to be a part of their life, even if i can't have what i used to..." he admitted softly. "we're going to keep them, right?" he asked, looking amused. "Phils team... we're absorbing them into the Avengers, aren't we?"

Trip shook his head. "i'm not entirely sure he's aware f what he's doing. i'm not sure he remembers this when he's done." he admitted watching Clint and Phil both. he kept an Icer on hand, just in case. "Clint! isn't it beautiful?" Phil asked, not moving at all save to continue scratching in the things. "it's everything, Clint. everything in the world. it's the answers to the universe. i know how life was born, and i know how we're all going to die. it's all right here. the answers to everything."
“I am not.”Sarah twitched a little before nodding. “Yes...I With...someone.”She trailed off because she didn’t want to think about him, needed it to not really be him. “Yes they can. If you fry them enough. Rewire them enough.”Sarah said watchimg him before looking anxious, already scrambling back, hands up to defend herself if he came at her, watching bruce sedate him before nodding. “Fine..cuffs activated before he could attack me.”She swallowed hard looking at Bruce. Wondering....”I need to have a physical exam. Should I ask simmons?”she said looking anxious, her memories upsetting her.

“...We’re as fine as we can be, cap. We’re functioning. Alive.”Tony sighed quietly, “I know you want him back, but even if you had him, it wouldn’t be the same. He’s not the only one who’s changed, Steve.”Tony sighed movign over to lean against the wall next to him, looking worried. “...We are not. They’re just crash landing her for the time being. If I share my lab with Fitz, and flirt with the cute genius, it’s not my fault it looks like he’s staying. He follows me around cap!It’s awesome.”He said trying to make him laugh worried about him.”They’ll let you be apart of their lives, Steve, when they’re ready. You push it to fast, you’re going to break something.”

“...Huh. We’ll have to figure it out then.”Clint frowned a little, glad he’d kept the bow close, leaning it against the wall at the sight of the icer in tripp’s hand, being unarmed even around someone phil trusted made him twitchy. “...Everything huh?It’s fairly confusing. You should show this to tony. He’d probably understand the writing.”he mused looking worried about him.
he just shrugged. "lots of people have sex." he pointed out before completely shutting down at the realization that his memories where not his own. "good." Bruce muttered. "that's good Ward. calm down now." he murdered to the still faintly struggling man as the drugs kicked in, letting the cuffs down as soon as Ward was asleep. "both Simmons and i are capable of performing a physical." he admitted. "i suppose it comes down to who you prefer." he admitted. "after all, if i can examine Natasha and Jane without getting mauled, i can examine you if that is your preference." he assured her as he gently settled Ward onto the bed. "if you'd rather have Simmons, i can bring her down anytime your ready." he promised.

he nodded. "this is true. though, some of us are more functional than others." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head before he sighed, sagged in place and nodded. "i know." he whispered. "i know." he had to smile. "Tony, face it. you like these people. hell, i like these people. you know, Skye hacked SI?" he asked. "and all she did was look for mentions of Alien tech to make sure you weren't playing with shit you weren't playing with. then she..." he paused. "she, uh... did something to the something to another something and basically used SI as an.. amplificator? to hack into what remains of Hydra. she found a ton of information. still sorting through it all but she's been sending a lot of stuff to SI to play with." he admitted. "you should really start checking your E-Mail. Maria's been trying to send you a lot of that information you know." he chastised with a smile before he sighed. "i know. i just... this is the first chance i've had since i woke up to have something that actually makes sense..." he paused. "well, no, she doesn't make any sense at all... but...." he shrugged helplessly.

Tripp had t smile a little at Clint's skittishness. "the Icer's just in case Phil attacks someone. it won't hurt. it just makes you sleep for a while." Tripp promised. "i don't feel safe with him like this so i keep it on me just in case." he admitted. "No! no. this is mine." Phil hissed, possessive, using a tone that made Tripp jump and stare wide eyed at his boss. "well that's new..." Tripp admitted, glancing at Clint before jerking his head up and to the side, indicating a camera that was aimed at the wall. Jarvis was recording it. whether or not Tony was getting it or not remained to be seen, but Jarvis was recording it.
“You’re okay, Grant. You’re good.”Sarah muttered as she watched the drugs kick in, looking worried before swallowing, looking up at him. Biting her lip. “No...Steve trusts you. And Simmons...freaks me out a bit. I mean...I’d like to trust her...but I trust Steve’s judgement.”She said, and since steve had known bruce the longest, and longer then he’d known simmons, the woman would rather trust bruce. Swallowing hard, she sighed lookign down at ward, confusion twisting her features. “I...I thought I was a virgin. But I’m starting to remember sex...I...I need to know which is the truth.”She swallowed hard, looking away. “Let’s go up to the exam room. The sooner I know what the hell’s going on, the better I’ll feel.”Because she’d seen a face in those memories, she knew who she’d held onto. And that scared her senseless.

“I do not. I like Fitz. He thinks I’m the best thing to ever walk on the face of the earth.”He smirked a little before smirking. “I know. Jarvis told me. And I am not as stupid as people think I am, I wasn’t going to screw around with the alien tech left in my tower. I had thor clear it out for me.”He made a face before snickering at steve’s description of what skye had done.”I know what she did. You don’t have to try and explain.”he smiled before making a face.”I check my email.Sometimes. I just don’t want to talk to Maria. Her and Pepper are conspiring to drive me insane. And natasha. They keep trying to make me go to meetings.”he whined a little before nodding.”I know.And Sarah’s existence makes no sense, but she’s your daughter. It makes sense to try and protect her.”He nudged the other, “Just do better then my own dad did okay?”he muttered.”Give her time. She knows where you are. She’ll find you when she’s ready, as long as she knows your there for her.”

“I don’t care. Still a weapon.”Clint twitched, because it annoyed him to have the weapon near phil,even if he knew it was for his safety. Startled a little before looking at phil he sighed.”Fine, no sharing. We’ll tell Tony to keep his grubby little fingers off of it.”Clint said nodding a little at the camera, knowing jarvis would get the hint and make sure the genius looked at it instead of simply ignoring it like he did most things that weren’t his current obsession. Which was at the moment, whatever stuff he was adding to the suit with fitz’s help. “So. Is there anything you can tell me about it?More then just answers?”Clint asked trying to understand. “I don’t understand this phil.”he said sounding worried.
he chuckled a little. "yeah, Simmons is just a bit hyper. shes a good kid, smart as hell too." he admitted as he checked Grant's pulse and nodded. "he'll sleep for a few hours. we'll have to see how his mental state is upon awakening." he admitted. "it's a good thing your doing here for him. a violent reaction is better than nothing." he admitted before blinking at her. "...come on." he suggested. "i'll give you a whole exam. i don't like that Hydra had their hands on you for so long." he admitted. "i won't use needles or scanners but i'd like to make sure your hormones are at proper levels and your Serum is stable." he admitted. "and i'd like to make sure your bones, muscles and joints developed properly." he admitted as he led her to his doctors station. "here. hop up. i'm going to do the simple stuff first before i make you... you know. get naked." he admitted sheepishly. just know that if you did have sex, Hydra probably didn't want you to know about it." he admitted as he examined her throat and then her eyes, her ears and took a small skin sample from her mouth. he checked her blood pressure and took a tiny little blood sample that he let her take herself so he could test cholesterol and her serum levels. he checked her reflexes, examined every joint and muscle and nodded. "your healthy as a horse from what i can tell." he admitted with a smile. "you had a few too many growth spurts and it put a strain on your body at one point but it's all fixed. i'd swear you where healthier even than Steve." he admitted. "now. i'm going to have to have you take off your pants and underwear and set your feet in the stirrups. i'll touch you as little as possible." he promised. he spent a moment examining her before he sighed and pulled back. "you can get dressed." he promised her. "...i'm sorry Sarah... your not a virgin, however i can say with some certainty that you where not raped. not really. whoever you had sex with was very careful to do it gently. there's no trauma aside from your Hymen being broken."

he grinned. "he does. you know, i've seen his collection." he teased. "he has every single thing you ever published or was published about you, ever.... except for the slander." he admitted. "he never bothered listening to the people who said you where a playboy asshole." he admitted with a chuckle. "you are as stupid as people think you are." he teased. "you just have more common sense than most." he admitted. "i think she was Checking, in case you where part of the whole T.A.H.I.T.I thing." he admitted. "thank god because i don't have a clue. people like you and Skye start talking and it's like your talking in Chinese." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and Maria is running SI for you Tony, the least you could do is open her emails." he teased with a smile before he shook his head. "Tony. if i could, i'd go back in time and beat the snot out of your father." he admitted. "maybe sterilize him too." he muttered. "that man had no place breading." he admitted before he smiled. "still. you turned out fairly okay, so. maybe i wouldn't sterilize him. i'd miss my best friend." he paused as Jarvis spoke up and blinked as Jarvis brought up a hologram of what Phil was doing. "...what the hell is that?"

Tripp smiled, flipped the Icer in his hand and then tossed it to Clint. he trusted Clint, he knew he wasn't going to get shot. besides, Phil would take it better if it was Clint shooting him. "yes. Tony has to keep his grubby fingers off." Phil muttered as he worked. "it's all the answers." Phil muttered. "all the answers of the universe." he mumbled, pausing when he ran out of space and then continued on on a new wall. "of course you don't understand. your not ready yet. no one is ready yet." he muttered. "it's okay. i'll protect you. i will make everything right again."
"Zorta like fritz.though stark's enjoying that hyperness."she snickered a little but looking a little relieved ward would be out for a bit. "I'm not doing it just for him...he makes me feel calmer."she shrugged not wanting to give him the thought she was being totally unselfish as she followed him to the doctor swction,settling up on the exam table looking nervous but relaxing as he was kind about it. Professional and not nearly as weird as hydra had been about it."well considering the serum evolves given time, its making sure I'm healthy.taking the best of both serums to make sure I least thats how I understand it to be..."she said before noding."its okay. You are not the first doctor I've been naked in front of, just the nicest one."she teased as she stripped down and settled into the stirrups nervous despitr her words. Cursing quietly she sighed,"damn...i had hoped thats not what youd tell me..."she sighed quietly though it made her feel better grant had been gentle...but it still didnt explain why he had no idea...they were both so fucked up."...not rape in the traditional sense,but it was."she shuddered because for both her and ward it was, and this was so wrong to know and have no one to tell.

"I know.its awesome. He nearly past out when Ilet him help with the armor."tony snickered before nodding."i know she was which is why I let her. Thank god I'm not that far gone...if Iever get to that level of mad genius you have my permission to do something violent."tony snickered before making a face."I read them.on occasion.shes running SI better then I did. I do better just being allowed to be iron man and tinkering without the business stuff."tony made a face before laughing."I'd pay good money to watch you at up howard...itd be worth working with richards' to get a time machins."he snickered before beaming at steve."so glad to know you'dmiss me-"he paused looking at the hologram."...I have no idea but I think I'm supposed to figure it out..."

Clint raised his eyebrows amused he was being trusted not to shoot tripp as he held the icer watching phil."I'll make sure he stays away from it...phil? How can I get ready?I want to help you...."clint said dging closer to look,and despite his lingering anger at not being told his lover had been alive,it was shoved aside in favor of his utter worry and fear for the man.
he chuckled a little. "Tony adores Fitz." he admitted. "i know. but the fact remains that you are trying to help him instead of just hanging out with him." he admitted. "yes it might be for selfish reasons, but everyone is a bit selfish when it comes to things like this." he admitted. "it's because your selfish and want him to remember you that it's working so well." he admitted. "this is true. but then again, some Serum are very volatile and dangerous and end up killing it's host." he admitted. "and then you get people like me who become poison because of the Serum." he admitted. "well, i like to think i'm nice. it helps that i don't find you physically attractive." he admitted. "the Serum and the Gamma radiation killed most of my testosterone. i don't find anyone physically attractive." he admitted. "i can't even masturbate anymore, not that i ever feel the urge to." he admitted. "...they wanted to breed you and Ward." he muttered. "that's sick. they are sick." he muttered as he shook his head. "that must mean that they erased that knowledge. which means it either succeeded. or it failed. i'll have Skye put a priority on finding out." he promised Sarah.

Steve snickered a little. "he's a smart kid. cute too." Steve admitted. "too bad he's too besotted with Simmons to contemplate the idea of being gay." he teased before he smirked at Tony. "you'd never do something that terrible. your too good of a person." he promised. "it's a shame that most of the Email's she sends you is things for you to 'tinker' with." he pointed out. "besides, i've beat up Howard before." he admitted. "he was making doe eyes at Bucky and i was a bit drunk." he admitted. "of course he and Bucky where too... me and Bucky had sex for the first time that night." he admitted. "it was horrible. neither of us knew what we where doing so it hurt a shit ton." he admitted before focusing on the Hologram. "i've seen that writing before." Steve admitted. "Garret did it." he admitted. "Maria emailed us the scans." he admitted, grabbing his Tablet and flipping through his 'saved documents' before pulling it up and showing Tony the etches he had carved into the plastic door.

Phil nodded. "yes, he has to stay away." Phil muttered before turning to look at Clint, knife suddenly aimed at Clint. "you stay back Clint." he warned. "you stay back. your not ready yet." he warned. once he was sure Clint wasn't going to come any closer he resumed his work. "your not Evolved enough yet. but don't worry. you will be, soon. someday very soon." he muttered, Tripp grimacing. "...oh boy..." he muttered. "Clint? what do you want me to do here?" he asked, trusting Clint to know what to do with Phil.
"Yea that is very helpful. Not being attracted to the person touching me is bad...its worse when theyre attracted to me...thank god hydra moetly kept their hands to themselves...i wasnt aware of it at the time but they must have been being careful just to be sure I'd 'breed' with the right person."she gave him a sharp look at his words something dark and hurting in that look,wondering how he'd figured out so quickly who it'd been." didnt work.even as good as I am at healing would have seen some evidence of a pregnancy...and they can scramble the memories, but the serum healing my mind to quickly. Unless they were willing to mess me up as badly as papa is, they couldnt take out 9 whole months. But I'd still like skye to look for sure."she swallowed hard looking anxious glancing up at him."I almost hope he doesnt remember us...I just remember skin and touch...not all of sex or really anything,but I get the sense around him know how you feel around someone youve had sex with...I get that feeling around will break him if he remembes that I was just the prize waiting for him at the end of 5he mission...especially if he remembers he tried protecting me..."she was anxious,worried about how grant would take things if he remembered the sex,how...unemotional it had been. Sex just for a goal. A prize, just fucking to relieve the high and trigger happy feeling of a mission gone well. The fact she hadnt gotten pregnant was a godsend to everyone involved.

"I truly depressed me for all of ten minutes. He's cute but I like being the intelligent one in bed o5herwise I end up talking science instead of having sex."tony snickered." have more faith in me then the rest of the world....and I know it is,for the most part but...I can't work on bores me. I have to be interested in the project so I just file the stuff she sends me away until it does."tony shrugged. Ah,the burden of genius."...yea two virgins having sex is horrible."tony snickered shaking his head as he pictured that. Nearly geoaning outloud at the mental image that gave him.tony frowned as he looked it over tossing it up into jarvis' projected screen so he could look it over looking annoyed that it didnt come to him right away."she emailed me this to...and I still have no idea what it is..."he growled sounding frustrated as he watched phil.

"Okay I'll stay back getting closer."clint promised watching phil biting his lip. Like phil,he didnt trust his own judgement since loki fucked him over but..."catch him."he ordered as he iced phil catching him in one arm nodding towards the door."and get bruce. Tell him we'll meet him in the lab."he said effortlessly picking up phil.
he nodded. "sorry. i guess you didn't want me to know that. but some of the blood samples i'm getting from Ward, and the history between the two of you leaves him the most likely." he admitted before he paused. "...okay, good point." he muttered. "hey... i'm an astrophysicist and a Bio chemist not a gynecologist." he complained, shrugging. "i've never seen what happens... you know. down there after birth and honestly? i really don't want to." he admitted. "i just have issues with the mice i'm breeding." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and your right, there's no way they took out that many memories without leaving long range brain damage." he agreed. "and James is actually doing very well. we have Jarvis monitoring him for certain triggers but he hasn't displayed anything yet." he admitted. "and yes, Jarvis monitors all of us that have a high risk. myself included... myself in particular actually. i think he's started monitoring Phil too." he admitted as he looked at her. "i think we won't really know until one, or both of you remember. Skye will certainly look into it, i can bet that they had to force him into it though." he admitted with a shake of his head. "whatever happened. i'm sure you can get through it, and you can help him through it too. you have a lot of people here who would help you with anything." he promised her. "is there anything else you need? i have to go check on Ward." he paused as Jarvis spoke up and he sighed. "...great... Phil stabbed someone again..."

he chuckled a little and shook his head. "he is really smart. i hear your using his... uh.... thing in your suit?" he asked with a smirk,. "i hear he actually passed out when you asked to use it." he admitted with a smirk. "Tony. the rest of the world listens to Tabloids for their news. everyone in this Tower, they know how amazing, kind, and wonderful you are, no matter how hard you try to hide it." he teased before he nodded. "ah. well that explains why Maria doesn't really care if you open the Emails or not. why doesn't Jarvis open your emails for you anyway?" he asked, wondering why Jarvis, who did everything else, wouldn't do that. "it's kind of pretty." Steve admitted as he watched the man carving the designs. "...Phil's going crazy. isn't he?" he asked, watching as Phil turned the knife on Clint.

"catching." Tripp agreed, moving before Phil could even register he was under attack, catching him as he collapsed and carefully tossed the knife off to the side. "why not ask your AI..." he paused as Jarvis informed them that Bruce was headed up to Phil's rooms already. " machine." Tripp admitted. "i'll go clear the way." he promised, moving to distract anyone he came across, clearing the way so that no one would see Clint and Phil.
"I know hes the most likely its the last three days I've realized just how li5tle I've ever had of a private life. And sex...well to some people its a show...but it feels like I should be allowed to have something for myself...but you're right. Who I had sex with was bound to never stay a secret."she si tj ed before laughing."well then I'll thank you for looking me over even if its not your area."she said knowing the only reason he played doctor was because it was the only way a good potion of the avengers would probably ever see one."and I know.even if he didnt have to,jarvis did inform us he was watching.which for a slightly creepy ai is very nice."she smiled before sighing.she knew theyd get through it,but how much damage theyd recieve was up for grabs."nah I'm good. I'll probably go see what james.."she stopped looking concerned"you take care of phil. I'm more then capable of taking care of ward.and before you ask yes I'll ask papa or steve to go with me."she promised as she walked out to go find them.

"Yea i put a verisionof the icer in the auit.little guy just past out. Bruce thought I killed him for a few minutes there."tony snickered a litfle before making a face."lies and slander. You all tell lies and slander."tony snickered but looked pleased despite thd denial at his team knowing better."yea cause he tried and jarvis keps interrupting things to tell me about my mail. I told him to only open it when there was something he thought I'd be really interested in."well that explained why sometimes it took him days to open one thing and hours to open others."...not crazy.i dont think so...whatever he's seeing theres a logic to it I think.we just have to figure it out."tony smiled tilting his head as sarah walked in.

"Cause despite living here all the time,I sometimes forget jarvis can do those things.its only been 6 months. Having a ai to tell you stuff is still new."clint complained even as he carried phil up to bruce.
he nodded. "well you'll have all the privacy you want now." he promised. "no one here is going to get in your business... well, aside from James, and Steve. maybe Tony but only because Tony's a nosy bastard." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's no problem, i know enough to run diagnoses like this." he admitted. "i've had to stitch up Natasha's... you know." he admitted, flushing hard. "she never did say how she got injured down there and i never thought to ask, but it was kind of horrifying." he admitted. "Jarvis takes the safety of the people in this tower very seriously. he's very protective of pretty much everyone who lives here." he admitted. "he's probably watching you too, if only because he doesn't think your stable. i know he watches Tony. constantly. especially when Tony's having sex. because some of the people that man brings home are psychotic." Bruce admitted before grimacing. "thanks be careful."

Steve chuckled a little. "that's a good idea. for those people you have to take down, but don't want to hurt. like that twelve year old with the Seismic.... the thing that made earthquakes." he agreed. the girl had been enraged because her parents had been abusive and all the people in town had known it and turned a blind eye because her parents where 'important'. she'd leveled the entire down and had been trying to kill her parents when Tony stepped in. "oh yes. the Tabloids are all lies and slander." Steve agreed, even if he knew that wasn't what Tony meant. "oh... so he scans the emails and then tells you what you really want to know. that's good." he admitted with a smile. "besides, i think if Maria really had to get ahold of you, she knows to text you." he admitted with a nod. " think he's just... open? like a seer? he's just a receiver?" he asked, his head tilted before turning to look at Sarah. "hey! come on in. we're trying to figure out this.... whatever it is. and let Tony's Ego recover."

he blinked a little. "good point. i think i just can't forget he's there. it's kind of creepy." Tripp admitted. "like, a lot creepy... do you think he watches us shower?" he asked, looking a bit wigged out by the idea as he checked Phil's pulse, not liking how pale the man was. "lay him on the bed please." Bruce ordered, carefully running a portable scanner over Tony.
“Good. And well, them I can deal with.”She said blushing ever so slightly at the idea of her fathers and tony stark knowing she’d had sex before, even if she really didn’t remember it all. Raising a eyebrow she laughed as he blushed, snickering. “...Well. I’m going to bet someone was either really good at sex, or really bad at it.”she giggled a little teasing him a little before nodding. “So I’ve noticed. I asked, and he said he was keeping a watch on me just in case.”She smiled a little before staring at him. “...I don’t know if I should believe you or not about tony. That’s just...”She snickered shaking her head as she left.

“Exactly. That was awkward to take down, I mean, couldn’t really disagree with her. But it would be nice to have a easier way of dealing with things like that”Tony said having stood aside simply for a few minutes, his inner child rejoicing at the idea of a important person being punished for hurting their child. “....”Tony made a face at the other but not protesting before grinning. “Exactly. He’s good like that.” And no, if she really wants me, she calls you, cause she knows you’ll haul your ass down here and drag me out.”Tony snickered a little before frowning. “Maybe. I mean...they did change him...”He frowned. “...Looks like something out of a comic book...”Sarah frowned. “Hey!My ego’s perfect fine thank you.” Sarah snickered at tony’s protest shaking her head, “Hey. I was just on my way down to check on ward, and since Bruce is taking care of phil, I thought you could come with?”

“It was at first. Until I asked him to turn off the video to the bathroom and bedroom. Unless I’m having sex of course. And he is, but you can ask the video to be turned off. The only person who doesn’t get that privledge of having a modicum of privacy, is tony, and that’s cause one, he doesn’t give a shit who watches him, and two, he’s been known to be bad for himself. So he gets no real privacy from Jarvis.”Clint snickered a little as he laid phil down, looking at bruce worriedly.”Is he okay?”
he smiled. "i won't tell anyone." he promised. "i never took the doctors oath things but patient confidentiality is a big thing." he promised. "i won't tell anyone a damn thing you tell me without your permission." he promised. he went bright red at her teasing. "it was more like someone stabbed her there in the hopes she could never have sex again." he admitted. "the last person Tony brought home tried to stab him with a pencil." he admitted. "and the one before that tried to castrate him with a pair of scissors."

he nodded. "you managed it, in the end. talked her out of it. Phil has her now did you know? she's actually really happy where she is now." he admitted with a smile. "Simmons told me." he admitted. "the parents are spending the rest of their life in a maximum security prison for 'freaks'." he admitted. "and the other freaks don't like child abusers too much." he admitted with a vicious smirk. "true. she does call me when it's something really important." he admitted with a grin. "...they did change him. did T.A.H.I.T.I put something inside of him? something that... i don't know." he grumbled. "your Ego is sulking because i kicked your ass." Steve stated before he smiled at her. "sure. i'm a bit worried about him. Ward i mean." he admitted. "he seams to be... it's like he's more than one person in his head." he admitted. "it freaks me out a bit." he admitted as he followed her down. Ward was laying in bed, asleep still, looking entirely too peaceful.

Tripp blinked. " can do that?" he asked, startled. "i'll have to remember that." he admitted as he smiled. "i think Bruce has the same kind of monitoring." Tripp admitted. and i know James and Ward are watched constantly." he admitted. "...he's fine. mostly." Bruce admitted. "his brain wave patterns are... off the charts." Bruce admitted. "it's similar to Schizophrenia patterns only amplified." he admitted as he examined the readings. "they're already calming down, he'll wake up and whatever this was... will be over for now." he admitted. "he might be in a bit of shock." he admitted. "but he'll be fine."
“Good.That’s good.”She smiled relaxing a little, because it was good for her, to have some privacy after losing everything to hydra’s watching. “...A pencil...”She shook her head, actually really curious now about the kind of people tony brought home with him.

“I know, but that’s only cause I told her I wanted to push my own dad down a flight of stairs. We bonded.”Tony snickered a little raising his eyebrows looking pleased. “Good. They should stay there.”He said looking pleased with the idea before rolling his eyes at steve’s smirk, amused that the man knew if they needed tony, they’d call steve. “...Maybe. I don’t know. I’ve been digging through everything Skye finds, but its like...years of bullshit work, so I have no idea what was used or what’s’s helpful. It’s just slow going. And having shit like this isn’t helping.”Tony growled worried about ‘agent’ before making a face. “You did not. I was just pretending to let you win so you’d feel better.” “yea. Sure tony.”sarah snickered a little before biting her lip, nodding. “I think he is. They... Deleted everything he once was. More then once. Now that the illusion is starting to break, he’s fracturing into two people to deal with it...”Sarah looked worried smiling quietly at the sight of ward sleeping, the sight drawing a memory of watching him sleep like this before. Because while the sex had been about the end result, hydra had usually given them a night together, in return for a mission well done. And those nights while sex was involved, it hadn’t just been sex. Sometimes, it’d just been together. Moving over to the bed she sat down on the edge of the bed, gently touching his shoulder, having every intention of waking him slowly, and hoping he wouldn’t freak. “Grant?”

“Yea.”Clint smiled a little before looking at Bruce, relaxing as he realized that phil was okay, even if this was messing him up. “Could...the T.A.H.I.T.I caused schizophrenia?Only worse, since it wasn’t a natural thing?”Clint said sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at phil worriedly.
he snickered. "as i recall, you DID push your dad down the stairs." he pointed out. "they will stay there. Skye arranged it actually. seams she practically adopted the little brat." he admitted, though he said brat with such affection you knew it was more of a term of endearment. "we need to figure out what they did to Coulson before we can help him. if i where to talk to May, do you think it would help?" Steve asked, frowning a little. "if anyone knows whats happening to him, it would be her. i'm sure of that much at least. she might not know any more than us, but i bet she knows a lot more about his symptoms than we do." he admitted. "you got your ass kicked." he teased with a smile and a shake of his head. "Deleted..." Steve muttered, shaking his head. "like they deleted Bucky..." he huffed and shook his head. "two people... think that's a good thing, or a bad thing?" he asked her before letting her go in, knowing Jarvis would stop him if he woke up violently. Grant stirred and smiled, wrapping his arms around her and yanked her into bed. "morning Milaya." he murmured. "what are you doing up? we still have a while." he promised her before he paused, his eyes snapping open as he released her and leaped out of bed like she was burning him, staring at her in horror. "i... oh my god.. i.... they made me..." he shuddered hard, turned on his heal and heaved. nothing came up though, because he refused his meals more often than not. he started to sob wildly. "they made me. they made me. i'm sorry. i'm sorry! i'm sorry!" he was crouched now, head in his hands, yanking at his hair. "i'm sorry! i'm sorry! SARAH!!!!!"

"i don't know. i've been studying it as much as possible." Bruce admitted. "but there's not much information." he admitted. "Skye has given me everything she has on it." he admitted as he gently felt about Phil's head, searching out for any signs of brain trauma, head injury or the like. "whatever T.A.H.I.T.I is, that wasn't the only thing they did to him." Bruce admitted. "so we have to be aware that whatever is wrong, might not be from T.A.H.I.T.I at all."
“I did. Then he let me use high powered tools in the lab. Punishment enough for that.”Tony made a face, cause he knew steve knew he had his reasons for not liking being handed things. Even after just 7 months, there wasn’t alot steve didn’t know about him. “Maybe. She’d at least be able to tell us how long and what’s been going on. The stuff he wouldn’t tell us himself.”tony said shaking his head a little. “Yes...exactly. But I think...closer together. Papa only came off ice if they needed something. And while he’s only human, Ward was active, still awake every day. More triggers to bring up memories, so it requires more deletes....and a good thing. It means he might be able to have a life if the illusion breaks, that he might be able to put himself together again.”Sarah sighed looking worried. Sarah yelped startled as she was yanked into bed, looking up with wide eyes scrambling to find words, trying to remember what to say to not set him off, but it seemed even that pause was enough to send him spiraling out of control. Wincing as he turned away from her, she watched him for a long moment before moving over, crouching down next to him, before sitting to sit against the wall, pushing him out of his crouch and making him lay down, pillowing his head in her lap, gently stroking his hair.”shhh, milaya, I got you. It’s okay. I got you.”She muttered, simply trying to calm him, because she was still dealing with the horror of what was done to them both, she had no idea how to handle this....and so worried about steve’s reaction. And james’, knowing that steve was probably putting the pieces together.

“Does tony have any opinion on it?”Clint said, wondering if the other genius or any of them had any ideas. Wondering if the brightest people he knew, were totally lost. And that scared him, to wonder if they were totally clueless. Glancing up at bruce, he nodded jerkingly. “I know it wasn’t all...I just...I don’t know what he’ll do if he’s starting to change cause of the alien strand...because if that’s it....skye...”Clint swallowed hard, having heard about how they saved skye to, knowing it would kill phil if it started affecting her to
Steve nodded. he didn't bother responding to that. what could he say? that was probably why Tony told him things. Steve didn't try to make it better when that was impossible. he was just silent understanding and sympathetic rage. "i should have punched him harder." Steve admitted. "i'll make sure to talk to her. we might consider moving them up into the upper levels now that Hulk and Natasha have cleared them all." he admitted. "by the way, Sam says hey." he admitted with a grin because he knew Tony couldn't stand Sam. oh he liked the man well enough, it was just that Sam preferred to use 'that crap' over Stark Tech.

"so they blanked him completely made new memories and zapped him when he needed it." Steve muttered, shaking his head. "horrid..." he muttered. he tensed when he heard her yelp but didn't intervene when Jarvis didn't activate the bracelets. "i'm sorry! i'm so sorry!" he whispered, voice hoarse. "i'm so sorry i did that to you, i'm so sorry." he whispered, not realizing that overtime they had come to enjoy the time they had together, even if they had to fuck to get it. "i used to Sterilize myself..." he whispered. "i remember it. i had venom. poison for some of my weapons and i was such a good little soldier they didn't monitor me. i used to prep a needle, and slip it into..." he swallowed thickly. "so my sperm would be dead. so they couldn't do to you what they did to my parents..." he frowned. "i had some you know. and two brothers and a sister." he blinked at her. "what are we doing on the floor Skye?" he asked, confused. he was flicking through personalities. when one got too hard to handle, he simply became the other person.

"not yet. he's still working through everything Skye sent him. Tony's a lot more meticulous than i am and he won't discount anything." he admitted. "it doesn't help that i'm a little more focused on containing Ward and James." he admitted. "but Tony, Fitz, Simmons and Skye all have it on high priority right now so i'm sure it won't take long." he admitted. "....Alien what?" both Tripp and Bruce demanded, looking shocked. "what about Skye? ...Clint, what do you mean about alien strand?"
“I’ll think about it. I mean, I’m moving ward anyways, might as well move the others.”Tony sighed a little..“...Tell Sam to go jump off a roof without his wings.”Tony grumbled twitching a little. Knowing the man mentioned it simply because it bothered him.

“Exactly. And it’s hydra. Of course it’s horrid.”She muttered. “..I know you are. I just remembered myself....well...started to. I mean...I don’t really remember more then just a few snippets...”She muttered gently stroking his hair, trying to help him, “...what?Really?”She sputtered staring down at him, making a distressed noise. Well, at least that explained why she’d never gotten pregnant. At least that was something she could tell bruce not to worry about. Sighing quietly as Ward checked out, and changed back she swallowed hard, knowing better then to fight the change, simply letting him switch, and bracing to handle it. “you didn’t want to get up. But we can now. Come on, Grant, we’re going to get on the bed okay?”She muttered gently getting him to his feet and laying him down, glancing at the door, waving a hand to get steve’s attention, waiting until he stepped in. “....can you see about getting him out of this room?I know its not proper...but ...he doesn’t need a cell. He needs somewhere that’s....”she made a distressed noise, trying to think of the word. Trying to make the connection to what she wanted, “Home.”She said because it wasn’t a place to her anymore, home had always been people to her. James and Grant, home.

“....Uhhh....nothing?”Clint said squirming a little, fussing with the blanket, almost willing to shake phil to get him awake if it meant he didn’t have to have this conversation alone. “I meant, I mean, you know they saved skye and phil the same way. With the same medicine....might need to check in with her to see how she’s doing...”
Steve nodded and then snickered the entire way out.

Grant was trembling in her lap. "i'm sorry. i'm so sorry." he whispered before nodding. "yeah... i couldn't let them do to a baby what they did to us." he whispered. "couldn't. i just couldn't." he whispered before he blinked at her. " did we get on the floor?" he asked again, looking baffled as he let her get him up and studied her. "Skye? are you okay?" he asked, his head tilted as he reached out, gently touching her cheek before he laid down like she wanted him to. " i sick?" he wondered. "i feel sick." he admitted watching Steve walk in. "Tony's already working on it." Steve admitted. "we're still working on the safety issues but it's going better than anticipated. he should be in a new room in three days or so. less probably." he stared at the now dozing ward. "god... injecting Venom into his..." he shook his head. "i've never seen a man so loyal." he admitted. "we should let him sleep." he offered her. "he'll be fine for a while and you could use some hot cocoa."

he narrowed his eyes at Clint. "Clinton." Bruce stated, his voice soft. which was when you knew you had to pay attention. "Phil is very sick right now and we don't know why or what it is doing to him." he stated sternly. "i need to know that information because if i don't have it, then Phil could be in very, very grave danger and so could Skye. i need to know this Clint. i know you don't want to betray Phil's confidence, but do you really think any of us would ever hurt Phil with this kind of information? for all we know his decision making skills are impaired and you're eying orders that could get Phil killed."
‘I know, you’re okay. We’re okay, Grant.”Sarah whispered, gently playing with his hair before nodding. “You did good. You protected me, grant. You took care of both of us.”She muttered before wincing alittle. “You fell down.And I’m okay. Just trying to take care of you.”Sarah muttered turning her face into his hand, enjoying the touch even if she’d never admit it, so worried about him. “You are.Just rest. You’ll feel better after resting.”She muttered looking up at him, looking relieved that the others were already working on a better room. “Good....this place....while good for wasn’t....I don’t think this will be good for him if he’s going to keep going back and forth between personalities.”She said looking worried before flushing a little at steve’s words, “Me either. I didn’t....know he did that.It put us both in danger to do so...but he wanted...he wanted me safe.”She sighed, knowing without even realizing it, just how badly it would have been if she’d been pregnant at any time. She would have been pulled out of training, forced to breed, forced to wait for grant, or any of the others hydra wanted to use. She would have just been the broad mare. “...Yea...I guess I could use some cocoa.”She said easing off the bed, looking heart bruised and battered as she followed him out.

“...”Clint squirmed, looking anxious at telling them, especially when phil asked him not to, but he was scared for phil. It was hard on him to break the rules about not telling. “ wouldn’t.”He went quiet, because it took alot to break it. “the...serum...or whatever medicine thing they bring him back, to let skye was developed using a alien DNA strand that even Lady Sif couldn’t tell him what species it was...”
Grant nodded. "i had to protect you." he whispered. "i had to keep you safe no matter what." he muttered before flipping. "got dizzy?" he asked with an impish grin. "it's not my fault your so beautiful." he muttered as he nodded. "yeah. rest sounds good." he admitted, slipping off to sleep. "yeah i know." Steve admitted. "now that we know it's not really his fault for what he did, most everyone here is willing to give him another chance." Steve admitted. "one of our friends suffered something similar. your familiar with the name Loki?" he asked as he carefully covered Grant with a thick blanket. "he had the ability to take over minds. he didn't control them, he just heavily altered their personalities. that's how Bruce explained it anyway i don't really get it." he admitted. "he risked his life for you a couple of times it seams." Steve admitted with a smile. "i'll have to thank him one of these days." he admitted, smiling at her. "i know Cocoa can't make things right, but it always used to make me feel better... how about i tell you stories about your Papa he wouldn't want you to hear?" he offered with a smirk. "Buck.... James, was a hellion in school." he admitted. "granted, half the time he was getting blamed for things i did or instigated." he admitted with a smirk, trying to make her smile.

Bruce looked stunned and he took a deep breath. "okay. okay. so we have unknown DNA in two people. possibly more." he muttered, Skye is not exhibiting any of those same symptoms yet so we can't be sure if it was Tahiti, the alien DNA or something else..." he muttered as he took another brain scan. "his brain has settled, he'll wake up mostly normal." he smiled. "not that Phil was ever normal by any means... we'll figure this out Clint. we have some of the best minds in the world working on it."
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