The Asset (Avengers) Moon/Lady

Elaine glared back at him, “You will not speak to me like that Douglas.”She scolded like he was indeed 5 again and she could just boss him around. “Let’s go.”Natasha muttered resting a hand on Doug’s shoulder,”You guys need time to cool down.”She said simply wanting to get Douglas away from the woman, scowling as they left. “She’s up to something.”Natasha muttered as they got to the car.
he looked at her. "i will speak to you however i well damn please Elaine." he stated, his eyes flashing with rage before yelping as he touched the metal door handle, all his hair flying up to stand straight on end. "damn! i got shocked. static electricity." he grumbled, sucking on his finger as his hair started to settle back into place, Phil staring at Doug. "... oh deer..." Phil muttered. "i think i need to check the Tower for more of Thor's toys..." Phil muttered, well aware that Elaine could hear him, though he pretended she couldn't. he had a bad feeling again. "she's always up to something." Doug grumbled, moving to open the car door and paused. "...." he had just pulled the door straight off. "...there's something wrong with me. isn't there?"
Natasha looked startled, paling as she realized just what was happening, ignoring the way Elaine was staring at them even as they left.”Phil. Find TJ.”Natasha growled sounding anxious and worried, wondering if the twins bond was going to accelerate things, simply because of their bond. She knew it wasn’t always there, but she knew they could sometimes feel things for each other. “He’s here. I got him.”Tony said even as he walked through the crowd with clint steve and james, and even with extermis, the bright red welt decorating his forearm showed just how bad the burn had been in the first place. “What’s wrong with me?”TJ said panting, burning up, and hot. Careful not to touch any of them. While Doug was showing electric, it seemed TJ had gained another form of fire, though unlike Johnny he wasn’t lighting himself on fire, simply causing heat to waver around him. Having gotten pissed off enough at the press that when he’d grabbed tony’s arm to get his attention, he’d accidently burned the other.
Phil nodded. "Elaine knows something about this." Phil admitted. "and i think i saw mention of it in the files. i'll look through tonight and see what i can find." he promised. "we'll have Jarvis go through the electronic's and see if he can't dig up something we might not have on paper." Phil promised, turning to look at TJ. "...give me your arm." he ordered Tony, gently easing down the pain and swelling, not healing it all the way because he wasn't sure how, but he could make the pain less. "i'll shield you from the heat for the next hour. i could do more, but it would be too taxing on my strength." he admitted as he ran his hands down Tony's arms, letting him touch TJ again. "only your arms are safe, don't go hugging him or worse, kissing him." Phil warned. "there's nothing 'wrong' with you." Loki stated as he stepped into existence. "from what i understand, emotional responses trigger reactions." he admitted. "once you calm down you should be alright." "Loki thinks you somehow came into contact with a version of the Serum." Phil explained. "we where looking into how it might have happened." Phil admitted. "we only realized i last night, so there was no time to warn you, i never imagined it would happen so fast."
Natasha nodded, “I’m sure she does. But for the moment, let’s get them home.”Natasha said looking worried as she got the other’s into the car. “It’s okay. I’ll heal it within a few hours.”Tony said waving off the concern, looking worried about TJ,. “What?How in the world would that have happened?”TJ said looking even more anxious as he covered up in the seat, watching the scenery as they headed for the tower. “Considering what was going on today, it was going to be a emotional response.”Tony pointed out, even as he texted jarvis, knowing the AI was monitoring his cellphone, so it was easy to get the AI working on finding out what was going on.
Phil shook his head. "it could be Genetics, it could be that you came into contact with someone elses blood, it could be that you where experimented upon and don't remember it, it could be that your mother was experimented upon when she was pregnant with you maybe you ate or drank something with the Serum or someone's blood was in it. maybe you just came into contact with 'toxic waste' that someone else mishandled when throwing it away. there's an untold number of possibilities." Phil admitted. "for now, all we need to do is get you both calmed down. TJ might benefit from a cold shower and Doug might benifit from some rubber sheeting or something." Phil admitted, Loki shaking his head. "that won't help Doug, his energy readings are spiking too much. he's adapting to the changes a lot faster than TJ is." he admitted. "in three days the Serum will have completely altered his bio molecular structure." Loki admitted. "it's going to hurt, a bit like loosing a tooth or hitting a growth spurt did. a natural pain but pain nonetheless. TJJ is most likely going to feel like shit for a week or two. fever, headaches. he'll probably liken the symptoms to the flue, only without the throwing up."
“I’m trying.”TJ growled from between clenched teeth, to hot and feeling to much like shit to be calm, groaning as the craving hit him like a sucker punch. Whining a little as the craving for heorin hit him like a ton of bricks, and it was all he could do to hold it together till they got back to the tower. “This, this does not feel like a growth spurt.” “Well, go get in the shower with clint. You’ll feel better.”Tony said as he walked into the tower with them, looking worried as he helped TJ out, glancing at clint. Worried that TJ was going to break his streak, even knowing that clint would be with him, he was worried about TJ getting high.

“Come on, Doug. You should probably just lay down and rest. And we’ll do something relaxing.”Natasha muttered looking worried as she got everyone in the tower, looking relieved to be once again in the privacy of the tower, and trusting tony and phil and loki to find out what was going on, focusing for once on taking care of doug instead of looking for information. Needing to take care of him more, then she needed to double check tony’s work in searching for answers.
Loki smiled. "don't try." he stated calmly. "let it run it's course. you can be calm and grumpy at the same time." he assured the other. "control will come with practice." he admitted before pausing as he studied TJ. "no. yours won't." Loki admitted gently. "your body is weaker. sicker, but when it's all over? you'll probably never be sick, or want, again." he admitted, gently setting a hand on TJ's nee, mist and cold fog rolling off there skin met skin, blue crawling from Loki's fingers up to his elbow. "breath through it. think of something happy. like when you have Clint on his knees, begging for it." Loki suggested. "you like that." Clint wiggled his eyebrows and Loki snorted.

Doug shook his head. "i'm not sure i should touch you." he admitted, looking worried. "i might burn you." "it is highly unlikely. if you where going to 'get hot' you would have done it by now." Loki admitted. "my guess is that your powers are manifesting in an alternate direction than TJ's. it looks like he's going to be Pyrokenetic.." "what?" "a fire manipulator. like Pyro from X-Men." "....oh. what am i?" "don't know yet. you might not get any super hero skills aside from massive strength." Loki admitted, making Doug pout.
TJ frowned a little sighing as he simply closed his eyes smirking a little. “True, but for the moment right now it’s going to kill me.”TJ growled, before moaning, eyes nearly lust blown as the cold settled around him, oh that was amazing. Really, really amazing. Laughing quietly at Loki’s words, “I do enjoy that. You look so nice on your knees.”He muttered turning his head to look at him.

“I agree. If you were going to burn, you would have melted that metal cup last night instead of bending it.”Natasha pointed out.”Besides, you two are fraternal twins, not identical. If it’s the serum, it works from coming in contact with your DNA. So its different for you both.”Natasha said before frowning at that, thinking. “No. Wait. Doug, you’ve been shocking yourself all week.”

Tony frowned as he worked, balancing preciously back on two of the four legs of his stool, looking utterly in his element as he worked on the screen before whistling a little. “Cap. Come here. Tell me if I’m reading this right.”He said looking a little worried, and not about to point out the file to james until he got a second opinion, making a gesture and tossing the file up onto the bigger screen to let Steve read it, looking shaken. “Hydra was exprimenting with their super soldier program.By trying to breed one....and get the hold on families desperate for kids, ones who wouldn’t even consider turning them out even if they were...odd.”Tony muttered quietly nodding towards the file. “I’m reading that right, right?”
Loki smiled a little. "you won't die." he promised. "no one has ever died from exposure to the Serum. not even DR Banner and i think we all know how THAT happened." he pointed out. "yes. a cold shower will do you wonders." he assured the other.

Doug hesitated and then relaxed, nodding. "so, if i accidentally crush you, Loki can just fix you up again." he decided, still looking quite concerned. "even if they where identical, the Serum would still affect them both differently because no one has the same Genetics." he stated simply before pausing. "...shocking myself?" he asked, thinking back on it. "it's been dry, people get zapped all the time..." "no, she's right. electricity. i would avoid touching Natasha." Loki admitted, looking mildly amused.

Steve blinked and moved over to Tony, his head tilted. James was napping on the 'nest' so they didn't have to worry about him for the moment. "...oh my god. yes. that's... wow..." "there's more." Phil stated as he walked in, tossing a folder onto the Table. "Elaine and Bud are Hydra. Elaine accepted the program because she had a failure to bond with the Serum, but still had it in her system. she was artificially inseminated because Bud was sterile... using..." Phil glanced at James and then back at them. "TJ and Doug are James Biological children." Steve looked horrified. "it get's worse... a certain Anne Omagi is also Hydra. she was bonded properly with the Serum, but her powers are as of yet unknown if she has any at all." Phil admitted. "they where going to breed Doug and her in order to see if they could pass the Serum down through multiple generations."
“I get hugged on a regular basis by the hulk and Cap, I think I can take you accidently squishing me, Doug.My own serum will keep me from being to injured.”Natasha reassured before smirking a little. “Yes, but you’ve been doing it alot. Like alot alot. And your hair’s standing on end some.”Natasha snickered a little watching doug, slanting a glance towards loki.”I assume this means our sex life is restrained until he’s stable?”she pouted a little.

Tony started a little looking up at Phil as he walked in, wincing at the sound of the folder hitting the table, pulling it close. Flipping through it as he read he frowned, “So. Two parents that had the serum in their system.....having so many people around here that had the serum in our systems, not to mention our own thunder and trickster gods, a high fey, and johnny, no wonder they’re adapting to the serum now.”Tony looked thoughtful as he sorted out the science, because the science was eay for him, not as scary as considering that james had kids. That seriously freaked him out, because he had no idea how to handle it, and or if what would happen when they told him. Frowning he scowled. “Fucking hell. Doug’s going to be pissed when he finds that there a chance she’s pregnant?”he asked, sounding concerned because it hadn’t been that long since they broke things off after all.
he blinked. "you have a Serum?" he asked, looking a little surprised. "never mind, explains a bit actually." he admitted with a snort and a shake of his head. "good point." he admitted as he touched his hair, surprised as he realized it was standing on end. "i'm afraid so. while small shocks aren't dangerous, we don't known how powerful of a discharge he can emanate." he admitted. "particularly if he gets excited." he admitted. "and sex is very exciting."

Phil nodded a little. "yes." he admitted. "it looks like the Hammond Twins where a Hydra experiment. a secrete one." he admitted. "but this means that we have to tell TJ and Doug that their parents are Hydra agents... who are bent on world domination... or at least American domination." Phil admitted. "we'll have to take care of that. you know we will." Phil admitted. "the serum was dormant until it was woken up. they're in for a hell of a time." Phil admitted with a sigh. "and no. she's not pregnant. we have her in custody already." Phil admitted. "i called it in as soon as i saw her name." Phil admitted. "they ran the pregnancy test already." he admitted. "she's not pregnant. according to our Intel, she's taking heavy dose Birth control until they could get Doug married and under control before beginning the breeding."
“Uh...yea.”Natasha winced, realizing it wasn’t something she’d told him. Nearly squirming in embarassment, before swallowing hard.”I’m...nearly as old as James and Cap actually.”She muttered before tilting her head at Loki, smirking a little.”Sex is very exciting. Might have to ask Thor for help, there Isbusec, he is a thunder god after all.”She teased her lover, looking worried about how he was doing.

“A very secret one considering this is the first time anyone’s ever hearing about it.”Tony sighed softly resting his head on his arms, “Do we really have to tell them?I mean, I know they don’t particularly like them,but it’ll kill Teej.”Tony sighed hating that they were going to have to tell them. It was going to be horrible....and good.Thank god. That’s one less thing to deal with.”Tony said sounding relieved at the idea that at least they wouldn’t have to deal with anne pregnant, before frowning into his arms, already bracing to deal with what emotional fallout was going to come from this.”, how do we tell Jamie?”
he stared at her, stunned. "your... really?" he asked, astonished. "wow. no wonder your so good at... uh...." he flushed a little and coughed. "anyway!... you think i could meet Thor!?" he asked, looking excited. "did you know he saved my life?" he asked, eyes wide and excited. "he totally did! i mean, i'm sure he saved a lot of people, but he totally saved my life!" Loki rolled his eyes. "it would be awesome to meet him! it would!"

"they are deep undercover. which means they where trained as children and given lives to live here with periodic touch ups." Phil explained."their past holds up, because they actually have a past. in elementary school they had teachers who trained them specifically in everything they needed to know. brainwashing mostly." he admitted before sighing. "they had a right to know why Shield is arresting their parents Tony. Bud and Elaine are too dangerous to be left on their own." he admitted softly. "me and Clint can help TJ, and i think Doug is already suspicious." he admitted. ".......we have to tell him, and then we have to tell Doug and TJ." he admitted. "or everything will blow up in our faces. we can't keep this kind of thing a secrete Tony. not when they could just as easily discover it on their own. they'd be hurt if we tried to keep it a secrete."
“Uh...yea. Older actually, cause I for one didn’t go on ice, for some reason, my serum just keeps me from aging. I age...but I’m aging, like super slow.”Natasha said blushing a little, laughing.”Yes, well that might because I have the right partner, and not from long experience.”She teased before snickering, slanting a glance at Loki.”He’s such a cute fanboy isn’t he? Makes me almost jealous to hear him talk about thor.”Natasha teased before nodding.”He’s visiting his lady love at the moment, but he usually returns for a few days a week.”

“I know. Which is disturbing to know really, that hydra started so early.”Tony shuddered a little before groaning, “I know, I know phil. I just don’t have to be happy about it.”He whined a little because he knew that it would hurt them badly if they didn’t tell them,but he really didn’t want to tell them because he knew it would hurt as much to know they’d just been a experiment, a project. Rubbing a hand over his face as he sat up he sighed.”We’ll tell them in the morning.”he said already pushing up off the bench, moving towards james, sitting on the edge of the couch, gently stroking his hair, having no idea what he was going to say, but knowing he needed to tell him, knowing that this wasn’t something they could hide.
e nodded. "you lived a long time. have you been working for Shield the whole time?" "no." Clint admitted. "she was Hydra at first." Clint admitted. "one of James star pupils. they kept him awake for an entire sixteen years just to train her. she was going to be his replacement." Clint admitted. "or his sidekick. we're not sure. her mother was a Hydra sergeant, very high up." he admitted. "it's why Natasha was given the 'honor'. James literally raised her. from the day she was born she was his soul responsibility until That mission. they abandoned her for dead and i made the call to keep her. best decision i ever made." Clint admitted. "Phil backed my call and once we convinced her that we where the good guys, she's been loyally Shield ever since." Clint admitted with a smile. "TJ's finally asleep. i thought i'd come down and make some hot cocoa. anyone want some?"

"started? Hydra never stopped." Phil admitted. "even during WWII some of those Hydra fellows where from breeding experiments. trying to breed the best soldier through genetics. they just moved to the Serum once they had Dr. Erskine and his weasel apprentice. the one who helped the Red Skull. after that, they focused entirely on perfecting and controlling the Serum." he sighed. "we knew they where still out there, but not like this... they got so big in such a short amount of time it's just..." he shook his head. "no matter. we're still winning." Phil admitted as he watched Steve follow Tony, watching James. "just so you know Captain. no one ever had children using your sperm." "....gee... thanks."
“No.”Natasha agreed, her smile going soft as she considered the childhood she’d had. While in looking back it was harsh and brutal, but she had loved James, still did really, had had someone she trusted more then anyone else, had known that if she ever needed anything, James would have moved heaven and earth to help her. Even if she had known early, that they wiped his memory, she knew he would have done anything for her. “That mission was a clusterfuck that nearly got us all killed.”Natasha shuddered a little before smiling, “I walked away, didn’t know Jamie had survived until he showed up here. I mean...I’d heard rumors he had, but nothing concrete, nothing more.”Natasha muttered because it was one of the things she felt guilty over, having not tried hard enough to get him back. Smiling slightly at clint she nodded, “I do. And good. He needs rest, he looked ready to collapse.”Natasha said worried for her brother in law even as she started gathering the stuff for real hot chocolate, cause of course tony had none of that fake instant coco, only the best for tony’s house.

“That’s...that’s truly disturbing.”Tony shuddered at the idea before sighing softly. “I think it was always big, they just learned how to hide better after things went wrong with red skull.”Tony muttered before smiling.”we are winning.”He said sadly, gently stroking james’ hair, soothing himself, needing the touch to stay calm. Smirking a little at Steve. “Don’t sound so weirded out with it cap, it’s a good thing you don’t have kids. This is going to be hard enough as it is.”Tony muttered gently tugging on James’ hair.”jamie?”
he blinked and then smiled back. "James loves you." he admitted. "you can see it. how proud he is of you." he admitted. honestly, he suspected Hydra might have separated them on purpose. Hydra Agents weren't supposed to forge close emotional connections with people. "so you thought James was dead. and James didn't remember you. that's fucked up." Doug admitted. "but your back together now." he admitted with a smile. "and it's not like he suffered too much. he's with us now. we might not hve that if we had saved him years earlier." he pointed out. "i'm sure that some of the shield would have wanted him dead." he wasn't wrong. quite a few Shield wanted James dead even at that moment, but they didn't dare try, not when he was with the Avengers.

"must have. it hurts to think that they where hiding so easily. we've adopted new approaches to locating Shield agents." he admitted. "hopefully, we can find a way to squeeze them out easier." he admitted as he took his leave, letting them have privacy. "hmm...?" James murmured sleepily as he blinked at them. "oh... i fell asleep... is everything okay? why do you looks so upset?"
“I know.And he’s proud when he’s not kicking my ass all over the gym.”Natasha snickered a little before nodding, “It is fucked up. Nearly about as badly as your mother trying to do this.”Natasha said shaking her head, because while she might not say it, the woman wasn’t stupid, if doug and TJ were showing signs of the serum, she knew who might be to blame. But she wasn’t going to say it, not yet. “They still want him dead, but with him dating both Tony and Cap, not to mention living with the rest of us, it makes it a little hard to consider assassinating him.Even if I’m sure some still consider it.”Natasha sighed softly, smiling as the water started to boil.

“Set them up with Loki. Make every agent sit down with him.He might not be asgardian, but he’s still the god of lies. He can tell when others are lying.”Tony pointed out as he watched phil leave for a moment before looking down at james, biting his lip, gently stroking his hair, the emotional unsteady and stunted man at a utter loss on how to handle things. “No....well yes but no.”Tony sputtered a little sighing. “We found out how TJ and doug were exposed to the serum. Elaine and Bud are hydra....and elaine and their real father were both serum enhanced...”Tony swallowed thickly, looking worried, “Jamie...they’re your sons. Hydra used you to try and create the perfect bred super soldier.”
Doug chuckled and shook his head at the idea of Natasha getting her ass handed to her. he just didn't believe it was possible. "my mother?" he asked before stilling, swallowing thickly. Natasha raised a good point. "i think she might be." he admitted softly. "she wasn't surprised at all by my getting shocked. did you see? and she's been... training me. specifically. like she wants me to take her place in presidency... only... i doubt it would still be a presidency." he admitted. "i think my parents might be Hydra..." he admitted softly.

Phil's lip twitched a little. "how interesting." he muttered. "while that could work, i doubt Loki has the time, or patience to see over fifty hundred thousand people." he admitted. "...Tony?" he asked, upset, mostly because Tony was upset. he hated seeing Tony upset. "oh poor TJ." he whispered, horrified that his parents where Hydra. the poor boy was going to be completely crushed. "...wait..." had Tony said... had he really said. "but i never had sex with any girls..." he protested. "i know how babies are made! Phil explained!" he complained, looking more confused than upset. "there is a way to impregnate a woman without sex. it's called artificial insemination. all they need is a males sperm." "...oh..." James hesitated, wondering how he felt about that. "does this mean i can't give Doug the Shovel Talk?"
Natasha swallowed thickly, before sighing quietly, deciding that getting shocked would be worth it, wrapping her arms around him in a hug, holding onto him tightly. “She wasn’t. I didn’t pay attention, but she really wasn’t surprised.”She rested her head against his. “And she always has....what always showed more promise of being like her, then TJ did. Even wehn you were young. She chose which one to train....I’m so sorry, Ibusec,but...I think so.”She said pulling away and handing him a mug of hot chocolate, glancing at Clint.”What do you think?”She asked wanting his opinion.

“Probably not, but he could help with the ones who are difficult to read, or you’re having problems with.”Tony pointed out. “Yea, it’s me.”Tony ,muttered smiling at the other, shifting nervously, before nodding.”He’s going to be crushed.”Tony muttered knowing that TJ more then doug, had simply wanted to be wanted by his parents. He’d be crushed knowing that it was hydra agents that he had wanted to be accepted among. “I know you haven’t.”he muttered before pausing, staring at the other man, wondering if he had heard right. That that was what he wanted to know about, among everything else in the world, that was what he wanted to know. “...Well. You can. But in all fairness, you should give one to natasha to, since she’s marrying your son. And give doug one just to be fair since he’s marrying your daughter....”He paused raising a eyebrow at Steve, wondering if...if they should be worried about natasha being james daughter in actuuality instead of simply adopted.
he leaned into her closing his eyes. "she used to tell Bud that TJ was a 'runt'. when we where little and she didn't know i was listening." he admitted softly. "that's all he ever was to her. a runt..." he muttered, Clint sighing. "i suspected long before i ever knew TJ." Clint admitted softly. "there was never any proof though." he admitted. "just a suspicion, the way things kept... lining up. the way she behaved, the way Bud acted..." he shrugged as he took three mugs, one for each of his boys nd one for himself. "the problem is going to be explaining to tJ..." Doug admitted with a sigh. "he's not going to handle it well. all he's ever wanted was their love and approval."

he nodded. "i might consider it. especially since only level 8 Agents know that Loki is here and only Level Ten and yourselves know that Loki was in fact being mind controlled." "Level Ten?" "Fury and me." "ah." "i could make them all think that Loki is running some sort of community service or something. could be fun." Phil admitted.

"...well... okay." he agreed. "i'll give them both a shovel talk." he decided. "TJ and Doug are all grown up so i don't think they'll need me too much. but it's nice to know that i have some Sons... do you think it's too late to teach them things?" he asked. Steve just sighed. "i forgot... he's half insane and the things that would freak out most people he isn't too concerned about." he muttered, looking amused before he paled. "...i'll have Bruce do a Genetic test and make sure." he agreed. "i think he still has blood samples from both of them." he admitted.
“Well, he’s more then a runt now. I’d seriously not want to get in the way of his hands at the moment. I mean, those were third degree burns, and that was on tony who was healing it even as he watched.”Natasha shuddered a little before sighing, nodding a little as she realized what clint meant. “Things just lined up a little to well for them.”She sighed tiredly as she drank her coco, before swallowing. “we’re going to have to tell him as soon as he’s awake though...if we let it go, and he finds out on his own...”She said knowing it was going to be bad, bloody, painful and more then likely send tj spiraling out of control, but they could help him through this. He’d be okay.

“Loki doing community service. Now thats a thought.”Tony snickered.

“Good. They both deserve one, though I’m sure Natasha will just laugh, and doug will probably piss himself in fear.”Tony snickered a little before smiling a little as he realized that what anyone else would be freaking about, james was calmly accepting.”No, I’m sure they could use some self defense training. Especially now with their own powers.”he smiled a little ruffling james’ hair a little before smiling up at steve, “He really isn’t. But it makes things easier.”Tony smiled before nodding a little. “Good. He should.”Tony said relieved steve had understood the silent question. tugging on james hair a little he smiled."Now. You want to go check on them, then we'll go get some sleep?"
he nodded. "honestly, i think my mother chose the wrong Twin. if she had put in the effort... TJ would still be with her even after i left." he admitted. "TJ's always been extremely loyal, sometimes blindly so. and while he was small, he was very, very good at whatever he set his mind to." he admitted. "thank god she chose me." he shuddered. "i can't imagine a scenario where Hydra had control of TJ, i might have nightmares." he admitted. "we are going to have to find proof first." "you have it." Phil admitted as he walked in. "Tony and Steve where going to tell you in the morning but i couldn't keep it a secrete that long." Phil admitted. "it didn't feel right..." he admitted, handing Doug the folder. "even more... Dug Hammond isn't your biological father." "what!?" he demanded, startled. "...James is." Phil admitted softly. "....i don't feel well..." Doug admitted, sitting down hard into a chair.

James grinned. "the thought of Doug pissing himself pleases me..." he paused. "does that make me a bad father?" "only a little. he's fully grown adult though so i wouldn't worry about it too much." Steve reassured James. "good. i will teach them how to fight." he agreed, nodding before leaning into the hand in his hair with a smile. "very easier." Steve agreed with a smile before turning to the door. "TJ is probably asleep, he's been feeling pretty awful for a while now." he admitted. "Doug might still be up."
“She did. It would have been a disaster if she would have chosen TJ, because he still loves her, even now, even knowing how badly she treated him. I can’t imagine just how loyal he’d be if she had been kind.”natasha shuddered.”thank god she chose you.”She muttered because as hard as it was to see TJ like this, it was better this way. Truly/
We;ll find-”She stopped looking up at phil as he walked in, eyes going wide at the news. “Does...Do they know?”Natasha said looking a little sick herself, so worried about how james, not to mention tony and steve were going to handle that information. Swallowing hard as she gently wrapped her arms around doug, careful, not sure if she’d get shocked but tightening her grip when she didn’t, holding onto him.

“No, its amusing, and I wouldn’t worry to much about being a bad father. You did well with natasha, don’t worry about messing up.”Tony smiled a little pressing a kiss to his forehead, before grinning. “you should. Especially to fall. I mean, if I had to learn, they have to to.”He smiled a little before heading for the door, nodding. “Probably. You know, I chalked it up to him going through withdrawal, but he’s been feeling shitty for weeks now.”Tony frowned at that before sighing, “Even if he’s sleep, we can look to see how he is.”Knowing just how protective james was going to be until things settled. “And doug’s probably up with natasha.”he said as they headed upstairs.
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