Hidden (lady/moon)

Tony nodded a little looking worried as he watched james’ face, tensing a little as he considered if they were going to have to keep him from killing gabe, swallowing thickly as he watched sarah be utterly unresponsive, which was unusual, especially when it was james cuddling her. Biting his lip to keep from laughing as sarah shuffled around a little to get completely covered in the blanket, like a kitten hiding from the world. “....what am I going to do...”She muttered clinging to james nearly painfully tight.

Clint winced, having not thought that all the way through, looking up at Phil, because he was utterly unable to handle this. Swallowing hard. “But this wasn’t rape, and she will forgive you. She loves you....if james doesn’t show up soon, we’re going to assume you’re forgiven okay?And that she’s in shock. Like you. She ran because she’s scared, not because she hates you.”Clint muttered trying to comfort him.
James looked up at Tony, a silent promise in that single look. he wouldn't hurt Gabe. not for now. he had a feeling that Gabe was just as torn up about this as Sarah was. "your going to calm down, and then i'm going to tell you all the reasons why a baby isn't the end of the world, and then your going to realize that Gabe is probably packing in order to leave so he'll never bother you again just like he did last time. then your going to stop him, kiss him and convince HIM that it's not the end of the world and that it's okay for him to still love you." he smiled at her. "you have to remember. you not alone anymore sweetheart. we have an entire Tower full of people who are here to help you. you don't have to deal with this alone. don't have to raise the baby alone. we're all going to help and protect you." he promised.

"i practically gave those Hydra bastards what they wanted! they'll take me again and then they'll make me take Sarah and the baby and we'll never be free again!" he gasped. "i have to leave... i have to leave before they find out. before Hydra realizes. i have to draw them away." he stuttered, trying to get up, blinking as he realized, at some point, Phil had handcuffed him to the chair he was sitting on. "what the hell?"
Tony smiled sadly, nodding a little, glad that james had understood the need for reassurance that he wasn’t going to hurt gabe. “...Okay.”Sarah muttered frowning a little at his words, whimpering quietly at the idea of hurting gabe so much, having not really thought beyond the need to be with james, to have him fix this. “...It is okay. Even if I have to use his handcuffs, he’s staying.”Sarah muttered, starting to calm down the longer james talked, whimpering as her stomach rolled, scampering to the bathroom to throw up. “....I feel like I should download a baby book to my phone just to read...”Tony frowned wincing at the sound of her getting sick, before stumbling back into the room, smelling like mouthwash. “Don’t know how to do this papa...”She muttered slumping down onto the bed.

“No one’s taking you. Even if they try, we wont let them. Remember, we already saved you guys once, and you know tony’s going to wrap her up in so much bubble wrap and maybe a suit for herself, and maybe forbid her from leaving the tower, that the precautions to this point will look stupid.”Clint muttered wincing as gabe discovered his was handcuffed, smirking a little at gabe. “Well, we wanted to have a threesome with you, just wasn’t sure how to bring it up.”he teased.
James smiled a little as he stroked the girls hair. "oh, i'm sure someone already has him handcuffed." he promised gently before blinking as the other scrambled up to get sick. he followed her into the bathroom to hold her hair back and rubbed her back. Steve smiled at Tony. "that's probably not a bad idea." he admitted. "it's going to be alright." James promised as he helped her back to the bed. "Tony's going to get some baby and pregnancy books and we'll read them together." he assured her. "now you lay here and rest and i'll go make sure Gabe's not doing something stupid." he promised her, kissing her forehead. "and talk to Bruce about how to help with the nausea and stuff." he promised. "stay here with Steve and Tony." he ordered, kissing her forehead again before heading out to get Gabe.

Gabe shook his head. "you can't stop them. no one can stop them. nothing will stop them now that they know she's pregnant!" he protested as he yanked at the Handcuffs before turning to stare at him with wide, horrified eyes. "don't you touch me! i'll rip your throat out!" "calm down. he as joking." "..oh. okay." Gabe muttered, flushing a bit. "sorry... let me go now okay? i won't run away." he was a horrible liar.
“Good.”Sarah muttered pleased that someone, somewhere in the tower, probably had had the sense to make sure he didn’t leave. “I’ll get some. It’ll be fun and educational.”Tony snickered a little locking down the emotions he was feeling at the idea of having a baby in the tower. This wasn’t about him, totally not about him. “Already working on it. Just lay down, relax, and try not to throw up more.”Tony said as he played on his phone, already starting to have jarvis find the books. “Kay. Not going anywhere.”Sarah muttered still disconnected enough to simply following orders as she snuggled down between her two men as james left.

“We will. We have two gods, and Fenrir living here, we can protect her. And you.”Clint said watching him, before snickering a little. “Seriously, didn’t mean it. Stop freaking out.”he ordered rolling his eyes before laughing. “How ever did you make it as hydra?You are the worst liar. Stop.Just sh-oh hey james.”Clint tilted his chair back onto two legs, smirking a little at the assassin as he walked in.
Steve snorted. "it will be terrifying and traumatic." he corrected with a smile as he kissed Tony. "it's going to be okay." he promised gently. "Tony, don't bring up the throwing up." he ordered firmly as he gathered her into his arms and continued snuggling her, wrapping her up in the blankets with an affectionate smile before looking up at Tony, head tilted. wondering if the other was going to be okay.

"no one can protect us." he whispered before sulking at Clint. "i can lie just fine! let me go damn you!" he demanded, yanking at the cuffs before cringing and struggling harder as he realized James was there. the Assassin snorting as he kicked Clint's chair, knocking him over as Phil snickered. "come along. Sarah needs you." James admitted as he un-cuffed Gabe, threw the man over his shoulder, ignoring Gabe's squeals of rage the entire time. he walked out to find Bruce who was next to him, laughing at the sulking Gabe.
“No, only if we let you choose the books, cause you’d totally be getting the like in depth ones. I’m getting the basic information ones.”Tony snickered a little smiling slightly as he watched the two snuggle, waving off the concern on steve’s face, giving him that look that said yes, I’m okay.

“No.”Clint said before yelping as his hit teh floor, glaring as james picked up gabe. “That’s unfair. Totally!”Clint whined a little but smiled as he watched the two leave, snickering at gabe’s squeals.

“...Gabe?”Sarah sniffled squirming to look at the door when the trio walked in, frowning slightly at the sight.
Steve rolled his eyes. "we need the in depth books. how are we going to be prepared if we're only learning half of what we need to know." he warned before he smiled at Tony and pulled him down for a kiss. promising they'd get through whatever was coming next, together.

Phil laughed again as James snickered. "James-3, Clint-2" James stated simply as he carried Gabe out, Phil chuckling. "you two are such children." he teased. "it amuses me that Gabe came to you of all people." he admitted. "your probably his best friend you know." Phil admitted with a smile as he nudged the other. "by the way. Loki thinks he can stop my 'episodes'." Phil admitted.

"i've been kidnapped." Gabe complained, pouting at her. "will you tell him to let me down? i'm not going to run away." he promised. and he couldn't bring himself to lie to Sarah, ever. so this time it was the truth. Gabe shrieked as he was dumped onto the floor and Steve and Bruce both started to laugh.
“Well, fine. I’ll let you get the in depth books. I’ll stick with my books.”Tony protested smiling slightly as sarah giggled, being his normal riddiculous self to distract her, moaning quietly as he kissed steve back.

“We are not. He’s the child.”Clint sulked before making a face. “Uh, he came to you, phil. Not me.”clint pointed out before perking up, smiling happily. “Good. Hopefully he can. That’d be one less thing to worry about.”He said sighing quietly.

“So I can see.”Sarah said before tilting her head, biting her lip. Looking worried about him before laughing out loud as he was dumped on the floor, smiling quietly as she squirmed out of the bed and sat down next to him, crawling into his arms with a small smile, just wanting held
Steve chuckled a little and nodded. "fine." he stated simply. "you read your 'this is what baby looks like when it smiles' books and i'll learn how to burp and change it's diapers." he agreed before snickering at the antics of James and Gabe. Gabe grimaced as he sat up and then smiled as he wrapped his arms around her. "i'm sorry..." he admitted. "i thought the condom would be enough... i won't let you do this alone though. i'll be with you every step of the way." he promised. "...we won't let anyone hurt our baby, okay?"

"no he didn't." Phil admitted. "he looks up to me, yes, but he can't hardly stand to even look me in the eyes." he admitted. "he still feels at fault for the things he did. in a way, he is at fault, though it wasn't his doing." he admitted. "until he can forgive himself for the events, then he won't be coming to me." he admitted. "Loki said that it's because the Spell is trying to complete itself." he admitted. "which is why the pattern keeps repeating. he says that i might still have some minor need to carve random patterns, but it won't be anything like this. more like absent minded doodling if he can get the big ones to stop."
“Good. I want to read those books. I mean, you’re the old man, and grandparent, seems like you should change diapers....though we could make james do it. As long as he promises not to throw up on the kid.”Tony snickered a ltitle laughing at the two men. Sarah sighred quietly, squirming a little to get closer, clinging to him.”Sorry...shouldn’t have run away...”she muttered clinging to him, “I did to...but it’s done.”She muttered swallowing hard. “...We wont.No one will.”she muttered, sounding exhausted and sick.

“....Oh. That...makes sense. I mean...until I forgave myself a bit, I had problems talking to my team...and fury...”Clint bit his lip, looking pleased that gabe wanted to be his best friend before tilting his head, looking even more pleased. “That is intersting and understandable. Hopefully he can stop it, and we can be as normal as we ever get again.”
Steve looked a bit startled. "that's right! i forgot! James knows all about baby's!" he admitted with a smirk as Gabe shook his head. "it's okay, i freaked out too." he admitted. "remind me to send Clint a present." he muttered. "it is done... we'll be more mindful of that in the future." he promised her before gently gathering her into his arms. "come on. you need more rest. growing babies is hard work, everyone says so." "...growing?" James asked, looking amused. "...well. we already made the baby... shut up James." Gabe ordered before leaving with a huff, taking Sarah with him.

Phil nodded. "yes exactly." he admitted. "but unlike you, he's pretending nothing is wrong and won't get the help he needs." Phil admitted. "you should talk to him about it. about your own experiences. it could help the both of you." he admitted. "i hope so too. Loki had to see the whole thing though and he... well he didn't take it well." he admitted softly "Fenrir has been comforting him and Thor left this morning to Asgard for Loki's funeral." he admitted. "he intends for all of Asgard to learn the truth of Loki's madness." he admitted. "then, if Loki ever wants to return, he won't be hailed as a Villain." he admitted. "i have to admit, as much as i hate him for the things he did... i can understand why he did them." he admitted as he rested his head on Clint's shoulder. "if you where ever to be murdered in cold blood, i'd probably do the same thing."
“He does. Though how much he remembers, I don’t know.”Tony pointed out because hebet that some of that knowledge, of that time with sarah as a baby, was gone, but hopefully not all of it. It’d be nice if one of them knew what they were doing.

“We’ll get him something. Surely there’s something he wants.”Sarah muttered resting her head on his shoulder yawning tiredly. “Hm, true. We’ll just have to be more careful next time.”she muttered before frowning at james sleepily. “Leave him alone papa.”She ordered yawning as she was carried out of the room.

“....”Clint sighed, swallowing hard because it was hard on him to talk about it to anyone else, but nodding slowly. “I will.Soon.”He said because he knew how messed up that kind of guilt could leave a person, he just wanted to help his friend, even if he knew it meant talking for awhile. “No, I would assume he wouldn’t. Is he okay?”He said looking worried for loki, a weird feeling that. “...I think we all feel that way. We hate what he did, but if something had happened like that, and had the power to do it, we would have tried to destroy our grief....hell, tony says I destroyed more doombots in the two months right after new york, then anyone else simply cause I couldn’t believe you were gone...”He muttered sighing quietly, sadly at the idea of phil being gone.
"i remember most of it." James admitted. "how to handle stuff. but i don't think cutting a toddlers back up for failing to properly recite the Alphabet is appropriate." he admitted, blinking as they stared at him. "get some Child psychology books too." Steve decided. "and i'll start looking for children discipline books." "potty training books too." James suggested. "it was a bitch getting Sarah to stop wetting her trainers. i didn't like punishing her for that and since i didn't know anything else to do it was like... she was four and a half before she was properly potty trained." he admitted. "i know how to do most of the baby stuff properly though." he admitted.

he nodded. "i'm sure." he admitted with a smile. "yes. we'll get Bruce to make a condom for people with Super Sperm." he agreed, giving her a gentle kiss. "i know it's unexpected, but i'm kind of looking forward to having a child." he admitted. "now that i'm not freaking out i mean." he admitted as he gently tucked her into bed and snuggled with her. "your going to be an amazing mother." he promised her.

he smiled and kissed his temple. "i know it's hard. but talking to someone who won't just you could really help you." he admitted as he snuggled the other. "i'm not sure. Thor told me that Loki feels emotions differently than we do." he admitted. "everything is amplified in him. every rage, every joy is felt so strongly it can leave him without anything to ground himself with. that's why he comes across as so emotionless most of the time. he has a tight lid on his emotions so they can't render him useless." he admitted. "i'm not entirely sure what that means." he admitted. "we do hate what he did. but he truly feels guilty for what he did." he admitted. "i'm a bit worried about what is going to happen when people realizes he's here." he admitted. "granted, he doesn't look much like himself anymore so maybe it will be okay?" he mused. "besides, Doombots deserve destruction." Phil admitted as he kissed the others neck. "i'm so sorry it took so long to get back to you." he admitted. "i'm so sorry."
"....yea. you know its amazing sarah's as well adjusted as she is."tony said after a moment looking bemused and confused at the idea of doing that to a child,but knowing it hadnt been james choice to hurt her. It had been hydra's,and that made him hate hydra all the more for putting both fa th er and daughter through that."I'll just order everything that amazon recommends and we can look through it as we need to."tony defided squeezing james' hand as he leaned down to kiss his head."you did okay. She still loves you, her childhood couldn't have been that traumatizing."

"Hm we will.just to see him blush and see what he comes up with...with our luck he'll enlist tony's help and he'll want to do tests or something."she snickered a little biting her lip nodding a little. Still freaking out and not sure about being a parent but willing to not protest to much."...it'll be okay. And no more then you'll be a amazing father."she pointed out.

"...I have no idea what to think of loki's emotions rendering him useless but I'm sure its fine. He has some control."clint said trying not to worry about that before shrugging."he doesnt look like he did. And he's a sorcerer I'm sure he could look really different if he wanted....we'll deal with that when we get to that."clint muttered shuddering a little as the other kissed him."...its okay...well...its not but your here now..."
James nodded. "i was a horrible father, but it wasn't entirely my fault." he admitted. "Hydra insisted that was the way it was done and back then i didn't know any better so i believed them." he admitted. "she never scarred, i couldn't ever bring myself to cut her deep, and never more than once per infraction." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "i know she does. her childhood was traumatizing, but i always held her after a punishment and promised her i loved her." he admitted. "i always made sure she understood that even if she got it wrong, i would always be there for her." he admitted. "now then. i think you and Steve was in the middle of something." James admitted with a smirk as Steve went bright red and glanced at the collar before glancing at Tony. wondering if now was really the time to be worrying about things like that?

he snickered a little and shook his head. "probably." he admitted with a grin. "i dunno if i'll be an amazing father right away." he admitted. "but i'll do my very best." he promised, kissing her. "i'll learn everything i need to learn to make sure our baby is healthy and happy and safe." he promised with a smile as he snuggled her. "and... perhaps i aught to 'make an honest woman of you?'. you know... marry you?" he offered hesitantly. "i mean. i'll propose properly if you want to get married but... is that something you'd like?"

he nodded. "it is a bit strange to think about. and Fenrir won't let Loki do anything stupid if he has lost control." Phil admitted. "he does look a lot different." he agreed. "we'll take it one step at a time." he agreed. "i don't think that we can do anything else at the moment. it's too big of a mess." he muttered with a sigh. "i am here now. and i'll never leave you again." he promised, sliding something onto Clint's wrist. a Bracelet with an Eternity symbol on the inside. "it has a tracking system that connects to a chip i've had inserted." he admitted softly. "so no matter where i am, you can always find me for eternity i'm yours." he promised Clint, kissing his cheek.
“No, but you know better now.”Tony muttered gently stroking james hair, smiling a little. “You did well. Which was so much better then my father. He let me play with engineering tools at five, and scolded me when I couldn’t use them. Cuddling sarah was better then that.”Tony said trying to make him feel better before tilting his head, looking up at steve. “So we were.”He said leaning across to grab the box again, taking out the collar and looking at steve.”Come here.”He ordered.

“WE have help. We’re not totally alone.”Sarah muttered trying to relax, trying hard to not worry about the child growing in her as she was snuggled before pausing, looking up at him, “....You know. That’s a proposal on level to Tony asking in the middle of sex or something.”Sarah muttered teasing him a little, looking unsure, because she had no idea about marriage, had never considered it.”....I don’t know.”She said honestly after a moment.

“You better not. The first tiem was bad enough.”Clint muttered squirming to get comfortable as he looked at the bracelet he was wearing now, eyes widening a little, smiling slightly. “Now that, I can get used to. I like it.”He muttered leaning up to kiss him lightly. “Is it connected to jarivs to?So if you need help, he can get help. Like sarah’s does?”
James smiled and nodded. "i do know better now." he agreed. "and Steve won't let me hurt the baby." he agreed. "your father was an asshole." he agreed and shook his head as he snuggled Tony before snickering as Steve went bright red and moved in, settling onto his knees on the bed, embarrassed but happy as he leaned into the hands strapping on his collar, kissing the pulse in Tony's wrist.

he smiled and nodded. "that's right. we have a lot of help." he agreed before flushing hard. "...yes well... i didn't want to surprise you with it. you don't handle surprises very well." he admitted with a smile as he nuzzled the woman. "it's okay. think about it." he promised. "you can tell me no, i just want what will make you happy." he admitted. "if you never want to get married, that's fine." he promised her with a smile. "as long as we're together, we can face anything." he promised her. "married or not. i'm here to stay."

he smiled a little as he nodded. "i have no plans for dying again." he promised, smiling as Clint admitted that he loved it. "it is connected to Jarvis. he can't directly affect the chip or anything, but it constantly monitors my heart rate, pulse count, adrenaline levels, and other indicators. he is constantly monitoring my health and safety. even if i go mad, have an episode or even just get the flu, Jarvis will know and will alert you immediately." he promised.
“He was. But its proof that you’re better. Always.”Tony smirked a little, grinning as steve went bright red, gently settling the collar into place, shuddering a little at the kiss to his wrist. Swallowing hard he smiled slightly, “ You look amazing cap.”he muttere leaning in for a kiss, before yawning. “...Dammit.”he grumbled, still not recovered from the long weekend of nearly no sleep.

“...no I don’t. Thnaks for thinking of that.”She smiled a little looking up at him, shuddering as she was nuzzled. “Okay. I will think on it.”She smiled at him, kissing him lightly, relaxing at the knowledge that no matter what, he was here to stay.

“good.”Clint muttered before grinning, pleased. Because if there was anyone he trusted to take care of phil better then him, it was jarvis-and by extension tony, since he knew that tony was always connected to jarvis. “Good. That’s awesome. Thanks.”He said stealing a kiss, so very happy that the other had done this, knowing clint needed it.
James chuckled a little and nodded before grinning as he watched Steve blushing. "thanks..." Steve mumbled sheepishly, flushing harder before chuckling at Tony's yawning. "come on. get some sleep." he ordered, nudging the other and snuggling into him, James grinning as he snuggled in on Tony's other side. he still had a tendency to snuggle too hard, but with Steve's arm in the way Bucky couldn't squeeze too hard on Tony.

he smiled and nodded. "your welcome." he muttered, smiling as he watched her sleep. feeling his emotions whirling around. he was more terrified than he'd ever been in his entire life.

he smiled and kissed the other. "go to sleep. we have to get Tony to agree to let Alexander come over at some point." he admitted. "it's going to be a pain." he admitted with a huff as he snuggled into Clint. "i love you." he admitted as he kissed the other back.
“Kay. Sleeping.”Tony muttered smiling as he was snuggled, though it sometimes was to hard, it was good after being gone for a few days. Yawning as he fell asleep.

Two days later Tony frowned as he looked up at Phil over the back of the bike, twitching a little. “Go away. I already told Pepper she could invite him over, but I don’t have to go up to the living room and see him.”Tony frowned at the agent and his lovers, disliking that the three were ganging up on him on convincing him that he needed to deal with alexander, who had indeed left him alone for awhile, but had called the day before in a effort to get to meet his half brother, and since then, tony’s mood had been foul and all over the place.
Steve had not been allowed to follow them into the back room, which basically told Steve that they where working on something for him back there. he was curious of course but he knew better than to try to sneak a peak. "come on Tony." James stated. "can you really afford to ignore him right now? he's in your tower, hoping to meet you. it's not fair of you to treat him like this." James stated gently. "i know it's hard Tony, but your not alone anymore. you don't have to deal with this all by yourself. me and Steve will be right there with you." he promised, stroking Tony's hair. "come on. please? just for an hour, okay? who knows, you might like him. and Johnny's here too. he wants to show you mortifying pictures of his sister trapped in new york completely naked." he admitted. "apparently she accidentally burned up all her clothes when she swapped powers somehow... i didn't get it, but the story is hilarious."
“No. I’m working. Can’t you see that?I’m finishing this damned b-big thing and Dalton can go jump off the tower for all I can.”Tony growled as he finished redoing the engine again, sighing quietly as he leaned into the other’s hand a little as james stroked his hair. “....There’s naked pictures of sue?”he asked, sounding interested, well, at least johnny knew what to offer to tempt him out of the lab."Not sure. Reed's always making weird shit happen....more then normal weird." HJuffing he frowned. “Fine. A hour.”He said frowning as he leaned up before walking past them all, heading upstairs. “Storm!Naked pictures?"
James chuckled a little. "you are almost done." he agreed. "you probably need a break anyway." he admitted with a smile. "besides, you don't want him to jump off the tower. imagine the press reactions." he scoffed. "that's why i'll be dealing with him if we need him to disappear." "James!" Steve protested. "we are not going to make him dispensary! we'll have him arrested in France if we're going to do anything! it's called subtlety!" Steve scoffed, making Phil chuckle. "there are, she's a fox." James admitted. "Steve thinks it's not right, looking at a naked woman but then, he's old." "hey!" Steve complained. "your older than i am!" he protested as he followed Tony up the stairs. "Tony!" Johnny crowed, grinning as he bounced over to his friend, offering the newspaper with the naked, and horrified picture of Sue on it. "did you hear? i saved the world!" "big deal, i did that too." Steve admitted. "in fact, i personally saved pretty much every meta-human on earth." Steve admitted. "i don't like you." Johnny complained, Steve smiling sweetly. "aw. what a pity."
“...I might.”Tony frowned a little before smiling slightly, before laughing at the other’s words. “Fine, if we have to get rid of him, we’ll let you two argue about it.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little smirking. “Hm, he’s freaked out by girls. It’s okay though, I’ll take his share of looking.”Tony snickered laughing a little as johnny bounded over to him, snickering a little at the sight of a naked sue. “I save the world to you know. You only saved it this time, cause you probably put it in danger.”Tony pointed out smirking a little before swallowing hard as he found the nervous looking lawyer watching them, swallowing thickly at the sight of the man. “Hey Tony.”Alex said looking worried about upsetting the man. “Hey. Welcome to the tower.” "thanks."Alexander said looking at the others, feeling awkward and worried about how manic tony was.
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