The Asset (Avengers) Moon/Lady

TJ groaned smirking as he followed the other, “Goo-nooo!Get off my desk!Doug!!!”TJ whined as he pushed open the door before slamming it shut, looking a little disturbed. “I could have done without seeing my twin’s ass again.”The former addict whined as he pressed his face against clint’s chest. “Go tell them ot leave. It’s my office. I want to have sex on my couch.”He demanded.

“I could have not you know, I’m not completely without restraint.”Tony said shuddering as steve stared at him, laughing at james’ words, “I am. Captain america panties at that. I thought you guys would like them.”He said the last word coming out a moan as james’ fingers stroking over his skin, hips rolling a little, squirming on the bed as he fisted a hand in james’ hair and dragging him down for a kiss, knowing they were driving steve insane.
Clint laughed as he realized that Doug and Natasha where fucking on Doug's desk. that was funny as hell! "can do." he promised, banging on the door. "You have Ten seconds to be finished in there before i send in Phil!" Phi chuckled as Doug started cursing. "o'll turn your penis blue and your scrotum polka-dotted!" Phil warned, making Doug squeak and quickly the sounds of clothes being pulled on could be heard. it was amusing how much Doug feared Phil when the man was so laid back he got turned into a lizard once and didn't even bat an eye. it had totally been Loki's fault.

Steve looked amused. "when your with James who doesn't have any more self control than you do? i highly doubt you would have gone without sex." he admitted with a grin. "especially when i'm quite eager to get my mouth on you." he admitted with a chuckle as he watched James. said assassin groaned as he kissed the other, lowing his hips so that he dragged every inch of his trapped cock against Tony's, Steve groaning as he watched. "fuck. that was hot." Steve moaned, eyes focused entirly on where Jame was grinding against Tony.
After a few minutes Natasha pulled open the door raising a eyebrow. “You three are being very rude. You could have at least let us finish first.”She pouted looking up at the three, smirking a little. “You ruined my best. Dougie, I wanted to be the first to use my desk.”TJ pouted as he looked at his twin, amused beyond belief that phil scared him so much.

“...True.”Tony smiled groaning at the other’s words.”Hmm, well, you’re standing awfully far away from a man who wants his mouth on me.”Tony whined a little, moaning as he ground his hips into james as the other pressed into him, squirming as his hands worked at undoing the other’s pants, pulling his head back to look at the other super soldier even as he rolled his hips into james’,”Are you joining, or are you going to watch me fuck him?”He smirked, face flushed and eyes blown wide.
Clint shrugged. "TJ's Club, TJ's rules. go find a closet somewhere." he ordered with a chuckle as Doug huffed. "so you chased us out so YOU can get laid?!" "yes." Clint admitted, Phil sighing. "i will charm a secluded spot for you." Phil promised. "just like Loki did." he promised. "perhaps that table there would suit you?" "....i think i'll just take Nat out to the Hotel." he decided with a grumble. "you want dinner?" he asked Natasha. "we could go to one of the foreign restaurants around here. there's a Russian, a Korean, a Mexican, a Greek, a French and an Italian place within walking distance from here." he offered.

Steve smirked. "i'm enjoying the show." he admitted with a smirk. "i'm not sure... i kind of want to watch you fuck him." he admitted, licking his lips, eyes burning with desire as James snickered and lowered his head to suck on Tony's neck. "we should give him a show then. and then take turns fucking him." James decided, Steve moaning at the idea.
"Yes yes i did. Go a away."tj ordered snickering a little at doug's outrage at being kicked out so he could have sex snickering as he shoved 5he two so he couls shut them out as he pulled clint and phil into his office.

"Russian sounds good. New york just doesnt have any really good places. Not like dc."well that was easily explained considering ho2 many foreign dignitaries there were in dc over newyork. Dc always had good foreign dood. Blushing a little as she slipped her hand into his as they left. She wasnt good at it but she was trying to do normal couple things sometimes.

"Well as long as your enjoying yourself its okay."tony teased a little moaning as his neck was sucked on, his neck being a serious weakness for the man. Squirming as he nodded."show then we'll fuck him and see how much his super soldier body can take."tony moaned at the idea even as he slid a hand down james' s back before wrapping a hand in his hair, using it as a handle to roll the man onto his back, moving to straddle his waist as he pinned him down. "I think I'm going to enjoy having someone watch how much you enjoy me being in charge."tony purred as he closed his hands around the others wrists and pinning them to the bed as he lowered his head for a kiss even as he rocked a little against james. He might not bottom alot, but he knew how to tease the other to perfection and make him lose control
Doug grumbled but left obediently. he wasn't about to argue, not with Phil right there and Clint making a very valid point about this being TJ's Club. "Russian it is." he agreed with a smile before he startled as she held hi hand. he wasn't used to the romantic stuff either. Anne had never liked that sort of thing and she'd been his only girlfriend ever. so he wasn't used to such things. he offered her a bright smile and settled them both into the Russian restaurant and stared at the menu. "well... it's authentic..." and he knew very little spoken Russian and... no written. "...would you mind ordering for me?" he asked sheepishly.

Clint sniggered, watching the straight laced couple leave. "i'll get the bleach." Phil promised. "i'll get the lube." Clint agreed. "you get undressed." he ordered TJ.

James smirked a little while he watched Steve and sucked and nibbled on Tony's neck. Steve shuddered, breath hitching. "Tony first." Steve ordered suddenly. "i want Tony to fuck me first." James smirked at that and nodded, pleased with the decision as he kissed Tony before allowing himself to be manipulated, moaning eagerly as he was pinned in place, Steve groaning as he moved suddenly, settling himself at the head of the bed, pinning Jame's hands down himself, making the man arch. Tony couldn't Keep James pinned... but Steve could. "Fuck... i never realized how submissive he could be." Steve gasped, looking so aroused one might wonder if he was going to explode.
Natasha swallowed hard looking over at him, not pulling away but not perfectly comfortable either."you do realize i have no experience with normal dating things like hugging and hand holding right? If you dont it just let go.cause the most normal relationship I've had was with clint undercover and he doesnt count as he thinks girls are icky."she snickered as they settled into the booth."of course i will."she smiled looking the menu before ordering them both stew bread and of course, russian vodka.

"Im glad you have your priorities straight. Bleach, lube and me naked."tj snickered as he started undressing.

"Oh? Me first? Btony asked sounding both startled and pleased at the words. Tony moan3d softly as james arched into him, tremvling a little as he realized what steve holding him meant. That james wasnt getting away without permission to leave. Shuddering at the feel of power it gave him, even if he knew that steve and he would let james go the minute he wanted truly free, it was still a rush. And gave him back part of what pepper had taken from him.running a hand down james' chest he smirked up at steve."he might not been, hes just my good boy arent you?"tony muttered looking down at the other bruntte before looking up at steve, a look of concern crossing his face at how he looked."you okay?"
he blinked at her, looking a little relieved. "me either." he admitted. "i've never held hands with someone in public before... i don't mind in private but it seams too..." he struggled. he felt like it was too public. he wanted to show the world he loved her, but it was also a weakness to exploit. something someone could use against them. "i think we'd be better off having a relationship our way." he admitted with a smile, hooking his pinky with hers. it felt much better than holding her hand. discreet, more comfortable. "how's that?" plus, she could tug free in a millisecond if she had to. "thanks." he muttered, smiling as he examined the Menu, looking curious "there aren't any like.. brains on the menu right?" of course there was, but Natasha knew he wouldn't eat anything too exotic. he wasn't a big fan of internal organs. "Fresh baked bread!" he declared, looking delighted. he had a tender heart for what he considered 'real' bread. stuff that was baked in an oven, not a factory.

"yes. you first." Steve admitted with a grin. "that will give you a chance to rest between orgasms." he teased with a grin. "unfortunately. because of the Serum, me and James don't have 'let's take a breather' we just get hard again no matter how tired we are." he admitted. "at last count, i came five times." he admitted. "i can do just the once, but i'm never really satisfied after, you know?" he smirked at James. "might be because i wasn't getting a strong enough orgasm though. a persons own hand never seams enough." he admitted as he licked his lips and watched James. "Tony. if you don't fuck him soon then i'm going to have him distract you and i'll take my time riding your cock." he warned.
Natasha looked relieved at his words, because the spy on her preferred the privacy, hiding the one weakness that would kil her.because she loved him, and she better then anyone knew how it could be used against them."better."she agreed before smirking at him."of course not. Dont be silly."she smiled not aborut to tell him about the brains knowing hed want to leave if she did. Snickering at his words she smiled because he was so excited about the bread."i know how much you like real bread. Russians make good bread. It was one of the first things james ever taught me to cook."

"Oh...yes. that makes sense."tony flushed at the others words having not considered that downside of having two super soldiers in bed with him. Laughing quietly at the others words he nodded."youre hand is never as nice as being buried in someone else."tony agreed before flushing at steve's demand. Groping for thr lube and sliding his fingers into james, enjoying the man's reaction as he squirmed down some to suck his cock for a few minutes before raising his head to look at james with eyes so blown there was just a sliver of brown."you ready?"he muttered even as he settled over the other and pressed into him, rolling his hips into the other's setting a brutal pace, to turned on for anything else and trusting james to tell him if it was to much
he smiled at her. "i'm glad that you understand." he admitted with a weak chuckle. "plus, this leaves your hands free if you need them." he admitted, knowing that bothered her when it came to holding hands. he loved her, and showed her anytime he could. privately or when he trusted the people he was with. but with so many strangers on the prowl here, it wasn't something he was comfortable. " can make bread?" he demanded, looking quite delighted as he tore the small loaf in half and offered the larger half to her. he knew how hard it was to find good bread and while he could go out anytime he wanted and get some from a bakery, her resources where a little more limited.

he smirked. "we might talk to Loki about fixing that for you." he offered with a chuckle. "granted, with Extremis in your system it might 'fix itself'..." he paused. "...actually, i'm not sure increasing your libido would be a good thing..." he admitted, making James laugh. "we'll never get out of the bedroom then!" he laughed and Steve chuckled before he groaned right along side James a those slick fingers slid into helpless, turned n, eager body. "fuck, Tony... god that's hot." Steve whispered as James muttered and moaned and mewled. "Yes. Tony, Sir! Please!" James pleaded, clenching tightly around nothing, eagerly moving his hips in time with Tony's thrusts, desperate for more and begging for it.
"Very true. And knowing you, I'll have to save you from adoring fans or something."natasha teased relaxing as she realized he really did understand her need to have her hands free. Smirking at his surprise she no! Ed."yes i can make bread.not often, considering cap and james have kind of forbidden anyone else from using the kitchen cause when wedo tony tries cooking, which is never good."

"You know...i havent really have had sex when i was both with extermis and been well. I mean me and jamie have been...but extermis is stil might fix my break time if I keep having sex..."tony said momentarily derail3d from sex with science before groaning. Growling as he buried his face against james' neck as he fucked him, sucking and biting a huge hickey into his neck as he came shuddering as he stroked james, desperate to know he pleased him, needing to watch him come
he stared at her in horror. "do i really have Fangirls?" he asked, voice a squeak. clearly he hadn't thought about such a thing before. "well. don't you have a kitchen in your rooms?" he asked with a grin. "bake bread in there, then Tony won't try to cook and i can get fat on good food." he decided with a chuckle. "i've seen Tony's attempts at cooking." he admitted. "it ended badly. he burned down part of the white house. totally awesome." he admitted. "and no one could yell at him for it because it was their own fault that they asked Tony to 'help'... how slicing vegetables ended in a fire i have no idea..." he admitted with a snicker.

Steve paused, his head tilted. "yeah. we'll have to test that." he agreed with a smirk as he put more effort into pinning James down, since the man was protesting Tony's ceasing of fun time. "yes! Tony, Yes!" he moaned, arching as he came hard, splattering himself and Tony alike with seed when he felt the other shooting up inside of him. "fuck. yes. god. amazing." James moaned, Steve licking his lips. "you know... if you brace the bed with some steal rods, and make some wrist cuffs out of the same stuff you made for me... you know, the stuff that doesn't break? i bet we could tie him down in a more traditional way." "yes! yes! please..." James moaned, really eager by the idea. Steve was too, the thought of metal holding him down, rendering him helpless and at Tony's mercy. "fuck... god. Tony if you don't do something i'm going to cum without even being touched and i hate that." he groaned, shuddering a little.
Natasha laughed at the look of horror on his face, “You do. But it’s okay, cause they’re totally the geeky girls in libraries and people who like twincest and-”she broke off at the look of horror she was getting, laughing to hard to keep talking. “I do. But cooking just for myself is boring. You need to be there for me to cook for Ibusec.”She pointed out stealing a quick kiss before returning to her food before snickering. “That’s awesome.... And it’s tony. He could probably catch water on fire if he tried.”Natasha smirked.

Tony whimpered at the idea of reinforcing the bed, rocking his hips a little into james, though softening, his cock was interested in the idea of tying them both down.”I’m going to have to do that. He bent the bar last time we tried.”he muttered nuzzling james a little as he rolled his eyes up to look at steve from where he was resting against james, smirking a little. “well, we can’t have you hating this, now can we?”He smirked before shifting up, laying half on james even as he lowered his mouth to steve’s cock, blowing him with a skill of a man long at ease with giving blowjobs. While he wanted to have sex with the other, he'd need a few minutes to recover, and getting steve off, to take the edge of the desperation would help.
he looked even more horrified with every word she spoke. "Tin WHAT!?" he demanded, horrified. "you're... you're not serious!?" he demanded, horrified. "he's my Brother! i would NEVER! Eew!" he was traumatized. he knew it. "well, i'll have to make sure to be there as often as possible so you will feed me good food." he decided with a grin. "actually... he has caught water on fire. it's why Steve won't let him use the kitchen in the tower." he admitted, looking extremely amused.

"....he bent the bar?" Steve asked, looking amused. "it was an accident... Tony bit me in a tickly spot!" he protested, pouting as Steve laughed. "holy fucking shit, Tony!" he gasped, arching as the mouth wrapped around his cock, tossing his head back, cumming the second Tony sucked. he couldn't help it. he shuddered as he was milked out, looking quite mortified that he'd cum so easily. even if he had been so turned on he thought he was going to pass out. "....well that was mortifying..." Steve admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "i haven't cum that soon since i was twelve..." he admitted sheepishly. "sorry... i mean, i knew i was close but i thought i could have given you warning at least... Jesus! James! son of a bitch!" James mouth was now wrapped around that over sensitive cock, making Steve mewl and shudder, trembling from the over-stimulation. something that Steve absolutely loved.
“Twincest. You should see some of the fanfiction written. It was disturbing and horrible to read, but when you google your name you get Real People Fanfiction, and it’s disturbin, but it amused me that they paired you with Teej, when he’d sooner kill you with a blunt spoon then touch your bare ass.”Natasha giggled, because it was so, so horrible to see the look on Doug’s face before nodding. “I’ll feed you whatever you want.”she promised before staring at him. “...oh my god. That’s epic. I’m totally asking him how that happened.”Natasha snickered.

“Yea, nearly in half.”Tony snickered smiling as steve gasped, closing his eyes as he swallowed down shuddering as he felt the other shooting down his throat. Whimpering quietly in pleasure as he raised his head, blushing ever so slightly. “You have no idea how hot it is to know we turned you on so much you came like a 12 year old.”Tony muttered his voice comepletely wrecked, from both lust and sucking cock always left his voice even rougher, groaning as steve mewled and shuddered, shifting to lay down next to the other.”Hmmm, he’s so good isn’t he?He’s a good boy.”Tony muttered as he ran his fingers through james’ hair, a absent minded reassurance that the other was okay before pouring some lube into his hand, shifting steve a little so he could reach down, sliding a finger into him slowly.
he felt rather defiled all of a sudden. he didn't know what a Fanfiction was but he could give a pretty damn good guess. "ewe. ewe. ewe..." he complained, sulking at her. "seriously! gross!" he complained, shaking his head. "i'm making them take that website down! that's just sick!" he complained with a shudder. "he mixed red wine and oil in a pot with water and the oil and wine caught fire... well, that's how he says it happened anyway." he admitted with a smirk. "i don't think any of us believe him though." he admitted with another snicker as he dipped his bread into the stew and chewed slowly, savoring every bite.

"...." he flushed even more red at the idea that Tony was turned on because Steve couldn't control himself. "Fuck!" he was soon distracted by James mouth, who grinned wickedly. "God! Tony! yes! good boy." Steve moaned, trembling from the effort of not thrusting into that hot, sweet mouth. "Son of a bitch!" he moaned, thrusting twice, before he could contain himself again, when Tony slid a finger into him. it felt so amazing! sex with Bucky, back in the war had never been like this. it had been harried, hurried, filled with fear that made the sex better and worse. he whimpered and moaned while Tony worked him open, thrusting now, unable to stop himself, crying out in dismay when James simply pinned his hips down when James grinned. "i have an idea!" he admitted, rustling through Tony's clothes for the keys tot he collars. he unhooked Steve's, who protested loudly about it until he felt the chain back in place... around his wrists. pinning them, holding them behind his back. another click, and Tony's leash was lipped to the one around Steve's wrists, like a leash. "there! isn't he pretty like this Tony?" James asked, forcing Steve up onto his knees, his face pressed into the bed, open and helpless and apparently loving it if the way his cock was leaking all over the place was any indication.
Natasha winced a littlee, shifting around the table to cuddle against him, “I’m sorry for mentioning it. I’ll make tony see what he can do about the website. He’ll have fun.”Natasha muttered pressing a kiss to his head, knowing that there probably wasn’t anything to do, but she’d get tony to look anyways. Hugging him a little before smirking. “That’s awesome.I’m asking him about it.”She snickered at the idea of tony mixing oil with water and fairly certain that wasn’t what happened, but it was still interesting. Frowning a little as his phone went off, she smirking as she groped him for a moment to get his phone, looking thoughtful as she answer.”Teej?What-...Okay. We’ll be right there. Just stay with Phil and Clint, they wont let her do anything.”Natasha said already moving to get up, tossing 100 on the table to pay and not even bothering to wait for change.”Come on, we have to go. Your mother’s at the club.”She said.

“Very good.”Tony muttered laughing as the other thrust, “You’re not supposed to call me names, pipsqueak. I might just stop doing this.”He teased as he nuzzled the other’s neck, before raising a eyebrow at James.”Yes?”He muttered looking thoughtful as he watched James take the collar off, before tilting his head before smirking as he wrapped a hand around the leash and pulling the other up,”He is very pretty like this. So pretty.”Tony smirked kissing james hard and filthy before pulling away. “You suck his cock while I fuck him. I want to see just how much control he can loose.”Tony smirked as he moved to kneel behind steve, wrapping his arms around the other’s waist, rutting against his ass, but not sliding in,”You want us Stevie?”He muttered biting down on the other’s neck, smirking as he held the other man up.
he shook his head. "no, don't worry about it. i'm sure it's a huge thing." he grumbled. "and even if Tony did manage to take it down, it would just come back in another place." he admitted with a huff before he smirked. "yes. do that. it'll be awesome. i never can get a straight answer out of him, maybe you'll have better luck." he mused with a chuckle before grinning as she searched for his phone. "....shit." he growled, shaking his head as he hopped to his feet, taking the bread with him as he headed for the Club. "shit.... the press is already there." he growled, breaking into a jog. once inside, Phil Coulson was speaking to Elaine about 'matters of world safety' and 'National security'. "Whats going on!?" Doug demanded, examining Phil who studied Doug. "we've found TJ." Phil stated, indicating that what he was telling Elaine was a lie to throw her off the warpath and keep her away from her son. "he was kidnapped and managed to escape. he's badly shaken and hasn't spoken yet. he came here hoping to hide and the crowd panicked him even more. we cannot allow him to see anyone until we have seen to his physical and mental well being." "he's my brother!" "and he could be brainwashed to kill you if he was kidnapped by the people we think he was kidnapped by. please. let me do my job. the sooner i can tend to him the sooner he can get home to his family." Doug hesitated and set his hand on Elaine's arm as if comforting her. " was Pepper, wasn't it? she kidnapped him..." "...we think so.. yes." "fuck." it was a good thing Doug had taken acting lessons or he would have been on the floor laughing his ass off. this was all bullshit, but Elaine was buying it. he knew she was because she was pulling those tears into her eyes like she was about to cry. he knew she never would. politicians don't cry after all.

Steve just mewled at the threat, shaking his head. "no. no. don't stop!" he gasped, trembling as he shook his head again. "God!" he moaned as he felt Tony manipulating him. from that position, Tony found it arousingly easy to control Steve, making the super soldier shudder and flex, testing the metal because... how could he not? "okay!" James chirped happily, wrapping his mouth around Steve's cock again, making the super soldier cry out and shudder once more. "Please! Tony! Please!" Steve gasped. "please. God. Please... i want it i want you. fuck me, fuck me, fuck me... Tony Please!"
“...Probably, but it’d give him something to do.”She smiled a little before laughing, “I always have better luck with Tony. For some reason I scare him.”Natasha snickered a little before swallowing hard. “Yea. Fucking hell.”The woman cursed quietly before jogging after him, looking worried as she pushed the through crowd, pausing at phil’s side. “Oh doug, he’s here. We found him.”Elaine muttered looking utterly relieved that her son had been found, watching the crowd, biting his lip, trying to not demand to see him. “We’ll take him home. It’s calmer there and safer.”Elaine said even if she was buying it, there was cold calculation in her eyes, because she had one ace up her sleeve that was going to totally mess up everything. “No. We will take him back to Avenger’s tower. It is the safest place on the east coast.” “No. I must insist he go to our home. It’s familiar, and safe.”Elaine said looking annoyed with the assassin for interrupting.

Tony smirked as he realized just how easy it was to jerk steve around like this, it was so awesome to see the super soldier testing and moving, smacking his ass. “Hey. If you break that collar I will be severely annoyed, Cap.”Tony said grinning as james swallowed down the other super soldier’s cock, smirking as he begged. Groaning as he pushed his way into the other, wrapping a arm around his waist, whimpering quietly at just how amazing it felt as he fucked the other brutally, holdign them both up, tapping James’ arm, “Brace his hips. If we both loose our balance you’re strong enough to hold us up.”Tony ordered panting hard as he fucked him.
he chuckled. "you frighten all males." he stated simply. "it's the knowledge that you can make them females with a twitch of your wrist at nearly any given moment." he admitted with a chuckle before he sobered as he ran for his mother. he was going to have to take one for the team. "i can't believe he was kidnapped... we all thought he'd just run away and all this time..." Doug whispered, voice laced with guilt and horror. "what did they do to him?" "unknown." Phil admitted. "and i am afraid to say that he will be going to neither place. we have a specialist waiting for him in a high security safe house." Phil stated simply. "we cannot assure his safety, or yours if he is living with you, so he will be removed until both his, and your safety has been assured." Phil admitted. "particularly since Hydra has been close to you and your family Madam President." with the death of the Vice, she had taken the presidency until the election. "they can, and will kill him to keep any secretes he might reveal." Phil warned. "don't worry. once we have treated him we will return him to you. he won't be harmed and he will be well taken care of." he promised. "i'll be giving Doug daily reports on his health." he promised. "i understand this is an emotional time for you, i will do my best to make it as easy on all of you as possible."

Steve yelped as he was smacked, more in surprise than in pain and fell still, panting hard. "Tony i don't think i CAN break it." Steve admitted, sounding wrecked on lust. "yes! Tony, Yes! feels so good!" Steve gasped, crying out as James sucked harder in response and gripped the hips, holding Steve still as the Supersolidier wiggled, whined, moaned and finally, came, his entire body shuddering with the force of it as he spilled his seed down James throat. not that it stopped James, he just kept right on sucking.
Natasha looked at Phil, nodding slightly. “Yes sir.” Elaine frowned a little thinking it over before nodding, the woman not about to protest just yet, still working on how to get around Phil Coulson, who was resolutely in the way of every plan she’d ever made. “Good. I will expect to hear from you soon.”She said before looking up at the man with soft wide eyes, the emotional response of a mother who was worried for her son. She was such a liar. “May I see him before you take him?Just for a moment?” “That would not be a good idea, madam president.”Natasha muttered even as her eyes searched the club, figuring clint and tj were there somewhere, trying to figure out just how unglued TJ was coming with the threat of his mother being near him.

“Good. No breaking it.”Tony growled moaning as he fucked the other man, gasping as steve’s body tightened around him, hands bruisingly tight over james’ hands, holding on, moaning as he came, slumping down onto the other’s back, whimpering quietly as he pulled away, slumping down onto the bed, and gently undoing steve’s hands, panting as he watched the two.
Phil nodded back. he had never liked Elaine, she was shifty, sly. she squirmed out of trouble more often then he could ignore, using tactics he found displeasing. he knew she hated him just as much, he cared little about her 'plans'. she was a menace, and he knew he was going to have to get rid of her before she turned the white house into a War-zone. the only issue was TJ. he still loved her, he knew he couldn't just have her killed. that would end very badly. "you will hear from me as soon as tomorrow morning." Phil assured her. "indeed it wouldn't. if he's been brainwashed he will attack you on sight." Phil admitted as he shook his head. "in any case, he has already been removed from this location." back to the tower probably, being comforted by Clint. "i'm afraid i have to get going. he is in safe hands but i feel better with him close to me. Hydra would love to have him back if they where the ones who kidnapped him." he admitted as he headed for the Exit. "there will be some Shield Agents in the white house tomorrow." he warned her. "they will be providing extra security in case of another attack." and to spy too but she didn't need to know that.

Steve gasped and panted as he felt the other gripping him. he knew he would have bruises, but didn't care. they'd be gone in an hour anyway. "my turn." James growled eagerly, Steve mewling as James took Tony's position and carefully eased his way inside. both super soldiers moaning as they fucked each other. and continued to fuck each other as they let Tony catch his breath and enjoy the show. they took turns topping too, Steve apparently had a thing for filthy talking because he called James all kinds of perverse names and muttered filthy things as he fucked the once assassin into the mattress. then they both tuned their attentions back to Tony and gave him the ride of a lifetime before turning their attention back on each other. it was a night full of sex and anytime Toy caught his breath or got hard enough they turned their attention back on him. by dawn all three men where well beyond exhausted. " my limit seams to be twenty." Steve slurred limp and pliant and done, James giggling. he'd cum fifteen times and hadn't been able to get 'it' back up, though he had enjoyed sucking Steve off the last time. "fuck... i think i killed my cock." Steve groaned. "best... sex.. ever." James muttered, grinning at Tony. "that was awesome."
Elaine nodded, before sighing. “Oh. Well. I will expect your people in the morning.”Elaine sighed softly, before looking at Doug. “Are you coming home?”She asked looking worried for her son, and expecting him to come home now that he didn’t have to go looking for TJ. Expecting her chief of staff to be with her during the media frenzy she knew was coming. Natasha swallowed hard, tense and looking away from doug, staring at the floor, for once being overwhelmed by what she was feeling. Because despite her faith, her need to believe that they could have a life together, she couldn’t trust the idea that he would stand up to his mother, to be with her

Tony moaned from where he was laying between them, panting quietly, and utterly exhausted.”....I think we found the limit of how much extermis made me more then human...”Tony panted quietly, blinking slowly, smiling slightly at the sound of the giggle, it was a sound that never failed to make him smile. “...I think you two’ve killed me...but it was the best sex ever.”he grinned stealing a kiss before frowning as he realized his phone was ringing, flailing around for a moment in uncoordinated exhaustion before answering.”Teej?What’s...hold on, don’t panic. No just calm down, I promise. No one’s getting into the tower without my permission, and clint’s with you-hey. I’ll call johnny to, okay?And loki. Don’t panic.”he soothed hearing the man on the verge of a panic attack, even as he slid out of bed, blearily searhcing for his clothes and steve’s phone, using it to text the others, knowing loki and johnny at least could be there faster then he could at the moment.
Phil nodded as he left and Doug hesitated. "i can't." he admitted to Elaine. "there's something personal that's come up that i have to handle." he admitted, looking torn even if he wasn't. "i'll be there in the morning though." he promised. "and i'll deliver the media speech myself. it will look better coming from me." he admitted. "go home and get some sleep. you haven't been doing well the last couple of weeks." he muttered before glancing at Natasha. "you'll still be my bodygaurd? i can't trust the Secrete Service right now." he admitted. "not when they let Pepper take TJ." he looked at Elaine. "we should run a full background check on everyone working in the white house. Tony will help." he promised. "we'll do it on the down low and anyone whose Hydra will be taken care of by Shield. this way it will look like the White house had nothing to do with it and we'll avoid backlash." he stated, knowing that would distract his mother thoroughly. "i have to go mom. i'm sorry. i'll be there at noon tomorrow for the press release." he promised, giving her a kiss before heading off, glancing at Nat once they where out of earshot. "i'm sorry, i can't risk having her find out about us getting married until he paperwork is all signed and done with." he admitted. "she'll do nasty things to you if she finds out early... and i have to protect TJ." he admitted, looking very troubled. "i have a very bad feeling about this Nattie." he admitted. "a very bad feeling..." he shook his head. "never mind, let's hurry and get that marriage certificate signed by a judge before i have to go in tomorrow. i'll finish the paperwork today and give it to her tomorrow before the press release. i'll announce my retirement there and that will give my mother something different to focus on. as well as the press. i don't give a damn what they say about me so long as they leave TJ alone." so, Natasha did take priority, even over his own mother.

Steve chuckled and James giggled again at Tony's comments. "we are never telling anyone that we just had an all night sex marathon." he ordered, looking delighted by the idea that he'd just had an all night sex marathon. "phone." Steve groaned before he fell silent, worried about what was happening, sliding out and getting dressed, James following suit, both ready to leap into the car and head home right away. TJ was in trouble, they had to be there for him. Steve turned as there came a knock on the door and in walked Phil, who looked quite disturbed himself. "...Tony. i'm going to take us all home." he explained. "we'll have a serviceman come get the cars. we need to get home A.S.A.P."
Elaine looked worried for her son before nodding. “I’ll see you in the morning then.”Elaine said looking tired before looking worried as she glanced at natasha. “Of course. I’ll stay. And I’ll ask Tony to get started on the background checks. He’s only redesigning the suit, he can take care of background checks easily enough.”Natasha said smiling slightly, amazed that it did indeed work to distract Elaine as she left.

“I know. I just hadn’t thought you’d actually be able to tell her no, and stay with me.”Natasha muttered looking so, so proud of him, wrapping a arm around his waist, hugging him. “I have a bad feeling to, but let’s get back to the tower. And we’ll get a judge in NYC to sign it, that way its no one who’ll talk to your mother before you can get free.”Natasha said already heading for the car, slipping inside, smiling a little. “We’ll make sure they leave TJ alone, even if we have to send tony and james out in public to be their shameless selves.”She pointed out as they drove, knowing the two men would be utterly outrageous if needed to distract the press.

”But,but that’s not fair!Telling people I had a sex marathon is the reason to have marathons!”Tony whined a little even as he answered the phone. Waving to Phil he swallowed, nodding.”TJ, calm down. Phil’s here and we’ll be there soon okay?Just talk to Clint. And if you need to, go downstairs and put on the suit. Fire off a repulsor or something. Have jarvis put up a shooting range with your mother as a target, just calm down.”Tony said looking at Phil worriedly, mouthing ‘panic attack’.
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