The Asset (Avengers) Moon/Lady

he nodded. "she was a bitch but if she had given TJ the love he craved... he would be the worst nightmare on earth." he admitted as he dragged a hand through his hair and shuddered. "James doesn't know yet, Tony is going to tell him in the next few hours i'm sure." he admitted. "Bud and Elaine certainly know. being that they had to sign the paperwork to receive Jame's Sperm. as for TJ, he doesn't know yet. about anything, i was hoping you would tell him." "i'll tell him myself, he'll take it better from me." Doug agreed. "but you should be there to comfort him..." he suggested as he leaned into Natasha, closing his eyes. "why are we exhibiting signs now?" "we think it's because of the exposure to the rest of us. Loki said that those with the serum emit certain energy frequencies. we think those frequencies woke up the Serum in TJ and you because of all the time you've been spending with those who share that frequency."

he shook his head. "i was a terrible father. i used to cut her, when she messed up. i called them 'stripes'. the worse she did the more stripes she got." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "she broke her arm once, falling wrong and i cut her thirteen times and wouldn't let her see the doctor all day." he closed his eyes. "they had to re-break her arm so it could heal straight the second time." he admitted softly. "i was a horrible father... and no, she's not mine by blood." he promised. "her mother and father where my superiors at one point." he admitted. "that's why i was given her, she was hand picked because of her special breeding." he admitted as he followed them out into the hall, checking on TJ first, agitated that Loki was there instead of Phil or Clint until he saw Clint coming back with steaming mugs of Hot Chocolate. "Doug's upstairs. we're going to let TJ sleep before we tell him." Clint explained softly. "Doug's not taking it well."
“He would have been.”Natasha shuddered a little at the idea pressing a kiss to his forehead before looking at phil, sighing quietly. Worried about how james was going to handle things. “He’s going to need comfort.So do you. And sleep.”Natasha muttered gently stroking his hair before nodding, “Even with TJ being friends with Cap and Tony, he hasn’t been with them for as long as he has now. He’s living with them instead of simply visiting, and with everyone else to..”Natasha shrugged a little, sighing softly.

“I father once broke my arm and refused to take me to the doctor’s because I cried that it hurt. You didn’t know better James, you were teaching her how to survive. Mine did, and was still a bastard.”Tony sighed softly kissing his forehead before relaxing, “Good. Remember to tell Doug that. Don’t want him worrying he’s marrying his sister.”Tony muttered smiling a little, looking worried as the man grew agitated at the sight of TJ with loki, before looking up at CLint. “Good. He needs the sleep.”Tony muttered mentally cursing. If doug wasn’t doing well, it was going to kill tj/
Doug just sighed and nodded. "i am so tired." he agreed, world weary and exhausted. "we'll all help him." he promised. "i already asked Loki to sweep the entire Tower for drugs." he admitted. "and found some. its really old though." he admitted. "i think it actually belonged to one of the workers who was fired." he admitted, holding out a dusty packet that had some capped needles and rocks of some sort. "it was hidden under a loose floor panel but it was all i could find." Loki admitted. "as long as we keep TJ in the tower, he can't get high." he admitted. "Clint's back with TJ and James and Tony where just up checking on him, they're headed down if you want to talk to them." Loki admitted.

James growled a little at the idea of Tony being hurt before he shook his head. "i was training her." he stated softly. "i made her into a killer just because that's what my superiors wanted." he admitted. "it was wrong of me then, and it's wrong of me now." but he couldn't change that, and Natasha seams to have forgiven him at least. "Doug's still downstairs if you want to talk to him." Clint admitted as Loki vanished into thin air.
“We’ll go to bed, ibusec.”She muttered stroking his hair, worried about him. “Good. At least that means he hasn’t gone and tried to get his own. We’ll keep him from doing that. He’ll be okay.”Natasha muttered before looking down at Doug.”You want to?”She mutered.

“You trained her well, and she loves you for it....I mean, if you tell her you wish you hadn’t, she’d probably kill you with her thighs or something. She likes being who she is... No matter how badly it was both had to live the lives you did, to get to this point.”He said looking anxious, feeling utterly out of his depth, gently tugging on james arm as he wrapped a arm around the taller man’s waist, snuggling into him. “You’re going to teach them to fight, for their own protection. It’s okay Jamie.”He muttered before looking at james, nudging him.”Come on. We’ll go say goodnight to doug, then let everyone get some sleep.”
James snorted a little. "good point." he admitted with a chuckle. "i did train her well." he agreed. "she is one of Shield's best agents because of the work i put into her... she was always an eager student even if i did hurt her a lot. she was always back on her feet, bouncing about waiting for the next lesson." he admitted with a fond smile before that smile vanished. "i never got to do that with Doug and TJ..." ah, there was the upset that they had been looking for. he shook it off and smiled as he followed Tony. "okay."

he chuckled. "i will, i promise kotyonok, i won't stay up much longer." he promised. "i want a cup of Cocoa first." he admitted as he carefully blew on his hot mug, Loki chuckling. "you let him call you Kitten?" he asked, looking amused. "mmm. she's soft, cute and cuddly... but will claw your face off if you annoy her. Kitten is a good fit." he admitted, eyes glittering with amusement. "...we probably should. i can't imagine James is handling this any better than i am." "...actually, he's insane, so he's doing fairly well." Steve admitted as he walked in, looking just as tired as poor Doug did. "this is a mess huh?" "there's no mess." James stated, looking confused at the clean counters and floor.
“Exactly. And she still is a eager student, even if she sulks when you still put her on her back in a fight.”Tony teased a little before smiling quietly, looking worried as he hugged the other tighter, simply snuggling into his side, “Not as children, no. But they’re young still, and you can teach them now. You promised TJ fighting lessons remember?”Tony smiled kissing his shoulder as they headed downstairs.

“Good.”Natasha nearly purred in happiness that he wasn’t going to insist staying up longer before raising a eyebrow at loki. “If you call me kitten again, I’m going to claw you up, frostboy.”She warned making a face. “Better then any of the rest of us really.”Tony said tilting his head a little before busting out laughing at james words, to worried and anxious to not find the other’s confusion amusing, calming down quickly “No, he means a mess of a when a mission goes wrong?Instead of a actual physical mess.”
he chuckled a little. "she has grown soft and lackluster. it is good for her to have a challenge." he admitted. "...what if they don't want me?" James asked, conflicting emotions etched into his face, as if he wasn't actually sure what he really wanted. "he did ask for fighting lessons." more like Jame had ordered them, but what did that matter?

Loki just smirked. "Doug calls you Kitten." he protested. "i give her everything she wants, it's my honor for serving her." Doug admitted with a grin that he hid behind his cup. "...are we on a mission?" James asked, looking baffled before he shook his head. "never mind." he muttered as he examined Doug, a bit worried. "you don't look well." "i'm just tired. i had a lot to do the last couple of days. not to mention handling the emotional upheaval of finding out my mother is an evil bitch who was raising me to take over her place of Anarchy.... i'll be going to bed as soon as i've finished my Cocoa." "...what's that?" James asked, moving forward to examine Natasha's cup before swiping it and taking a sip. "...i like this, i'm keeping it." Loki snorted and Steve snickered.
“They’ll want you. They already like you.”Tony reassured, pressing a kiss to the other’s cheek, looking worried.

“Yes, he does. You don’t get to.’Natasha said primly. “No but...never mind.”Tony huffed a little making a face before smiling slightly, as he looked at doug worriedly. “...You are not that anti-Christ Doug, don’t be so dramatic.”he teased at the idea of doug taking over the place of anarchy, smiling as he got some cocoa for himself, sipping it a little. “Hey!Jamie!That’s mine. Give it back.”Natasha demanded sulking a little. “You should share, Nattie.”Tony smirked squirming away as she looked at him threateningly, “Oh hey, here’s some for you.”Tony said sliding another cup at her. It was so amusing that natasha scared tony that much, even if he knew that she really wouldn’t kill him, it was still scary.
he rolled his eyes. "Anarchy, Tony. is what happens when my mother completely destroys the American system. Anarchy is a state of existence where there is no government, no rules, no laws and no control. it is during that state that people like Hitler, and Hydra come in and take over." Doug stated simply. "the Anti-Christ doesn't have anything to do with it." "Clint says that Anarchy is one of the ways in which the Anti-Christ attempts to subvert, control and contain human populations when he starts his rise to power." "i am so glad i'm not Catholic." Doug admitted. "nope, it's mine now." James stated simply, taking a few more sips. his tastes had progressed to sweets. mostly chocolate, and cake. he really liked cake, and pastries with fruit fillings. he didn't much like candy really. "don't call her that." James ordered. "she hates it. call her Natalia if you really must shorten her name. or Nat." James suggested. "Natalia don't threaten Tony when you know he can't stop you from breaking his limbs." he ordered, sounding so much like a peacekeeping father it kind of threw Steve for a loop before realizing that James had always talked to Natasha like that. even when he couldn't remember her.
“I know that.I’m not stupid.”Tony pouted a little snickering a ltitle “So glad I’m not religious. This is amusing.”Natasha smiled a little watching them, glad that seeing james and talking seemed be calming the man. Really worried about how TJ was going to react./ “Fine. If you must have it.”Natasha rolled her eyes in amusement though before smirking at james words, amused as Tony simply stared at him. “Fiiinnnee. Nat.”Tony pouted a little snickering silently, amused that james sounded so much like a father. Even if not his own father, he knew james was sounding like one. “Just because you’re sleeping with him, doesn’t mean I should have to be nice to him.”natasha pouted, though she sounded more amused then acctually threatening or annoyed.
Doug shrugged. "sometimes i'm not sure about that." he admitted as he drained the last of his Cocoa. "i'm atheist myself." he admitted as he yawned. "i think TJ is of a godly persuasion though." he admitted. he was feeling much more calm now that he'd spoken to James, who was clearly wanting to be there, but didn't want to crowd either. "Natalia. if you aren't nice to my boyfriend, i won't let you marry my son." James warned, his eyes glittering playfully as Steve started choking on his hot cocoa, clearly trying hard not to laugh. Doug wasn't trying anything, he was just laughing. before he froze, his eyes wide. "wait... shit. Nat he's your father isn't he? does that mean..." "incest? no. James already promised us Natasha isn't related to James by blood. your fine." "oh thank god..."
“Hey!Don’t insult me. You are staying in my tower, Hammond. Or is it Barnes?Or can it be stark?I mean, I’m totally going to be the world’s best step dad...” “Oh gods, don’t start. You’re going to be hyper.”Natasha rolled her eyes pressing a kiss to Doug’s head. “He is. Which is confusing to me.”Tony pointed out knowing tj had issues with god, even if he wouldn’t admit to what he felt about the religon he’d been raised in, as it brought out so many other issues.”....You have to let me marry him. As you want to walk down the aisle.”Natasha huffed a little smirking, before pausing, staring at Doug for a moment, starting to freak out. “No, we promise. No incest, no matter what your fans might like some days. Though in that case, it’s TJ not natasha they want to pari you with....” “Oh gods, you read some of the fanfiction?” “Yes. It freaked TJ out, he made me read some one just to show how freaked he was.”Tony smirked a little.
"he can be whatever he wants to be." "i'd rather be Barnes." Doug stated quickly. "i don't want to share a name with that evil bastard and i am NOT sharing my name with Stark..." he stated simply. "he's already hyper." James and Steve chorused, looking amused. "TJ was raised to believe in God as a real person. so was i actually." Doug admitted. "although, it's probably Hydra they where talking about." "yes." James admitted. "it's a faith thing. fanatical soldiers who believe they are serving God would eagerly and willingly surrender their lives to the Holy Cause." James admitted. "it never took hold on me, though i worked on Natalia until she was ten or so." he admitted. "then she saw her first bloodbath and i guess she didn't believe anymore." he admitted as he watched them. "...i don't Have to." he reminded Natasha. "i could just go bury him in the backyard with a breathing tub until you behave." Doug had gone pale. "....i have a psychotic madman for a father..." "well. that explains you." Steve teased. "what's Fanfiction?" Steve and James asked in unison.
“Hey!There’s nothing wrong with being a Stark.” “Yes there is. Hell, tony I’ve seen the paperwork where you legally changed your name to Cerrera.”Natasha said primly, smirking at the gaping billionaire who had thought no one beyond his legal team knew that he’d changed his name to his mother’s birth name instead of stark.”...Am not. I’m perfectly calm.”Tony frowned at the two super soldiers. “It’s a good thing TJ went for religon and not hydra...that’s a scary thought.”Tony muttered realizing the same thing doug and natasha had. TJ would have been their worst nightmare to deal with if he’d truly believed. “...No you can’t. Well I mean you can, but I know where your boytoy sleeps. Threatening Tony until you behave is equally as likely as threatening doug. Not to mention Steve. He has a thing about hitting girls, I could totally do something to him for you to behave.”Natasha said primly, smirking at her father. “You as a psychotic for a wife to there, Doug.”Tony smirked a little before staring at steve and james before snickering. “Nothing.”he said not about to show them the enermous amount of fanfiction being written about them, knowing the super soldiers wouldn’t like it.
"at least we can be certain that Howard had never been Hydra... though that would have explained a few things." Steve grumbled before he smiled. "i wouldn't mind being Steve Cerrera." he admitted, James nodding. "James Cerrera sounds pretty nice too." he agreed, Doug snickering again as Tony gaped at them. "very good thing." Steve agreed with a shudder. he was a religious man himself, he went to church every Sunday and volunteered every Wednesday. well, provided there weren't any emergencies or drama. "..." James examined her for a moment and then smirked. "very well done." he praised before he snickered as Doug snorted. "as if your boyfriend is any better." he teased back with a lopsided grin. "i just have one question... am i supposed to let her have the ring now, or wait until the ceremony?" he asked curiously making Steve chuckle. "depends on how much she'll hurt you to have it i suppose."
“No, he was just a bastard.”Tony rolled his eyes a little before staring at the two men, swallowing hard, blinking slowly, twitching a little with the need to run away from the idea of marriage and what that would mean. Shuddering a little as he looked at natasha. “It was well done.”Natasha smirked. “My boyfriend is so much better.”Tony teased though there was a slight edge to it, the man freaking out a little bit, but holding it together. “Just keep it for the wedding. We’re going to have it soon enough.”Natasha said blandly, shrugging as she kissed his cheek. “Going to bed. I’ll see you guys later.”Tony said before walking out, heading for bed before he lost what little stabality his talk with clint had brought him. knowing he had to keep it together to be there for tj.
Steve studied Tony, his head tilted a little. "Tony. relax. that won't happen for a while yet." he promised. "a year or more at least. i'm not a twenty first century kid so getting married in a week sets my nerves on edge." he admitted. "and if we never get married that's okay to. i don't think they allow a man to have more than one husband anyway. not on paper in any case." Steve admitted, looking vaguely amused. "honestly. for people who are so willing to accept that there are aliens and gods, they are really slow on the uptake. did you know that Sif, Thor's friend, has three husbands? they are basically 'kept men' too. they just lounge around and do whatever they want until she gets home and then they dote on her like she's the queen of the world. it's amusing to say the least." "i'm going to bed too." Doug admitted with a sigh. "don't tell TJ anything until i'm awake to help explain it to him." he ordered sternly as he hooked his pinky with Natasha's as he walked out of the room. "Tony?... are you mad?" James asled, looking a bit worried.
“....I’m relaxed. Totally zen.”Tony muttered making a face before snickering. “Humanity as a whole is slow on the uptake...but considering how old the asgardians are, it makes sense they’re more advanced.”Tony pointed out looking amused at the idea of lady sif just having husbands lounging around waiting on her. “We wont.Go sleep.”Tony ordered looking amused as he watched Natasha leave before tilting his head, looking at James, “No. Of course not. Well, at least not at you. I’m pissed with Elaine and Bud.”She shrugged a little before stripping down and pulling on his sweatpants, settling into the bed with a sigh.
Steve snorted. "Tony, the day you go Zen is the day i thank Bruce for drugging your ass." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "we really are a slow and stupid species... though, argument could be taken into account that we're not actually human." he mused. "out of all of us, i think Clint is the only one not human now." he admitted. "and Loki's working on fixing that. maybe that's why weren't not as hateful? do you think that the different versions of the Serum did that? made us more open minded and accepting?" "no. we already where that way. that's why the Serum worked so well with us." James pointed out. "okay." James agreed, looking relieved that Tony wasn't upset as he joined Tony in bed, Steve groaning. "i'm not tired..." the super soldier grumbled. "stupid Serum.... i was exhausted twenty minutes ago!" he grumbled as he settled in for another sleepless night. at least he'd be comfortable and not alone this time.
“...Hey!I can totally zen.”Tony sulked before nodding.”I think so. But it’ll be fixed soon enough.”Tony snickered at the idea, before shrugging. “No, it worked well because we were already accepting.”Tony said smiling a little as Steve groaned, smirking as steve settled in with them.”It’ll be fine. Just rest.”He muttered squirming to get comfortable between his two super soldiers.

In the morning TJ frowned as he looked at the people waiting for him, looking bemused at the sight of Natasha and Doug eating breakfast together, tony and james snuggling in the breakfast nook as steve cooked, and his own boys looking over folders. “Okay. Why do I get the feeling that everyone’s waiting for me?”He asked running a hand over his shorter hair, feeling like he was a teen again who’d been caught doing something wrong as he watched everyone look up at him for a moment.
Steve and James glanced up at TJ and gave him hesitant smiles as Phil and Clint followed in behind TJ. "Teej... we need you to sit down." Doug admitted. "we have some... very disturbing things to tell you and it's..." he shook his head. "it's pretty upsetting Teej..." he admitted, his voice pained. "we found out late last night about some things that... well they make sense now." he admitted as he closed his eyes. "the first is that our Serum is genetic. Elaine has the Serum flowing in her veins, though it is non active... and as for Bud... he was never our father. not by blood. he's completely Sterile. our Blood father is... well it's James actually." he admitted, holding TJ's hand. "that's not all though... Elaine, Bud and Anne are all active Hydra agents. they where training me to be the next president in order to further corrupt and control the American populace and they wanted me to... to 'breed' with Anne for further testing in genetically passing along the Serum." he admitted softly.
“What?What is it?”TJ said looking at the others, looking at the other’s anxiously, sitting down as Doug took his hand, looking so confused and hurt and utterly pissed. “That’s not funny. It’s not.”TJ frowned looking annoyed as he stared at them all, pulling away from doug, “You’re not funny, Doug.”he growled already moving to leave the room, not realizing his feet were leaving slight burn marks as he crossed the floor. “Teej...”Tony called looking worried as he moved to get up, reaching out to catch his arm, wincing as he felt the skin blistering but forcing TJ to stop. “Stay.please.”he said his voice slipping into that quiet dominating tone, knowing TJ would respond to it, letting go once he realized tj had stopped and was staring at them all with wide and panicked eyes, not wanting to believe what he was hearing
"no. it's not funny." Phil agreed. "but this isn't a joke TJ. we got most of this information from Hydra Databases." Phil admitted as he moved over to the other, setting his charmed hands on TJ's shoulders before pulling him into a hug. "we would never lie about this, not ever. you know that." he admitted soflty. "it's okay to be scared. it's okay to be worried. it's okay to be upset, but don't think for one second that this will ever change what a good person you are. will change how much Clint and i, how much Tony and Johnny love you." he promised, Clint hovering close, knowing he would only upset TJ further if he got burned.
TJ twisted to look up at him, the anger shattering as he clung to the other man, burying his face against his chest, shuddering a little. “I-I know.”he said, crying quietly as he clung to him, “Love you guys to.”He snuffled a little, sighing softly. Shuddering a little before turning his head a little to look at james, that quiet vulnerable look, as if he was waiting to be rejected.”Your...really?”He muttered looking anxious, he’d so long wanted to be accepted.
Phil smiled as he rubbed TJ's back, Clint sulking that he couldn't help. considering TJ had just set his shoes and pants on fire though.... "uh... shouldn't we do something about that?" "no." Clint stated. "i wanna see how far up the flames go before he notices." "oh for goodness sake Clint!" Doug complained as he splashed a bit of water on his brother, dousing the flames. "i don't want to see my twins naked ass thank you!" "...but i do!" Clint complained, sulking. "besides, it was hot!" "....worst. pun. ever." Steve declared, all of them hamming it up to try and make TJ smile. James just nodded and hesitated. "i don't like hugs..." he admitted even as he wrapped his arms around TJ. "Your mine now... and even if i wasn't there for you while you where growing up, i'll be there for you now... even if i'm the same age as you and it's really creepy." he promised.
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