Hidden (lady/moon)

“.....You don’t get to talk about someone else being a god, when you’re buried in me. That’s unfair.”he whined a little shuddering as steve rocked into him, moaning loudly as the other pushed all the way into him, eyes wide and happy at the admittance of one and only, having needed to hear that. Whining as he came at the praise.

“Don’t. It’s amazing.”She muttered smiling as she lit the candles before flipping off the overhead lights, just wanting to see him by candlelight, yelping a little as she was picked up. Looking a little nervous as she was settled on the bed, she tugged at his shirt with a small smile, “Thank you.For this.”She muttered running her hands over his chest, flushed and eyes blown, she looked absolutely wrecked.
Steve snickered a little and shook his head as he rocked his hips again. they took their time fucking Tony before turning their ravenous appetites onto each other and letting him watch two well dressed Super Soldiers wrestle on the floor for dominance. Steve lost and ended up getting spanked for his troubles. much to everyone's delight. Steve loved getting spanked. then he was teased, left there in the floor while James fucked Tony again, and then teased some more. all in all, it was a long night of good sex.

he smiled as he watched her, chuckling as he smiled at her. "your welcome. but shouldn't i be the one thanking you?" he asked with a smile as he devoured her mouth and slowly divested her of clothing. the key was to go slow. take in every wonderful moment, and it was working. by the time they where both naked and more than ready, he had forgotten all about any nightmarish memories he might have had about sex. he did have the sense of mind to find a Condom though so there would be no 'oopsies' involving pregnancies this time around... hopefully.
By the time they were finished and cuddling, tony was a contented mess, simply letting them direct him to where they wanted him to sleep, before snuggling down to sleep. In the morning Tony whined, pressing his face into steve’s chest as the captain’s phone rang- and he knew it was steve’s, cause it was playing ‘star spangled man with a plan’, cause tony was a asshole and just couldn’t leave steve’s ringtone alone, he was always changing it depending on his moods.

“Hm,maybe.”Sarah snickered a little as she settled in to being with him. But it was hours later that she woke screaming, panting as she stumbled out of the bed with him, driven out of bed by memories, it seemed that actual sex had drawn some of the memories to surface, remembering some. Whimpering as she slouched down to the floor, a good sign that she hadn’t simply fled the room, but still struggling to get control as she reminded herself that hydra wasn’t here, wasn’t going to get her.
Steve groaned in the morning and swatted Tony's ass. "l've 'm rin'tone 'lone..." he ordered sluggishly, drawling in his thick Brooklyn accent because he couldn't monitor his speech when he was half asleep. he looked at his phone again and groaned. "'s pepper." he whined before snapping it open, because he knew she only called him when it was an emergency. " 's it?" he asked her before gasping. "what?!... when!? get here. now." he ordered. "Tony. James, get up and get dressed, Pepper and Rhodey are on their way and they have something bad. Jarvis, bring up News station 7 on the communal living room please." Steve ordered as he started yanking on a pair of pants and looking for a shirt that would fit him.

he startled as she screamed and leaped away from her, worried. "Sarah? love? you okay?" he asked softly. "Sarah? what can i do for you?" he asked softly. "how can i help?" he asked, recognizing that she was in the throes of a nightmare. how could he not recognize it when he suffered it all the time?
“....nnoooo.. I like changing your tone.”Tony shuddered at the sound of the brooklyn drawl, that was a amazing sound. Really. Whining as he snuggled further into the bed, refusing to get moving. “No.I’m staying in bed.”Tony grumbled even as steve and james started to get dressed. Huffing as he glared up sleepily at the two. “We should stay in bed and have sex.”He ordered even as he slid out of bed and searched for clothes, padding to the living room as he pulled on his shirt, pausing in the middle of buttoning it up as he saw the tv, frowning slightly as he saw the tag line. “....I don’t have a sibling.”Tony said after a moment, looking confused.

“F-fine.”Sarah panted trembling as she leaned against the edge of the bed, before curling up, wrapping her arms around legs, making herself as a small of target as she could, trembling. “...They filmed us....they made you hurt me when I rebelled the first couple times...”She trembled harder, going quiet, retreating into that quiet space in her head. While she hadn’t done it since they’d been reunited, it had been common enough for her to mentally retreat from him when hydra had controlled them both.
he huffed. " 's no'h nice." he groaned as he answered his phone before staring at Tony. "Tony... this is serious. Pepper was having a goddamn panic attack! we have to get to the living room NOW!" he ordered as he led the way and stared at the TV. "Jarvis?" Steve asked. "what's going on here?" "what's going on..." Rhodey stated, sounding tired and upset. "is that somehow, Howard Stark had a mistress and no one found out. had a son too that again, no one found out. until now." he indicated the screen. "this guy, Alexander, has no idea either and he's pitching a fit about having lies printed about him on the news and in the newspapers.... turns out... they aren't lies."

he nodded. "yes..." he admitted softly. "they made me hurt you... and i hated every second of it. they made me hurt you to control us both." he admitted as he gently drew her into a hug. " but we don't have to let them have that power over us anymore. they can't control us anymore." he promised her gently. "we won't ever be torn apart, or forced together again." he promised. "we're together because we love each other... and because we're so damn sexy we deserve each other." he promised her with a smile. "no one can take that away from us now."
“I checked Tony, Howard signed his birth certificate. Despite years of being under wraps, this is going to come out. Even if he wasn’t aware, he is your half brother.”Pepper said watching the billionaire anxiously, really really close to real panic, because she had a feeling this was going to send tony out of control. “...Well. I hope he had better luck with that family then he did mine.”Tony twitched, his voice turning cold. “I’m going to the lab.”He said over his shoulder as he turned to go. “Also. If Johnny calls, put him through Jarvis.” “Of course sir.” “Johnny?” “Hm. Bastard’s dating the idiot. Seems he likes his sex fiery.”Tony said as he clomped down the stairs towards the lab. Nope. He could avoid this, he didn’t have to deal with this.

Sarah let out a shaky breath, closing her eyes as she rested her head on his shoulder, trying to relax. Relaxing slowly at the promises, knowing that it was true. That he had never lied to her like that, even at the worst, most depraved moments they’d shared together, he’d never lied to her like that. “...We are damned sexy aren’t we?”She muttered still sounding disconnected, but not totally out of it.
Steve swallowed thickly as he stared at the news. "James. go with Tony." Steve ordered softly, voice hoarse. James didn't answer, he just went with Tony, taking the others hand and holding it gently. "Pepper... make sure that our people release a statement that Tony had no idea that Howard had a second son. i can't think of what we can do about Alexander. we can't bring him here. it's too much of a security risk. we can't ignore him either." he took a deep breath and slumped onto the couch, pressing his hands into his face. "fuck.... i don't know if i can do this..." he muttered. "not when Tony's so affected by it." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "still. it could be worse..." Rhodey muttered, Steve snorting. "emotionally, nothing can get worse than this for Tony save maybe getting his relationship outed into the entire world." "Relationship? that's right, him and James are dating right?" Rhodey asked, looking startled when Steve smirked. "well. yes. technically."

he smiled a little as she relaxed a little. "we are. prettiest damn people in the nine realms. Gods don't count unless they're ugly gods." he teased with a smile as he stroked her cheek. "it's going to be okay Sarah. we'll make it okay, even if we have to personally hunt down every single Hydra Agent in the world, we will make it okay."
Tony tensed a little as the other took his hand, before relaxing, just walking with him as they headed to the lab, silent and withdrawn, not his usual manic hyperness the moment he crossed the doorway into his sanctuary. Pausing long enough to see what he wanted to work on, before settling in to work on steve’s motorcycle.

“I’ll get it written up. And if he really is dating Storm, he’ll probably go to Fantastic tower, if I had to choose anywhere else to hole up besides here, I’d stay with them.”pepper said watching him, “We can’t ignore him....it might be better if they met. Soon.”He said before moving to sit next to him, resting a hand on his shoulder, hesitating not sure he’d accept the comfort. “You’ll do it, you always do, when tony needs you to. And tony’s going to be so out of his depth on this one...the fact that it’s dealing with howard...”She trailed off before tilting her head, studying steve for a long moment before grinning. “Oh good. He did stop being a idiot then.”

Sarah sighed softly, shuddering, closing her eyes as she let the memories drif away, closing her eyes. “We’ll make it okay...”She muttered before biting her lip. “We should go shock my parents. Show up in cap boxers and sleepwear for breakfast...”She said giggling a little, simply because the idea of that shock, amused her.
James smiled at Tony, but stayed silent. he knew better than to try and press Tony into talking. Tony would talk when he wanted to. for now he'd stay silent and watch and slide over anything Tony needed. he also knew better than to hand Tony anything, or set it too close. he just put it within Tony's reaching distance and let Tony take it when he wanted it.

he nodded. "good. see that he does that. right now Alexander is being painted as a pretty target for anyone who wants to hurt Tony, whether Tony knew about him or not if Alexander dies it will hurt Tony. i want him protected." "i already have two Shield Agents on sight offering him protection." Phil promised as he walked in, kissing Peppers cheek in greeting. "not too soon. Tony needs time to digest and accept this. tomorrow would be the soonest i could think. might be better to wait until the day after." he admitted. "Tony will reject Alexander if he comes in too soon." he admitted, tensing at the hand on his shoulder before relaxing. "i do. your right. Tony needs me to do this." he agreed. "James will watch over him for now." he admitted before he smirked at Pepper. "'fraid not. we practically had to ambush him." he admitted with a chuckle. "and he still get's weird when we offer undying devotion and love." he admitted with a smile. "

he smiled as he stroked her hair. "we will." he promised. "everything will be okay." he promised before blinking a little at her before smirking. "i like it. i'll throw on a tank and my new boxers." he agreed as he gave her a small kiss. "i love you."
Tony was silent for awhile, “...He had another family. Think he liked him any better? Or were his sons just a disappoint for him?”He muttered nearly talking to himself as he cursed quietly at the bike as he busted the bolt he’d been twisting into place.

“I will.”Pepper said smiling a little, even as she texted johnny to tell him. “Hey Phil.”She muttered smiling slightly before tilting her head, “Day after then. No need to rush. Tony’ll fight it worse if we rush him.”Pepper sighed quietly, biting her lip, because she didn’t know everything that howard stark had done, but she knew this would cripple tony as he considered his father having another son. “He does. And I’m sure he’s down there tinkering with something that’ll cause the world to end as we know it, but it’s better then him up here freaking out.”Pepper said smirking a little just to make him smile before huffing, shaking his head. “He’s a idiot. You have to forgive him. And that will never go away. I’ve known him for 20 years and he still wigs out on me when I tell him he’s one of my best friends.”Pepper said rolling her eyes.

“Awesome.”Sarah grinned at that as she got up and dressed, pulling on his shirt from the night before, wanting to wear it just to feel like he’d claimed her even as she pulled on a pair of sweats, smirking as she kissed him back.”Love you.Lots.”She muttered kissing him before heading for the elevator, smirking as she considered the look on steve’s face.
James studied Tony and then. "probably. your pa was a sick bastard." he admitted. "he probably had a second family just to fuck you up when you found out." he admitted as he grabbed a new bolt and set it down in reach of Tony. "but are you really willing to give up the chance for blood family that might love you just because your Pa was a dick? this kid, Alexander. he didn't know Howard was his Pa. can you really punish him for something that was never his fault?"

Steve nodded. "hello Pepper." Phil greeted with a smile. "day after tomorrow would be best. if he's ready sooner i'll send you a Text." he promised. "by the way, if you see a massive wolf walking on two legs that talks? don't freak out... also if you see a Blonde Loki, he's supposed to be here." Steve warned. "nah, i managed to talk him out of doomsday jobs." Steve admitted with a smile. "he's probably down there working on something for Sarah or Fitz." he admitted. "building things for people he loves calms him down more than anything else." he admitted before he chuckled. "it's because Howard had him convinced he was worthless." he admitted. "besides he freaks out when you tell him your his best friend because you never told him why you broke up with him." he pointed out with a chuckle before he paused. "i wouldn't tell him right now. he'd probably try to beat your head in with something not capable of that feat." he admitted.

he chuckled a little as he watched her. "you like the way i smell?" he asked with a grin as he held her hand and headed up, pausing at the sight of so many people he didn't know. "uh...." "...Gabe? are you... wearing Captain America Boxers?!" Steve demanded, sounding both stunned and horrified. "they make Captain America Boxers?! Pepper!!!!" he complained, well aware she was in charge of Avengers merchandizing. "you let them put me on UNDERWEAR?!"
“....”Tony slanted a glance at the man helping him, “...I can’t tell if your serious or just going along with me, Jamie.”He said his eye twitching a little. “.....You make it sound like I’m as much of a dick as him, like I really would punish the idiot stupid lawyer for being a bastard.”Tony grumbled even as he put the bolt into place.

“....”Pepper stared at steve before looking at phil. “I told you you weren’t allowed leaving tony in charge of telling me things. I never know what’s going on anymore.”Pepper wailed a little, whining a little before snickering. “You will never convince him to stop the doomsday jobs, but you’re right. He’s probably working on a present.”Pepper agreed before sighing, “I tried. He didn’t want to listen. He’d made up his mind on why I broke up with him.”She sighed a little before smirking. “DId he ever tell you about the time he tried to beat my head in with wiffle bat?”

“I do. You smell good.”Sarah smiled a little following him in, pausing at the sight of everyone, resisting the urge to hide behind Gabe wearing his shirt and sweats, feeling utterly exposed, as if everyone knew what they’d done the night before. “Yes, yes he is.His ass looks amazing in them actually.”Sarah piped up blushing a little as they walked further in. “....No. TONY let them put you on underwear, since he said that’s where you belong, cupping his balls. If it makes you feel better, I know tony has a few pairs somewhere.”Pepper said with the calmness that belittled the fact that the woman wanted to laugh at the captain’s outrage.
James shrugged. "bit of both i think." he admitted with a smile. "no. i'm just pointing out what your already going to do before you come to the realization that your going to do it." he admitted. "he's a lawyer?" he asked, startled. "how do you know? was it on the news?" he asked. "i wasn't really paying attention to the TV." he admitted.

"Phil shrugged. "i haven't had the chance to call you." he admitted. "i'll tell you everything as soon as we have a good hour or more to talk." he admitted with a sigh. "it's a hell of a long story." he admitted while Steve smiled. "oh, i've gotten pretty good at talking him out of things." he admitted with a chuckle. "you should see the present he made with Fitz for Sarah, is amazing." he admitted with a grin before he nodded. "Tony's stubborn like that." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm sorry, by the way. for... you know... picking you up and throwing you out." Rhodey snickered. "... a whiffle bat? aren't those the plastic white things full of holes?"

he grinned. "you do too." he admitted as he blinked at the two strangers. "uh...." Rhodey grinned at the man. "Colonel James Rhodes, A.K.A War Machine. most people call me Rhodey." he introduced. "this is Pepper Potts. Tony's... er, everything actually. she basically runs his entire life." he admitted with a sly grin before laughing as Gabe went bright red at Sarah's comment even as he looked quite pleased with himself at causing Steve such horror. Steve also went bright red at Pepper's comment, sputtering and spluttering. "you know what! i'm NOT sorry i picked you up and threw you out!" Steve grumbled, sulking as Gabe sniggered.
“...Are you so sure I’m just going to accept that idiot is related to me?”Tony sulked because well, they were both geniuses, but they just rubbed each other the wrong way, both differing so greatly that they just couldn’t talk. “He is. He’s dating one of my friends.”He muttered as he worked, twitching a little.”And he got me out of a paternity suit a few years ago, not that it was actually true that I had a kid, I mean, I’m always careful, but Alexander made sure it stayed out of the papers for the most part, and got the bitch to drop it before it got to out of hand.”He shrugged a little. “He does with law, what I do with tech. He’s fucking Mozart, playing the world to his tune.”Tony rolled his eyes a little.

“Good. We’ll talk later.”Pepper smiled a little before snickering at Steve’s words, “I’m sure it is. I’ve heard plenty of things about Fitz.”He snickered a little before tilting her head. “Don’t be. I set you up to throw me out, so it’s okay. I knew if he was yelling at you for throwing me out, he would at least talk to you when he was so pissed he couldn’t see straight.”Pepper pointed out gently reminding him of what had been going on when he’d thrown her out.

“Hello. I’m Sarah Taylor....Steve and James’ daughter. And this is Gabe.”She elbowed her lover a little before laughing at Rhodey’s description of pepper. “Don’t laugh. It’s true. He just tells me what he wants, and I get it done.”Pepper snickered before laughing at the look on both steve and gabe’s face, grinning. “Hey, don’t be like that. I just told you what tony said. I shouldn’t be blamed for that.”pepper teased looking amused and curious at the blond woman, curious because she’d heard plenty from tony about pieces and parts of what had been going on.
James grinned. "yes." he admitted. "because you have to admit, if Pepper says it's true, then it's true. she is too meticulous to be fooled. and Phil says it's true too and you know how he is." he pointed out. "oh. well that's good. at least you know him a little bit that way and if he's dating one of your friends then you know he's not an asshole like yer Pa." he admitted with a smile. "paternity?" he asked, looking surprised. "was she actually pregnant?" he asked curiously. she was, artificially inseminated, by a doctor. which was why it had been so easy to prove Tony hadn't been the father. "well. sounds like he works for the Jedi at least." they never should have let James watch Star Wars. "besides, if he's Mozart, your ACDC." he promised with a grin. "too cool for words was it?"

Phil nodded. "Fitz is one of mine." he explained with a chuckle. "he's Fanboy to Tony the way Tony and i are to Steve." he admitted. "so of course Tony adores him. it doesn't hurt that Fitz can do the most amazing things with small hardware. those Icers you where so impressed with? Fitz invented them. well, him and Simmons. she made the part that makes you sleep and he made everything else. bullet casing, gun, everything." he admitted. "...i hate women for this reason." Steve groaned. "they manipulate me too well." he admitted, making Rhodey laugh again. "it's nice to meet you Sarah!" he admitted, shaking her hand. "i didn't know Steve had a daughter..." he admitted. "neither did he." Gabe admitted with a chuckle as Steve shrugged. "genetic experiments using my seed, James seed and a woman whose identity we don't yet know." "...well you'll certainly fit in here." he assured her with a chuckle before snorting at Pepper. "don't believe her. she's filthy." he admitted. "and mean." he admitted. "very mean." "James is probably worse." Steve admitted with a huff. "i never should have let him have a pair of handcuffs." "so... War Machine." Gabe commented. "what's that in reference to?" "it's a 'code name' for when i'm doing my superhero thing. i work a suit like Tony's, only cooler and better." "it IS Tony's suit. you just stole it." "that's besides the point."
“...Don’t be like that. I don’t have to believe that. Pepper has been fooled before.”Tony huffed a little before sighing a little. Twitching a little. “We don’t get along. Not really. I mean...he’s practicing law. He bores me to tears.”He grumbled before nodding. “yea. But it was artifical, not from me. It was amusing.”Tony shrugged before snickering, “Hm, nah. He’s Anakin, A sith lord masked as a jedi.”he snickered a little before laughing, resting his arms on the back of the motorcycle. “Well, that explains why we can’t get along. To many harsh sounds for classical music.”He snickered resting his head on his arms, “Hm, yea.”He muttered huffing, shuddering a little in a way you knew he was trying not to cry. Even without knowing for sure, he knew, he just knew this son was the one his father had actually liked.

“....ahhhhh. That explains why I got that call at 1 am to talk about him.”Pepper said rolling her eyes a little before smiling. “He really is brilliant.”She agreed before smirking at steve. “We wouldn’t do it, if tony and you would have stopped being stubborn.”She pointed out. “I sure do. It’s fairly amusing to find myself in a place where being freakishly strong isn’t a odditiy.”She smiled as she settled on the couch with gabe. “She’s not that mean. Stop being mean, Dad.” “And he chose a name that annoys tony the most. War machine drives Tony absolutely up the walls.”
he smirked. "but not both Pepper and Phil." he pointed out. "you don't have to like him to accept him." he admitted simply. "besides, you just don't like him now because you think all Lawyers are soul sucking money leaches." he pointed out with a grin before sighing as he watched Tony. "come here." he ordered, holding his arms out to the other and pulling him into a tight hug. "no matter what Tony, Steve and me? were with you to the end of the line." he promised. "Yours, always and forever." he promised as he kissed his forehead. "we will love you no matter if you accept this Alexander or not." he promised.

"that was probably when we managed to save Fitz's life. he was shoved down an Elevator shaft by a crazy Tony stalker who was annoyed that Fitz was so close to Tony." Phil admitted. "he'll probably never walk again, but the brain damage is recovering well." he admitted before chuckling as Steve sulked. "i didn't want to ruin Tony's happiness." he stated with a shrug. "besides, when he walked in on James giving me a BJ it sort of resolved itself right then and there." Steve admitted. "there was a lot of yelling." "... i like you." Gabe decided with a smirk. "anyone who annoys Tony has to be cool." Steve just snorted. "where is Tony anyway?" "having an emotional breakdown."
“Fine.And they ARE soul sucking leaches. I know he’s hell-spawn and he’s feeding souls to gain things.”Tony huffed squirming closer as he was hugged, sniffling a little, even if he was hiding his face, not wanting anyone, even james, to see him crying. “....You are such a romantic sap.”He muttered sighing softly, “turning his head a little just to feel the leather collar pressing against his neck. “..We should go upstairs. Cap’s probably freaking out...”

“Probably. I got a earful about that, so that makes sense.”Pepper smiled a little before looking pleased. “Good. I know tony will be glad to know he’s going to be okay.”Pepper said smiling a little at steve’s sulking. “Yes, I’m sure that did resolve things quickly.”Pepper snickered shaking her head. “...How is that a way to base anything?Everyone annoys tony at any given moment, you know.”She pointed out looking worried. “What happened?”She asked looking around at them all, finally realized they’d walked into something serious.
he chuckled a litle as he smiled. "i guess that hasn't changed." he admitted. "Lawyers where soul sucking hell-spawn when i was a kid too." he admitted with a grin as he held the other with a smile. "i am a romantic sap." he agreed. "i'm good at it too." he admitted with a nod. "not just yet." he ordered, holding the other tighter. "give yourself a chance to calm down first." he suggested. "Pepper and Rhodey will kill me if they think i made you get weepy." he admitted with a smile as he stroked the collar. "how much do you think Rhodey is going to freak out when he realizes your wearing this willingly?" he asked with a smirk.

he nodded. "that's why we implemented the new process." he admitted. "going through a lie detector, then Natasha, then Bruce ensures no one of dangerous character gets through." Phil admitted. "he's not 'okay' per-say but he'll be able to do pretty much everything he was capable of before." Phil admitted. "he'll have his bad days, but so far he's been too busy healing to try and create anything." he admitted. "it is a good basis." Gabe admitted with a nod before sobering as Steve explained what had happened. "is Tony alone? he shouldn't be alone." Gabe warned, looking ready to go after Tony himself. "James is with him." Steve promised.
“You’re good at many things.”Tony muttered smiling a little, before sighing, shifting, getting comfortable as he sniffled a little, sighing quietly as he settled in closer to the other.”Kay....and pepper would never believe I got weepy.”he muttered relaxing even more as james stroked the collar, sighing quietly as he relaxed, shuddering a little. “Hmmm, probably alot. It’ll be amusing.”

“Very good security there.It’ll work.”Pepper smiled a little looking thoughtful before tilting her head. “True, but it could have been worse, so okay is a good word.”She said looking pleased though that tony’s friend was going to be okay. “Good. Papa will be good for him.”Sarah muttered looking worried for tony herself, tilting her head, wanting to go check on them herself, just to make sure they were okay, but knowing better then to go down to the lab if tony was as upset as she assumed he was
he smirked. "i'm good at making Stevie bawl like a baby." he admitted. he'd made Steve cry the poor blonde had wanted to cum that badly. "no, but Rhodey, Steve, Sarah, Gabe and Clint would." he admitted with a smile as he kissed the top of Tony's head. "it will be amusing. we'll record it and hold it for Blackmail material." he agreed with a smile. "feeling better?"

he nodded. "that was our thinking." he admitted. "...it almost was worse, he stopped breathing, it was only thanks to Bruce that he managed to stay alive for so long. that and breathing tubes." Steve admitted with a shudder. "they'll be up soon. if they aren't i'll go check up on them. either Tony will be crying, or Tony will be getting a blow job." "...wow." Rhodey was grinning as he examined Steve. "i forgot how filthy a mouth you have." "shut up." Steve ordered with a smirk.
“Only when you deny letting him come.”Tony snickered a little as he shifted, rubbing his eyes before laughing quietly. “They’d beat you up for making me cry. It’d almost be worth seeing.”he snickered a little before nodding. “I do. I’m not...I don’t want to do this.. .but it seems I have no option but to have a sibling so...let’s go.”he huffed a little stealing a kiss before easing away, heading for the stairs. Nervous about this, and unsure about anything really. For once, totally out of his depth.

“If you think this is bad, wait till tony and papa show up. They’re horribly filthy.”Sarah snickered a little shifting to snuggle gabe, trying to relax, smirkign slightly at the sight of the billionaire and her father walking in the room, relaxing even more at the sight that despite red rimmed eyes, tony looked okay.
he smirked. "it's awesome isn't it?" he asked with a grin. "it's so hard to get him down, but it's so rewarding once he's there. i was thinking of teaching you how to put him in Subspace if you'd like?" he offered. "he's hinted at being interested in having you command him but i wasn't sure how to bring it up." he admitted. "i'm not sure they could beat me up if i honestly made you cry because i'd probably be crying harder for doing it." he admitted honestly. "i know. but remember. you already have a Family. everyone in this tower loves you." he promised Tony. "a Family of your choosing, who truly appreciates you for being you. if he can't accept you, then it's his loss." he promised. "and i'll make sure to dig a very big hole so no one will ever find his body." he promised as he followed Tony back upstairs.

"they are!" Steve stated with a wicked grin and Rhodey snickered. "i imagine. remember, i've known Tony for years, i know how filthy he can be when trying to embarrass someone." he admitted with a chuckle before smirking at Tony. "hey, so i hear... what in the hell are you wearing!?" he demanded, stunned at the sight of the collar. with the little bell that James had attached just a split second ago so Tony wouldn't notice. "is that a collar?!" he demanded. "with a BELL!?" "of course it is. you think i'd let him out on his own without a way to prove he's mine?" Steve asked with a smirk as Rhodey gaped at Steve as Gabe laughed and stood up so Sarah could go check on Tony herself, as well as let Tony get a sight of his boxers.
“It is. Much more then me, I mean I fight it the whole way, he’s just stubbornly resisting, but it’s awesome to see him there.”Tony grinned a little, momentarily distracted from his worry about alexander before tilting his head, biting his lip. “I can try. I mean...I’m not sure if I’ll be able to...but I’d like to try.”He smiled a little before snorting. “Really?You crying?”he teased a little before sighing, staring at the floor before nodding slightly. “So it is.”He muttered still a little weirded out that he had a family of bond that loved him, simply for him. “...Have Sarah help. It’d be a bonding experience.”he snickered.

“Hm, that’s true. And he really does go out of his way to be filthy to embarass me. It’s just weird to hear about my parents sex life, you know?”Sarah snickered a little before smirking at rhodey, turning his head a little, yelping as the motion made the bell ring. “You are such a cute kitten.”Pepper teased snickering at the man’s reaction to being collared AND belled. “And the bell?” “Cause he sneaks up on people.”Sarah snickered as she got up, moving over to tony, looking him over. “Stop fussing. You’re nearly as bad as Cap, st-Are those captain america boxer shorts?Why aren’t you wearing iron man?It’s my horrible morning. You should wear iron man.”
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