Hidden (lady/moon)

he nodded. "it was horrible for me too. i knew i was missing someone, i just couldn't remember who. i went to go look for them... you, but i kept getting scared and i'd go back to my cave." he admitted. "you live in an office?" James asked, looking startled. "are we broke?" he blinked. "oh. we live above the offices." he mused, pondering that before shuddering at the idea of so many people. twenty was a lot, but he could avoid most of them easily enough he was sure. "solitary is good." he admitted as he looked at the cars and stuff whizzing by. "nothing looks familiar." he admitted softly. "it's kind of unnerving." he admitted before blinking. "oh. what's a 'Petco?'?" he asked.

he smiled and nodded. "i'll do that." he agreed. "it does have a lot of bad memories..." he admitted. "but it has some good ones too. i rode in to save Bucky on this thing. i also rode into the final battle between me and the Red Skull on this thing." he admitted. "i took this bucket of bolts into fifty six different missions and it still sputtered on." he admitted softly before he laughed. "he was terrified in Taiwan. no one spoke English and most people took exception to the 'wide eye' trying to talk to him." he admitted as he cooked, Gabe snickering as Steve waved a spatula at her. "don't you dare take a picture of this Gabriel!" he ordered. "Tony would never let me live it down!" he grumbled, though he looked amused as he handed her the bowl of leftover filling.
“I’m sorry you were alone.I wish I could have been there for you.”Tony said sadly squeezing the other’s hand, looking worried about the other before laughing hard at the idea of being broke. “No, no definitely not broke.”Tony said nearly giggling at the idea before nodding. “we do.”he said smiling slightly before sighing,”I’m sure it’ll come back. You...you’ve had memory problems alot. You’ll remember more.”He said looking worried before looking at the store and pulling into the parking lot. “It’s a pet store. Come on. We’ll go look at the adorable puppies or something until you want to go home.”he smiled heading inside.

“Tell tony that then. He’ll want to know you’re not simply accepting this because he wants you to, and really does want it.”Sarah smiled a little, grinning. “Sorta like you and papa. Still sputtering on.”She teased before grinning. “He’s terrified of going around the block. I couldn’t imagine him in taiwan.”she giggled a little before smirking as steve waved the spatula at her. “No he wouldn’t, but it’d make him smile.”she said amused as she took the bowl and ate it eagerly.
he nodded. "it's not your fault. i ran away." he pointed out. "i'm not sure why yet, but i'm sure we'll work on it together, whatever it was." he promised. "well. okay hen." he muttered, giving Tony an odd look. like he thought Tony was insane. "have i?" he asked, looking amused. "i can't remember." and that, was a terrible joke. "pet store?" he asked, perking up. "i've never had a pet before." he admitted as he slid out of the car as well and followed Tony into the building, blinking at the puppies, a smile lifting his lips as the Manager let them play with the puppies. recognizing the 'broken soldier' look. mostly filthy and haunted. the manager of the Petco admitted to Tony that he had a boyfriend who was suffering from bad PTSD and that the puppy he'd taken home seamed to be helping. James even looked better as he snuggled a Golden Lab puppy and stroked it's fur with both hands, looking more calm and content than Tony had ever seen him.

he smiled a little as he nodded. "okay." he agreed as he examined the bike one last time before heading up the stairs. "yes. still sputtering on thanks to the help of a Stark." he admitted with a smile before pausing. "where is Tony anyway?" he asked, confused that he hadn't been dragged off for sex yet. "well. considering every time he travels he get's beaten up or thrown off trains i can understand his reluctance." Steve admitted with a smile. "don't tell Tony." he grumbled before pausing. actually... maybe he'd make two pies. one for Tony and one for Sarah. he smiled as he set about making a second one and let her eat the leftover filling from that one too. Gabe didn't even try to sneak a bite. she got vicious when he tried to take her food.
“Don’t look at me like that. I’m allowed laughing at the idea you think I’m poor. I’m obscenely horribly rich.”Tony snickered laughing harder before nodding. “yea, a pet store. We’ll see about a pet if you want we have the room.”Tony said smiling as he absently stroked the small black kitten climbing in his lab, looking thoughtful at the manager’s words as he looked at james. And while it hurt some that he couldn’t make james look that at peace on his own, he was just glad something could. “Will you get the things we need for a dog?And this cat.”Tony said sounding amused before frowning a little, “Double that on the dog stuff. We’re taking two.”he said, while gabe was more stable and less shakey then james was, he knew the man was hiding emotional scars and trauma, not to mention sarah’s own trauma, and they were going to have a baby, they could use practice taking care of someone. “James, choose a puppy for Sarah.”He ordered smiling quietly.

“Hm, with the help of the better Stark, yes.”Sarah snickered a little before smiling. “He went for a drive like hours ago. Said he just needed out of the city for awhile.”She said looking worried about her step dad before smiling slightly. “Well, that’s true. Though there was that one time, you traveled and made him jump on the train.”Sarah teased a little before pouting. “But I wanna tell tony.”She whined before holding out her spoon towards her lover to give him the last bite of food. “Here. Have some.”She said feeling full now.
he blinked a little. "rich?" he asked, looking amused. "really!? we can get one? to keep?" he asked, looking utterly delighted. he fondled the puppies, delighted at all their playful exuberance as he smiled. "of course." the Manager promised, setting off to gather everything that the couple would need. "uh... yes sir." the manager agreed, going to get everything they would need. "a puppy for who?" James asked, blinking at Tony before holding up the Golden Lab. "i want this one." he ordered, beaming at Tony as the puppy wiggled and wagged it's tail, delighted and happy at being paid attention to. "i think Sarah would like one of these smaller ones." he admitted as he picked up a Rat Terrier puppy. an adorable black and white one. "this one." he decided. "it's calm but playful." he decided as he stroked the two dogs, smiling happily at Tony. "this is the best present ever!" he admitted, delighted.

Steve grinned. "much better Stark." he agreed. "he probably went to Pepper and Rhodey." Steve admitted. "they calm him sometimes, when i cant." he admitted. he knew that if Tony went to them, they'd be having sex. but somehow, he didn't mind. he knew Tony would come back to him, and Tony sometimes needed the things only Pepper and Rhodey could give him. Steve wasn't about to deny Tony the peace. "we where in Germany at the time, so it counts." he admitted with a chuckle. "no. you can't tell Tony. not until i give him his pie." he ordered with a smile as he watched the two. "why thank you, how generous." Gabe mused as he nibbled on the spoon with a smile. "wow! Steve that's really good." Gabe stated, looking a little stunned. Steve just rolled his eyes. "it's my Ma's recipe." he admitted. "we had value in food back then." he admitted. "prolly cus there was so little of it." he admitted.
“Yea, really rich.’Tony snickered a little before nodding, pleased at seeing the man so delighted. “yea, we can get one. It’ll be good for us.”Tony smiled a little smirking a little that the manager looked a little overwhelmed, smiling slightly as he cuddled the small black kitten, “Well, we’ll get that one. And Your daughter, her name is sarah.”Tony said smiling as he looked at the puppies. “Let’s get them home then.”tony smiled as they got the dogs and kitten into the carriers and settled into the car, looking over at james, “You ready to go home?

“Maybe.’Sarah said looking thoughtful, shrugging. Hoping that it was, and that tony was safe, not emotionally ready to worry about both him and her fathers. “Fine. No telling tony.”She sulked a little rolling her eyes at gabe’s words. “I’ll show you generous later.”She leered a little leaning in to kiss him again, groaning at the taste of boyfriend and filling. That was really good, before smirking at her father. “Hm, no that’s not it. Like tony’d say, of course you can make amazing apple pie, Cap.”
he chuckled a little. "well at least i don't have to worry about food." he mused with a smile before beaming at him at the promise of a dog just for him. he never noticed the manager ringing up everything they needed, and a few 'extras' he'd tossed in for free and cart it out to the car for Tony. Sarah. i like that name." James agreed with a smile as he rubbed puppy bellies. "okay." he agreed as he carried the puppies out and settled them into the backseat. he hesitated at the offer of home and looked up at Tony for reassurance before nodding. "yeah. okay. lets go home." he agreed softly. "i should probably have a shower anyway." he admitted.

he nodded. "i'll call them if Tony's not back in a few hours." Steve promised her. "that's right. no telling Tony... however..." here he winked at her and strapped on one of her pink Aprons and dusted flower on himself. "there. you can take a picture of this and pretend it's blackmail material. this should get him laughing." he teased, winking at her before rolling his eyes as the two flirted and went back to making the cocoa, sliding the mugs over to the two of them before he chuckled at her. "very good point. of course i can, after all, Apple Pie is the American symbol." he agreed with a snicker.
"No, no worrying about food."Tony snickered a litte amused that the other was so pleased about the dog. "Thank you."Tony smiled knowing they'd come in just at closing time, and had kept the man open, adding a extra thousand to the bill simply as a tip for being kind, and smiled as they left. "you should. you did choose it."Tony snickered a little before smiling, wrinkling his nose. "I wasn't going to say it. but yes, you do sorta smell, and washing up would be nice, and I haven't even been outside as long as you. Come on."Tony said heading home, looking a little nervous as they pulled into the garage, gathering the kitten up in his arms, letting james get the puppies as they headed upstairs.

"Good."sarah said relaxing at the idea that he'd find tony if he wasn't back soon, eyes going wide before laughing as she took the picture. "I will definitely show him. and he could use some laughter."Sarah smiled before sipping her cocoa, simply relaxing with them, before smirking. "You should use pie to defeat your enemies, instead of your shield. Cook them into submission." "Who's Cap making submit?"Tony said as he opened the elevator, easing into the room, fussing over james as they walked in.
the Manager just smiled at him. "good luck with your lover Mr. Stark." the man offered. "PTSD can be a violent undertaking, but i have faith in you. here, give me a call if you need help. i have some good books that could lend a hand." he offered, writing down a phone number and handing it to Tony. unaware of the massive tip. "did i?" he asked, looking a bit surprised. "i suppose i must have." he mused. "yes well... i think i was in the sewers." he admitted sheepishly. "not sure why, but i was." he admitted as he let Tony drive into the garage. the massive flow of people had stopped so he wasn't nearly as worried as he had been. he carried both pets while Dum-E and U started unpacking the trunk. not that James noticed. he was too interested in taking a shower.

Steve smiled at her, looking amused. "good." he chirped with a grin, winking at her. "maybe we'll find a way to leak it online just so Tony can laugh at the comments." he suggested. "i don't think that would work very well. you see, bad guys are bad because they don't believe in the fundamental goodness that is apple pie and liberty." he admitted before gasping as he saw James and Tony. "...good GOD! where have you been!?" he demanded of Tony, realizing the man was covered in dirt, leaves and stick-burrs. "you didn't tell me you found Jamie! eeeeuuugh... God! he stinks!" Steve yelped once he got too close, James snickering as he watched. finding the whole thing very amusing as he handed Steve the puppies and shuffled into the bathroom. "where in the world WAS he!? he's FILTHY!"
“Thank you....and I will give you a call, even if it’s just to say we’re okay.”Tony muttered looking pleased at the offer of help. “And you were. Hiding from us. Remind me to punish you later for it. I’ll get you back for making me hike my ass all over.”Tony grumbled though he looked amused as they headed upstairs.

“Hmmm, we should. That would be so amusing.”sarah giggled herself at the idea before frowning in thought before shaking her head. “It would work. The food is just to good to keep fighting after you eat it.”sarah decided, eyes widening as she stared at the two men, but not rushing over. “Forest.”Tony said wincing a little at steve’s demand, laughing a little. “Well, he’s not showered in two weeks, after climbing through the sewers, of course he smells.”He teased a little smiling as he set the kitten on the ground, smirking as he nosed around the room, smirking a little at the sight of steve holding the puppies. “He was in allegeheny national park camping out. One of the park rangers saw his collar, called me this afternoon.”Tony said looking worried beiting his lip. “And I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know how long it’d take me to convince him to come home amd I didn’t want to worry you or get you to worked up about it...”Tony babbled a little.
the man beamed at him and nodded as he waved them off. glad that he could help someone so deserving of it. plus, he was going to get a bonus for selling so much stuff. Tony wouldn't know it, but the man fainted dead away when he saw the tip. "okay." James agreed, clearly not paying any attention to what Tony was saying as he played with the kitten since the puppies had gone to sleep.

he snickered and nodded. "it would be pretty funny." he agreed before laughing. "Bad guys don't eat pie." he pointed out. "they are immune to the natural goodness." he admitted before blinking at the two men. "the forest!? YOU went into the world of bugs, dirt, and wild animals?! YOU!?" he asked, stunned. "...does this mean we can go camping?" he asked with a grin. "oh, GROSS!" Steve complained, eyes watering at the stench assaulting his oversensitive nose. "uh... what's with the dogs?" he asked, examining the sleeping beauties in his arms. "...is that a CAT!?" he demanded, practically gushing. "...Jesus Tony. i leave you alone for a few hours..." he teased, stepping forward to give him a deep kiss before listening to his story as he settled the dogs onto the floor. "it's okay. Tony. it's okay, i get it." Steve promised. "you didn't know what kind of state James would have been in and you didn't want me to get upset. i understand." he promised. "he's home now. you brought him home." he assured Tony. "why... why didn't he come home?" Steve asked, sounding upset. "was he that upset that we where fighting that he stayed away for two entire weeks?"
“...Hey. Going into the forest isn’t so weird. My dad took me camping a few times when I was a kid. And no. I did go into the woods, but no, just no camping.”He whined a little because everyone knew that no matter what, tony’s only camping experience had been with howard, and that was a total disaster, even without tony’s awkwardness of not liking the forest. “He frekaed out when he tried to come back the first time, so we drove around for awhile, and ended up at petco. And yes, its a kitten. He wanted a puppy, but you are a cat person, so you get this sleeping beauty.”tony smiled a little as he explained looking down at the small kitten in his hands, moaning quietly as he was kissed, relaxing as steve said he got it. Smiling quietly as he relaxed, realizing no one was upset with him for leaving them behind. “he ios.”He muttered sounding pleased that james was home before wincing. “....Oh...uh...he has no idea who we are. Don’t know what triggered it, but he woke up, had no idea who he was, and retreated to sleep in a cave, and was to scared to leave the cave to search for what he knew he was missing....thank god he was wearing his collar and the park ranger managed to get close enough to read the tags. Called me when she realized what it was, figured I’d know who he was. She got him to eat, but not enough to trust her to leave the cave until I got there."Tony said sounding tired, now that he was relaxing, he felt exhausted.
Steve sighed. "fine. no camping." he grumbled, sulking a little. he loved camping. maybe he'd take Sarah? it could be a fun get to know your daughter thing. "freaked out? is he okay?" Steve asked as he stroked the Kitten, smiling as he rubbed the little things chin, chuckling as it purred so loud the entire room could hear it. "Tony there are two puppies." Gabe commented, having a bad feeling he knew who the second dog was for. him. well, him and Sarah. "...oh." Steve looked startled. "well, i suppose we can't punish him then." he muttered with a sigh. "worried us sick." he grumbled as he kissed Tony again. "go crawl into bed." he ordered softly. "your exhausted. i'll bring you some Hot cocoa and a piece of pie in a few minutes and i'll have Gabe go and get the pet supplies." he promised Tony. "i'll send James in to you once he's done showering." he promised before pausing. "...he should be done showering already." he admitted handing the kitten to Sarah as he went to check on James, startled into laughter as he realized what was taking the soldier so long. he had tucked himself into the corner and was fast asleep, soapy lufa in one hand and a head full of shampoo. that was so damn adorable it wasn't even funny.
"Well..maybe camping.we'll see."tony twitched a little seeing his disappointment. Shrugging. Maybe camping with sgeve and james would be better then with howard. "Yea hes...okay. the crowds coming in was what freaked him out...he's just not hanfling things well."tony muttered before smirking at gab3."so there is. The rat terrier is yours." "What?"sarah squeaked a little."yea. Youre having a kid,and suffering your own trauma. Take care of the puppy."tony shrugged amused that sarah was protesting even though she was staring longingly at the puppy."hm no.cant yell even if he worried us."tony smiled tiredly looking at steve before frowning resisting it."no...he'll be out of the shower soon...should be up..."tony muttered even as he let sarah and gabe tuck him into bed as steve went to check on james,to tired to do anything but protest,to tired to actually fight over it.

"He okay?"sarah said as she looked in the bathroom looking wodried as she saw steve and heard the shower going.
Steve beamed at Tony, glad that the other would at least give it a try. "we could make everyone go." he agreed, looking delighted before he got concerned. "crowds have never bothered him before..." he muttered/ "then again, if he's twitchy and paranoid the people might bother him." he agreed with a smile as he watched Tony unload a dog onto the terrible two. "...i always wanted a dog." Gabe admitted as he picked up the Rat terrier and stroked it from nose to tail, chuckling as he handed it to Sarah to let her snuggle and cuddle as she wished. "okay Tony." Steve agreed, stroking the man's hair. "we'll wait until he gets out." he agreed with a grin as Sarah and Gab bullied the billionaire into bed. he looked up at Sarah and chuckled. "he fell asleep." he admitted, throwing a towel over James naughty parts so she could see for herself, looking highly amused as he carefully finished bathing the sleeping assassin and then dried him, which woke James up. he didn't do anything. just mumbled protests about being manhandled and carried naked to the bed before snuggling into Tony and dropping back to sleep. "that was adorable. i'm hoping Jarvis recorded that so Tony can gush over it in the morning." Steve hinted, Jarvis chuckling as he saved the recording of it. "now then. who wants pie before they go to bed?" he asked Sarah and Gabe, since the other two where dead to the world.
"Such a boy scout,but yes we'll make everyone go."the mqn said amused at the idea of making natasha go camping. That was just amusing."I think he was just feeling overwhelmed."tony muttered snickering as gabe took the dog,"well here you go. A dog of your own."the billionaire said sounding relieved that indeed the wouldn't mind a dog.snickering as sarah cuddled with wiggling puppy who snuggled her just as much. "....he fell asleep?tony's never going to let him forget that."sarah snickered as she looked in amused at the sight of her papa sleeping in the shower."i do. Pie sounds amazing."sarah smiled as they walked out.

In the morning tony smiled as he relaxed back into the bed,just enjoying having bith his boys in bed as he stared at the cieling before frowning as he glanced at steve."..did you say you made pie last night?"he asked sounding amused
Steve grinned, delighted, imagining people like Pepper and Simmons trying to scruff it in the wild. Fitz would probably be okay, being that he had his hovering chair. Fitz had healed enough that he didn't need the air mask anymore and no one could hold him back from zooming around the building as fast as he could. he couldn't use his hands much, they trembled too much, and his problems with words got worse the more excited he got, but he was even more chipper and cheerful than ever. made Steve want to hit him a few times just because he was too happy. "i wouldn't doubt it." Gabe admitted. "the mass amounts of people that come into this building everyday makes me cringe too." he admitted before grinning as he stared at the dog. "and what should..." he paused and lifted one of the dogs hind legs. "his, name be?"

"i did make pie." Steve muttered sluggishly. "it was awesome pie... there's a dog that has a death wish by the way." he muttered, cracking open an eye to examine the dog that was sleeping on top of James, who was still dead to the world. "James fell asleep in the shower. it was adorable. i have recording." Steve admitted with a grin as he staggered to his feet with a yawn as he went o go to the bathroom. "pie's in the kitchen!"
"Dunno.let james name him."tony smiled tiredly. "Hmmm i 5hink im goin g to think what to call this cutie."sarah smiled anuggling her puppy.

"Well of course it was. Your cap,everything you do is amazing.. and...there is a dog sleeping on james..."he blinked slowly at the puppy looking amused as he shifted to snuggle not wanting to get up just yet."really? Thats awesome."tony snickered as he stumbled out of bed to both go watch the video and get some pie. Which is where steve found him,giggling like a fool as he watched james sleep and then get bullied into bed. That was adorable.
Steve chuckled. "there is a dog sleeping on James." he agreed with a grin. "yes. really." Steve admitted as he watched Tony get up to get some pie, smirking as Tony giggled wildly at the video. which woke James up. the Puppy had since curled up in Tony's lap to catch the crumbs of pie and so when James reacted, the puppy was not hurled across the room. James moved far too fast, madness deep in his eyes as he leaped from the bed and gripped Steve around the neck, slamming him hard into the wall, metal arm whirring as Steve choked and gripped at the metal arm, feet dangling off the floor as James snared at him in Russian. demanding to know who Steve was, where they where and why they had kidnapped him. Steve, didn't understand a word, not that he could have replied anyway what with the grip on his throat.
Tony smiled looking bemused at the sight of the dog sitting on him,having never been allowed to have a dog as a kid,this was a new experience.bolting to his feet as james grabbed steve,barely catching the yipping puppy as it started to fall looking worried and frightened as he watched the two super soldiers."james.let him go.now. we're your friends remember?we're not here to hurt you."
James only tightened his grip as he turned to stare at Tony, incomprehension in those pretty black eyes. then he seamed to snap into focus and the madness was replaced by recognition. he remembered Tony coming to get him from the cave. he released Steve, who collapsed onto the ground, hacking and taking in great gulps of air. it would have been easy for Steve to break free, if he'd really wanted. but it would have meant hurting James. "...Tony?" James asked, looking skittish and worried, frightened as he pulled his arm onto himself, cradling it as he withdrew from them, eyes flicking from Tony to Steve as he settled himself into a dark corner. "i'm fine, Tony. help James." Steve ordered, voice a rasp as he struggled to catch his breath, heavy bruises already wrapped around his neck. Steve touched his neck and shuddered and was more than a little stunned to realize he was hard in his Iron man boxers. fuck, Tony would never let him live that down if he noticed.
Tony winced as he met the others eyes,a soft sigh of relief showing when he let go of steve."yea its me james....you okay steve?"tony asked without looking away from james looking worried as he focused on the assassin flicking a glance at steve at the order raising a eyebrow as he noticed steve's reaction to it before padding silently over to james kneeling down close but not close enough to cro2d him, wiggling puppy still in his arms."james?"
Steve nodded. "fine." he rasped before blushing hard as he realized Tony had noticed. he offered no excuses, Tony wouldn't believe them anyway. James recoiled away from Tony, scrunching up as tight to the wall as he could get, trying to make himself as small as possible. "i'm dangerous. i'm dangerous. you should go away." James whispered. "i'll hurt you." he whimpered, watching Steve get to his feet and head for the kitchen to get more Hot Cocoa and pie for James and Tony. "i'll hurt you. i'm sorry. i didn't mean to." James whimpered, tightening his arm around his metal 'monstrosity'. as if the tighter he held it, the less it would exist. as if he was afraid it might do something against his own will.
Tony winced a little as james recoiled away, swallowing hard, his chest hurting at the sight of james moving away from him. Shifting back he sat on his heals, sighing quietly. “Yea, that’s not happening. I’m never leaving you. And you’ll notice that you chose to attack the super soldier, who’ll heal it in a few hours, instead of me. You’d never hurt me, Jamie.”He muttered watching the other, “We know you didn’t. Come on, how about you hold this little guy okay?He wants attention.”Tony said setting the lab puppy on the ground, smiling slightly as he watched the puppy move closer.
James blinked. "...S..Super?" he asked, confused. "you should leave..." he muttered. "i'm nothing but a monster..." he muttered,freezing as Tony released the puppy, which immediately scrambled over to James and started licking him all over. even the metal arm, making James chuckle weakly and stroke the dogs head, relaxing a little. he tensed back up when Steve walked back in, neck still full of bruises and carrying a tray with three helpings of cocoa and three pieces of pie. "..." James just stared at it as he was handed a piece, but even traumatized and horrified he couldn't resist food. "you should hate me." he muttered as he took a bite of Pie and smiled as the Puppy whined, wanting his own share. which Bucky gave him, right off the fork. "...okay, James. Gross!" Steve complained as he took the fork away from James, startling the man. "what?" James demanded, baffled as Steve came back with a new fork and handed it to James. "Dogs have germs." "..." James stared at Steve, more than a little stunned, he seamed completely unaware that the puppy was now gobbling down his pie. "Hey!" James protested, lifting the plate away from the dog and taking another bite, making Steve twitch.
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