The Asset (Avengers) Moon/Lady

Phil growled again. the sound extending, not from his throat, but from his chest. like some sort of feral beast trapped in human flesh. he stroked the nipple that had just been pierced, stroking the flesh where metal met skin, his eyes sharp and his grin sharper. "yes. cum for me." he hissed, rocking faster. "cover yourself in your seed before i mark you with mine." Clint mewled again and this time he got a slight kick for his efforts. not enough to even sting, more of a nudge. "silence you." he ordered Clint who submissively fell silent and watched with wide, dazed eyes. deep down and wanting but still perfectly content to be teased if that was what Phil wanted.

James looked highly delighted by that and nodded, holding Tony's hand all the way up to the roof. not in the way a child holds hands as he had done in the beginning but as a lover who simply never wants to stop touching his significant other. "interesting styles." Steve teased, indicating the picture before he chuckled at Tony's hedonism. "i even got cushions" he admitted with a smile. "figured your ribs and shoulder might hurt less that way." he admitted as he started pulling out all the food. roasted vegetables, finger sandwiches, iced tea and lemonade, tiny grilled chunks of various meats and mushrooms. basically if you wanted it, it was there save for things that required a fork to eat.
TJ moaned at the growl, whimpering loudly as his nipple was played with, squirming as the other rocked into him, eyes going wide as he came on command, gasping breathily as he wrapped his hands around phil’s forearm, needing something to ground him as he clung to him, squirming and utterly losing control as he slumped into the bed, looking moments away from passing out actually.

Tony smiled pleased as he sensed the change. Because it was real, and even emotionally stunted tony was aware that tehy’d passed a threshold, that in the last month they’d stepped past him simply taking care of james and being his handler in everything, to actually being his lover and equal. Though the man was actually fairly worried about it, because while he knew about clint and phil’s relationship going beyond handler and specialist, if he thought about it to much, he still really freaked out about it. “...Yea well, we were going to the white house. Who better to go as?”Tony muttered blushing brightly at the teasing as he settled onto the blankets, smiling as he got comfortable, “So I can see. I think this place is more comfortable then my bed really.”he smiled glad that the weather was still nice enough to do this as he simply laid back and nibbled at foods, simply enjoying being with them.
Phil smirked viciously as he watched the other Cum, his eyes glittering almost sadistically. he got like this sometimes with Clint. though TJ hadn't seen it yet. Sadistic, overly possessive, aggressive. he hadn't been kidding about what he was going to do to TJ and he did just that. eating the other out and stroking that cock until he came again before fucking TJ, thrusting fast and eager, pulling out and spreading his own seed over the mess before fucking him again. he did at least stop fucking TJ after the first sons' fourth orgasm and turned his possessive attentions onto Clint, who eagerly took every orgasm, every touch and every hissed insult and claim and act of possession with a submission that would have been shocking to anyone who knew Clint. he pierced Clint's nipple with the same nipple ring as TJ wore once he had fucked Clint into a nearly catatonic state before he cleaned them both off, tucked them in and held them both while they slept.

James smiled at Tony. "i love you." he admitted happily as he headed up the stairs to the roof. "i think it's adorable." Steve agreed, looking wickedly amused. "i'm going to sketch this as a present for you and TJ." he admitted. "i found the picture in the wash so it's pretty torn up now." he admitted. "thought you might like to have a decent copy." he admitted as he smiled. "well, Loki erected some sort of shield here for me. even if Thor comes at us with his hammer he won't be able to get in, and neither will rain or hail or lightening, so if we fall asleep up here we'll be safe." he admitted as he sketched, smiling happily.
TJ groaned out tiredly, strung out as phil tucked them in, shifting to snuggle against the other as he settled in to sleeping. Feeling utterly relaxed and even more strung out then he’d ever been on drugs. Utterly calm as he slept.

“Me to.”Tony muttered because while he’d said it before, on multiple occassions, the spur of the moment declarations still were troubling to him. Making a face at Steve he sighed. “I am not adorable.”He sulked before grinning happily, “That’d be awesome. I’m sure TJ forgot it was in his wallet when he washed his jeans. Idiot always forgets to take out his wallet.”Tony snickered a little amused because he knew his friend, and more then money or credit cards, in TJ’s wallet there was pictures of the people who mattered to him. “I would. Thanks.”he smiled grinning at the idea of having a copy before snickering as he relaxed, eating as he watched the sky. “That’s fairly awesome. We should see if he’ll leave the shield up, just so we can do this in winter to, bet he can keep it warm and all.”He muttered finishing his food, absently playing with james hair as he relaxed, trying to simply relax and not let his mind over think things. Because despite the reassurance that james wasn’t mad at him for leaving, or that steve wanted them, tony was tony, and incapble of not overthinking things or not worrying, especially when he was aware of just how messed up he was.
Phil settled in with his boys as they slept. he was actually purring! a deep rumbling that made the entire bed tremble with the sound.

James smiled at Tony. he didn't need Tony to say it, Tony showed him every day how much he was loved. "you are adorable." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "i think so." he admitted. "how does he keep any credit cards?" he asked, looking amused. "he can, he told me so. he said the shield is permanent until he actively takes it down. anyone can come in so long as they are keyed to Jarvis's system as having access, so right now just the Avengers, TJ, Phil, Johnny and Loki. though, i suppose they would be considered Avengers too." he admitted with a chuckle as he started sketching Tony laying with James instead. much more inspired.
Tony smirked a little. “He doesn’t. They don’t last long, and while he does have some in his own name, he mostly uses that cool like wallet app I made him for his phone so he can use that as a credit card. And yes, it works, all he has to do is have picture id of himself and the phone to use it. It locks anyone else at, so no worries about someone stealing it....I just worry about him being without a credit card, and since he never fucks up his phone, well there you go.”Tony snickered because it had taken months and months for him to figure out exactly how to give TJ what he needed to survive, understanding that TJ sometimes couldn’t follow some rules normal people did, because he had some of the same flaws about it. “Good. This will be a good spot.”he muttered simply relaxing and being with the others.

Nearly a week later TJ paused as he stepped out of the balcony, slanting a glance at Clint, raising a silent eyebrow as if to ask ‘how long he’d been smoking again?’ cause it wasn’t a everyday occurance these days, not even on that he remembered seeing in years actually. Tony stark actually smoking. His vices tended to be alcohol and adrenaline rushes, not cigarettes, at least not since he’d been a teenager. Wondering if he needed to go track down steve and james to find out what happened he swallowed hard.”What’s up Tones?” “Just relaxing. Enjoying the cool weather.”Tony shrugged a little looking down at the city as he leaned against the railing, watching the city starting to get ready for the halloween parties happening all over, which was tomorrow. And while he was giving some thought to what he wanted to do, he had no idea what he really wanted to do, the tight anxious emotions drawing tighter on him, which was a raritey really, when he couldn’t get a handle on things, and since he’d given up alcohol, well, cigarettes.
Clint glanced back at TJ. he'd not healed all the way since Phil had gone 'uber domo' on him that night. he suspected that Phil had cast charms to keep the bruises and hickies from vanishing too soon. it was funny how Phil liked to see bruises bloom across Clint's skin, but healed TJ as soon as they appeared. maybe it was because Phil knew that Clint loved to cradle those sore spots for weeks on end and remember the night? ho knew. either way he still had a lovely bite mark, full teeth imprints and all, on his neck. "three days now i think." Clint admitted as he watched the other smoking. "that stuffs bad for you, you know. James might try to emulate you." he already had, taken one puff, got sick and promptly refused to touch them again. Steve had laughed himself silly despite the sulky looks he kept giving Tony for smoking, though he didn't try to stop the billionaire. out of all the vices, Steve would rather a cigarette over drinking or deadly sports.
TJ frowned thinking on that, sighing softly. Wondering just what was bothering Tony, or if it was the usual depression. Because he knew the billionaire, knew that while he was usually manic in his near happiness, there was hate and anger and sadness under that, all aimed at himself. “Not as bad as everything else. Extremis heals whatever damage I do to myself. And he already did, got sick and wont touch them again.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little because he had indeed laughed himself silly to at the sight of james gagging on a cigarette. Crossing the balcony TJ snorted a little as he plucked the cigarette from Tony and taking a long drag. Nearly choking as he looked at the man. “Fucking hell, Tones, warn a guy when you’re smoking the good stuff.”TJ said making a face, having forgotten when tony smoked, he smoked clove cigarettes. Breathing out he sighed as he watched the smoke blow away. “What’s wrong tony?” “Nothing.James and Steve are down in the gym, I just came up here to get out of the lab for awhile.”Tony said shrugging off the concern, though it was obvious, at least to TJ that this was more then him simply dealing with Pepper and what had happened, he was worrying over something else, and had no idea how to approach it.

“Want another training partner?”Natasha smiled as she walked into the gym, dressed for sparring, smiling at the two super soldiers in the ring.
Clint looked uncertain of what to do. he was good friends with Tony, but he had never helped the man through a crises before and that was always a turning point in any relationship. if he left, Tony would never again trust him at an emotional level. if he failed, Tony would probably not be able to trust him emotionally. if he succeeded... he took a deep breath and set next to Tony, staring out at the view. "this is about having Sex with Steve isn't it?" he asked suddenly, studying Tony. "that's the only thing i can think of that would be bothering you right now." he admitted. "the question is, why are you worried about it? i know he would never put any pressure on you to have it. and your practically better at sex than the god of Fertility himself so it can't be performance issues." he muttered, examining Tony. "are you worried he won't want you anymore after it happens?" he did not remember that Tony had been raped. Phil had mildly repressed those memories since Clint wouldn't have been able to contain his reactions.

Steve and James both paused and James nodded. "yes please. three way or one on one?" he asked, pausing to re-tape his hands.
Tony glanced over at Clint as the man sat down next to him, taking another long drawl on the cigarette, rolling his eyes a little as TJ settled on the other side of the billionaire, simply settling in to keep them company,y and figure out how to help the most. “...No.”Tony said quietly though the way he tensed said it was, or at least was part of it. “Hmmm, so glad you agree I’m amazing at sex.” “Tony,everyone knows you’re good with sex. There’s videos somewhere.”TJ teased a little. “I know...”Tony muttered as he put out the cigarette, sighing quietly as he fidgeted. “....How did you end up with phil? I mean, like this?And without it being weird....or making it sound like a order?”So, it wasn’t just sex with steve he was fussing over, more sex with both his super soldiers, who were leaving him feel off balance, where sex was usually his way of reconnecting, of relaxing, having gone so long without sex before since he’d only had sex a few times with james before he’d been hurt again, so it’d been nearly a month and a half without was hard for a man who’s longest time without sex since he was 15 had been the three months he’d been in afghanistan.

“Three way.”Natasha grinned as she tapped up her hands, looking so happy to be included. Because while they never talked about it, settling once again into being james’ adopted daughter without ever really talking about it, had pleased the female assassin so very much.
"aaah... so that's what this is." Clint stated, smiling as he suddenly understood. " do i explain?" he muttered, thinking hard, taking a good few minutes to figure it out. "Trust." he finally admitted. "it was trust. i trusted Phil not to take advantage of me in ways i couldn't fight." he admitted. "i trusted him to not make me choose between him and my job, or him and my life." he paused. "i trusted him to let me say no id i had to, or wanted to and i trusted him because he gave e a life when all i was was a specialist to so many. just another tool to be used and then put back on a shelf until i was needed again. most Handlers do not have the kind of broken assets that James and i are. you cannot handle us at a distance, you have to come close, be intimate. you have to trust us, just as much as we trust you." he admitted. "James doesn't just do whatever you say Tony. he does it because he wants to. because he trusts you. because he knows if he said no, you would listen." he admitted with a smile. "it's the same with Steve, is it not? he holds unimaginable power over you, but you trust him anyway, don't you?" he asked with a smile. "because you know he would never take advantage of you. never make you do things that would make you feel sick and disgusted with yourself."

James smiled at her. "come then, Natalia." he slurred the name, making it Russian without even thinking. it was the name he had gifted her when she was but four years old and left to his tender mercies. he was remembering more and more every day, and it was his way of accepting her back into his life. "let us see if you still remember your training." he offered, Steve blinking, looking confused. "Начните!" he ordered, yelling the word Begin! in Russian. even Steve knew that word and the two super soldiers worked at snatching her up and pinning her down. a task that was far more difficult than anyone could anticipate.
Tony frowned as he stared down at the city, listening. “But what..” “Tony. You trust him. More then I’ve ever seen you trust anyone else. Even me and Johnny. You trust Jamie to tell you if it’s to much, or he needs something else. You trust him, because he trusts you. And I know, you don’t trust yourself, but they do. They’re not stupid, trust their judgement Tones. They’re Jamie and Steve to you, not just The Asset and The Captain. And you are Tony, not simply iron man to them. Trust that.”TJ said studying the billionaire, wondering if he’d listen, or if he’d just get even more tense and make steve and james step in. Knowing the two super soldiers would probably only let him fret to long until they forced him to talk.

Natasha’s eyes widened smiling happily to hear the name, “Da.”She agreed in russian without really being aware even as she smirked. “I remember more then you do, old man.”Natasha teased in russian smiling, falling easily into their old routine even as she started to fight with them, after nearly ten minutes yelping as she hit her back, looking annoyed at the blond holding her arms down even as James grabbed her ankle to keep her from getting up again.
Clint smiled. "that's what's great about it. you don't have to trust yourself to know that they can be trusted. you think i don't feel like a fuck up and a failure nearly every day? you think i don't look at my past and go 'i'll never amount to anything more than that'? you think i don't look at my two beautiful men and wonder what the fuck i did to get them? who i had to fuck over to get them? how much better off they might be without me?" Clint asked, his voice soft, filled with a strained tone that said that Clint too, was dealing with self hate and depression. but his boys where constantly an inspiration and a source of joy and they where a constant in James life that he was now too selfish to give up. "i have to trust that they know what they want, even if i can't see why they would want an old, illiterate, abused, addict like me." he admitted with a smile. "they do want me though, just like the Super Twins want you." he gently set a hand on Tony's shoulder. "you can't trust James right now, because you think he can't make those kinds of decisions. Steve can, though. and you can, and should trust in him, because who else knows James and you, as well as himself, better than him?"

he grinned. "i highly doubt that." he admitted to her before he worked, seamlessly with Steve to pin her to the ground, chuckling. "i would give you a slash for falling so easily." he admitted. a slash... a long thin cut, painful, hurt like a bitch really, but it was too small to leave a scar. back then, he had truly been a Hydra Asset, who knew pain as a motivator and used it to motivate Natasha into improving as well. he did not give her a slash. for one thing he didn't have a knife, and for another thing, causing pain troubled him these days when done to someone who didn't deserve it. "you have gotten a lot faster though." he admitted. "i can't believe you made Steve punch me." he grumbled, rubbing his sore jaw as he and Steve let her up.
“...Oh.I...”Tony trailed off, ‘I didn’t know you hated yourself as much I hate myself.’ “you’re not the only idiot who thinks they’re a fuck up. You just have to trust the rest of us to love you.”TJ smiled a little as he smiled at Tony, reaching out to ruffle his hair, smirking because it was starting to get long, he needed it to get cut, it was starting to get very very curly. Tony nodded a little leaning into the touch, because like clint said, his boys were a constant joyful amazement to him. “...the super twins. I’m calling them that sometime.”Tony snickered quietly because he had no idea why they wanted him, just knowing that they do. “...No one. No one knows us better.”He muttered sounding relaxed, relaxing more. And while he probably needed to talk to his boys, for the moment he was relaxed and happy.

“You would, but it’s not my fault when you’ve picked up tricky tricky habits from our resident sneak. Don’t let that innocent look fool you, I know Steve’s a sassy bastard.”Natasha snickered a little knowing why he wasn’t cutting her, and understanding. “Hm, having to babysit your boytoy, one has to be fast otherwise things tend to explode when you’re not looking.”Tony snickered a little as she got up, smirking. “Hm, better steve then me. You’ll remember him punching you, me, you’d shrug it off like always.”She teased
Clint smiled. "i'm doing a lot better than i was." he admitted. "but when your own sire hates you for being able to read, the Ringmaster being overly friendly with a whip, and every handler you've ever had giving up on you because they couldn't handle you, you start to think it's your own fault." he admitted with a shrug. "Phil's gone a long way to fixing that little issue i haven't but it still crops up often enough." he admitted with a smile. "TJ helps a lot too. the way he looks at me. as if he can see all the scars in my soul." he admitted with a smile at TJ before he wrapped an arm around Tony's shoulder, simply enjoying being a good friend. "you totally should, James will get all confused and cute and Steve will go all pink cheeked like some sort of virgin." he admitted with a grin. "that's right Tony. our boys, they know us best." he admitted with a smile. "and when we can't have faith in ourselves, then we can have faith in them. because they're better than us anyway." he agreed with a grin. "you don't get much better than Captain America and Phil Coulson after all."

James grinned as he shook his head. "he is a sneeky snook." he agreed as he stood up and stretched. "...good point. doesn't make me any less annoyed by it." he admitted. "so. you and Doug huh?" Steve asked, looking amused as he examined a mark on her neck. a mark that had not come from any sparring session to be sure.
“...I was doing better. know, pepper.”Tony muttered shifting, pulling his legs up, wrapping his arms around his knees and simply relaxing as tj shifted closer, letting both men hold onto him, because he was afraid to trust his own judgement now, despite steve’s assurance that it wasn’t his fault, the man was still blaming himself. The man was having so many problems simply because the rape and betrayal and her words, had dragged every problem he had with himself, to the surface. “I’m just good like that. And don’t worry Tones, I’ll tell you when you’re being a idiot to. Which you are, most of the time about stuff like this. I mean, I’m totally going to categorize Pepper Potts under the same heading we have for Howard, and I’m not afraid of reminding you that this IS NOT YOUR FAULT. Neither of them are. But trust your boys.”TJ smiled a little before laughing. “They would totally be adorable.”TJ snickered. “No, no you don’t get much better then Cap and Agent. Though James and Teej are close.” “You’re going to make me blush.”TJ teased a little, before grinning at them both. “Also. Nat wanted to talk to you, Tony.” “About what?” “Dunno.”TJ said with that fake innocence, you just knew he was up to something, looking up at him with wide eyed innocence. Much like them looking forward to callign the super twins super and watching them blush, TJ was looking forward to tony’s reaction to this.

“I know, but think about it. You’ll get even faster if you’re going to keep hanging out in the lab with tony. I’m actually amazed you haven’t had to stop him from blowing something up yet.”Natasha teased before flushing even as her hand raised, blushing as she touched the mark without really being aware of it, nodding a little.”Yea, me and doug. Which...uh...reminds me, James. I wanted to...ask you something.”Natasha said for once looking nervous about something.
Clint nodded. "a woman like pepper knows how to reach inside of you, and pull out al the good things you know about you." he agreed. "she's loosed her venom on me more than a few times." Clint admitted. "pulled out everything i liked about myself, few and far between it is, and left me in misery for weeks." he admitted. "even with Phil there to help me. i quickly learned to avoid her." he admitted. "intelligence wise, i knew she was wrong and just being a bitch, but emotionally? there is no fighting that..." he admitted. "she knew your pains and weaknesses better than anyone in the world, she of course could affect you more than any other person in the world. it's okay to hate yourself you know. people say it's wrong, but really, what else can you do? find the little pieces that you love, by seeing what your boys love. like how Phil loves it when i hit the dead center of a bulls-eye with my eyes closed. and how TJ loves it when i make Hot Chocolate for him when he's having a bad day. they aren't things i would really notice about myself, but i love them because they love them, do you see?" he asked with a smile. "start seeing what they love about you, and you'll find yourself loving it, simply because they do."

he chuckled. "self preservation." Steve admitted. "he's scared blowing something up will trigger the Soldier." he admitted. James didn't mind it, as far as he could tell he had three distinct personalities that could emerge. one was Bucky Barnes, whose memories he was swiftly reclaiming. one was James, Tony's boy, eager and curious. and the last was The Soldier, the Asset, killer, murderer, fighter, warrior, loyal only to Tony and to Steve at a lesser extent. "ask me something? ask me what?" James asked, looking baffled.
"She...did."Tony sighed quietly."I've known her since I was was a long's just hard knowing I was just a project, a mission...everything she said, that was just her pretending."he shuddered because it was hard to find stuff he loved about himself when pepper had said she loved those parts and totally destroyed them.but he could start seeing what his boys saw."I do love that. And you do things for james and steve that no one else does...if you really can't see anything. Ask."tj smiled sto king the man's back glad tony was listening, was relaxing."like we said. Trust them, and find small parts you like."tj muttered."I can do that..."to you muttered perking up a little. Realizing it wasn't going to be big things, but maybe he could have the small things.

"Ah.that makes sense."Natasha snickered amused that tony cared enough about anyone that he was being careful in the lab. She'd been afraid after pepper he'd withdrawal from everyone.nodding nervously at james words she squirmed a little." know me and Doug were planning on getting married? Just something small and private, spur of the moment? Well...we were talking and we wanted our family to be there. .well. you guys not the rest of his family. .and. .we are going to talk to tony about having the wedding here and.."Natasha took a deep breath knowing she was rambling and making herself stop."will you walk me down the aisle jamie? I have no other family, and you were the only father I ever knew..."
Clint smiled tightly. "i know how you feel." he admitted. "my first handler... he used... well he made me think i loved him to make me do what he wanted me to do. i was only fourteen at the time and he was a filthy, disgusting pedophile pervert." he admitted. "i let him hurt me in ways i never let anyone else because i convinced myself i loved him." he admitted, hesitating before he stood up and unbuttoned his pants, lowering then and showed Tony something that even TJ had missed. a real life brand, made from a hot iron the letters TMJ down the underside of his cock. "He did that. it was only when it got infected that people realized what he was doing to me." he admitted, tucking himself back away and buttoning his pants again. "i thought he loved me, i thought i loved him and when he left me to die in the middle of a back alley it broke me in ways that no man or woman can fix." he admitted. "Thomas Marco Janson. a man i will never forget... because part of me still loves him." he admitted. "he used me, and then abandoned me, and i still love him." he smiled at Tony, full of understanding and compassion. he knew exactly how Tony was feeling. damn it was no wonder Clint had days where he never came out of his nest. why sometimes he had blank eyes and fake smiles. why Phil had been the only handler to really handle Clint. why Clint had gotten so into ecstasy and dope. "i can name one thing, one reason why the boys love you." Clint admitted with a smile. "you treat them like they are people." he admitted. "and you are compassionate and kind." he admitted, kissing Tony's forehead.

Steve nodded. "yes. that and James tends to... er, Soldier out when he hears gunfire or explosions so..." he shrugged as James nodded. "automatic reflexive response." he admitted. "Gunfire and Explosions are indicative of battle so i immediately respond to it as if there is immediate danger." he grinned. "Bruce told me that." well that explained the big words. "what does indicative mean?" he asked before he stared at Natasha for a long moment. "Can i give him the Shovel talk?" James asked, eyes glittering with amusement before he paused, staring at her again, wondering why his chest felt so warm all of a sudden. it was like when he had pleased Tony, only a little bit less. "i don't know what that means..." he admitted. "you'll show me what to do?"
Tony stared at the other man with wide eyes amazement and pain filling his eyes, realizing that Clint really did understand. And Clint had been so worried about failing to understand...but he really had helped the billionaire. Tilting his head protective anger filled his eyes." he still alive?" " tony. I know what you're thinking you can't ask james to take care of him."tj said sighing quietly pain showing on his fqce, upset for clint, wrapping a arm around his shoulder and kissing his head."they are people...not sure how else I'm supposed to treat them..."Tony muttered and that was why the boys loved him, because he didn't understand how he could see them any other way. That despite being rich, he'd never been able to not treat people like people. As insane as he was at times, the man was a people person."I think I'm going to go find the boys."he smiled as he moved to get up.

"I think we all do that. Automatic response to something like gunfire. Tony's been punched more for random noises then in a fight because he surprises everyone."Natasha snickered a little smirking a little."I'm sure he's expecting a shovel talk from everyone when he comes by tonight...he managed to get a weekend off so he's going to be here to visit with tj to."Natasha said happy for her fiancee and tj."indictI've is showing signs of something."she added before smiling flushing brightly at the look he was giving her."you just have to give me away to doug during the ceremony. I'll show you exactly what to do.promise."
Clint smiled. "no. he's dead." he admitted. "once it got out what he was doing, he took me and ran." he admitted. "Thomas didn't want to give up his little sex slave so we split. tried to run from Shield. when it became clear i couldn't keep up he dumped me, left me to die in a back alley." he admitted. "i'd been shot and was suffering from severe infection and fever so he figured me dead anyway. it was Phil who found me, and Phil who shot him too." he admitted. "i wouldn't get partnered with Phil for several years after of course, but i think that's why i trusted him." he admitted. "granted i didn't know it was Phil who advocated my case to allow me back into shield." he admitted. "not until a few years after he became my handler." he admitted, smiling as he leaned into TJ. "yes, but Tony... Steve has never been a person to anyone save Bucky. before he was always 'the Runt' and 'the waste of space' and 'the useless brat'. after he was always Captain America. and James? he was brainwashed and used a good chunk of his life as a weapon, a tool. for them, being treated like a person is a rare thing." he admitted. "for people like me, people like James, people like you and TJ and Steve. people like Bruce, Thor, even Loki... we where never treated like people. we where treated like items. you a war mongering weapons manufacturer and then as Iron man. me? a brat who was too smart for his own good and then a deserter. TJ? the presidents kid. people don't see people like us as people. we're objects to be used, to be praised or blamed as they see fit." he admitted. "so when we find people, who treat us like people? like we really matter? that's something worth clinging to."

Steve chuckled a little. "you know... that makes sense." Steve admitted. "i nearly clocked him one the other day when he accidentally snuck up on me. man's like a fucking cat. noisier than hell and yet silent as a moth." he grumbled, making James snicker before he nodded. "cool. we'll gang up on him." " really are spending too much time with Clint." "i like Clint. he lets me play with his toys." James admitted. "...if i give you away, can i still spar with you after?" "James, your not... oh jeez." Steve complained with a chuckle. "to give away the bride means that you walk her down the isle and present her to her future husband. it's symbolic, it means you approve of the relation." "oh. i do approve. Dougie is a really good guy." he admitted.
“damn. Jamie would have enjoyed that.”Tony snickered a little sounding amused as he bumped his shoulder into the archer’s, offering comfort even if he didn’t say it outloud. “Phil knew a good reason to fight to get you back in.”TJ muttered nuzzling clint a little before smiling amused at tony’s protesting sounds, because it was so amusing. “He’s still the pipsqueak who likes making my heart stop.And cap, and the reason I say ‘god bless america’ and-” “Tony. Stop trying to convince us your a jerk. It wont work.”TJ snickered a little,”Come on. Let’s go get some food.”Tony grinned nudging them heading for the kitchen, wondering if he should attempt cooking or not.

“He really is. It amazes me that sometimes he’s so utterly loud when he can sneak around like a cat.”Natasha snickered amused at James’ words, rolling her eyes. “As long as you and clint leave the weapons behind when talking to him, I’m sure it’ll be okay.”She said before startling, staring at james before starting to laugh, amused at james’ explaination of ‘giving away’ before smiling. “Doug is a good guy. And of course I’ll spar with you, even after I’m married.”She smiled biting her lip for a moment looking thoughtful, because she couldn’t decide if it was okay or not, before deciding it was okay, leaning in to hug him.
he smiled. "Phil enjoyed it more. he took it very personally that one of his 'children' was being used like a sex slave." he admitted. "Children agents are very rare you know and they are usually only in Shield because all other options have been exhausted." he admitted. "they are broken when they come in, abused and hurt and beyond anything most people could fix." he admitted. "that a Shield Agent, someone who was supposed to protect that child, was instead heaping on more abuse... he took it very, very personally." he admitted. "Phil saw my promise. he knew, if i could just find that connection, i would forever be loyal so he talked Fury into letting me stay instead of sending my to a psych unity." he admitted. "it was only after my tenth or so handler dumping me that he stepped in personally." he admitted. "pipsqueak? do you really call him that to his face?" Clint asked, sounding extremely amused. at least Clint's past explained why he was never around when TJ wanted to enjoy the more painful side of sex. Clint had more than enough pain. "don't you DARE try cooking Stark. we'll order in."

James grinned. "it's your own fault. he learned to be sneaky just to sneak up on super spy people." he pointed out. "...i can't even use the plastic knife that looks real?" he asked, pouting as Steve snickered. James had always been a sadistic asshole before he went quite tense at the hug. this was something he hadn't experienced yet. yes Tony and Steve would wrap a single arm around him, the shoulder or the waist depending, but an actual hug. well. "...what are you doing?" he asked, blinking at her.
“I do know that. As sneaky sneak as fury is, I did find alot of the shield beginning records in my dad’s things.”Tony twitched a little before smiling. “And you are loyal. Which is why I like having you here. Well, all of you here really. This tower...I never have to worry about you guys compromising it, or messing up, because you’re loyal, and we all protect each other.”TOny snickered before pausing. “I think we’re all in the psych ward, I mean Bruce is taking those classes, it’s just diguised as the world’s best club house.”Tony snickered before nodding. “Hm, yea. When he’s being annoying. And he still is a pipsqueak, even if he has a insane shoulder to hip ratio, I mean seriously, the guy’s like a upside down triangle.”Tony groaned a little. “Hmmm, I think Tony’s libido is back.”TJ snickered amused because while he was healing he tended to not want sex as much, but it was showing every sign tony wanted to screw his captain six ways to Sunday. “I’ll get pizza, get away from the stove Tony.”TJ ordered smirking a little amused as he ordered their usual insane amount of pizza.

“I know. I’m regretting it. He scared the shit out of my the other day.”Natasha snickered before smiling at James’ pout, before sighing. “Well. If you must. Plastic weapons, James.”She ordered before frowning as she stepped back from the hug, gently running her fingers through his hair, like she’d often done when she was younger, the long strands had been utterly fascinating to her, even if she hadn’t done it since she was little. “It’s a hug. People hug people when they’re happy. Don’t your boys hug you?”She said smiling a little as they headed for the kitchen, using the towel in her hand to wipe away the sweat.
Clint snorted. "Tony. there was no Avengers initiative when your father was alive." of course there was. ever since Steve became a super soldier the Avengers initiative was on file. started by a certain Director Fury who was much older than anyone knew, though it had been an accident to say the least. that's what happens when an attempt at replicating the Super Serum exploded and took out your eye. "who else do we have to be loyal to?" Clint asked with a smile. "we're family Tony. a family of fucked up, messed up, broken people who help each other because no one else will." he admitted as he smiled at Tony before snickering as he shook his head. "i know. actually, Coulson got all overly possessive when TJ mentioned it, though i think he might have been upset about you getting hurt too." he admitted. "he dominated the hell out of us. check it out." he admitted, looking wicked as he lifted his shirt, showing off the piercing. "hot as hell right? he even healed it instantly. didn't even hurt." well, his hadn't hurt. "thank got. i was getting worried. a sexually repressed Tony is always a cause for concern." Clint teased as he shook his head.

"i taught him how." James admitted, looking vicious. "the trick is to come at an angle while your distracted. you'll notice if he comes straight on at you." he admitted as his stomach growled. "Tony's hungry." he declared, looking up as Jarvis told them that 'they' where ordering Pizza for the Tower. twice as much because Loki could pack that shit away and so could Thor. "no." he admitted. "...i don't think i like it. it's very restricting." he admitted, looking uncomfortable with the hug. "i like what Steve and Tony does better." "half hugs. he doesn't like not being able to pull away or maneuver." he explained to Natasha. "hug him from the side with one arm, he doesn't mind that."
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