Hidden (lady/moon)

he chuckled a little and nodded. "precisely. and i'm sure they didn't do anything too terrible." he admitted as Steve shrugged. "practice." he admitted with a grin. "and staying away from James." "i set it on an unstable surface." James admitted with a sigh, watching Gabe handle the baby, snickering as he asked Jarvis to record it. "i puked on the baby!" he complained as he tried to clean up the sleeping tot. "i didn't mean to! did i hurt him!?" he demanded, looking frantic and upset. "baby's fine." James promised, leading Gabe away for a glass of water and a calming sit down. "baby's spit up on themselves all the time, a bit of puke won't hurt them at all. come see what we did! we made a nursery!" "really!?"
“Hm, yes. Staying away from james would be a important part of staying clean.”Sarah snickered a little. “I’m so putting that on your necklace. So you have videos of your fiancee and father both puking on babies.”Tony teased snickering a little as she let James help her clean up the baby, looking worried herself as she looked over the fussing baby. “Go. I’ll stay with him.”Sarah smiled as she finished cleaning and changing jas, waving gabe towards the door, so pleased and happy that this was the family she had. It was amazing to know they’d gone through so much trouble, to make sure they’d be happy with the nursery, when it really hadn’t needed to be done, but it had made them happy to do it anyways.
Steve and James both snickered and James held his arms out to her. "Hug?" he offered, eyes twinkling playfully. "oh! no. you have to make an entirely new pendant, so she can record memories herself, like if little Jos starts to walk, or says his first words, or rolls over. those are important memories! i recorded those myself." he paused. "i think Hydra destroyed them." he admitted. "thanks Sarah." Grant muttered weakly. "i can't believe i puked on the baby...." he groaned. "i'm a horrible father!" "all fathers puke the first couple of times." James assured Gabe. "i puked on Sarah myself." "that's right, you did. i forgot about that." he admitted sheepishly before grinning at the sight of the nursery. "oh it's perfect." he breathed with a grin. "thank you. so much."
"Noo. Dont hug me."sarah said waving him away before laughing, shaking her head a little."the pendant's small enough that I can wear it on the same necklace.it'll be great." "Okay I'll make it."tony snickered a little amused. "They destroyed the actual physical videos. Tony found a recording of everything."sarah muttered pressing a kiss to james' cheek, "see,youre doing fine."sarah said reassuring him as jas fussed and wanted attention as his father dressed him."your very welcome."tony grinned amused.
James laughed a little and nodded before grinning at Tony. "oh good! you would be amazed, Sarah's first word was 'bastard' you know." he admitted with a smirk. "i was so proud." he admitted with a nod while Gabe cooed and dressed little Jas. "anyway, i need to get going." Steve admitted suddenly. "i have a mission. Phil found the location of one of Loki's family." he admitted. "the entire compound is completely abandoned so it's a recon mission." he admitted. "we hope to get some of the names of higher up Hydra agents, and recover any bodies that we can so Loki can give them a proper funeral. it shouldn't take more than a day." he admitted. "and no, you can't come with."
"Really? So I wont be yelled at if jas' first words are fuck or something?"tony said smiling before looking at steve frowning."uh no. I'm going with you. Who else would be your backup?"tony said looking ready to dig his heels in about it and the only reason sarah wasnt arguing was she knew that none of them would allow it no matter what
"oh you'll be in deep shit." James admitted simply. "Sarah will kill you if it's your fault. or worse, get Gabe to do it for her." he admitted with a chuckle. "Tony. you can't come with." Steve stated firmly. "Clint and Phil are going with me, and we need to do it as silently and as unseen as possible or we'll lose our chance to get the others. your not low profile Tony." he admitted. "i need you here to help James. he still has episodes." he admitted as he kissed Tony's forehead. "trust me on this." he ordered. "Phil and Clint won't let anything bad happen to me." he promised, nuzzling Tony's neck. "stay here with James, he needs you more." he admitted. "he is priority right now."
“...Damn. Okay. I’ll be careful.”Tony muttered blushing a little before frowning, scowling a little. “...I can be subtle and low profile.” “Tony, you went out coffee with James yesterday, looking like a grease monkey and like you rolled around the bottom of the barrel for awhile, and you were still recognized. You can’t do low profile.”Sarah teased a little. “...Fine.I’ll stay with Jamie. But you have to be back this weekend okay?I have plans for you, and you have to be here for them.”
"i'm sorry Tony. but we can't risk it." he admitted. "i should be back by tomorrow. but i will be here for the weekend." he promised, kissing Tony deeply. "now. be good, okay?" he asked with a smile before heading out to meet Phil and Clint for his mission. "it'll be fine Tony." he promised. "Steve Phil and Clint? nothing can beat them." he promised with a smile.

but when a full twenty four hours went past, and there had been no word from anyone. well, that was troubling. very troubling. when forty eight hours went by and no word had come, they began to worry. when Friday arrived and no word had come. well, it was taking James everything he had not to go and find him himself. Saturday arrived, and Jarvis suddenly intoned. "Sirs. there has been a phone call from Director Coulson. they are in immediate need of assistance. all three are in critical, but not life threatening condition. he asks for immediate deployment of all Avengers and Shield agents available." Jarvis intoned. Bruce was already gathering his medical kit and went ahead with Loki to stabilize them and called them once he got there and said that the whole thing had, apparently, been a trap. a trap that Steve had completely obliterated. by the time the rest of them got there, there was nothing left of the compound save for fifty bodies of what looked like children. all of them heavily scarred and growing things that humans weren't supposed to grow. there was also a good hundred Hydra agents, all dead, and only one child still alive and huddled up next to Steve Rogers, who was sitting up on his own, arm in a sling. the child was completely covered in a blanket and Steve was talking calmly to, er. it. he himself was missing his shirt, showing that he hadn't been battling Hydra, but rather the two massive lizard like beasts that where laying dead off by themselves. "Tony! James! i'm sorry i wasn't home for the weekend..." he apologized, hesitating before wrapping an arm around the child who was completely covered. "this is Adam... he's... going to be coming with us." he explained, eyes pleading with Tony to not raise a fuss. "no one else is... equipped, to handle him."
Tony by the time they got the call, had retreated to nearly living in the lab, surrounded by projects, with fitz and james mostly, only emerging from when his obsessive need to check on Sarah and Jas. He looked like the grease monkey sarah had accused him of being, having only paused long enough to wash off his hands before clamouring into the suit, giving gabe orders to stay with sarah, unwilling to leave mother and child completely defenseless. Landing just as the quinjet did, Tony frowned as he let the suit fold down to the bracelets again, looking anxious and worried in jeans and a t-shirt, looking at steve, so totally focused on his lover that he wasn’t aware of the child until steve brought his attention to it. “....”Tony stared at steve for a long moment, the tensing in his jaw saying he wanted to throw a fit of epic proportions at this decision, but willing to let it go for the moment. “Fine. Anything need taken care of here?”He said looking worried, twitching a little and it was obvious he was so anxious that he was locking down his emotions in order to simply deal.
James had taken to beating the shit out of any punching bag he could get his hands on. he'd even managed to break two of Tony's so called 'indestructible' punching bags. Gabe was just doing his best to keep Sarah calm and Jas happy. Steve smiled sheepishly at Tony and tightened his hold on the child, who in turn, clung tighter to Steve. "no. nothing. the other Agents are taking care of everything." he promised Tony as he carefully gathered the child in his undamaged arm. it was bigger than a baby, but barely so. a toddler then, three, maybe five if it was a smallish child. "they where running experiments on the children." he explained. "this little guy was the only one who survived..." Steve explained softly. "problem is... he wasn't 'born'...." Steve admitted, swallowing thickly. "he was grown. like a plant..." he admitted. "and then tortured with experiments. he's traumatized and when he gets scared he tends to... well he sort of... explodes." he admitted with a sheepish smile. "he's the one that... well, did that." he admitted, indicating the massive hole that had once housed the building. "Loki's son, Nari, has been recovered too." he admitted softly. "from what i understand. they took Genetic samples from Nari, mixed it with human DNA and grew Adam from it." he admitted. "i haven't gotten a word out of him yet. he's scared stiff...."
Tony nodded tightly, way to locked down to be dealing in any possible way, you just knew there was a explosion waiting on the other side of this, sometime. “Good. Let’s get you two to the tower. James is waiting in the plane for you two.”Tony sighed as he got them both to the plane, swallowing thickly. “Oh...that’s..”Tony swallowed glancing at the whole before nodding. “Good. We’ll make sure they’re taken care of.”Tony said even as the suit unfolded around him. “Go on, get in the plane, I’ll see you back at the tower. I’ll go make sure there isn’t anything he can get into in the bedroom.”Tony muttered even as he took off, even if he was desperately needing to cling to steve, he was emotionally removed because he couldn’t deal with the idea of a kid, or that he’d been missing, or anything really. So he did the simple thing of assuming that the kid was staying attatched to steve for the near future, and returned home to make sure everything was toddler safe.
Steve nodded a little. "okay. Tony? thank you." Steve whispered. "i love you." he promised before heading to the Plane. when they got back, Adam had allowed the Blanket to be, mostly removed. it was still wrapped around him, like it was some kind of Cloak, but his clear silver eyes where now visible, as was his very strange mechanical hood. there where earmuffs over his pointed ears, protecting overly sensitive ears from the loud noises, while not hindering the smaller noises. there was a metal, thing, wrapped around the back of his neck that hung unhooked in the front. apparently it was attached to the earmuffs and controlled how tight they where and how much sound they let through. Adam's hair was as white as snow, but what really stood out was the four thick horns that poked out of the white hair and through the hood. he was one freaky looking kid, especially when his fingernails where more like claws and had teeth that where clearly more suited for meat than anything else, and no bellybutton to speak of. he stood, clinging to Steve with a thumb stuffed in his mouth, staring up at Tony with clear eyed innocence. Steve on the other hand, still looked like Steve and a lot of his injuries had healed on the three hour flight. "Adam? why don't you go with James to get some dinner?" Steve offered, nudging the child to James who gathered the 'little freak' up into his arms and headed off to get a few steaks made up as Steve examined Tony. "we'll head down to your lab. you can yell at me then, okay?" he offered, smiling sheepishly at Tony.

(this is what Adam Looks like, only he's older in this picture because i couldn't find a good toddy pic.)
“Welcome. Love you to.”Tony said smiling slightly, as he left. Pausing to look at the kid as him and steve walked in, looking him over, his eyes going to the hood, for the moment the genius utterly derailed at the sight of the protective gear, not even realizing adam was staring at him, simply looking at the new toy he wanted to paly with .”James, don’t forget to tell Sarah that Steve’s home. Otherwise she might casterate us or something unpleasant.”Tony said vaguely before snappign out of it when adam was out of sight, looking at steve. “...Okay.”He sighed softly as he headed down to the lab, swallowing hard as the door shut behind him, barely soundproofing the door before he blew. “What the fuck are you thinking, Rogers?!?Seriously!one abnormal awesome kid was more then enough to have in the tower at once.”
Steve smiled at him and James chuckled as Adam simply stood there and sucked his thumb. "i will." James promised before chattering away at Adam, who made no sound at all. Steve just followed Tony down, arm still in the sling because his arm still hurt like a bitch. he flinched when Tony blew and offered no explanation until Tony was done screaming at him. it took a while. "Adam has nowhere else to go Tony. you think he'd be safe in some normal household? the Government would experiment on him, Hydra did experiment on him. Shield is still full of Hydra spies. what else was i supposed to do?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "it's not as if WE have to be the ones to raise him, Phil and Clint have been thinking about Adopting, and Bruce would make a great father." Steve admitted, even though he knew Tony wouldn't let the others raise a child who so clearly needed special help. "and i'm sorry i didn't tell you. things went to hell pretty damn fast. i was buried for a full day and by the time i dug myself out, the only thing left was those freaking lizards and Adam." he admitted. "i had to fight the lizards and then dig out Phil and Clint. i called you as soon as i knew i could." he admitted. "i'm sorry i scared you." he admitted. stroking Tony's cheek. "i'm sorry i worried you."
Tony growled as he slumped into his chair, sighing softly. Because this was hard for him, to know that there was a child that needed help, when all he wanted to do was get him away from him, since he knew a child would be nothing good for him. “...No. He wouldn’t.”Tony huffed sounding utterly annoyed at having another kid around, especially when he knew he was going to utterly fail at being a father, utterly knowing this was going to be going. “....I told you you should have let me go with you.”He muttered huffing a little, turning his head a little into steve’s hand, closing his eyes as he leaned into the other. “Wasn’t scared for you.knew you were okay.”he muttered, not even able to now, admit that he’d been utterly scared.
Steve smiled a little. "it's going to be fine Tony. i promise you. you'll make a great Grandpa." he promised. "you think i or James would let you neglect or be cruel to a child?" he asked, smiling. "i know your worried about becoming your own dick of a father but that will never happen." he promised, kissing Tony's forehead well aware that they where going to have to let Alex come back up with Johnny sooner or later so Tony could face up to actually having a blood family that didn't hate his guts. "yes. i know. but it was supposed to be empty!" he complained. "we never anticipated it being full of people, nor the fact that there was a living bomb in there. i still don't know how he managed to explode and not, you know... explode." he admitted with a huff. "you where worried. you wouldn't have screamed at me otherwise." he teased as he gave Tony a kiss. "now. are you okay now?" he asked, looking worried. "are we okay now?"
“,,,Yea, well tell that to Sarah wehn her kid’s first word is fuck.”Tony muttered sighing quietly as he stared at the floor, looking like a utterly lost child as he sat in the rolling chair, sighing quietly as the other kissed his forehead, “You can’t be sure about that.”He muttered sighing quietly before smiling a little. “Well this will teach you to assuem things. Next time you’re goign with backup. Lots. And I might be able to figure that...or maybe bruce will...or loki.”Tony muttered looking thoughtful before making a face. “I was screaming because you brought a brat into the tower, not cause I was worried.”She muttered before nodding, closing his eyes as he leaned more into the other’s hand as he kissed him back, going utterly relaxed, realizing that the man was indeed okay. “We’re okay. You’re not upset at me with for yelling?”He muttered, fretting.
he chuckled a little. "having a filthy mouth doesn't make you a bad role model. just look at James!" he pointed out. "and i can be sure of that. you are not, and NEVER will be your father." he stated sternly. "if, for no other reason than because you know how not to behave." he admitted. "Me and James will help you the rest of the way." he admitted, giving him another kiss. "you where screaming because you where worried." he corrected. "nah. i like it when you yell at me. it get's me all hot and bothered." he admitted with a grin. "you look all sexy when your pissed off." he admitted with a chuckle as he kissed Tony again.
“Hm, that’s true. It still amuses me that sarah’s first word was bastard.”Tony snickered a little looking at quiet, swallowing hard. “I will never be my father.”he muttered trying to sound sure about that before nodding, kissing the other back.”If I can’t trust myself, I do trust you two.”he muttered before grinning, “It does does it?”He smirked tugging the man down into his lap, kissing him again. “I should get pissed more often.”

“dad?”Sarah said knocking on the glass, jas in her arms, the super soldier looking anxious, having listened to james in giving the two time to talk, but her anxiety about making sure for herself that he was okay, finally getting the better of her.
he grinned. "it is really amusing." he agreed with a chuckle. "that's right. you will never be your father." he agreed, kissing him again. "good. you should trust us." he agreed with a nod. "we're always right." he admitted with a grin as he let Tony tug him down, kissing him back. "not too often, it upsets James." he admitted with a smile. "are you going to fuck me Sir?"

James looked up and smiled, motioning her to come in. "Sarah. come in. this is Adam. Steve rescued him. he's going to be living with us." James explained as he carefully tugged the small child out from behind his legs. "Adam? this is Sarah. she's my daughter. she's going to be your big sister." he explained with a smile. "and the little one there is James. but we usually call him Jas." he explained to the frightened and shy toddler, who stared at her with those big Silvery yellow eyes, thumb still lodged in his mouth before, lo and behold, he finally spoke. "i'm Adam and i'm Fwee years ol." he introduced before lodging his thumb in his mouth again and hiding behind James legs once more while James praised him for being so very polite.
“Tony smiled a little, snickering slightly. “Hm, always?”He teased amused hands absently groping the super soldier in his lap, smirking. “Not to often.”he promised before nodding. “I think I will. You need punished for worrying me.”

“Hey.”Sarah smiled a little looking the two over, biting his lip.”You promise dad’s okay?”She asked before smiling a little at the child, “Hello Adam.”She said gently, her voice soft and quiet, not wanting to upset him. “You hungry adam?My boyfriend is making dinner. Do you want something?”She said smiling quietly at the babe in her arms, fussing over the child as he fussed. trying to not worry to much about being good, to nervous and worried about failing as a mother, to be totally relaxed. the last days showing in her face, the strain of worrying about steve and the others, along with sleepless nights with a newborn was showing
"Always." Steve agreed with a chuckle as he kissed Tony deeply. "oh yes. i need punished. just be careful of my arm." he ordered with a chuckle. "it's broken in like, six places." he admitted. "so i'll probably have to lay on my back while you do all the work, you can manage that right?"

James smiled. "Steve's fine." he promised her. "his arms broken in several places, but other than that he doesn't even have a scratch anymore." he admitted as he gently patted the boys hair. "Adam has very sensitive ears, that's why he has the earmuffs on." James explained. "you don't have to speak too gently, if it get's too loud, his earmuffs cancel out the noise." he admitted. "Hungry." Adam agreed, offering her a smile, even if he refused to come out from behind James legs. "Chicken?" Adam asked hopefully. "here." James ordered, setting his hands on her shoulders. "what has you so upset? what's wrong?" he asked, frowning a little. "Sarah? what is it?"
Tony paused looking up at the other, biting his lip a little. “...Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, I don’t want to hurt you.”he said gently stroking the other’s back, worried for him.

“Good. At least that’s not to bad.”She said looking worried before smiling at adam, “So, how long is it going to take tony to want to redesign those?”she smirked a little amused before nodding as she spoke in her normal voice, not worried about hurting him anymore. “Okay, we can have chicken. That is the one thing gabe can cook.”She smiled before sighing as james gripped her shoulders, looking down at jas. “...what if...I’m not cut out for this?For being a mother.”
Steve smiled. "i'll be fine." he promised. "i want it. please Tony. i need you." he admitted. "for a moment i... i wasn't sure i was ever going to see you again. i need you inside me. just don't lean on my arm, or touch it and i'll be fine. you know i don't feel pain the same way you do. it's barely an annoyance."

James nodded. "not so bad." he agreed. "and he already wants to. despite having a fit about Steve bringing him home." he admitted with a chuckle. "Chicken!" Adam agreed happily. James just smiled at her. "oh Sarah. what a silly thing to think." he teased, kissing her forehead. "your already a glorious mother." he promised her. "haven't you been learning braille just for him? so you can teach him? haven't you been learning how to employ the use of Echolocation to better help him move around?" he asked, stroking her hair. "you've done more than most parents would ever dream." he admitted. "you are a wonderful, brilliant perfect mother." he admitted with a smile. "you will be perfect for Jas. because you love him, accept him, and adore him." he promised.
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