The Asset (Avengers) Moon/Lady

Steve just shook his head. "not even on your deathbed." he stated simply. wondering how long it would take Tony to realize what was under his Dress Greens. he knew Tony would love it, that was really all that mattered.

"i will." he agreed. "i'm not so good with emotions either actually... Steve will talk to him." he decided before he smiled. "you've never looked more amazing." he admitted. "Love does wonders for your appearance, but the dress certainly helps too." he teased with a chuckle. "not that you weren't always so beautiful."

"hi." he whispered, eyes wide, voice small. as if he was amazed this was really happening and loving every second of it. "you look so beautiful." he admitted. "Clint's getting all kinds of pictures, so i'll have blackmail material on you later... so long as i don't pass out. i really hope i don't." he admitted before looking up at TJ, startled. wasn't this supposed to be long and boring? or had he somehow missed all of that? "i do."
“Good.One of you need to.”Natasha smiled a little before tilting her head, making a face at the teasing. “Well, you look very handsome, even if your always handsome.”She teased back.

Natasha smiled at doug, making a face. “I don’t know what your talking about. This is not blackmail.”She snickered a little amused because she knew that she was going to hear about this for years about how she was in a dress. Squeezing his hand. “You wont pass you.” “Don’t look so surprised. Natasha asked for the traditional version of a russian wedding, short and sweet. Sorta like you.”TJ muttered his small leer just begging to get smacked for the short joke. “Natalia, do you take Douglas to be your lawfully wedded husband, no matter what stupid insane things he does, and promise to keep him safe and maybe threaten his life every once in awhile, just because he enjoys it?”TJ being tj, was incapable of not teasing Doug once he knew the man wasn’t going to fall over. “I do.”Natasha smiled. “Now. You may kiss the bride. Kiss now, screw later.”TJ warned.
he had to chuckle. "i am, aren't i?" he asked with an impish grin before handing her off to Doug and taking his place.

Doug smirked a little. "you, are in a dress. i'm sure i can work that into blackmail somehow." he admitted before he offered TJ a sharp glare. "don't forget that i can electrocute you anytime i please now. keep up with the short jokes and i'll taze your scrawny pubescent ass." he sighed as TJ continued on and shook his head. "i hate you." he complained to TJ before he smiled as he pulled Natasha into a dip and kissed her furiously. "well... TJ's not allowed to marry people anymore." Phil stated simply as Clint sniggered. "weirdest, wedding, ever."
“I can melt you to, eelboy.”TJ huffed a little making a face at his twin before sputtering. “Pubescent? I don’t look that young!”He sputtered before grinning at the two kissing before slanting a glance at Phil.”Why not?It was what she wanted. Short and awesome, and really, they should have known better then to let me marry them.”TJ grinned poking clint a little as he shooed the kissing couple away before looking at the three men standing in front of him.”Now, you three are already dressed for a wedding, and I’m a minister today.”He smirked, nearly laughing out loud at the utter panic that twisted Tony’s features as he sputtered something about going to check on the reception party.
he smirked. "you do. makes me wonder about the kinds of perverts you're falling into bed with tonight." he admitted as Phil snorted. "just because i like them young." he Fey complained, looking amused. because even the oldest human on earth was 'young' to Phil. "TJ! Don't pick on Tony!" James snarled, glancing at Steve who sighed and followed after Tony, taking the man's hand. "Tony? you know TJ was just being a dick, right?" he asked gently. "me and James. we know your not ready for a step like that. hell, i'm not ready for a step like that and i KNOW James goes a little terrified at the idea of being trapped in a marriage even if he does love us both to pieces." he admitted. "when we're ready, maybe we'll discuss it again and if we're never ready, then we just won't have to get married. we don't need that to prove we love each other." he promised. "and i wouldn't expect complete loyalty from you or James either. not when you both still like women." he admitted with a smile. "so long as you don't fuck other men, and let me watch, i don't see why you can't keep seeing a woman from time to time." he admitted before he shook his head. "that sounded bad. i'm sorry, i'm terrible at this..."
“Hey!My perverts are awesome and amazing, and don’t make it sound creepy!”TJ whined amused as natasha just laughed. Tilting his head at james, TJ shrugged. “He needed it.”TJ said though he eyed james nervously, trying to see if he was going to get hit or not, anxiety tightening his features. Because while he’d gotten used to the idea james was his father, to many years of being rejected kept him expecting to be turned away from pushing things, for crossing lines.

Tony tensed, startling a little as he paused mid motion in turning on the soft lighting, looking anxious as he looked up at the other man, frowning ever so slightly, ducking his head as he stared down. “I know. I know you don’t.”Tony muttered staring down, a slight frown on his lips as he thought, taking a deep breath, sighing softly. Trying to relax, trying to not be the utterly mess he was feeling. “...You’d let us see other people?”He mused, because he had no desire to see other people, and while he was attracted to women, pepper had messed him up enough to make him leery and unsure. Feeling utterly out of sorts, and having no idea how to say why the idea of marriage freaked out. “You’re not so terrible.”he muttered leaning into him.
Clint just snickered as Doug smirked. "i call it like i see it. and i see it's creepy." he stated simply before watching James warily. the man was still very insane after all and he took Tony's safety very seriously. "...just... don't pick on Tony." James ordered again, slumping a little because he knew Tony needed help. he just didn't know how to give it to him. "...i'm sorry i yelled at you. i didn't mean it." he admitted to TJ. "i'm just upset because i don't know how to help him..."

Steve smiled, the look a bit strained. it always was when he was worried about Tony. "we don't have to be married, Tony. to love each other forever." he promised softly. "of course." Steve admitted. "just because i think breasts are gross and the... lower parts, worse so doesn't mean i would deny you and James their affections." he admitted with a smile. "hell, you two could make a date of it, see who can get the hottest chick to take home for a threesome." he teased, knowing if that ever happened it would end up being a competition between the two instead of a sexy encounter. it would be tons of fun to laugh at later though. "i'm terrible." he admitted with a chuckle. "but i'm pretty sire i just need practice." he admitted.
“Shut up Doug.”TJ scowled making a face at the other. “I’ll try not to.”TJ sighed quietly, tilting his head a little, knowing the other was upset. Bumping his shoulder a little. “Tony has issues with marriage, because he wants so badly to have someone to take care of and to know he’s doing a good job, but his examples of marriage is his parents and my parents, and pepper. He has no...idea how to do this. I’m actually amazed he hasn’t freaked out worse then this before.”Knowing it was because tony was relying on them, trusting them, even if he didn’t trust himself.

“I know.It’s just...I know I’m not good with this.”He muttered shuffling closer to lean into the blond, resting his head on his chest before snickering. “Oh, poor stevie. Girls are just gross to you.”He snickered a little flushing brightly as he considered that.”Oh.Oh.I think I will do that. That would be amusing.”Tony said relaxing a little before kissing the other lightly. “Well,I’m sure you’ll have plenty of practice.”he smiled a little.
Doug sniggered a little. "you called me short. even stevens." James blinked a little. "that's why Tony's so panicked? he thinks he's going to be a bad husband?" he asked, looking really quite horrified. "well... i'll just have to prove him wrong then." he decided. "thanks TJ." he muttered with a smile. "i'm glad your here with me." he admitted. "you and Clint and Doug and Phil and Loki.... i don't think i'd be doing as good as i am if i didn't have the Tower helping me. you and Doug especially. and Natasha." he smiled. "you know... i remember when she was really little. just a baby, still in diapers, i used to rock her to sleep... it was the first time in my memory i ever felt like i loved someone." he admitted softly. " you think... maybe... Tony might...?"

Steve chuckled a little and wrapped his arms around Tony, holding him sight. "they really are." he admitted. "but you and James can still have fun with them." he admitted with a smile. "i'm sure i will. i intend to stay with you for a very long time." he admitted with a smile. "come on, lets finish setting up. and plan a prank on TJ, you like pranking TJ."
“Yea, pretty much. If you haven’t noticed, he really doesn’t like himself.”TJ pointed out. “Welcome.And probably not, and we know I’d be a mess without you guys. Even without burning things, I was a mess. Being with you, is helping. Makes me realize that even I can have family who wants me.”TJ muttered blushing slightly before laughing at the idea of Natasha in diapers. “I was never a baby. I sprung fully fledged into being.”Natasha huffed rolling her eyes at the cute look she was getting from them both. “He might. You could mention it to him.”TJ said calmly, ignoring the look he got from Natasha that promised pain if it blew up in their faces. Well aware of what tony’s thoughts on kids were, she also knew that the billionaire would be amazing as a father....but if it fucked up their relationship right in this moment, natasha was going to kill the pyro for even meddling just a bit.But instead of yelling at him she smiled slightly, “Come on. Let’s go see what tony did to the balcony for the party.”She said heading for the doors the billionaire had disappeared out of.

“Well, we’ll have plenty of fun, and let you watch. It’ll be amusing.”Tony smiled a little before flushing at Steve’s promise, kissing his cheek. “Good. I intend to keep you two around for a very long time to.”He smiled happily before grinning. “I’m going to make him melt something.”Tony smirked as he started finishing up.
James sighed. "honestly? i don't think anyone in this tower likes themselves." he admitted with a shake of his head before he smiled at TJ. "i'm not the only one who wants you, you know. Doug loves and wants you too. and Clint and Phil. i think Phil would propose to you right now if he knew how. apparently faeries do it different than humans do." he admitted. "and he seams to think you wouldn't like a vial of blood taken from your enemies so...." James shrugged. "you where the most adorable baby ever." James stated. "and the first creature that didn't cringe when i touched it." he admitted. "...i don't think Tony would like that." James admitted with a sigh before grinning as he followed her, Doug groaning as he saw the Grin. "'s over the top, isn't it?"

Steve chuckled a little and nodded. "well. considering James would hunt us both down, tie us up and never let us leave his side again if we tried to, i think we're safely together for the rest of our lives." he admitted with a chuckle. "you do realize Natasha is going to kill you?"
“No, not really. Though we’re doing better.”TJ smiled before flushing as he looked at the others, before staring at James.”...Are you serious?Blood?”he said looking a little pale at the idea. While he’d been a addict, and stabbed himself with needles, he wasn’t overly fond of blood. “Clint and him will figure it out. Surely he could do it just like a human.”TJ muttered blushing ever so slightly. “I was not. And I still don’t cringe, and neither does Steve, but I do hope you don’t have pictures. Cause Doug would never let me forget it.”Natasha snickered a little before nodding. “It’s Stark. Of course it’s over the top.”

”Noooo.Natasha loves me. She wont kill me. Besides!She asked for the stars and nature. She can’t yell at me-”Tony grinned despite his good mood stablizing, he was still manic, the excitement of the day still getting to him. “Tony. This is insane. I asked for a hologram of stars. You didn’t have to do all this.” “Yes I did. Totally. Besides. I get to dance with my boys under stars. Total romance there, it’s not all about you, Natasha.”Tony said snickering a little
he chuckled a little. "yeah we are." he admitted with a smile. "it's kind of nice innit?" he asked with a grin and a chuckle. "yes, blood. apparently it's a big thing to the Fey. by offering an enemies blood, you indicate that you will defend them against all things with their own life." he admitted. "but Phil knows you have issues with it, so he's at a loss of what to do." he admitted. "Clint doesn't know either, since he was never... you know?" he asked, looking amused. "maybe you should ask him and save him the headaches?" he asked with a grin before he snorted at Natasha. "if i did Hydra took them away." he admitted with a shrug. "probably burned them too." he admitted. "they wouldn't have wanted to risk me finding them when i wasn't supposed to have any memories of you after all." he admitted.

Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "i think she was expecting pictures and fake grass Tony. not trees growing out of your roof." he admitted, giving them a look. "how in the hell did you get real trees...." he paused. "Phil and Loki?" he asked, looking amused. "actually. being that it's her wedding... yes, it is kind of all about her." Doug admitted, sounding amused.
“It is nice.”TJ girnned before frowning a little, tilting his head.”Ah. I see. Now that makes sense, even if its a little weird.”TJ smirked a little before looking over at James, laughing a little. “Hm, maybe I will.”He said looking thoughtful as they followed. “Good. Well not good, but you know.”Natasha snickered a little.

“Ohhh...she should have known better. And they’re not real. Look. Well one of them is, this is illusion.”Tony said moving to one of the far trees and letting his hand pass through the hologram. “And yes, for the real tree they got it to grow.”He looked amused before shaking his head.”We let her pretend that, but its really all about me.”Tony snickered. “You are amazing Tony.”Natasha snickered shaking his head a little amused before looking at doug as seh slid into the chair tony had gotten them around the table.”Sit. I’m hungry, and you should relax.”She said still worried about him passing out.
he nodded. "it's a cultural thing i guess." he admitted before he chuckled at Natasha. "it's simply what happens." he agreed with a shrug of his shoulders.

"oh, that's really kind of cool." Steve admitted as he ran his hand through the illusions. "it's kind of amazing that we have a real tree in the tower. one that we can't kill for that matter." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head as he patted the tree. "i'm fine now." Doug promised her, smiling sheepishly. "i think it was just everything..." he admitted. "between my parents, finding out James is my father, electrocuting everything i touch ad getting married..." he shrugged and leaned into her. "i love you." he admitted softly.

"Tony! let's dance!" James ordered, looking eager and excited as he swept Tony up into his arms, Steve laughing as James pulled Tony into a slow dance, looking quite happy to finally be dancing with his man.
“It is really cool. You should know by now, I’m a cool kinda person.”Tony snickered a little before nodding, “I’m thinking I might leave the tree there actually. Its fairly cool, and having something like that in the city will be nice.”He said smiling. “Are you sure?”Natasha said looking at him worriedly, before nodding as she realized he was doing okay. “You’ll be okay.”She agreed, pressing a kiss to his cheek.”I love you to, ibusec.”he muttered

Tony laughed as he was pulled into a dance, stumbling a little as he wrapped a arm around the other, closing his eyes as he leaned into him, closing his eyes./”you look happy.”he muttered studying his lover.
Steve chuckled. "will the tree survive right here?" "of course it will. it's a special kind of tree." Phil admitted as he walked up. "there is plenty of earth, Tony dug a place in the tower for it. so long as you feed and water it properly, it will be fine." he assured Steve. "feed?" "just bury an apple or two in the dirt once a month." Phil assured the man. "or a vegetable, she's not picky. a piece of raw meat once a year and she's good as gold. beef preferably." he admitted. "the tree will eat the meat and fruits and grow only for as long as her roots can spread. she won't get much bigger." he admitted. "i already have a contract with the building, no matter the owner, that the tree has to be replanted in a safe location before they can ever tear this building down, even fifty thousand years from now." he admitted. "just to be safe."

"yes, i'm sure." Doug promised with a small, rather sheepish smile. "i love you too. я тебя люблю всем своим сердцем ." he whispered. I love you with all my heart.

James smiled. "i like to dance." he admitted as he danced with Tony. "and i love you, so i like dancing with you most of all."
"See? I told you my tree was cool.if we have any enemies though,i might feed the tree them...might feed them doom.tony said thiughtfully smiling a littls his mood evened out for the moment.

"...did you get james to teach you that?"she said blushing as she looked at her husband looking amused and happy. Smiling slightly as she watched clint and tj, and tony and james dance she sighed softly."youre brother's going to get hit sometime. "She muttered knowing itd been a close call before. If james really had asked about kids she doubted tj would get away without a bloody nose, from either tony or james.

Tony blushed leaning in to kiss the other, leaning his head against james, sighing quietly."so you dont like dancing with steve?"he teased, but secretly utterly thrilled he was james' favorite dancing partner. Wondering if he'd be able to convince steve to dance later.
Steve chuckled a little. "Tony we are not feeding that poor tree Doom. it might get sick at best. at worst we'll kill the poor thing by poisoning it. leave the body dismantling to James and Natasha." he suggested.

"...yes.." he admitted, flushing a little. "scary as hell it was, but he taught me. and a few other things." he admitted with a smile. "TJ has always been like that. i'm honestly glad he CAN joke around like that now." he admitted. "...for a bit there... i wasn't sure he was going to make it. i was sure he was going to kill himself. a little more 'on purpose' this time." he admitted before glancing at her. "your not talking about him being lippy during our marriage are you? what did he do?"

he chuckled. "i've danced with Steve before." he admitted with a smile. "i kind of remember it, a bit." he admitted. "but i haven't danced with you yet." he admitted. "besides, your my favorite." he admitted with a smile. Steve knew it too. honestly, Tony was Steve's favorite too. not that they didn't love each other, they just didn't love each other as much as they loved Tony.
"...I'm almost scared to know what else he taught you."Natasha snickered a little before smiling, looking at him. "That's true. I think everyone thought he was going to do it on purpose.....good thing he came to new york when he did. He found the people he needed to recover with."Natasha said before shaking her head, "No, at least not till the end. He tried to offer to marry Tony to one of the boys. And you know how well that went over....not to mention Jamie likes kids, or at least as a baby. TJ tried to convince him to ask Tony about kids."Natasha said rolling her eyes a little.Tilting her head towards the dancefloor."Would you care to dance, or are we going to let Tony and James be the only dancers tonight?"

"That's good."Tony beamed, so glad that the other remembered more, because every memory he recovered, was a good thing. even if tony wasn't convinced they wouldn't leave him if james remembered everything, it was still a good thing. Flushing brightly as he rested his head against james' shoulder, stepping closer, not really dancing anymore, simply swaying with the other, content to cuddle standing up pretty much.
he grinned. "lots of things." he paused. "i'm not sure they all mean what he said they mean." he admitted. "like сосать мой член means 'apple of my eye." no it didn't. not even close, it meant 'suck my cock'. in the corner Clint was starting to laugh. apparently James had pranked Doug. quite on his own too. "and Я гей, means Heart..." no it didn't. it meant 'i'm gay'. "that's not what those mean Doug." Clint commented, trying, and failing not to laugh. "...i didn't think so." he admitted with a sigh before he smiled at her. "let's go dancing." he agreed, offering her his hand and leading her to the dance floor.

he smiled a little. "they're coming back more often now." he admitted. "whatever Hydra did is starting to wear off... mostly." James still had 'episodes' but they where much more rare now. the more upset he was, the more he tended to have them, and since he was happy and content, episodes where few and far between.
Natasha's eyes widened at his words, biting his lip to keep from laughing in his face before starting to giggle a little, smirking. "No, no they don't mean that....and never say that to tony, he might try to actually suck your cock just to see what you do."Natasha snickered stealing a kiss smiling as she took his hand, smiling as they started to dance.

"Good.Hydra doesn't get to keep any part of you. Everything belongs to me and the pipsqueak."He teased a little, before leaning back to look up at the other man. "I'm sorry...I've been weird.It's not you guys."He muttered reaching up and tugging gently on dark hair, running his fingers through it. looking utterly content and for once, utterly relaxed.
he stared at her in utter horror when she revealed what he'd said. "....i'd kill him, but i don't think it's possible." he admitted with a whine as he danced with her. "it's not nice for him to play pranks on his favorite son." he complained, pouting because he knew James liked them both the same, he just paid more attention to TJ because TJ needed it more. didn't mean he wasn't going to tease people about it. "we get to keep that dress right? because i've never seen you look so beautiful... well except for when your kicking Clint or Tony's asses in the ring." he admitted with a grin. "but i think lust and drop dead awesome hotness is a bit different from beauty." he admitted with a chuckle.

he smiled. "they never had any part of me." he admitted. "i just didn't realize it." he admitted. "even when i didn't remember, even when i was fully and completely under their control, they never had me. i was always rebelling in some way, some form or fashion even when they didn't realize it." he admitted. "it's okay Tony. you have issues. so do me and Steve. you think Steve doesn't do weird things? haven't you noticed how he sneaks out in the mornings sometimes? it's because he feels bad about taking your time away from me. stupid asshole." Steve didn't sneak out often, and he always left a note stating that he couldn't sleep and had gone for a run, but James knew better. Steve hadn't tried to sneak out in over a week now. so clearly he was getting better about it.
“Not to mention if you did, Tony would kill you, then I’d have to kill Steve in revenge just to get back at someone, and it would be a whole huge mess of blood and death.”Natasha snickered as she kissed him lightly.”But if you ask really nicely, I might suck your cock.”natasha muttered laughing softly. “You are the favorite when you’re being pranked. You might notice TJ doesn’t get pranked.”She pointed out, knowing it was mostly cause james wasn’t sure how tj would take that yet. “Hm, of course. Clint already said I did.”He smiled kissing him, before snickering.”Yes, yes I think there is a difference. In fact, you look even hotter then normal, being htis happy and content instead of just being at the white house.”

“You always were a rebel. Always.”she smiled nuzzling him a little before frowning, looking up at the other tilting his head.”...Really?I thought he was just going for runs. He does weird stuff liek that.”Tony frowned even as he pulled away, looking around for his other super soldier, pointing at the blond before gesturing him over.
he snorted. "i'm sorry hun, but i don't think your capable of killing Steve." he admitted before fighting back a blush and a boner at her promise to suck his cock. "you unholy tease." he complained, shaking his head before he snickered. "James isn't sure he can prank TJ." he admitted. "TJ's never had a father figure and James has never been around someone as broken as him, so he's not wholly sure how to act around Teej other than to smother him with affection." he admitted with a grin before his smile softened and he nodded. "i am happy." he admitted. "happier than i've ever been in my entire life..." he admitted. "oh. and our marriage is being 'leaked' to the press tomorrow so be prepared for that." he warned. "my biggest question is, do i go for the truth or make up some hellish lie to get even with those bitches?"

he smiled a little. "he does go running. just until his mind clears and he stops thinking stupid things." he admitted before pausing, wondering if he'd caused a problem. Steve was watching his boys dance with a grin and headed over as soon as Tony crooked his finger, swooping down to kiss him, a chuckle leaving Steve's throat. "you and James look so hot when you dance." the blond admitted. "my turn to dance." he decided, James giggling.
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