The Asset (Avengers) Moon/Lady

he nodded. "it'll be taken care of by tonight Mother. i promise." he assured her. though she probably wouldn't have been reassured if she knew what he was planning. he offered Elaine a smile before he headed off with Natasha. "my mother is a bitch. i know how to read her by now. she's planning something. something big and something bad. and i think it's going to involve TJ." he admitted. "i've always been able to tell her no, it was just easier to do what she wanted." he admitted. "i hope Teej is okay." he admitted, worried. "hell, i'll dance naked on a table again if that will keep the press away from TJ... tht was kind of fun." he admitted with a grin as he kissed her before driving. he stopped in a courtroom and handed her the paperwork she needed to sign. he wanted that done first in case the thing with TJ ran too long to get to a judge before he had to be in front of the press. it took only five minutes for them to be legally married anyway.

Steve snorted. "i thought it was your scientific interest that led tot hat Sex marathon? you wanted to see how long the Serum would keep me cumming." he pointed out before grimacing as he realized TJ was really freaking out. "hand me the phone." Phil ordered, taking the phone. "TJ? yes, it's Phil. listen, your mother isn't coming after you. she thinks your in Shield custody and Doug thoroughly distracted her. she's preparing to be invaded by SI techies and Shield agents so she's very distracted. i think Doug has something big planned for tomorrow too. your safe now." he promised. "have Clint give you a blowjob okay? and then go blow things up with Tony's toys. i love you, it's all going to be alright, i promise." he assured the other before handing the phone back to Tony. "Doug and Natasha are already on their way back to Manhattan."
“I’m sure he is. Clint and Phil will take care of him.”Natasha reassured before smirking at him. “I’d like seeing you dance naked again. That was amusing.”She said before finishing the paperwork, smiling a little, even as she kissed his cheek.”I hope you know though, that despite this being our wedding, we’re going to have a ‘wedding’ later to, cause Jamie will be upset if he didn’t get to walk me down the aisle.”she said, smirking a little because really it was her who was more upset at the idea, but was willing to set aside the small wedding they’d had planned in face of the crisis, it just meant they’d have to have a party later.

“Hm, that to.”Tony snickered a little. Handing over the phone he stared before laughing quietly as he finished getting dressed, looking amused. “well, blowjobs should be distracting.”Tony smiled a little as he nodded.”Good. At least everyone will be out of sight for awhile.”Tony said pleased they wouldn’t have to worry about anyone being left behind before looking at phil as they left. Worried about TJ.

TJ stirred a little from where he was laying on the couch, snuggled up close to clint, having calmed down enough over blowjobs and blowing thinsg up that he’d settled in to nap. Smiling nearly sleepily when he saw everyone walking in, his eyes widened slightly. “...You all rushed back here together?”He said loking startled, wincing as he saw the super twins and tony walking in, hating that he’d messed up their date
he nodded. "i know... and i know." he admitted, grinning as she admitted to being amused at his naked tabletop dancing. "and i know." he promised her, smiling. "you think i don't know that the only time i will ever get you in a dress is on our wedding?" he asked with a smirk. "i just don't want mom to ruin it before we have the chance. she would you know." he admitted, a light growl to his voice. "i'm pretty sure James has no idea what that means." he admitted. "when things are calm again we'll do the whole thing... only smaller. because i don't want the press to be there, you'll kill them in painful ways and get blood on your dress if they do." he admitted with a chuckle.

Phil smiled a little. "very distracting, Clint is very good at them." he admitted. "Doug has to be back in DC in the morning. he's going to give some sort of press release." he admitted. "i'll be taking him myself to offer back up." he admitted as he led them to an Shield Jet that had not been there earlier.

"yes we did." Doug admitted. "though, i took a small detour to get married." he admitted, grimacing as James snarled. "you got married without me!?" "no! i mean, yes, but we haven't had the wedding yet! we just signed papers!" "....oh. alright then." James stated, calm once more, Doug sighing in relief. James scared the hell out of him. "your Otets is frightening Natasha." he grumbled, James smirking. "i had a sex marathon!" James declared, bouncing over to Clint who started to laugh as Steve groaned. "you aren't supposed to TELL people James! didn't i tell you not to tell people!?" "no. you told TONY not to tell people." Steve started cursing and he pointed at Clint. "this is all your fault!"
“Oh, I might consider getting in a dress again, you know, for your birthday or something.”Natasha smirked at him, before laughing.”She would, but I’d like to see her try now, James would love it. He really doesn’t like her you know.”she smiled blushing a little.”he does. He totally does.”She said before smiling. “Okay, so he doesn’t.But it’ll make me happy.”She smiled before grinning at him.”I wouldn’t kill anyone. That’s why we have the super twins and Clint. They’d take care of the press.”

“you what?!”TJ sputtered looking up at him. “It’s okay. We’re married, but we’re still going to have a party and everything, Jamie.”Natasha soothed smiling at the other, before smirking at doug.”You need to learn to stand up to them. I mean, soon you know, you’ll be letting Tony of all people. Scare you.”She teased finding his fear of phil and james amusing. “Hey!I’m very scary already.”Tony sputtered before grinning at James’ announcement. “A sex marathon huh?So did you guys find out the limit of what you can do?”TJ smirked looking up at the man as he bounced closer, laughing at steve’s cursing. “Oh, don’t go blaming clint. If you’re going to blame anyone, blame tony.”
he chuckled a little. "that would be nice. a dress once a year..." he paused. "i'd rather see you in sexy Lingerie." he admitted with a grin. "you know. i didn't notice it until recently how horrible she is. maybe that's why i never stood up to her before." he muttered. "i don't blame him for hating her." he admitted. "everyone hates her." he admitted. "i'll do anything to make you happy." he promised with a smile. "true. but i'm not sure i want to let James loose on people either." he admitted as he opened her door for her, really without thinking.

"as long as i get to give you away." James stated, looking pleased by the idea. "can i give him the shovel talk now?" he asked, examining Doug who paled a little. "Tony can't scare me, i practically grew up with him." he admitted. "besides, why on earth would i stand up to a man who can disembowel me with a toothpick?" "we did! i came fifteen times before my cock fell off." James admitted, looking pleased. "Tony came six! i thought he was going to kill me when i made him the last time." "six! damn Tony..." Doug stated, looking impressed. "i'm lucky to get it up a third time." he admitted, reaching over and picking up a stainless steel cup for some water, a loud sound echoing through the room making James yelp and clap his hands to his ear as Doug stared at the cup, which he had somehow bent when he gripped it. "...Tony. are you playing pranks on me again?" he asked as he tugged his hand loose, leaving five perfect fingermarks bent into the cup. not unlike what James did with his metal hand when he wasn't paying attention.
“Well, as long as you’re willing to sacrifice dresses for lingerie.”Natasha snickered a little before smiling. “Well, you know better now. We’ll be okay.”She smiled a little blushing at his promise, tilting her head a little as he opened the door, amused more then offended as she got out, heading inside.

“You will, don’t worry.And if you want.”Natasha snickered as Doug paled. “Dougie’s getting a shovel talk?”TJ said perking up as he looked up at his twin, snickering a little. “that should scare you more, hammond, I mean, you’ve seen just what I do.”Tony snickered. “Well, he has orders not to hurt anyone unless they hurt him or me first, so I don’t think you have to worry about disbowelment.”Tony mused. “and I was ready to. Six times was nearly painful. Though Steve beat us all at twenty.”He grinned “You have to remember that he’s also on extermis, and the twins are on the serum. Of course their sex life is going to be insane.”Natasha pointed out to doug, kissing his cheek before looking startled as the sound escaped, already reaching for a gun. Wincing as tony reacted like he was wearing teh suit even if he wasn’t, staring at the cup. “....Uh. No.What did you do to the cup?”He stared not believing what he was seeing.
he smirked. "i totally am." he agreed before he nodded. "i do know better. now we just have to get TJ to know better. all he's ever wanted was her approval you know. even when we where kids. she barely ever glanced at him. he was too small, too weak. she put almost every ounce of effort into making me just like her." he admitted with a huff.

"apparently." Doug grumbled as he watched James warily as the man stared at him. " one told me what the Shovel talk was..." James said suddenly, making most of the people there laugh. "the only time i'm scared of you, Tony. is when your in the kitchen." he stated with a roll of his eyes, glad that James wasn't going to be threatening him yet. "Twenty!" Clint gasped, stunned. "Jesus Christ and the Holy Mother of Mary!" Clint stated, stunned before they all stared at Doug who was flexing his hand, confused. "nothing! i just grabbed it!" he grabbed it again but nothing at all happened and Doug frowned. "...Loki prank maybe?" he asked, looking around before shrugging it off. "whatever...." he hesitated and then. "i'm retiring tomorrow."
Tony laughed, bumping his shoulder against James, pressing a kiss to his cheek.”Don’t worry about it. No need for shovel talks right now.”Tony snickered a little before pouting, “I can cook!Don’t let anyone else tell you different.”Tony whined a little. “Yea, he damn near killed us.”Tony snickered. “....Maybe.”Tony frowned looking thoughtful, thinking it wasn’t quite right, but not sure what he was missing either, staring at the cup before startling, looking at doug.”You’re what?” “Retiring. And announcing we got married. Sufficient distraction from what happened with TJ.” “oh...thanks you guys.”TJ stared at his brother and sister in law, looking a little wide eyed, a little amazed that someone was willing to put themselves in the line of fire just for him. He was used to tony and johnny doing it, this was something totally new
James pouted. "but i am her Father... sort of... it's kind of creepy that she's the same age as me now..." James admitted. "i have to give him a Shovel talk... it's the rules!" James complained, sulking a little. "Tony can't cook." James and Steve chorused, flashing grins at each other as Phil moved over to the cup and pocketed it. he had a bad feeling about that too. "i think we'll wait to announce the wedding." he admitted. "until after we have it. i don't want people ruining the best day of my life." he admitted. "we're only inviting friends anyway, though i wouldn't mind inviting my grandmother." he admitted. "i don't exactly have friends from DC to invite, all my friends already live here." Doug admitted with a chuckle. "plus, it'll really give my mother an aneurism to find out, a week after the fact." he admitted. "spreading it out will give TJ more cover too and we can plan in peace. i know we have to plan it, i've seen the movies. cake and candles and colors...." he stared at Natasha and then turned to Clint. "wanna plan our wedding?" "nope, but i'll make Nat's Dress if you want."
“...It is sort of creepy isn’t it?”Natasha snickered. “You can give it to him later, when he’s not expecting it.”Tony smirked a little before frowning at his boys, “Shut up both of you.”he sulked. “Well, hopefully the shock of finding out afterwards, will give her a heart attack and kill her.”TJ muttered smiling slightly smirking at Clint’s refusal to plan. “Don’t look at me.”he ordered his twin, smirking a little. “Oh. Don’t worry. I’ll plan things. Since we’re having it at the tower, I’ve got-” “Tony, stop. You are not planning my wedding, cause if you did, we’d all end up in some high tech insanity thing, and iron man colors. I’ll ask loki.”Natasha said primly. “What?You’re going to ask loki?” “Of course. He’d enjoy it.”Natasha smirked amused that tony looked so put out at not getting to plan. “Fine. Whatever. I’m going back to bed. My sexathon kept me up all night.”Tony whined, and despite having enjoyed the sex, oh gods had he enjoyed himself, the lack of sleep was making him grouchy.
"well... okay." James decided, looking much more pleased that he would get to surprise Doug with it, making Doug pale again. "you don't mean that." Doug admitted to TJ with a chuckle. "she's a bitch but we love her anyway... maybe just have her hospitalized for a few weeks." he offered with a grin before he sulked at his Twin. "Tony can help. you did say you wanted to get married under a night sky. we could have him build one of those hallucinating machines." "illusion." "yeah those. make it look as if we're in space, close to the stars." he mused, winking at her. "that would be awesome wouldn't it?" he knew she loved the stars. "Loki would enjoy it." Doug agreed. "we'll ask him." "ask me what?" Loki asked as he walked in, looking tired. "to plan our wedding." "i want a favor for it." "....i'm not sure i want to give you a favor." "not you. Natasha. she has to owe me a favor for it."
:... No. I guess I don’t.”TJ sighed softly as he rested his head against clint’s chest, emotional wrung out. “I can totally do that!I can give you the night sky even in downtown new york. We’ll have it on the balcony. It’ll be great.”tony said sounding excited at the idea. “Okay, I must admit, that would be cool.”Natasha smiled a little before looking up at Loki. “You okay?”She asked worried at how tired he looked before looking concerned. “What kind of favor?”
Clint smiled as he stroked TJ's hair. "don't worry Teej. you can still love her, even if you hate her. it's normal." Clint promised as he kissed the others forehead. "the Balcony... is it going to be big enough?" Doug asked, moving to examine it. "there's no railings..." he protested, looking a bit concerned about going out into an eighty story Balcony when there where no railings. "i'm fine. i was just..." Loki hesitated and shrugged. "nightmares." he admitted, deciding lying was not worth the effort. "i'll tell you in private." Loki promised her. "it's nothing painful, humiliating or dangerous... well, maybe a little humiliating. oh, here, Phil. you asked me to get this for you." Loki offered Agent a full briefcase. "thank you." Phil stated as he took the briefcase. "it's all the information we've gathered on Hydra." he explained when they looked at him, curious. "i have to decide what is done about what." he admitted. "i'll work on it later."
“Well, considering it’s two floors, and leads up to my private balcony above, yea, I’m sure. It’s just us, and yes there is. It’s just glass. To not block the view, it just looks like theirs nothing.”Tony reassured. “Ah. Okay.”Natasha said looking concerned before nodding as she moved to get up.”Privacy then.”She said curious about what the man could want, before pausing to stare at phil, nodding slightly. “Good. Finding out what is to be done, is a good idea.”She said looking thoughtful before looking at loki. “Come. We’ll talk.”She said heading for the balcony.

“...Cap, you look ready to fall over asleep. Go rest.”TJ ordered squirming to get up, looking worried for his friend,frowning when he got tangled up in his nest of sheets.
he blinked. "what, really?" he asked, craning his head to look out into the balcony a little more. "wow! your right. there is a staircase. i hadn't noticed that." he admitted before blinking as he tried to pick out the glass structures. "well... okay." he muttered as Loki smiled and led her away. "it's not a favor i needed i just needed to get you alone..." he admitted. "you know how Hydra... experimented on you?" he asked, his voice soft. "you give out different energy readings from the typical human. Tony, Bruce, Cap, James... they all have the same kind of every readings... just now? Doug's energy readings changed to match yours..." he explained softly. "and TJ's has been changing for a while now, fluctuating wildly..." he glanced at her. "something is happening and i don't know what. but TJ's started changing as soon as he started hanging out with Phil." he admitted. "i think whatever's happening? being around the energy that you and Phil and everyone else but me and Thor and Coulson emits triggered it." he admitted softly. "i want you to look into their..." he paused, trying to find the right word. "breeding? see if you can't find something that would explain this." he muttered.

"it's okay. it's just from the sex marathon." he promised TJ with a chuckle. "i'll sleep once nat and Loki comes back, Doug looks pretty scared about being left alone with everyone here."
“Yea, like I’d ever have anything small.” “Well, you are dealing with a small dick. Of course your tower is overcompensating.” “TJ, I can still smack you.”Tony growled.

Natasha frowned, tilting her head as she listened before nodding. “I know. It’s similar to James and steve.”She said looking thoughtful before frowning, realizing what the list of people all had in common. They were all people who had versions of the serum, versions that had all tried to recreate erkisine’s genius. “Is it staying where it is?Doug’s I mean?”She asked, wondering why TJ’s was fluctuating all over the place when doug had seemed to snap into place suddenly. “...Yes. That makes sense. A latent talent or whatever, triggered by the oddities we have in the tower.”Natasha frowned before nodding. “I’ll look into it Loki. Might need to tell Phil though, might need to look at those hydra files...”she frowned thoughtfully, worried for her lover and TJ, before swallowing. “We better get inside, before the others start worrying about what you’re asking me.”

“...Doug does, doesn’t he?”TJ snickered studying his twin, smirking a little. “You should get used to it, dougie. You’re going to have alot of time on your hands if you’re not workign.’TJ teased, looking forward to the press conference for once. It was going to be amazing.
Loki nodded. "yes. exactly. from what i understand, every Serum created is the same, more or less. it's just how the body adapts to it..." Loki looked a bit sheepish. "i might have micro engineered replicate Serums from your bloodstreams which i may or may not have borrowed from you..." he admitted smiling ever so innocently. "aside from minor genetic differences, all of the Serum where the same. they simply became altered when in contact to human genetics. just like a cold virus." he admitted. "Doug's energy patters are... bouncing, for lack of a better word. they spike and then recede. he's probably going to start having aches and pains but it won't hurt him as far as i can tell." Loki admitted. "you tell Phil. i don't think he's comfortable around me yet." he admitted. "if anyone asks. i asked you to accompany me to a ball in Asgard." he suggested. "it will be entertaining at least."

"...hush you." Doug ordered TJ, though he looked amused. "besides, i have plans For what i might do." he admitted. "i might open a bookstore or something."
“Like how Tony’s adapting differently to extermis, then pepper did. Or that it’s taking time to settle, where we were changed I’ll have to look into it.”She muttered before laughing softly at his words.”You do innocent so well...I wouldn’t suggest saying that to the other’s though. They might get annoyed with it.”She said smiling a little before frowning, thinking before nodding.”Well, as long as it’s not seriously hurting him...and I’ll talk to phil.”She smiled wondering how to bring that up ebfore laughing. “Hm,I’m sure my husband would love the fact you asked me out.”She teased as tehy headed back inside.

“...You’d be bored with a bookstore. Not enough interesting people.”TJ smiled stretching as he watched the others.”Doug. Go get some sleep. You have to go back to DC in a few hours, go rest.”TJ ordered, as fussy over his twin as johnny and tony got over him sometimes.
he nodded. "Extremis is just another name for the exact same thing. the Serum out of Tony's blood is no different than the Serum from Steve's blood." he admitted. "it's just a few components are off. once Tony stabilized it, it was the exact same Serum." he admitted. "the successes? they are always the same in the end, it's just the human genetics that makes them turn out differently." he admitted. "the way it is introduced into the body also has an effect on how it works..." he admitted. "but i haven't figured that part out yet." he admitted. "i'm very good at acting innocent." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's why it's so hard to tell if it was my fault or not. besides, they didn't even miss a few CC's of blood." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "they never even noticed it was missing." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm sure your husband will forgive me." he admitted as he headed back to Johnny.

"true." Doug agreed before he smiled at TJ. "alright. alright." he muttered, giving his twin a kiss on the forehead. "try to keep calm, okay?" he asked with a smile as he headed to Natasha's floor for some well deserved shut eye.
“Huh. That’s fairly cool really.”Natasha smirked a little as she considered that. Amused that they all had tried to find the serum, and all had found it in the end. “Goodnight Loki.”She smiled watching him go.

TJ smiled a little, before nodding.”I’ll be fine. Just go rest.”he muttered watching the other go.

Elaine smiled when she saw her son, leaning down to kiss Doug’s cheek, hugging him. “how are you doing?”She said looking worried for him as she looked him over. Looking a little nervous now that the press conference was about to start, trying hard to not grind her teeth at the sight of phil coulson following doug and natasha into the room. Lnowing that if they were here, it was likely that Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and James Barnes were somewhere in teh crowd, which was just annoying.

“So, how bad do you think this is going to be?”Tony muttered leaning forward a little to look at the man sitting next to him, amused that even now, they hadn’t been able to convince TJ to stay away. His usual slightly to long brown hair nearly as short as clint’s, dressed in a shield specialist uniform like clint’s, the man could almost double for clint instead of himself. And while they’d tried to convince him to stay at the tower, he’d been to worried about doug to much to stay behind. “Oh,its going to be bad.”TJ muttered rubbing a hand over his newly cut hair, twitchy and nervous, feeling warm even in the cool weather.
Loki smiled a little. "it's a good thing people don't know this." he admitted. "a lot of people could, and would use it to infect large number of troupes and then use them against the world. imagine what Hydra could do with major chaos like that? make sure to keep it on the down low. you can tell Phil, but don't tell anyone else." he warned.

Doug smiled, strained. "i'm fine." he promised her. "my personal stuff was taken care of." he admitted. "here's your paperwork, try to get it done quickly." he suggested. "don't mind Phil. two of my body guards turned out to be Hydra insurgents and he's taking it personally." he admitted. "he's assigning Natasha to me full duty until this mess is cleared up. he's here for an update on TJ." he admitted. "i am indeed." Phil admitted. "unfortunately... we think TJ was tortured." he lied, moving in close to Elain, keeping his voice low. "they wanted information he didn't have. he hasn't said much, but he did say he didn't know the answers." he admitted. "they must have thought being a presidents son would give him information." he admitted. "he's healing quite well." he promised. "within the month he will probably be back with your family. he hasn't seamed to sustain any actual mental damage, he's just traumatized." he paused as Doug stepped out to the press. "i'll have the medical files emailed to you." he promised before stepping back to watch Doug's back while Natasha watched everything else.

"you look really cute like that though." Clint admitted. "it's almost like we're twins... i wish i had an ass like that though." he admitted with a chuckle as he fingered his pistol, eyes scanning everything. "Coulson has Doug's back. and Nat has him covered. WE have him covered. it will be fine." he promised as Doug began his speech about how last night they had discovered his brother had been kidnapped, tortured for information and was now being treated for the damages done to him by a terrorist group. he explained how this terrorist group had infiltrated a good portion of the white house, which was now undergoing a purge he paused, took a drink of water and continued. "Due to the major effects on my life, and my brothers life. it is clear to me that living within the white house, and working in politics is no longer something that i can do. i have to prioritize. My brothers life is not worth the price that has to be paid to continue being a White House representative. i have tendered my resignation, and am from this point on. retired. i will no longer be the Chief of Staff. thank you." and with that, he turned and left, ready to face his mother face on. and tell her 'no'.
”I know they would. Don’t worry, I would never tell anyone but Phil. The less people who know, the better.”Natasha reassured.

“Good.”Elaine smiled at him before taking the paperwork, nodding a little.”I’ll sign off on it while you’re talking.”She said already starting to go through to sign before looking up at Phil, worried. Tilting her head. “Thank you for seeing that Doug was safe.” “It was our pleasure, madam president.”Natasha said with the bland amusement that you just had to wonder if she meant it like it sounded. “Oh.Oh my poor boy...”Elaine said with wide eyes as she considered what was done to her son, easily hiding what she was really feeling, the anger boiling under the surface at being lied to. She was just going to have to deal with them later. “Thank you. I will look forward to seeing the files.”Elaine said quietly watching the others settle in to watch the conference.

“I do look good don’t I?”TJ muttered before laughing, “Well, I am younger, makes sense I have a nicer ass.”TJ teased smiling as he watched, nervous though.”I know we do, we got things covered.”he muttered. Eyes widening slightly as the press went into a frenzy at the idea of doug retiring, distantly amused tha the man was simply walking away.

“Retiring?Really?Doug, what are you thinking. You’re giving up everything to just to do what?Follow TJ around?”Elaine scowled looking annoyed with her son, “You’re being riddiculous. I wont let you. I refuse your resignation.” “You’ve already signed it. Just step away Elaine.”Natasha said mildly holding up the paper that elaine had indeed just finished signing.
he smiled at her as Phil told her complete bullshit. not that they knew, that she knew it was bullshit. "Doug is friends with the Avengers and Shield agents Ma'am. he'd be having extra detail protection anyway." Phil admitted. "we have to protect our assets after all." he admitted before giving Natasha an almost puzzled look. "most of the damage was to his feet." he admitted to her. "he claims to have walked over three hundred miles without any shoes. i'm inclined to believe him." and they had the pictures to prove that too. "one of our Specialists came in and was able to heal nearly every physical damage he had on his person." Phil admitted. "physically he's fine, but he goes into panic attacks anytime your name is mentioned." also true.

" know. i'm thinking he got more from your mother than a stick up his ass." Clint admitted, sounding amused. "that was very dramatic."

Doug stared at his mother. "no. i'm not going to follow TJ around." he admitted. "i'm prioritizing mother. i'm going to keep TJ Alive." he admitted. "the only reason why he went missing in the first place was because you selfishly decided you needed to run again. didn't you learn your lesson when it nearly killed him the first time!?" he demanded. "and besides, you can't refuse it. Slavery is illegal in the united states and so is holding a persona against their will, even if you are my mother, i quit and there's not a damn thing you can do about it, even if you hadn't signed my resignation papers." he admitted. "i can't do this anymore. it's not just TJ this shithole is killing. it's killing me too." he admitted. "i've been in this world since the day i was born... well, it's time i did something for myself for one. i'm going to help TJ, and then i'm going to find my own way of life."
Elaine looked pained at hte idea of TJ walking so far, shaking her head a little. “Poor Thomas.”She muttered sounding pained, though despite that looked interested at the idea of TJ healing most of it. Maybe she had something to tell?Some better information now, then she’d ever had before?

“Hm, I’m thinking so yes. He was always a dramatic little bastard.”TJ snickered a little.

Elaine frowned at him before sighing, nodding a little. “I know. And it wasn’t me who nearly killed him last time. That was Sean and his stupid romance.”Elaine scowled before staring at the other, nodding slightly realizing that for the moment she was losing control of both her sons. Well. At least soon enough the other would be back, as soon as shield released him. “Okay. You will let me know if you need anything?”She asked looking at him, yielding so gracefully it set Natasha’s teeth on edge and she just knew the older was up to something.
Phil nodded. "lucky we had an Asgardian Healer on hand. it only took a few minutes to magically fix every bit of damage to his person." Phil admitted. which wasn't really true. Loki was neither a healer, nor Asgardian. but she didn't need to know that. Loki was a level 8 secrete after all.

he glared at her. "no, mother you stupid Cow! when he died in the Club!" Doug raged. "you think he just 'happened' to Overdose?! no! he died on purpose that night and it was Steve who had to pull him back to life! you can't ignore the problems your causing anymore!" he stated before forcing himself to calm down. "in any case, if we had been there for him, Sean wouldn't have hurt him so damn badly. we should have loved him mother, and we didn't. i didn't, you didn't. dad didn't... we failed him, well. i'm not going to fail him anymore." he admitted before shaking his head. "i won't need anything." he promised her. "i have everything i need now." he admitted. "goodbye mother..." he muttered, turning away from her. "come on. lets go, before the Press catches up."
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