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Hidden (lady/moon)

“...Shut up Banner. I don’t comment on how you walked into the wall using a tablet once.”Tony scowled a little rolling his eyes because really, no one ever let him forget he’d flipped off cap and then flew head first into a building. “Damn.I’ll just have to keep flirting with Banres.”Tony snickered a little. “Huh. I wonder what Sarah or James’ would. I mean, sarah’s the one with two different serums in her system. It would have had to adapt to being changed...”Simmons looked thoughtful before waving off Tony’s worried look. “I’d never ask her, or bring it up unless she did. But it’s still a interesting thought.”

“As a teen, when I hit puberty, my senses went haywire, even more so then they are now. It was easier to go down for a few hours and not have to think.”Sarah smiled a little. “For them it was punishment, for me it was-and is-sometimes a relief.”She shrugged before snickering at james’ reaction. “you always did find me telling other children always amusing.”She rolled her eyes a little, truly, she was relaxing enough to start telling steve bits and pieces of her life, not because she really realized he'd want to know, but she sensed that he'd feel bad about missing it, and wanted to tell him
Bruce snickered. "once? Tony i do that practically every day. it's one of my pleasant quirks that everyone loves because i'm cute." he teased with a smirk. "besides, you where giving the bird, to Captain America! of course your never going to live it down." he teased. "you do realize Steve is going to murder you if you sleep with Barnes right?" he asked, looking amused as he looked at Simmons. "well. we probably won't be able to find out until we can hack into Hydra databases. your girl Skye is on that isn't she?" he asked, his head tilted. "Hydra would have run a great many tests." he admitted. "it's one of the reasons why Steve won't let us ask her." he shook his head. "that poor girl." "i have the stuff!" Fitz called as he came in with a duffel bag and dropped it on an empty space on the table. full of empty casings for the Icer. "we where going to play with the design, see if we couldn't make it more efficient during our own time." he explained when he saw Bruce looking at him as if he was crazy.

Steve nodded. "i can imagine so... i think Tony has a sensory deprivation machine here and there. a couple of our scientists use them to help them think." he admitted. "if you ever need one, they're in the Spa section i think." he admitted. "or we could have one brought up here for you." he offered. "i know Bruce has one in his room, says it helps him calm down." "Bruce, he's the one who does the brain stuff?" "he's studying it right now, yes. he's gunning for his third masters in Psychology and brain science. which is probably a good thing considering all of us." he admitted. "we have some serious issues... like, serious..." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "i think out of everyone in the tower right now, Tony's the worst off." he admitted. "he's probably up there with, uh. Fitzzsimmons?" "i don't know their names." James admitted with a shrug. "the super smart twins." Steve muttered with a shrug. "he's probably up there showing them his stuff..." "aren't we on restrictions?" "...only because Sky and that man Tripplett give me the creeps." he admitted. "besides, Skye is a hacker, the last thing we need is certain schematics getting 'leaked' to the public. can you imagine what a man like Garret might have done with a design for a plasma manipulator?"
“You are not cute. You are adorable.”Tony huffed and making a face.”I tell him to go fuck off more often. It’s not that rare of a occurrance to find me flipping him off.”He pointed out before nodding. “I know. But its okay. Flirting it amusing.” “Yea. Skye’s working on it. I’ll see what she finds out first.”Simmons nodded before laughing at the look on Tony’s face as he looked at the duffel bag. “We were testing out different things.”

“Good. That’s nice to know about.”Sarah nodded looking interested in the idea before smiling, amused at james’ words.”you never were good at remembering names.”She teased before wincing, because she knew why that was,but it was hard sometimes to think about. Raising a eyebrow at steve’s words, wondering what was wrong with tony, but not nosy enough to pry when she didn’t want anyone prying into her stuff. Shuddering at that, “That would have been even worse then what it was.”She shuddered sighing as she finished eating, rubbing a hand over her face. “I think I’m going to go lay down for awhile.”she said standing, sliding her plate into the sink, bending to kiss james’ cheek before looking at steve, biting her lip before moving closer, skittish before dropping a kiss to his cheek to.
he smirked. "see, you even admit it." he teased before laughing. "and he tells you to 'piss on it and die' as i recall. using that cute Brooklyn twang of his." he admitted with a snigger. "besides, you where in mid flight and careened head first into a building with thousands of people as witnesses." he pointed out before nodding. "watching you and him flirting is amusing. it's like watching a hippo try to hump an alligator." "...what?" Fitz asked, staring at Bruce with deep incredulity as Bruce laughed. " ever think about reading a book?" Bruce asked, looking amused as he picked up a already full capsule. "may i?" he asked, wondering if they'd let him run a few tests on their stuff. he had to admit, the idea of a night night pill was simply breathtakingly genius. "have you thought about getting a patent on these? these things could save lives. especially for cases where the other person is volatile but unarmed." he admitted.

he nodded before smiling at James. "he was always bad with names. it's because he was dropped on his head too many times as a baby." "i was not!" Bucky protested. "you so where. only you would think jumping into a dumpster after me was a good idea." "it was a good idea!" "we couldn't get back out." "....okay it was a bad idea, but it was the thought that counted!" Steve just snickered and then smiled at Skye. "Tony was abused as a child. not physically but emotionally and mentally he's...broken." he admitted. "he was picked on a lot at school for being smart, and then when his father died a man stepped in and took care of him. that man later betrayed him and tried to kill him and he ended up having to kill that man. earlier, his lover, Pepper Potts was kidnapped, tortured and experimented on and it took Tony everything he had to save her. he gave up being a super hero for her and then she left him when it proved that the world needed iron man more than she needed Tony. so he's pretty fucked up. not to mention he was tortured a couple of times. poor guy can't even take a shower sometimes. so don't be surprised if he snaps or snarls at you, he's... not well." Steve admitted softly, James nodding. "i can relate." he admitted softly before he smiled at Sarah. "headache again? me too." he admitted as Steve went bright red at the kiss to the cheek. "sleep well Sarah." he offered. "if there's anything you need, just ask." he promised her. "...shit. i forgot about taking food to Tony." he muttered with a shake of his head. "you go on. i'm going to lay down too. painkillers won't work on these headaches." he told Steve when he opened his mouth to offer them both an aspirin... well. aspirin specifically made for super soldiers.
“It is a cute twang isn’t it?”Tony smirked a little. “...Are they always flirting like this?”Simmons asked, having picked up on that before snickering, “...Who’s the hippo and who’s the alligaotr?” “....I’m not fat, Banner. And I’m not flirting. Making sure he feels welcomed is what it is.”Tony huffed a little. “Go ahead. Just be careful, you might put yourself out if yo uget it on your hands.”Simmons warned making tony snicker.”It’d take more then that to put him down.”he smiled a little. “’s been sort of insane since we came up with them.”Simmons smiled a little.

Sarah laughed quietly, smiling a little. “I’m so glad he was having bad ideas long before I showed up.”She snickered a little before frowning, wincing as she considered that. “I’ll keep that in mind.”She said sounding sad, knowing what i twas like to be the outcast at school, refusing to let the emotions show o nher face, the kinship she felt with the genius. She didn’t want to like any of them. But they were making it hard not to. “Yea.I’m hoping if I rest, it’ll be better.”she smiled a little before nodding.”I’ll be sure to ask if I need something.”She reassured before waving off steve’s almost offer.”he’s right. It wont help, I’ve tried. Rest will though. Go take care of your genius.”She teased a little as she disappeared into her bedroom.

Later that evening Sarah frowned a little as she stepped into the cell, looking around her even if she knew Grant was looking at her, she was spending time looking around her. “...for a prison cell, this isn’t so bad.”She muttered, really it looked like a small comfortable apartment. At least teh avengers didn’t seem to be willing to torture their prisoners just yet. “....I know you. Do you know me?”She said blinking rapidly, her headache having driven her to getting out of bed, to try and remember, hoping that maybe if she forced the memories to the surface, that the pain would dull. Knowing there was only a little bit of time she had, knowing jarvis would be informing steve, and phil not to mention the others where she was soon enough.
he chuckled. "Tony flirts with everything that has legs and talks." he admitted. "even aliens." he admitted as he shook his head. "as for Steve, i think he's flirting back, but i can't be sure. Steve is weird." he admitted. "i wasn't calling you fat, i was calling you scrawny." he teased as he sipped on his tea. "i've been shot with these before." Bruce admitted. "ten bullets." he admitted. "i didn't even get drowsy." he admitted. "that's why i need this stuff." he stated, indicating his own unique blend. "if the Other Guy gets out of hand, i want a way to drop us without hurting someone." he admitted. "plus it has the added bonus of then working on certain gods who keep coming to earth to cause mayhem." " heard about Lorelei huh?" "yes. she possessed a good friend of mine and he got hurt because of it." he admitted. "you might consider talking to Tony. he can do the whole legislative monkey hopping and you'll get all the credit. Tony does it all the time for the scientists here. they work here, so Stark Industries does get a bit of credit for finding them, but Tony is always very good about making sure the scientist who came up with the idea gets the most credit." he admitted. "think about it. you could be doing great things even while saving the world." he admitted with a grin.

Steve chuckled. "oh he's full of bad ideas." he admitted. "so is Tony actually. James and Tony getting along is the scariest thought i have ever had." he admitted with a grin. "have a good night." Steve agreed before picking up the leftovers, there was still a lot, and headed up to Bruce's lab where he figured Tony was, clearing his throat as he stepped in. it was never a good idea to startle Bruce. "Brought food. didn't bring Coffee." he admitted as he set the tray of Enchilada and food down along with the paper plates. "what are you working on?" "the stuff to take down the Hulk." "ah. do you need me to test it again?" "no. we'll be using the goats." "...those poor goats..." Steve grumbled, making Bruce snort.

Ward looked up at her. wearing the same bracelets as James was. only he had them on his ankles and neck as well. "well your certainly not who i was expecting." Ward admitted, sounding more curious than anything. "no. i don't know you." he admitted. "i only met you the once." he stated as he stood up and offered her the chair as he leaned against the wall. as polite as he always was. "are you alright? you look sick." he admitted, frowning. "i don't think your supposed to be down here..."

upstairs, Phil was watching curiously, ignoring the others protests. "One, she wasn't there when the order was issued. two, i have no right to give her orders. three. if she wasn't allowed down there, Jarvis would have stopped her. Jarvis obviously thinks that this might help one, or both of them. we have Steve on standby outside the door. he will intervene if anything bad happens." Phil assured Skye. "for now... i want to see what happens. if it helps either of them it's worth the risks."
"I am not scrawny. Just because im smaller then the example of human perfection doesnt mean anything." "Is he always like this?"simmons asked looking amused."we'll do would be nice to do some good...i mean we do, but it could help others to."simmons smiled looking thoughtful."where s the coffee? You prmoised coffee."tony frowned though he looked amused before laughing."theyre good goats.its okay better then using ourselves remember?"tony pointed out remembering the discussion of testing dangerous stuff on themselves.

"You do.i know you do."sarah growled as she stumbled to the chair trembling a little. The memories were starting to rip her apart, a overwhelming would have been okay if it came back in pieces, but it wasnt and it was overwhelming her."im starting to remember hurts."she shuddered looking at him pushing off the wall and walking closer to him, looking him over remembering what james had said.she just had to find something to throw a hole in the illusion. "How did you learn russian grant?".

Skye frowned shaking her head."i still dont like it. What if he can flip the switch and wake her up from whatever hydra hid in her?"skye scowled. "Thats why cap's down there with tony. They're more then enough to handle even a super soldier."clint said knowing tony had packed bruce's drug into one of the shots on the suit so if he needed the traq he had it."and jarvis let her in after warning tony where ahe was going. He let cap make the call. If you trust no one else, trust steve to not endanger any of us."
Bruce grinned. "yes. don't mind him. being a child genius left him with very few social skills." he admitted. "you should be glad he's acting this way actually. if he's not insulting you, then he likes you." Bruce admitted with a grin. "You don't get Coffee because you snuck into Bruce's lab and stole his." Steve stated sternly. "i know you better than you think i do Tony Stark!" he playfully chastised. "now, eat before you waste away before my eyes, and if you eat enough i'll overlook the Science twins being where their not supposed to be." he ordered, making Fitz cough uncomfortably.

he frowned. "i don't, actually." he said as he stared at her, wondering if she was crazy. "seriously, are you okay?" he asked, looking a bit more concerned before understanding flitted across his face. "that's right. they used the machine on you. every month, right?" he asked. "you must be due for a new wipe. don't worry, it'll only hurt for a few days and then everything feels better again." he promised before he paused, frowning. "...what are you talking about? i don't know Russian. look. i think you've got the wrong guy."

"if he was going to flip her switch, he would have done it already." Phil admitted. "i trust Rogers. you should too." he admitted. "and it's not just because of the Serum, or because he's a super Solder or because i have a creepy fan-boy crush on him." he admitted. "it's because he understands on an instinctual base just how to handle people. if he thinks ward and Sarah are worth a second chance then i believe him." Phil admitted, glancing at Clint. "Bruce got it working?" he asked, startled. "i did." Bruce admitted. "with help from your wonder twins. they really are something else." Bruce admitted. "very smart, and very eager to lend a hand. i'm honestly not used to people like them."
"I like none of them. I dont even know why theyre in the tower."tont huffed but it was his usual loner genius mask in place, not the way he really felt.making a face at steve."he gave it to me.i didnt steal it.i should get my own."he whined even as he ate, smirking."its not my fault.for once its bruce breaking the solitary rule....though I'm about to show the cute one my lab.maybe let him play with my gadgets."tony said with a amused leer, teasing, flirting out of reflex instead of real desire.

"Fine...and im not crazy. Dont give me that look.if either of us in this room should be questioning someone's sanity, it should be me questioning yours."sarah said twitching as she slumped over her knees nodding jerkily at his words."about that...this is the first time ive ever gone without..."she swallowed hard trying so hard to remember something to break him, in a good way, but she was in pain and couldnt think." have a scar on your right arm. At the curve of your shoulder. You think its from sex.its not. It was me. I was pissed you wouldnt let go.come on grant, i know there has to be something to remind you..."she shuddered remembering giving him the scar, and equally knowing it was probably something he didnt. Itd been when they tried getting her away and he'd stopped her from pulling james out of the ice, she'd bit him trying to get him to let go, but even a bite to bone hadnt done anything but leave a perfect impression of her teeth in his skin. Her teeth having been all she'd had left to fight with since she'd still been weak from her own time in the mind wipe.

Skye frowned and in that look you knew grant had damaged her in a way not totally obvious at first.he'd broken her willingness to trut. To want to trust other people"yea."clint smiled sli th tly tilting his head a little listening to the others talk, rolling his eyes a little at phil's admittance for a fan boy crush."besides. If he thiught grant would cause her more harm then her own body right at the moment, hed be in there...shes crashing hard.if she gets the memories out, with grant's help, she might be able tto recover be\er."
he chuckled. "you think Fitz and Simmons are adorable and are already planning on adopting them away from Phil." Bruce teased back as Steve stared at Tony. "Bruce doesn't drink Coffee Tony. you know it makes him feel twitchy." he stated simply. "so the only reason that Coffee pot was turned on was because of your caffeine dependency. and if Hulk thinks their safe, then their safe." Steve admitted with a shrug. "Bruce has a good judge of character and what he can't tell Hulk can. he's even better than that crappy lie detector." he admitted before snorting as Fitz dropped the beaker he was holding and stared at Tony in both utter delight, and true horror. "...i'm not sure how i feel about what you just said..."

Grant huffed. "i'm not insane. i owe Garret.." he paused. "Owed, Garret everything." he admitted before blinking at her. "...the first time is always the worst." he agreed, hesitating before moving closer. "there's some things... that can help." he admitted. "a neck massage used to take care of my headaches." he admitted before he paused, frowning s he reached up and traced the shoulder. "she was a civilian, or i thought she as anyway. she topped, it was kinky. fun, she bit me, hard and then pulled a knife on me." he stated, staring at her. "how did you know i had a scar there?" he asked before shaking his head. "oh. right. my files. of course. your trying to copy that crappy 'Clairvoyant' card. you people do realize i knew it was Garret the whole time right?" he shook his head. "listen, Sarah was it? i'm not the man you think i am. they're probably fucking with your head." he stated softly. "i'm not the person you want me to be."

Phil offered her a smile and set a hand on her shoulder. "it's going to be alright Skye." he promised softly. "we'll figure thee things out." he promised. "we just have to wait and see."
“I would do no such thing. Adopting means they’ll never leave. I just want to burrow them.”Tony snickered a little before frowning at steve. “It’s bruce. And it’s not a dependency.”He made a face before nodding.”Bruce is fairly good.”He agreed before smirking at Fitz, “Be delighted, otherwise I might be insulted and take all my toys away.” “...You know he’s only doing this because you’re reacting right?”Simmons muttered smiling slightly as she watched tony head for his lab.

Sarah turned her head a little to look up at him, “There are?”She muttered sighing quietly, reaching up to rub at her neck, gently pressing down, eyes watching him as he traced his shoulder, “...As if they’d let me near anything electronic. I tend to break them.Not to mention, they don’t want to give me anything I might be able to use against them. Despite being left alone in here longer then I thought I’d be, they still don’t trust me.”She pointed out. It wasn’t like she couldn’t use electronics, she was actually fairly good at it, it was just that when she’d first started using them as a kid, she’d used to much strength and was constantly breaking them. So she’d gotten used to not using them. Frowning at his words. “...I have no idea what your talking about with ‘clairvoyant.’ I mean, I know what one is, but...”She trailed off her whole head aching, nodding.”Yea. Sarah.”She said swallowing hard trying to think through the pain, to remember what james had said. Names. NAmes were important...and he hadn;t said one. “What was her name?The girl?She scarred you, most people would remember what her name was.”
Bruce snickered a little. "you want to Adopt them, just like you want to Adopt Phil." Bruce teased. "i can't help it." Fitz complained. "i'm not used to it... and he's kind of gorgeous. not as pretty as you, but still very nice looking..." he admitted, fidgeting because he knew she would understand. Fitz had professed his undying love for her, but social situations still made him very uneasy.

he nodded and watched her. "yeah. ice packs on the back of your neck and on your temples can help too. or if you have it, narcotics that put you down through the worst of it usually works the best." he admitted. "...i guess i can't blame them for not trusting you." he admitted. "you where Hydra, after all. despite not being a proper one." he admitted before staring at her. "" he huffed and shook his head. "never mind." he muttered before he paused, frowning. "you know, i can't remember." he admitted. "they all sort of blend together after time." he admitted, still stroking the scar. "i'm sure it started with an S." he admitted, his head tilted. "it doesn't really matter anyway. she's dead and i'm not." he admitted. "that's all that ever matters."
“I know.It’s okay, he wont do anything you don’t want.”Simmons muttered because you could say alot of things about tony stark, but that he had to force people into his bed wasnt’ one of them. He flirted because he simply could.

“I’ll try that. Though narcotics are hard. Medical stuff usually doesn’t work for me.”She muttered before nodding, “No, not a proper one, but still the daughter of their favorite weapon, and one shaped for their plans.”She sighed a little before frowning up at him. Tilting her head a little. “You what?”She said frowning, confused. “...Yea. Sarah. I bit you. Badly.”She grumbled but willing to let it go for the moment as she moved to get up, having every intention of leaving, needing to lay down, and hopefully just sleep it off, since he seemed to not be able to help. Though as soon as she was on her feet the world tilted, sending her sprawling into the man, nearly headbutting him since they were the same height as she fell, the sudden movement having made her black out just a bit.
he smiled at her. "oh i know. it's just... when he flirts..." he flushed hard. "i kinda want to let him get me there..." he admitted. he knew she wouldn't be hurt. mostly because he would never, ever cheat on her ever. he'd had a crush on Tony Stark ever since he'd found out about the man. six years old his idol had been Tony stark and the idolization had only gotten bigger. he owned, every newspaper article, magazine, thesis paper and designs that had ever been released into the public. he even had an autographed Iron Man picture. but he'd never sleep with Tony, not only because he wasn't gay. though, he might make an exception, but also because he loved Simmons with all of his heart.

he nodded. "i forgot you where in the breeding program." he admitted. "i never realized it was... you know. real." he admitted, studying her. "i've never met you. not really. i just held you while you cried." he stated simply before he gasped as he collapsed, catching her before she fell and ignoring the sharp throbbing pain in his nose. "hey! hey!? Sarah!?" he demanded, sounding a bit freaked out now. "Sarah!?" "hush." Steve ordered as he walked in, gently checking her pulse, Ward gaping at him. "your Captain Fucking America!" Steve snorted and carefully pulled Sarah into his own arms. "you said Narcotics could help?" "uh. yeah, she can't feel the pain if she just sleeps through it." he admitted, staring wide eyed at Steve as the man nodded and walked out with her, the door clicking shut as Ward stood there and traced the scar on his arm, frowning. "...blond hair. grey eyes..." he muttered as he turned to stare at the mirror. "...i'm Grant Ward." he muttered. "Hydra operative.... i'm Grant Ward..." as if he was reaffirming his own existence.
“I know.”Simmons smiled al ittle waving him out.”Go.”She ordered amused greatly at fitz reaction as tony started showing him around the lab, the mad genius obvious. Tony stark loved having a enthralled audience who’d actually understand what he was talking about, so the man really was in heaven.

“I know. I’ve been told in teh last day what was waiting for me...besides you know, war. Forced breeding.”Sarah shuddered a little as she crumbled into his arms, hands clinging to his shirt, pressing her face into his chest.”Grant...protector...mine...”She muttered, not even truly realizing she’d translated part of his name into what he was, ward....ward was a protector. Her protector. Whimpering quietly as Steve picked her up she shuddered, but she was out. The pain putting her down, not even aware of the man she’d left behind.

When she woke Sarah blinked stupidly in the dark room, turning her head a little, sensing the others even if she couldn’t see them.”....watching your daughter sleep you two, is borderline creepy and weird.”She muttered, wincing as the noise made a lingering headache spike, but she looked and sounded better then she had been, for the moment, memories and pain faded. It would come back later, but for the moment the drugs and sleep had helped.
he beamed at her and skipped after Tony. well, he would claim it to be a manly hustle but it was a skip. he followed Tony around like a school kid in the face of their biggest real life hero. oh wait. he even managed to bring his brain online to offer a few suggestions of his own and explain a few of the things he himself had invented with Simmons. a blush staining his cheeks every-time he talked. "god. he's so cute i wanna gag." Bruce admitted, looking amused. "you and him?" he asked curiously. "you don't mind he's obviously in some serious Techno lust right now?"

he nodded. "it was pretty sick." he admitted. "the things they did to people. i was real lucky to have Garret." he admitted softly before grimacing as he realized that she was talking. he honestly had no idea what she was talking about, but she triggered all of the same urges he had with Skye. lust, need, protect, shelter, love. "I am Grant Ward. affection is a weakness. people are a weakness." he hissed at his reflection once they where gone before lashing out, striking the mirror so it shattered and lacerated his fist. he didn't care, the pain helped him focus. he had to keep his head. he was Grant Ward, and he was going to be free sooner or later.

"shit..." Steve gasped, blinking at her. "you startled me." he admitted, smiling sheepishly. "how are you feeling?" he asked, adjusting the ice-packs on her neck, forehead and temples. "thought we better try this before using the narcotics." he admitted. "guy was surprisingly open with you." he admitted. "you've only been out for an hour or so."
Simmons smirked a little as she watched Fitz follow tony around before glancing at Bruce, smiling. “Yes, me and him.”She shrugged before laughing. “If I was going to be jealous, it wont be over Stark. Fitz idolizes him, you don’t sleep with your idols, you go talk shop with them. He’d rather work with him, then ever consider sleeping with tony, even if he was gay.”She snorted amused at just how big fitz’s man crush was. It was fairly adorable.

Tony growled as he traq’d the other, careful to use the one with the human dose, not the one for the super soldiers, easing Grant down onto the bed and getting bruce to bandage it before looking up at phil as the man stepped into the room. “Well. Was this a good, bad, or indifferent reaction?”He said looking at the man, he just knew whatever happened, none of them were going to like, steve even less, because it would probably involve letting sarah back in here.

Sarah smiled a little at his sheepish smile, closing her eyes a little as she shivered, cold now that the pain was dulled. “Numb.”She muttered before frowning at him. “Are we talking about the same man?He didn’t want to talk to me.Yo uheard him.”Sarah sighed quietly, feeling emotionally battered after the rejection. While logically she could tell herself that it made sense that he had fought against what she tried to tell him, that it made sense he hadn’t accepted it, the 15 year old she’d been, following after Grant like a love sick puppy, was hurt. Cracking a eye she looked around for james, looking a little panicked, as if she was afraid that he’d been forced away, or had left on his own. Even if her senses told her that he was there, she needed to see.
he smiled a little. "you to match very well." he admitted before he snorted. "oh god... that's a scary thought. i knew there where iron man fans, but i've never met a Tony Stark Fan." he admitted. "Tony's never, ever going to live this down... or fit through the doors." he admitted with a chuckle. "i don't know. i think if Tony really poured on the charm, Fitz might'v gone gay for a night." he admitted with a grin. "he's too loyal to you for that though, he keeps looking over at you, like he's gotta make sure your still there."

Grant turned to strike out at Tony, but was down before he could even finish the turn. "...his was a bad reaction. but we expected that." Phil admitted as he watched Grant. "as for Sarah's reaction, i think it was a good one. i think he can help her. she feels needed right now she needs to help him. i think she can do it too." he admitted. "James is of the opinion that this little emotional episode is parts of the 'illusion' breaking. he's in denial, trying to convince himself everything he knows is truth, and not the lie that it is. still, a violent, bad reaction is a lot better than a good reaction in Wards case. means he might still have a mind once he's broken free. i he can break free."

James shook his head. "he's in denial. it's a natural reaction. he doesn't want to admit everything he thinks is his life, who he is, why he is the way he is, is a lie." he admitted. "he hasn't spoken a word. not a word since they took him into custody and the first time he finally did speak, it was about you." Steve admitted. "i think if anyone can get through to him, it's going to be you." "i'm right here." James promised, taking her hand and smiling at her. "you just get some rest. i won't leave your side." he promised.
“...I know right?He’s been a fan since he was a kid. Has everything ever written or released by’d be a little creeper stalkish, if tony wouldn’t take it as a good thing to have a fan of his own intelligence level.”She snickered. “Oh, he’s never going to let Fitz leave now that he knows just how much Fitz likes him.”Simmons smiled reassuringly at Fitz as he looked over, “Hm, but stark’s to busy trying to charm the wonder boys, to bother with my cute little genius.”She smiled a little.

“We did. True.”Tony frowned a little as he considered seeing that much pain could be a good thing, but considering everything sarah had been through in the last 24 hours, being needed, having something easy to focus on would probably be good for her. “I’ll tell Jarvis to inform us when she comes down, just so we can be on guard, but you’re right, letting her have access down here is a good thing.” “Violence means he’s still there. That even under the fake stuff, he’s still a specialist, still fighting.”Clint said as he stepped in after the man, of them all, he understood the violence of lashing out and breaking that kind of control, loki’s control still fresh in his mind. “Let her feel needed, and the more upset she is, he’ll want to protect her. Even in denial, he freaked when she collapsed.”

“...Really?”Sarah frowned at that, thinking it over. That after being silent in face of what she figured was torture and pain, ward had spoken about her? “...I’ll try.’Sarah sighed smiling, relaxing a little as she saw james, closing her eyes again, hand closing around james. “Kay....wake me up when he wakes?I assume you put him to sleep for freaking out...”she muttered figuring that there had been a violent reaction after she’d collapsed.
he blinked. "like... ever?" Bruce asked, looking shocked. "Tony's been letting out inventions since he was six. Fitz and you are.. what, eleven years younger than Tony?" he asked curiously. "that's a lot of stuff to catch up on." he admitted. " i kinda want to see his collection." he admitted. "besides. i had a bit of a crush on Tony myself." he admitted with a chuckle. "he's annoying as hell, but he's sweet and kind too. most people would be annoyed with the way Fitz is trailing after him, which really is adorable. Tony just... he has a way with people that no one can see, but everyone who deals with him... he's just..." Bruce huffed. "he slips inside you and makes you see all the good that you are, and all the good that you can be. does that make sense?"

Phil nodded. "we might consider locking him into a bigger room." Phil agreed. "Jarvis can monitor all interactions, monitor him. if he goes batty, Jarvis can restrain him easily enough until we can drop him. i'd suggest moving him into an apartment, but there's too many ways for that to go very wrong. knives, bed-springs, electronics. everything can be a weapon if he's intelligent... and he is." Phil admitted as he studied Ward curiously. "do you think you can help him too, Clint?" he asked. "once she breaks him loose, he's going to be very lost for a while and i don't know if anyone can really help him with that, but you've experienced something very similar. could be good for the both of you?" he nodded. "that's the only reason why i'm allowing this to continue. he genuinely cares about Sarah. and about Skye too. he just doesn't understand why."

James nodded. "really." he admitted. "i will. and yeah he freaked out. punched his mirror." he admitted. letting her sleep. Ward was up a few hours later, pacing back and forth, muttering his name over and over again, and things he knew about himself. that he had a dog. he'd had two brothers and a sister. that he had a mother and a father. how he had hated them all, save his little brother, who he had done everything he could protect only to fail. he muttered about how his favorite color was blue, and he preferred a Barret M98B with it's bolt action and sleek style. he muttered about the missions he'd been on and the woods he'd lived in for six months and hissed at people who had no names and no faces but he knew he hated them in his memories even if he couldn't place them. he was clearly starting to crack.
“Yea. His real apartment, not the room on the bus, has everything. And we are.Almost 12 years younger.”Simmons smirked a little before laughing.”I’m sure if we stay here long enough, you’ll see the collection.”she smiled watching tony, who for all the flustered charmed and whining about having them here, was making no real move to kick them out, enjoying having fitz trailing after him. “he really doesn’t mind having someone else following after him.”she said looking slightly amazed, “...His way with people. It’s because of how his childhood was, you said it was bad. This is the result.”Simmons said looking thoughtful before smiling softly. “It does. He’s good with people, even if he doesn’t think so.”

“I’ll consider it. It’ll take a bit to find a place between a apartment and a prison cell.”Tony said frowning a little because he was sure there was a room, it would just take a little work to get it it ready for ward. “...I might. It matters how much he’ll let me. For the moment, I think Sarah will do him more good then I will.”Clint said shaking his head a little. “Poor bastard.”He muttered knowing this was going to be bad.

“...Grant?”Sarah said quietly as she stepped into teh room, glancing behind her. Nervous about being back in the room with him, trusting that both her fathers were just at the other side of the door. Nervous at being in here with him, but trusting their belief that he wouldn’t hurt her.
he chuckled. "you do realize that now that your here. your in for life right? Tony's extremely loyal once you get his trust. you and Fitz might even get your own floor. we have like, twenty empty floors right now, waiting for Tony to take them over or something." he admitted. "you guys are here until you betray him. and since i don't think you capable of that, your in for life." he admitted. "it was bad. Tony never says anything, but i did some digging." he admitted. "he's astonishingly good with people." he admitted with a smile. "you almost always hate him at first, it's a mask he wears to protect himself. it amazes me that Fitz and you sort of just, slipped past that step entirely. even i had to deal with annoying Tony for the first day... he probed me you know. with an electronic prod. and then proceeded to tell me i needed to 'strut'." he smiled grimly. "he has no idea how close he got to getting punched in the face."

Phil nodded. "it's not a priority. it's more for Sarah's comfort than his anyway." he admitted before nodding at Clint. "if you don't mind trying, later, then i'd be grateful." he admitted before sighing as he watched Ward pacing and muttering.

"...Sarah right?" he asked, studying her from the other end of the room, wary of her. he was defensive. in a way no one had ever seen him before. she scared him, not physically no. she scared him because she was breaking down everything he had built up. "you feeling better?" he asked, because he had to know, despite being terrified of what she was doing to him, he had to know she was okay.
“...No, I hadn’t realized that, but I’m sure fitz will be fine with that. Being there to see the utter amazingness of the mad genius at work?we’ll be okay.”Simmons snickered a little looking bemused at the idea of having someone that loyal, especially from the man the papers were regularly saying was a fairly selfish asshole. “..Well, its been sort of a insane day. And we’ve had to deal with Ward. Compared to ward, at least Tony speaks our language.”Simmons said smiling sadly at the memory of those first days with grant. “I’m sure he has some idea how close he came. He’s not a idiot.”She smiled a little.

“Yea. Sarah.”She smiled quietly watching him smirking slightly as she realized tony had given her one of his good chairs, even at the chance of ward using it as a weapon, he’d given her one of his comfortable lab chair/stools to sit on. Watching Grant before nodding. “A little. I still feel like I’ve been fighting with James, but at least it’s stopped hurting enough to function.Thanks for the idea with the ice. It helped.”she said knowing it was only the first step, that it was going to be worse. After all, she was aware of just how long withdrawal symptoms could last, but by focusing on him, she was able to brush away the pain for the moment now that it was back to a dull throb.
he chuckled a little. "he is a mad genius. remind me to tell you what he did with the toaster." he suggested. "yeah, Ward..." Bruce admitted, looking troubled. "i just don't know. even if he is... mind controlled and all that. he still did terrible things. he was given a false memory, but he still betrayed you knowing how much you all loved him. would him breaking that false image really change him so much?" he asked. "what will you do if you shatter the illusions and find out he's even worse?" he asked before snorting. "...yes, actually he is... Tony is a complete idiot, utterly reckless and borderline stupid when it comes to... pretty much everything that can, or will explode. including me."

he nodded. "yeah. Sarah." he muttered, leaning against the wall, as far away from her as he could get. " why are you here again?" he asked, scowling. "if your trying to break me... use weird mental tricks on me. it won't work." he muttered before he smiled, soft now. switching between extremely defensive and something that an older brother might do. or a long time lover. "i'm glad it helped." he admitted. "you gave me a start when you collapsed like that." he admitted as he studied her. "so. what nonsense are you going to try and tell me today?"
“...A toaster....”Simmons stared at the other man, trying to decide if he was joking or not before sighing, looking down. “I don’t know. He...he knowingly tried killing us. But...if we are willing to give James a chance, for Cap, for seems that even if we shatter Ward, he still deserves the chance to find out if the man he is, is the same one he was, or if he’s going to learn.”Simmons said because it really scared her, that ward would be worse, that it wouldn’t change anything to give him the choice. “...Interesting. Amazing with tech, stupid with people and things that could cause him harm.”Simmons looked bemused at that, wondering if it was simple stupidity over things, or sucidial tendencies deep enough to not care if something exploded on him.

“...I’m not a jedi. No mind tricks here, except trying to find my own memories. Which seem to be tied around you, even if I don’t know what they are, or you don’t believe me.”she scowled back before frowning then it melting into a smile, a equally soft smile of a woman who knew the man in front of her, not as a teen or a child would, but as a adult. “Sorry. It’s just...been alot to take in in the last day. Seems even I can be overwhelmed.”She sighed before shrugging, “...Thought we could watch a movie or play a game. Jarvis can give us a hologram chess board.”She said chosing the game from a vague recollection that he'd been the one to teach her the game.
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