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Hidden (lady/moon)

James wrapped his hand around hers, holding her hand and offering as much comfort as she would allow in such a 'public' setting like this. "no. once they fry you enough times... the memories are just gone." James admitted softly. "you've only been put under for short bursts a few dozen times. people like Ward? people like me? they wanted us brain-dead so they could put in their own things. there's no recovering most of the memories." he admitted. "that's why these..." he gave his wrist a wiggle. "are a good idea." well that startled a good many people. "it was Skye, right? if you do the computer thing, check for T-I 456 prompts. that's where you'll find the records of the mind wipe procedures. you can find the list of side effects and problems there, and how to handle a lot of them. a few Hydra can probably be fixed." he admitted. "some of those techniques will probably need to be used on me." he admitted. "or on Sarah should she suffer an episode. they held her under the machine for a good long time when she turned eighteen. Ward and i tried to break her out and failed. they torched her to make me suffer. torched him because he did it, and then torched me so i wouldn't remember a god damn thing." he admitted before gently taking Sarah's chin in his hand. "hey. easy. don't force them, you'll just get a headache."
“They didn’t want to chance they’d mess up and lose me.Interesting.”Sarah muttered looking thoughtful, wondering why. Wouldn’t it have been easier to have her trained by completely mallable rather then give her enough room to think. “Right. And I will.Better then stark.”Skye smirked a little even as she started working on her tablet. “No.I’m better. I’ll find it. After I work on this arm.”Tony hummed a little even as he glanced up from the specs he was working on, only half listening really. Sarah bit her lip, frowning slightly, staring at the table. “....I suffer them usually a few times a month. I didn’t know what caused it, but the longer between wipes, and the more stressed I am, I check out.”Sarah said looking at them all, trusting them to help her, trusting james enough to trust steve on his word alone. Looking up at James she frowned at him,”I’ve had a headache since yesterday. Seems being forced to deal with this clusterfuck is enough to overload even my system.”She scowled at him jerking her head back, irritable because she was in pain, and because this sucked, and she really just wanted to go back to when she knew what the hell was going on, instead of this. Even if she got to be with james again, this was to much, and it was obvious the strain was starting to get to her.
"you where their prize." he stated simply. "they wanted you fully functioning for when i finally... failed." James admitted. "and i'm not talking about missions. my mind and body can't handle the deep freezes they've been putting me under." he admitted. "i've started to deteriorate at a rapid level. now that i'm not going on ice anymore i should stabilize but..." "but Hydra could only control you so long as you where on ice." Steve finished, making James nod. "the brain thing doesn't work on us super soldiers the way it does normal people." he admitted. "the brain recovers too fast, it resets itself and then the memories start coming back. so they fry you again and again until the memories can't come back. but while they can stop memories... well, they can't stop personality. and I've always been one stubborn bastard." he admitted. "keeping me on ice and wiping me before and after freeze was the only way to contain and control me." he admitted.

"it's probably addictive." Bruce commented. "the brain becomes dependent on the mind wipe, just like a body becomes dependent on sleeping pills. it's going through withdrawals probably. your in for a hell of a migraine but once you get through it, you should be able to start reclaiming some memories. in theory anyway. i'd have to take brain scans to be sure." he admitted as he studied them from a distance, head tilted. "i think that's enough for today." Steve stated calmly, realizing Sarah couldn't take much more. "no one is to touch Sarah without her permission." he scowled at both Bruce and Fitzsimmons. "am i clear? she's not here to be a test subject." he ordered, James looking a bit relieved as he tightened his hand on hers. "come on. they have a pool here. we'll go swimming."
Sarah looked up at that, frowning at him. “But...”She stopped trailing off. Because she hadn’t fought for him, hadn’t tried to get away because they’d promised he was okay, that he was safe and would visit when he could. She’d known there was something wrong, but hadn’t fought harder. Guilt hitting her hard as she considered that she could have helped. “You should. It’s the ice itself that causes problems, without the mind wipe and ice, you’re body’s strong enough to start recovering.”While it wasn’t his field of study, he’d talked to bruce enough that tony understood what was happening.

“.....No.”Sarah said simply backing away from the idea of brain scans and medical things, memories there looking away from any of them. Glancing up startled at steve’s words, though her features were blank, there was relief in her features as she looked at steve, “Thanks.”She muttered before looking at James, nodding a little.”Swimming sounds good.”She muttered already pushing away from the table to leave, needing away from them before the resurfacing memories knocked her down.
he shook his head. "i wasn't exactly in any condition to complain about it." he admitted as he studied her. "as long as you where safe, i was content. even when i didn't remember you." he admitted. "besides, one doesn't say 'no' to Hydra. you do it, or you die, or you worse than die." James admitted softly. "not that i knew that either. they gave the order and i obeyed because i didn't know any better." he admitted. "it's not just the ice." he admitted. "it was the mind wipes too. you'll see. just remember that Sarah will hate you all if you drop me permanently." i'll handle it myself if you lose control." Steve promised. "i won't let them kill you."

"alright." Bruce agreed, shrugging a shoulder. he could respect the 'no'. she didn't want her brain scanned, she wouldn't have her brain scanned. simple as that. "no problem. i know what it's like to be an experiment." he admitted. he had never told anyone. but in the months after the rebirth project. everyone wanted a piece of him. Howard more than most. he did three hundred or more tests just for Howard. skin samples, test runs, strength tests, breath tests, calorie intake tests. so many tests. and then the military wanted their own tests, and then the government, and then Shield. everyone wanted to run tests on him. at least Howard explained why most of the time. James followed her out, glancing at Steve who was looking around the table before focusing on Fitz and Simmons. "we won't do any'thin to her. i swear it." Fitz promised. Steve just nodded, stood up and walked out. he needed to hit something.
Sarah stared down at the table, sighing quietly before nodding. “I know that....doesn’t make me feel any better you know.”She muttered. Sighing before glancing up at his words, studying the rest of the people at the table, wondering if any of them where considering dropping him permanently. Glancing over at Steve at his words, she offered a small smile to her father, “Yes, I guess you would.”She muttered before leaving.

Simmons nodded.”We wont.”she said watching, sympathy in her features, hating to see these two people so tortured. Looking up at phil she sighed quietly, not sure if this changed anything about ward, but knowing it probably should. At least, give him a chance, but...she had no idea what to think.

“Wait up, Cap.”Tony called as he shut down the tablet, following his friend out, “Come on. I’ll suit up, we’ll go a few rounds and then you can go have a bonding session with the long lost daughter.”Tony said being a dick simply to goad the other man, knowing if he made him lash out, steve would fight until he worked out all the emotion instead of stopping when the thought tony needed a break.
he shrugged. "there wasn't anything you could have done anyway. if you had tried they would have shot me in the head and put you in my place. they might even had chopped off a few limps just so they could make you 'better'." Bucky stated simply. Steve studied the 'science twins' as he was calling them in his head, since he wasn't entirly sure which one was fitz and which one was Simmon's. "no one goes near Ward until we've got all his straightened out." Phil ordered suddenly. "if he's a victim of T.A.H.I.T.I then he needs someone who knows what their doing. if he's not, then he's still very dangerous." he warned. "it would explain his obsession though." Bruce admitted, shrinking in when they all focused on him. "i mean... James said they couldn't destroy personality right? so... if he gave up his mind protecting a young girl..." "...then he might have replaced Sarah with Skye and not realized why he was feeling what he was feeling." Phil finished, nodding. "we won't know for sure until we talk to him. but we can't do that right now. go ahead and break, as of right now.... we're on vacation."

Steve paused, glanced at Tony and then growled at Tony. "i don't go into the pool room." he stated simply even if he did alter course to go to Tony's personal Gym instead of the one he usually used. he would beat the shit out of Tony, since the man was offering. he knew Tony needed to test his new suit in real life battle anyway, if he could go through a beat down from a winter soldier, then they would both know the Suit was good for battle situation with other things.
“...I know.”Sarah sighed softly, shuddering at the idea. Simmons frowned at the sudden order but nodding. Skye raised a eyebrow, looking at bruce, wondering if she was insulted or not at the idea she’d just been a replacement for the tall blond who’d just left. “Especially if we shared somethings in common. I might not look like her, but she’s off the charts intelligent, if he picked up on things the same, he might have simply been obsessed because of it.”Skye frowned as she considered that before looking at phil. “If that’s really what happened...then there might be one person safe to talk to him. Eventually.”She pointed out before grinning. “Awesome.”She scampered out of the room at the dismissal, having every intent of enjoying the break time and take advantage of stark’s tech to do some hacking and exploring.

“I know.”Tony smirked as he headed for his gym and suiting up. By the time they finished he was panting and tired, but utterly pleased to find that the suit had held up to getting a beating from steve. “....How are you doing?”he asked, asknig the question he’d been avoiding asking to give steve time to step back and figure it out as he pulled off his helmet, starting to strip off the armor. While he was a little bruised and tired, the man and suit were in surprisingly good shape despite having gone nearly a hour fighting with steve.
"so it's like how a person with amnesia, still clings to people that they used to know, because they still recognize them. he's obsessed with Skye because she's the only thing in his entire world that actually feels familiar. even if she's not the right person." Fitz muttered. "remarkable... i wonder what his brain scans would look like?" Bruce snorted. "if that is what happened. then he has a chance." Phil admitted. "and i would like to give him that chance." he admitted. "once we're certain that James is stable and truly on our side, then we'll let him in to see Ward. until them i want information. everything we can get... and Skye? Fitzsimmons? you won't be able to access any of Stark's things. Steve has the whole place on lock down. he doesn't trust us, and i can't blame him. do NOT hack Stark's stuff, Skye! or you'll find yourself at the end of an angry Russian woman with a complex." he indicated Natasha who was still there. "have i made myself clear?" he demanded of her. "i really don't want to have to put that electronics inhibitor back on you." he stated, lifting an eyebrow at her.

Steve sighed. "i'm not doing well." he admitted softly. "not well at all." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "i have a fucking Daughter, stark. who was tortured for a good portion of her life, who was made, from y stolen sperm to become a Hydra toy.... how can anyone be okay with that?" he asked, staring out into the city from a hundred stories up. "even worse. the man i used to love, doesn't know me, and is flirting with you... and is the second father to my child and doesn't seam to realize how fucked up he really is... did you see him? how hard it was for him to hand over all that information? it was like he was in agony the entire time and he still gave us that information to help a man who probably doesn't deserve helping..." he closed his eyes and rested his head on the glass. "i've not slept... since DC... i keep having nightmares... everything tastes like sawdust, i want to cry, all the time and i can't because 'big boys don't cry'..." he shook his head. "things where supposed to be simpler. they where supposed to make sense after the whole Alien invasion thing and... it doesn't.."
“Exactly.”Simmons frowned thinking it over. “He did have a medical, his scans would still be in the system. Though I am sure it’s changed...”Simmons thought about it before looking up at phil. “We’ll find information.”Simmons said and while she really wanted to exaime both super soldiers, she knew they wouldn’t accept it, wouldn’t do it. Because they weren’t trusted. “....Fine.”Skye scowled a little making natasha raise her eyebrows. “I wouldn’t try it simply if you did, Stark will sulk for days on end, and do you really want a technical, mad genius feeling pissy?”She mused smirking at phil a little amused as Skye reluctantly nodded but it was obvious she was going to listen for now. “Your team’s insane. You have the cutest ducklings, Phil.”She muttered slanting a glance towards the man, wanting to ask after him, but with clint sitting next to them, looking a little sick himself, she couldn’t. She didn’t want to upset clint more then he already was.

“Tony.”Tony corrected absently, having spent months trying to get more ‘tony’ then ‘stark’ from his team, before sighing. “I know.But I still needed to ask.”Tony sighed watching him, settling a hip against one of the tables as he watched the other man, “From what you told me, he flirts with everyone. Hell, he was flirting with Fitz to.”He pointed out, trying to make him feel better, even if he knew there was no helping when james had admitted to there being probably no way to get the memories back, no way to recover more then he had. “I saw. And even if Ward doesn’t deserve it, James knows him. For him, and her, it seems to be worth it. They’ve had so little control of everything, helping Ward is something they can do. Until it’s physically hurting them, more then this, they should be able to do it.”he sighed watching his best friend, “...Cry. I cry. I cry over alot of things, though whatever Pepper says, I did NOT cry at the end of the notebook.”Tony grumbled before snorting a little. “Nothing is ever easier after aliens, Steve. But this is simple. James trusts you. Sarah needs someone, more than just James. Go down, make them dinner or something, give her someone else to lean on. She’ll fight you on it, she wont want to let you in, but don’t let her push you away.”Tony’s smile was bitter and nasty. “Take it from someone who’s spent their life pushing people away. Don’t let her.”
"Jarvis runs medical scans on all prisoners every few seconds." Bruce stated. "it's to prevent attempts of suicide as well as accidents." he admitted. "Jarvis? would you get a few brain scans from the prisoner every few minutes?" Bruce asked hopefully, grinning when the response was a scan of the brain on his tablet. "thanks Jay... you two can come with me. i'll show you something really cool." Bruce offered Fitz and Simmons. Hulk liked them, so he knew they where safe. "come on. we're headed up to floor ninety. it's my personal Lab. i don't know if Fitz will enjoy it as much as you will Simmons, but Tony's pretty possessive so i don't know if we'll be able to get Fitz into the electronics part." Bruce admitted. "technically. they aren't my team." Phil admitted with a chuckle. "i'm doing okay." he promised Natasha. "i'm not... good, but i'm doing better." he admitted, glancing at Clint. "Clint? is there anything i can do? your looking a bit green..."

"...Tony." he agreed. he supposed, after all the loyalty he had gotten from Tony, he deserved that much at least. "...thanks for asking. i do feel a bit better now." he admitted before his lip twitched. "no Tony. he 'flirts' with everyone. he doesn't touch them. ever. he doesn't press himself against them... he likes you." he admitted. "if you offered yourself? he'd take it in a heartbeat simply because... well, your you, aren't you?" he admitted with a small, almost soft smile. "just... be aware that James doesn't do one nighters. if he does go for you, don't make it casual okay? i don't think he could do a heartbreak and i don't think you could either." he admitted with a sigh. "i don't know if i know how to cry... not anymore." he admitted before he stared at Tony. "...that's... that's some really damn good advice Tony." he admitted, wrapping the man up into a one armed hug. "thanks. somehow, talking to you always makes me feel better." he admitted. "i'll bring you up some chicken enchilada later?" he offered, already heading for the stairs so he could go down to his floor and take a shower and then cook a good meal for Bucky and Sarah, and Tony too.
Simmons perked up smiling at the idea of getting up to one of the personal labs, and not just any lab, but bruce’s. Because it had been awhile since she’d been in a fully stocked, well placed lab. And she doubted any lab in stark tower was like any other on earth. “Maybe eventually. But he’ll enjoy looking around what he can.”Simmons smiled at fitz, knowing it would probably a be a little boring until tony let them in. “Good.”Natasha said sounding pleased he was doing better. Clint swallowed hard looking up at phil, shaking his head jerkily. “No...this...just reminds me of loki.”he muttered.

“Good. Cause it’s not nearly as much fun making fun of you when you’re doing your impression of a sad puppy.”Tony smirked a little before frowning at that, rubbing a hand over his face.”I am me, and I’m amazing.”He smirked shrugging a little because he hadn’t had sex in two months, between actual work and no desire to put himself at emotional risk since pepper had walked out, the man was still trying to find his feet again. “I wont. Even I can tell he couldn’t handle the idea of casual sex right now....not to mention, he’s got like the world’s two scariest people to give me a shovel speech.”Tony snickered a little before flushing a little at the other as he was hugged, leaning in for a moment before squirming away. Despite loving sex, he wasn’t good with causal touching. “That’s cause I’m amazing, I can make anyone feel better.”Tony smiled a little perking up. “Food would be good. Coffee to.”Tony smirked, “I’ll be in the lab.”He called after the other, heading up for his own lab, pausing at the sight of the scientists in the lab next to his. “I thought they were on restrictions.”he pointed out raising a eyebrow at bruce.

“....Papa?What do you want to eat?”Sarah asked as she walked into the kitchen, freshing changed from the pool, looking more relaxed then she had since before they’d found her, though her head was still killing her, she was determined to ignore it, and knew that james couldn’t cook, which meant she had to.
he grinned at her and glanced at Fitz. "maybe you can help me with a little... issue, i've been having." he admitted. "Tony's a genius, but he doesn't do the kinds f things you do." he admitted as he led the way, letting Simmons explore his genetics lab as she pleased while he showed Fitz the problem he was having. "i have the drugs all worked out of course, that part was easy... well, no, it wasn't really because... never mind." Bruce muttered. "see? it needs to be able to penetrate at a level to pierce and inject into even a gods flesh. we don't seam to have anything that would work, or at least i don't. i don't think i do... can you help?" he asked Fitz, his head tilted curiously. he needed a way to inject enough of a narcotic to drop the Hulk. or drop Thor. which was exactly why he was building it. or, trying to anyway. genius he was... he was crap with 'hardware'. he looked up at Tony and smirked. "the Other Guy likes them. besides, it's just cruel to wave all this stuff in front of them and not let them have a look around." he admitted. "wanna join? we're working on that administering problem we where having with the Biometrics containment unit."

"fuck." Phil muttered. "i hadn't made the connection, i'm sorry. i should have... come on. up. i'll get you some hot cocoa and a back massage." he offered. feeling even more horrible. how could he have forgotten what Loki had done to Clint!? granted, a lot of the stuff from before he died was a little fuzzy.

he snorted a little. "sad puppy?" he asked, looking amused. "have you been watching those weird Japanese cartoons again?" he asked before grinning. "you are amazing." he admitted before he paused. "what's the Shovel talk?" he asked, looking a bit confused. "i'll bring you ONE pot of Coffee and then your done for the day Stark... Tony!" he corrected himself. before he headed down to make food.

"Eat?" James asked, blinking as his stomach growled. "oh..." he smiled. "i forgot. i can eat whenever i want." he muttered, shaking his head. "i don't know. what do you feel like making?" he asked before pausing when a knock sounded. "...huh..." he moved over to the door, cautious, suspicious and blinked when he realized it was Steve. "i, uh.... made food... if your hungry? for you..." he offered, fidgeting a little when James just blinked at him. "your wearing an apron." "...well, yes." "....your wearing an apron." Steve's eye twitched. "yes. Bucky, i am wearing an Apron!" "...i used to have wet dreams about you wearing Aprons..." "Bucky Barnes!" Steve complained, going bright red. "you horndog! do you want the food or not!?" "do get sex for dessert?" "...Sarah, do you want the dinner i so very carefully made under the attempts at impressing your father, when apparently all i needed to do was wear an apron?" he asked, sounding affronted, annoyed, and amused all at once. "...if you really wanted to impress me, you wouldn't have worn anything else." "oh my god Buck! your daughter is right there!" "....yeah... oh!. sorry..."
Tony grinned, “It is cruel, but I’ll let you explain to Cap why they’re up here when he shows up.”Tony snickered before nodding. “As long as I don’t have to listen about how it’s unfair I get to redesign Barnes’ arm, yea I’ll help.”Tony smirked because really, they all knew he was going to help even if he was bugged about the arm, he just liked being a demanding genius.

“Wouldn’t expect you to....I mean, you’ve had alot of stuff going on.”Clint said swallowing hard before nbodding. “Cocoa and massage sound amazing.”He muttered, sounding like he’d mostly checked out, taking that careful mental step back to deal with what was going on.

“Nooooo. And you are a sad puppy.”Tony snickered before smirking.”A shovel talk is one of those talks where a close friend or family member warns a romantic partner about causing harm....pretty much a ‘you hurt them, I’ll hurt you’ sort of talk. And I’m fairly certain you and Sarah are the scariest people to ever say those words.”Tony pretend shuddered snickering a little. “Fine. One pot, if you insist.”he sulked though.

“Yea. Food. You know, things to eat.”sarah smiled a little before frowning. “I don’t know. That’s why I asked. There’s sort of a bit of everything-”Sarah paused tense even as she closed her hand around one of the kitchen knives, relaxing when she saw it was steve. Pausing as she listened to them talk “Yes, I would like dinner, as long as you take the apron off so he’ll shut up about it.”Sarah said looking uncomfortable and utterly confused. She was totally not understanding bucky’s reaction to both steve and tony. Because well, growing up, sex had never been part of his life, never dated never casual sex, so this side of him...was weird and leaving her utterly at a loss to deal with. “...Did you want to eat with us?”She offered, not looking sure about offering, but assuming that’s why he’d brought food.
Bruce smirked. "yeah. Cap can't stay mad at me. i'm too cute." Bruce admitted. "besides, you know their only on restrictions because Steve is pissed at Phil." he admitted. "is he? why is that?" Fitz asked, looking surprised. "because Phil didn't tell him he was alive." Bruce admitted. "Cap has a lot of... issues." Bruce admitted. "well. everyone does really." he admitted before he snorted at Tony. "play nice!" he ordered Tony with his lopsided grin. "we need the biochemist doctors here to make sure you can regain sensation so if your not nice we won't play well with you." he teased as he headed over to his coffee machine to make some coffee and the teapot to make some tea for the British folk.

he shook his head. "that's no excuse. i should have been here for you." he muttered as he stroked Clint's hair and urged the other to his feet before ushering him up to Clint's floor and did just as promised. fed him hot cocoa and stripped off the others shirt and soothed him to sleep with a back massage.

"yeah." he agreed with a chuckle before he paused. "...huh. choices. another new experience." he muttered. "am i going to get stabbed?" Steve asked looking amused before he flushed. "oh... right." he pushed the pan into Bucky's hands and tugged the apron off, ignoring Bucky's grumbling. "Oh. i wouldn't want to intrude. i just..." "in." Bucky ordered, Steve blinking before a mulish expression crossed his face. "don't take that tone with me. in!" Steve rolled his eyes and walked in obediently, offering her a shy smile. "uh... Chicken Enchilada..." he offered her. "with re-fried beans, Avocado and some Salsa." he admitted, fidgeting again. "i don't want to intrude i just..." "he feels bad that he didn't know you existed and wants to get to know you, but doesn't want to pressure you into accepting him as a parental figure." Bucky stated. ignoring he way Steve was glaring at him.
“You are not that cute.And no, not really. They’re no restrictions so the two super soldiers don’t go wandering.”Tony snickered a little before sulking. “Do I have to play nicely?”He grumbled before smirking again, “Good. More coffee.”Tony ordered pushing his coffee cup over, having every intention of drinking some before steve brought up his one pot up.

“Hm, yea, still busy though.”Clint muttered sighing softly asz he let the other ease tense muscles, asleep before phil had even really finished his back.

“No, just don’t surprise me.”Sarah shrugged blushing a little before frowning, looking a little anxious at steve’s rambling. “It’s okay. We were just dicussing getting food anyways.”She said smiling, “Hm, mexican. Love mexcian food.”She said looking at the two, flushing a little. Biting her lip a little as she considered Steve as she sat down and started to eat, “...I..I’m going to try. I mean...I wouldn’t mind getting to know you...”Sarah said looking anxious and worried about upsetting him by hesitating.
"no, they're on Restrictions because Steve's paranoid and thinks that they might try to take over SI's data bases and download Your schematics and stuff." Hulk admitted. "James isn't going to go anywhere. he'd be gone already if he was. you think those cuffs would hold him for a second if he really wanted free?" he asked with a lopsided grin. "and i am that cute. your just jealous i'm trending higher than you are on Twitter. and yes you have to play nice." he ordered, Fitz chuckling as he shook his head. "you know. i might be able to fix this problem." Fitz admitted. "we had a problem like this a while back, remember Simmons?" he asked as he started sketching up a design spec for a gun not unlike an Icer. "we had to use it on Mike the first time to drop him." he admitted. "it's the same system, all we have to do is tweak Dr. Banners drug to soak in through Dermal absorption." "it already does. it knocks a hell of a punch, don't get it on your skin. it put Clint down for three days." "...what on earth do you need this for?" "i told you. it's for the Other Guy. and for gods." "the Other Guy?" Fitz asked, confused and Bruce stared at him. couldn't do anything else. just stood there and stared.

he smiled. "i'll try not to." he promised. "Clint and Nat don't like it when i go Cat's paw on them either." he admitted. "oh! great. i made a ton." he admitted. "i know how much i need to eat, so i figured you and him would have to eat a horse too." he admitted. "and if i'm wrong i'll just share the leftovers. leftovers are never wasted around here." he admitted, looking much more calm. "i would like that." he admitted softly. "i've never... i've never had a daughter, let alone one i never knew about and is fully grown so... i have, absolutely no idea what i'm doing..." he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "the only thing i know for sure is that i need to protect you." he admitted. "but... if you and James want to, or need to leave... no one here will stop you." he promised her. "well, Phil might try to stop you, but i'll make him stop." he promised. "he has this huge fanboy crush on me... it's really kind of creepy..." he admitted, startled when he realized James was setting the table.
“Hm, that’s true. They might. I mean, they are innocent looking, they might do something.” “No we wont. We’re not that interested in any of you.”Simmons said smiling slightly. “I am not!You are not trending higher then me.”Tony huffed making a face. “Hmmm...that would work. Without messing up the drug, you could let it soak in like a icer.”Simmons looked thoughtful as she considered that. “Ignore him, he’s a little slow.”Tony snickered looking amused at Fitz’s confusion.

“We used to have to go shopping like, three times a week cause we never did buy enough.”Sarah said looking a little anxious, because it still made her nervous to not know how to act around him. This made her nervous. “well...I would hope this is a first time kind of experience.”She mused smirking as she watched him try to figure out what to say, before biting her lip, relief flair through her eyes before fading. If they had to, they could leave. Run. Not be trapped, which was what had pissed her off, being trapped by her need to be with james. But...this. She could work with this, even if she had no intention of leaving. “...Does everyone want to have sex with you?”She said staring at the man, saying it simply to watch him get flustered, before smirking as he realized james was setting the table, helping him finish and dishing out food. “....He did raise me for 18 years. He does occassionally do normal every day things.”She warned looking amused at steve’s reaction.
he rolled his eyes. "Tony. they have a hacker on board so good she hacked Shield. something that Jarvis can only do because he is already inside of shield." Bruce pointed out. "they had a Hydra agent inside their team for months and while that's not their fault, the fact remains that he beat the most sophisticated lie detector ever invented... Natasha barely even managed that!" Bruce stated. "and even she triggered the warnings. of course Steve is a paranoid bastard when his own teammate and friend tried to kill him a few weeks ago." Bruce pointed out, Fitz grimacing. "i can understand why he is paranoid." Fitz admitted. "especially when he trusted so many people only for them to end up trying to kill him." he admitted, shaking his head before grinning at Simmons. "i'll go get one from the Bags." he agreed. "we might be able to make the stuff he's using work with the cartridges we've already got inside the Icers. we just have to get empty casings." "and who do we test it on?" "oh i have some super goats for that." "...super goats?" "yes... in my defense, it was an accident." he admitted shaking his head. "god... they don't know about the Other Guy..." he snorted. "how in the hell do people not known about the Other Guy?"

he grinned a little. "yeah, me too. and then Fury yelled at me for spending all of my pay on food." he admitted with another snicker. "not that i needed much else." he admitted. "yeah it's definitely a first." he admitted. "i can't get over how much like me you look." he admitted. "and then i look right and everything in you screams Bucky." he admitted, smiling as he saw the relief in her eyes. "i know what it's like to be caged without bars." he admitted. "i'd like the chance to get to know you, but not at the cost of your happiness." he admitted. "you know... i really think they do. but it's not their fault. i think the Serum in me screws with people's thinking patterns." "nah, it's jus cuz your hot." James admitted, making Steve go red again. "well yes, but i've never seen it. not even when we where sharing an apartment. he was a lazy SOB." he admitted. "like, seriously lazy. he wouldn't even get up to pee most of the time." he admitted. "he just held it in for hours because he didn't want to move." "i remember that!"
“...She’s not better then me.”Tony sulked as he twitched, before looking thoughtful. “....Think Sarah and James would be okay with being hooked up to the lie detector? I mean, I wonder if they could. I mean, Steve was all over the place, to upset to even read as telling the truth when he was....”Tony looked thoughtfully before smiled a little.”I know why to.”Tony shrugged not willing to go into it anymore because he of all people, knew what betrayal meant, especially with obidiah and pepper so fresh. He didn’t want to consider that right now, so he focused on teasing the duckings. “Grab a few. Even if we can’t use the exact casings, we might be able to fiddle with it from that design.”Simmons smiled before turning to stare at Bruce. “.....Goats?Really?” “They’re young, and you’ve hidden away for most of their lives. Though I am surprised scientists don’t know about him.”Tony frowned a little thoughtful.

Sarah laughed at that. “I’m sure you found something else to buy.”Sarah smiled a little before flushing at his words, biting her lip a little. “Thanks I’s weird...I mean... I look at you, and I can see things that I see looking in the mirror.”She said sighing quietly before nodding, looking glad he understood why she hadn’t been happy with them for telling her james couldn’t leave, because her beloved father had been the chain who’d kept her from bolting when things got to much. “Thanks.”She muttered glad to know that hte wanted to know her, even if this felt awkward and stilted, and she had no idea how to act, so she was simply treating him like she treated james. “...He is fairly cute. I mean, with you two as parents, I never had a chance to be ugly.”She teased a little snickering before slanting a glance at James. “....really?”She said looking bemused with the idea shaking her head. “Never again are you going to get to complain about me lazing around on a weekend.”
Bruce smirked. "she's better than you, admit it. we can't all be the best at everything Tony." he stated. "besides, she can't do half the things you do. like Jarvis for example." "oh! yes, your computer automated system is amazing. i have no idea how you programmed it to respond in so many ways. it's amazing!" "it's honest to god AI." Fitz paused. "well that's just ridiculous, of course it isn't. no ones ever been able to create a true AI." "Tony did it when he was.. what, six?" Bruce asked as he prepared a slide for Simmons. "we'll have the Captain ask them. we don't want to make it seam as if we're running tests on them or something. i don't want to end up with my insides on my outsides thanks." Fitz admitted. "i'll grab all of em that we got." Fitz promised as he headed off, Bruce chuckling. "excitable little fellow." he admitted. "no. they know about me as Bruce Banner. Fitz was going on and on about that gamma radiation particle beam blaster i made. apparently it saved someone's life. they just don't know that i turn into a raging green monster." he admitted, looking amused. "how refreshing." he had mostly made peace with the Hulk. mostly. he still changed without cause and still lost control but it was much more rare now.

he shrugged. "a few clothes, food, an album once and a while." he smiled sheepishly. "i was scared to go out for a long time." he admitted. "the way i woke up was fairly traumatic and what happened afterword even more so." he admitted. "stupid Shield bastards." he grumbled as he started pouring drinks after getting everyone's preferences. "i just can't get over how a person can have two fathers..." Steve admitted, looking faintly awestruck and horrified. "add that to the fact that i've never had sex with a dame... uh, woman... it's weird... i've seen weirder though..." he admitted, making Bucky snicker. "you've seen weirder?" "oh yeah... remind me to tell you about the Chitauri Invasion, the Hulk, Loki, the Tesseract, the Red Skull and the man we found that could manipulate metal." Steve stated with a grin. "oh... and Loki has kids... from his own loins... a wolf, a snake and a eight legged horse are just three of them." now Bucky was gaping at him and Steve snickered. "uh... your welcome?" he asked, not sure why he was being thanked. "oh, James stopped being lazy once he got into the Army. hasn't lazed a day since." Steve admitted as he scooped up a few Enchilada and started handing them out. "The army sort of beats out any ideas of laziness you might have." James admitted. "you stay busy, at all times unless your sleeping."
“No. I don’t have to.”Tony huffed before smirking, “....Are you calling me a liar?I mean, Jarvis is a true learning AI, and I was 7. I spent alot of 6, napping. Kindergarten was hard on me.”Tony snickered a little. “I’ll ask him. It would be helpful.”Tony tilted his head knowing cap wasn’t going to like it, but he might be willing to ask. “He is.But he’s brilliant to.”Simmons smiled as she watched Fitz leave. “...You ARE bruce banner. You just happen to be a big guy I like playing tag with sometimes.”Tony snickered looking amused, because when he did hulk out, tony suited up, and flew around to let the big guy try and catch if they weren’t in a fight.

“I’m sure it was. I remember the rumors flying around campus when they woke you up.”Sarah smiled a little flushing lightly at his words and the way he was staring at her. “...This has to be the weirdest conversation I’ve had. Discussing my parents sex life...”He muttered before grinning as she listened to them talk, simply starting to eat, just enjoying the sight of james actually relaxing. “Well, you were in a war. I’m sure that kept you busy to.”she smiled a little as she relaxed some, being herself, relaxing for the moment, willing to forget everything else, even if she could feel the dull ache of a headache starting again.
Fitz was just gaping at him. "you have an honest to god AI system!?" he demanded, stunned before he wrapped his arms around Tony. "your my hero!" he declared before he left, Bruce laughing at that. it was hilarious. "Tag? Tony i broke four of your ribs playing 'Tag'." Bruce pointed out, looking amused. "i keep telling you that flying around at high speeds is just going to attract his attention." he knew why Tony did it though and Hulk had only caught him on pure luck. even then, he'd broken Tony's ribs by hugging him too hard. "so. you want to see something really cool?" he offered Simmons with a grin as he prepped another slide. "don't touch, at all. i mean it. it will, and can kill you." he warned before poking himself with a needle and letting a single drop of blood fall onto the slide and set it in place. his blood was fascinating to say the least. it had such powerful regenerative capabilities that when he introduced a drop of venom... his blood ate it. "i've been trying to recreate that effect." he admitted. "it would save billions of lives and hundreds of thousands of dollars on Antivenom." he admitted. "once my blood gets into a person though, or an animal it does to them what it does to the Venom." he admitted while he removed the slide and dumped it into a bin marked 'Danger, Highly Toxic, Do not handle'.

he huffed. "first of all, they woke me up too fast. James can tell you what that does to a person's head." James nodded. "sensory deprivation to straight sensory overload. very traumatic and it fucks with a persons head. for a good month he was probably skittish of noises, lights, things that smelled or felt too much." Steve nodded. "and i was overly sensitive from the serum in the first place." he admitted. "then they put me in a make shift 1940's hospital and made the stupidest mistake of doing it wrong. honestly i don't think they even researched it properly... of course i busted loose, thinking i'd been caught by Hydra and run out right into the middle of DC at night in full traffic with all the lights and shit..." he shook his head. "they where morons from the beginning." he admitted. "well. it could be worse." Steve pointed out, smirking. "we could be telling you where babies come from." "hell Steve! i still haven't gotten over your mam telling us about that!"
“Uh yea. Only way to control the suit.”Tony smirked tensing as he was hugged, glancing at simmons and bruce. “You think he’d be upset if I groped him?”he smirked a little amused as he watched the other leave before rolling his eyes at bruce. “I know. And you keep telling me to dull the suit to not draw attention, but its fun, and definitely not the first time I’ve had broken bones.”Tony shrugged. “Of course. What?”Simmons said looking interested before frowning as he poked himself, staring into the miscroscope with wide eyes. “ it the gamma radiation that causes it?Or simply the serum? I mean, if we looked, would Sarah, Steve, or James’ blood do this?”

“...Oh. I can see that. They put me in a sensory deprivation tank once, to see just how sensitive I was to things. I mean, it was nice half the time, cause my senses pick up almost anything.”Sarah sighed softly thinking it over before shaking her head as she ate. “It seems it doesn’t matter which group they’re in, they’re all idiots.”She snickered a little before whining a little. “...Don’t tell me that. I did go to public school, and shield academy, I’m perfectly aware of where babies come from.”She sulked a little looking amused though.
"Tony does the heavy lifting and the decision making and Jarvis runs the minute things that Tony couldn't be able to while battling." Bruce explained. "Tony still has to pay close attention to what he's doing, an arm out of line will crash him hard." Bruce admitted. "which was hilarious." he teased Tony, commenting about the time Tony had tried to give Steve the finger while flying at Mach 1 and drove himself into a building. "probably." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "he seams to be very adverse to men flirting with him." he admitted. "it's the Serum. Steve's blood does the same thing. the Gamma radiation is what makes my blood so deadly to people." he admitted. "unfortunately attempts to use Steve's blood to replicate the effect ends in explosions. the Serum in him is stable and it doesn't like to be mucked with. mine is unstable because of the massive amounts of gamma running through my system it's all too happy to be changed. unfortunately there are worse side effects and a lot of people who'd love to dissect me." he admitted.

Steve scowled. "what's that?" "it's this big tub with a lid half full of water. they close the lid and you can't see, or feel, or smell or hear anything." James explained. "they use it as punishment sometimes in Hydra. leave you in there for days. when the poor kids come out, more often then not they're a bit cracked." he admitted. "i know your aware of where babies come from. you knew when you where seven and got that encyclopedia of the human body. your teacher called all panicked because you where telling all the other kids where babies come from." James admitted with a snicker. "it was awesome."
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