The Asset (Avengers) Moon/Lady

“Uh, you do know my pipsqueak is like, 97 right?Of course there was a team. They were just the howling commandos instead of the avengers.”Tony explained snickering a little before smiling at Clint’s words. “Much better then our actual families you know. Well. Except for Doug. But he’s about to become everyone’s family, so he doesn’t count.”TJ snickered a little. “...You were staring at my boyfriend?”Tony growled, sounding posessive as he looked at TJ, knowing the man just had some boundaries that he couldn’t help but push. “Hm, you three were snuggling and half dressed. It was cute.”TJ snickered amused before smirking as he lifted his shirt to show the curious looking tony. “It is. Though I’m amazed TJ did it again. I mean, you had so many problems the first time around.”Tony grinned snickering because he knew just how sensitive the other’s nipples were before tilting his head.”...Do I need to worry about phil going all posessive angry with me with you showing off?”Tony snickered. “And I am not sexually repressed!” “Yes you were. It was disturbing.” are a cruel, cruel man. You just like scaring me.”Natasha whined before laughing. “You know that’s your own stomach right?It’s not a alarm bell to tell you tony’s hungry.”She teased before looking upset she’d upset him before looking at steve. “Oh!I can do that.”Natasha smiled relaxing as she let go of James, stepping away and heading for the kitchen.”Come on. Pizza wont be that long. They’re always quick about delivering since Tony tips the delivery boy so obscenely.”
they blinked and then. "oh my god he's right!" Clint gasped, stunned. "if you really think about it, the Commandos was the worlds first team of superheros!" he grinned. "i wonder if Steve realizes that?" he mused before he snorted. "Doug is accepted into the family Tony. jsut because we hate his parents doesn't mean he's excluded. he became part of the family when he actively started pulling people's attentions away from TJ." he pointed out, looking amused. "i heard Elaine had a mild attack when she found a picture of Doug in Shangai, naked and dancing on top of a table. and it WAS Doug because he has that cute little mark on his ass that TJ doesn't." that mark was from when Doug was six and fell on a glass. fifteen stitches and a very sore ass for a good month but it left a scar that looked not unlike a crescent moon on the man's left ass cheek. not something that anyone who wasn't family would recognize, but enough to send Elaine into a fit. "nah." Clint admitted as he dropped his shirt. "he likes to see me showing off his marks of possession." he admitted with a smirk as he fingered the bite mark and the rope burns on his wrist.

"i do. yes." James admitted before he blinked at her as if she'd grown a second head and Steve snickered. "James has come to the conclusion that those sounds are exactly that. Tony always eats with James, and James won't eat unless Tony does, so he seams to think that his stomach is directly tied to Tony's." James just blinked. "...i don't like Pizza." he complained, scowling. not that he'd ever had it before. fortunately they had prepared for that, just in case, and had also prepared a huge strawberry parfait with a strawberry banana smoothie for James in case he actually didn't like the Pizza.
“they were. I sorta wanna take a picture of steve and Jamie in their original commando suits for halloween and declare they won the best dressed contest.” “...You only want to do that cause Steve found that picture of us.”TJ rolled his eyes. “A mild attack that had her threatening her chief of staff in the white house. I heard Garcetti had to put them in separate rooms.”Tony snickered amused because it had definitely been doug dancing on that table top, with a amused natasha watching on. Rolling his eyes as clint fingered the marks, “Dont finger yourself in public areas. If I’m forbidden from having sex in common rooms, you’re not allowed doing that.”Tony teased even as he headed for the elevator to go get the pizza from the delivery man, smirking as he settled the 10 boxes of party pizza onto the table. Even if they didn’t eat it all, they could always have it as leftovers. There was enough people with huge appetites to make sure that no leftovers ever spoiled.

“Natasha laughed at that, shaking her head. “You know, that sorta makes sense.”Natasha snickered before nudging him, “You’ve never had it. Come on, lets go.”Natasha smiled as they walked into the living room. “Here. Try, and if you don’t like it, we have a smoothie for you.”Tony smiled as he settled on the couch with a plate of pizza, curling up between his boys, looking more relaxed then he had in days. "When's doug getting here?"Tony asked, amused to see natasha and doug together, because he hadn't actually seen them interacting since he'd found out they were dating, so this was going to be interesting. "Any minute. he was leaving as soon as he got all his paperwork done."Natasha said smiling a little, well aware that it might be awhile, depending on how bitchy elaine was being about letting him have a whole week to himself. because while he'd been searching for TJ for awhile, it had just been online or a day here and there, this was a whole week that he was just taking for himself.
Clint snickered a little. "they still have the suits too, it's at the museum." he admitted with a grin. "oh? a picture? do tell?" Clint asked, wrapping his arms around TJ as he nuzzled the matching hickie on TJ's neck... less viscous than Clint's though. "she threatened her Cheif of staff?" Clint asked, looking extremely amused. "you do know that Doug's been talking about quitting right?" Clint asked. "Natasha told me. Doug's trying to think of what would make HIM happy for once and he's not sure if he'd be content working at the white house when his soon to be wife is a super spy." he admitted before he pouted at Tony. "but i like to finger myself. besides, you'd hate it if people watched you fuck your boys." he pointed out as he helped tony with the ten XL pizza's. most of it would be gone by the time everyone finished eating.

" James convoluted mind, maybe." Steve agreed. "but it urges James to eat so it doesn't matter because when James eats, Tony eats and who cares what they do to get to that point? so long as they eat." Steve agreed with a chuckle as James huffed at the offered piece and took a nibble of the plain cheese. he chewed for a moment, eyes narrowed critically before he shrugged and took another before chasing Loki away from his strawberry goodies when the godling 'wandered' too close to the smoothie. "i'm here now." Doug admitted, sounding tired. "i brought my paperwork with me when i saw my mother screaming at the staff. figured i'd better just cut my losses... i'll inform her by Email and send the paperwork with a dispatch... apparently, someone..." he glared at Tony. "sent her a picture of my naked ass from Shanghai." he admitted as he leaned over and kissed her. "mmmm i'm feeling better already."
“I know. I think that’s going to be my and steve’s first date-date. I mean, going to the smithsonian’s cap exhibit would be amusing.”Tony said not about to admit to being a utter dork and wanting to take steve to the new science exhibit, not cap’s exhibit. TJ shuddered a little tilting his head a little. “Hmm, yea. He re-drew a ruined picture of me and Tony dressed up as him and James for halloween when we were like, 15.”TJ snickered a little before nodding. “Hm, well, considering her chief of staff is also her son, she gets away with yelling at Doug more then she does most people.Though you’re right, he’s considering leaving.”TJ smiled happy for his brother, knowing for once, doug was thinking about himself. “Hm, if he does, I have a position of CEO open. I mean, since mine know, died.”Tony said for the first time joking, however vaguely, about pepper. “I would not. It would be amazing, and hot.”Tony smirked at the idea even if he knew clint was right, he wouldn’t do well with anyone seeing that.

“....So much trouble to make sure your boys eat.At least mine’s figured out how to eat on his own.”Natasha teased amused as she started to eat. “Not bad right?”Tony smiled watching james, snickering a little as the man chased loki away. “You sound exhausted, Iubesc.”She muttered, the romanian word for love falling easily from her lips. While she might be russian, spent most of her time before shield in russia, the woman had grown up in the safe house with james where he was frozen the most, which had been in a isolated corner of romania, and had picked up some of the words, mixing them easily with russian and english, slipping easily between them. “We can have someone from SI get your paperwork over.”Tony promised before wincing, “It’s not my fault!I sent it to TJ, I hadn’t realized she’d tagged his cellphone. Which is why he has a new one, by the way. This one she wont be able to crack and try to find out where he is.”Tony said because for a few panicked minutes having really been worried elaine had found TJ, only to realize she’d downloaded his calls and texts to see where he was. Thank god TJ really hadn’t been using the phone, otherwise she might have found more. “Besides, Natasha’s the one who showed it to me.” “Only because you asked how my weekend was.”Natasha smiled kissing doug back, tugging him down next to her. “Sit. Eat. You’ll feel even better.”
Clint snorted. "he's already been there Tony. several times." he pointed out, looking amused. "take him to the science part. he likes finding out how things work." Clint suggested with a grin. "do i get to see this picture?" he asked, already digging in TJ's pockets for the wallet he knew was stuffed with pictures. "Mother or not, she has no right to scream at him like that." Clint scowled before he glanced at Tony. "Tony. Steve's been taking care f SI." he reminded. "and he's been doing it thrice as well. no one's going to tell Captain America he has to come in person to do this or that, and no one's going to argue when he says your not available. not to mention the military contractors aren't going to fuck with him because he outranks most of them." Clint admitted. "it was kind of awesome. he sent me to scare some of the Board back in line." he admitted, his grin quite sharp.

"it's okay i guess..." James muttered. it wasn't his favorite, but he'd eat it. "...i am exhausted. i had to hide in a bathroom for ten minutes when my mother started a screaming match with the cleaning staff." he admitted. "she didn't notice me, but i had to crawl out the window when she realized the bathroom was locked and demanded that someone get the key." he admitted. " wasn't until i was all the way out the window that i remembered i was on the third floor." Clint started to laugh, he couldn't help it. "Thank you Stark, i'd appreciate that." he admitted, looking so very, very relieved that he didn't have to go back. "i'll make sure to give the poor man... or woman, a healthy tip for having to put up with her in this state." he paused and blinked at Tony. "oh... i thought... never mind, sorry i made assumptions and made a dick of myself again. i'm working on that." he promised, smiling sheepishly. "...i'm going to 'assume' there's plenty and have more than one slice." he decided, looking extremely amused before he frowned and poked one. "what is... that?" "mine!" Loki stated, snatching the box out of Doug's reach. "it's arugula and goat cheese." "....gross Loki!" Clint complained.
“I’ll do that.”Tony said smiling as he realized he didn’t have to admit to being a utter geek and going to the science part just because he wanted to. Groaning a littel as he was groped, well, his pockets dug through tj laughed a little. “Stop. You’re going to rip something.”TJ laughed a little, amused as he lifted his hips just enough to get his wallet out of his back pocket before showing it to clint. “I know, but Doug would be good at it to.And well, he’d probably enjoy it. I mean, he’d have a awesome boss if he was CEO.”Tony snickered amused because he knew steve enjoyed doing everything for SI, and that his company was in good hands, but he knew not working would drive Doug insane if he didn’t have something to do. Letting him do stuff for SI was just a favor to both himself, and to TJ.

“...That’s disturbing. You’re 30, and hiding in the bathroom from your mother.”Natasha sighed softly upset for him.”You really do need to get out of there, Ibusec.”she muttered before snickering. “That would be amusing to see. Did anyone see you sneaking out the window?That’d be almost as good of a picture as you dancing on a table top.”Tony snickered before tilting his head. “Tony. You’re going to be family, well, have been family for years, really. Just tony.”Tony corrected shrugging a little before smirking. “Oh, you wont need to.”Tony’s smirk turned diamond sharp and just a tad evil. “I’m going to have Jamie drop it off when me and Steve go on our date. We’re going to be in washington anyways.”Tony snickered before smirking at Doug’s look. “I know. And you’re not wrong. I would have totally sent that picture before. But apparently dating Captain America makes me kinder....not to mention I knew she would never mistake it for TJ what with that scar on your ass. If I could have tricked her into thinking it was Teej, your ass would have so been seen by your mother.” “....that’s tony’s way of saying I scare him to much to send your naked picture to your mother.”Natasha snickered a little before smirking. “Definitely more then enough pizza. I think we put some poor kid through college each time we order pizza really.”she snickered.
Clint grinned a little and nodded. "that was the plan until you stopped me." he admitted, lifting an eyebrow at the picture. "....oh, my god.. you two are so Adorable!" he admitted with a grin before he paused. "why are you dressed like that?" Clint actually didn't celebrate most holidays, being that he was a 'gypsy carny' from Italy. Clint did celebrate holidays, but they where always catholic in origin and rarely had anything to do with fun. Agent's rarely celebrated anything since they where from so many different cultures and religions so Clint had never come across the idea of Halloween before save in movies and TV and he had never really paid much attention to anything unless it had explosions in it. "Doug was actually thinking of opening up his own Legal Counsel." Clint admitted. "he'd be good at it. he wouldn't be a lawyer, but he could advise people like Steve in how to get around loopholes in contracts and such." he admitted. "that's what he thought about to Natasha anyway. he's mostly undecided."

"....i know. very disturbing." he admitted with a sigh before he smiled. "i have plans kotyonok." he admitted with a smirk as James choked on his smoothie. honestly, Doug was sort of surprised Natasha let him call her 'kitten' but she did. "i hope not! then she'd know i was there!" Doug admitted, looking briefly panicked. "god i AM pathetic." he groaned, setting a hand over his eyes. "oh my god..." he groaned before he offered Tony a smile. "Tony then." he agreed before he gaped at Tony in stunned shock. "...but he HATES my mother!" he stated. "you think i didn't hear the three hour rant she gave me when he insulted her in front of a hundred people at the Aquarium!?" James looked smug. "i only did it because she started it." he stated simply. "of course she did. she's a bitch." Doug agreed. "...Tony... stop looking at my ass." Doug ordered, looking amused as he chewed on a piece of deep dish pepperoni as Phil walked in, adjusting his tie as he walked and checking his hair in a mirror. "oh, Pizza." he crowed, delight3ed as he snatched up a piece of Loki's nastiness, ignoring the Godling's squall of protest. "Sorry Loves." he stated as he kissed TJ and Clint. "the information from the captured Hydra Bunkers is coming in and i have to help them sort through it." he admitted. "i'll be back in a few hours once i can figure out what information i can bring back home and what information i can't." he admitted, shaking his head as he examined the pile of Pizza boxes. "i am taking this one with me." he decided as he snatched up one of the unopened ones and walked out the door with it, making Clint snicker.
"What did i tell you about ripping my clothes? Dont. I like my clothes. "Tj whined a little before staring at the other."halloween party." "You have no idea what that is do you?"tony said raising a eyebrow."pretty much its a holiday to dress up and pretend to be something your not...sort of like a nationally celebrated one day comicon."toony snickered a little before nodding."he should do that. Hed be good at it."

"Good. Plans are good."natasha said calming a little because while she didnt know what he planned exactly, she just wanted him to be happy before her eyes widened, realizing just how upset he was."its okay. Just quit doug."she muttered hating to see him like this. It really made her want to kill her."i know he does but if i order him tor not kill her he wont, i dont trust either me or steve to not to if we dropped it off before our date."tony snickered because while he might ask james to drop it off hed probably just have it delivered because he knew sending james would just make it worse."but its a nice ass." "Tony leave him alone.stare aat james."natasha ordered smiling a little."be careful. Just dont get in any trouble."tj said looking worried for his lover because it was hard to let him go, swithout any way to protect him.even if he knew it was safe, he still knew there was hydra agents they didnt know about and he still worried. "He'll be fine. Hes Agent."tony said smiling as he curled up between james and steve eating, his legs curled up under him, for the first time in while looking totally at ease
Clint smirked. "i like ripping your clothes." he purred. "i get to see all kinds of pretty skin then." he admitted as he nuzzled TJ's neck. "really!? that sounds awesome!" he admitted as Tony explained Halloween. "we'll have to do that this year! i can make the costumes!" he decided, looking delighted. any chance to geek out was acceptable in Clint's mind.

Doug smiled. "i've actually been saving up my money for about five years." he admitted. "i'm not sure if i want to actually buy a house or not. a lot of my plans need your input." he admitted with a smile as he glanced at Natasha. "but i do have plans." he promised her. "and i do plan on quitting once i finish all the paperwork i need to." he admitted. "i'd leave it, but i plan on slipping most of my 'i'm quitting paperwork in with it." he admitted. "it'll be filed before my mother even realizes she signed off on it." he admitted, looking quite pleased. "it shouldn't take more than a day to finish it all up and have it sent on it's way." he promised her. "i have the paperwork for our marriage all set up as well, all we need to do is sign it and then we can send that in too. that way if She finds out before her time, she can't stop the wedding." he paused. "i'm not sure she actually could, but she'd sure as hell try. not to mention Anne, whose called me..." he paused and dug out his cell phone and checked. "...forty two times in the last seventy two hours." he stated. "yuck." he shoved his phone back in his pocket. "Anne would do anything to ruin my marriage to Nat."

"what did you see in her in the first place?" Clint asked, looking confused. "...i don't know. she was pretty? my dad liked her? she made TJ yak? my dad set us up and i just went with the flow because that's what my mom and dad wanted." he admitted with a shrug. "i figured i might as well marry her, who else was going to want me, for me?" he asked before he grimaced. "well... she didn't actually want me, after all..." he grumbled. "she was a slag and my parents where helping to cover i up. well, my dad was. my mother was just as horrified as i was that she was sleeping around with most of my security detail." he admitted with a huff before he watched Phil who smiled at TJ. "i'm just going to HQ Teej." he promised. "all the information is there, i won't be stepping into open combat or even leaving the sate." he promised with another kiss before walking out. "damn TJ... it's kind of unfair that your getting more action than i am... ow!" he complained, rubbing his arm where Natasha had pinched him.
"Hm, very true.”TJ snickered a little before smiling.”Really.” “If you can do it in a few days, yea sure. I mean, I don’t know what everyone wanted to go as, but it’ll be fun.”Tony smiled a little.

Natasha tilted her head looking thoughtful, wondering if he’d be okay living here. It wasn’t like Tony didn’t have room for them. And wondering if she wanted to stay...a house with doug would be okay...biting her lip as she looked thoughtful. “Good. Finish it, and hopefully she’ll never notice it.”Natasha snickered a little at the idea of elaine signing it without noticing. “That’s diabolical. And awesome.I like it.”Tony snickered a little watching them. “No, she realyl wont be able to stop the wedding...and I keep telling you, Anne is easily dealt with.” “Hey. If I can’t let Jamie kill Elaine, you don’t get to kill Anne.”TJ protested though he was laughing before making a face. “she was okay. Tolerable a little, at least she didn’t try and make doug leave me alone.”TJ shrugged a little.

“Well, I want you for you.And you can never doubt that.”Natasha muttered kissing his cheek smirking a little as Phil left. “I know. But still be careful.”TJ grumbled a little snickering as natasha pinched doug. “If you would stop leaving me here, you’d get more action.”Natasha said airily, making a face at her soon to be husband.
Clint blinked. "when is it?" he asked, looking a bit startled before he shrugged. "i have a few old costumes i can tailor fit." he had an entire storage rental full of them actually. he could let them go in, pick what they wanted and tailor them. shooting people was fun, but it was making costumes... and having sex, that really soothed him when he needed to unwind. had been ever since he was sixteen so there where a LOT of costumes.

"i doubt she will. i go through everything to make sure it's safe before she signs it." he admitted with a smirk. "she doesn't eve look at them because she knows she won't sign anything i haven't already fixed." he admitted. "you don't have to kill her." Steve drawled suddenly. "just put dope in her car and have her get arrested. even if it's only for the weekend, it's enough to get her out of your hair for the wedding... what!? i might have had some revenge on a few bullies back in my day." Steve admitted and Doug nodded. "we'll do that." he hesitated and then glanced guiltily at TJ. "well... not to your face... i never listened to her when she told me you where damaging 'our' reputation but she said it." he admitted with a sigh. "i should have dumped her the first time but i was so desperate to not... you know." end up disliked like TJ had been. "i love you for you too. it's totally not because you threatened me into marrying you." he teased with a smile. "and it's totally not because i'm too terrified to say no." of course considering he'd proposed to her that was total bullshit but hey, he was having fun and she'd be flattered. "Love, i don't think i could handle any more action." he admitted with a chuckle. "you exhaust me in all the best ways but dying from sex is not the way i want to go."
“October 31st. You have a few weeks actually.”TJ smiled kissing his cheek.

“Evil, evil Doug. I like this doug.”Tony snickered amused before pausing as he stared at his boyfriend, “...And here you kept blaming Barnes for all the trouble you got in. I’m thinking it’s definitely some of you.”TJ snickered shaking his head a little. “Getting your mother arrested, I’m liking it. We’ll take care of it.”natasha snickered at the idea. “...Oh.”TJ muttered looking down,swallowing hard feeling ripped apart, because he had genuninely liked anne, well at least till the end when she told the press on him, but he had liked her company. “I’ll threaten you with something, Ibusec.”She muttered the romanian word for love falling easily from her lips, smiling quietly flattered at his words before laughing before snickering as Tony beat her to voicing his thoughts. “Dying from sex is definitely how I want to go. I mean, I’m the only purely human in my relationship, I’m going to die trying to play naked twister with super soldiers.” “...You do this to me on purpose, tony. You’re trying to get me punished.”TJ whined a little at that mental image, though he was very glad for proof that tony was indeed feeling a load better, his libido and mood bouncing back.
Doug grinned. "get Anne arrested while your at it." he suggested with a yawn before he smirked at Steve who snorted. "Bucky had an attitude and a mouth, but i was the brains of the operations. i was tiny though so he usually took the blame and punishment for everything. being that his Father was a Major General no one was about to hit Bucky like they probably would have done me." he admitted. "Buck's father thought it was hilarious and never punished him either so it all worked out." he admitted before both he and Doug winced at the broken tone in TJ's voice. "i'm sorry TJ..." Doug muttered as he watched his brother before he glanced at his fiance with a snort. "why bother when i'm already so terrified i'll do anything you tell me to?" he asked with a grin. "i'd love to die by sex. probably the only way i could die without Phil coming into the afterlife to punish me for dying on him." Clint admitted with an impish grin as Steve tittered. "no. he'd still punish you." "....your right, he would." Clint complained with a pout as James blinked as Loki piped up. "speaking of the afterlife...." he stated simply. "you make sure to tell Prince Vlaimar that his request has been approved for him and five guests." "who?" "...phil." "oh... five you say?" "yes." "excellent."
“I will.”Tony snickered smiling a little as Natasha shifted tugging doug against her, snuggling him a little, pressing a kiss to his dark hair. Knowing they should probably go get some sleep, he needed it. “That’s awesome.”TJ snickered a little at the idea of steve being the brains of that troublesome duo. “Its okay.”TJ muttered shifting to snuggle against clint, closing his eyes, simply taking comfort in his boyfriend’s presence. “Very true.”Natasha snickered a little amused knowing he really didn’t mean it. While she might worry some that he was serious, she knew him, understood teasing. “He would, but it would totally be worth it.”TJ snickered nuzzling his face against clint’s shoulder. “What?What request?”Tony said looking curious and interested.
Doug smiled as he leaned into her, sighing. honestly, Natasha had scared him a bit at first. only an idiot wasn't afraid of a woman who knew twenty ways to kill you with a toothpick and ten ways to kill you with a piece of floss that didn't include strangulation. he loved her all the more for it now, knew he would never have to worry about her in the night and felt pretty confident that he could hide behind her like a little girl without being guilty about it later. plus she was funny as hell and always knew when he was joking and when he was serious and knew what he was feeling and wanted even when he could say it. she was beautiful and talented and he loved her with all his heart even though it had only been a few months. "i'm not sure." Clint admitted glancing at Loki who chuckled. "immortality request." he admitted. "he's a Fey after all so he'll outlive the two of you by eons. not something he's looking forward to. he's discovered that Steve and James are borderline immortal as well, they'll live for a good thousand years or more so he's making a dib on Tony too for Steve and James sake. Natasha has the same serum as James so he's making a dib on Doug as well. eventually you'll all die of course, but the Goddess over death can extend your natural lifespans. won't stop you from dying if you get shot, but you won't die of old age in front of him this way." Loki admitted, granted that wasn't the whole truth of what Phil wanted, but it was enough to appease Tony, who would NOT want to know that they where going to go torture Pepper and Howard.
Tony stared at Loki with wide eyes, because he really had been worried about leaving his boys alone. He’d been aware that they’d outlive him, after all they were both still only 24 and 28 respectively. Even if they’d been without the serum, they’d outlive him.but now...oh yes. He could enjoy that. “Cool.”Tony said simply, shifting to nudge steve, yawning as he stretched, the newly healed bone not even hurting as he rubbed a hand over his face.”I’m going to bed. I want to get some work done before we leave for washington tomorrow.”Tony smirked a little because he knew that while it had been planned for his and steve’s date, they’d all discussed going to TJ’s club without him or clint, simply showing up. But glancing at doug he wondered if it would be kinder to simply leave the man out of their plans. Because they’d planned on a impromptu bachlor party for him to, after all he knew that even if they arrived without clint and tj, that as soon as their presence at the club was discovered, the two would be in. Yawning he leaned down to steal a kiss from his super soldiers before heading for the bedroom.

“Come on, Ibusec. You need sleep.”Natasha muttered pressing a kiss to doug’s hair.
Loki smiled a little, pleased that all of the people he had grown to like, a lot would soon be with him for a very long time. no one would outlive the other. not by much at any rate. Steve groaned a little and smiled at Tony as he nudged the other back before leaning over to whisper a rather amusing mutter about how TJ and Doug was going to kill them when they realized why they where really going to DC. "come on James, bedtime." Steve ordered, making James grumble and look at Tony before deciding that Tony did look tired. the both happily kissed Tony back before following him to the bedroom, James humming some weird song he must have discovered while hanging out with Clint. Doug just smiled as he rested his head on her shoulder. "only if you sleep with me." he ordered. "you have rooms here right? think Tony would mind if i crashed here?"
Tony snickered quietly, nodding at the other’s words, but knowing that the two hammonds would enjoy themselves. Doug didn’t loosen up nearly enough.

“Of course I’m sleeping with you.”She teased smirking a little as she pulled him towards her bedroom. “I think tony would be upset if you DIDN’T crash here. You might consider that to doug. I mean, he’s got penthouse apartments for the whole team, mine would be yours to after we’re married.”She smiled kissing him before smiling as they got ready for bed.

In the morning Tony grinned as he finished dressing, for once in the simple blue jeans and henley shirt making him look younger and more carefree then the billionaire superhero CEO he usually looked like. He looked comfortable, and definitely would be able to blend into the crowds at the smithsonian for their date, though he was dressed casually, he was definitely dressed well enough to go clubbing afterwards. Looking up at Steve as the man walked into the living room carrying their suitcases he smirked as he pulled on his well worn converse tennis shoes, because even if he was in a suit, the converse were all he wore. The fact that he looked like the teenager he’d once been instead of his real age, was just amusing. “You two ready to go?”He said looking a little anxious though as he glanced between the two super soldiers, still worried about a three way date. While they’d discussed it being simply tony and steve, tony had veto’d it in favor of a three way date, simply so they could get used to being together, and actually dating. Needing to know if it could work before he could get used to just dating steve on his own. Worried that they were having second thoughts when all he wanted was to be with them both.
he grinned before he stared at her, startled. " know, that option slipped my mind..." he admitted, blinking. "it would be pretty awesome to live here... a lot of roomates though." he admitted with a grin. "maybe we'll live here, and buy a house in California or Florida for vacations?" he mused as he started brushing his teeth. "what do you think? like i said, i need your input for most of my plans." he admitted with a grin. "i'm not going to decide on things and just assume you'll be happy with them, you'd be pissed with me." he admitted with a snicker.

Steve smiled, he was wearing jeans and a button up. James was wearing his usual leather pants, button up shirt and leather jacket. looking like a rich bad boy. "sexy." Steve purred at him. "yes, we're ready." he admitted with a smile. "you all packed? you remembered your toothbrush and deodorant?" he demanded, checking through James things to make sure everything that was needed was there. "...James how many times do i have to tell you, you can't bring a fully automatic V79 with us!" he stated, pulling out the special Shield created weapon and tossing it on the bed, ignoring James whining.
“It is fairly awesome. And it’s big enough we can ignore each other if we want, but we usually end up having dinner together, unless someone’s on a date.”She shrugged before grinning, “Hm. Vacation home would be nice. Though not florida or cali, I mean, if we wanted to go there, Tony already has a house there. We’ll have a choose somewhere he doesn’t own a place.”Natasha pointed out knowing tony would sulk for DAYS if they payed for a house when he’d be perfectly fine letting them use his. “Hm, I would be. At least you recognize this. Which is better then anyone else has ever done.”She smiled kissing his cheek, smiling as she finished brushing her teeth. “James agreed to give me away.”she said her smile happy and pleased.

“Thanks. You to.”Tony groaned a little as he looked over the two, before nodding. “Yea, I remembered everything. And Jamie, no guns. I promise you’ll be fine. And if not, I have the suit, and you’re more then able to defend yourself gunless.”Tony squirmed closer wrapping his arms around the other’s waist, leaning into the brunette, stealing a kiss. “I promise, I’ll protect you.”He muttered nuzzling him a little before grinning. “Let’s go.”he said worried that if given more time, james would be even more upset over leaving all his weapons behind.
he nodded. "if Tony doesn't mind, which i doubt he would to be honest, we'll just live here full time and buy a vacation home somewhere else... Machu Picchu maybe, or Jamaica, Australia perhaps. someplace with a beach." he mused with a grin as he spat and rinsed before started getting changed before grinning at her. "your right of course, Tony would sulk. he's good at it too." he admitted as he cracked his back and then crawled into bed with a sigh. "god it was a long day." he admitted with a smile at her. "i'm glad i can finish it here with you." he admitted as he took her hand and stroked the knuckles before he beamed at her. "really!? that's great!" he admitted, looking delighted. "let's just hope he doesn't attack the guests." he teased with a grin because he had no plans on bringing anyone from his side of things, and James knew everyone from Natasha's side f things. James would have no reason to fight.

Steve grinned as he examined himself. "not as sexy as James is." he admitted, unashamed as he stared at James ass, who was, in turn, staring at Tony's. "you have to wear those more." James ordered, looking quite delighted. "but i wanted to play with that one!" James complained, Steve rolling his eyes. "you can play with it when we get back." he promised. "now. no sulking on our first date you'll upset Tony." "don't be upset!" James protested, turning worried eyes on Tony, evaluating his emotions before settling when he realized Tony wasn't upset yet. "let's go!" James decided, sighing when Steve cleared his throat and held his hand out, James sulking again as he pulled a wicked dagger out of nowhere and handed it to Steve, who tossed it onto the bed as well before ushering them out. private jet or not, they didn't want to be late.
“if he minds anything, it’s not having everyone live here. He has a thing about people he likes being away from him, not to mention he’s lived alone most of his life. This family thing is new to him.”She smiled because she had never thought she’d seen the day she called tony stark family. “He is. He’d sulk and pout, which in turn would get his boys pouting, and they really are to good at that.”Natasha snickered as she snuggled into him, settling in against him as he took her hand, resting her head on his chest. “Hm, we might have to worry about him attacking Tony and Steve in their suits....or clint attacking Teej or Phil...if any of them get through the wedding with their suits intact and not having sex somewhere, it’ll be a miracle.”She smirked, nuzzling him as she started to fall asleep. “Also. Jamie’s going to give you the shovel speech sometime.”She muttered figuring she should warn him.

“Hm, he is sexy. Those pants are amazing.”Tony said his own eyes fastened on the sight of all that leather, before looking startled as he looked down at himself, realizing it was probably the first time he’d been in actual good jeans and not just the battered nasty workshop jeans he wore. These jeans were good and amazing on his long legs. “Well, if you insist, I’ll wear them more.”he snickered a little before smiling at james. “Not upset, jamie.”He muttered reassuring the other, grinning as they left. To amused that disarming james was nearly impossible.

When they got to the Smithsonian tony was hyper, grinning happily as they walked in, nearly vibrating with energy as he walked between the two, trying to decide what to do first. Before looking up at them, “So, what do you want to see first?”
he chuckled a little and nodded. "i'll ask him when he gets back then." he agreed as he smiled. "having a caring family is new to a lot of the people living in the tower i think." he admitted. "myself included. i know, or at least i'm pretty sure my mother would throw me under a bus if she thought it would improve her ratings." he admitted. "she'd ditch me in a second if she thought i was hurting her goals." he admitted. "she was never a very good mother." he admitted with a shake of his head before he groaned. "why must all the people here have such unholy libido?" he grumbled. "i'm not sure i won't be able to restrain myself once i see you in a wedding dress." he admitted with a smile before he blinked. " long as he doesn't actually beat me to death with it i suppose."

"i like these pants. they are TJ's." James admitted, sounding quite pleased with himself. "he doesn't know i have them." he admitted with a happy little nod. he was SUCH a Klepto, despite his protests. "i do insist. because then i can take them off of you." Steve snickered. "good. i don't like it when your upset." James admitted before groaning and stamping his foot as Steve pulled yet another weapon off of his person and handed it to Clint before ushering them on. even then Steve wasn't sure he'd gotten it all.

"That one!" James ordered, pointing to the Captain America exhibit, making Steve groan but head in that direction anyway. far be it for him to argue with James. besides, maybe it would shake loose a few more memories.
“It really is.”Natasha smiled nuzzling him a little,”Well, her loss, our gain. And now you’ll be with TJ as much as you want...when he’s not having sex....we all do have a unholy libido...though I’m not sure who’s worse...Tony, James or Phil.”She snickered before flushing a little at his words. “Hm, well, maybe we’ll all have sex at the reception.”She smirked before smiling at him. “I made him promise no weapons, so no, no beating.”

“Gonna have to thank TJ for buying them then.”he snickered amused that his boyfriend was taking things despite not needing them or his protests that he wasn’t a klepto. It was a good thing none of them cared. Flushing brightly at steve’s words he ducked his head, embarassed despite his reputation and libido, the man was still shy around the people that mattered to him sometimes. “I know. I’ll tell you if I ever am upset.”he promised stealing a kiss as James sulked.

Tony laughed, eyes bright and amused as he nudged steve. “Hm, think I can convince you guys to try on your original suits?I mean, so many teenage wet dreams coming true with that.”Tony grinned amused as he walked with the others, looking a little anxious as he absently brushed his hand against both theirs, nervous and touching simply to ground himself, nervous because he had no idea how to act on a date like this. Wanting so much to simply snuggle against jamie, since he was just so cuddly most of the time, but he also wanted to hang onto steve, and it was just leaving the billionaire at a loss on what to do.
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